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- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and / ~:t:I" <. GRAND RAPIDS ~=~~-~}-~Y GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., AUGUST 21. 1909 I J Our Patented Sand Belt Machines are superior to all others. They have proven indispensible to hun-dreds of customers. Recent Improve-make them more valuable ments still to you. Do not waste time and money by delay. We guarantee to produce better re-sults than you are getting and at expense. "I '" -_.__._..---------------_.----------~-----~-----~-------~---_._~---- ,II IIII I UNSOLICITED i, IIIII II,• I III I I I Yours very truly, SHO\YERS BROS. CO. PER Wfjw. ~. ,I,-W-Y-S_ONG & .MilES CO., CEDAH ST. AND SOU. H. H., GREENSBORO, N. C. S F' TETER,. Seey W N SHoweRS Prest (nF CE 348 WEST E..IGHTH ~TRf:ET June 4, 1909, Wysong & Miles Co., Greensboro, N. C. Centlemen:~ Please ship us at onea One No.170 Sand Belt Machine ~ithout the roller table, as we wish th1S machine to be used for sanding serpentine drawer fronts only. We already have one of these machines 1n service in our drawer front department and f1nd it a very satisfactory tool 1n every respect l' it it <> " i: * <> i< ~. <> * <> i< I> ~ We are 1n despe-rate need of th1S machine and will thank you to make shipment at the earl1est po&sible moment. We always have been and are yet great advocates and strong bel1cvers 1n your product as we have now some five or six machines of your make 1n daily operation, and find them to be even more than you have ever claimed for them. Your mort1ser and belts are the best labor saVing tools we have 1n our plant. now less Ask for NEW CATALOG 'IE" ....... .. ... A BIT OF INDUSTRIAL HISTORY Are You Running an 1860 or a 1910 Plant? In 1860 cottonseed removed from the boIl by ginnIng w~<; garbage-thrown away. Ey 1870 gInners managed to conVInce some people that cottonseed was good fertlhzer. Ey 1880 It was consIdered good cattle food and In 1890 It \\ as beIng used as a table food. Ey not utIlIzIng all the cottonseed 111 1900 (one year) twenty-sIx mIlhon dollars that someone could have had, was thrown away The CIty of Glasgow, Scotland, gets 9,000 horse-power every day-free-by catching and utll-lzmg furnace gases formerly wasted. The steel corporatIOn WIllhght the town of Gary, Ind , and run all street cars with energy that would otherWIse be wasted and belched out of furnace stacks. "DetrOit" Return Trap. PATENTh.D. If you use steam for heatmg and drymg and you allow any condensatIOn to go to waste-you are losing money. put all your condensation back into the botler wIthout pumpmg-and hotter than a pump wIth hft-wlth "DETROIT" Automatic- Return Steam Traps Manufactured and Guaranteed by General Offices: DETROIT, MICH. ~-------~._---~--- AMERICAN BWWl:R COMPANY "SIROCCO" DETROIT, MICH and TROY, N Y Works. TRADE MARK --~ SLIDING SHOE FOR USE ON DESK LEGS This shoe does the work of a casttr yet allows the desk legs to set close to floor. Fastened with flat head wood screw and furnished in three sIzes. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES No 1493 PULL A very fine handle for desks in the square effect. Somethtng dIfferent from the regular bar pulls, GRAND RAPIDS BRASS co. GRAND RAPIDE=, MICH . . I.r • ~RAt\':' r-A:T"3 I PUIillb-ttBR-J\ T)i-· --------- II A Perfect Case Construction •• II ~::::::: I Most I Economical •! and Most I Accurate I Case I ConstructIOn I Possible III ,,, I,I,II• •I•• ,, ,.------~--_. Write for Catalog J -., No. 181 MULTIPLE SQUARE CHISEL MORTISER. III• It is entlrely I Automatic I II•I I I! II II• I II II • •• _ -4 It Clamps Mortises and Releases, Completing the Post in Less Time Than the Matenal can be Clamped on Other Machines Write for Catalog J Wysong & lliles Co., CedarSt.andSou.R.R., Greensboro, N. C. ---------~------_.--- . .. ~---------------------------------_._._.------- I I,t,I•t,I ,,• •I••• II I,,• , III I• I -- ----._---------------- ... III aran~ Ra~i~sfurniture Manufacturers'AssociationI I IIII , I•I I Here are the Exact Shades adopted by the Their "Golden Oak Oil Stain" is our No. 3424. Their "Early English Stain" is our No. 3425 Oil Stain. Their "Weathered Oak Stain" is our No. 3426 Oil Stain. Their "Fumed Oak" is our No. 3427 New Process Fuming liquid. Their "light Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3428 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. Their "Dark Mahogany Stain" is our No. 3429 Dry Mahogany Stain soluble in water. CHICAGO NEW YORK !I I .. . -- .... ... . ..•I Send for Samplesand Information. WE SUPPLY EVERYTHING NEEDED IN THE FINISHING ROOM. '------------------------- .. -- ----_._---._- THE AD-EL-ITE PEOPLE ,. _... ...~ i I I THIS IS THE MACHINE That Brinl!s letters like the Followinl!: I I I I !I I I I Buss M chlne Works, Hollflnd, Mlch G9'l lemen We wish to compliment JOu on the WOl:'K ..'1.g of JOur' new #4. Planer Just ...nstelled for us "'hls macn ne does {lEIb"'st werle: of anJ plane"" va have aver seen, ana we <I."'S frank t.o sar so much bett"'r' tfLan we expect"d. th t our t'orema(> s1o.1dhe slmpl) could no" get along vlthout It.Il'1.d IIUS8.1.."''''H woul.o pay the p1:'lCe of itself vlth:a,'1.a Jear 1'1 Ol"k Sa ed en IllElCnlneSfo ...l.owlng. Wls11.1ng au dese ved sucaess wit'1 th s ne7 pa. te""n, VEl remain, Yous veri tr 1,1. II I II ..I Robb ns<> Co BUSS NEW No.4 CABINET PLANJ:.R The Buss Machme Works are havmg marked success with this new design of cabinet planer. The new method of beltmg-feed gears machme cut-together with the steel spnng sectional front feed roll and the late new sectiOnal chlpbreaker, make a cabmet planer second to none on the market today. The Buss Machine Works are old manufacturers of cabmet planers and other woodworking tools, and keep abreast with the times with machmes of great effiCiency Woodworkers of all kmds Will not make a mistake by writing direct or to their nearest selling representative regarding any pomt on up-to-date cabinet planers. These are the days when the hve woodworker wants to cut the expense of sanding. HOLLAND, MICH. BUSS MACHINE WORKS GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ._--~-------------------_.----~--------_._-~--------_~-_.-._--- .., II II I, I HAND CIRCULAR RIP SAW MORTlSER COMBINED MACHINE No 3 WOOD LATHE Complete Outfit of HAND and FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER He can save a manufacturer s profit as well as a dealer s profit He can make more money WIth less capItal mvested He can hold a better and more satlstadoq. trade WIth hIS customers He can manufacture In as good £tyle and finIsh and at as low cost as the factones The local cahmet maker has been forced mto onh the dealer's trade and profit because of machIne manufactured goods of factones An outfit of Barnes Patent Foot and Hand Power Machmery, reInstates the cab met maker WIth advantag-es equal to hIS competItors If deSired these machines Will be sold on Irwl The purchaser can have ample tIme to test them In hI" own shop and on the work he Wishes them to do lJescnptw. catalogue and przce Itst f1 ee No 4 SAW (ready for cross cuttmg) W. f. s.. JOHN BARNES CO" 654 Ruby St .. Rockford, III. p No 4 SAW (ready for nppmg) No ~ SCROLL SAW ~------ . No 7 SCROLL SAW........I FORMER OR MOULDER HAND TENONER WEEKLY ARTISAN 1 ~-----------------------~~·e:·~~~~~i~~S;-:-:-:-:-~--~-·-~--------l Over the World I Power Feed Glue Spreadmg Machine, Single, Double and CombinatIon. (Palenled) (Sizes 12 in. to 84 in wide.) Hand Feed Glueing Machine (Patent pendmg.) Many styles and sizes. Wood·Working Machinery and Supplies LET USKNOW YOUR WANTS -_ --------------------- ---- ---- -_.-----_ --~ No 20 Glue Heater. CHAS. E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville,lnd. No.6 Glue Heater. MARIETTA FUMED OAK ACID STAIN Veneer Presses, different kmds and s,zes (Palenled) Veneer Presses Glup Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks, Elc" Etc. ....---------------------------- --- _.. .._ ..- ...._ ..--- .-_ ..------------------" I~-----...._----- .._--_ .._-- To the finisher who has been using the fuming chamber to produce his fumed oak our Fumed Oak Acid Stain is a revelation. This stain is in no wayan experiment but practical working stain, producing a more uniform color, and giving to different grades of oak the same shade. It is a strong, penetrat-ing stain, going into the wood and yet it can be used without injury to the hands. This is not a substitute for fuming. The stain actually fumes and is permanent, but it fumes in obtained on red as well as a different manner---saving white oak. The most con-the cost of a fuming cham- vincing evidence of the per-ber and the time required fect working qualities of this in fuming by the old pro- stain will be manifest in a cess. Unlike the Fuming single trial. Write us for a process good results can be sample. THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO., Marietta, O. THE MARIETTA PAINT & COLOR CO" Marietta, O. ~ ••• w ••• •••••• ••• we • ••• __ •••••• •• _ ••• •• _~ IMPROVED METHODS WE ALSO REPORT THE PRINCIPAL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT AND QENERAL STORES. ""---------------------- CREDITS AND COLLECTONS ROBERT P LYON Cenera! Manager THE SPECIAL CREDIT BUREAU OF' THE FURNITURE, CARPET, UPHOLSTERY, UNDERTAKING, PICTURE FRAME, MIRROR, VENEER, WOOD, CABINET HARDWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHINC TRADES. New York Grand Rapids hlladelphl a Boston Clnclnnat, Chicago St Louis Jamestown High oint CapItal CredIt and Pay Rahngs Clearmg Honse of Trade Experience The Most Rehable Credll Reports RAPID COLLECTIONS. GRAND RAPIDS OFFICE 412-413 HOUSEMAN BUILDING - C C NEVERS -MiCh.iga.n _Man-ager .. ....------ . .. ....-.. -.....i 2 WEEKLY ------------_.~._-----~ I,, I,,, ,, II ,, ,I ,I,I,,,,,,,I ---------------~------~---~ j III• ••• •I II• I •Ih •• WHEN IN DETROIT STOP AT Hotel Tuller New and Absolutely FIreproof Cor. Adams Ave. and Park St. In the Center of the Theatre. Shop pmg, and Busmess Dt.stnct A la Carte Cafe Newest and FInest Gnn Room In the C,ty. Club Breakfast - 40c up Luncheon - - - 50c Table d hote Dmners 75c MuSIc from 6P M to 12 P M Every room has a private bath EUROPEAN PLAN Rates: $1.50 per day and up L W. TULLER. Prop. M A. SHAW. Mgr THE Wellin~ton notel Cor. Wabash Ave & Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO Remodeled at a cost of $150,000 Hot and cold runnIng water and long dis-tance 'phones in all rooms. 200 rooms 100 wIth bath Smale or en !Ulte Rates $1 00 and upwards One of the most Unlque dmmg rooms In the country Our famous IndIan Cafe NOTED FOR SERVICE AND CU S NE McClmtock and Bayfield PRO~S. I I~. ._. • • .4 ~----_.. .__ .... ---_. ._- ... •I I These saws are I I, made from No.1' I Steel and we war- II rant every blade. , We also carry a , I full stock of Bev- : : eled Back Scroll I • Saws, any length t I and gauge. ! •• \Vrlte UNtor •I : l'rlce Ll.t : •I, /lnd discount .,, •I 31 33 S. Front St., ORAND RAPIDS, MICH. II ~I ------------------ -----------------------~• ~---~---------------------------------------~ I I t • : BOYNTON & CO. l I • I I : Manufaclurers of : I Embossed and • • Turned Mould. • I ,ngs. Emboss· : • ed and Spmdle • : Carvings, and • • Automat,c I '. Turnings • We also manu • I faClure a large hne • •I of Embossed : Ornaments for , • Couch Work. : I 4'9-421 W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, ILL. !, .. *--- -- --------- & "' - - ~~-----------------------------. ARTISAN Does Your Advertising Bring Results? When you buy space in your local newspa-per does it bring you good returns, are the ads attractive and well displayed? Let us supply you with good. high-class business bringing copy---copy that will sell good ---copy that leaves with the reader, a desire to buy. Results are what count, and its results you get. We have a regular weekly cut and ad ser-vice, also a special service for indivIdual adver-tIsers. W rite for samples and particulars. Let us help you to make more money. FURNITURE CITY ENGRAVING CO 403 Murray Bldg. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. / 10 SPINDLE MACHINE \ ALSO \1 \DF WI fH 12 Pi 20 AND 2') SPINDI hS DODDS' DOVETAILING NEW GEAR MACHINE ThIS lIttle machme has done more to perfect the drawer work of furnI ture manufacturers than anythmg else III the furnIture trade For fifteen years It has made perfect fittmg vermm proof dovetaIled stock a pOSSI blllty ThIS has been accomphshed at reduced cost, a.., the machme cuts dove taIls in g-angs of from 9 to 24at one operatlOll It's what others see dbout your busme<:.s rather than what )OU sa} about It, that counts III the Lash dra\\er It" the thllll of enthu';lasm and the true rIng of truth you leel and heal back of the cold type that makes you buy the thmg advertlbed ALEXANDER DODDS, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHICAN Represented by Schuchart & Schutte at Berlm. Vienna. Stockholm and St Petersburg Represented by Alfred H Schutte at Cologne. Bru .... I•• Leae, Pa" •• Muan and Buboa Represented 10 Great Bnllan and lroland by the Ol>ver Maclunery Co. F S Thompson. Mar. 201·203 Dean.aate. Manche:lter. Enaland WEEKLY ARTISAN EVERY FURNITURE MANUFACTURER should have the Weekly Artisan List of Dealers and Buyers. It contains the names of all dealers in furniture rated from $1 ,000 up, satisfactorypay. Approximately 15,000 DEALERS are listed. The list is revised semi-annually. Costs $ 1.00 for the two editions. We are sending it as a premium for subscriptionsto the Weekly Artisan, the only Weekly Furniture Journal at $1.00 a year. Think of it! 52 COPIES OF THE ARTISAN AND 2 REVISED LISTS ALL FOR $1.00 Can you afford to pass up this opportunity? Send in your Dollar. You'll not regret it. WEEKLY ARTISAN GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 3 1 4 \ V E T~K L Y J\ R l' I SAN NEW YORK'S NEW FURNITURE EXCHANGE BUILDINGS Covering tbe entire block", froIu Lexington Avenue to Depew I>lace. 46tb to 48tb Streets Each building 200 x 275 feet in ",ize and 12 stories bigb , II , I , I ~'\ I 1,300,000 Square Feet or Nearly 28 Acres Floor Space THE LARGEST AREA WHOI~LY DEVOTED TO WHOLESAI~E SALESROOMS IN THE WORLD WILL BE READY FOR OCCIJPANCY DECE~IBER 1st, 1910 Applications fOI"space should be Iuade to CHAS. E. SPRA"TT, Secretary NEW YORK FURNITURE EXCHANGE ... GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBR} ~y 30th Year-No.8 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• AUGUST 21.1909 Issued Weekly *CONSUMERS AS AN ALL Efforts of Producers and Dealers Would People Who Use IMPORTANT FACTOR Be Wasted Without Their Goods. the Cooperation of Proper Education and Publicity 'Vould Double the Demand for Furniture ...Strong Talk and Timely Suggestions to Manufacturers and Merchants. TnL snbject whIch your ge11lal ~ecretaly has gIven me for Ch~LtbSIO;l I~ '1nteJlH~ent Co-opel atlOn Dehv cen Prod l1cer~ dnd RetaIlers' 1hIs IS Lldeed a matter of VItal Iml ortdnce dnd he~ very clo~e to the root of all commerce Co-opel dtlOn L the meas-ure of pro~ress 1J1 every fidd at humdn endcavor \\ Ith'}ut co- GperatlOn 111 many of Its Vdlled forms ;,oClety could not e~lst dnd bu~mess would be unknO\\ n It IS chfficult to 11llag111cman a~ a umt III the march of progl e~~ \\ Ithont the splnt of co opel a-tlOn apphed to hIs effol t~ 111evel v dnectlo 1 It IS, 111fad, a Idw \\ Ithout \\ hlch man could not eXIst The subje0t as It \\as dsslgl1ed to me confines the co-opela-tlve Idea between producer and retaIler and "0 fdl '1 good, but we have omItted the one party \\ Ithout vvho~e co oper dtlOn nelthel the producel nor the retallcl c0111d eXIst and that IS tne con-sumer \\ hate\ er we may cIa as producer~ and as I etdllers It ends 111Velll or falls hart at 110 most perfect aIm III exactly the Selme degree e1SIt l~n01 es or ncglects the llc,hL anc1 111teres1o of thc COnSl1mel or fellls to enh~t Ins WIllIng co-operatIOn l\Ielchamhslng IS after all, but a WOld commonly used to define bel!tel anc1 sale and 111ItS Idst dnalysl~ \\ '}uId be meamm;le~s If It chd not embrace ultImate ::onsu1l1ptIon Traffic and CA cndng-e of COlllnlOdll1es L-l!llcd un bet\veen producer and letallel be It evcr so brhk anc1 on terms of closest 111tnnaC) and eqmt) , leae!s to I othl1£,; 111the end unless the cone lIller I, satIsfied and lenc1s hIS CO-Gly:ratlOn to the plan It I \\ell, therefore, thc1t those ot us who may be some\\hat \\ arpec1111 our Vle\\ pomt as tJ these facts shoule! hdvc Qt1r VlSlOns correctec111l Oldel that \\ e may see thIng, as they are, and unclel-stane! just \\hat can be done and just what can nGt be done before Cleuc111lg\\ hat com se nM) be p111sued for the be0t mtel esh of dll LOllcellled Let u~ dllal) 7e thIS questlOll c1httle to see just what melchan-db111g means III tbe fllrl1ltllre bll;,lne~~ Thel e may be a ~plenclId productIOn dml splendlcl chstnb ltIon to the I etaller, but It cdl amounts to llothllll?, unles the effectIve co operatIOn of the Ultl mate consumer ha~ been enlIsted The prodncer and retaIler dlll\ e nowhel e hy then combmed efforts It thev mISS the con-sumer f Fe b the real autocrat of tl dele who holds the destImes of every ageJlcy of prcclurtlOn and ch tnbutlOn 111the hollow of ll1S hand He IS the man \\ e are all v\orklJ1[?,"for, he pay S UJ our wages only so long as we re 1del hllll faIr serVIce, and stops paymg when \H' don t TIns truth deserves to be so well llnder- "tood and appreuated amI so 11l11Velally a(h11lttcd by evcI y pro- ------------ * l'rom an addre~" by 0 H L ,Ver'llCke of tile ]\facev Company Grand Rapids to the Retail rUIlllturE' As~OCtatlOn of v irgmta at Roa noke on August 13 110q dllcel and evcI y retaIler that It hall f'1flll the VCly fOc1l1ddtlOns upon \\ hlen dll theIr etlorb drc based whether they be 111dlVlductl or co-operatIve 111theIr nature \\ e have often been told thdt ()} per cent of cdl busl less \ entures result 111fallnres I c10 II( t knGw whethcr that IS so Dr not, and 1 do not thl lk anyone el se know~ exactly, but y;hatevel the pel ccntdge nM) be, all falh,res arc due to a dhre~al d of the consumer s 111tCI t-st 111 one ;\ ay or another expectll1~, '1f COlUse, the fallurcs wInch dre clue Ll calal11ltle~ beyond human foresIght awl onttoJ \;\ hetnel faIlures rcsult from a lack of capItal, from 111expenence, dl~hollesty, or whdt not, the consumer other pay ~ the penalty or reap, the rewal d C;llcce~s 111 bUJmes0 thel efore, IS lar[?,"ely dependent llpon the 111telhgent co-oper dtlOn bet\\ een the producer and the retaIler, \;lth ,11ld for the cons Il11er ] et u" not lo-e sl~ht of thIS fact 01 unc1el rate the 1]11p01tance of thIS tll1th le"t om effOl ts end 111 fdl1Ule and Ollr hope~ In chsapp01ntment Tne retaIler IS pnmanly a dlStllblltor, but he lepresents only a pal t of the entIre ~cheme at ell t1lb,lt!on [ra 1ojJortdtlOn, \\ hlch bcg111s WIth the rlrd) wc1gon of the p JdllCer, goes thlou!?,1) the sel \ Ices ot JJ111mon earners to tne stm es of the 1etallel ann then to the ultImate con~umel Thc I etadel, howe; el, must ),. somethIng more than a mel c agenc\ f'}l the dlstnbllt lO] of phYSIcal propel t} be must provJ(le the means wnerebJ l k,<o\\ ledge of fact~ and fanues abont plodllct~ may be dl tlllmk I at c1pncc the consumer IS \\ Ilhng to PlY for sllch enltghte 1111cnt J'roc!tlccl s dl d co-,nmcrs coulc1 do 1msll1e ~ \\ Ithout thc ml(l (lleman 1hey could eXIst 111a \\ ay \\ Ithmt tnc I etallcr hence It lO~1Lall) [ollc)\;\s that nClthel \\111 a\dll hlm,elt of the II1tell11ec1- lary SClvIce unles~ there be somc defil1lte advantclge In cl01l1g so It I~ thereforc, a matter of VItal Im]''11tdllce to the I ctdrler that hIS sel \ Ices be made I 1chspen~able to tne consumer dnd c1esl1 able to the proc1ucer I do not WISh anyone to get the Idea that I am Gppo~ed to thc mldc11eman '\ '1 one, 1 beheve, apprc- Clates the deslrablhty and almost necessIty 'of the retaIler more than I do It I because I do dppl eClate the Importance of the retallel tnat 1am here today, anc1lt I~ my eal nest deSIre that what I shdll hay e to sa) \\ III be of come c1enl1lte benefit to every furt1l-tIu e merchant 111 the land J am proud to a(h11lt that the gredt succe~~ \V hlch se~tlOnal furl11ture hds dchlevecl \\ auld not have been pos"lble wltnout the aId and co-operatlOn of the I etall mer-chdnt, but 1aloo WIsh to sa) that It l111ghthave heen even greatcr \\ Ith a more mtelltgent regal d for the consllmer s mtere t It Ism) pm po~e to put hefore ) 011 the tacts of the ca~e as I see them 111 tne hope that ~ome of vou at least may under-stand mOl e clearly how to become hetter mcrchants and thereby \\ hllh \\ 111 make 111\ IenMI k" ,lbout thc I ct,ulcl ~ound ltke a Lom-phment \\ hat arc the eVIls \\hleh rctall melch,mts complam of, th<:lr C,lUse~,md theu cm e ) \t first glance thel e would seem to be an endles- vdnet) of them and traceable to a, many causes, fm each ot \\lnch evel\ othel merchant 11,1sa lemed) of hIS o\\n, and ,ometlme" "e,eral but \\hen these eVIl, ,ire analV.lcd and summed up the) I esoh e them,elves Into the one propos~tlOn of merchan- (It,,e find1l1g-lts \\a) to the consumer \\Ithout pa"-1I1g th10ugh the hand" ot the retallel dt all 01 dt an 1I1SUffillent malg1l1 of profit 1hI, c011lhtlon ot atta11 , ,hould not exl"t, but ,mce It doe, eXIst \\ e Illll,t look the fdds squarel) In the fdce and be sure that \\ c underctancl the cause befol e \ve undertake to pI escnbe a Iemed) 1 do not heSItate to Sd) that vou merchants are mOl e dlrectl) rcsponslble for the cut price eVIl than the manufadurers [t I, \ ou \\ ho pIck up the lobs and offer them to the consumer at ~uch ]()\\ jJllces that \ ou and the producer both lose money \ pnce :;Iven to the consumer \\ l11ch does not prOVIde an eqUItable mal- ~m t01 p10ducer amI me1chant ahke IS unfa11 to both, no matter \\ ho make It It IS you who order goocb for some customer" \\ Inch \ ou do not cal TV111 "tock, cU11pl) to scalp d sn1<1l1comnl1,,- S10n \\ Ithout stoppll1g to cOllSlder the consequences, It IS ) ou who ,end, the card man to the manufacturel and ask hIm to quote \\ holesale pncev or nearl) so to) om cu,tomers who are hurt- 1l1~ the bU"ll1ess and \\ hen) ou have clone these thll1gs and have the I eb\ clemol altLed the pnce ancl profits on an al tide, or a Ime ut good, -'0 that It I, no kmgel de'lrable to the merchant, and \ uu have lett the mamlfactmer to hIS fate, you turn about and ulIldemn h1111t01 sellIn\?, dnect or through the only other avenues \ ou Ildve left open bet\\ een hIm and the consumers, ancl that IS the catalo~ue house, \,,,OClatlOns ,uch a, yours \\111 never overcome thIS evJ1 \1ntll the\ begm at home and ,ay to the manufacturer VI/e wJ11 not "acnfice \ OUI gooc!s n01 Jour nghts and you shall not sacn-hce om", 1hel e are some manufacturers who have not waIted tnl the merchants to get to~ethel and ctop pnce cuttmg, but have taken the gentlemenh bOvl11e of tObdCCO fame b) the horns ai'id ha\ e "aId "\\ e \\ III not and) ou ,hall not cltsregard the rules ot eqUlt) III the sale of OUl products ThIS class of producers IS grO\\ Ing 111 stl ength and numbers eve Iy day and they are domg tdr more fm the leg-1ttmate merchant than the latter has been able to do tm h1m,elt and th1:obr111gs me dovvn to my hobby, and the onc lSre,lt sublect \\ hleh I hehevc to be the only true and per-mdnent solutIOn of the cnt prtce cVII - Thc TI ade J\Iark and I'nhltllt\ '-,tablht\ goes \\ 1th confidence, demorahzatlOn WIth doubt ,lml ~thplllon Confidence 1" a p]dnt of slow growth and thnves onlv on l11ent dnd trnth '-,0 long a, fnr11lture IS sold and paraded ,\llom l1101hh Jnst ,0 long \\ tll the merchant and manufacturer hncl came to complalll of ~ut pnces vv henever there is room for donht the conSt1111eldemands and receIves the benefit, but when doubt I~ dIsplaced b) conhdence and certamty the customer is evel read) to pay the plemlum The world admIres men who are not afratd to stand ont boldly and w11hngly assume the conse-quences fm then own acts It always has been so and always WIll be ] he man \\ ho conceIves a th1l1g of ment and by hIS skIll produces It ha, the nght to become known to the man who con- ,nmes It and the comume1 has the nght to know whether the maker 1, standmg behmd hIS productlOn and hIS own representa-tlon~ legardmg It Xo man h ,,0 well qnahfied to tell the exact tl uth dbont an) arttcle as the man who made It, and when he h \ulltng to stand behmd Ius story It WIll have more VI- eight WIth the pubhe than If told bv ~0l11eone else who, m the nature of thmg" knows less about It The man who puts 1us mark on an 1l1fenor arttcle and m]:,- ,ure1y and 5\\ Ift1y find hImself out of the 1ace The tradc '11a1k of the mal~er on a pIece of fur11lture IS hke the sIgnature on ::I check agalllst money m bank, It makes It good The endorsement ot the responsIble merchant IS an added guarantee which removes the doubt from the consumer Vv ho are asked to cash It. Your own paper mdy be ve1Y gooel, but If I were to offer it WIthout \ om sIgnature I am afraId my endorsement would not gIve It cunency I have sometimes heard It saId that overproduction IS hurt-lllg the furmture busllless but that IS not so There has nevel been any over-productlon 111fnrmtnre vVe are suffermg from under-educatIOn and not from over-plodnctlOn, We need more 1l1fOrmatlOn, more truths 1l1terestmgly told about furniture, more advertts1l1g, more pUbltclty, more trade marks, more courage and 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN mdke yom chosen callmg mOl e sureh md1,pensable to thc con- ~mner, and therefol c mOl e deSIrable to the ploducer ] hc} both need you and vel y earneotly clesn e \ our Lo-operatlon, but ne1thet can be dnven to employ d servIce wInch IS not \\ 01th It, co",t \11 attempts on the part of ll1erchant~ ,md then or~alllLatIOn s to Impose then serVIce, upon eIther the consumel 01 the producer w1thont re11l1ellng full, ,tlue lC'ce1ved must 111 the cml 1 esnlt 111 f.\llme, and all "nch efforts fmally become a usclc"" e,ven e and ,l 10 ~ to ,tll concerned and to the mel chant 111part11111,\1 Ihe pl111clple, \\h1ch e;ove1n the ,tatus of 1ctall I11Clchan (lts111gal,o apply to productIon WIth cClual fC)lee \\ e all 1,nO\\ from expcllencc that there a1e \\ Ide (hftcrences het\\ ceol plO dIlLCI, ,111dth(l1 jJlodmtlOns 'll1d aho 111 thcn \\a\~ of dOIng o H. L Wernicke. th1l1~s, hencc 11lclchdnt cnclea\ or to hancllc the l1l1e-.\vlllch th(\ l111c1by expenence dre mo,t de"ll able dl1LIlllo~t jJlohtable ,1l1dth"t IS qmte a, It should be ] herc 1~, dftel all noth111g !j111teltkc ~ood, keen, honest competltlOn, not only betv, een manutactm cr, bnt between mel d13.llts Tt stlll1Ulates 1l1d1V1dual 1111tlatne and leads to progress, economy and 1l1dustnal health Compet1tlOn IS thc great scavenge1 \\ h1ch most qmckh 11(]-, 1J1dtbtl \ at thL l11competents and thereby enla1 ges the field ot opportull1t\ for the fitte~t It \vould be a sad da) fOI tnI~ natIOn \\ hen the sp111t of "c\ faIr field and no favols should be clt,placed b\ monopoly and molly-coddle I tor one, do not belte\ e that \\ e of the Lmted States WIll e\ er come to such a pas~ ~I) faIth I ests 111 the autocratIc consumel, who under our fm m of e;overn-ment has lus remedIes m the ballot and hIS 11eedom ,md hlstor \ tclls us that he knows how and when to use them 1here IS one large fact whIch JustIfies CD-opel at10n In pCl- ~OJ1Sengdged m ,anous hnes of mdmtr) through voluntary ,lssoclatlOns, and that IS our \\ asteful way of domg thll1g~ It has been so easy to get 1I1to busmess and ~ta\ m, became of our wonderful resources and cont1l1ued e;IO\vth that \\ e al e apt to lose 'lght of OUl obhgatlOns to sOClet) and ll11ae;1l1eom ~eh e~ en-tItled to ~omcth1l1g fOI notlung OrgamzatlOns hke ) ours can do much f01 then members by seardung out then faults and ~hortcormng~, by elevatm!?, theIr own standalds of bus1l1ess ethIC, ,1l1d by makll1g ItS membel ~ more u,eful and nece,sal y to the publtc upon whose patronage they are dependent vVhencver an 0'l:;-a11lZatlOn, whethel It he ot produce1 s 01 retaIlers, has elevated the standard of ItS 0\\ 11 servIce and has abandoned the eVIl pI actlces eXIstmg \\ 1th111It-, 0\\ n I ank, then and not until then, has It a moral nght to jlomt Its accusmg finger to the faults of others I regret to say It, but truth and the hope of domg good compels me to remmd my good fnends m the retaIl furmture trade that most of the so-called eVIl, compla1l1ed of, and whIch aSSOCIatIOnshke yours are seek1l1!?,to COlIed b) I esolutlOns aImed at the manufacturer, are chllclre11 of then 0\\ n C1 eatton and they WIll not down unttl you lay thc ax to the root Please do not 1mag111ethat my Op1111011 of mdnufacturers IS a more ex-alted one, On the contrary, I have a rod 111pICkle for them, too, WEEKLY ARTISAN 7 all that the~e Imply It is clall11ed that the populatIOn of the L mted States IS 90,000,000 and that the annual furmture sales amount to $135,000,000 If the"e figures are correct It means that the annual furmture bIll of tIns gi eat natIon IS only $1 50 for e,lch person, or about four-tenths of a cent per day. Just thll1k of It, less than 3 cents a week for furmture There IS hardly another Item m the entIre lI"t of staple wants for whIch we spend "0 lIttle money a" for furmture Can you unagme peo-ple nch enough to spend "even tIme" as much to mamtam theIr '\; atlonal (:rovermnent tv, Ice as much for automobIles. "evel al tImes as much for ted and coffee and many tunes a" much fO! hquor and tobacco than the, do for furmture to be m danger of bankruptcy If theIr furmture e:>.pemes are doubled? CertaInly not, and It theII furmture bIll were multIplIed by five It ,"ould make the natIon ncher m every way and not poorer The anI) Iea'on I can thlllk of \Vh) so lIttle money IS e).- pended fOI furmture IS the lack of ll1teilIgent lllterest shown by the manufadurer m hrs own produds It IS mOle hIS fault than yours that a larger and better demand fOI good furmture has not been developed, but you also stand m the way of this develop-ment by not mSlstll1g upon It that all the goods whIch you buy shall bear the maker's mark and that he ~hall publIsh the reasons for hI" claIms upon the consumer It IS a mal vel to me that so lIttle has been saId about furmture by ItS makers, for It IS a sub- Ject so nch In possIbIlItIes fOl explOltatIon that It~ use could be mcreased many fold by SImple and Ob,IOU" methods of publICIty The publIc spend" ItS money for the thlllgS III "hlch It takes the most ll1terest and not for thmgs III whICh It takes the least Om e make It the subject of mtellIgent merest to the people and yOU WIll find them eager to spend theIr money for fm mture The re-taIl merchant can do much for the stabIlIty of profits and pro-mote a larger demand for furmture by mSlstll1g upon trade marks ,md advertlsmg from the manufacturer and also upon an under-standlllg about retaIl pnces whIch both may respect. There are more mterestmg p0111ts 111a pIece of furmture than 111a horse, yet who ever heard of a horse trade WIthout some cl!scusslOn of every pomt from wmd to \V Ithers and from fore-lock to fetlock. GIve a horse a pedIgree and hIS value goes up It IS the same WIth furmture. The products of makers who have earned a reputation for themselves WIth the publIc sell to better advantage WIth a trade mark than WIthout A $5 Knox hat WIth-out the "Knox" would not cell for $4, a $1,000 Stelllway Grand WIthout the name on It 111 bIg letter:, all over the front would not bnng $600, a $50 sewll1g machllle WIthout "Slllger" would not Imng $+0, a Buck's stove WIthout 'Duck" would not sell at 20 per cent off and a sweeper WIthout "BIssell" all over the top would be rejected at almost any pnce by the consumer no matter what the merchant mIght say about It . '\ great paintll1g WIth ItS ongm III doubt goes at a bargam, anonymous poetry IS even worse Look where you vvIll the ad-vertlsed brands are the staples for whIch the leadmg merchants stnve because they are eaSIer to sell The profits are faIr and the consumer get;, what he wants and IS satI"fied \Vhy should not Berkey & Gay or Nelson-Matter furmture, after fifty years of es-tablIshed success, be as well known m every home as the Eastman kodak, whIch ten years ago was an unknown thmg Had the Eastman people made no better use of theIr opportumtIes to ex-plOIt the kodak than the makers of furmture have theIrs there would have been a very large over-productIon m kodaks long ago and the profits whIch merchants are now harvestmg from that source would not have been worth mentlOmng -When the consumer has been taught to mSIst 0n trade marked furmture from makers of known reputatIOn the catalogue home WIth ItS anonymous furmture WIll be a thmg of the past, but untIl then the catalogue house WIth ItS interestmg lIterature and C0n-vmCll1g arguments IS, at least, on a par WIth the merchant who buys anonymous furmture on hIS own Judgement and takes chance~ of makmg a market for It alone mstead of dlvldmg that burden WIth the maker It is tIme that the merchants begm to realize how the entIre mdustry IS bemg stunted, how hb oppor-tumtles are be111g neglected and hIS profits unsettled because the makers of furniture are "asleep at the sWItch" The merchant stands 111his own lIght when he opposes the use of trade marks and publiCIty on the part of the manufacturers. It IS a narrow policy and keeps the consumer 111 Ignorance of the mterestmg facts and fancies m furmture which create the deSIre to possess 1t also breeds needless changes 111style and finish to the confus- IOn and loss of all concerned. There is nothing which has hurt the profits from furniture so much as the senseless changes whIch are made from time to tl111efor no other Ieason than a lack of mtelligent publIcity. To the lover of art who has been educated to look for real worth 111 furmture-and all persons are lovers of art-there IS a wealth of ~uggestlon m every pIece n0t govelned by pnce or deSIgn, The merchants and the makers of good furmture have been so long wrapped up 111 a nan ow conceptIon of theIr craft and ItS pOSSIbI-lItIes and have held the mckels so dose to theIr eyes that they have not ~een the wealth of roses beyond The average retaIl "tore IS a most careless place, w1th a fun-cI, ll atmosphere whIch repels rather than mVlte", The clIspla) s dl e hapha7ard, 11lechamcal <111(1 confnsmg, ,~here they "lIould be arttstlL, attractIve and mstructI ve A furmture store should be a place lIke an art gallery, as <1ttractlve and mterestmg a" a museum of al t ,md WIth an aIr of such restful, refined comfort that It could not fall to appeal to every person of means dunng hour" of leIsure and brmg them there to enJoy It and to study the elementanes and refinements of good furmture m short to absorb furmture educatIOn " To make "nch a plan male effectIve the merchant dnd the members of hIS "taff must themselves be educated and become 1espected as authonttes m such matters \Vhat IS pleasmg to one pelson seems commonplace or ugly to another. A pIece of furmture, wInch by Itself or m certam surroundmgs may "eem undesll ahle dud of lIttle value, may m anothel place be found most ple'lsmg ane! woule! there sell readIly at a good pnce UntIl the merchant learns the great truth, that the sentiment-, when appealed to are the nerve-centers whIch termll1ate and relax at the mouth of the pocketbook, they have not risen to theIr op-portumttes De It the sword of General Jackson, grandmother's old spmnmg wheel, or any other now useless thmo- as long as It /:>' < has aSSOCIatIons whIch stIr the sentIments or eXCIte the em0tlOns It WIll create deSIre to possess and WIll command a pnce It 1;, the story that goes WIth an artIcle and not so much the artIcle Itself whIch creates the deSIre to posse"s, and Just as thIS deSIre to possess IS aroused the fields of opportumt) expand The hIS-story of a house whIch makes a thmg If 111terest111g1ytold adds value to ItS product The hIstory and motIve of styles and theIr evolutIOn afford endless opportumty for profitable furmture educatIOn. The harmony of shapes, forms and colors can be worked 111a thomand 111terestll1g ways and be made to pay well, and when It comes to wood, there IS 110 end of the 111terestlllg etones that can be told to CIeate deSIre Let me remmd VOLI here that ~ature IS a \\onderful artIst She does nothmg m v~nu but men often de"troy the art whICh Nature has gIven them There IS no reason why two pIeces of furmtm e should be val led alIke, because as a matter of fact, they do not appeal WIth lIke effect to dIfferent persons any more than women do There ,II C no two pIeces of furmture one Just lIke the other any more than there are two women alIke, and there never WIll be There are no two pIeces of wood one Just lIke the other and there never WIll be They may be alIke 111:,hape, but not 111character or 111 nptal1 of figure, tone or character any more than the same sublec' when pa111ted by (lIfferent arttsts would be alIke eIther m ap pearance or value \"'hen all else has been saId the fact remams that furmture stores as now conducted do not stImulate the grateful emotIOns and the pleasurable senses whIch eXCIte deSIre for possession and thereby relax the nerves whIch contml the pocketbook I can best explam thIS Idea by takmg a pIcture gallery for example A pIcture IS not a practIcal thmg by any means but 111many homes the cost of pIctures IS greater than the cost of furmture. Go mto any modern art gallery and let the al tiSt 111 charge, who under-stands hIS busmess and knows h0w to produce effects WIth shadovv boxes, lIghts or shades and other tncks of the trade, show you thIS" Perfect Gem" by So-and-So, thIS wonderful creatIOn by the Dauber and thrs ' Dream" from the brush dnd bram of a master, WIth mterestmg details The chances are he WIll create 111 you a deSIre to possess You go agam and agam, you take your WIfe and mVIte the opmlOns of your fnends You thmk and talk pIctures, arttsts, techmque, m other words, you become a walk-mg, talkmg advertIsement for the products of the pamter's crafts and a customer of the merchant who touched the button \Vlth every good pICture there IS a story and on It the artIst's mark For wealth of dIsplay and deslre-creatmg pOSSIbIlItIes furm ture has no equal 111 the realm of merchandIse There IS abso lutely notlung else so ll1tlmately and mterestmgly mterwoven WIth our lIves fr0m the cradle to the grave, and nothmg whIch m ItS charactenstlcs ,,0 plamly portrays the emot1Ons, Ideals, habIts and hlstones of a people as ItS furniture. As the marttal strains of fife and drum incite men to most heroic deeds of valor ~---~~-~----~~~~~--~~---------------. •I,I,, IIII II,I,,I -_._----- .II. 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~--------_.....--------------------------_ .....--------------------------------------------------~ I Y Our Large New Line of I I The season for banquets will soon be here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand sure to come. DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when pnces and quality are considered. STOW 8. Df\VIS fUKNITURf, GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------. CIty Salesroom, 4th floor, Blodgett Bldg. so also does the clanon call of I11terestlng clispld) and other tal ms of publiCIty arouse the desIre at the people to part vvIth theIr money for thIngs they want So, I say, JOIn hands wIth the producel and blend your VOIces together In SIngIng the hymns and preachlt1g the gospel at gooel furnIture Back thIS up wIth a store dlsplav that attlade, and wIth arrangements that vvIII delIght the eve and please the e,en~e~ Don't wait untIl some one needs somethI.1g "0 one ever I ealll needs a thIng untIl he wants It People spend most monev tOI dungs the) do not need bnt merely" dnt and all! bu 1I1e~sIS t{) make them want more amI better turl1ltll! e a,1C1to tIllS cnd r pledge you my hearty support and enthUc,lastlc co O[JU at10n New Furniture Factories. The .;\lontgomery FUll1ltUl e Company \\ III el eet a t,lctOl v ,It Troy, ~ C A wooc! carvl11g plant vvIII he establIe,hed ,It '\ dsln 1IIe Tel111 by \\ Ilham E Cumml11g o F Welch hae, engagedl11 the manuLldmc ot peclc~tal, and furl1lture at HIgh POlt1t, " C c\ G Walters b at the head of the compam that h to e~ tabhsh a furl1ltm e and wagon factory at St lh'l1les, La Harch, ood lt1tenol fil1lshes vvIII be manufactureel bv the Allzona V\T ood V\'orklt1g lompam recenth lt1COll''ll ated \\ lth $50,000 capItal at \shvIlle," C A movement to Olgal1lZe a compam tOI the pUIp he ot erectmg and operatmg a funnttl! e plant at COIdelle Ga ha~ been started by C Vv Pomts of ChIcago The ProgressIve League of c\lexanclna La IS e,ald to have secured the establIshment of dIal ge chall factOl) 111that tOIl 11 but the name of the concern b suppressed for the pI ee,ent 1he Chlcasaw Table and :\Janufactunng lOl11pam hds beeu 111COplOl ated, WIth capItal stock fixed at $,1 JOCO, to manufacture tables and small furnIture 111\1emphb, Ten11 Clement GIbson, G A :\fcUam, C G ChambeI1al11 L F CaH!v\ ell ,11ld (, ] l\1cSpadden are the l11COl pal atOl S Had a Close Call. George C Holll"ter, "ale" manager tor the Hot Ula,t Feather Compan), Grand Raplde" ",as a pac,sen~er on the Pere Marquette resort flyer near Granel Ledge la"t \\ ednee,- day I11ght when the locomotIve bOIler exploded, ln11l11g the engmeer and fireman, wreckl11g the tram and In lUllllg hall a dozen pa..,sengel, :\11 HollIster wa.., badl) cut and hllll"ed about the head and face, but he ",a" able to a,,"lst In remov-l11g and canng for the dead and m]ured He escaped fIom the overturned coach by Clawhng through a \vll1dow and then "tumbled ov er the body of the engllleer who had heen lnlled Instantly A Heavy Saw Bench. Here IS a hedv} v dnet) savv bench e;;,peClally deSIgned fOI all alOu11c! work whether heav y or fine It IS capable of the hea\ le,t cut of any e,aw bench bmlt, Ie, also abso-hlteh acemate The machllle IS eql1lpped voth a belt tlght- 1m I \\ hIe h t;1\ e., the greatest po,slble belt beanng on the al hOl pulle\ 1hIs IS ahout ;0 per cent more than I" ob-t, u11ed 011 ,\11\ othel sa" bench TIne, machllle Ie, heavlel than the OIdlnan Sd\' be11ch and the COlhLluctlOn tll111011t IS ot the fmce,t cl11d.htv 1he complete eqUIpment con,Ie,\-, ot -+ t;uages, 2 saws, \\ lenches and counter shaft ;\11 bear-mg., amI loose pulle} s are self 0l1111g TImlt b} the Cree,ccnt \1 achl11c \\ orb, Grand RapIds, 1\1lch ~, ---------------------------~, I I ! PIONEER II I MAnUrAClUnlNo I (OMPAnl I : DE<;TROIT, I\1rCH. I I , t • , Reed Furniture , ,I Baby Carnages ,I I Go-Carts I I ~ I II II II FulL tzne 81wnn only I at the faclOJ y I I ...------------------ ---- -----------------~ MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS. 1 he 11enchan ('II I ,,) I, urmtlll e (ompany wIll enlarge thCll plant Gahan Hlos wl1l engage m the undertakmg busmess at Tom anawk. Vhs L 1\1 McPllllhp", furl11ture dealel at \\, to "Ie" ha~ 'old out to] ~ Sugg" 11rs Charles ~chneldel of \\ ,1terloo, III has sold hel fur-mture store to her son, E J ~chnelCler A petItIOn m bankruptcy nas been hIed agalmt the Stork Fur1l1ture Company of ,:,outh Omah,1, ~eb The Amencan Cpholstenng Company of EvansvIlle, Ind has been mcorporated CapItal stock. 13,000 CredItors of D E Handley, furmture dealer of Lanca ,ter, Uhlo, have asked that he be adjudged bankrupt Brummund & Kulander, furl11ture dealers and u'ldelt,1ker, of Walker, :.\lmn , are <'ucceeded by J E Kulan ler The (Tray } ur1l1ture Compan), table makers, of AlbIOn ,llch , has been mcorporated CapItal ~tock, $12,000 The Harchng Furmture Company of Dlckmson Colo, ha, been mcorporated WIth capItal ,tock fixed at $100,000 Chase & West, fUf1llture dedlers of De, ~Iome", 10W,1, h,1\l moved from W,1lnut stleet Into a new "tore on EIghth street The Gray- Read- W nght Company, furl11ture dealer" of Reno ~ ev , have added an undertakmg department m charge of J ame, O'Bnen The CapItol Furmture C ompan) of PIerre have been aW,1rded the contract for supplymg the furmture for the new South Dakota capItol bmldmg Dowlmg Brothers, of Gtlbert, on the Mesaba range, Mmn , al e blllldmg an addItIon to theIr store whIch WIll be nsed as a morgue and undertakmg parlor" Emery V\ renton, formerlv extenSIvely engaged m the manufacture of furmture at Falconer, X Y, ched at Jamestown, ~ Y, on August D, aged 7,~ years The Pme Street } urmture Company 1\1uskegon, :\Ilch, are bmldmg a bnck veneered addItion to tnelr store The new bmld-mg WIll contam three stones -bOx(lOteet The firm of Sleble, Bra general sto! e furmtl1rc \.tc at \\ oodbme Iowa, ha, been dls,olved \ugust Sleble, WIll U)'l-tmue the furmture and unclertakmg bnsmess The E l \uto Go-Cart Company has filed articles 111 creasmg the capItal "tock from $:2'5,000 to $30,000 and chang1l1~ the place of btb111ess from BelOit to Monroe WIS The Booth Furmture Company of BOlse, Idaho, now oc' l1P\- 111gthe LIttle bmldmg, on Bannock ,treet, have one of the large,t and best eqUlpped furmture stores we"t of the \h<;soun nvel The \very Furmturc Company of South Fra111mgham, :\1as, \\111 soon move mto nc\\ and larger quarter<;, havllg secmed the store recently vacated by the Enterpnse Clothll1g Company Charle<; J ansk), formerly of \Iamtowac, who went to (Tree,l Ba), WIS, about a year dgO and estabhshed a furmture store on the west SIde, IS closll1g out hIS stock and WIll qUlt the busmess The Drummeler Company, pIoneer hardware and furmture dealer,; of Walla Walla, Wash, have sold out to the Manon-Drew Company, who WIll take possesslOn of the busmess December 1 The Roper Furmture Company of South Bend. Ind, ha been mcorporated by J A, H C, C A, J G, and H D Roper CapItal stock, $100,000 dlVlded mto shares of $50 each The bUlldll1g occupIed by the Johnson-Hatcher Compan\ furmture dealers, In Sprmgfield, Ill, has been sold for $70,()()() The sale, hov\ ever, WIll not affect the tenants who have a kJ'l£; lea e ;\fr and \lrs \Tan C Beachle) and John L ReIchard, dfal ll1g m the fUll1lture under the name of the Hagerstown (l\ld) Lounge Company have dIssolved partnershIp, Mr Relchal e! re-tlnng LeWIS E hckman, aged 'II ) ears, has retlred from the S B \ an Duzee :\fanufactunng Company, of Gouveneur, 1'\ Y He ha<, been engaged 111 the manufacture of furmturf ever smce he \\ as 21 ) ear~ old The 'vVdlter,-Huddy COmp,1l1\ of Independence, K,111'3,have enlarged ane! remodeled theIr furmture store They now occupy three floor" l-bO feet deep and aeh el tlse the fad that theIr store l~ 'down-to-date 'l he PmeJ l\lanuf,1ctnnng Company of Gardnel, ~Ia~s , who suffered a se\ eI e loss from fire 1ecently has settled WIth the 111- sur dlLe compa"lles and the factor) WIll be mak111g chaIrs aga111 by the hr~t of ~eptembel 1he stnke of the emplOye, of the Clamel t<UfJ111IlJ 0 Ma·.' facturmg ComjJ,1l1\, Thomawl11e, 1\, C, has "pett I ec' ant \Iost of the men went back to \\ ork 011the company s term, c\l1d the othel s found work el,ewhere The \l,1Sk'l Bedd111g COmp,1ny of \\ nLllpeg, :\1,111 , \\ 111erect a new f,1ctory bUllcltng on the sIte 1ecentl v purch,1 sed from the Waterloo ~I anufactunng Comp,1ny wlllch has removed ItS plant flom vVl11mpeg to Portage la Frame J \Iv Roblllson, who ha~ been "elllllg furl1lture under the name of the J V\T Roblmon Comp,1ny at LakeVIew, Ore, has sold out to \\ llh,1m \ Vallace H L Chandler, furl1ltnre dealer of the same town, ha, sold hIS busllle s to ~ l' Colwll1 J rank I Den J' plOpnetor of the '\ orth Topeka (Kans) Cash Furmtm e store has been granted a patent on a guard 1all and fifth leg ,1ttachment tor bed stead" The attachment can be attached to orch lan beds and \\ 111prevent the sagg111g of the mattress The \\ H Goodnch Furmtmt' Company of Redlands lal , offer" an upholstered mahogany rocker valued at $()O to tlk person who sugge-ts the be~t change tor the name of theIr lIlst· tutlOn The contest WIll be open until August 31 and s"ggestlon, matlec1 on that day WIll be conSIdered The Flechslg-Albrecht Furmture Company ot PIttsburg, Pa, are makmg exten,lve lmprO\ ements 011the store bUlldmg They \\ III have a lle\\ g (a y bllck front WIth stone tnmmlllgs and large plate gla,s wlmlow, and \\ dl budd an addltwn 111the real \V hlch \\ III gIve them three floor" :5 3x150 feet \\ e all ha\ e ot\! 0\\ n \\ ay tIll \\ e get to be about fi\1e year, olel ------------------------------------------ --~IIII It I I t II t I I I IIt I III I II II IIIII THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL Glue Heater Send your address and and receive descriptive CIrcular of Glue Heaters. Glue Cookers and Hot Boxes Wltl. prices. IIII• ,II ~------~-----~----------------~~-------~-------~ The Weatherly Co. Grand RapId., Mich. - - - --~-------------------------- 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN .---------------------~--- L.ARGEST .JOBBERS ANP MANUFACTURERS OF ---------~-~-------_.___.-._.---. j I PITTSBURGH PLATE -... I GLASS COMPANY GLASS IN THE WORLD Mirrors, Bent Glass, leaded Art Glass, Ornamental Figured 6lass, Polished and Rough Plate Glass, Window Glass WIRE GLASS Plate Glass for Shelves, Desks and Table Tops, Carrara Glass more beautiful than white marble. CENERAL DISTRIBUTORS OF PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINTS ANO OF PITCAIRN ACED VARNISHES. g For .:mythmg m BuIlders' Glass. or anythIng m Pamts, VarnI~hes, Brushes or PaInters' Sundnes, addre~s any of our branch warehouses, a lIst of \\ Illch IS gIven below :NEW YOBE-Hudson and Vandam Sts. BOSTO:N-41-49 Sudbury St., 1-9 Bowker St. CHICAG0-442-452 Wabash Ave. CmCI:N:NATI-Broadway and Court sts. ST. LOmS-Cor. Tenth and Spruce sts Mm:NEAPOLIB-500-516 S. ThIrd st. DETBOIT-53-59 Larned St, E. GBAND BAPIDS, MICH-39-41 :N. DiVISIon St. PITTSBl1BGH-10l-103 Wood St. MILWAUEEE, WIS.-492-494 Market st. BOCHESTEB,:N.Y.-Wllder Bldg, Main & Exchange sts. BALTIMOBE-310-12-14 W. Pratt St . CLEVELAND-1430-1434 West Third St. OMAHA-1101-1107 Howard St. ST. PAl1L-459-461 Jackson St. ATLA:NTA, GA.-30-32-34 S. Pryor St. SAVA:NNAH, GA -745-749 Wheaton St. KA:NSAS CITY-FIfth and Wyandotte Sts. BIBMmGHAM, ALA.-2nd Ave. and 29th st. BUFFALO, :N. Y -372-74-76-78 Pearl St. BBOOXLYN-635-637 Fulton St. PHILADELPHIA-Pitcairn Bldg., Arch and 11th Sts. DAVENPOBT-410-416 Scott st. • • _ _ _ .--- ~. --- ._. . .. _. - .~-_~-~- - - - - .- __ _4 .. - - - -' .. Enormous Importations of Wool. vVool ImportatIOns 1I1to the Cmted "'tate" 111 the fi~c,tl \ eal Ju"t ended e:xceeded those of an\ earltel ) eal e"cept ] ,,<)~ \\ hen abnormal ImportdtlOn wel e macle 111 Vle\\ of the pI ospectl\ e tram fer of wool from the tree to the clutIable hst The total quantIty of woollmportecl In the hscal \eal lu"t ended \\a" 2hh-tJOO, OOO pound", aga1l1st 126000,000 m 1'l0~ 20 j 000 000 11 1907, 24~),000,000 111 UJ05, ami nl,aOO 000 1111~<)7, \\ hen thp 1 portatIOns were abnormally large \bout one-tlm d ot the \\ 001 consumed m the LTmted States IS Imported the remal11l11g t\\ 0 thIrds, speak1l1g 111 general term,> be1l1g plOc\ucec1 at home It appear" that the average annual consumptIOn of \\ 001 ' 1 the Umtec1 States durmg the decade Just ended \\ a'> about I~1 000,000 pound", of whIch a httle mOl e than one thI1 d \\ a" 111 ported, and the rema1l1eler ploducec\ at home dnel that 111 till lmmediatel) precedl11g decade the average annual consumptIOn of \<\0<01 \<a\ s 4JO,000,000 pounds, of \\ hlch the ImportatIOn" and domestic productIOn showed re"pectlveh about the "al11e plO portIom a" m the decdde Ju"t ended The value of the wool Imported 1l1tothe L mted '--tates d1ll1l1l.; the fi'>cal year )11"t ended wa~ $-!l 000 000, agal11st $-tl l()O O()() 111 ]')()i, $±'~,2:5(),000 1I119()"), and $") ),210,()()0 1111H<)~ the )eaI ot the 11H;he'>trecOl d of qUdntltle" Il11ported The ,>t,lted value ot thc \\001 Il11portedmto the L mted '-,tate (lmmg the dela(\e l1l(ltn~ \\ Ith the h"cal ) eaI 1<)()<)\\ a" ~21) 000,000 and In tlK d( lade wded June :'0, 1f.>99, $,)60 )()() 000 11001 ImportatIon" are dIVIded 1I1tOtll1el t!,"1 oUll" d()thl11~ -----------~., II ,,------ Ittt t ttt Itttt I I I IIIt :I t tt Office and Store, I 58 South Ioma St .. t Opposite Union Depot t..___ _ _ _ _ . --4 THE NEW GRAND RAPIDS MACHINERY STORE tt •tt II I I - ... ----------~ ! Wood Working Machinery Factory Equipment Machine Knives, Bits, Etc. Everything in Equipment for the Woodworker. McMUllEN MACHINERY CO. GRAND RAPID, MICH \\ 001 cOl11bmg \\ 001 dnd carpet \\ 001 Of the first named class, dothll1~ \I 001 the value of the nnportatlO11'; 111 the fiscal year Just lndld \\ a-, S 2') SOO 000 , of the second clas'>, comb1l1g wools, $4,- )( () 0(10 and ot the thIrd clas'>, carpet wool, $11,000,000 Of the doth1l1g \I ools ImpOl ted $12,000,000 \vOlth came flom the Umted h.ll1gdol11 $?,SOO,OOO \\orth from r\.rgentma and clbout $8,000,000 \\ 01 th t 10111\u' traha dnd the adJacent Island of Tasmama Of the cOl11b1l1g\\ 0011111])01ted, nearly $JOO,COO,OOOWOIth came from L l1Ited h.I1H;dol11 Of the $11,000,000 worth of carpet wools 1111 pOl ted :;;2500000 \<\orth came from the Umted Kmgclom, about SZ 000 000 worth frol11 the other countnes of Europe, $3,000,0()() hom Chma and $l,nO 000 \\orth from other part" of ASIa and ( kCa11ld [he Il11pO!tahon" of larpet \\ ools dm I11g the current year \\ 111plobabh bc much lal ger than last year becduse thev are re-ported ,1" bel11l:;bought and u "ed for "better pllrpme~, , t~ alaI ge e"tent owmg to the "carut) and hIgh pnce" of c1othll1g wool Farming as a Side Line. BIg RolpHI" ,itlh \ugll"t '~o-fhe Luce-Redn'onrl ChaIr C. 0I111Jdl1\I eport h j"l11e"" a" cxcellent 1he) nevel had a bettcl t1 ade m (,I dnd RapId" than d1ll1l1l!, Id"t 1110nth TheIr 11l1e law ..:ht on 111 ~Ieat "l1cljlc 1 he'} hd\e put on d nl1111berof e:xtla h,\]1(I" and dlt Inn 111nl.;'the faLtOl) full tIme Hl1h Eecll1louc1 of the Luce- Redmond (J1dlr Company ha" ttllned fdlmer He ha~ ad]01l1lug the factory "everal a-:re" ot 1,111(1on \\ hILh he hau corn, tomatoes, potatoe", ped", beans, a'>para~u", cclbbage", melon", l ucul1lbers, etc "13llh 1<; one of the fal1lo11" chaIr make I " of the L I1Ited State'>, and' as a "horny handed "on-of-tOlI ' h<'.I" certaml) a "ucce~s He hke" to get up dt j () dock 11 the l11orn1l1g cl11cldo hdlf a day,,' \\ork before bledkfa"t an'l then \york dn hOUl or two after the factory c1o,e" \t tht "ame tune he run~ the chaIr shop, between tIme'i, and noth1l1~ e'ilclpe~ hI" vl~llant eye If you want to know how to gro\\ potdtoe" a'i bIg d'i Jour fist and tomatoe~ that WIll weigh from one to t\\D pound", get 111 tOl1ch WIth "DIlly, the Farmer." Another for the Leonard Building. rj he SkandIa };urmtul e COmpdn) of Rockford, Ill, h thc latest to "CCUIe "pace 111 the Leonard Funllture Exhlbi-tIon b11l1cltng The} take the SIxth flool of building No. 1 I I I• I I• I I• I• I• II• I I• •II• I II I• I•• I II• •I ~, -------_._- I IIII III IIII I~ -- !I III I I I II IIII I I• I• IIIII II WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 r • ----- - --- ------------------------ • _.. .--..., ! I I THE BIG WHITE SHOP I I I I I I~- - ... .. - _. ------------ . ~I , I I • II I• I : I I I • • I I II •I II I• I I • I I • • I • I I• •• ••• ••• •• I•• ,• II• III If II II I I• I II We Furnish Every Article of Printing Needed by Business Men WHITE PRINTING COMPANY Grand Rapids, Mich. 108, 110, and 112 North Division Street, II --1 THE BIG WHITE SHOP II• I ------------------~- . - ------------------- ------~ -----.-------------.----------------- ~.---------~ 12 WEEKLY II ARTISAN RETAIL FURNI'I'URE ADVERTISING A DEPARTMENT OF HELPS FOR THE ADVERTISER Conducted by Chief of the o\.dvertisina Department, Furniture City Enllravinll Company MARLIN L. BAKER TbI Slon T1IIt Sell. fill " Amrtt •• Our Greatest of All AUGUST SALES lBegins Monday Morning!, Thousands and Thouaonds of Dollars Worib of the MostBeaubful Furniture Carpets Rugs Stoves Etc At Tremendous Reductions SAVINGS ~, ~ TO ~ Pretty Buffets Greatly Reduced ~ ..-:q.Al"7""Do~ t.. -,,:'--;Io:.=-~ .,..".'.....~..".',;~w_.;.. ! .. :-.::: ."'.0_" ..~ _ \k ..... ..- ,.... "'" *,OOBr .. .. Ollar .. tMv&..r ... Bed-Davenports JIll Half-Price;. vf'" .w ..,.. . .A.",S. .. _ • :.;;:: i;""::"" .. •""''' "''''fDl<,Jor>..,.,..., """ "'0~0 Odd Parlor Pleus ~.. _~ .. .. '"'" ,....... .", '1200 C1o.. .", ''.10"00............. .. .. "(IO> WILUS-SMITR-CRAU CO., '''CQRPOR,ATED NORFOLK S LARGEST HOME FURNISHERS MAIN STREET, COR CHURCH l:<'Ine::,t H ~1l11tho advel tI~111g 1l1cl11gel t01 \ \ Ille~ ~l1l1th Crall Company, ] nc of \ 01folk, \ a cel tdl11h de,u \ e.., UJl1- 'Iderdble credIt for 1]1~ nen e and good ]l1dgement lOl1r tull page, 1ll one I~"l1e of the Ledgel DI,patch Look dt them Lach Cl1t has ]U~t the proper amOl1nt of \\ hlte "pace to make It ,tdlH! out One-"Ixth 1l1ch \\ hlte "pa-::e between rl1le~ add~ \\ onclerfulh to the dI~play Cut~ al e plOp~rh placed and lmt enough dlscnptlve matter and plent) of pnce~ are l1'ed <"'ub-head1l1g.., ~tand out prommentl) The general la) out and (lIspla) of thIS fom-page announce-ment could not be Improved wIthout ~pendmg conSIderable tIme and thol1ght 1 can find no fault ThI~ advertIsment ~hol1ld fur111sh man) ~ugge..,tlOns to the fur111ture "dd' man who desIres to raI~e hI~ ;:(c!vertIs1l1g abc\' the average The "ad \Ir SmIth ~tales \\ .1, the 111(',111' ot tl11111ng ;' dull penod mto an exceedmgl) bus) tune AdvertJslllg m the daily paper~ 1, not the onh method of :: $39.75 a.D._IoU .,..OO'l."f ':: ~ ';:" IS> """"" ...-- .d_8b<p .... _oad .!~~.o':o._~,.r.::.: ,~M .l.o.'l.5o0oI"lo"........ ""1M rl3101> W;SOH .. roo Uf.1ll Oak Dlnmg Chairs • '00 ~ • '00 (\0 "" '00 J ' Chlffomers leather and Velour (ooches ~. •• ~" . .,. • ~" 06 \ ;, M" : :21~C->:;: .:r~ A ,"<WI bo t. ......... "".." .... ,. .. _ .. Tb,S .. 30 .. Jlo".C d .:.:..-~b"~"_ .d ... ", ... "'..dO<! "",t5 • ,>1 .. 100.,.... .. .. .,.. Dining Tab~ IC.hlna.::lo~~ ... <J' • "''' Of 0I" u~ .•" .., ." ';0 fJ ».. .~ f..,l£. ~-'-'-' --- , WRUS-SMITH-CRAlL CO., INCQWPORATI!D. Norfolk s Largest Home Furnl.shen. MaIO Street, Cor Church, Norfolk, Va. .. More Ba......I.". On Neat Pq. ,. pl1bhut) \ cdtbhed C11"tQmeI wIll do mOle good fOl the ,tore thel1l man) dOUdI.., \\ orth of ne\\ spdpel ~pdce She wIll tell her neIghbOl, about the lovel) rocker she bought at "Smlth & Jone, '-,tOle ::,he ah\a)s tIade" at ::'mlth & Jone::,' because every-thmg ~he evel bought there "wa, always delIvered when the) promIsed It and It never came up marred III several place5, the teamster, dre pleasant dml the wagon al\\a) ~ looks clean and bnght She never bought but one artIcle of the Brown }ur111ture Co and that \\ a~ a long tIme ago They promIsed to send up a table she ordered 'that afternoon dnd It never came tIll the next mor111ng It wa, scratched m ~everal places though It had never been wa~hed 5mce The wagon looked a~ It was purchased-years clgo 1 hes( httle th1l1£(' ,rl ::\Ierchant clre n>'lll) mIghty bIg Item~ 111 the succeS5 of a growmg busllless. Don't let a piece of g-ood~ leave the ~tore unless It 15 in perfect shape Don't deliver WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 a plece of marred furmture and then "end a man to the customel S home to make 1t nght 1f she k1cks ahout 1t 11akc It rIght befo1 C 1t leaves 30111 It01(, A dlssatisfied purchaser wl1l do more mJury m ten mmutes, than you can undo 11l 51Xmonth5 to the bu"mess ~he v{lll make "AUGUST SALE" Continuod4 ::~;:,n~~.R~:;~':.~ CarpeD, Room-Sla. Dome.tlc Rup, PlUo... , Dressere. Chilffon'.rs, Dre,,'n .. Tabf... , Etc.--Our Moet Popular 8eU.,..··At Price. tha1: hautlfun, o.mon.trate the Wonderful Money-Savln& ~ P_OO_OI_bl~l•l•tl arThra, Cur Greale.tot' All UAUCUro'_s_a_'e_o _' _._ n.. lilal W 98c This Beautiful Brass Bed $13.98 ~~~t~;'~ .';:'_ ......._........... WILLIS-SMITH-GRALL CO., INC. liliiii'11 II lOIN STREET, CORNER CHURCH - BE SURE YOU READ HEX" PAGE-Improvements by the Traverse City Company. There 1S alwa)5 50111ethmg domg 1n Traverse llt\ It IS one of the most beautlful and progress1ve c1t1es 11l X01 thern .YI1ch1gan One of the most enterpnsmg and go-a-head mdu'3 tnes m the Clty IS the Traverse C1ty Chair Company, manufac-turers of rockers and chall s ~t present they are enlargmg their factory by addmg a three story flame bm1chng, JOx9,) feet, WhlCh wl11 be 11<;edfor machmery, cabmet makmg and 11phols-tenng They have J11st put 111 an electnc generator costmg $3,000 to fur111sh hght and power and expect next spnng to erect a large bU1ldmg of cement blocks Fortunatel) they do not need a large storage house, as the1r output lS sold about as fast as 1t can be produced Thls company has secured per-manent space on the fourth floor of the Manufacturer'3' Exhi-bition buildmg, 1319 MlChlgan avenue, Chlcago, and aha 111the Furmture Exchange 111 Grand Rapld~ and they had an excellent trade m both cit1es 111 July Orders are commg by mall They will put on the market many new patterns later m the fall Too Much Credit for His Capital. "I shall advise my house to ask for d detailed report on Brown," remarked one travelmg salesman to another 111a mIddle west town of too many furniture stores Asked to explam the first salesman continued: "Brown has $5,000 invested in his busi- It hel busl11c5s to "knock" yon at he1 carel party, at the "ewmg dub, on any occa~lon that the ~tore happen~ to be mentlOnecl Take care of your cmtomers ~lan) a good bus111ess ha~ gone to the bad ~lmply for the lack of proper treatment of cus-tJ 11er~ D~THlSI'4GfWEPllICEANO LLUSTRATE "FEW OFTHEIIl"MDREDSOFGOODTHINGS NGENUME toIAIlOGANYFOATIIEDNNGROOMBEOROOMANli LBIIAIIY ALSDGENUtlEORENTALRUGS ANOTHER PAGE OF OFFERINGS FROM OUR GREATEST OF ALL AUGUST SALES READ THIS TEMPTING LIST DF PRICES-- THEY ARE BARUINS WORTH WHILE OUR ENTIRE LINE OF BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL RUGS TO GO AT ONE-HALF PRICE SI~ d:.e~em~rt~:n~ lTIo~uon:tao~~ ~~g~lalt." ~ur\~~~XlI.ea1e pntes how. Of !Ie~ '/I cease to be a u'llfy or Illty.. 00$\ you Ito mo e any tIlan YOU aNi U5ua 1a ~.d 10 pa110r he b~l de files 0 gooO Dome II: Rug WIn a a lew yoars. OlM a~ 'II la~ one huodfed yean. and no as. n" ue eath year Shoud y~Ube he prood pGSS<.SSQl'O ano >,om. bya means get a lew 0 thestroy, o n~~~elrofTl(!1ScqIlsoolJ' Imlpltlf~hJ>lIlalrea~a cwOe"lal pocos stheimshngoen ;;::00In ths sale we o~e a ha rtmlllrllli om our pa t se;lS~n. slott 2OOpm>88 T~y onllJ mos 10m Iho lIItle mat 0 larye 1,50 ". $1300 Sl75IJ $27.50 "'-50 110000 "".., ~ SIIIUOARDS REDUCED CHINA CLOSETS REDUCED .." ~jJ.~~""- :i:=:=: 'O"O"oD,",,",",,"CM.I.r..o.... or;oo~~ IiDRESSERS REDUCED oJ Th.. l' J J... C )I •• , a. ~ • I 00 ,.,.OODtoooen t:!2.oo :z3¥1 I9UJ~;W7lI "i~ lWro u... .. n w.oo .0<1 800_.. 8000 WILLIS-SMITH-CRALL CO., INC. IO.FOLl'S lucm 11_ nDISHEIS MAIN STREET, CORNER CHURCH S B PHONE 1254 _ ... m. THREE PAGES 01 1£111_- ness and \\ hen one conslder the kmd and Slze of the stock he 1" carrymg he should ~ell for ca~11 anI) I met hl'3 collector th1S mornmg In one hand he carned a bJ11file w1th b111stwo ll1ehes m th1cknes5 Another file of about the same thlCkness was carned In the outSIde pocket of hlS coat There must have been 150 bl1ls In those two files, and Drown IS not strong enough to extend cred1t to one hundred and fifty customers The Slze of those files ll1chcate bmll1ess ll1CapaClty and a very poor collector It would not be WIse for a manufacturer to take many chances on ~uch a condltlOn of affa1rs " "Isn't the lllC1dent you have related a small one? a man's credlt be questlOned upon ~l1ch an expenence?" the hsteners lllqmred "It lS the small thmg'3, when assembled that make up the large totals in bUSllless affairs, \\ as the reply Should one of ------------~tIt, I,I I II •I •.....- .I.. .,..- I IIII II" - GRANO RAPIOS"-,"""'MICHIGAN 1 hl 1,llll odd" 111tel\ UK and 111"l:'>ton that 1111porttl ade bemg kept 1111h j)le'lllt ]Ol,l1JOn 1n \e\\ YOlk If they Cdnnot get the long h wI one \\ ,n thn llll,lll to t;d the monc) h) ll111ea Il1g the rates lol tne :'>hurt 1Mu1 Ldtel I eport-, 110111Denver "tate that be111gconfident that the 1nte1 .,t,1tl l0111me1le l0111111hSlOn\1 III lompel the Iallt odc1', to ll-e,tdbh"h then old he1t;ht late" from Denve1 to Ga1ve~ton a" 'l)(ln ,I' he Lan t;et ,\ hear111g on IllS petitIOn, no\\ betOle tI1d.thody \11 k111dc1h 111t;ll1g Denver shlppel~ to contll1l1e sh1pp111g0) the ("t1\ e.,ton 10ute trom ed"tern seaboard pomt" , "0 a" to aHl the ,tedl11,h1p l0111pallle" \1hllh al e ll1dll1ta111ll1~lcm r,tte" £10m the ll"tU 1 "e,lbod1d to (Jahe~ton \11 j'd]H1el al,o al~ues that the rd1l!oacb \v111be c0l11pe11ec1 to II fund the dltter .:nle hl lv\ een the ne\\ rate, dncl the old oues MR. KINDEL RECEI\'ES A SE"r-BACK Federal Court Declines to Enjoin tht' Raist' in .Freight Ratt's Between Denver and Galveston. 1he annOUlLement that (,eOt ~l J l\.1l1dd 0 I D<.11\II n,td "elured an 111J1.1Il11Wrle1,tl,lI111ng the l\olk hl,111d ""m!,l Il ,llll[ othCl rdlltodd, irom ldbll1g hCll;ht 1,1te" 110111l,,\I\ l"tOll ,111d Denve1 wa:'>pI emdtlll e 1he pres~ COlIe"ponclenh ~eem to n,n l Jumped to the londu'olon tlMt d" \lr \'\.Illdel lud uCllec1ed 111 iurlll"h111g tne llqulled bond to! halt d mtlhon dulLus thc lUJ11\L tlOll 111mt be grdntecl, but Judge Le\11S, ot the 1edel,t! WUIt ,It Denver l!td not t,\ke that V1e\\ uf thL m,\tll r 1hough the bund \1cb lon "lde1 ed dlllple to seUll e the 1ellllOdd ,1ga111,t 'lll) lu,,", 1ll tl eIght 1ates dunng tne penden,,} ot the Cd~e, the Judge lltU'ld to lSSUC,1 re<;trdllllllg ordcl on the glOll1ld tlut he LIlked lUn,(l}l tlOn-that 1t \\dS a mattCl that "lwuld bL ~ul)l111tted to the 1nter:'>tate lUl11l11elCelonlll11'i"lOn lx.1m e It Lould be taklIl UjJ b\ the court [ he ref 01e the ne\\ 1ate~ \\ ent mto e±tcLl LI' t \ Iunll t\ \\ nen Judge Le\u" announced hh 1111mg \It l'.1l1del 1V marked tlMt the conmllS~lOn \\ ould not meet n,1t11Uctohe1 and 1ll the meant1me bl1:-'llle-,~111en\\ ould IM\ e to endure the l111]JchltlOnol h1gher 1ates, to wh1l.h thl Judge lljJlled It \\ ould not make dIl) (lItte1e111L \11th 111\ dlll Hill It l1ll C0l11m1~SlOnd1d not meet f01 fIve yea1" Do you mean to sa) that \\ e \\ 111have to -,ulJnllt to th1' cnme unt11 the comm1~~lOn come~ belLk to \\ d~hm~ton t10111 It' ql111mel nslnng tllP J ltlqu1n,d ~\.Jndc1 'J u"t so, alktlO\\ !edged the Jud~ l \\ ell, I II be d-d con luded }'lll(lel, and he 1\,t, not [J 1t 11 ja11 for contempt of court \lr Klllclel \\ as pI epared to file d ~ JOO,eOO bond fllOLH"h gnevousl) d1~appolllted, ne had hIS attorlll) ~ gct bu~) dlHl thl req111s1tecomplamt to the comlm~~lOn ha, dlIlad) le'lLhed \\ ,1"h mgton dnd an ettort \\ 111bc mdde to mduLe the UJm111h"IO1 to take up the matte1 earlte1 tlMn Uctohel, ,,0 that the JJUl t ot (Ial veston, th10ugh '1\ 111chI11Uh tre1ght ha, recenth pa~sed to! Colo-rddo and 'L talI pomts ma) 110t be pract1ealh c1o~ed to the "L states He ha \\ 11tten to the vanou-, as'ouatlOns ot -,hlppel -, 111 (,alveston, Te'\.as CIty and othel Texa" pOlnh uH;ln~ them t(l tdke up the fight and alCl11111111 obtammg ~peec1\ ]ehet In the meant1me the chamhe1 ut L0111me1ce ot Dcn\ el hd employed E P Cost1gan to i epresent 1t III an effort to obtalll rehef from the new rate It 1Scontended that the 1d11road~ III putt111g up 1dte:'>III onh one d1rectlOn are sowlllg the \\ LlCI dnd llld) later 1 cap the \\ ll111 \\ llld It 1S alleged to be done for no other purpose than to help the movement to dnvc the TeAa~ Steamsh1p Co out of bUS111es:,> at the behest of the otner transportatIOn mte1 esis \\ lth \\ Inch It competes. '1 he} have decreed that 1t 111U:'c>ot~t ]tht ~o mULh to get goo 1, mto Denver, and If the steam~hlp lompam tall, to take 1b iull SlM1e of the toll, the r d11rod'l '1\ III take It The ettect ot LOUhe 1Stv\ a-fold In the fir"t place 1t depnve" Dem ClOt d lcg1tllnate trade advantage, 111the second, It clI~Lnm11late, a!!,a111,tthe -team shIp company maklllg the cut ] he -,tea111~h1plOlllpa11\ ~eel", to thlOw a goodly ,ectlOn of the nnpOl t tr ,1de ot the mOlmt,t111 I eglOn to Cralve'iton, where It naturally and propel 1) belon!S" ._--_._._._. -~~-~ III II i.0\ ,..-_ .._. I I I III NATIVE FURNITURE LUMBER i~Cr-awfo.r.d_sv--i_ll.e-, Indiana. Montgomery Hardwood Lumber Company Mannhcturerc; ot dll kll1de, of E S STERZIK,Pre Made by Mamstee Manufaclurmg Co, Mamslee, MIch. to ,d] 'J1lppers after the old 1dtes are re-estabhshed, mak1l1g the th10ugh rate by th,tt loutC les" than dll rad or raIl and water rate h\ ,111\ othe1 loute Blow Pipe Work. 1 he Gl dnd RapIds mow PIpe and Dust A.Jrester COmpal1\ all. 11ht,\lhn~ a '\')te111 for hanclhng the clued beet pulp ror thc .,1l~a1 pldnts at 5t Lotu" and l\1t Clemens, M1Ch They ale "l'lJ Cljl11pp111gthe Cent! al Paper Company of Muskegon, and the C ,lllohdi Furmture Company, of 5trathroy, Ontano, also PW11l(?, the adchtlOn to the \ltdllgan Felt1l1g Company, of Grand RapId, 11m company makes 1eltl11~ for upholsterel s \Vm T QUlC1, \\ ho has been 111the factory a long tlme, lS nm\ then< reptesenta-t1\ e on the lOad, along w1th 1\11 Newcomb He 1S a pracl1cal man and thoroughly understands the work III all 1tS departmellt~ WEEKLY ARTISAN 15 ., I Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are gettmg. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by usmg Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. Furniture it. Also MANUFAcrURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa . ... • w ••• _.- __ • ~---....._-_ .....-----_._.--_._._._ ..._- ...__ . I ~----------_._ ..__ .._------------------_.--._.--------., ! I I I I I, I I I I t t • I I I t I • I : I , I• IIII I I I I, I I, , ~_._----_.-----_..-------_._---------- ...I. .--., Palmer's Patent C1uin!! Clamps I The Capacity of Your Jointer is Limited to the Cutting Capacity of the Cutters. The above cut is taken direct from a photograph, and shows the range of one size only, our No I, 24-inch Clamp. We make six other sizes. taking in stock np to 60 inches wide and 2 inches thick. Ours is the most practical method of clamping glued stock in use at the present time. Hundreds of factories have adopted our way the past year and hundreds more will in the future. Let us show you Let us send you the names of nearly 100 factories (only a fraction of our list) who have ordered and reordered many times. Proof positive our way Is the best. A post card will bring it, catalog included. Don't delaY, but write today. Unless you are US1l1gthe Genuine Morris Wood tiJ Sons 20th Century Solid Steel Glue Joint Cutters you are not gett1l1g the full value out of your machme. They are harder and reqUire less gnndmg than any other make, and when they do need gnndmg the cuttmg surface ISso small that It only takes a few mmutes to put them in order agam. Write for catalog No. 35A. It tells all about the cutters I and Willhelp you to mcrease your profits. I • .a 2714-2716 W. LAKEST, CHICACO, ILL. A. E. PALMER &, SONS, Owosso, MICH. Foreign EAlpresentative.: The Projectile Co, London, Eng- MORRIS WOOD & SONS land: f>chuchardt & Schutte, Berlm, Germany: Alfred H. Schutte, Cologne, Paris, Brussels, Liege, Milan, Turin, Barcelona, and Bilboa. .r-.·.--- -------_._------------_._._------_._-_._._._._._-._-------------- III II , II - .., II I III, !.. OCTAGON PiEDEST ALS AND TABLE LEGS That is the questlOll and a bIg one. too Row do you nlake them? How much do they cost you" How good are they. and are they uniform? Just take a lIttle hme and let these questIOns soak III Because you may be wasting on the manufacture of the Pedestals and Legs what you save by eco-nomICal Manufacture on the Tops Your profits are then cut down Make the cost of the different parts balance One man WIth our LEG AND PEDESTAL MACHINE WIll make Octagon and polygonal shaped turnings at one-tenth to one-twentieth of what It costs by hand. round ones at one sIxth to one-tenth The saVIng In time and labor IS what makes that bal-ance we were Just talkIng about Now, don't say 'that sounds pretty good," and let it slIp your mind Just wrIte us to-day C. MATTISON MACHINE WORKS 863 Fifth St., BELOIT, WISCONSIN. ~ . -------------~--------------------- ........ dl,tlll 1n the lountry 1f all would JOIn and edch do hIs share 1D p lttll1g It mto prdltke 1'0 ~Impl) read the address, approve It, lUll1pltment ~J r \\ ermcke on Ih ment~ and then drop the ~ub- ]ect \\ III not be of any ad, antage to anybody-the thoughts I11mt be to11O\\ed by actIOn 111 order to secure deSIred results 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PEA YEAR IN AL.L. COUNTRIES OF THE POSTAL. U"ION $1 50 PEA YEAR TO OTHER COUNTRIES. SINGL.E COPIES 5 CENTS PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST. GRAND RAP OS, MICH, A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Lntered as second class matter July 5, 1909 at the post office at Grand RapIds \11chl!o(all under the act of March J 1879 "0 less than fIve fm mture trade ne\\ spapers, dm1l1g the IH~t month, have predIcted the early ded111e of (,rand RapHls a" a furmture market The fact that all space 111 a ne\\ exlllbltloll bmldmg hds been taken by out-of-to\\ n exhIbItors wlth111the In,,t thIrty day" on kmg tune lea"es doe" not lea~ me them ot the ~tablhty of Grand RapId" \\ Ith the leturn of "uch pro,11111cnt manufactunng corpOl atlOns a" the \ eager Furmtm e Company, the ~rierzog c\rt I ur11lture Company the ~tlckley &. Brandt ChaIr Compan). the SkandIa I,url1ltm e Company and the rene\\ al ot a long lea"e by the Cutlel De"k Company, It doe" not appeal that Grand Ral))d" I" lmmg glOuml Thl" talt b sUPIJorted by the actIvIty of local manufacturers In the erectIon of bUlld111g~amI 111 the enlal gel11ent and llnprovement of the11 11l1es The ~ltgh J" url1lture Company, the Stow & DaVIS Furl1lture Company, the John \Iv Idchcomb Company, the Century Furl1lture CQmpam and the :\Iueller & Slack Company "Ill "ho\\ the11 talth 111Clomcl Rdplds b) the erectIOn of ne\\ plan1\ 01 aclclttlOn~to the e'd~t1l1g factones dunng the C01l1111g yeal \0 othel 1urmtme I11dnutal tunng center WIll attempt "0 much The doubtmg e(htor" ~houlcl bear 111111111thcle talt that men not merchandIse, make d market \ \ hat the Berke\ s the Lom- ~tock", the Luce~ the Cay" and the Lonver~e- ot the past lreateel the Wlddlcombs, tne Barnhart~ the loote" the Hoult... the Sltghs, the Rettmgs, the Bro\\ m the Goodmans, the \\ hlt-worths, and their mal1\ a"soclate~ \\ III pleoerve and ampht\ There 1S no cause for anXIety over the futme of Crand Rapld~ "The httle old backwood" to\\ n of Ihchlgan ha" fOl ,,0 many years led the furmture trade proce"S!on that 1t \\ ould be out ot place If not at the head of the lme Perhaps nun) fUl11ltUle dedler" have thought 01 the pomte, made by J\/fr \\ er,ucke m hl- adm11able address on co operatIon, pubhshed m thIS echtlOn of the \Veekh -\1 tI"an, but they fa1led to express theIr thought" 01 put them mto practice The hne m Webster's old elementary "pellmg book, reac1mg, 'one good actIOn IS better than many good thought",' e"\.pre""ed a great truth It IS also tt ue that words WIthout ac!IQn are not of much use, but :VIr \V ermcke expre~see, hi" thought" "0 torlefulh and so aptly, that hIS WOlds should lead to actIon b, tho"e who heard 01 whQ redd hIS address to the V1rgmla furmtnre dealers H1" Ideas m regard to conslClenng the mterest" of the consumer" ancl the nnpOl tance of trade marb al e ce1tamly "en"'lble and sound but they can be of no benefit to manufacturer" or dealer~ until put mto actual practice HI" 1dea a" to the posSlblhtles of all vertismg and exploltmg the furmture bu"mess b dbQ good It would cause a boom m busmess of every manufacturer and '-,tmson & \IV ebb I, nrmture Company of LIttle Rock, the keap & Cra\\ ford lurmture Company of Pme Bluff and several other -\rkansas corporatIon" have surrendered theIr charter" "111cethe first of -\ugmt The pre", dIspatches do not state why the corporatlOl1S are bemg clt"solved Perhaps they are takmg "ulh ,ll t10n 111order to e"cape the mcome tax The fa~t freIght tr d111~between 1\ew YOlk and Buffalo have been abandoned b) agreement between the roads mterested \\ onder If the ~t Paul WIll enter an agreement to surrender 1tS a(1\antages by slowmg up ItS new fast trams m the west? -\ gram of satIsfaction may be denvedm the sltght reductIOn prO\ Ided for m the Payne tanff on marble WhIle thIS matenal 1S u"ed but httle m the furmture trade, outs1de of the show case blhl11e"" gray e stones may be cheaper 1here sl10uld always be close confidentIal relatIOns between the "ale manager and the ad\ ertlsmg manager, but there are te\\ men \\ ell fitted to fill both pOSItIOns at the same time [he mo~t "uccessful "ad' wnter~ are men who are able to ~le thmg ~ trom the consumers' "tomdpomt rather than from that ot the manufacturel or dealel Cadillac a "Cummer." CadJ11ac I" a lummel \[ot only that, but CadIllac lO' er ... a con"lderable part of the map of M1ch1gan. One of the leadmg mdmtne~ of the CIty IS the Cad111ac Veneer Com-pan' operatIng a large null manufactunng veneers and panel" from natl\e woods Another mstltutlOn that has \\ on fame for CadIllac b the St Johns Table Company, op-eratmg the largest table factory m the world. The cIty also contam" lumber mdt", turpentme st1lls, iron ore smelters and many other mdustnes CadIllac 1S at the Junctlon of the Grand RapIds & Incltana and the Ann Arbor raIlroads, af-fordmg excellent "h1ppmg fac1httes L1ke the famous I rench explorer In who"e honor 1t was named, CadJ1lac 1'3 'all fight' IEconomical Factory Power. \\ e have mecl our gas producmg engme for nearly three \ car" and are very mUlh pleased w1th It, ' Sdld Charles D Reeve" supenntendent of the Grand Rap1ds Brass Company. "\Ve get powel for cons1derable less than 1t would cost us to buy 1t from the :'1uskegon Electnc Power Company, even countmg the engmeer's salary, mterest on the mvestment, repaIrs and ev(Cn thmg m the way of expense The machme occup1es much Ie"" space than a steam engme and there 1S no smoke. We use hard coal I am surely convmced that the gas producmg engine fllf-mshes the most econom1cal power that 1S now available for fac-tory purposes wrFKLY ARTTSAN 17 Fast -FreightWar is Over. "cael a (OllfeICn(e the l11elnelgel" of lelllroad" IU111l1ng between \ ew York ellHl Buffalo rCelched an agreement b) whIch the fast frel~ht o,chedule" maugmated recently vvere abandoned and la"t :\Ionday all the Imes vvent hack to the old "cheduleo, The fa"t trams wel e fir~t put on bv the Ene and after the competitIOn had been n,et by the ;.Jew York Central and LehIgh Valley, the Lackawanna wIth the "horte"t route, o,howed that It could beat tnem all se, eral hours 111 gettmg "hlpment'i to Buffalo fhele wao, no oc-ca~ lOn for a '3peed wal the busmeo,'3 men had ,lOt ao,kE'd tor It elnd 00 It \\ as al{reed that aa) further lunmng of the ta"t tram" wa'i 110t o,en mg any good purp0o,e \\ Ith the reo,u!t that all wIll go back to the former tIme Dunng the bnef time that the fao,t freIght tram'i were lUll the expreo,s l.ompanle, al e "ald to have 10'ot cOll"ldcrable '\ E'W Y ork- Buffalo bll'il-n(.' i'i and some of the nCW'ipape1' ~n e that a~ the I ea"Ol1 fOl returl11ng to 'ilo\\ el time Veneer Plant Enlarged. Hood & \Vnght, luve enlarged thell plant elt BIg Rapld'i, \11ch, smce the fire 'ievel al month'i ago and are now havmg the largest bus1l1ess 111 theIr 111story The) have eldded four fire proof bnck bmldmgs to tne plant-one .3GxlJOfeet, Dne stof) , for veneer cutt1l1g, one 2-lcxlJOonE' "tor) for dr) 1I1gveneel '3 a bOIler house, dynamo elnd engme 100m, one "tOly :2Kx-lcOfeet and el bnck barn 20xo() The floOlS 'Jf all of the"e bmlchngs al e "ohd cement \11 the mach1l1er) IS the neV\est elnrl up-to date TheIr new IOlIer df) el I" one of the latest and best mach1l1e'3 for dry111g veneel'i-the rotary cut veneer" l.Om111gfresh f1am t1,( "team111g logs, g01l1g 1I1tOthIs rollel dner at one end, and COP"l11g out at the othel dryas a bone fhe bIg panel 111111 1S OpCI<Jtul at full capaCIty 1he) make all kl11ds of panel", m1rror 'ta01" drawcI bottoms, etl. and shIp 111 Celr lot<., or open freIght, as cle"lred A. \\ alk through thel1 log \ al d shO\\ s about the lellgt "t "tm k the \\ nter ha" ever ~een there Stow and Davis Will Build. The Stow & Da\l" T ml11tme Company, Grand RapIds, have been contemplatl11g the erectIOn of an addItIOn to theIr plant for the pa~t two ) eal s and are now neaJly ready to begm work on the o,tructm e The Stow & DaVIS plant, on South Front street, stands on the rn er bank and m order to aVOId pOSSIble trouble WIth hIgh water dunng the bmlchng operatIOns, concrete pIers for the new o,tructure were put 111 two year'i ago, but owmg to the busmess depresslOn of last ) ear, the work was po"tponed ;.Jow the workmg plan'i fOI the bmlclmg are beIng pI epared and 1t WIll probably be com-pleted dunng the commg wmter The new bUlldmg whIch WIll ~tancl on the north SIde of the plant WIll be four stone~, 65 x 116 feet It WIll be of bnck, model n mJlI con'itructlOn and eqmpped WIth the best of ma-ch111ery and all convemences reqUIred b) an up to date fac-ton buildmg A. man's '3ucce'i'i mal depend upon the \\ a) he IS ral"ed, even In a poker game Dead men tell no tales and dead cloe,s wag none Freezmg poh teness never makes wal m fnends. r ------- ...------~ _u III MACHINE I\NIVES PERFECT QUALITY RIGHT PRICES PROMPT SERVICE ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE Dado or Grooving Heads. Miter Machines. Universal Wood Trimmers. Boring Machines. Etc. FOX MACHINE CO 185 N. Front St. • Grand Rapids. Mich. I..- . ..... . • ---------------- ---------- -.".. r Morton House ( Amencan Plan) Rates $2.50 and Up. Hotel PantJind (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the Panthnd for SOc IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. J. BOYD PANTLlND, Prop. I _ ... .. 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~_._--------_. I .'" Poplar LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON OUR OWN MANUFACTURE OF Circassian, Mahogany, Oak, , and Gum Veneers. I, II II,. The Albro Established 1838. House Decoration. Two women, the \11":oe,, Rhoda and .'\gne~ GalleH, hay c vvntten an Interestmg book on House DecOl atlOn \Ian\ valuable Ideas on the dccorat1Jl£; and fUIl11"hln£; ot hou"e, can be gamed by stmh IIlg It The author" deplore the C011(1Itlons ot the pa"t tlut have not made It pO'l"lble fOl people ot model ate mlan" to cmpl,)y a decorator~a man \vho not onh knew ho\\ to pamt v\ood work and hang \\ all papel but one \\ ho \\ ,h a hou-e de~OI ator," one, who 111 thl" day and age undel "tand" hO\v to de- SIgn and arrange all the mternal fittmg" of a hou"e. the chnll ney pIeces, grate" and doorheael-., a, v\ ell a" the vvall hang mgs, curtams, carpet" and hUlllture A well deSIgned pIece of furlllture vvIII not make a pI ettv room, any more than a heautlful housc hel e and thelc vvdl make a pIcturesque CIty "A decoratol rehe" to a vel) gleat e,.lent upon the ta,te of the owner of the house and upon ll1S O\vn lx)\vel ot ImpI e" smg the SP11lt of hIS work upon the people v\ ho all to 11\e m It If he does not succeed In domg tll1c; hI" vv01 k m u" t be to a great extent a fallule It when he leave" the house the owner 1:0stdl 10ngl11g fOl all klllch of gamh 01 namentd-tlOn and unharmomous colonng, he ought to feel vvhat an artIst hate:o to feel that he has heen paId for v"hat hI" llhto-mer doe" not value On the other hand If he ha" heen allovved frec :ocope f01 ll1S \\ork dne] ha" pomted out hI" ledSOIh to! tbl11g certam methods the probablhty IS that at the conclu-sIOn of the work the customer ha" glOwn to appleClate It and the fim:ohl11g and mdl\ Idual touches WIll be ~I\ en vvIth a forethought the de cO!ator v\ dl be plea:oed to see The pnnclple m decoratIon whIch ma) be most llgldlv adhered to IS :~never go out of ) our vvay to make a thing or a matenal look hke what It IS not If a chm111ey pIece Qr a pl1lar IS made of wood do not pamt It to ImItate marble; if your doors are of deal do not gram them to m11tate maple. Every matenal ha, 111 It"el£ a beaut) and a "Ultablhty whIch IS lost or wasted If It 1'3 made to ImItate ,omethlng else L,tncattu e" of an) 'lort dre abomlllable do not dttempt to ImItate marble figure" of nymph" for I11stan,c 111 vvood It IS hbel on the ongmal mal ble ~nothel j)lmuple h, do not hIde the constructlOll of your hou"e OJ turmtm e To do so IS an absolute vlOlatlOn of heaut) and truth Good constructIOn does not need to be hId The beaut v of good constructIOn IS that, bemg strong It la,ts~whether It IS hId-den or not The thIrd pnnclple I" concelll1ng color'3 1\0 pattern however good IS so re'3tful to the e) e 01 mInd el'3plam color It is bettel to have part at least of the \\ alls plam Have plain curtams, for I11stance, WIth a patterned border Too much decoration IS a great fault. A half IS better than Veneer Co. It .~ CINCINNATI~ o. the v\ hole Hl~hl) decOlatee] houses bear a resemblance to museum" an appcarance '3tnctly to be aVOIded Speakmg of fUl11lture espeCIally, the authors eVIdently adnure the Queen \nne style of fur11lture very much They beheve that ItS recent revIval IS due to "the surVival of the fittest' The crd7e for useless and meanmgles:o ornaments drove de"l£;nel" from the best splnt of their work A great dedI ot ruhbl"h vvas made m the days of Queen Anne as it 1" nov\ Hut that I" gone and what lemal11S to us IS really v\ 01 tl1\ ot "tud) dnd ImItatIOn, maml) becd,u"e It ha:o re-mal11ed The red"on It has remal11ed IS because the men v\hu de:Olgned It v\ erl masters of theIr work and understood thc constl uctlOn of every part of It fhe hlame for 111 constructIOn and badly executed fur11l-tm c ha" been laH] to \\ orkmen, but the deSIgner, workman and the pubhc arc all to blame for any detenoratlOn which ha" taken place III the con"truetlOn of fur11lture 1 he demand fOl cheap and "howy fur11lture contl11ue'3 Re,tlh v\ ell con,tl ueted fur11lture can never be made for the el111eco"t ,I" the cheap grades .'\ questIOn of equal 1111- portdnce be"lde" that of co"t~to the householder IS, "ho\\ long WIll It last' ' 1\ hat the pubhc needs IS cultivatIOn and cl certdm amoul1 t of ellt educatIOn, m ordel to learn to dlS-u l1111nate between good work and beld and untJ! thIS educa-tIOn I" gamed the elemand for cheap, sho\\ v furl1lture WIll contll1l1e 1he fur111~hmg of d home I" often unclertdken anel completed 111 too "hart a time To fill up the rooms seem, to be the only object consequently there IS overcrowd111g almo"t before one I ea-hze: o Too much JunK I, ,een m modern homes, all of the e"tl,(:, and unnecc,sanes could be abohshed WIthout their 10s'3 be111g telt Room, can be tur11lshed temporanly With cheap fur11lture, but the walls and chImney pIeces should not be sbghted dt the outset Curtams can be sU11ple or dIspensed with alto-gether and festoon blmd~ put up, half a dozen really necessary pIeces of fur11lture added and the rooms Will be complete. They may look bare but thele IS nothmg to tire the eye To economize m the number of pIeces but not 111 theIr quahty is the best way Latu more expensIve pIece" Celn be purchased and the proper "ett111g IS rcad) f01 them The ablht) to cb:ocnm111ate bet\\ een good and poor fur11lture comes WIth cultivatIOn and "tudy andm tU11ethe ugbne~s now so prevalent 111many homes Will be done away With, WIth the right methods of decOl atlOn dnd fur11lshmg put mto practical use. \Vlth the frame or bdckglOund properly chosen the nght fur11lture completes the pICture When a gIrl suffers from a broken heart for the first time she feels that the whole world is going to smash. WEEKLY ARTISAN SUBSCRIPTION OFFER TO FURNITURE =========================0EALERS====================-==== Through our ability to dispose of a large number of these books we have been able to obtain a price which enables us to furnish this fine work on Decorating Show Win~ dows and intenors and send the WEEKLY ARTISAN one year at the price of the book alone. The Regular Price of the Book is $3.50 The Subscription to the Weekly Artisan one year is 1.00 Total, $4.50 We will send the book, express paid and the Weekly Artisan for one year for $3.50 Address all orders and mqumes to the WEEKLY ARTISAN, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 19 PartIes desIring to examine the book before purchasIng may do so by forwarding $3.50 for price of book. If after examinatIon It does not prove satisfactory, upon the return of the book, express charges paid, we wIll be pleased to return all of the $3.50 The book consists of over 400 pages, bound In cloth and is profusely illustrated. The two opening chapters of the book are reproduced on another page of this Issue. PRIZE CONTEST The Weekly ArtIsan wIll gIve away $32.50 In money each month for the best Window and Floor Displays of Furniture Contest open to both Subscnbers and Non~Subscribers. Are you good at arranging window and floor displays? Then here's your opportumty to capture from $1.00 to $10.00 every month. Begmnmg wlth this number, the Artisan will conduct a series of prize contests for the best window and floor displays of furmture. The rules are simple. Anyone conducting a furniture store may enter the contests, the only pro vi- 510n being that each contestant must enter a GOOD plate of his exhibit and a brief description of how it was accomplished, especially where technical or mechanical contrivances are used in pleparing the display. That is all. The decisions will be rendered by a committee selected for the purpose, and all awards will take into full considera-tion the natural difficulties which it was necessary to overcome in order to produce the results shown. For instance, the small or medium slzed stores will not have the advantages of the larger ones, and the excellence of the small store work will be judged accordingly. Thus all will have an equal opportunity and an equal chance in the distribution of prizes. 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize $10.00 7.50 5.00 4th Prize 5th Prize Next 5 $2.50 2.50 1.00 each Each month the winning displays will be reproduced in the Weekly Artisan, which will afford an excellent oppor-tumty for readers to study each other's store methods. We aim to make these contests of more than monetary interest; they are designed primal ily to stimulate superior effects in display and to offer a source of education along these lines. Good window and floor displays require serious study. The advertising value of well kept windows and floors cannot be over estimated. If you present to the multitudes who daily pass your windows, an attractive setting, you will arrest their attention and admiration, and while they may not draw every passerby into your store at once, they are nevertheless doing a helpful work, and one which pays in the long run. When space permits, it is a- good plan to reproduce room scenes, thus suggesting to the prospective purchaser how she may obtain good effects in her home. This plan is carried out very suc-cessfully in large cities. Now, then, brothers, send in your photos, and go after the prize money. All who wish to enter the September con-test must have their photos in by August 25th. Address WEEKLY ARTISAN, Grand Rapids, Mich. 20 WEEKLY TI KI THE EMBLEM OF SUPERIORITY Two Winners I•n Varnish This is the verdict of the manufacturer who knows. Paradox Rubbing 'I Is the best high-grade, quick-rubbing varnish ever pro-duced. Can be re-coated every day and last coat I, rubbed safely in three days. Ti-ki Lac Is our high-grade first or second coat varnish. Ones hard to sandpaper over night. Last coat can be rubbed in twenty-four hours. The man who knows is the man who wins. VARNISH DEPARTMENT Acme White Lead and Color Works DETROIT, MICHIGAN I ARTISAN }<"astFreights for the Southeast. \\ nil III \\, oj till dhc<lI1tll1dnlC ot the td t freIght tldm~ lllellth put 0 I bet\\ llll \ l \\ \ or1- dnd Buffalo come~ the dT1- nUUT1cement ot the mau~ ur dtlOn Jt fa"t freIght serVIce between lhllag-o and tributary pOlnt~ and tne ~outheast-\ Irgmla and the larohna, 1he ne\\ sel vIce I~ ovel the BaltImore & OhIO and \tLllltll "ea]YJ:lI d hne Rllhmond "a bemg the prinCIpal trans-tel pomt I he lJ K () has mamtamed fast freIght servIce be-t\\ een lhlcag-o and \ ell \ ork for some tll11e, but the tIme between <.. hlcdgO dnd RIchmond ha" alv. dy~ been slow Heretofore five dd\ lId' the a\elagc tl111ebet\\een the two clt1e~ and cars wele tl equenth 011 the IOdd d full \1 eek '\ 0\\ cars from ChIcago 1 e,llh Rlchmol1d on the thud day tl1U~ placmg that cIty on an lCjual tootmg \\ Ith \ e\\ \ (,rk 1ne mal1guratlOn of thIS servIce illou"el\ the '->edboall\ \mc \\ hlch has made lmprovements m the Ma:le by Mamslee Manufactunng Co., Mamstee, Mich. I 11l111l11~ schedules In \\ hllh frcIght lS dehvered at North Carolma pumh on the toU! th dd\ out from ChIcago and m South Carohna on thc fitth day Branching Out. 1he Hardware :-,upply Company. of Grand RapIds, drc hay 111l;a nevI bmllhng erected for theIr use at Goodrich and Com-mel ce "treet~ Thh \\ III be an up-to-ddte bnck structure, b5xl03 feet four ,tones hIgh am\ ,\111 be ready for oc~upancy m Novem-ber It v.III he heated by oteam, and the power and hght WIll be electriC l L 1 rost preSIdent of the company mforms the \Veekly c\rtlsan that they have also estabhshed a branch m Hamllton, Ont, under the management of hlS brother, F. S host. and \ G Could \Ir l'rost says that trade IS very good \\ Ith the company II ,I •,, I,I ,,I I•I IIII .•I. Trying to Get Together. ()fficer~ ot the \ Ilchlgan ShIpper::, ASSOCIatIOn, \\ ho were Ollle\\ lldt dIsappOInted over the lnterstdte C0111merce Comm"- ,1011, decI"lOn 111 the '->ag111awrdte Cdse are trymg to arrangu tOl cl conference \\ Itb the llldnager" of JVItchlgan rallrodds tu c{)n~lder other Cdse" and gnevances 111 wInch teh assoCIatIOn 1'-, 111terested It 1S expected the conference wl1l be hl'1d 111 DetlOlt Grand RapIds or Lans111g about the mIddle "t Sf ptel ,- ber, but neIther the tIme or place has been defimtely. fixed WEEKLY ARTISAN 21 If You Want One Crate or a Carload of l\ Rotary Cut Plain Oak Veneer Write us. We have it, red or white, crated and ready to ship. Walter Clark Veneer Company 535 Mich. Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. II II Testing ""Fire Proof" Building Materials. OfficIals of the L nlted States GeologIcal Survey ha, e re-cently been te5t111g vanou, bl11lchng matenal." In the under-wnter's laboratones 111ChIcago, wIth a ,Iew of cleterm111mg theIr re"lstlve qualItIes when ~ubJected to heat and water and the report of the te,ts may be 0+ Importance to tho"e who are contemplat1l1g the erectlOn of "fire-proof' bUlld1l1g" for store or facto! y purpose" T n the~e test" the matenal" were "ubJected to two hours hedt anel were then exposed to a stream of water The report "a) s that the te"ts were un-usually "evere and that none of the l11atenal" passed per-fectly The temperature to whlLb they Wele "ubJected wa" greater than that to be expected m an orel111dry fire One of the pnnclple pOInt" clel11on"trated ~ a" the lo~ heat tranSIllI,SlOn quahtles of Portland cement, mortal, anel concrete~ Bnck sustamed the te"t" hettel than the othel matenah, ;0 per cent of the new bnck" bemg "pht whIle from 60 to 70 per cent of the old bnck" were not rlamagecl The h) drauhc pI e"sed bnck prO', ed hdtel than the ~and-hme vanety The, anou" natural bul1dlng "tone" were so "enol"h damaged that no companson was made J he re"ult" 0 1 hol-low concrete block "howed that the "tl eng d1 of the v\eb" 15 usually m~uffic1ent 10 re"1"t the "tre""e" 'oet UI) In "uch tests, as the raplell) n"111g tempe1atl11e and the "uh"equcnt quenchmg caused them to "pht Turning Wind Into Light. I rOIll tIme to tune ~ c lead ot "ome entel pll'-,mg ama-teur elr" 1l1g an cle-::tnc £;"enerator b) mean, of a v.1l1dnll11 and thu" ohtal1l1ng electnclt) ~ Ithout co"t c"cept thdt d the mstallatlOn, and \'\11th It IHsht1l1g hI" hou", amI opel atlng ,d-nou" hou"eholel machmen Recenth d (JLrmdn compan, ha" gotten up a speCIal eleLtllc gene1ator eCjulpmlnt aclapted to be ope1ated h) ",me! powel ') he In"tallatlOn l )mpnse~ a dynamo and a "torage hdtter), the latter '-,el, Ing to "tore the exces" powel untl1 "uch t1me a" It I" reCjmred 'J he ap-paratu" I" entirely au1om?+lL, and reqUIre, ab"oluteh no at-tentlon except m tune of storm "hen It 1, lleCe"Sar) to re duce the saIl area of the \\ md ,\ heel '\ '-,peLial regulator used WIth thl" apparatu" autol11atlcalh keep" d con,tant ple~- sure on the lightln£;" CIIClllt thIs bemg entlreh ll1elependent of the numher of revolutlOn5 ot the d) namo 01 the COl1(h-tlOn of the storage battel v 1£ a dwelllllg hOlhe can he lighted by wmd power thel e v. ould see m to he uo rea,on ""h v th e ~) stem 5hould not he appheel to stores anel lactone5 b, en-largmg the \\ mdm111" Will Turn the Clocks Ahead One Hour. The AmenciO n Ddyhgh t \ s'{JClatlOn, an ,,-,rga11lZatlOn, heretofore mentIOned, that propose" to get more dayhght b) "ettmg the clock" ahead an hour on :\fay 1 and turn111g them back to "tandal cl tll11e on October 1 m each year, \\ 111have to hurry If they want thl" count!) to be fir"t to adopt thIs plan \ bIll for the aeloptlOn of the "tIme refOlm" as It 1" edllecl, IS now pend111g 111the Bnt1"h ParlIament ancl It IS expected to pas" That the matter 1" beIng -senously cons1derecl m ~hat lountr) 1" shown by the fact that It ha:-, the endorse-mtcnt of the ed ucatlOn commIttee of the London count) coun- C1!, of 0\ er one hunch eel mU11lclpal COl porat 'on) and towp counc1h, of the '\ atlOnal Convention of Royal Burgl1s UJ Scotland 1epre"ent111g about t\\ ° hundred town", ane! of one hund1eel and thlrt) chdmhel', of commerce, a""oc1atlons anc~ cluhs '\ "lll1llar b111 1" now beflll e the Lanachap ]'arlIoet ment anel the repOl t of thc "peLlal comm1t1c'e to whom It wa5 1eferreel "a)5 that 111,lev. of the all11clst nna'llmons <.,111'- port III fa,Ol of the bill, and that 1t5 object can be "0 ea"lly attaIned the) conSIder that It "hould he put 111force a.., 500n a5 pos"lble It IS al50 probable that a 51111l1albill, which ha" alreddy 1eCel\ eel WIde lourndh"tlc 111elor"ement WIll he IntI oduced In France ""p..(",,,,l Trimmin~s Coming Again. •\ \ e al e mak111g mOl e "pellal rt1ll11tt1I C tnmmll1g"', that h tnmmlllg" of "peLidl pdttell1" fltl I1hhed b) manufactltl e1" dml de"lgneel f01 thell eAclthl\ e u ,e, than we were d fev\ \ ear, ago' "aId (,eor~( J Sllldan of the Grand Rapid" Bra"" (ompan) when a..,kecl change" In the "t) les of tl1111m1ng" "Yedr" ago "a.: p1e, 101h to 190" he contn'lled 'nearly all the la1 £;"emanufacturer" hael theIr tnmm1n~" made from "pe-cla1 pattern" eAclu..,l\ e1) for then own use, bnt of late year.., there ha" not heen ..,0 much of that work There" no ma-tenal changes In ~tvIe" thh sea "on " Adopted by the Grand Rapids Furniture Assoclallon are produced With our Golden Oak Oil Stain No. 1909, Filler No. 736 Early English Oil Stain No. 55, Filler No. 36. Weathered Oak Oil Stab No. 1910. Mahogany Stain Powder, No.9, Filler No. 14. Fumed Oak (W) Stain No. 46. ---_ ..... ARTHUR S WHITE. Presldent ALVAH BROWN. VteePreSldent HARRY C WHITE. See y Treas WEEKLY ARTISAN CHOICE TOOLS FOR FURNITURE MAKERS If you do not know the "Oliver" wood working tools, you had better give us your address and have us tell you all about them. We make nothIng but Quality tools, the first cost of whIch IS consIderable, but whIch wIll make more profit for each dollar invested than any of the cheap machInes flood-ing the country. oliver Tools Save Labor " Tempers If Cost "OLIVER" No 16. Band Saw 36 Inches. Made wIth or without motor drIve Metal table 36"x30" WIll take 18" under the gUlde- bits 45 degrees one way and 7 degrees the other way Car~ nesa saw up to J%" WIde Outalde beanng to lower wheel shaft when not motor dnven WeIghs 1800 lbs when ready to shIp 23 UOhver" New Varlety Saw Table No. 11 Will take a saw up to 20' dIameter Arbor belt" 6' Wide Send for Catalog "B" for data on Hand Jointers, Saw Tables, Wood Lathes, Sanders, Tenoners, Mortisers, Trimmers, Grinders, Work Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc. OLIVER MACHINERY CO. Works and General Offices at 1 to 51 Clancy St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, U. S. A BRANCH OFFICES - Ohver Machmery Co , Hudson Termmal, 50 Church St. New York Ohver Machmery Co. F"'ll Nallonal Bank BUlldmg, ChIcago, Ill. Ohver Machmery Co • Pacific Buddmg. Seattle. Wash. Oliver Machmery Co. 201-203 Deansgate. Manchester. Eng N p - ..-- I ::::;;:-::? -= --- III PI' .- \1,,1 lUll ?-s:- hI' ~- FILLER The PILLER that FILLS. The L. Mac. E. Fillers are noted for their Uniformity. They work properly, packing well under the pad. They dry hard over night They wIll not Shrink as we use a water floated Silex. WE CAN MATCH ANYTHING. The Lawrence-McFadden Company PHILADELPHIA, P A. 24 - -------------------------------. WEEKLY ARTISAN .-----------------------_._------------------------------------~ I II I, I I I III,, II , ...------------------ II aran~ Da~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~an~ THE LATEST demce for halldltn~ shavmgs and dust from all wood-workmg maclnnes Our 111neteenyears expenence m thlS class of war!? has brought 1t nearer perfectlOn than any other system on the market today It lS no expenment, but a demonstrated JClellftfic fact, as 7('e have sevel al hUIl-dred of these systems tn use, and not a poor one among them. Our Automaflc Fwnace Feed System, as shown in thls cut, lS the most perfect working device of anything in this line. Write for our p11ces for equipments. \VE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BL0T17ERS ALWAYS IN STOCK Office and Factory: 20&-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CItizen. Phone 1282 8ell, M.ln 1804 I,,I II ,,,I ,, ,I ----------_.~ OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM WEEKLY ARTISAN 25 HAFNER FURNITURE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1873. 2620 Dearborn St., CHICAGO No. 3130 COUCH-Size 30 inches wide and 75 inches long. A beautiful design, of gen-erous dimensIOns. Heavy hard\\ood frame elaborately decorated with can lllgs and mould-ings. The two mch half round moulding that extends along the 10\\ er edge IS finished cross-banded Large willged c1awfoot legs. Amencan golden gramed quarter sa" ed oak finish. The upholstenng IS plam with ruffled sides. This couch IS double stuffed \Hth stitched spring edges. The filling IS of tow and cotton felt top. Heavy white canvas duck bottom. Hafner warranted steel spring constructIOn, havmg 28 spnngs l1J the seat and 9111 the head. Shipped K D , legs oft, and weighs about 125 Ibs. Couches, Box Couches, Adjustable Lounges, Davenports, Bed Davenports, Leather Chairs, and Rockers CATALOG UPON REQUEST. Samples shown at Manufacturers' Furn-iture Exchange, Wabash Ave. and 14th St., Chicago. Price No.1 Leather $25.00 Buildings That Will Need Furniture. The bUlldmg boom m the far west, partlcularl) 111~outheJ 11 Cetliforma IS greater than at any nme m the past ten yeal s \mong the bUlldmgs to be completed this fall announced dUl mQ; the pa"t week are the followmg Hotels-Anne'>: to the ~rlmgton Hotel, Car con CIty, ~ev, Hotel Seaberg, Hugo Seaberg, propnetor, Raton, :.J ;',1eA, Dr. rlware!s of Los "\ngeles, a large summer hotel at Keene, Cal, J p ~ndrews, modern hotel at San LUh Obispo, Cal Reslden-::es-l\Irs WIlliam A rkvvell , Raton, ~ ~I, Clark Puffer, RiversIde, Cal, Dr R Burns, Rlverslcle, Cal, BenJ Johnson, Los ~ngeles, Cal, Emma \V Hertel, Pasadena, Cal, I~rank \Vhlte, PJrtervllle, Cal, Grace Church pal onage, Rlver-qe! e, Cal, \V D ~lurph), ( 1\1 Wood, J E Dubl111 and Flank C 1-hll. Pasadena, Cal ,J\[rs L ~ Thompson, Hollywood, Cal , 1\11s l\Im111e Stakes, H H Cox, \rthur Long, Elinbeth R Logan and E L Petltfil~, Los "\ngeles, Wllliam Shaw ane! J B HlOOks, San DleQ;o, Cal , Alex ~1cKenzle, banker, Prescott, ~n7 CIUll ches- Westlahe Presbytenan, Los ~ngeles, Cal Clubs-Country Cluh, Tucson, ~n7, coA $13,000, Cas111o, :-'anta l1etrbara, Cal Theatres-A J Aylesworth, Reno, Nev , Teatro Juarez, l\Iontere), Old ~lex, recently burned, bemg rebUllt, Queen Theatre, San DIego, Cal, seatll1g capacity to be enlarged from (),iO to 1,200 Flats, Apartment Houses, etc-C F Stamps, Los '\ngeles, Cal, apartment house, pres~ed bnck, $~)5 000, ~rartha H Coch-ran, Los Angeles, four ~tory flett blllldmg, $28,000 The fellow who l~ stuck on lllmself IS frequently stuck on an msurmountable obstacle New Deale1"sin Furniture. Theodore Langsto1l1 hetS opened a new fur11ltnre stOle at Tecumseh, Neb Joseph Rauh WIll open a new np-to-date f1ll11lture store at Hutchmson, Kans D J. l\lesqmt & Co \\ tll open a ne\\ stock of fur111tllle m th :::-hJ1lmgbmldmg, Lompoc, Cal, on September 1 r ,V JamIson and J ~ Campbell WIll open a new £111111- tllle store on the ,Vest SIde, IlldllLl, Kdns, undel the name at T ,V JamIson & Co (:ralCla & '\orte. agents for the Smger Sewmg Machllle Com-pany at Clifton, ~n7, have enletrged theIr store and are pnttmg m a stach of furmtnre ,Vilbam \ Koch and othel shave orQ;a1117edtne Koch Ont-fittmg Compan) to engage m the sale of £1n111tllle and klmh ed goods m EvansvIlle Ine! The Carleton Furmtlll e Compan) at I'ortldncl, "Me, WIll e,,- tabb"h a new ,tore at 1'\a~11l1a, 7\ II, 111 d lan~e, commodlOn" bl1llcbng that L bemg erected by L Cdrletol1 :-1 \ C:rottstem and :Myron H Aronso 1, under the name of the Gottstem lur111tlll e Company, have Just opened a large stock of fml11ture, carpets, rngs, drapenes, etc , m the bllllcling formel1y occupIed by the ::VIcCarthy DIy Goods Company on Second street, Seattle, Wash :NIr Gottstelll was WIth one of the promment furmture house~ of Seattle for several years He wa" born on the sIte of the new store lY1r '\roncon l~ a young man who has had practical trallllllg and severetl ) ears expellence 111111ercan-tile bnsmess. ~\lan kno\'<s \,hett a large followlllg he has nnt1l he goes tc 11"\'11 ':funeral '~l' "',;. " . .,'~' .' Will Raise Prices on Caskets and and Undertakers~ Supplies and Thus Increase the Cost of Burials. Fred \V Pov\ers of the Po\\er~ & \V,tlkcI lcISl.Ct lompany -lhe new tanff will cause considerable IIIcrea:,e m the lo~t of bunals The rtductIOn m the tax on lumber will not amount to an}thmg becau,e the lumbermen have ab~olute Lontrol ot the market and are bound to mamtalll pnces I umber IS hkel} to cost more rather than le."s l askeb and nearly all other thmgs llsed 1D the bunal of the dead \\ III Lost more because of the raise 1t1 tariff rates rhe tax on Jap Silks mercenLed cottons vel> ets and everythmg that goe~ II1Sl(le the casket or IS lhed III bUrial garments has been Illcreased Hardware-everythmg 1Il the lme of metal tllmmmg~ has been mcreased fhe gleate"t 111- C1ease I'>on gl()ve~ ~uch as undertakers tUIm~h tor pdll bedl u" fhe tax has been 111creased 00 cents pel dO/('1l I e~al dle~~ of quahty or cost, and that means more than 00 lent." mL1ea ,e to the undertaker~, because It \\ III Ieqmre more mone\ to l1<lnllk the busme:,s '1he Importers Ol brokel" \\ 111 h,l\ e to add morl than the 50 cents and \\ e \\ III ha\ e to put on ,I httle 11101e ancl the result Will probably be that the unclel taJ,.er~ \\ 111 ha\ l to pa\ about $2 pel dozen for the gloves that they have been bU}l11g fOI $1 2;) Many of them WIll ch~lOntmue the custom of furmshmg gloves and the ImportatIOns \\ 111 drop off. vVe had an 111\ Olce of gloves-Bellm Gloves they are calleu-that should ha\ e alll\ ed before the new law went 111toeffect. but were too late and \\ c 11 have to pay the II1creasecl tax, though we hac! sent on quotatIOns on them at the old figures The ne\\ law stllkes ImportatlOm from France halder than from any other country The tax b I11creased on neady everythmg that comes tram I ranee '1 here 1S nothmg made m thIS country that 1\ 111 take the place 01 the whIte Berhn gloves. Whether shuttmg them out ,\ III result III theIr bemg made 111 thIS countn remallls to be ~een 'J he} ma} be made here but It IS safe to say that the} Will not be ~old at the prlce~ we have been paYll1g for the ImpOl ted goods The old duty on the gloves was -10 per cent ad valoerm, nO\\ It IS 40 pu cent ad valorem WIth 50 cents per dozen speCIfic dut} added George F ~1I1c1all, PresIdent 01 the GI and I{aplds Bra" SHELBYVILLE, IND. MANUFACTURERS OF OFFIGE, FURNITURE Writ6 for lat6st catalogue " . LOI11Pdll\~j he Lillfl IS a sham the le,ISlOn \\as a sort of grab gdl11l j ellll dl "I< lhted \\ Ith It hke most eve 1} ood} else and I'm ~ldcl It, slltlecl Hope \\ e \\on t hear anythmg more about It j Ul ) ear, I don t kl1lJ\\ that It Will aitect our busmes~ to any matenal e '\.tent C '\.LLpt on the chemlcdb we use \Ve have re-cened nutlle ot ,U!\dnus 111 pnce:, from t\\O or three dealers and \\ 111 probab!\ he al from more of them soon The whole tal lit I, cl farle \]C'\.,lIH]ll ])()dd~ ~1.111l1fadlllC1 of 1\ nod 1\ ork1l1g flIdclnn-en\~ l clan t t1uuk the nn\ Llf1ft la\\ vvllI n1clke dn} chfterence !l1 the cost ot mM hmer} 1he 1eductlOn~ on Iron are, Iron ancJ ~tell 111I~htldll~l lo\\el Pl1lt" If It "ele not £01 the 11111la~mg de-mand IIIth ,I ~enel,l1 reVival of busll1c~, I clo not thll1k the '-tell II1,U1l1LItlUI 1I " \\ III hd\ l dn} dIfficult) 111 mdl11ta1l1111gpnce", l11d I \\ III not ]Jl -,m pII"ed If they alc advanced "oon A..t any 1,tlt ,111 1I1C1e,t.,l ()\ du Il,ht of two three 01 even four dollar::. ,1 ton 111thl pllle 01 la"t Iron 01 :,tee1 cloe" not make much difference 111 the co,t nt a nlc\lhll1e that welgh~ le"s than a ton and ~ells ror $130 01 :SjOO 'lhe only way that the t,mft can aftect m} buslJ1es, I" o} affeltl11lS the fl1rmtl11e busl11e~s If It makes hard tU11es and les"em the demand fOl fl1rmtl1re there Will be less de-mand for machl11en If It bnngs genelal prosperity then~ WIll hl more 1m mtm c made and sold and a greater demand for mallllner} ~o \ au "ec my bU:,l11ess depend~ on generdl conditIOn, More Export Orders. \le",1l1l1er Dodcl:, I elelvecl a cablegl am, let, from Bel 1111,Germam tor one tv, enty-hve spl11clle combl11atIOn dove-tdllel 'Jllls machl11e makeo a dovetaIl I11ch-centers and also halt-l11lh center" \ugl1st] 6, he receIved d cablegram from 'IIanlhestel, Engldnd, tor a t\\elve spll1dle cOmbl11atlOn dovetaller, ,mcl \l1gust 11:\for a twelve-spmclle maclllne flam Preston, Ont Don't sll1g your praIse If you want an encore. •• II ••• .1 WEEKLY ARTISAN SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ Each Net $2~ E.ach Net No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis What to Buy and Where. The Henry::' lIolden \ eneer Compan}, Leonard Hl11ldllJR ::-'outh ~Jarket, St Grand Rap1ds, has 100,000 feet of Ch01C! llrcaSSlan walnut veneers, 1eady tor prompt sh1pment \lso about 200,000 feet of 1-20, quarter-sawed oak veneers smtab1' f01 funl1ture work vvalter Clark, 533 l\I1cll1gan Trust BUlldmg, Grand Raplrl~, has 500.000 feet of poplal cross-banclmg, m th1ckness 1-28, 1-2-±, 1-20 and I-H), standard wldths and lengths, leady for ll111necl!ate shlpment ""No-KuIll-Loose" Fasteners. Patent fasteners, manufactured under the TO\ver patents by the Grand Raplds Brass Company have become an absolute necess1ty to all manufacturers of better-made furmture These fastenel s are fitted to eIther glas~, bra~s or \\ ood pulls and knobs and there 15 no substitute for them, although there are man) make-shJfts amI "]u'it-as-good" contraptlOm on the market '\s the genullle cloes not cost the manufacturers a cent, he can Illy afford to use anythlllg else. Furniture Fires. Company'~ ~tote at Rox- Loss $1,800, covered by The Drookltne Antlque Fl11mture bur), J\la~~ , was burned on August 11 lllsurance. S M Cooper s chalr factory at Chfton, L I, was burned on August 10 The fire was started by the exploslOn of a barrel of benzine Loss $37,500 Frank Pfeffer's fnrmtnre store at Francls Creek, Wl'), was burned on August 13 Loss $7,500, lllsurance $3,500 The upholstery and speclal funl1ture factory of W. C. Ru'i-sell & Co, Beaver Dam, "VIS, was burned last Saturday. Loss e~ttmated at $1,800, 111surance $1,250 The Rochester (N. Y) Mattress Company last Tuesday suf-fered a loss of $4,000 or $4,500 from a fire that damaged several other stores and 1S beheved to have been of lllcendlary origin The Mattress Company's loss IS covered by msurance. It is never too late to mend, but don't put it off unb1 you for-get how. ---"---------~------ Henry Schmit 8 CO· naPKINS AND HARRIhT SlS C.nclDnati, OhIO makers of Upholstered Furniture for I.. . LODGE and PULPlT PARLOR LlBRARY, HOTEL and CLUB ROOM 27 ...... 28 LInseed 011 I'> steddy \"lth no 1mp10\ement 1n the de-mand Wh1Ch has been llght for a month or more There al e rumors of c1u'ohers ha\ Ing offered to ..,hade pnces, but the figures here ha\ e not been changed \\T estern raw 1C;"tlll quoted at 60@61L Lll\ 1cl\\, Gl@62, 'o1l1gle boll ed, G2@63, don hIe boded 63@6-k HIC]e" and sIon" ale 111 better demand than la'ot \'Veek and the1 e h a bette1 tone In the leathe1 market \\ 1thont any ma-tenal Lhanl2,e 1n p11ce" 1{ece1pt'3 of l2,oat c;k1ns are stIlI 1Jght e\ en for till" "ea"on of the yedl, but they are fully eCjnal to the demand, \1 e"lcan frontlers at 33 cents, Bueno~ '\ \ 1e" -I-0@-1-0Y;, Curacao, 521~, Dah1a and I'ernambuco 6f) ra72L l"aun \ alnhh gums are fillll whlle ::\Ianila'3 "how weal-ne'o" IJost ot the orders dre for "mall JobbIng lob Kau- 11 \0 1 1'0 quoted at 42@-1-8L, \0 2. 21@2:;, No 3, 16@18 \rc\l11la pale 15@18, amher dncl dark hard. 13@1:; lOldage 1" hrm In ,,)mpath) WIth a shght advance 111 ! a \\ mate! 1al There h d fall demand tor 1W111e..,at former qnotatlOn'o-lmc \0 18 ll~i@l194, B L ~o 18, 16@ 160 Incha \0'0 -1-0 and 6, 9@lOc Bette1 demand for bIll lap" h noted and the advance of lac;t \"eek 1'3 mal11tal11ed Sdle" ot Calc\ltta eIght-ounce goocl" al e repOl ted at 360 and 1O}2-ounce at 460 Dundee Iep01ts 1a\\ matenal.., £11111 \\lth an dc!\dnCe e",pected at the openlnl2, of the con1Jng \'veek WEEKLY ARTISAN r-----~aho~::~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i I CircassianWalnut C I II QuarteredOak e'" 0• I Walnut 'I ne :). I' , ~~:~~~;~I~aPle \\ ,.ten .~ Graoe Veneers I I Basswood 5 010 tlig'u I I Ash ~ 1 in ~~ 1v\lC1l1GP-N I I Elm 1...l ent'J • nO Dea er~M'pR"V 1PS • i I Birch D ,"re.I'S a 1v\at~et St, I, Maple N\ nu{ac\.U d 1'>\li\d\t\g, Foreign and I a l,eouar I I Poplar Dom estic Woods. Gum " , Oak Rotary, Sliced,Sawed. , .I----------_ .. --- ...--------------.. ..------- -------------------------------------------------~ I New York Markets. ""l"ew York AtJ<T 20-Dullne,," \'vJth l)nLe'o finl1 01 1\ , h '1 slIghtly advanced de'ocnbe~ the genelal Loncht1on ot t 1e markets thIS week The 1110"t notIceable Lhange h cl n~e of $5 per ton 1ll the pnce of 71l1L but that ha~ not dtteLtul sheets whICh are "tIll quoted dt ~7 2::; pel hnnched pound, fob smelter, \'vIth 8 pel cellt dIscount Turpent1l1e \'vent up a cent on \\ ednesday and 1.., no\\ qnoted at 5±c here a,1c! 51@"i2 at ::"avanah Shellac I" half a cent hIgher for the better qllahtle" hut the hade IS remarkabh hght T \ ca"e.., ale llot qnoted clt 17@17~c, Imght orange grades 21@.!1 DIamond I 2(l @.!i, Bleached 1~~@18, kiln drIed, .!1@22L ,..--------- --- -------------------.." I SEE : , I I West Michigan Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. I I ':1 CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. I for HIGH GRADE PUNCHES and DIES : ----..& ~-------_ -.------_._---- ~ -.- ---------------... ·······----1 I : ~,I-----------~----~---__.._. ----_._._-_._---_.~_.----. .. ..!.. WABASH B. WALTER & CO. INDIANA ~~ TABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT ~ •••• _.-.- ••••••• e •• ••••••••• .." I, A~I~G ~rn~~r ::::da::ip:h~nd~'~~ ! f , IN leaves are bound (by your- I sell) and tndexed by Ooors I II Md~~mm~ I ' BARLOW BROS , Gr nd RapId., Mlch I ..... .-_ ...-.. ]V "e lI,gh' N-o-, -_._ ...I. \" - . IMPROVED, EASY AND QUICK RAISINC Belt Flect flc and Halld Power The IJnt 111111<1 I'vdll'r for 1'/111/11/111' StOll'S C,t"fI(l for L::ttdlol{Tle and Pnces KIMBAll BROS. GO., 1067 Ninth 5t, Council Bluffs, la. Kimball Elevator Co. 123r ""IJel t <;t 11" elallo a 108 11th 5t Omdh •• l'oeb I~O Ceddr "t I\e\\ \ or),. CIt) ..-. . .. _ ...... \"-- ...._- -- ._-------------------------------~ , I I If your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods, That makes PRICES rIght I ' 1: 1 ~Iarencc In. 11)iUS !I DUIeS 1 [ I I : 163MadIson Avenue-CItizens Phone 19S3 GRA -:n RAPIDS MILl! I.'t ~-------------~-----------------------------~ Zanesville Dealer Bankrupt. Ha1I\ \\ elh fl11l11ture dealer, of ZanesvIlle, 0, filed cl vol- 1111tc\l! petltlOn In bank111ptc) la"t Monda) He estlmate'3 hI" cl~'eh at j. ")00 \\ lth hab1htK'o cl11101111tmg to $-1,17-; i\Ir vvell" hOl1l2,htthL "tock and "to! e from \ \ L ()ffenbacher about a ) ear ago lit taI1l11e 1" a 'ol11pll'oe as he \'va" '3uppo'oecl to be domg a p1 ohtahle bl1~1l1e,,'o It "ee111" the natural bent of ~ome men to be bloke ~-----------------------------_ .... ICHICAGO AND GRAND RAPIDS 1 I \ I ,II• ,I Ij ,I II I..------------------------- ..---- -. -..-. JUST A COOL NIGHT'S RIDE IN A LARGE AIRY STATEROOM between on the boats that have every convenience -----FARE---- $2.00 one way; $3.75 round trip Lea' e ChIcago 7 -1:) every evenmg 1 ea,e Gland R1p"h vn G R (,. H & M Ry f' 00 e\ en e"enmg Lonnectmg" lth boats at Gl'locI H'nenqlJp m Goodrich Boats I Re"erve bertbs and secule tIckets 1t CIty TIcket I office JOI Adams St or docks loot of Mlchlg1n Ave l.hlC~gO 91 Monroe St Grand R~Pld')J MICh - .I WhT"KLY .\RIISAN 29 ~._._._--._--------------------------<--------------------------------------------------------------~ II II f I III III I II III I t--- I This Group for I $51.00 II 'I CAN'T BE EQUALED BY ANYBODY. I WRITE THE I Mani~~~~!~C.o.I FOR PARTICULARS ! ...... --------------------------------------------------------------_ --------~ r-----········ ------------------------------------------- ....-------------_._ .. --.-----------~ I! Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures Per Set SOc. OVER 15,000 OF OUR Price $2.80 to $4.00 : STEEL RACK VISES IN USE I 21 doz Clamp Fixtures bought by oue mill last) edr \Ve shIp I on approval to rated firms, and guarantee our goods uncondl , tlOllally. IPrtle jor !tat of , Meet Bar Clampa, Vtaes Bench f Stops, etc I E. ". S"ElDON s.. CO. I 283 Madison St. ChICago. I , I I ~------------------------------_ ---------------------------------------- _ --------~ ~,----------------------------------------------~ , I I I I I ~~~'~sA BARGAIN I I f II ,I I ! I I , f I I I III ,I ,II II I II II I PAL~O~5~IO~~'~'~!.~~!~I~o~c~co.. I ... .. --1 No 537. 28x42 top Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross Band Rim, Polished, $7.50 You can't make money faster than by buymg thiS fine hbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of Ih,s and other good thmgs we have 10 show you. r----------------------------------------------~ II, fII Spiral Grooved and Bevel Pointed DOWEL PINS Note how the glue in the Spiral Groove forms Thread Iik.e a Screw. Bevel Pointe". easy to drive Straight so will not split the frames Prices and discounts on application STEPHENSON MFG, CO" SOUTH BEND, IND. I "~'--------------------------------------------------.------------------------------~-~ I I 1 HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. II 1 FT. WAYNE, IND. I I I I I ! HARDWOOD LUMBER III II I II III II ~-~-------------------------------------------~ SAWED AND SLICED l QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS rAN D MAHOGANY 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN r"LUCE~REDMONi)"CHAiR'co.", Ltd.! I BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN I I I I MANUFACTURERS OF I I HIGH GRADE ! I: OFFICE CHAIRS, II I· DINING :I II CHAIRS I II 1III •I II •III •I..-.._._~------_._--_. III III• I• II I .. --_ ... _-~ c~bi~~;M--a-ke~~-l Reception Chairs and Rockers, Slippers Rockers, Colomal Parlor Suites, Desk and Dressing Chairs In Dark and Tuna Mahogany. Birch. Bud',.eye Maple. ~artered Oak and ClrcaSSlanWalnut You wIll find our ExhIbIt on the Fourth Floor, East SectIon, Manufacturers' BUIldmg,North Ioma St., Grand RapIds. ...- MACHINERY In these days of c!o<;e compelltlOn, need the best pO<;<;lbleeqUIpment, and thl~ they Cdn have 111 III II II II I III• I I:I I: II I I II I II I, ....... ---...,a BARNES' ------- HAND AND POOT POWER ------~ ---- Our New Hand ..nd Foot Power Circular Saw No.4. Send for Our New Catalogue. I I• III• I •II II .. 1 he.. strongest mo~t PO\\ er ul and III C\ el \ "a v the best machmc of Its kltJd e\ er made, for IIpP 11K ClOSS cuttmg bonn!; md groo\ mg w. F. & JOHN BARNES CO. 654 Ruby Street, Rockford, Illinois WEEKLY ARTISAN 31 Grand Rapids Benches Are Best BETTER MATERIAL···BETTER CONSTRUCTION·_·BETTER WORKMANSHIP There are several reasons why you should use the "Grand Rapids Benches." They are built to stand hard usuage. They won't warp or split, are built of well seasoned Mich-igan hard maple. Write for catalog showing full line. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. 918 Jefferson Avenue Bnlish Representatives Oliver Machme Co., Ltd., 201 Deansgate. Manchester. England. Grand Rapids, Mich. ,, I. IIIIIII I III II I•• t• t I• I• I• I• II I I IIIIII! THE LueE LINE Many New Patterns In Dmmg Room and Bedroom Furmture for the Fall Season. Show Rooms at Factory, Grand Rapids lu(e rurniture (0. .. . . .1III I •II I I II II I III II ... . . . ~ 32 W EEKL Y ~------_...._ .._ ..-.... _ ......... ---------- ------.., ! REVERSIBLE AND ONE-WAY CUTT£RS I , The Shll11u Rei el qblc Cuttlr, : , t01 Smglc Spl11dlc Shdpel' \ Illl t\ : i\Iouldl1" 01 I IICLlh III l ,11dulh , , lllouLlul (lP!)(hlte tu thL ,]npe o[ I : the mould to be jllOlluLC 1 111 sUlh " , ,,\\ I) d, to 111\L onh the cutt1t1\S , , LdgL touLh thL IUl11bll 1hl) ,Ill l()111jlILtl-l1ll,pelh1\I-11111l , I III '"'d\ lllg \\ L II (l m l1uldLtUll Olle \\ dy Culte I" !,)l D(luble C,pllldil I ~h,IPll' 1hl) lrl lhll1111 jldll, Il!:;ht llHl1dt Olll lutlLl ul I I L1lh ,lldpc [01 L'\Lh sp1t1dk In (l\dum..; ')JLLl tl ,hdpc, 110t ,': 1htcd 111 OUI c,I!,loguc, 'll1e1 a \\ (loJ ',\l11pk 01 ,l1l ,\LLUt ltel) made dl dW111g \ddrL~s , SAMUELJ. SHIMER&. SONS, , .I.--_ .... -- ---- ... _ MILTON, PENNSYLVANIA. I ~-_... .... ._ .._-----~-----~ ~-~-.-_-~-----_-.~-~-------------_-. -- -- - -- ..- ..,III ,,,, I,I ~--_.-.- _---------------- -_.- ..-._._~I A. L. HOLCOMB&. CO. Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE GROOVING SA WS up to 5 16 thIck Repalrlng···Satisfaction guaranteed. CItizens' Phone 1239 27 N. Mar~et St.. Grand Rapids. Mlch r _.~-~~:~~~~~:~ -~~~~;t~~e~~~~~:l I ---------~~NTED------- !,,, I I, I,, I,,,• I,I ,I ,,,I ,I,• III II• ,, I I,I ,,II ,III --- BUSINESS CHANGE For ~ale, woodworking plant, sUltable for cabmet or special furmture; located in Indlanapohs; about 12,000 square feet floor space; equipped wIth dry kIln, raIlroad sWitch and ma-chmery ready to operate; easy terms; great bargam. CHAS. O. BRITTON, Receiver, Fletcher Bank BUIlding, Indlanap-ohs, Ind. 8-14, 21, 28; 9-4, 11, 28. WANTED. Commission man for Mlsssoun and Kansas representmg five furmture factones. SplendId fixed carload hnes. Address, Ballman-Cummings Furmture Company, Fort Smlth, Arkan-sas. Aug. 7, '09 WANTED COMMISSION MEN. For Indiana and Illinois to sell our Suites, Dressers, Chiffon-iers, Stands, Beds and Wardrobes. McKim & Cochran Fur-niture Co., Madison, Ind. 7-3-4t WANTED-WOOD SEAT CHAIR FACTORY To locate on our property at Columbus, Mississippi; unlimit-ed supply of red and white oak; red and sap gum and beech at extremely low cost; plenty cheap labor; fine factory site; un-excelled shipping facllities and low frelght rates to good mar-ket. Might take some stock m well managed company. Ad-dress Interstate Lumber Company, Downmg Building, Erie, Pa. WANTED-TRAVELING SALESMEN. To handle a line of Extension Tables, Pedestal Tables, Ward-robes and Kitchen Cupboards, on commission. State what other lines you handle and Territory desired. Address Koenig Furniture Co., 2620 N. 15th St., St. Louis, Mo. WANTED. A good cabinet maker; one who can detail and make clothing cabinets. Address B. S., care Michlgan Artisan. 6-10-2t. BARGAIN! 40 H P. direct current motor, latest make and runnmg condItIOn. Grand Rapids Blow Pipe rester Co, Grand RapIds, MIch. in first class & Dust Ar- 8-21tf WANTED. POSItion as superintendent, foreman or furmture draftsman, am thoroughly acquainted wIth all classes of furmture, hav- Ing teen In that line of busmess all my hfe For certain rea-sons, wIsh to make a change. Best of references gIven 1< or .I..- informatIOn address "W" care of Weekly Artisan. 8-21 8-28 ._._---._------------------------ ARTISAN Conditions in the Lumber Market. Londltlons m the hal (1\\ ood lumber mal ket~ are not <;dt!S-LILtol\ to pI oduceI~, to dealel" nor to con,umer<; Ploducer, dnd 10bbCI" hay e heen e},.pectl1g Improvement m demand and lllt.;hu pIlLe" el' ,\ Ie~n1t ot llnprovement 111general bm111ess, but they have been dI,app0111ted The demand 1<;rather lIght and pIlLe al e \\ edk ,me! llfegulal dt many pomb The cOl1(l1tlOn \Id" \\cll de"ulbed b\ Davld L LThl ot the (lrand RaplcL Fancy InlllltUlc L0ll1pe\11\ la"t ::-'atl11cla) \\hen he ,alll "Therc dlC all kllld" ot pllLe" tm hald\\oodlumbel \\hele one man pa), $")0 dl10thel lllen bl1\ to! $J<J 01 $J ~' -1 he lumbe1l11el1, howevcI, dl c 110petul 11K\ e"peLt e1 bettel llul1anll and ,ettled, 1£ 1I0t lllt.;hel pllLe~ m ::-'eptemhel \lad\ COI1,umel, have been 10ok1l1g tOl 10'\ er pllces 011 ac- COUl1tof the 1ecluctIOn 111 the tallff, hut hke the producer~ they ha\ e been ch,app01l1ted \\ hl1e the tal rff blll was pendmg they b01ll;ht (111) tot ll11mechate needs and most ot them are stIll pUIsUlng that polIcy, theretOl e It I~ figured that then stocks are 10\\ and that the
- Date Created:
- 1909-08-21T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:8
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., DECEMBER II, 1909 POSSELIUS BROS. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. DETROIT, MICH. Just a few of our new patterns of DINING EXTENSION TABLES The entire line will be on exhibition on the second floor of the MANUFACTURERS' EXHIBITION BUILDING, 1319 Michigan Ave., CHICAGO In charge of F. A. Kuney, J. O. Kemp, H. J. Armstrong. Our new catalogue will be ready for mailing by Jan. 1, 1910. 2 \\ E E K L Y '\ R 'I I SAN CHOICE TOOLS FOR FURNITURE MAKERS If you do not know the "Oliver" wood workmg tools, you had better gIve us your address and have us tell you all about them We make nothmg but Quality tools, the first cost of which IS consIderable, but whICh Will make more profit for each dollar invested than any of the cheap machmes flood-mg the country. Oliver Tools UOhver" New Variety Saw Table No 11 Will take a saw up to 20" diameter Arbor belt IS 6" Wide Send for Catalog "B" for data on Hand Jomters, Saw Tables, Wood Lathes, Sanders. Tenoners, MortIsers, TrImmers, GrInders, Work Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc. OLIVER MACHINERY CO. Works and General OffIces at 1 to 51 Clancy 51 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. USA BRANCH OFFICES - Ohver MachmeryCo , Hudson Termmal 50 Church St , New York Ohver Machmery Co. F"'ll National Bank BUlldmg,ChIcago. III Ohver Machmery Co , PacIficBUlldmg.Seattle. Wash Ohver MachmeryCo •201-203 Deansgate.Manchester,Eng Save Labor rempers Cost "OLIVER" No. 16. Band Saw 36 Inches. Made wIth or wuhout motor dnve Met a I table 36"x 3D" Will take 18" under the gUIde-tilts 45 degrees one way and 7 degrees the other way Car-nesa saw up to 1%11 WIde OutsIde beanng to lower wheel .halt when not motor dnven WeIgh. 1800 lb. when ready to shIp ~---------- ------------------------~III A BARGAIN! III I III I t I I II I IIII IIII HE~E'S THAT IS No 537. 28x42 top Quarter Sawed Oak, Band Rim, Polished, Cross $7.50 III , IIII •• I•• I I ~---------.--.----------------~-~-----------------~ You can't make money faster than by buymg thIS fine lIbrary Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thIS and other good thmgs we have to show you. PALMER MANUFACTURING co. 1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH. ~-_._--_._------ I IIfI I! ,II• •I•• II I,I• ,I,I III I II III ,,•••• ••I~--------_._._.~----_._._-------- THE FORD & JOHNSON CO. ----~--------~ II CHICAGO This IS one of our popular Hotel chairs. Our chairs are found in all the leading Hotels in the country. The line includes a very complete assort-ment of chaIrs, rock-ers and settees of all grades; Dmmg Room furnIture, Reed and Rat tan furniture, Special Urder furni-ture, etc. A complete Ime of sam-ple. are dIsplayed m The Ford fs Johnson BUlldml!' 1433-37 Wabash Ave •• 10- c1udml! a speeral d.splay of Hotel FurnIture. All fttrmture dealers are cordwlly mvtted to visit our building. I .........I WEEKLY ARTISAN 5 COMPLETE LINES Of REfRIGERATORS C"ALLENGE REfRIGERATOR COMPANY GRAND HAVEN, MICH., U. S. A. AT RIG"T PRICES SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE AND LET US NAME YOU PRICE. ...._-_._-_._-~~~~_._.-_. _. _.---._.-----_._--_. . ~ II III• I• III If Here is a Rocker That's a seller. Write for the price. GEO. SPRATT 8 CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. No. 592 1-__ .-.-----------------------. - .._~II ~---------------- ,• I I I -----.--._.-._---------~ Give your men tools that are ac-curate to the one-thousandth part of an inch. Tools that are straight and true and hold their cutting edge. No matter how expensive and per-fect your machinery may be, if the cutting tools are not of the best, you can not turn out good work. We pride ourselves on the fact that we have manufactured only the very best for thirty-five years Write for our complete catalog. It shows many new ideas in fine labor saving tools. MORRIS WOOD & SONS .508-1510 W. LAKE ST., CHICACO, ILL. 1------_._.-.---.-.-.------ 3 .1I IIII I,, I,IIII II ,, Catalogue UPOll rtquest. !I ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 4 ------._---------------- IV E E K L Y \ R TIS A N I} I ••••••••••• - ••••••• __ •••• ·-1 THE LUCE LINE Manv New Patterns lD Dmmg Room and Bed-room Furniture for the Fall Season. SHOW ROOMS AT FACTORY, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. LUCE fURNITURE COMPANY Makers of Rockford Chair and Furniture Company ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. Our entire line will be on exhibition in January on the third floor of the Blodget Building, Grand Rapids, Mich. DINING ROOM FURNITURE Buffets, China Closets and Tables. Library Furniture- Library Desks, Library Tables, Library Bookcases, Combmatlon Bookcases, Etc. 30th Year-No. 24 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., DECEMBER II, 1909 Issued Weekly GRANf' RAPll Pnn'>' ~)nt Lt ' -4JiV Liljl\! " CORPORATIONS AND TRADE SCHOOLS An Interesting Discussion in the Annual Convention of the National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education. ::\lllvvaukee, \\ IS, Dee 6 -One of the most mtel estmg diSCUSSions m the thud annual conI entJon of the K atlOna1 SOClet} for the PromotlOn of I udustnal Education, which closed here Saturday, December 4, vvas upon the "'llb]ect of "CorporatIOn Schaab a" orgal117Cd by Employ el" for the Tra1l1mg of ApprentIce,,' 'L hiS diSCUSSIOn vvas opened by C \\T Cross of the K ew York Central Ralh, ay 'iy"tem, but the pnnclpal addres", was de1n el ed by Joseph J Eaton, dIrec-tor of the trades schoob of Yonkers, K Y, Vv ho 'iald m part "CorporatIOns are popularly 'iuppo"ed to be vvIthout souls and hearts, and pOSSibly without a few other organs Em,- e, er, thh may be, there IS no que'itlOn that a 'iucce"sfu1 car-pal atlOn posse%es a bra111, and It IS a "lgl11ficant fact that many of the most successful COIporatlOns ha, e established apprentice schools which they direct and ma1l1tam These two statements apparently shov .. that, f1om a manufacturer's P0111t of 11ew, some sort of Systematlc tram1l1g, apart from the shops, IS really worth wll1le "Recently two supenntendents ,vere reqLllred by a lalge corporatIon Investigation dl..,closecl the startlmg fact that not one of the local foremen was fitted for thiS ad, ancement ::\1en of the desll ed capacity were not obtall1able In tIllS coun-try It wa'3 ev Ident that, m order to be more self contal1led, some prm ISlon must be made to stImulate local mtel e'it and glowth The Ludlovv TextIle School IVas therefore CIeated IVIth the clefmlte a1l11 of trammg appl entIces fOI executn e pO"ltIons 111the mills. "ThiS :-,chool, IS of the half-tIme class, that is, pupIls cle-vote half a work day or flve hours to work m the mill and half a school day, or three hours, to school \vOlk TIll1'i dunnlS eight haUl s of each day the pupIls are m the employ or un-der the superVISIOn of com pan} offiCials I, or thl" tmw they are paid, I eceIVmg Just as much for each school hour as for each hour spent 111 the mIlls "In ordel that the mill IV ark may not be mtelrupted the boy s \'Yolk m palr'i, alternat1l1g the mIll work With that of the school 1hI" shIft OCC'tll" each day ] t 11lllSht be mtel e",t1l1g to note that the mill "ork "uffer" m no \\ ay by thiS a1l angc-ment as the boy who goe'3 to the ml11m the afternoon takes up and carnes on the work commenced 111 the mo' nmC; by hi" partner As far as the mIll work I" concerned the appren-tIce" become a.., profiCIent as other VI orkers and they acqull e a broader knowledge of mIll v\ 01k than that possessed by some of the foreman ThiS seems I ather remarkable a" the school has been estahh'3hed le"s than three years POSSibly one of the factors contllbutmg to thIS h that each apprentice has been I emen ed m great part from monotonous and ma-chme lIke repetition demanded of other vvorkel s VI hlch has such a deadenmg effect on the motor "ense3 "L~nder these arrangements the so called 'difficult age' I" cared fOl There l'i a defimte connection bet" een the school \\ork and the oUblde \York In the mIll the apprentIces arc actuall) d01l1g IV hat IS to be clone and they ha, e a place to 2,0 to have answeled questIons I al"ed m the mIll 'PupIl" brJ11£.; theIr mmd.., as well a" thell boche" to school' a'3 the 'ichool vvark 13 I eal and tane;lble " 1'Ie,,!dent John L Shealer of the OhIO '\Iechamcs In",tl-tute of CmcmnatI, "poke on the e\ emng schools He said that no claim should be made that evemng mstructlOn IS the Ideal method of m'3tructlOn and contmued "E,e111112, school" ot the past, as well as the plesent, hale heen a11d are stIll engae;ed m patchmg defectIVe p1lmal) educatIon 1hey a1e provldmg 111111ted,one mIght almost sa) supel fiClal vocatIOnal tra11lmg to meet the demands of the hour Tech111cal proces"es hav Ing applIances ha\ 1I1g become so genelal It 1'3found that the establIshed educational system, thoue;h taxed 10 Its utmost, cannot ..,upply the demand for men and women \I ho are tJ amed to peIfOlm speCific task" The 111ght '->chool h, therefore, an ImpOl tant adJ11l1ct and feeder, so to speak, to the many bu..,mess mtere'its of to-day "Captains of Industr~" Should Help. "As an mtegla1 palt of the general system of educatIon, WIthout the gUldmg fOlce of bu::,mcs;, men, vocatJonal even-mg mstructlOn IS too apt to become a formal, un} leldmg, mflexlb1e tram1l1g, pool1) adapted to the reqUIrement::, 0- the employer The "tudent "hould recen e that whIch wIll most easIly and qUlckl} help hl111 to achieve a defimte lesult, re-cogUlzmg the fact that he mu"t be equipped for mdn Idual future growth as well a" for pre'ient 1I1dU'itna1 effiCiency "1'01 permanent "'ucce"", thl'" defi111te \ ocatJOnal eve111ng IlhtlllctlOn requIre" tll e dlrectme; hand of men of affan sand teachel" 1'\ho al e ma "ter::, m then re"pectn e crafts 1'10 fesSlOnal teacher'>, howe, el, "hould gn e m..,tructJOn m the pUlely theclletJcal subjects and those blanches whIch forms a bmdel bet\\ een theory and pi actIce "J\Ien who ha, e made their fortunes thlOugh mc1u'3tI ial 111 the \ ICl11ltV of the II estmghouse interests at East Pitts-burg In the beg1ll11lng there \Vere half a dozen teacner,; and a few d07cn studenb \\ ho attended classes III :rawll'g ann e1ementalY mathematic" The graVYth and development has been such that thcI C l~ no\\ offered an opportutnt} fOI :OJ "tc- 11latIc stnch III "uch fnnda11lental "oences, as -JVlathematlces. \ recha111cal Dra \\ 1l1g \1 echanll", c\pphed and Thu'ret!c ,I Phv"lcs TheOl etllal and c\pphecl I'lectIlclty, Thf'OfttJcaJ ana Apphed Chemistry, Pattern Shop PlactIce, l\Iachine Shop Practice lonndlj Practice "'team etc, to men ('L1,pl.)\ cd 111 dalh commercIal activIt) , The total enrollment f(Jj the pi esent iall term IS some-thing 0\ er 250 ..,tudents wIth a faculty of 27 lnstf11(tL;r The attendance ha" ah\ ay" heen 70 per cent to 80 per ceni of the enrollment Of the 4S men \'V ho hay e been gl ad!1? rt rl In thf past three ) eal.., practically all hay e been steadlly ach anced In posItIOn and re"pons1b11lt) lorty are still WIt 1 thell 0 1- !:;mal e11lplu\ er" The"e men are 111 "uccessfl1l compc tJtI0 1 WIth the l:;radnates of the leachng tech11lcal scLoul.., of fIe connt1 y 'The engllleenng nIght school ha" a lall:;e felei of c.(,Ltvity \t the \ en q,ll t 1h "tudents po""e:o" "omethmg chat tne new collel:;e graduate "eldom ha", namely a clear Idea of com-merual I' act1ce fhh earh e"penence mst111s all al'pltC1- atIon ot the \ alue of time and of the \ alue c - :::denti0f' j 1 alJl1ng \\ hlch tend" to prodnce the most efficient ,tndent 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN enterprises and who are constant 1) profitmg by the appll-cation of sCience to mdustry and who mu"t hay e a constant supply of trained men and carryon the comphcated opel-ations of busines", cannot Ignore their duty and responsiblhty to contnbute liberally to education of this sort ~ 0 betiel 111vestment can be made Money thus contnbuted should, however, be used for the dIrect benefit of the 111du"tlles con-tributing and such evening or contmuatIOn school,; should retain their mdependent workmg methods, that IS, not 111- fluenced much by so-called educatIOnal standards, thereby guaranteeing positive returns 111the form of skilled \\ 01 kmen to the shop, tramed men for the count111g room and mte1h-gent recnnts for the sales departmenb of busI11ess Channmg R Dooley, PreSIdent of the Casmo Techmcal Night School gave an Illustrated lantern talk on "Tram111g Non-Techlllcal Men" He ,;poke of the work of the Casmo Night School, and showed vanous lantern shdes of the "tu-dents at work 111 the drfferent shops In part he said "The present scarCIty of skllied vv orkmen IS a mattel of great concern in plans for the future which l'\ lllmsure men ot all-round skIll He may reI} upon the eng111eering collelie" for the majority of his managers, but" ho \l' III broaden and tram his wOlkmen ~ That "hlch h best for the mdl\ Idual 1" best for the corporation for whIch he WOIks The mana~e-ments of large concerns al e eagedy lookIng for" al d to the increase m the earning power of the wOlkmen, and \\ 111 willingly pay for It accordmgl} The great question IS not ho\\ to get a man to do a day's work for the least pay but hcm to get the most effiCient work out of the men, 111CI ea "mg then pay accord111gly. Westinghonse ~Iethods. "The development of the boy and not Shop PlOductlOn' should be the watchword of the apprenticeship department of every company At the works of the Y\ est111~hot1,;e Elec-tric and l\lanufactunng Compan} of Ea"t Pltto;bnrg, Pa, the apprenticeshIp department IS bemg de\ eloped m a most s\ s-tematIc and careful manner, the first vIce-president of the company takmg an active personal l11terest The \\ 01k of the apprentIces IS dIVIded mto two departmenb, the Shop and the Classroom "In the shop the plan IS to de\ ote a certa111 "ectIOn to the apprentices, thiS sectIOn IS fitted With a complete eqUIpment to furlllsh shop practice 111 all branches of the machllll"t" trade. In the shop the boys are under the gUIdance o± shop instructors, having the rank of foremen The cla"sroom m structIOn IS prOVIded on company time ThIS wOlk IS a part of their dally schedule and they repol t to the class mstructOl as systemlcall) a" to their shop foreman SpeCIal rooms 111- side the work,; ha \ e been SUItably fitted up for thiS cIa ss \\ ork "SIX years ago the Casmo Tech11lcal ~ Ight School "tarted Apprentice Systmu Out of Date. DI 1 cJgal S Darne) PnnCIpal of the Hebrew Technical Ll"tltute, \e\\ tOlk City, deo;cnbed the school which ai'11o; TO 'in e c broad ) et practical, educatIOn to the boy who must Cdl'"PlC te hIS "c1lOol \'V 01 k at sixteen He saId: ''''he old apprentIceshlp system has become a 'dead let tel' The ne\\ "ouologlcal and 111du",tnal conditIOns render ItS] evn al an Imposslblllty, el' en If, WIth ItS disadvantages and narrcm eflects, It l'\ el e deslfahle \\ c o;hould not look to forelgn-"kllled labor to fill the gap, n01 allow foreIgn compe-tItIOn- undel a better '>ystem of vocational and techmcal educatIOn-to supplant our 1I1dustne" Y\ e 1111ht look to our schoolo; to mtroduce thorough practical course'> 111the mdu'>tnes and the trades, courses of practlcal shop \\ ork, under skllled mechamcs, together WIth "uence, dla\\ mg, mathematIC,>, and subjects leadmg to an llIdustnal mtelhgence Such cour"e" \\Ith suffiCient time aftel lea\ 111g "chool to acqUIre o;peed and accuracy, v 11 gn e us a clas" of educated. skllled mechalllcs 'It ha'3 been conclu"n el} demon "trated by eX1st111g schools that the tendenc) to leal' e "chool a" "oon a" the pupll has pa"sed the State com pulsar} age, may be ver) greatly reduced, 1)\ gl\ 111g him a practJLal course With a defimte end In \ lew Our ,;choob at present are too ex- Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you Will then know what you are gettmg. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Compames, Car BUIlders and others Will consult their own interests by usmg It. Also Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnIshed m rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. -~~~-------,----_._--_._._------------_._._---------- ---~ A WEEKLY ARTISAN / --~--._-----~ ........_~., ., -•••• --~alii ... -oil-o _ -••• ------._--------------~--------- In GRAND RAPIDS Only, January, 1910. OLD SPACE, Furniture Exhibition Bldg., Fourth Floor. The UDELL Line MANY NEW ONES in Library Bookcases, Medicine Cabinets, Ladies' Desks, Commodes, Sheet Music Cabinets, Folding Tables, Piano Player Roll Cabinets. A Lme which IS wen worth gOlDg' to pee A Lme that you should have a complete catalog of r he fact that you have not our catalog can only be rectified by WrItIng for your copy to day THE UDELL WORKS INDIANAPOLIS, IND 1._----------_. ----~.----.-~----.---------------'-----------------------------~ Coming Back to Grand Rapids. INest Farmmgton, O. Dec 8 -The l\llller Table Com-pany, manufacturers of eAtenslOn tables WIll return to the Grand RapIds market to eAhlblt theIr lme next month They wlll make theIr dIsplay m the lurl11ture Exchange on the second floor PresIdent C L\. \lIllel and B S INolcott one of the company's salesmen, w1l1 be In attendance to look after the want.., of theIr patrons The January lme wlll 111- elude nun) new deSIgn.., PresIdent l\flller reporb theIr trade the past three month.., as excellent and says the outlook for the commg year 111thIs sectlOn IS fine on account of the revlvalm the Iron 111du~try 11r Mlllel abo says that wlth- 111the neAt two or three months the company wIll bmld an addltlOn to theIr mac1l1ne r00111 and glumg room to meet the demands of theIr bus111esb elusIvely lIterary f01 the average actl\ e boy of thIrteen to seventeen Trades Unions Becoming Friendly. "In the eady vears of trade and 111uustnal school agl-tatlOn. the tradeb unIons \Tv ere bItterly hostIle Such school" were denounced as rU1110U" to the wages of the mechanIc It IS claImed that no school could prepare a boy to enter a trade. that, at be..,t the ~racluate" "el e only half baked' Thl.., latter charge "ab not altogether unfounded, not be cause the genel al pnnClple of the "chool wab wlOng, but be-cause, In the proces-, of the "chool's evolutIon, -,uffiClent tlme had not elap:oed for It" full de\ elopment "c\ better feel111g, ho" e\ er, I" growll1g amon~ the trdoe" Ul110ns The) are beg111mng to under..,tand that schools can pl epal e a young man "0 that, wIth tIme In whIch to acquIre a COmbll1atlOn of speed and accurdC}, he can become a "kIlled mechamc and a oe"llable acqUIsItIon to the unIOn, one who, m tIme, WIll help to hft the Llllon to a hIgher and more 1l1tel-llgent plane "Cp to the present tIme, almost all that has been ac-complIshed has been done by "chools wpportccl by prn ate contnbutlOns v\ hen 111dustnal and techl11cal school.., are SUpp01tecl h} the State "0 tl1dt the) belong to member" of lahor orga111zatlon" a" well as to non members, the anta~on-l: om WIll be adjusted ' The story of the semI annual "ew York exposltlOn IS a hIstory of contll1ued ~1 0\\ ll1g buccess In the 38th, to be opened from January 17 to F ebruar) 5, h" 0 hundred and fifty manu-facturerb wIll exll1blt the best and the newest 111 fur11lture The modeln gIrl IS brought up to elate, and) et "he often m1- presses us as not hdvmg much bl1ngmg up. ~----------- ..... ----------_.-----------------------------------------------------------------~ III I I DELAWARE CHAIR CO. DELAWARE OHIO. I DOUBLE CANE r LEATHER J MISSION LARGEST "QUALITY" LINE of CHAIRS, ROCKERS and SETTEES CATALOCUE TO THE TRADE ONLY. -_ -----------_ ---------_ _--~----------------- _-- ... "'------ and challtable 01c,an1/at1Ons and other public instItutions II e 1I1tend to c,n e a "elles of motIon pIctures in the audl- Wlll11ll tl0111 tl111Cto tIme \\hlch \\111 :ohow the art of weav1l1g 1 IH'; -, lace maklllc, the 111anufacture of pottel v, room scenes, and other featm e" of d sl1111lal nature Thel e IS a lot of bUllchng gOIng on 111 BI1111mgham The \mencan Steel \1 Ire com pam I" putt1l1g up a fi11l:oh1l1gmIll to co:ot three m1lhon dollars and a fi\ e mI1l1On dollal resen OIr IS be1l1g bmlt by the ll11ted States steel Lorporat1On 8 WEEKLY ARTISAN FIGHTING THE DEMURRAGE RULES Grand Rapids Board of Trade Trying to Secure Reconsideration and Rejection of National Code. The transportatIon commIttee of the Grand RapId, Board of Trade are makmg earnest, determmed eft 01b to secure reconsiderat1On and rejectlOn of the demurrae,e rule" recently approved by the N atlOnal Assoc1atlOn of RaIlroad CommIssioners as WIll be seen by the followmg letter \\ hlch has been sent out to sh1ppmg assoClatlOns, manufactUl ers orga11lZatlOns and other" \\ ho should be mterested In the mat-ter Gentlemen For some 1110nths the quest10n of umform natlOnal demurrage rules has been agItated '\0\ embe1 1C) the NatlOnal AssocIation of Rallroad Comml,,:OIoneh adopted theIr commIttee's report, recommendmg mstallat10n of um form national demurrage rules, and recommendmg as :ouch rUles, to govern all classes of freIght, and e\ er} sIze and k1l1d of car, 48 hours free tIme, ..,ome con:oH1elatlOn to be gn en to inclement weather, and "hunchmg' of cars ;\s an cdtC:I-natIve, IS offered an a\ erage plan, gn 1I1g 48 hour" free tIme weather cond1t10Ib and "bunching" ehmmated. open car., to be balanced by open cars, and box cal s by bo'. cars As md1vlduals, you know what such rules \\ ould mean to you The MIchIgan RaJ1lOad Comm1s"lOn IS empowered b\ legIslative actIOn to fix demUlrage charges and legulatIon-, m this state, and ItS pa"t attItude \\ ould 111dlcate d " I1hnc,ne,,-, on Its part to dIsregard the abm e recommendat1On ot the national assoc1atlOn, and formulate such demunage 1ule", a" wIll best meet the need" of MIchIgan shIpper" The loyalty of the :i\I1c111gan RaIllOad COml11h..,IOn to tIle interests of our stdte demands co-operatIon on om pan De 111urrage being purely a local mattel should 11e 2,m el ned h\ local conditIOns and ,;tate raIlroad C01111111SS1Oannd It h \ Italh Important that you and your aSSOClat1On, at ItS \ eI} eal he-,t opportumty draw up and pass resolutIons thank1l1g the :\IIChl-gan RaIlroad commIssIon for the stand It has taken up to thh tIme, express111g your VIgorous dlsappro\ al of the-,e 01 an\ other UnIform nat10nal demm rage 1 ule", and ur(?,lll(?, thc com-mIssion to dlslegard the act10n of saId natIOnal assouatloll dnel formulate such rules a" shall best meet our needs ::,ene! these resolutlOns to Hon C. L Glascow chaIrman. "\IIchlQ,an RaIlroad COm1l1bSlOn, and a COP} to the Grand RapIds Boare! of Trade, so that we may keep m touch WIth thl:O SItuatIOn 111 the future as we have m the past ThIS 1'0Important Dela} may be expensIve Yours truly, GI and RapIds, Dec 10 1909 R IV TR \\ 1\ Cha1lman Greatest Store in the South. Joseph Loveman of Loveman, Joseph & Loeb E1l mmg ham, Ala, was In GI and Rapld:o on Thur'oda} thl" \\ eek I",'hen asked as to conchtlons m Ill" home CIty IIr Lm eman saId "The year 1909 WIth us IS the best m Ou! hlstOJ}- conSIderably ahead of 1907 \Ve al e <.;tartmg to buIld an addItIon to our establIshments whIch, when completed \\ III make our store the large-,t of Its kmd ,',outh of ChIcago 1 he addItIon WIll be eIght stones all of steel, and to be fi11l:ohed b} Sept or Oct, 1910 The dlmen"lons of the -,tore "WIth the addItIOn WIll be 140 x 140 feet and wIll afford a flOO1 "pace of 450,000 square feet VI e are gomg to prO\ Ide f01 a publIc restaurant and also an audltonum capable of seatmg ii\ e hundred people \VhlclI WIll be donated for use tofchUl che~ Everybody Rushing at Rockiord. Rockford, Ill, Dec 10 -Everybody and everythmg con-nected WIth furmture In Rockford IS domg a double stunt just nO\\ There are "0 many factones, and "uch large lInes, and competItIon IS "0 sharp that extra efforts are necessary 111 Older to get out the lmes and hay e them on the floors m Grand Rapld-, and ChILago by the first of January One of the lllles that \\ III be of mOl e then ordmary mterest m J anuar} IS that of the Rockford ChaIr and 1-;urnlture (ompany, makers ut dmmc, room ane! lIhrary furmture One of theIr fine three-pIece dlnmg room 'o111tSI" dIsplayed on anoiher page of thIS I-,~ue \\ 111ch IS \\ OJthy pf much attentIon \\ Olk on the "upenor rnr11lture company's new factory b j1lOgleS.,mg hneh, and the} wIll have theIr lIne ready for the ~ummel -,ea'oon of 1910 The \atlOnal, the Royal J\Iante1 and FurnIture company, the RockfOld Frame and FIxture company, the Standard, CentI aI, \\ est End, Rockford Desk. SkandIa, Rockford CabI-net l11l0n, :\lechamcs, Excel and others WID be lIght on tune "Ith the be"t they can get up, and that mean~ a lot of splendId l111e" OHicers of the Alexander Dodds Company. 1he \le'.ander Dodds company, the mCOIpo ration men-tIOned la"t \\ eek as <.;ucceechng \lexander Dodds in the manuiactul e of \\ OOe!-WOlklllg machmery m Grand RapIds ha" elected :\Ir Dodd., as pI eSldent and Harold B \1.' oodcock a~ secretary and treasurer J\I r \\ oodcock is a son of the late Robel t \\ odcock and ha,', only lately Identified hImself \\ lth the busll1ess -\lhel t C Stm er, the othel <.;tockholder learned hIS trade \\ Ith "\r1 Dodd" and has been connected WIth the instItutIOn fm the past "e\ enteen years and foreman for SIX years The husme% WIll be contmued "Without mterruptIon Sears-Roebuck Stock Goes Up. Common stock 111the Sears-Roebuck Company went up from 154 to 157 III the Chicago market last Tuesday and ha" ,',mce held that pllce It made a SImIlar ad\ ance on the New York stock eAchange The boom IS generally credIted to a pro"pectn e l11crease 111 the dl\ Idend rate At the last dIVIdend meetmg the board advanced the annual rate from 4 to 6 per cent and a further ad\ ance IS expected in February Out of the eal n111gs of th1-, year the company has alI eady bought 111 for cancellatIOn $7)0.000 of the preferred stock and may take more It IS the l11tentIon also to l11crease the bond Ieserve by ahont $1,000,000 Upholsterers Advance Prices. The Grand RapIds manufacturers of uphol,',tered fur1l1ture hay e deCIded to ad\ ance pnces about ten per cent. the exact amount and the method of notifying the trade bel11g left to the chscretlOn of the members of the aSSOCiatIOn, l11dn Idually The} have also dc:clded to apply f01 membE rshlp In the NatIOn-al :Uannfacturers' AssoClatlOn --- WEEKLY ARTISAN Pullman Germ Catchers. The othel l1lght some of the good ladies who spoke 011 the pI e, entlOn of tuherculoSIS called attentIOn to the beautJ-fu1 lSelll1 hatchenes and ~erm catcheries known as Pullman cal s, sa)" the Rocky "1\lountam "Tews of Denver, Col The ~ood larlIe" wel e follow1l1g a vcry anCIcnt pI ecedent \\ e do not belIev e there has been a medICal or quasI-mechca1 o-ath b ellng m thIS country m fifteen vears whIch has not con-demned the p1u-,h u~hol"tenno- ;'f the Pullman" But the h Pullmans go on beIng upholstered m the all-catchmg plush, ctl1d we go on bUyIng the berths because we mu:ot \\ hy a company whose operatlOns are usuall) conducted WIth at least a faIr measure of mtellIgence inSIsts on thIS antiquated fUfm"hmg, we have never been able to see Lea-ther IS clean, or can be kept clean, It affords no restmg-place fOl germs, It does not gathel all the dust that comes along and dIstnbute that dust where It WIll do the most harm The first cost of leathel 1:0 doubtles" hIgher than the cost of the present abOm1l1atlOlls but the weanng qualItle:o of leather would probably make It about as cheap m the end Then there are dIve 1s patent sub"tltute:o for leather, or, 1f one must ha, e cloth. why not take a cloth of filmer weave \Vhy--? But what's the use" One couldn't pOSSIbly find a new I eason to urge agamst the present upholstenng And the company that IS respon:Olble "eems to take no account what-ever of hyglemc comp1amts Bettel sa, e one's breath to mhale germ kJllmg sprays "The Chest With a Chill in It:· One of the g-aye-,t and most attractIve catalogues recently put out 13 that of the l\lame ;'\1anufactullng Co of Xashua, K H, manufacturers of the famous \\ 11lte J\Iountam refng-eratOl s It IS neatly pnnted 111 COlOl" on t1l1ted pages and the announcements, for the season of 1910, are decIdedly inter-e" t1l1g The \Vhlte Mountain refngerator IS advertJsed a" "the chest WIth the chIll in It" and the factory which was establIshed 111 1874 IS saId to be the largest refngerator factor) 111 the world The larger part of the catalogue IS devoted to descIIptlOns and 11lustratlons of a new style of the company'" procluct called the "pure whIte \Vhlte Moun-tain refrIgerator,," "hlch are lllled WIth pure white baked enamel as hard a:o flInt and as smooth as china and has a nch glo"s appal ently baked 111 The company also uses another lIn1l1g known a" the "stone white" which IS made of natural stone obtall1ed from quarnes owned by the company and so treated as to gn e It the appearance of porcelain It 1" claimed that thIS IS an Ideal matenal for the purpose, as the coolll1g qualIty of the stone enhances the chIll The \VhIte Mounta1l1 IS made in all deSIrable styles and SIzes, rounded corners bell1g a featm e of the woodwork 9 Mailed Catalogues Early: The Spence1 & Ba1l1es Company of Denton Harbor, J\I1ch , took tIme by the forelock and completed the printing of theIr catalog so as to begin ma11mg 1t the latter part of :t\ovember The catalog embraces ,some 40 odd chamber smtes made m mahogany and Clrcasslan vva1nut after clas-sIcal types ThIS company's product has been before the public for nearly 35 years dUJing which tIme they have achieved a 1eputatiol1 for honest construction, good finish and good, alnes The 11l1efills a pecuhar l11che In the stores of hundreds of fUJl11ture dealel s who want thIS partIcular c1a"s of good::, for theIr specIal requirements The catalog IS a good speCImen of the pnntmg art. .,,..---_ ••.•..... III II 1 II I II I ---_._------ -----,--_._----_._._._--- -_._------ -... ....--- .. The NEWEST and MOST CORRECT S"ADES IN FUMED OAK STRATfORD OAK fLANDERS OAK and EARLY ENGLIS" FUMED OAK- -Our Fumed Oak Acid StaIn IS largely used by manufacturers who recogmze in It a practICal pIece of good s produc mg not only a correct but a UnIform color WIth out the use of a fumIng chamber. This stam has proven a success wherever trIed and even manufacturers who have a fuming chamber have found that by using this stain over the fumed product they can tone up the work and make the color umform. Wnte for sample panel. STRATFORD OAK --ThIS IS one of the new staInS now comIng into favor and will probably be much seen on Arts and Crafrs furn Iture the coming year. It ISa very deep brown color WIth a purple undertone W rIte for sample panel. FLANDERS DESIGN - The Flanders IS a new deSIgn in furniture finIshed In a deep nut brown shade of color, In soft, velvety, dull effect. We make this staIn m the correct color. WrIte for sample panel. EARLY ENGLISH The Manetta Early EnglIsh ISconceded by the best authoritles to be correct In color and the finest workIng staIn on the market. Wnte for sample panel. Furniture manufacturers who seek the correct shades in these increas-ingly popular finishes will find our stains will meet every requirement as to color and working qualities. If you are interested in any of the above write us for sample panels. II .. MARIETTA, OHIO . ._-~-----~_~,._.-._._._. --.----~-.--.-.._....~•..-.-•.-.-•..•-•.•.•._..---._.~.. Poplar 10 WEEKLY ARTISAN ...._-------_._--_._-~------_._--------------------- LET US QUOTE YOU PRICES ON OUR OWN MANUFACTURE OF Circassian, Mahogany, Oak, and Gum Veneers. The Albro I.. Established IB3B. Veneer Co. CINCINNATI. O. BEWARE OF THE FAKED ANTIQUES Genuine Pieces Can Not be Duplicated but Good Imitations May be Had Quite Cheap. Six genuine Chippendale chaIrs were sold for $1,000 last week in N ew York, and thIs was by no means a fancy price Two hours afterwards the dealer had an offer of £1,200 for them and the followin~ day an offel of $2,000, II hlch goes to bear out his statement that there IS absolutely no market l,dce for certain pnces of antique furmture They cannot be dupl' cated and as time goes on they will, hke the print:, of famou0 etchings whose plate'S are broken. command any price the 1'1- dividual is willmg to pay for them "How much does It co"t to furmsh a house in dntHj!'c furniture?" repeated the deaer 111Chlppendae chair,. 'VV el', it costs just twice as much to buy antique furniturr to (lay as it did three years ago Of couP,e It is still po,sible to f111111.,h <in apartment for a comparatn el} small sum. "For example, I ]u'St furl1l~hed a pretty hOI11~up 111Con-nectlcut- four rooms were done 111 mahogany-for "3(JOO, no more than any pef,;on of moderate means wou1(1 ~"Dend in buying modern stuff It was all good genuine antique fUl ni ture I put in, quaint, mce stuff. One bedroom, for i'ls13nce, was done entirely in curly maple. There was 1. pletty old £0111 post bedstead wIth slender po"ts, a nice burc:1t1. a desk, tWD chz,irs, a rocker and a washstand. "The room was done in blue and white, whIch c0ntra."ed delightfully wIth the curly maple. Blue and ,\ hite chint<: WdS used for the bed draperies and for window hangmgs and a large blue and white rag rug covered the floor It ,"'to a moot elfcc tivc room and every pIece 111 It was genu111e 8'1t''lUC "A second bedroom wa~ fur11lshed 111 l1Jan()~c\I1' of the French penod A fine old Emplle bed amI 111 [I\'p'l(' hl,le,l1l Manufadurersof Emboued and Turned Mould-ing., Embo•• - ed and Spindle Carving., and Autom a tic Turning •. We also manu facture a Jarge line of Emboued Ornament. for Couch Work. 1256-1258 W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, ILL. ............. -- 1\ Ith tall columns, a wash~tand, sewing table, two chalr~ and a !O( ker completed the ~et Yellow and white r:ngli~h chintz that set off the mahogany to perfectIOn was used for bed dra-penes and II meloll curtams I t was one of the smclrtest rnom ~ yOU could a'Sk to ~ee "In the parlor wel e a fine old Colonial 30£'1, two fireside chaIrs of the II 111gvanety. a bIg Colonial rocker, two or three ~lde challs a mce centle table. secretary, bookcase and otto-mans. -\ stunn111g rag lUg m soft bronze blown" an~l dark I eel, co, ereel the flool, hal momzlllg perfectly with t~le rich 1eds of the old mahogany Oh,} es, the fin'pLlee haJ st,ltely antique andIron" to complete the pIcture. "So much for the furnishmgs of an Illc,.pcnslI e home. ]u"t recently III ]1o,ton I furmshed a house that cost $50,000 to butlcI II Ith antIque ,:,tuff to the extent of $5,000, ])11thell.' again the pIeces II el e ral e dnd consequently more valuable. There wel e, for eAample ~ome" ery handsomely C,_l "ed. f0111 pc!' t bed::,. mlald slope top desks, a serpentine Hepplc\i\ l1ite bure'll1 and so on One "lope top desk, which was \'i'llnut hl t a genU1l1e antique had Lome to me III the rougll. Fev\' per"Dlls II auld have e, en looked at It, for the legs were gone and it \\ as m bad shape. but the woman buying it was ver"e(~ i'1 antiques and saw Ib posslbl1Jties. The top was Leauti~l'lly in-laId and when done over and put in good shape ,"<1S ..1 beauty. "BuYlllg antique.., is a passion that increases with a know-ledge of It UnfDrtunately women and men too, for that matter, have to buy their expenence very dearly sometimes. vVhen you con"lder that fully 60 per cent of all furniture offered as antique IS spurlOU'S, then you can see how dIfficult it is to tell the genU1l1e from the fake "If ",omen buying antIque ftllDlture would only get good authentic books all the ,ub]ect and study them up, ~O that they viould be postec1l11 d meaome, the} would ~ave them"ehe.., -----.---0--------------'1 CO. II ROCKFORD, ILL. I!!IIII too UNION FURNITURE China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead In Style, Conollruchon and Finish. See our Catalogue Our line on permanent exhlbl-bon 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers' BUIlding. Grand Rapids. I • • I..._--~-.-----~._-----~------...~~-_ I I _. WEEKLY ARTISAN ---------------------------~ much disappointment It is far better to increase your library of information than to pay too dearly for the experience. Personally, and I know others who are hone"t merchants, I should far rather sell to those who are well lllformed than to those who are plainly 19norant of the value of the stuff they are buying "Even expenenced per,ons are sometImes taken in by the bogus antIque faker, espeClally at auctIon "ales, where there is !lttle opportumty for examlllmg the artlc1es. One man I have m mllld now, an old cabmetmaker who has been in the bUSllless m Ph1ladelphia for nearly twenty year", bought at an auction what he thought wa~ a genu111e Chippendale cha1r with the ball and claw feet and all the earmarks of the real. He d1d not find out untll he got to hiS shop that he had been fooled "These faker" make de"l~s from bureaus and chairs from secretanes, and so on, but at. a rule the amateur collector after he has been fooled a few tImes gets wise and then he begins to weed out the poor and buy the genume to take its place It i" better to have even one piece that is a genuine antique than a whole roomful that IS spurious. "One th111g please remember, that If any antIque dealer offers you what purports to be a gemune pie crust table or a Chippendale chair for a song you can put It down at once he IS faking. There are p1eces to day like the Chippendale cha1r, mentlOned that have ab'lolutely no market pnce, so rare are they "Good Chippendale cha1r", pie crust tables, block front bureaus, scroll top highboys. inla1d Hepplewhite sideboards are some of the th111gs that are rare and expensive. Even 1£ they seem to be genu111e you wlll have to get all the proof poss1ble as to their history to make a~surance doubly sure In rega1d to the Chippendale cha1rs I fortunately had the1r entire history They were brought to this country by a Capt Greene of Phlladelph1a on the first sallmg vessel that sailed the neutral seas after the Revolut10n and have been in his fam1ly ever since "They were gemme Ch1ppendale, w1th the ball and claw feet, the shell carv111g. and $1,000 was cheap for them. I knew it too. I \'Vent for them w1th the cash in my pocket and after I had bought them I brought one of them away with me in the small carriage I was dnv111g 111for fear the family would change their mlllds and want them back "They went to a young woman in Rhode island who has a passion for antique furmture. She is not married herself, but has filled up her mother's house and that of her grand-mother as well as the barn w1th fine old genuine pieces which she has bought for pure lOve of them. "As to prices of antiques, 1t 1Sdifficult to give any definite rates, smce taste, ranty and the dealer's c!lentele rule to a great extent. Certam shops in the Clty that cater to a wealthy trade would ask five tImes probably what I or "ome other dealer might. You can count on the1r thmgs bemg genuine, and many women who have the means but not the expenence had rather pay for the1r knowledge than to acquire it themselves. "Accord111g to my standard a serpentine Hepplewh1te bur-eau would sell for $100 and a set of six old stencilled chairs With rush "eats "tlltable for a country honse for, say, $60. That swell front bureau of mahogany with stam wood bands and old brasses Will cost $75 and that Eng!lsh h1gh boy w1thout the scroll top $100 A good Sheraton sldeboard may cost anywhere from $125 to $1,000, accordmg to 1tS cond1tion and beauty of lllle and proportlOn A slope front "ecretary desk w1th d1amond panes can be bought for $150, and that old combinatIOn secre-tary and lmen cupboard, which 1S qUlte unusual, for $200. The upper portion of this place 1S fitted with shelves or trays that pull out. It 1S for stonng away llllen-a style-antique seldom seen. "Of course we have funny experiences in selling antiques, ... .. . .. _ .. THE Hindet KIND THE GREATEST HOUSEHOLD INVENTION OF THE AGE Need not be moved from the wall Protects coverinG by turn- Ing cushions Is so simple and easy a child can operate It. Has roomy wardrobe box under seat. Comprises three artlclee lor the prIce of one. Is filled with felted callan mattress. Has luxurious Turkish Springs. Is always ready With bed-ding In proper place. Is absolutely sale-cannot close aCCIdentally. Saves rent by savlhg space 1] WArn:. WIRE. OR PHONE FOR PARTICULA"S. ....------- --------_.._-----------_._---------_ .. KINDEL BED COMPANY 1 CHICAGO NEW YORK TORONTO ~II .. _ .. -- ------ -- --- -- -- --- . -- -_. _.- r"HOTELRNORMMANDIE-1 tI CONGRESS STREET Near Woodward Avenue I Amencan Plan, $2 50 per : Day and upwards. I European Plan, $1.00 per I Day and upwards. t Hot and Cold Runmng Water I 10 all Rooms. I. Rooms WithBath extra. A High Grade Cafe. I Restaurant and Buffet In connection I GEORGE FULWELL, Proprietor. r---'--------------- Morton ----_.------_.~ House ( American Plan) Rates $2.50 and Up. Hotel Pantlind (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. J. BOYD PANTLlND, Prop. ..--------_.----- ----- ---------------' GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the PantllOd for 50c IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. "'----_._-------------------_.--"' i i 1lhese savvs are made from No. 1 Steel and vve vvar-rant every blade. We also t.arry a full stock of Bev-eled Back Scroll Savvs, any length and gauge. Write us tor Prlee Llat aud dlseount .~ 31-33 S. Front St., ORAND RAPIDS, MICH. ~-_ ----_ ~ 12 \\LLKL\ \RrllS\~ ••• ------- -- - --- 1 ~--------------------------------------------- ,I•• •I HOOD &WRIGHT lI Since our enlargement we have the largest and best equipped Veneer and Panel plant in N orth-ern Michigan. We are prepared to fill orders promptly for all kinds of veneers in native woods, and especially in birdseye maple and figured birch. We are also makers of panels, mIrror backs, drawer bottoms, etc., and are prepared to ship in car lots or open freight as desired. II ~------~_.---------------------------------------~_. the pllnClpal sort being wIth the v\oman \\ho e,eb he1 fiJst taste of the crazE' She comes. sees and 1s conque1 cd and \\ anh to buy at once. Then "'lth the harga111 Idea III he1 mllld "he sets out to VISIt other places and \\ hen she comes back het manner is "omewhat colel and pelhap'i flIppant "D<J you know yonr pnces al e \ ery hIgh"' she sa) s I can get precIsely the same chaIr, a vvlllg rockel, for so much, d<Jwntown, It's genu111e too' "Well, I suggest she VI auld better buy It If she can !Set It at that pnce; then she beg111s to get he1 expenence dnd soon ells covers that It IS not anI) a fake but a ver) pOOl tal"e at tl1clt. "The1 e at e, as everyone knO\\ s, shops 111the Clt) that a1e turning out bogus antJques III great qnantJt1es \ man came here anI) ) esterday 'Don't) au \\ ant to put 111 a te\\ 1 epr<J ductlOn~ with) OUI stock)' he rema1 ked lll~l1Htaune,h \Io,t ever) one carnes them ,. To tho,e \\ ho ha\ e a £;U1\1111e10\ C for the antJque It would be nothllle, less than a ClIme aga1l1"t nature to d<Jso "BesIdes the 'vomen, lllexpenenced themselves, \\ ho thlllk that unless a thIng IS e"penslve It h not genu111e, there IS stIll another clac.., v\ho tlunk that honest dealers can bc made to COllle down on thetr prtces slmpl) becathe the take dealet can but the} soon chsabu'ie thc11 nllnd'i of tbat Idea tal antIques a1 e d" ~tanda1 d a., gold cnn enc} and £;ood pICLe'i commdnd the11 em n pnce. It could onh be an unfore"een OCCttlrC'lce lIke death 01 extJeme need that would lllduce the sale of e,enUlllt ,1l1ttqUl" at ba1 e,atn counter pnces. "I don t mean for one moment tl1clt \\ e \\ onlcln t lel\\ e1 0111 pllce for some one who !Senulllel) 10\ ed ant1(lue~ fOJ then 0\\ n llltllnSlC \\ 01th f01 tf the1 e IS atl' tlune, an cl11ttque deale1 ap pI eC1ates It lS a cnstomer who kno\\ s and understand., 111''' IV ares. "rrequently ) ou heat ,1 \\ oman sa} 'Oh I Itke dntlCjne fmnttlue lf tt ha., been In m) Ov\n fanlll) bnt I havc absolutch no u..,c 101 a lot of stuft tI1clt has belonged to some one cl"e' It hn't a fad and It hn't becdn0e It h getttng ra1e that men and VI 0111en of td"te love old thlllgS of thh 'iOtt Tt IS becdu"e the1l b nothlllg toeLn that can compare \' 1th the gl aceJ:ul lltles anel stately proporhon., of the olrl mahogan) £ur111ture It bas a cl1drm all ItS own wh1l.h VI 111ne\ et fall to be felt b) sensltn e souk "The1 e ccln't he the beauty 111the mode1ll chall, £01 e'(- ample, "hen humlted- of arms, le~s and back" ale tmlleel out at one wl1cld. and thcn put together any old \\a), \\hen III tbc old ela) s a cahllletmaktr 'iVould mdke hIS chaIr table 01 bmeau it om one VI 11<JlepIece of \\ ood f'ach pOl tton 1\ as made to stll t the other. the vvood wa" all O.le COl01 anel one gram ane1 \"'b left to season untJl there \\ a" no chance of ItS sprearhn!S apa1 t Vencenng 111 the olel clay s "as qmte a cl1fte1ent thing from \\hat it IS to clay 1hen the vcnccI was cut b) ha11(1~t;cod th1ch BIG RAPIDS, MICHIGAN III II II I --_ .... p1ece~ of \\ oocl \\ h1Ch were gluecl on to stay Now the work 1" done h\ mach111c, the \ enest shvers serv111g to replace the careJ:ttlh C\.1t seeLton S ot the old VI OOdWOlker As a result the "\enee1 IS apt to blt,te1 ,mel peel off. It h fim ~hIn',; that costs 111 the sale of antIque furmture, and I hale deClCled to elo no more of It. I sell the artIcle in the laugh and leal e the rest to the cabInetmaker. There IS only one trouble aho\.1t thIS. ancl that IS that not el ery one can see pO'''ll)lhtte~ m a b10ken clown bIt of anttque mahogany. But b, abandon1l1g thh brdnch of the VI ark It gn es us much more capItal to put 1I1to 1eally good pIece" when the opportunity at n\ es to bu) them '\Ian) antIque 10\ ers ltke to go out fOlagmg for their 0\\ n pIece" but the tJme has passed when really genuine an-tlCJue" Lan be bought at an) chance farmhotbe along the lOad I e,o out I e1I httle 1m "elf, but I have people on the lookout all the tIme ,It mal ~eem to some that thet e IS a good deal of hIt and mIss m the bucmess of dealmg 111 cl11tJquc fUll11ture, but as a matter of fact dealer" knov, where ever) bIt of gelltl1ne antIque h m the CO\.1ntn They \\ atch It a, a cat watches a mouse ancl \\ htle It mal not be 111 the market to-day or to morrow or ne,t \\ eek ,tll olel th111gs ale for sale some clay 1£ you walt long ll1oue,h. , Our Opp01 tU!l1tv come~ of course, In ca'iCS where perhaps thL Lht ot se me old famtl) ha d1ecl oft. or \\ here some per"on ha"\In g had hh tlUllg S 111'itorage for a long tIme deCIdes to sell oft a pOl tlOn to pay the stOlage cha1!Se, ancl \ve get the benefit of It The plOht 111 the antICJne busmes" IS ltl bnymg, not 111 sellttle,- , ~-------------------------------~-- ~ ..III II ~~K'i:A~ou INTERESTING PRICES g~~~V:l'l~g SEND SAMPLES, DRAWINGS OR CUTS FOR PRICES II~--..---------------------.- ..__ _ ..-.--~I Write for I Catalogue. \ E• P• ROWE CARVING WORKS, ALMLIECGHA. N, WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 The Blue Print and Catalogue Binder the furniture Manufacturers and Dealers "ave Been Looking for I Style "P. B.n I I Style "P. B. n I Binder Locked as it appears in use AN ANTIDOTE fOR RING BINDER EVilS. T"E PROUDfiT LOOSELEAf CO., 8 and 10 Lyon St., Grand Rapids, Mich. One-"alf Inch Binding Margin Absolutely Flat Opening Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Residences-Oscar 1\ Lar"on, 721 '\ 44th avenue, Ch1cago, $3,000, F Jacobe1t, 6200 Morgan street, ChlCago, $4,800, Frank Evans, 6623 S '\lay "t1 eet, Clllcago, $6 SOO, H C \Iadsen, 6502 LoomIS street, Ch1cago, $4,200, J\11s Sl '3stel, 269 \V ells street, ChIcago, $8,500, Otto Swa11'3011,1305 Thorndale ave-nue, Ch1cago, $6,000, C F E Grosse, Pasadena, Cal , $25,000, L. ::\1. Burntrager, .:\lanon and 7th sh eets, Dem er, Col, $7,000. vV J K1rk, Vme and 21st street, Den\ er, $6,000, F \Y \Yh1tes1de, Lafayette and 4th streets, Denver, $5,000, Ed1th A R1chardson, 27 Oakwood place, Buffalo, 1'\ Y, $4,500, J uha E Rmg, 822 Potomac sh eet, Buffalo, $6,500, Ca1ne Vogt, 24 Exeter street, Buffalo, $8,400,1' J\ VO1gt, 204 Tenth street, Savannah, Ga, $3,000, J R Ml1ler, 3801 Aldnch avenue, Mmneapohs, Mmn, $3,500, J\Iary E Kame, 1700 Emerson avenue, ;\1mneapohs, $5,400, John J and Anna .:\1 Lmdqmst, 3033 Fremont a\ eflUe, \lmneapohs, $3,000, George J Renner, Youngstown, 0, $4,000, 1\1 J Fountam, 366 Oak street, Columbus, 0, $4,500, F 0 Pratt, 234 Broadway, South Bend, Ind, $3,500, Geo II Platt, 623 South St Joe street, South Bend, $3,600, 1\lrs .:\largaret Hennes, Chestnut and 29th streets, Ene, Fa, $3,000, J R Patterson, Seneca and 12th streets, St Joseph, Mo, $4,000, Pybstallers Slsters, Grand Fork, N Dak, N Dak, $6,000, Mark P .Moss-holder, Fourth and Thorn streets, San DIego, Cal, $3,750, P W. Dyment, Kalm1a and Umon streets, ~an D1ego, (bung-alow) $3,000, James K1rby, 9924 Avenue J, Ch1cago, $4,100, C 1 Fntschler, 7364 Shendan road, Ch1cago, $15,000, T P For' est, San Anto111o, Tex, $3,500, H L J\I1ller, San I\.n-t0111o,$ 4,000, H 1\1 Gl1swold, 519 VI! . Jefferson street, Spnng-field, Ill, $3,500, L L ='J01ris, Ashtabula, Ohio, $3,500, Elzea1 Pellet.1er, Beech street, :i\lanchester, ?\ H, $4,000, SIlas VV Call, Lake avenue, Manchester, $3,200, C S Mc Bnde, R1tter and Dovvney streets. Ind1anapohs, Ind, $5,000, John Connors, 3231 :;\lontgall street, Kansas CIty, \10, $4,500; Samuel C J am1son, Darhngton road, P1ttsburgh, Fa, $9,000, Mrs E A Hammond, 1105 Ch1s1ett street, P1ttsbmgh, $4,500 C 'IV. Bnght, Parkview place, 5t LotHs, Mo, $6,900, Dr S J. Wh1te, 349 Tenth street, Dallas, Tex, $3,500, Mather IVelter, Earle and Ross streets, St Paul, ::\lmn , $4,250, Jesse E L1mage, Amherst and Baldwm streets, St Paul, $3,675, IV H Kennedy, 402 Goodnch street, St Paul, $4,800, IV J Hasselman, 3445 Central "treet, Indlanapohs, $16,000, Fred 'II ade, 2900 North Pennsylvama street, Indlanapohs, $5,000, VV. H ::\loncton, Columb1a, S C, $3,000, Elloine Fnnk- Hoover, Elkhart, Ind, $3,250, .:\ladam Narc1sse Cote, Que-bec, Can, $8,500, Robert Gl1more, 2212 Ii\ 19th street, Okla-homa C1ty, $4,000, John G Games. 906 E 105th street, Cleve-land, 0, $4,500 B1shop Flt71uaunce, Ene, Pa , $23,000 , John P. Leonard, l\llffhn and 20th streets, Phtladelph1a, Pa., $11,- Sheets are "eld as in Bound Book Wonderful Expansion 400, -:\lrs A Pnce, I'hoe111x, "\riL, 9;6,000; Frank Lane, Phoemx, $4,500. H J I Perk111s, 2176 VV 24th street, Lo,", \ngeles, Cal, $11,000, R J Andehon, 1\' estern Annex, Los Angeles, $7,000, Fanl11e Chace 5222 Ontano street, Ch1cago, $3,750, Anl) B Bennett, J acbom lIle, f'la, $3,000, G IY Sponslett, 200 1'1escoti. avenue, Sc anton, Pa, 4,200, H H Burschel, Elm and 9th s1.1eets, Scranton, $3,400, Mrs Ahce II ovve11,176 LucIle a\ enuc, Atlanta, Ga , $3,000, Charles 'IV \\ elser, 712 1\ 6th sheet, Rcadl11g, Pa, $3500, -;\1rs \\ D .:\la) field, Frankhn IIelght'l, El Paso, Tex, $5,000, H E Blann, 3805 Campbell street, Kansas C1ty, .:\10, $9,000, \Irs }la1y E Thaw, 1212 Gett):oburg "t1eet, P1ttsburg, Pa, $4,800, Anl11c Bente1, 476 AdelaIde street, PIttsburg, Pa, $4,000, 1\10rns I\ron, 2347 E 33rd s1.1eet, Cleveland, 0 , $5,500, }lrs Petel Jansen, 1a1[\1<'W, Beatllce, ='Jcv, $12,000, Joseph Laughll11 J ena and Cadl7 streets, ='Jew O-leans, La, $S,500, RIchard Lrne:ot, R1chmond place and Howard street, \Jew Or leans, $3,800, I\. B Da\ IS, Fern and Burdette streets, ='JC\\ Orleam, $18,080, SophIa Case), 5927 Galfield a\Cnlle, St Lomns, 1\10, $4000, Lafayette Beeson, 300 'IVest \lam street, RIchmond, Ind, $3,500, He1 man P11gnm, $7,000 Lmtlv C Somers\ tile, N \i\ avenue and 32d "treet, II;d~anapohs, $3,000, J ::\1 Chapman, 312 Sp1uce street, Kansas CIty, 1\Jo, $3,000, John Youngberg, 1224 \stor street, Ch1cago, $14,000, Deha \\ alke1, 616 ::\"111tha\ enue, Denver, Col, $7, SOO H IV II elsbrodt, Alexander street and Manon avenue, C111Cl11- na1.1,0, $14,000, Kate C Hedllck, J acksonv111e, Fla, 9;3,600 J\Itsc Bmldl11gs-Edmllnds w111bUlld a S1x-story hotel on 011\ e St, Los An\?;eles, at a co"t of $75,00001 $80,000 The Ra\ Consoltdated J\1111l11gCompany 1'3to butld a modern hotel at Keh 111, Anz Lon\?; Beach, Cal , wtll erect a polytechl11c hIgh school bmldm\?;, estlluated cost $150,000 "-\ synd1cate has purcha"ed the famous Fobom- Young home m Salt Lake CIty and V\ III use 1t as a sIte for a hotel that V\ tll cost $150,000 to $200,000 The contract for addl11g th1 ee stones to the Van 1'\uys Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal, has been let at $35,160 The RadlUm Sulphur Spnngs company wtll bmld a sanat01lum hotel m the suburbs of Los Angeles at a cost of $70,000 The 1\1asons of Phoel11x, Anz , have started wrk on a temple that 1S to cost $90,000 The Gayety Theatre company has been granted a permIt for the erec1.1on of a nme-stor) hotel ancl theatre at 121-129 Clark street, Ch1cago, at an es1.1mateCl cost of $450,000 Connelley & Scales are bUlldmg a $30,000 hotel in Oklahoma CIty Phoel11x, An7 , lS adver1.1SUlg for bids on the erectlOn of three school butldmg s for wlllch $100,000 has been appropnated The Hotel Sherman com-pany has been gl anted a penmt to construct a hotel buildmg at 127-141 Randolph street, Ch1cago, at an e"t1111ated CObt of $2,000,000 The Church of the AscenSIon 1S erectl11g a $15,000 house of worsh1p m Montgomery, Ala 14 --_._.~.--.._---------_._---- WEEKLY \RTISAN .. I . .. ..... Our No. 171 Patented Sand Belt Machine ..... ---- NEW YORK BUILDING PROJECTS Many Millions to Be Invested in the New Furn-iture Exchange Building and Numerous Public Structures. New York, Dec 7-Managers of the New YOlk Furniture Exchange speak glowingly of the prospects for future trade and of the 1mproved conditions for d1splaying products that will be afforded when the new building is finished. The undertaking is a big one and that it w1ll prove to be one of the most important business points when it opens early in 1910, is not doubted. Other lines as well as furniture will havel exhibition space There will be club rooms in the building and the service rendered to tenants and visitmg buyers will be of the best. There will be also, automobile service for the convenience of buyers. E. P. V. Ritter is pres1dent of the Merchants' and Man-ufacturers' Exchange, Charles E. Spratt, vice president and general manager, Marcus Nathan, assistant general manager. B. F. Zalinger, assistant to the president, T. G vVaterman, assistant to the vice president, Raymond B. Keating, secre-tary and treasurer, Parchal S Ritt'er, assi~tant secretary and H. B. Cooper, manager of the furniture department The buildings which are to be a part of the Grand Cen-tral Station are to cost $20,000,000, altogether. The milhons of population here and close by make this a great buying cen-ter and distributing pomt. New York is so congested that it has been a problem as to how sample rooms could be main-tained in the; heart of the City and yet have all advantages and be large enough to accommodate all. Hundreds of thousands of buyers visit New York each No. 171 SAND BELT MACHINE. will sand flat surfaces and irregular shapes, including mouldings, better and faster than any other process. Nearly 1000 of our Sanders now in use by your competitors. advantage over you in your sanding department? We also manufacture special patented Sanding and Mortising Machines that are proving extremely profitable to the chair manufacturers. "E" Why give them an Ask for CA TALOG Wysong & Miles Company I Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., Greensboro, N. C. ---------------- . 3' ea1 from tv, 0 to ';I}.. tImes and come here to buy and this centrahzed market, \, 1th dlVerslfied stocks from first hands w111save them much time, money, worry and energy. The hea, y cost of such an undertaking has heretofore pro,-ed to be an 1l1surmountable barrier. Private capital "auld not take up the proJect. Property is so high in New York that there 1S not room and the cost would be too high for each ind1vidual factory to have central salesrooms It w1ll fac1litate the work of the traveling man and will be ad-vertised thoroughly all over the country A card 1l1dex of the buyers who viSit New York wlll be kept and lists of new th1l1gs will be mal1ed them regularly. A roof garden restaurant wl1l command a magnificent bird's eye view of the c1ty There will be three lower floors for trade conventions w1th displays of merchand1se and ma-chinery It will be the greatest mercantIle show place in the world, "ith a minimum of time and comfort. The West Side Young Men's Christian Association or 318 N. 57th street, has opened a new branch of this trade school called "Advanced Course in art applied to furnishing and decorat1l1g." Frank Alvah Parsons, of the New York School of Art is the 1l1structor. The "Art in Trades Club" has had a regular course in "practical demonstrations in the principles and applicatlOn of color, line and form har-mony" and "practical demonstrations in historic period structure ornaments and fur1l1shings." S Bauman & Bros, 6th avenue and 15th street, report a good trade at the main store and also the other stores on 8th avenue and On 3d avenue. The Board of Estimates has made appropriations of $10,- 000,000 for 28 new school buildings and for the sites. There wlll also be a Brooklyn high school built, a boys' high school I t ...• .. . 1 WEEKLY ARTISAN . .- .. -- . ~ RlCHMOND,TABlET ARM CHAIR RICHMOND CHAIR CO. GENUINE LEATHER SEAT RICHMOND INDIANA DOUBLE CAME LIME The Best "SLIP SEATS" - the Value latest and best method of and double seating. Greates Service Catalogues to the Trade. for the No. 70 Money -. I • . . - •• r ._. .. to cost $400,000, gIrlS' high school to cost $100,000, and the Erasmus hIgh school to cost $400,000 The Metropohtan Museum of Art will have an addition to cost $750,000 to be built each year for 10 year'3-a total cots of $7,500,000. There wIll be samet good orders for furniture WIth these pubhc bulldmgs The city IS bUlldmg a $10,000,000 municipal buildmg on Chambers street whIch WIll be completed next year. A new pohce headquarters has Just been fimshed whIch IS the finest in the country. Samuel Weisglass, whose brass bed manufacturing plant was burned at 382 South street, has a temporary office at 372 South sh eel. The entil e plant, stock and machmery '" as destroyed with a loss of $75,000, covered by $40,000 m-surance. A new factory WIll be estabhshed right away and work wIll be contmued and order'3 WIll be filled. G B MacBride, who was connected WIth John Wana-maker'' 3 furmture de pal tment, ha'3, Vv Ith Martha Deane Bal- Ian, opened a place of bmme"s at 27 E 45th street, to handle period furmture. The fUlmture and department store men are having some fine bowlmg matches on the Gotham alleys Joseph \Veber, the bankrupt furmtUl e dealer of Union HIll, N. J , has turned the store over to Daniel RO'3enbloom MI Frankel IS manager and buyer A H Stiehl, late WIth the New York FUlmture Ex-change, ha'3 '3tarted in busmess as the A H StIehl Furm-ture Company, havmg the second floor at 35 W. 19th street A wholesade busmest> wIll be done and he will have associ-ated WIth hIm Charles Auth, who is president, Mr Shehl secretary and treasurer The capital stock is $5,000 and they have now a large hne of tables, chairs, bed room fur-mture, chIffoniers. F Mohr & Co, who are a new firm at 6th avenue and 34th "treet, have opened the Furmture Manufacturers' Sam-ple Company, and have the entire 5th floor at 112 W. 42d '3treet. A cheaper grade of furmture WIll be handled in charge of H M. Livmgston. The McHugh ·WIllow Furmture Comapny of W. 42d '3treet, are making a specialty of mission and arts and crafts furniture. The K. J Collins Company has been incorporated WIth 15 $125,000 capItal stock to do a retaIl furmture business, pro-moted by J. Kelble, P A Hathng and J. H Miller. M. HerskOWItz, who was assistant to the buyer of up-holstery, Samuel Schoenfeld, for the Simpson-Crawford Company, smce the death of Mr. Schoenfeld, has succeeded him in that position Albert B. Kerr, as trustee, is cleanng up the busmess accounts of the Weeks-Hoskms Company, in the office of Macgrave Coxe, referee m bankruptcy, 50 Church street. H ...-._._.__.---_..__._.__._._-_.---- - .. . ... .... , I Palmer's Patent GluinJ! CIamps The above cut is taken dIrect from a photograph, and shoWS the range of one size only, our No.1, 24-inch Clamp. We make six other sizes. taking in stock up to 60 inches wide and 2 inches thick. Ours is the most practical method of clamping glued stock in use at the present time. Hundreds of factories have adopted our way the past year and hundreds more will in the future. Let us shOWyou. Let us send you the names of nearly 100 factories (only a fraction of our llst) who have ordered and reordered many times. Proof positive our way is the best. A post card will bring it. catalog included. Don't delay, but write today. A. E. PALMER & SONS, Owosso, MICH. \ " Foreign Representatives: The Projectile Co., London. Eng-land; Schuchardt & Schutte, Berhn, Germany; Alfred H. Schutte. Cologne. Paris, Brussels, Liege. Milan. Turin, Bareelona, and Bilbo... - ....-- .. ... --- ... ..... 15 1\ (J e ot the shabble..,t con"tructlOn, no sectIOn could plO-duce cheap fUl11lture at such 10" cost as the manufacturers ot \ orth Carohna. Tennessee and other tImber regIOns of the -,outheln states Compalatll ely fel'v of the plants earned a plofit and the changed conc1ltIOns of the tI ade which has catbed the partial abandonment of cheap fur11lture offers a nel\ problem tor the makers of Ulechum and fine furmture to cons1C1er The southern manufacturers cannot hope to compete \Iv 1th those of the north so far as regards quahty for a nU111ber of year" to come owmg to the1r lack of expellence and ~cat CIll of skl1led help Low pnces wdl be the sale dttl actIon thel \Iv 111be able to ofter the buyers \Y E E K L Y \. R TIS A X PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY THE MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION $1 00 PER YEAR ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES OTHER COUNTRIES $2 00 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS PUBLICATION OFFICE, 108-112 NORTH DIVISION ST, GRAND RAP DS, MICH A S WHITE MANAGING EDITOR Entered as second class matter, July 3, 1909 at the post office at Gralld Rapids \I,ch,gall under the act of March 3 1879 The i\mencan glass slh erer:o and be' e1el s al e appa1 ent1) bound to keep pace w1th or a htt1e ahead ot the ~ene1 al ad vance 1ll pnces At theIr meetmg at Duftalo 11l Octobo they advanced the1r pnces about ten pel cent on both plaIn and beveled plates Kow, smce the fUlUlture mal1utaC!U1el" have been forced to ach ance p11ces ten pel cent the glas" men are reported to have made another ad\ ance on plam plates m add1tlOn to the 10 pC! cent orde1 ed at TIuftalu mal(]n~ the cost of plam plates c011S1de1abh 11101e than \Iv a ~ paId for beveled plates before the Buffalo meetmg i\~ dn e~Cll"e for add1l1g more to the cost ot pI am plates the gla"'" men point to a shortage or scarClty of plates and hay e 111- duced the newspapers to pubhsh articles callml:; attentIOn to the dlfficulty 111 obtammg plates, but furnIture manutacturel" are not mchned to accept that explanatIOn 01 e~uIse Thel declare the latest adchtlOn to the cost ot SIll e1ed plates 1" unwan anted and some of them plOpose to do mOl ethan merely enter a plCltest It 1S understood they are con sldennl:; a propos1tlOn to have the1r national as"oc1atlOn estabh"h em Il11me1be "111elmS; and bevehng plant-several of them, pel haps-on the co operatn e plan and thus become mdependen t of the sIl\ el eh and bevelers' assoClatlOn The promote1" of th1s plan de clare that 1t 1S entirely feas1ble and practlcahle and that It IS necessa1 y m order to escape paY1l1g exorb1tant pnces f01 glass They do not anticIpate any c1lfficulty 1n obtamm~ what may be termed the1r raw matenal from the Plttshurg Plate Glass company or othC! s1111l1ar concerns, but 1n ca"-c such dIfficulty 1S encountered they Vvould 0\ ercome 1t bl estabhshmg a plant and mak1l1g plate" for them seh es J" Iom th1S 1t wl11 be "een that what the furlllture manufaLtUl er" con-slder someth1l1g hke greed on the part ()f the sl1v ere1 sand bevelers 1S hkely to lead to mtere"tmg developments m the plate glass 1l1dustry A cons1derable number of manufacturel s located m the southern states hay e purchased \ eneer presses, glue spreade1 s and the necessary tools fCll laymg I eneer:o and are -,eekmg for expenenced men to help m the work of passmg flam 10" to mechum and hIgh gl ade manufacture.., \ few years ago the \vnter met an agent of a veneel cuttmg house located m CmcmnatI at rilgh P0111t He had spent h\ 0 ,veek, 111 the southland, but up to the time of h1', an IV dl m H1gh 1'0111t he had not found a factOly that used ,eneer TII" "ample case.., had not been opened "mce he started on 111St11P The south has had almost a monopl) of the bus1l1es:o of producmg cheap hllmture dunng the last decade \Ii. 1th cheap lumber, cheap help, long hours of labor and cheap plant:o, many of wh1ch SenatOl Cummm.., of ]owa, who was mVlted by the plesi dent to 10m m the mfo' mal conferences at the \Vll1te Hou"e to lOIl"-lde1 amendment" to the Intel state commerce act, ha" C~PI es-,cd h1S cllssent £Iom the Idea" advanced by the PreSI-dent Senato1 Cummms 1Sopposed to the Pres1dent's plan for an 111terstate commerce court He behe, es that the pre"ent commlS-,10n should be stI engthened m the matter of powel s and \Iv 111IntI oduce a l'lll confernng on the commisslCln power to make and publ1"h trelght I ates 1\ hlCh shall be bmdmg on dll ultel ~tate callIer-, IIost shlppel-, and rece1vers of fre1ght II 111 he 111cl11led to endol "e the plan of the Iowa senator 1a the1 than the P1 e:Oldent'" plClposal To estabhsh an inter-sta te commerce COll't V\ould gn e the radroad managers means to entangle al,;gneved :oll1ppers 111,exatlClus litIgatlCln netter pel1ect pI e"ent s, stem than to t1Y a new one, because too man) cooks m1~ht sp011 the broth" The common councd of L1ttle Rock Ark, has passed an 01dmance 111flJct111fSa penalty upon conv1ctlOn, upon "any pel "on" firm partnershIp or corporatlCln who 'ihall falsely I ~1'1e"ent h, ach el tl"ement, 01 by any othel means, that the ~ood~ \\ l11ch he they 01 It shall offer for sale are of a certam ~I ade ()) quahh, 01 that he they or 1t wdl sell them at a cel tam pel cental:; e of then cost pnce or value and shall after- \Iv al d "ell goods of a ~racle or quahty mfenor to that repre- "-LIlted 01 advertised 01 shall sell saId goods at a hlghel per l en! ot theIr co"t value than represented and thereby impose upon dn\ one V\ho Inn" On the faIth of such repl esentatlClns " J he ordmance 1'0 expected to p10tect reSIdent merchants agalll st th e WCllk of fl) -b) mght dealers i\ "lllt to test the I ahchty of an act of the leg1slature of the .,tate of \I1c111gan In11ltmg the hours of employ ment for \Iv omen to e1ght per day, ha" been commenced in the clretllt court of Barry count} at Hastlllg" Two women pIece IV orkeb hale filed a b111 1ll IV h1ch the c1aHn 1S "'et up that thel are unable to 'oupport themseh es and those dependent upon thell labor \Iv hen not perm1tted to V\ork ten hours per day ~i\n act of the leg1"latlll e ()f Ilhnol" of sllndar charactel and purpose, V\as dec1a' eel unconstItutIonal by the supreme CCllllt of that state a few months ago It 10 claImed that the J\Ilchlgan and all such laV\s llnpall s the nght of contract 1'he tederal appelate court for the Flfst dlstnct of IllmClls lende1ec1 a deClslOn, m Ch1cago la-,t l\Ionday, to the effect that expl e,,~ compa111es arc hable for the full \ alue of good:o c1estl 0) ed 1n trans1t th10ugh the neghgence of the carne1 s or thell agents, notv\ 1th"tand111g the $50 estimate placed on the packdge \'\ hen the shIpper has faded to declare Its value ]hat deClSlCln seems to be 111accord Vv1th good law and com-mon sen"e, though of cour"e It ,,111 not hold good where 1t can be shoV\ n that the sll1ppe1 purposely neglected to declare the, alue of the package \\lth a ,le" of alOlchng a legitl mate rate ,..-._._---~---_. I We Manufacture the Largest Lme of rOlDInQ I (nAID~ III the U lllted States, I sUItable for Sun day Schools, Halls, Steam- I ers and all pubhc resorts I We also manufacture Brass Tnmmed I r 0 n Beds, Sprlllg Beds, Cots and CrIbs In a large varIety Send for Catalogue and Prrces to KAUffMAN MfG. CO. ASHLAND, OHIO WEEKLY ARTISAN I \ I ! ~ .. - ... --- . -~ SUCCESSFUL CO-OPERATION The Berkley System for Meeting Competition 'VIth the Mail OrderHouses. The Berkley sY'item of co;operative buying has suc-ceeded In enabhng many merchants to meet mail order com-petition qUIte succes'ifully, accordmg to a circular sent out from the headquartel s of the orgamzatlOn at SIOUX CIty, Iowa The plan seems to be much hke that of the Minne-sota RetaIl Fur11ltUl e Dealers AssodatlOn, but it covers a wIder field" cm enng nearly all hne" of goods handled by mall order honscs, fnr11ltnre bemg among the exceptIOns The clrcnlar descnbes the 'iystem as follows "Certam specIal artlcle'i that have been handled by the mall order hou<.,esm enormous quantities are selected They o-enerally are staple goods for whIch there I:' a steady de- ~1and - The "mall 'itorekeepers combine their orders, 111 thIs way making them mount np to a huge aggregate The manufacturers belongmg to the assocIation are thus able to produce the goods and place them on the small merchant:.' shelves at pnces lower than the mall order people can afford to sell them but at a In 111gprofit to themseh e". ~1any lmes are placed with the dealers 'on consignmcnt'-to be paId for vv hen sold The goods sell better and faster when dIsplayed m the stores than they do from the catalog "~ 'imgle article wlll llh.btrate how this plan has been workmo- out The mall order concerns had been selling to. thousand:. on thousands of kitchen 011 stoves Wood 1"'- expensn e on the westel n plams, and 011 IS cheaper and han-dIer f01 the housewIfe The Berkley stores and the mann-facturers assocIated WIth them took up these stoves, WIth the I csult that the bl.lsmcss of the mall order houses m this ar-ticle throughout the Il11ddle west has fallen off tremendous-ly "Today thl'i Berkley system has 6,000 "tares enrolled as members and l'i lSettmg recruits at the rate of ten a day-300 a month The 'i} stem gets out its ad\·ertlsing in the cheap-est f01m It depends on advertIsements m local papers and clfcular'o The merchants are furmshed with plates for theIr neVIspaper notices and clrculal s are kept supplIed with some-th1110- new even week or C\ ery fortmght, ,,0 there shall be to. - no concession of mterest on the part of the buyers and so III II -----~III I III IIII I I III III II .. __ ... HARDWOOD LUMBER SAWED AND SLICED } QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS AND MAHOGANY ~------------_.---------_. .. . . that the stock shall be kept mov111g evenly and rapidly. Generally speakmg, It IS hke a huge department store, not under one roof, but WIth ltS various branches scattered throuo-hout the L11lted States In thIS way the busmess of to. these country stores has revIved incredIbly The volume of their advertising has mcreased 300 per cent in the last two vears, and theIr bU'imess has grown deCIdedly. The coun- ~ry ncwspapers are glad to take the local stores' advertise-ments at the lowest pOSSIble rates and to help them fight the mall order houses, bccause the latter do httle, If any, news-pa per advertising "Thus far the Berkley system has been managed most judiCIOusly WhIle the manufacturers belongmg to the a,,- sociation have kept the cost of production down to the low-est pOSSIble notch, they have receIved such tremendous or-ders from the sy"tem that they have been able to fill them at rock bottom pnces yet at a In mg profit to themselves. The country merchants, who are m a sense theIr co-partners, are thus able to compete successfully WIth even the bIggest of the mall order houses The arrangements WIth the mantl-facturers permIt the goods bemg shIpped direct from the factories to the 'Customers as fast as the orders come 111,so there is no expensIVe handling or stonng of the goods be-fore they are needed In e\ ery way, m fact, an effort is bemg made to handle the vast busmess WIth the strictest economy, not WIth a vIew of centrahzing the bulk of the profits in one place, but of dlstributmg them impartIally and equally among all who are concerned In theIr makmg." Are you gomg to be one of the happy buyers vlsltmg the 38th "em I-annual N"ew York eXp0'iltlOn? Any time between January 17, the open111g day, and February 5, the closing day, will be a good tIme. 17 18 -------- _. _. _. _. _._. --------- - \V E E K L Y \ R TIS A N to • I The season for banquets is here. Get a stock of our Banquet Table Tops so as to be ready to supply the demand. 6-- •• ..... _---------------------------------- Woman Worked the Club Scheme. A few months ago a ) oung woman, ,vho IS a fluent talk-er, and has a persuasIve manner and plea"ll1g pel sonalIt) , vi"ited the town of \YaIren, R I, and made a thOIough can-vass of the resident sectIOns Her scheme was the orgam-zation of clubs for mutual benefit and to those who joined the following card or agreement was pI esented and sIgned. "The Reliable Furmture Company of Providence, R I, hereby agree" to sell to (name of the person) household merchandIse for the sum of $10 at the terms of 25c a VI eek in advance, saId purchaser to be a member of one of OUI clubs, $10 worth of melchandlse, to be delIveIed to one of the members of saId club (chosen 111 such manner as the company may approve) each week as an advel tIsin({ medIUm untIl each member of the club shall have recen ed goods to the value of $10 \VheneveI any member shall become en-tItled to posseSSIOn of merchandIse as above prov Ided, said company wIll, 111 conSIderatIOn of recelv1l1g from saId pur-chaser the names and addresses of three person::, IV ho "ould in hIS or her judgment be lIkely to J01l1 the club, gIve to such person a receIpt in full for any balance then 01\1I1g un-der this agreement" Beneath the agreement was a 11l1e for the SIgnature of the company's representatIVe, but in every 1I1stance the only signature is the ImtIals "c. ::\1 " There is not a street 111 the whole town 1\here number" of housewives cannot be found who have in theIr posseSSIOn cards bearing on one side the above-quoted agI eement, while on the other SIde there are receipts noted whIch shO\, that payments were made regularly and that ilIa or 111 some ........... ... Our Large New Line of DINING and OFFICE TABLES are the best on the American market when prices and quality are considered. STOW 8. Df\VIS fUKNITUKE, GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. City Salesroom. 4th floor. Blodgett Bldg. .... ~ cases three more payments would entItle them to their mon-e) s I,orth 111 "merchandIse." The mce young lady attended to the collections and for sel eral weeks she made them promptly Then she failed to appear and 1I1vestigation showed that some of those who had been reported as having "matured their claims," had not received the goods In fact only one member was found 1\ho had "matured" and she IS the wife of a policeman, 1\ho, when he learned she had joined a "club," told her to "cut It out." The collector heard of his advice, and of his occupatIOn, and the ne'<t week the policeman's wife was the luck) member of her club She received an easy chair well I,orth the money, whIch tended to boost faith in the clubs and make collectIOns easy IVhen the collector had faded to appear for two weeks, some of the II arren 1I1vestors went to Providence and called at the office of the company, whIch they found vacant with a sign "for rent" dIsplayed 111 the window. They found that the st01 e had contained a small stock of furniture which had dbappeal ed some tune before the collections ceased. The "lady 111 the case" is said to have had a few clubs 111 PrOVIdence and to have worked other towns, as she dId II arren, 1I1clud1l1g Fall RIver and Taunton, Mass It seems much easier to go from bad to worse than from good to better. A man naturally rises in his own estimation when he set-tles down. -----_ -_ . . ..., No.15 FOX SAWING MACHINE WRITE 44 FOR NEW CATALOG FOX MACHINE CO, 185 N F'RONT STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH j III I I III I I ------------~- WEEKLY ARTISAN ---_.---- _. ----- --_. _. --------~-------------- Qran~Da~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~anJ THE LATEST dev2ce for handlzng shavings and dust from all wood-working machines. Our nineteen years e.x-perience in this class of work has brought it nearer perfection than any other system on the market today. It is no e.x-periment, but a demonstrated scientific fact, as we have several hun-dred of these systems in use, and not a poor one among them. Our Automatic Furnace Feed System, as shown in this cut, is the most perfect working device of anything in this line. Write for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS. EXHAUST FANS AND PRES-SURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Office and Fa.ctory: 20&-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Citizen. Phone 1282 OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM 19 --_.. . .. .. ..... 20 \\ L EK L \ ,.-. ...- --- - ----- .-., A~I~G ~m~~r ::::t::JlP:h~'nd~l:~I f leaves are bound (by your- • IH self) and mdexed by /loors I or departments. • BARLOW BROS. • Grand RapId •• Mlch • Ifnle R'ghtNolL : •... . ----------- -~ .., ••• I •• II ••••••••• •• I I ... IIIi• ~-- --~-~_.-._.------------ j-------- --.~~-~~~b~~-~-. - •I• DESIGNS AND DETAILS OF FURNITURE "j iI IIIII IIIII ._~~-------~ 154 Livmgston 5t. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN I~-----_._~~_._.---- CItizens' Telephone 1702. ... •I,, Ii•• ,I• - .. It your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods, That makes PRICES right, <IIarence lR. bills DOES IT 163 MadIson Avenue -CItiZens Phone 1983 GRAND RAPIDS MICH ...._....-..-..-_...__-_-. -_._-------_. _. _...._---~ ,,-. - ..--- .--.., Henry Schmit 8 Co. I HOPKINS AND HARRIET STS. i CIncinnati, OhIO "I maker .. of Uphol.stered Furniture II• •,I --···---- •••••• 4 ,.... LODGE and PULPIT, PARLOR LIBRARY, HOTEL and CLUB ROOM for ...---_. III ._------- -------------- B. WALTER & CO. Manufacturers ot TABLE SLIDES Exclusively \\' A B A 5 H INDIANA WRITE FOR PRICES AND DI~COU~ r ~ --- .....- ....-- -------_. ----------_._-----.,III ,, IIIIII ......~ =====-SEE--~---- West Michigan Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. CRANO RAPIDS, MICH. for mG" GRADE PUNC"ES and DIES ~- -..-----. -- - \RTIS'\N New Furniture Dealers. 1\ altel Reith I" to open a furniture store at Joseph, Ore \ Hoffman has opened a new furniture 'StOte at La.; \ e~as, \e\ , fhe J\lIilel r Ulnlture com pan} have opened a new store dt \then", Ga Hen 111 &.. Steld ha\ e opened a new fUll1ltnre store at 1\ 111che'Ster, Tenn 1red Hal tman '" III add a furl1lture department to hi~ general ~t0re at J\1111nelska, 2V111111 Bennett & 11111er have opened a new fUll1ltnre store 111 the C,teele block at \atlOnal, Cal lIartuld BlOthel" ha\ e enga~ed UI the furl1ltnre and harch\ al e bthlne"" at Ra\ enswood, \\ Va 1\ \ \ Tharpe, '" ho 1ecently sold Ius fUll1lture busines" elt Elh.111 '\ l, h orga11l7lng a company to open a new lull1lture "tore 111;:,tate,,\ Jile, ~ C 11 1\ Due~lel ha\ 111g re"lgned hI" pO~ltlOn WIth L B Segur, furnIture dealel and undel taker of Dlo0111111gton, III, announced that he \\ 111 open a furmture "tOl e of IllS Own 111 the same Cllv C \\ Spencel who recently .,old hiS Interest m the loall furl1ltnre hU"U1e"" of Cahee & .spencer of Rutland, Vt, h el ectm ~ a hUlldmg 111 v\hlch he wJiI open a aew furl1lture store 111the same to",n New Factories. The \utomatIc Bed ChaIr compan), lI1corporated WIth $10,000 capItal "tack wIiI estabh..,h a factory 111Cleveland, 0 The Gros~ Brown ::'IIanufactllnng company, capitalized at $')0,000, has been 1I1corporated to manufactUi e refngerator~ at Gale;,burg, III John II Keogh & Co, manufacturers of tow for uphol- "tel el., \\ Ith headquarters in ChIcago, WIll e:,tabhsh a branch faLtol \ 111St Paul, ::'Il111n TIus111ess men of Brenham, Texas, have appOinted a com-nllttee to orgal1lLe a company With $50,000 capital "tock to e"tablI"h a fllrl1lture factory 111 or near that town E 1\ IIammen of EvanSVille, Ind, I" promot1l1g the ()l gamzatlOn of a company to rev Ive the old furl1lture fac tor) 111 Paducah, K}, whICh has been "till for two ) ears HIs plan IS heartJi} "upported by the Paducah Commelcial Uub, membel.., ha\ 111~ subscnbed half of the propo"ed $SO,- 000 capItal "tacK --., III• .. Furniture Fires. 1 C 7Ie"k} of Bel ea, 0, '3uffered fire 111hh furl1lture "tore on December 3 $1,000 McCadd111 & McElwee, hou'3e furnisher", were heavy 10'3- er'i In the half-mIllIOn-dollar fil e 111 BaltImore, on December 4 Their loss IS fully co\ ered by 111surance The IYIpperman ::\IercantJie company, dealers in furniture and hardware at Hank1l1son, :N" Dak, were damaged by fire to the eAtent of $7,.300 on December 2 Fully insured The plant of the Lle'icent Bed company, ~ew Orleans, La \\as de..,t!o\ ed on December 1, WIth a loss of $60,000, partially m "U1ed The fil e was caused by the lack of a "pal k an e"tel on the smoke stack a lo~s of $2,000 by Insurance on stock, Office Improvements. 1 he Bel ke\ & (Tay lurl1lture company have enlarged and reananged the offices of the officers, salesmen and office em pIa} e" of the C01 po ratIon The company's factory IS oper-ated to capacIty on ordeI s and new stock. WEEKLY ARTISAN Factories Made the Town Prosperous. Stmgls, ::VI1ch,Dec 9-All four of the furmture factones here are being operated at full capacIty and consequently Sturgb IS prosperous The Aulsbrook & Jones Furmtnre company, makel s of bedroom fm mture m mahogany, circa~- sIan walnut and oak, wIll bnng out many new pattern" for the January show and WIll exhibIt them on the first floor, east front, of the Manufacturers' bmldmg, Grand RapIds The yeal's business has been the best in the history of this company, and they are making preparatIOns to do still better next year The Grobll1..,er Cabmetmaker~' company, makers of fine chnmg room and lIbrary furl11ture, are also havmg a fine busllle"s They will show III January on the second floor, west front, of the Manufacturel ",' bmldlllg, Grand RapId::>, the finest lIne of goods they have ever offered for inspection The buyers who visit this dl"play every season, may expect to see somethmg fine, and will not be dlsappo1l1ted Smce my last VISit to the Stebbim-\i\TIlhelm factory It has been enlarged by a one-story bmldmg covenng nearly as much ground as the ong1l1al factor) The offices have been moved 1l1to this bmld1l1g and also the "tOl age and shlp-pmg departments, which greatly relIeves the congested fac-tory, and enables them to largely increase their output They WIll add many new patterns of wnting desks to the already large hne of tables, and the whole exhibit will be made on the first floor of the "!\lanufacturers' bmldlllg, (east front), Grand RapIds, Mlch The Royal ChaIr company's new two-story bnck build- 1l1g will soon be ready for occupancy It Will mCIease their floor "pace at least one-third This year's blh1l1ess Will be the largest in the hi"tory of the factory They ""Ill exhIbIt then hne m January m Grand RapIds and ChIcago Toledo Factory Improvements. Toledo, O. Dec 9-The Buckeye Parlor rurmtme com-pany has recently fil11<,heda two story addition to their ma1l1 bmlchng, the fourth floOl havmg been fitted up as an pxhl-bitlon room and the thIrd floor to be used for a fim'ihmg room The entire factory bmldmg has been remodeled throughout making the plant very sub<;tantial and commod-ious Manager Torgler Will get out a higher hne of goods the coming January than they have ever before brought out and WIll have many new de"ign<; and high-pI Iced pieces The Columbia Couch company ale planning to build an addition 30 x 35 feet, two stones, next spnng It will be added to the ma1l1 bmldl11g Manager Fruckbemer states they have added one hundred and twenty-five new deSIgns thIs fall and WIll add thIrty-five more for their spnng trade He reports then trade for 1909 as very good, almost up to a normal year The factory is runn1l1g overtime at present The Toledo Pallor Furmture company repO! t theIr trade for 1909 as fully up to a normal year They have I ecently completed an addition 60 x 90 feet, two stories to be used as a machine room, Samples Received. The first shipment of "amples for the January eAposltlOn was received m Gland Rapid" on December 8 Bills of ladmg I epresent1l1g eleven additIOnal shIpments were received on the "ame day In the Hands of the Photographers. The N elson-J\Iatter Furmture company have commenced photographmg theIr new l1l1e of chamber and dmmg room furmture, SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ E.ach Net $2~ E.ach Net No. 46. Single Cone. $2 Each. Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis 21 22 WEEKLY \RTISAN Wood Bar Clamp Fixtures Per Set SOc. iI ~.... Holland and Zeeland Factories. Zeeland, Mich, Dec 10 -ThIs bttle c1t} of 2,000 mhaL-itants has four furmture factones, and all of them are p10"- pemus. The olde'3t and largest of these IS that of the Zec land Furniture Company, makers of bedlOom fUlmture of the medlUm grade These are good goods and, er} popular "\11th the trade Peck & HIlls of ChIcago carry theIr tull bne 01 samples all the year. They WIll bnng out a new catalog about the first of the year and It promises to be the finest they have ever Issued The \volvenne Furmture Company, man1.1factm e1" of bedroom furmture, WIll show a lot of new patterns m thell catalog to be 1s~ued early In the new 3' ea1. The MIchigan Star FurnIture Campa} IS ha'1l1g a fine trade and WIll bnng out quIte a large numbe1 of ne"\l pattern,; of chamber and d111111groom furmture The Colomell IIan ufactunng Company. maker" ot hall clock.., are ha, mg rl1"h- 111g business as usual. All of the Holland factones are d0111g well The HoI-land Furniture Company WIll add a great many ne" patteln:, of chamber furniture to their 1111Cin the Manufacture1 s' Building, Grand RapIds, In January The Ottawa Furmture Company \\111 ShOl' In the FurnI-ture Exchange, Grand RapIds, and \\111 have a fine hnc ot chamber furniture in theIr dIsplay The MTest Michig;an Furl11ture Company, one of the largest in the west, mak111g chamber furl11ture, IS hay ing an excellent business. The Buss J\1achine vVorks, makers of IV ood\l orktng ma-chinery, are having about all the business they can attend to Extras in Cost of High Grade Furniture. "The average merchant does not kno"," why there should be "uch a marked dIfference m the pnces charged for goods in the dIfferent grades" Remarked a veteran manufacturer. "~ medIum pnced sideboard contams about the same amount of matenal as a high pnced one There 1'Shttle dIfference in the sIze'S of the mIrrors, the tnmmmgs are substantially the same and It costs Just as much to pack and shtp the one as the other Of course more work IS put on a finer piece of furmture, but the Important fact that must be considered IS the tIme reqmred in the productlOn of the pIece-Take the item of fimshing for mstance The medIum pnced SIdeboard can be made ready for the packers m one half the tIme that IS reqmred for the fine piece The extra tIme required m making fine work cut;, down the possIble output of a factory Twice the volume of cheap work and one thIrd larger in medium is the dIfference in the average for the productlOn of a fine piece A more ex-pensIve outfit IS reqUlred, especially m machinery, while wages of hIgh grade workmen is an item that b entitled to conSIder-ation. There are many other features that make the cost of high grade furniture so hIgh as to entitle the maker to top notch prices." OVER 15,000 OF OUR STEEL RACK VISES IN USE Price $2.80 to $4.00 21 doz Clamp Fixtures bought b, one mlll last year We ship on approval to rated firms, and guarantee our goods uncondI tlOnalh W,.,te for list of Steet Bar Clamps V,ses Bench Stops ete E. H. SHELDON &. CO. 283 MadIson 5t. Chicago I I ..l Furniture Men as Church Pillars. On c..,unda, m0111111£;,December 5, m less than half an haUl SII 000 \I a'S subscnbed by the congrega1ilOn of the rou11ta1n Street Baptl';t church, to meet expenses and pay oft the 111clebtednes" uf the socIety. Among the contnbu-t01 ~ \I e1ese, eral prom1l1ent fnrmture men, including \V. IJ Ga, of the Berkey & Gay Company, John Mowat of the G1and RapIds ChaIr Company, Frank E Leonard of the Gland RapIds Refngeartor Company, M S Keeler of the Keeler r1a~-, II arks, IVillard P Sha1p of the Grand RapIds Chan Company R IV Merrill of the Phoenix Furnitnre Compa11} and others. F A. Baldwin and VIctor M TuthIll 01 Bald\l111 futhdl & Bolton, manufacturers of saw-fittIng and fi1111£;loom mach111ery, also made generous contnbutlOn;, The Drawing-Room And Its Furniture. The c!taYvmg-room, or "WIthdraWIng room" as It used to be called-the room to which g nests v,lthdrew after a meal-calLs for a tOuch of formahty and dIsplay in its furnish- 1l1g Seen so often under ItS gala aspect when the "lamps sh1lle o'er fair women and brave men" It would offer appropriate setting for the gleam of Jewels and the "frou-frou" of stlk and lace. Such a sett111g is to be found in the furni-ture of the French epochs, in the magnificence of Lom" XIV and the Regency, the gayer graces of LoUls XV. or the claSSIC elegancies of hIS successor. "Penod" furmtnre of thIS character, ab-solutely correct as to deSIgn and of a rare perfectlOn of techmcal executlOn, occupIes one of twelve galler'cs devoted to the display of Furl11ture of Integnty and DI"tInctlOn. THE FURNITURE GRAND RAPIDS COMPANY (Incorporated) 34 and 36 West 32d Street Between Fifth Avenue and Broadway, New York. Sample AdvertIsement. WEEKLY ARTISAN ,-. .-.-----._-.-. --..--.-.-_-. -------------------------_ ._. ~--_.------_.- ..- -- . Great Improvements in Refrigerators for 191 0 SEE THE NEW LEONARD WATER COOLERS FOR REFRIGERATORSl SEE THE ENTIRE NEW LINE OF SATIN WALNUT REFRIGERATORSl SEE THE NEW COMBINATION-REFRIGERATOR AND KITCHEN CABINET! SEE THE NEW ROUND CORNERS ON THE "LEONARD GRAND RAPIDS!" SEE THE NEW WOVEN WIRE SHELVES IN OUR ENAMELED LINE! SEE THE NEW CHEAP LINE OF "NORTH POLE" REFRIGERATORS! SEE THE NEW ALL PORCELAIN REFRIGERATORS-INSIDE AND OUTSIDE! lET OTHERS FOllOW-IF THEY CAN. WE LEAD SEE THE NEW HOME OF THE LEONARD CLEANABLE REFRIGERATORS. The largest and finest refngerator factory in the world It IS only In such a factory that the best goods can be made for the least money, and orders promptly filled ThIS mammoth plant IS at your service for the asking Send for our 1910 catalogue We make nearly everything that we u"e The Porcelain Enamel for Linings-the Tllmed WIre Shelves-the Locks-the Hinges-the \Vater Coolers-the new desIgns and fi111shesare all made In thIS wonderful factory. Our assortment IS enormous, ranging from the very cheapest to the finest And best of all, we help you sell the goods I The "Leonal d Cleanable" reputatIOn IS behind them Our magazme advertlsmg and our store selling plans vvlll bnng you many customers Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator. White Enameled, "Leonard Grand Rapids." Satin Walnut, with Water Cooler. GRAND RAPIDS REFRIGERATOR CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Factory, Nos. 52 to 202 Clyde Park Ave. Salesroom during January and July, LEONARDFURNITUREEXHIBITION BUILDING. "1.-.----------------------------------------- ------- 23 --., \II I II II IIII III II III \II III . - ---'" 24 -------------~_._._-- .. . ..._-_._.-._._-_._------. 1\ l~EKLY \RTISAN r· ..- _-- IIIIIII ,, II III ,,------------------------_. _.--~._._•-_.-._._.-- -- ...------------ MOON DESK COMPANY Grand Rapids Exhibit, January, 1910, 3rd Floor, Man ufaeturers' Building R E Moon, F M Barton, D L McLeod, In charge OFFICE DESKS No More Special Passenger Rates. The western railroads through the II estern Passengel assoclatlOn, have sen ed notIce on the ChIcago a~soclatlon of commerce and the commercIal as"ouatlOns of other large cIties that no mOle reduced rates ",,111 be glantec1 fOI melchant~ meetings The notice sent out b} Chal1man IIacLeod state~ that the ral1road s of the west, and pI esumabh tho"e III the east, have decIded to abohsh all reduced rates beg-llln1l1g J an 1, 1910, the only pO'o'>lble eAceptlOns to the ne\\ I ule belllg the late,> whIch are granted for colom"ts, homeseekel' and summer tOUllSt~ ] he ChIcago -\ S"ouatlon of Com- I ....••.•..•. __ .._~ Six Styles of Double Flat Top Desks. MUSKEGON MICHIGAN mel ce ha;, been tl} I11g to secure a 1 econSldel atlOn of the actlOn taken by the railroad managers and If pos-sIble hay e It rescmded, but so far hay e not been success-ful and at pre"ent the order seems 11kely to stand ThIS ,eem" to be Sh01 t-e.,lghted and uncalled-for actlOn on the part ot the lalllOad managers who a few years ago \"ere com-plal11mg because the la,,\ I11terfered wIth the grantmg of speCIal rate" prnml'>ulOu,>ly -\s they do not contend that the la\\ plOhlblh the specIal rates whIch they have Just 01 dered aboh"hed theIr 1'0 a suplclOn that theIr action in tIll::, case IS tOl the purpose of gettl11g e\ en wIth vanous mel can tde a '>"oua tlon s that hay e m slsted on enforcement of the la\\ s m 1 egard to the regulatlOn of freIght rates. The outcome of thlS matter \\ 111 be of great Importance to furni-illl e manufactUl e, '> and also to the dealers Hand ScreW"Company Changes OW"ners. \egotlatlOn" that had been pendmg- for some time were l!o"cd tbl'o \\eek 1)\ \\hlLh the John II lddlcomb company takes 0\ er the b11',me%. eqUIpment and ~ood WIll of the (T1and RapIds JT and ~ Clew com pan) .:\Ir 1\ lddlcomb \\ III mO\ e the eqUlpment to the old factor} of the Kent FUlmture company on '\orth l-<lont ~tlett \\hele the busl11ess WIll be enlarged and c011tmued under the old sty Ie The Hand Screw compan} whIch has been and 'otdl 1'0 a prosperous I11stltutlOn has occupIed a plant Jowtl} wIth the 1\ J!marth Show Lase com pan} and the bullc11ng-'o are to) small tor both concerns I he rell10\ al of thc Hand SCIew company \\ III enable the \YJ!- mal th Show Lae.,e company to enlal ge theIr hu~mee.,s WIth-out e1eciwg ddchtlOnal btl1ldl11g'o /I'------ ~ \ Horses and Mules. EdltOl II eekl} \1 tI;,an ::\T entlOn h made m an edltOllal of } our paper about the use of mota, trucks and \\ould a~k yOU to hmdly g1\ e me the names of one or two users of the latest de\ elopme11t m that lme. al"o name of the best publlLatlO11 makll1g a speCIal of the cUlrent de\ eloPl11ent and ImprO\ cment, presumll1g they are on } our exchan~e 11;,t Sll1ce the Doel and Spamsh wal s that demanded '30 much of our 11\e stock even to brood al1lmal~, hor"es and mules hay e become as 11lgh as auto-mohllcs, companng kinds 10 SPINDLE MACHINE ALSO MADE WIfH 12, 15 20 AND J5 SPINDL~S DODDS' NEW GEAR DOVETAILING MACHINE ThIS little machllle has done more to perfect the drawer work of furn! ture manufacturers than anythlllg else In the furmture trade For fifteen years It has made perfect fittmg vermm proof dovetaIled stock a POSSl bI11ty I hiS has been accomplIshed at reduced cost as the machme cut., dove taIls In gangs of from 9 to 24 at one operatIOn It s what others see about your busme<;s rather than what }Oll say about It, that counts In the cash drawer It s the thnll of enthUSIasm and the true nng of truth you feel and hear back of the lold type that makes you buy the thmgadvertIsed ALEXANDER DODDS CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Represented by Schuchart & 5chulle at Berhn, V,enna. Stockholm and 5t Petersburg Reprt"~entedby Alfred H Schutte at Cologne. Brussel., ue2e. Pans, MIlan and Bllboa Repr,...,nted m Great Bnllan and (roland by the Ohver Machmery Co. F 5 Thompson, Mar. 201-203 Dean'aate, MancheSler, Enaland Shre\ eport, La , Dec 4, 1909 Yours very truly, A CURRIE. L E Han"on of Lo" Angeles hd" purchased the mterest of lIlr Human In the furmture '-,tOle of Grant & Human, San Bernaldmo. Cal, and the name of the finn ha" been changed to Grant & Hanson The names of the Jones FUlmture company, dealers of :l\fesa, Anz, ha" been changed to the Jones-DavI" FUlmtme COmpdn}, C E Da, IS hay mg become a partnel WIth Arthur A J one'3 111 the busmess The "tate bOdrd of arbltratlOn and concIllatlOn has suc-ceeded m settmg the trouble between Bo'>ton furmture deal-ers and emplo} e" 111theI1 upholsteI} departments, 111a man-ner satI"fact01} to all concerned The StoufShton (1\la..,,,) Furniture company, one of the olde'-,t retaIl 111'3tItutlOn" 111the town hay e moved 111tOlarger and much mOl e con, cment quarters The} are now located ln Dr SWdn's block on Stoughton Squale Half} SmIth has purchased ::\11s TIlley's interest in the Swanton FUl11lture compan}, dealers of Swanton, Vt The company now occuple" three floors of a large block, has four "torehouse.., and IS d0111~ a large bUS111ess A F Thompson, r t \\ dters, H 1\1 HI~gmbotham, 0 G. N eldlmg er and \Y L N ITemberl}, propnetors of the Kahonal :\I1nor company of l\lassIllon" 0, have 111corporated theu bu"mess v. Ith capItal stock lU11lted to $60,000 Ed" 111and Edrle Th01nton, 111the undel tak111g business at Elkhart, Ind, under the name of George \\" Th01nton's Son'>, hay e made an a""Ignment to Glenn R Sawyer a" trustee for theIr CledItor'> Asset'> about $1,500, hsted hablhtIes $2,050 \\ 111 :e Den'3more, fur11ltm e dealer and undertaker of Saranac :\IIch, ha" pm cha..,ed the bu smess of IllS competItor, D C Reynold" and wIll con"ohdate the two estabhshments whIch ,,; 111 gn e hIm the lal ~e"t stock of furmtm e e, er caI-Ilul In the to" n Dd'Id E Barnald, \ mcent L Sano and \braham Hutter 010. employes of \\ 1se, SmIth & Co, Hartford, Conn, have been made pal tners m the firm l\Ir Barnard has been buyel for the humture, carpet and drapery departments of the "tOI e for several} eaI" \\ orcester Brothers, furmtnre dealel s on JIarvaI d Square, Cambndge, 11a"s. are erect111g a bmlclIng m HollIS, N H, whIch WIll be occup1ed by the postoffice, a gene1 al store WIth a fur11lture department and a thlrt} -room hotel all mana~ed by George C Cobb The hotel "Ill be known as Clanford Inn Henry J Nel'-,on of Burlmgton, Vt, has Just started hb fiftIeth year 111 the furmture manufactunng busmestJ H!::> fdctory i'3 111the buIldmg m whIch It was e"tablI"hed 111 1859 and the bmld111g ha'3 not been changed 111 extenor appearance He has lI, ed d11 11l" lIfe '\lth111 20 lOd.., of hIS lmth place and hIS factory IS only 40 rods a"ay MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS Edward Castor, fmmture dealer of ::\ew Concord, °,has '301d out to Elmer Law The Bradle} Furmture com pan} of ElIzabethon, Tenn, has been declared bankrupt R 13 Sen"ency succeeds J l' IIovvell 111the retad furn- Iit1le bu"mess at :\Iartmsbun:;, Iowa B \7\. Moore succeeds Ed", ard J\loore 111 the retaIl fur111tm e bu S111ess at Georgetown, III Dora Cornett, furnIture dealer of P111evl11e. Ky, has made an ass1gnment for the benefit of credItors The \Yalte ChaIr company factory at BaldWIn", die, 1\T ass, 1" runmng m ertIme 111order to fill ru"h orders Derry beny & Forbes "ucceed \\ orkman & Derryberry, fur111tnre and Implement dealers 111NO! th PlaUe, 1\ ebr '1he Bl11m~'-,le) T'urmture and Hard\', are company-C A and II E B11hng"le}-of Hovve, Okla, ha" gone 111tObank-ruptc) John KlOetes, supenntendent of the Phoemx ChaIr fac-tory, Shebo}gan, \\ 1", dropped dead on \member 30 Heart d1"ease RepOlt" from :ene, Pa, "tate that the Kalz :\Tattre"s :\lan-ufactunng com pan} of ChIcago v. III move theIr plant to Ene 111 the neal future } rank 13 \\ 111egar of the \\' megar FurnIture company, dealers, Grand RapIds, JVlIch, has gone to Los Angele", Cal to spend the w111ter 'Lhe J \\ Owen" }ur111tme Company succeeds R A l~etSe In the retaIl furnIture bus111ess at ~ ev. man, Ga The "tock "'111 be enlarged The \\ eeks }url11ture company, dealers of \Yoonsocket, R I, IS 111finanCIal dlfficulty Crechtors hay e se1zed a pal t of the stock on attachments The plant of the lIreproof lurl11ture and Con'-,t! uctlon Company at HamIlton, OhIO, was v\fecked by a C)c1one-damaged to the extent of $1,000 01 more The Sydnor & Hundley company, 111cOlporated. of R1Ch-mond, \ a, are celebratmg then 21 '3t anmver'-,ar} V\ Ith a great sale of hohela} goocb at "peCIal pnces Le"ter D treed" Ice-pre"Ident and manager of the Freed Fml11ture company ha" been elected a" a dn ect01 of the Merchants Dank of Salt Lake CIty, Utah ChaIle'-, C Chapman, a farnous Old \I1SSlO11orange 2;rowe1 ot Fullerton, ha" purchased J E Stone's 111terest 111the Del- (VIer 1,url11tm e Company of }j Centre, Cal C F Boyett 1'-, now "ole owner of the Blakel) (Ga) lurl11ture and Harel,,; al e company, ha'Ing bought the 111ter-e" t" of C } Coleman and R \\ L"nden,ood The Cap1tal }t1ll11ture compan} of Lansmg, 1\IIch, manu-factmers of dre"ser" and chlifol11ers, hay e let cont!acts for the ercctIOn of a lal ge bnck addltlOn to theIr plant The Sellew- \;\ allace company of \7\ aterbury nov. c1a 1111 to be the largest furl11tm e 1eta11 furnIture dealel s in Conn 1 he} u"e 35,000 feet of floor space, and employ 15 salesmen J P Gptegrme of \\ llham E LptegloH & Bro, of New York CIty and of VpteglO, e & BeckWIth of Gland RapId" was 111the CIty of Grand Rapids from :\1:onday untIl Thursda}, thIS week George "[,dV\ard Rlechman, chIef accountant for the Globe lurmture Company of Evan"v1lle, Ind and J\I1"s Helen A Umbach were man led at the home of the hnde 111I\ ansvIlle on :"rovember 26 Henr} \Volke, preSIdent of the II \\ olke FurnIture com-pany of Lou!::>, 111e, Ky, (hed of sp111al trouble 111 N m cmbel 30, at I'a'3adena, Cal, where he ha'3 rnacle IllS ,\ mter hOlne for several yeals What to Buy and Where. \V dlter Clark al wa}.., has on hand a large "tock of TII'-,h glue ready for U11lnedlate shlpmcnt r\ .. . .- -- -----_._._._. _._-_._._-_. _._._.,III IMPROVED, EASY AND ELEVAT 0 RS QUICK RAISING Belt, ElectrIC and Hand Power. The Best Hand Power for Furmture Stores Send for Catalogne and Pnce •. KIMBAll BROS. CO., 1067 Ninth St., Council Bluffs, la. Kimball Elevator Co.. 3~3 Pro.pect St., Cleveland, 0 , 108 11th St, Omaha, Neb, 120 Cedar St , New York CIty. 1.- ._. - .-_.- -_ _ ~ 26 \\ E E K L Y ------------ ._--------------------- ----------------~ Mahogany Circassian Walnut Quartered Oak Walnut Curly Maple Bird's Eye Maple Basswood Ash Elm Birch Maple Poplar Gum Oak II I 6-. GEORGE J. KINDEL AS A LIVE WIRE Famous Denver Manufacturer ~Iakes :l'Iuch "Copy" for Newspapers and His City "on the Map:' George J Kmdel manufdcturel of bedcllng supphes, ot Denver, Col. who forced the railroad" to abandon then plOpO "Ition to ral'ie heIght rate,> bet\A,een \eV\ YOlk and TeAa" Oklahoma, Colorado and Ltah pomt'> 'Ia Gah e"ton and othel (,.ul£ ports, "eem~ to be a "on ot In e "II e He IS cel taml) a promment figure In Den' er The new "paper" gn e mort "pace to hI'> ~aymg" and dOIngs than to those of an} othel man In the "tate He '>eem'i to be a ,el "atIle "knocker al-ways I eady for a fight agamst V\hat he belle, e'> to be \\ long and IS usually "ucce'>sful -\" WIll be '>een m the tollcl\\ Illg quotatIOns from the Del \ er 'llme'i he I'> lu"t nm, engaged m a war agam"t what he believe" are eAtm tlOllate pI Ice" for coal "George J Kmdel's letter to the TIme" ,e..,tel eLL' bnng" home the forceful mCj1111, \\ III De'l\ CI ,>upmeh endure the extraordmary gl dft of the transportatIOn tllht In the freIght rate on coal from the northeln field? "Kmdel make~ a battle call He shovvs vd1ere the people may fIght WIth certall1t} of some kmd of tnumph Cal r} the case on complaInt to the state I allway comml~SIOIl It the commISSIOn has power to act and WIll not act (" hlch I'> sCdrcely po~slble), get a new COmmlS'ilOn If the commISSIon would reduce the rate but cannot enforce It" order'>, get a new law "There are ample precedents to JustIfy the demand for the reductIOn The mterstate commel ce comml~'>lon I uled that the rate, LOl11'ivllle to Den,er, V\a" tWIce a" hIgh a'- a leason able and JU'it rate The "tate ralll oad comml'>~lon reCjl11red and obtamed a reductlon m the case of coal rate'i Denver to Central CIty "It IS certam, from the charactel and abllltv of the men on the state comml~"lon, that a complamt m the Cd'ie of lates, LOl11svllle to Den' er, vvould recen e l111mecllate con ..,lderatlOn and that all pos"lble rehef ,A,ould be affOl decl Let cltlzens bear in mmd, a" The TImes has been assured b} operator'i, that 111JU'it whatever amount the freight rate ~hal1 be reduced the pnce of coal 111Dem er WIll be reduced That l'i somethmg vvorth fightmg fOI " ~Ir Kmdel doe" not U'ie all hl'i fig-ht111g ablllt, aga111'it the rallroad~ and bus111es'i monopohe~ He take'i a promI-nent part 111the dISCUSSIon of nearly all public poliCIes and helps to abolish abuse" and nght man, \\ ron'S'i Here h an extract from another Denv cr ncV\ 'ipape, of recent date wlllch fur111she'i a good example of hiS methocl" -\RTISAN -----------_._---- IIIII I I ------ ---4 Foreign and Domestic Woods, Rotary, Sliced, Sawed. "The tuberculo'il" exhIbit dt 1745 \rapahoe street vva" npped wiele open, both literally and figl11atlvely, when George J Kmdel addre'i'ied the meetmg held last 111ght for the benefit of the bUS111e,,'i men KlI1del'" fir'it objectIOn was to the place of holclmg the meet111g 'You preach fresh sIr," he saId, "but there IS no fre'ih air m thl'i room" Then he paId hIS I espects to the model exhIbIt Here are t\\ 0 sample rooms,' he cont111ued, "one show-mg "dl1ltan and the other un"al1ltary conditIon ~ I have tak-en matellal out of the mattres"e" On both beel" Nothing but HEYMAN'S HEYMAN'S HEYMAN'S HEYMAN'S going to be~.-..c ......... froze up all winter? ~~ W~ -or get a Garland? The re olv ng firepot s found on Garland Stoves and GARLANDS ONLY It s a. v1Iuable patent devce that enables YOUby one 1 !tIe tw t of the crank tocean hefirepot of a accumulaton of ashes and cl nkers that retard t'hehea! from rad a ngto eout s de of the stove r s worth ts we gl n go d to.,ne that wants full val eforeverydt> a spent for coal It s no expenmen hu nc mos prac C'I common ense and ~cent fic feature e er added to a hard coa heater regardless ofwha the otherfel1oy, says Look nto I before you pay YOUrgood money for a coal s ove- t 11be better than to WISH you had HEYMAN COMPANY 47-61 Canal Street A Sample AdvertIsement filthy shoddy 1he one flam the clean and the one from the unclean room. both full of mtlhon" of germs The rags whIch sO mto "hoddy are bought 1n man} l11"tance" from pest house" and ho'>pltal'i I hay e known ( f 1I1"tance~ In Denver where such V\as the ca~e Only the other day a I11dn dIed here of tuberculo'il" after a lcng IlIne"" HI'> body VI a3 sent ea"t Do 'ou know what wa" done With the l11attle% on whIch he had been "leepmg' It" a~ sold to an auctlon company, "hllh m "elll11g It agdln did not "ee fit to 'itate that the la'it pcr~on who had "Ie] t on It dIed of tuberculOSIs Dr Bartlett ,>ale! I V\ ould plObably mJect freIght rate" mto tIll'> meetmg I \\111 1m g0ll1g to shoVl what freight WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 rates have to do "'Ith tuberculosIs On account of these high rates, mattresses made of :ohoddy, the manufacture of which IS forbidden m many ::,tdte., are made here by a number of people Shoddy is mdde of old rag:o pIcked up m the guttel:O and streets and alleys It I., nothm~ but refuse and filth chopped up fine and placed 111 mattresses "The fl elgh t rate" on the proper matenal to make clean and sanital} mattres"es are so 11lgh as to make them cost beyond all reason 1 have heen fightmg the use of "hoddy for fifteen years "I haven't got tUberculo"ls, because I sleep wIth my windows open, eat apples and don't smoke 1 have a sana-torium of my own m ,Vest Colfax There al e forty acres and a board1l1~ house, and anybody who has a tent IS wel-come to pl"lch It over there and bve 111 the open" Tried to Indict Himself. Mr Kmdel hds been fightmg the shoddy bedding for years as IS shown by the tollowmg taken from a lettel that he addressed to the Amencan Health ASSOCIatIOn m September, 1895, "For years I have ea1l1e:otly endeavored to bring about reform in the manufactunng of beddmg In the mterest of pure and healthy beddmg, I three years ago, VISIted the health authones of the cItIes of ChIcago, St LOUIS, Cmcinnati, Boffalo, and New York City Also those of Liverpool and London, England "N ear New York cIty IS ma11ufactured today, a shoddy (rag) comforter that is sold m every cIty In the United States Shoddy (rag) mattte"ses are manufactured m every city of 100,000 inhabitant-, In OUI beautiful city of Denver, there are two such manufactunes, my own, and that of Kent & Stuch-field It is not by chOlce. but hy compulSIOn that they are made here ChIcago, Omaha, Lmcoln and ,Vlchlta sh~p them 111 by the car load, hence, we must make them or go out of the bedd\1l~ bus111ess, as 111thl" sectIOn four-fifths of the bedding IS made of thIS \ lIe .,tuff "In addltlOn to the nottce of thIS subject to the State Board of Health (see page four), I have again called the attentIOn of our esteemed HOdl d of Health to thIS subject, ",hlle a member of the (,rdnd Jllr) 111Apnl 1894, when I endeavored to mdlct m} self for makmg thiS dangerous bed fillmg We had the:oe medIcal officers before us to give expert testImony They cllffered WIdely Some went so far as to say that there ",as nothmg unhealthy, or dan~erous about it, )Jeedless to -.ay, the Gland Jury dId nothmg, ex.- cept to make a slw;ht mentton III theIr report to the court about it "So long as there IS no natIOnal law governmg the sub- Ject, Just so long wl1l these goods be manufactured and sold "nder the mnocent tItle of wool beddmg Every dry goo~ and house furl11shmg goods store have these goods on theIr counters" Mr Kmdel fay ors the enactment of state or natIOnal lav\s to prohibit the use of .,hoddy in the manufacture of bed dmg "We have mIlk mspectors, meat mspectors, etc ," he says, "why not have shoddy 1l1spectors to guard the publlc health, WIth law" reqmrmg effectIve fumIgatIOn of all second hand matenal that goes mto beddmg~" Advises the Women. The 'Voman's Club Journal of SaturdaJ, December 4, 1909, pubhshed the followmg letter glvmg l\Ir Kmdel's vIews on "The J\eed of TlansportatlOn Reform": In thIS day and age, fearless and patriotIC men of the "I WILL" pattern, like Col D C Dodge, Col D F Day and Judge Ben Lmdsey, are as few and far between as are the snowclad peaks 111our Rocky Mountams WHY? Becau"e the a\ erage man can not afford to champIOn a cause of the people Only mll110nalres llke Geo Washington and Rudolph Spreckles can I11dulge themselves In such commendable WOlk WIthout coml11g to gnef The system IS as cruel and oppressIve now as evel The methods, but not the results have changed Notwlthstandmg iA oman has been enfranchhed more than a dozen years m Colorado c011clltlOns are much the same as when "mere" man had an eAclus1Ve fight In pohtlcS Colorado women have not yet ma11lfested much mterest In commercIal affaIrs OtherWIse such a Joke (not found 111Puck or Judge), as Dem er payIng 100 per cent hIgher freIght and express rate per ton per mIle than any other CIty of Its sIze In the U11l0n, would not be perpetrated on u<; Coal rates, too, are 100 pel cent hlghel f10m LoU!sVllle to Denver than the "ame haul iA hen consIgned to our Ea<;tel n nelghbor<; Evel y commodIty that we eat or wear IS "ubj ect to thIS system of extOl tlO11 It h WIthout questIon expensIVe to live In Colorado, but It IS even mOle expen<;lve to dIe In proof of that, I iA ould P0111t out that to be cremated m Colorado costs nearly double as much a" It does either east or west of Colorado If you shIp a dead body by expl ess It co<;ts double the fare of a hve person, iA hlch Iule IS reversed when shlppmg a11lmals My adVIce to the wemen of Colorado IS to jam the Con-sumers League, and to th1l1k and "iudy before you vote the next t1l11e GEO J KINDEL , SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 28 ~IiIlnesota Retail Dealers' Furniture Association WEEKLY ARTISAN OFf< ICr RS-Prcslde t Lom') ] Puengef Ne\\ "llm \ lee PresIdent C Danielson Cannon Falls Treasurer, o \ 0 \IoLn Peter.."oIl Secretan W I Gr'lpP ] anes\ tile E'\TCL TIVE C0\1\[[ j 1 EcF-D F RILh'uelson '1Olthfield Geo Klme Mankato W L Harns 'VlrnneapolJs, o SImons Glencoe '\1 L KlIne St Peter BULLETIN No. 62. THE MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. ~"pe the CellI ot the pi eStele nt the e,ecutn e C011111111,1e n e1 1Ll11hato, 1\,1111n 011 1 uesd I} (\ enl11g "0\ embel 30 to 1111 H;e 1 I allel c1cc1c1e upon thl c11te" 01 lhe C0111111g COI1\ cntlOn Ihe 1 e )( 1t, of thc arh el tlsll1g comllllttee bllYJllf?; eomn11ttee 'wc1 the seCl et l1' \\ere lelel anel reee1\td T,lC 111'1ttlr (\ Lett1Jl'g sUJtlb1c (hL 101 thc COll\ entlO11 seemeel to bl the h 11de ,t let \11 1,elm L thL con n IltL( 1 hc luneral elnectch nd\ l Ltt thCll (htLo t(l! ] L111u t \ " 9 III n wh'ch \\111 mdke It Imp h'lbk to meet tlL LlmL \\LLh \\It'Wl'l \( ldppmg on,e d tv If '\ e mcet the ,"me \\ Ld It \\ h tl Ul ~ht 1(1 \lS2ble to meet 11011c11) 'lnc1 1uL"c1 I}, thc 7th l11(1 bth (lLC'l 0, 01 L t 20 pel eellt of the funer 1 dll ector, Ire Iu 111tUIe de du" 1111" \\ III bnng the eon\ CI tlO11 to a dehL the S'lme c!ly that the IUllel'll (llree tors as,eK1'l tlon (pell " If thL majOllt} ot the mcmbus \\ l11t It the bll\l1L, LUmmJttLL will 11,1111tal11 d s'l111ple loom ot dLLoultwn lL tlu, on I eblUl1\ \ .., nc1 5 three c1a}" bef01e the lOn\elltwn opcn, 'lnd lOlltl11Ul11~ llle eldy ,lltel The tollO\\ln~ l0111nlttcC, \\L1e IPP01111UI C0l111111ttee on Pl06"ll11-Ple" L J BUL11':;U ( \)\11111'011 l 1 non raIl-; mc1 the seu et 11\ Comrmttee on Com el1[1 11 I r tll-r I:f "UU' 11 \f },11 1 'lnd D f' Rlchal d son Commlttee to Settle D Ite ot (on\ enlwl1-0 ::'1111011 GICl1C( Geo Kle1l1 dnd J J \V ollell J t \\ a, clee H\ed to 111 \ke thc lOnl111~ l11ellln~ LO l11tU cLtln~ \11(\ l11struc1l\e tn, t lt \\11\ be ,I hn'l11enl ]o"s 110t to he thul '1nd ~ct the [(ood th111gs \~ hJch wlll be sl\ Ll1 rn 01 du t, ~lt thL beLt pos SIble ddte and the be,t hl1ld oj cl lJlogr 1111 klldh Illl (Ut the -OjI )\\ 1116 blank 'lnd "lnc\ 10 the Slllc! \l} " l ..,\Il(le t) tne \ lnOlh C) Il S'n1\ VIe 111ect the "me \\cek thL lumldl cltrectcJl" meet) An SVIer 2 \V ould you come If \\ e met '1 VICl h 1\tll Ans\,er 3 A1C }OU '1 l11cmbu" ot Loth tlte I1111U 1 c\llLdmo 1 (1 our dssoclatlOn) An,wLr 4 Do yOU applO\( ot onc I,'OU III n , tlll1" c\ te, \\Ith()\ t consldel111g the other' AnsVI er 5 \Vl1'lt subject'> '11e nH)',t 111)l)J t l11t to \ ou \llSVI er 6 Sh,l11 \\ e mcllllt Ull '1 "1111ple I ( 011 ot U III 01 (\e1 'l( I10L leac1el s) Ans\\ er 7 \Voulc\ you jll efel to n II t 111 \h1 lH l)lolh ()1 111 St l' wI 1\ n-wer 8 Wh It snhjeds undu (!J"')lS"Hm \\ onlc\ m 11,c \ (U eo lH to COn\UltlOn 1l you \Jele 110t \Cl) much lltele,tlll' \nC\\ er 9 \Voulc1 a pnctle'll c1emonstr,ll1on ot hO\\ to rejrll b Illl)1 and cxec!slOl 111Irl" 'lnd c1eep 'u Ilche, 011 hnL tlll 1t u, Without Idi111-,\l1ng be of Im)lort l11ll to yOu) '\11SVIer 10 \Vlldt, 111 "\mil 111111cl 10 the 1110"t Import 1l1t tlnllg the aSSOLl,ltwn "\lOu\d do) '\n,\\ er 11II tIe, l'lc I'L do l10t nedect t\llS but fill 1t out 110"1' enc\ send IL \ln1l \()\\ tlUllh 01 It II }OU Vll11le,po11c! plompt1y, we pr01111Se to the hc,l COl1\(lltWll \Je h\\c e\er held 1hl m( -t lmpm t \l t COll"lclel '1tlon C'lmc under the head of C0111 n \111L Itlm- \mo11g \\hleh \\ s '111 OtllU II nol1ce flo111 Vvrn C fhon" \ lLe pll Ide nt l11ll h\1LlleSS l11111agel ot Montgomer} Vi/'lrc1 & CO II (hi el \1' tl1 t VlL \\ele \lOhtl11g the copynght laVl l1v con tl 'tl11~ t(11 11 11 \ lick Vllth the oveldra\\n 11!u"tlatlOns 111 their c~t 11 ~' \\ hI' h Ihe \ ,I 1111 'Ire COP) n[(htec1 1111S plalllly shO\\ s that \11 ,oultlln \\ lh l' effcctnl \\e ha\e refellecJ thIS matter to )\11 1,,,)(1 III Jll eumnllttee \\ I11ch \\ 111 nnke 111\ e~tJgatlOn and finc1 out \\ hUl Ol!1 11S11tS beg1l1 l11d le,l\ e off (01l1111lttec 011 111\ estl&;atlOn-T J (TI IPP SL c-rehl\ II I H'lll1S dnc1 D Buenger, p"hldent, \iV F RlLhardson L Association .Jottings. '1\ ,tun h t) modu n hlh111ess "lnt lnbllcatlOn 15 to ,naCJ1J1len \1111\ 111C\Lh l11h h 1\ e found that the key to success IS graelJL15 1 " " l \ 11 11 1, ulltlue or (, 'lggu Ited sl,lte111ellt In an "ae!" for \ III be blo\\-sht t) 1H;ht "( Ullel or \ ltel \1L \ 0\\ p\\sl11n'2, ) Ol!1 t 11 collectIon" as yO\\ shou1c1' \n edtl~ I 1'\ \ 11 d11 Lelul e lkc n,", e Imp l1[(n lS es'-,entJal to t'\ ery blb1l1ess kno11 \\ hit" (11 I e ~0111g to e!o betOl e you start," IS a bus111es~ 1111,lm th It t0111b 1 ~oo I ICC0111pa11lment to the S\ ste111'ltle eff 11[ 1hl cch ILL 01 dl e,pe rh 'lnd lllthontle, 011 puhhut) lS \cl\Lltl'" \l\Utl"C' \d\Clt1sel I I Keep at It cOllt1l1uo11'-,ly nl1el ,top Ole! P111neas T n \l n11m , 1(\ "omethlllf?; \\ hen he sale! tlMt the \melll'ln people 1Jke to be h\\mbugged 1hIS exp1al11s the eXhtellce t 111 J1 01()0 house' 11 \ rm \1 llt t bl111(\ up } 0\\1 bu,111e,s 111st ach ertJsc ,Illd \\se 11e\\ 1 h U tl'ln~ m dIll dl tlle 111' e II vr \\ W'lnt to \dHlW \\ho lS [(01l1g t)pnTO thh (I}l! Llld'cl '\ bl1ol11e,,, 111'ln \\ hell lsked te 1 methods the othel c!l) ,,'l\ l thl" '111 } ou C'ln 111d-"et the money The re tl "cerct of ''l\esm'lJ1s11ljl 10 to know your customel Get ( n lhe Ille11l1l) ",de 01 11111 Be }our most U'lCllal sell dnc\ meet and tll It 111n1 IS 1 11lCI cl 11th th \l1 '1 bU'ol11c"s man J) 1 t \ 111(1 r L 1 ,I n111\1te befole orJcr111g; g;oods bIt Ie mllll),ll th It '1 ~ u ,e! '-( k \\ dl r I ngcel ddds forelbl) to yOUl sell111'S pc \\ el l11d h 1 det'lll of tile \\ 01 k \' ll1ch } 0\\ cdnnot afforc1 to neglect 1\ Ll \ Jum shoule! ha\ e a In e m,1l11l1g hst-not a llrge Iht but \ (I) ,ele etone \\ hit \1 e lTle'lll by a \ ely select hst IS people In 111l1du lte UrCUlTlLt'lnCe" chosen hom the gleat prosperous, lluc1elle ellS, the Il nl11tlOn of moderll b\\s1l1ess Get the best there lS gOl11g, get \ \\J,e n elch mt \\110 seeks sound "nceess w1ll see to lt that he 11 , tjl1'\ht\ f.,ood" bcll1nr\ 1110 ,t<!\eltJ"mg For lt lS "gooc1s of Cjual 11\ th It m \he Tnt the [(ooel 1111 11,tlllg nd111e of a bus1I1ess estab h'l1ucnt Shpk 11L1eles 1 e 11C\ Ll sold 'It bdrga1n COUlltel pnees ami Jf you &;L1 stUll, b) pllLmf?; 11 OlelU ot thiS h1l1el \\lth '1 film outslde the "1 lie Jt n uLt he ,our 10" \\ lth no opportul1lty of lehef by the la\\ s (I the -t \i e Don't drop yOUl ac1, C11l"1I1g 111 the CjUlet "eaSOll, ThlS 15 toe tllTl' \\ IIUl \ ou should S11I\ I to nnke bus1l1ess Yuu wlll not only 11 (11(1 the qUilt t1111(, hut Ihc lush \\111 he better when tl1e seaSOll U 111CC, 'lIe 111 1 r\ U} bU'1l1e " house 110\\ lellYS sLoulc1 hd\ e a thorough up to cl te follow up ,\ ,(cm It IS 111pOI t l11t l1J fact nece-,salY, 111 these WEEKLY ARTISAN 29 of IllS ~tole \\ IS sl11dshee! hy hl11s],ll" dlVI a t[Ul11tJty of gooe!.., t 11,\n Vv ltllln one 110ur dHe1 OPLI1111~ hh stOl e the 11L),t 1ll011l1n\S, the P10- [l11et01 hue! the follo\\lllg slgn plecee! 011 the v,llldO\\ Burgllls dll\ th1' I Om \Sood, al e ,0 nobby me! tempt11lg tInt they ctwld not rec,l,t Llkmg thel11 , Thmh l11cls Of people ,toppld to look ,1t tl1L c,m,t"hul ,\ l1ldm\ d1Hl slgn ,l1ld ,I ldl ge number 01 th1m \\ alked 111 mcl m tIle a [lurch t"C \ftCl \\ cl tIs th\) wonl\u ed how thcy h,lp pl nee! to buy r?7 ,,) G6-ThlS lYlds~l\ Ilblan TcLble IS l'Ylade of genUIne qu 11tOE:d oak goluen O<.1k fInIsh and hIghl, 1:))ll"'lhcd It ha~ top 44 11 x?q In ::Iud a dC'C'p hpa\, nm It 1"- \,,('11 SUPPOlted t'\ \(1"\ lal6'E' legs \\J11(11. dIe r'i In ",qUlle dt U 8 bottom '1 he CUl\ftl fe t a,lE' 1 Inches atlOS'::; '.Olp the lcug( tllcL,,\E:'l TIlt' pllC'(,- of thIS t':\.ble- l1as a h anC\ d QOID0 bnt It 1~ btll1 cL bis bargd n \\ L can fUl111Sh thlb to aUI me1'1l~LlS f n ~13 2") pI ogJ e"c;n e tlmL, that pl0v1:o1On be mae!e f01 1efell1l1\!; tc) pI evlOU.., C011lspone!UJce \\ tthout ,1 moment, dc1dy Up to date the merchant.., take ihClr loss cady TIns keeps the stock free from stIckers dnd here 1S \\ hel e many country 111ercllclnts fall dm~n They dre afr'lld tn cut pnc1S bdo\\ U),t ~11l1 so h \112, onto thl11 "Clods untl\ they dl e h H11v shop \I orn Some of lJe lllClcJldnts flll to uppreLtdte tl1<\t youn" An'Cl1Cl I' I, l)\,111" tOl thc ,( 1 Y \test The 111er1ha11t \\ ho £'lliS ,0 'P])1 eU,ltc thl> slLLniJ{Jn ,ncl tJ\C ch'\1H!,es th \t ,ire tdk1l1~ phce ,long- till, 11nc, llld 1 dtu t kc ( 1'( \\ l1tch 111hh trouser, ancl c;et next fhel e dre some store.., thdt Just ..,t11ke your LWLy dthoulSh t 11 pl1ces ,11e not ,ppedl1l1,s 'we! the ;:;ooc!s nothlnc; CAU J It 1, the t n oophel e oj the pIlLe The rc '''011 f01 thl" IS tl'dt the f,11ow In C l 1M", hI'> f'llce of c1ur,lcter llltlltne .,'111jJ thy dde! perh,p.., Juct AOC'c\ 0\ 1- h"lllol1ec! Abe L1I1coln 10\ e of hU11ld111tv The 11101to of the m 1\ 01 cle.r n1<1n dS apphecl tu poht '" 1" P "lbly "orne v\ III be angl y but \\ c \\ 111 sLl11d b} tile I \\\ of 1\ el, r.;~" In bU,111es, It h Po<;slbly "ome merchd11h V,I1! bc mg1 y hut 'A c \\ 111 ..,tlnd by the 1 \\ that thuL 1, a '-uckel born eve"\ m1l1ute Jnd If vIe c;et the .,uckel' , the 1uerch 1.nts can ha, e the rest" A. hUSl1lcc" 111,111"ys \ve IfC clrcul111L111g lAtUl'lvdv In 1 finu 1t exU c111d} I e..,ultfu] On, n 1.\ l1 g' ot ev el \ thl ce months we gct 111 touLh \\1th OUl patlon5 \\lth ,( 1>11t111n,; 5e ,on,ble e'1ouc;h to \\ alfant our ,Idclt e',Smg them nd lln 111(\1112,them that vie ,rL up to date and \\ ant the11 fm thcr f ,01 s The [JeonIe hke to lle C) ,- sldeled and appeuled to a, rq,ulll !Jel110jlS of I 1el1,bk "tOll n ,t!\\dVS respond genel0usly to 1ts speCIal o[fellng;s" 1he\e ale some men 'AnOSe 1nhl1e to ,uc1ccd 111 hte 1" '111job lcm to others dS ,",ell a, to thcm,eh1s They \1e 1l1clc1,tIIOUS, p u dent ,md economIcal, yet alter ,l \011(( Ide of sttn111g old ,((e 1'11 C!' them "ttll poor They s, y Llt1 15 a4am,t them hut the f ICt 13 thn 11'1\ e n11stdken actn It) fOl energy Re t! enCl g} 10 persev erm.f, "teady dl"clplme \ It ne\ e\ looses SIght of the object to be accorn plhhec1 110r stops t01 a11} t\lln\!; \\ hl1e thcle IS a posslbllth of success \11S£01 tnne5 m ly .,omcttmcc, be tUl ned l11to ,I prohtable arI, el ll5cment as ,ho\\n by, 1'\ew YOlt mLrchant The sho\\ \\l11c100. -£'111"\ 111~e libl'1l ttt1L l,:v~, a top JLx3( 11\ hes It IS nn.dC' Qut )f bf'lu h d oak stock an 1 JS \ 021).- "l It finlsh<:d 1 he s11 1£ IS 1&1....,( '"1ll\1 100 111Y 'rIlel€, 1<" a nIce SIzed dld\\el 111 the top ana It 1<., In e,€ly "'i\a'\ a good piece of fUl111tUl( F)~-~O F2J-'J"o F'J)-No rz 2-1'. \1 'G L(lnal \ TcLOh qual t.en d oak top plc1111 o3.k shelf and 11m ~3 70 quarllled oak top and shelf plcLll1 oak urn -r-1.20 ,) all qual t;:::.rec1 oak 11ke cut ~4-.60. 27 all pl~ln odk ~~.50 1 10-1\ 0 B) ) Tll1~ al tl".,tlC lune-ebb DiE "'''81 112b a ""enUlllf' qu ...l1 t< u'l oak fl )nt '11 \.1 up 'T'he tcp IS 11 x) and It has a 3u x 1\) ~la<;'" lhe canIng- IS \el\ ta~tefulls elOl t' Jncl dOlls a l1all1tJ. finl"",hlr2; touch It l1as one Ial ~f' ura\\ er a 1(1 bi 0 "nlallel oneb Note tll( Si\ ell front T1ub <'heSSl 1 furUl<..,!1ec1 to OUi HI mbers for $1190 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN '~ Am-tx-l:('utt 1itlow-cr Q!.lfurpaug fl. ., SJJ:?O~~O GENERAL OffICES DetrOIt '1Kh WORKS Detroit MICh [, Tr~ N Y ~ This plant runnlno In IQUITOS, PERU ATLANTA Progress in New York. The archItects of the great hvm Imtlchngs to be elec-ted for the 1'\ew Y 01 k Jur11lture Fxchange ha \ e no\\ made theIr final dra wmgs repre"entmg the extenor" of these 'Ottuc-ture" The"e dra\ovmg" 1J1chcate plamlv enOlH:;h that the hUlld1l1gs WIll be more ornate and e\ en more c,uperh than first mtended It hac: heen found poc,"lhle to add archltec tural features of stnklng- beauh \\ htle e\ en po""lhlc con v enlence WIll be mtroduced 111ac cordance \vIth the O1I~lIlal plan s \\'hlle the a1chltect" dre complet1l1~ their pal t a1Jc1 perfectm~ then plan" and whtle the \ a"t amount of ,tructur-al WOIk IS gomg on, the managers of the Exchange and the11 a",sl"tants al e no lc,," bus\ m prepaJ mg t01 the VI ar- 1anted expanslOn of the ente1]1n"e I'helr labol lIlclucles the a"slgnment of "pdce" a" manufacture" make knc)\\ n the1r reqmrements and the cltaV\111gof lea"e" f01 tl10"e \\ Ish mg" to parttclpate and forehanded cnou£;h not to "alt hut to act before some othel concern hd" "ecured the space ])e"t meetlllg then w1she" \\ hde for man} rea~CJ11Sone locatlOn wlthm the bmldllll; mdY be con"ldered as deSIrable dS an other, man} manufacturel" ha\ e thClr md1\ 1dual preferences These preference" ale met and satJ"fied 111 the case of earh apphcat1C'n<., \nother and Ver} 1mpOl tant part of the ldbor of the man-cl£; ement IS the prejJdl atlOn of data COllcernm" the ]n1\ cr" 111 the \CW YOlk market The compdatlOn of h'Ots of the",e bu} er" 1l1clude" not onl} theIr name, but a tabulatIOn at their need" and of the l1Ouse" they repre"ent "ith c,tate-ments of the ascertdmecl caplt,d "tc'ck latlllg of these \s th1S compl1atJon plOceech, the l111p01tance of the purcha"1l1g po'" er eAerClsed 111 Xew York becomes more and more ap parent The comp1latlOn 1l1cludes not only buyer" of ftuDI-ANY EFFICIENT GENERATOR direct connected to an " ABC" SELF OILING ENGINE will electric Nght your plant, run fans, etc, and if you are now bu~ing current, will pay you in saving 25% PER ANNUM ( Write for proof of above.) 'ABC" SELF OILING ENGINES are generating thousands of kilo-watts al
- Date Created:
- 1909-12-11T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:24
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1939-08-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 7, Number 8
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and Twenty=Eig,hthYear-No.2 JULY 25, 1907 Semi-Monthly Colonial Dining Room Pieces FROM THE LINE OF \r= ~7 "THE BETTER MAKE" ~=~ WE HAVE OVER 400 PIECES IN OUR UNE Bedroom, and Dinin~ Room Furniture ---- SUITES TO MATCH ---- NELSON.MATTER FURNITURE COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Factory and Salesroom, 37 Canal Street \ l!===«:';~T' - ,i;.~'.';Mi:'.". Why Biggest in the World? At the coming Furniture Exposition at Grand Rapids (opening June 17.) and that in New York (from July 15th to August 3d.) the Northern Furniture Company will as usual. have the largest space of any American Manufacturer. Though but a few years old. the Northern makes more bed-room. dining-room.and kitchen furniturethan any 'other manufacturer in this country. and that means in the world. .WHY? Why was Northern space last year more crowded than any other at these two expositions? BECAUSE-The Northern line sells best on the floorsof the retail dealers. It's a quick mover. It doesn't get stuck. It givessatisfaction. The prices are the kind the people want-not so low as to necessitate poor workmanship. not so high as to be fancy. The Northern line is noted for its elegant simplicity. It is stylish without being over-ornamented. It is substantial without being gaudy. It looks well for years and it wears well for years. It is solid all the way through. It has inner quality as well as outer quality. And the people know it. Do you know it? Call and see us. You yourself will then know WHY. The plates on this page are but a suggestionof our enormousline. NORTHERN FURNITURE COMPANY Sheboygan, Wisconsin - THE VICTOR WAS ~~~~=:::O: VICTORIOUS The victory was complete. Our exhibition of an en-tire new line of Victors and a full line of EXTENSION TABLES at 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicago, did the busi-ness. Write for new catalogue. Posselius Bros. Furniture Manufacturing Co. Detroit, Michigan 1 p l JH!fiT ir 'ii) uDUt; L 15 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.. JULY 25. 1907. ==========,'~ ~========= STORE METHODS AND MANAGErENT. I Various Expressions of Ideas and Opinions en Mail Order Business, Stock~Keeping, "Shopping'I' Etc. During the summer sales season the Daily )Artisan-Record as usual, published numerous interviews with frrniture buyers and sellers, m~nufactt1rers and dealers ou toPjcs supposed to he uf general mterest to those in any way connected with the trade or industry. The dealers \..'~ere questibned in regard to their methods of store management-mail larder business, keeping stock records, "shop talk," treatm~llt of chronic "shoppers," etc., and as their ideas and opinions will be of interest and perhaps valuable to many readers of the Michigan Artisan, some of the talks ha ve been condenscld and are here reprinted: ! W. N. Artz of Dayton, O.-;.lail order b~~sincss, as it is genC1"allyU1Hkrstood both by the furniture tl'atle and the pub-lic at large, is not being extended in the wa~1of 1lew enter-prises directly jJl that 11ne. It is dominated b a few big C011- cem~ which carry immense stocks and their .eld covers the nation and evcn lands beyond the confllles ff our country. Their system, to say nothing of the great capitalization em-ployed to ·wield it and the years of success ubparallcled, has given them a firm seat on the commercial thro~e, but the car-rying of sufficient stocks by the legitimate, pbrhaps I might better say the regular merchant class, for the ~cconl1nodatiOl1 of trade within a big; radius of the respecti~'e locations of such establishments, I helieve to be au the Increase. The falling away in this line of business endeavorJ is among con-cerns assuming. a high sonnding title, emploYlng about all of their available cash in advertising space, ,;m€1., ·whencver an order comes in, running to some manl1factu~er to buy the goods with which to J-i.1l it. Such dealers ha,e no legitimate standing in the mercantile \vorld. They are simply agents of the factories, in many instances carrying 01business under their own names, but simply agents regardl S5 of that pre-tension. In some instances they have no age ICY connection, but a working arrangement with manufactulJlers and simply secure a commission on sales. Such dealers are more thor-oughly understood by the public today tha] formerly and cannot long remain a factor in competition wit 1 the legitimate dealer nor the big mail order enterprises. 1\ow, getting back to the regular dealer Iho is engaging in this distant patron service, I have said it fS growing, but consider it hardly fair to denominate it Urail order busi-ness. It is so, to a certain extent, and there is nothing par-ticulady obnoxious in the term, yet the dra]'ing of the line between the mail order house and the regular dealer has been so sharp, and there is such a feeling prevai J ling against the former on the part of the latter, that we rat er resent being classed with the mail order industry. Yet ,all it what you will, all enterprising dealers in furniture, dr~pery and other lines, located without the very largest eitie~ rre delving into this line of work with profit, and the trend 0 the times is to use all possiblities opened up through it. With our mvn 28th Year-No.2. $1.00 pe' Year. house we carryall the goods we think our distant patrons may need and they get just as good prices as the city custom-er, with the difference that the long haul and the cost of trans- Jlortation, together with the packing, is added. That is strictly legitltnate \vork, although the orders may come through a mail communcation. The reason at the bottom of this trade is the growth of the interurban roads. With us of Ohio and in the neighboring state of Indiana, you know, the electric interurban has reached its highest development. With us of Dayton, and with those houses located in otller cities of our state, it is not a matter of serving a community within a radius of forty or fifty miles but of three or four times that distance. These lines, at first, brought the customer into our cities and stores, he readily affording the low rates of fare and combiiling a pleasure trip to the city with his business mission. As this business grew, \"ie began to go after it. The customer first came to us, and HOW we are going after him, which is SaIne thing of a rever-sal of the customary trade formula. As the electric road brought in the country customer, so with the addition of pack-age and freight cars to its service, we have been sending our advertising matter and our wares to them. I am telling yoU how we work this phase of business in my establishment and it is all strictly legitimate and in ke~~pillg with the ac-cepted trade forms for furniturt: dealers of the old schooL THE CORRECT Stains and fillers. THE MOST SATISFACTORY first Coaters and Varnishes ., ....I'IUrACTUlrClJ ...... i.y BY CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CD. ZSg·63 ELSTONAVEmZ'16 SLOAN ST. CH I CACD. 4 ~MI9rIG7jN $ What is true of our method is true, with certain variations, wi~hvmost of the houses, in OUf ,city and with those of other communities, so {ar as 1. have knowledge of their workings. Stewart Brothers of Columbus have long featured the mail order d'cpartncnt a11d have made a success Of it. Their cata-logue is a big,selling factor in their business and they arc pushing this Qut-oi-town business for all it is worth. F) H.o Peavey of Peavey & Nash, Sioux City, Ia.~1\.Jait or~ <leT business, as it' is generally understood, has had a good field in our portion of the country. That is true of nearly all agricultural districts. \Vith the merchants it has been a problem for many years as to how to combat the competition we constantly meet from that source, but we have solved that problem, at least to a degree. vVe impress upon our pat-rons that with their home dealers they can get as good goods as the big mail order concerns can provide, and as cheaply. Better than this, the goods are right before their eyes for ex-amination. They can view our displays, make their selec-tions '\\'ith their eyes open, and in case eithe.r we or they make allY error we are both, buyer and seller, right together as neighbors and all mishaps can either be remedied or the cost thereof refunded. This method of dealing has appealed to the common sense of the farmer, and I believe theyare more and more inclined to carry their trade to their home dealers than. ever before, although it is but natural to expect that some of them stm give a portion of their patronage to the big corporations. .As to how far the regular dealers enter the wail order class. I would 110t hazard a guess. V'le have an exee'11ent·business yet a large portion of our trade is from the surrounding territory. V\'e issue no catalogues for the reason that styles change so frequently. We do get after them, though, through the medium of their weekly papers. The plan we follow is that generally employed by merchants in towns of our calibre and those catering to the agricultural masses.. Some do it by catalogue, some as we do, and some by both mediums. P. M. Gauchat of the Keim-Heffelman Company, Canton, O.-Themail order business is one of the evils which we have to contcnd with at Canton and we try to counteract it as much as possible by meeting the mail order house price. vVe do a considerable amount of business with what I call the middle-class trade and do not fmd much difficulty in convinc-ing them that we are treating them as well as the mail order houses, but on the other hand we do find it difficult to con-vinc'e the farmer trade and the more ignorant class in this matter. However, the most pronounced evil that we have to contend with is the competition we meet from a firm do-ing business a few miles from Canton. They arc selling their goods on a ten per cent basis,. that is to say, ten per cent above cost. They usually tell prospective customers, if they find any difficulty in selling them, that they will sell them the same kind of goods handled by competing houses at a price twenty-five per cent less than the price shown by their cata-logues. The movement has been started among Canton dealers to remedy this evil by refusing to purchase goods from the manufacturers selling that cOI).cern. G. A. Stowers of the Stowers Furniture Company, HOlls-- ton and San Antonio, Tex.-We have always done more or less mail order business in both houses. We get out an an-nual catalogue which i'g a trade incentive of big value to us. The territory tributary to u's and like communities is a legiti-mate field for our labors and we hav.e found it a most profit-able' one. Trade talks and selling points provide a profit-able subject for discussion among our selling forces and de-partment heads. \ It is a part of the system of the enterpriS"- ing .cstablishment today to keep posted on everything pertain-ing to business. This can best be effected by calling the men togethcr frequently and discllssing topics which are being generally talked over in our line of industry. These natur-ally bring out the original ideas of those who so gather, fos-ter a spirit of originality and. intitiative that might otherwise lie dormant, if not entirely. undiscovered. H.C. Silsbee of ElmiTa, N. Y.:------That mail order proposi-tion I don't know much about. I'm too old, too indisposed for tempestuous doillgsto go out after the country trade. If it comes, all right, but if not I have plenty of city patrons. Elmira has forty thousand inhabitants and is steadily increas-ing that number, so with no inclination to spread Ollt beyond my present limitations, it would be the height of folly' for me to go hustling after a lot of trade which in reality I do not want. To adequately care for this class of business would require catalogues or some such devices. You've got to have something to show these outside people before they will come into your store. You get back from this market and it .will take a couple of months or morc before you can get such a publication out. By the time you are getting any· re-turns from the distribution your stock will be low and it will be about time for yOUto go into the market again .. Sup-pose a man ordered a piece of goods of which you are out. You send to the factory and after a ,vait, yoU are informed that it has been rt1I1 out and that the plant is making no more. Then you are called upon for an explanaion that ex-plains nothing to the man or woman who wants the go?ds. E. A. Jennings of the C. F. Wing Company, New Bed-ford, Conn.~-As to mail order business by legitimate dealers-caring for the merchandise wants of a fairly large expanse of territory within their neighborhoods-that has been a policy with us for at least five years. VV' e issue a catalogue and the electric lines which traverse our part of the ...:ountry enabl~ us to give service which is a decided accommodation to the public and which not alone pays us big returns each year, but which has been a most efficient factor in bringing our house to the important position it occupies. By our system our stock accounts are kept fully posted each day, wbile the trial balance at the end of eac.h month shows almost to a cent ex-actly how we stand as to liabilities and assets. Each de-partment is treated· as a unit and there are some eight or t"'a of them. The purchases are added and +he. sales deducted with the margin of profit for each article and thus we arnvc at an accurate figure. It is a duty which takes precedence of almost everything else in our store ,to keep the posting right up to the minute, and thus at a glance we know at any time the information desired, how our stock stands for any particular item and what each line of goods and its integral parts are paying or losing for us. J. T. Clark of the Kirkpatrick Company, Denver,Colo.,...- The mail order business, I believe, is being t:xtended by the regular merchants of the country, making lts greatest pro-gress among the dealers in the smaller towns. Yet that is not altogether true, for in cities the size of Denver and even largcr, there is a tendency to extend the territory covered and to cater to districts within a wide radius. vVe carry a big stock of carpets, draperies and furniture. We have fully $100,000 invested and are in a position to care for the wants of customers for anything in these lines on demand and at prices which will beat, in many iustanees, those quoted by the big mail order houses. As to the merit of the products, there is no comparison! at least none that I will admit and 1 am rather fair minded, at that. Forrest L. Oilar of the Foster Furniture Company. Fort Wayne, Ind.-Mail order business, at least with us, has never appeared to be allY barrier to the growth of our trade nor the retention of the business of our old patrons. I am now speaking of the mail order business as conducted by the giants engaged in that class of mercantile work. FoT' the otbers, we never hear of them. We don't even have to resort to the cxpedient of showing our trade that we can sell them at first hand thc.same goods at as fair or better prices than the mail order concerns. They know us, they are our friends and fair dealing with them at all times has secured and retained their ct1~tom. \\le do not attempt to do mail order business, but we have a nice line of distant btisilless \vhich we assid-uously cultivate, though not by means of catalogue nor simi-lar devices. Our advertising consists of matter in the rural press at times, but in the main we confine our publicity cam-paigns to our local dailies. The illterurbans which give In~ diana such excel!c:nt service, and the rural free delivery are of great advantage to us. B. F. Huntley, a South Carolina manufacturer and dealer. -The· southern lllerchat1ts feel the effects of the big mail or-der houses and some of them have met the c0111petition to a certain extent by engaging- in that line themselves. Their plan }lJS proved effective in at kast cutting clown the vol~ ume of trade ~vhich, Jegitin,ately theirs formerly, '\'8S given to the: great establishments. 1 think you \",.il1hardly find any representative merchant who is not no,,\, carrying stock:,; from \,.,hich they can promptly furnish anything; their patrons may want. TllC mail order hOllse has a forceful way of g-et-ting at the consumer. Us ;Ich'crtising matter comes 10 the fireside and is alluring, hut the cOllntry Hlerchants today are extending their advertisements to meet such competition and they are meeting ·with success in the campaign. The mail order llOtlSC of the big type ".".i.I.1 doubtlesf1 be always with us, but in the future it ,,~rill have harder work /0 nwkc inroads tlpOn tIle trade of tbe country merchants than it h"s had ill the past, if tIle methods recently adopted are systematicall)' follm'llcd Ollt a.nd broadet1ed. Claudius Jones of Little Rock. Ark.-Little Rock is tl)O large a city hr its business hou~es to he inconveniel1r:ed through the inroads of mail order campaigns. \rv~e r10 a little of that sort of thillg ourselves, for we go out after distant business. I should say tlwt ollc-thitd of our volume of trade: comes from distant patrons and it is not alone profit-able, but it is growing all the time. "Ve issue 110 catalogues. I have discovered that styles change too frequently to make that a profitable sort of advertising agent. \Ve employ the rural papers generollsly <tl1dwe carry' \>tocks of !5taplc goods which enable us to pnnnptly care for <:lily demand made by the outside trade. C, K. Montgomery of Megary & Co., Wilmington, Del.- The "shoppers" are assuredly beneficial to us. ,Vc <ldver-tise to bring people to our store and once we get them there we take particular pains that they shall be il.ccorded such a cordial \'\'clcomc and such courteous treatment that they '\vi11 be. glad to come again. We do not expect every caller to prove a buyer; but we can at least show l1irn something wbleh will take his fancy. All this «shopping" helps advertise the house and is a iactor in proving its popldarity. Our stotk keeping is something similar to the card system, although a book is kept. The similarity lies in this book being a loose leaf ledger and it is kept right up to the minute all the time. That is an ordet' 'vhich none of us has the temerity to disre-gard, no 1118tter what his position ,'vith the house may be. From this ledger ,ve ('an tell at a glance just how we stand 011 each article and \ the measure of profit or loss may be upon each piece of goods. It is simple and it is handy, and what is more to the point, it is distinctly accurate. A. W. Crawford of Rudge, Quenzel & Co" Lincoln, Neb. -V'-/e have two cluhs in our store, the buyers' dt1b and the 5e11e·r5'club. Each meets once a month nnd naturally tl,e former is more restricted in its membership than the latter. There are sixteen buyers and heads of departnlcnts who belong to the' cluh. "Ve meet ;It smile hotel <tl1d discnss matters ,'vhich, while having their origin in the respective de-partmellts., still have a hearing Upon general husiness. Each meeting brings out something of value and that is communi~ cated to the selling force hy department heads to be worked out. Some meet with success, others fail. ¥lith the sellers the meeting is a general our forces which ::tre not on the office starr. gathering of all The department heads and frequently members of the finn meet with us. There is a regular set program,; certain papers are read,there is discussion of matters brought up in these and of timely :ar~ cles in the trade journals. vVe also ..a qucstio'n box which is opened each month and the questions pt·opounded are handed to some person to look up the information and re-port <:[t the next meeting. These clubs have been ·in exist-ence with us for sever;i! years and they are growitlg in in-terest and in ''''orth. Mrs. J. G. Grant of the Grant Furniture Company, New Orleans, La.-I am thoroughly convinced of the merit of trade talks with Out selling forces and of the development of commercial science. The plan of regular meetings with our helpers h2S been in vogue in our store for many years and the system Oil which it is conducted is strengthened. It bring-s us better ideas. \Vithin the last year these meetings have been held monthly at my home. I like to have the boys with me and they like it. 'Vile make some kind of a so-cial fUlJctioll of these gatberings, although while the friendly spirit and the good times provide the atmosphere of the meet-ings, we never lose sight of the fact that business and its :'>tudyis the foundation of the assembly. I have ideas myself, so docs 1-Ir. Kestler cmd our other department heads, but we arc not alone ill that. All of OUt men have ideas of their own and no man of the force, or ",voman either, is jn too ht1111blta position for any sugge~tion they advance to fail of meeting the 1110stcareful consideration. }fot all of the ideas are availahle-not all of them work out satisfactorily-but we canvas!; everyone tllat 1S ;ldvflnced. ,""'le take the trade journals and they arc read with care and with interest as well. All articles which have a general beating are marked for per-usal by employes in the establishment who could in anywise profit by the ideas advanced. Leading articles or new thoughts are discussed at our meetings and frequently papers and talk::; by members of oUr own staff Upon trade subjects are read. Commercialism is a science which we have long since recognized and which we study as carefully as we did our les-sons in our school days. C. L. Sandusky of Danville, 1lI.~,Talk over trade matters and smoothing out ~elling points? We certainly do. Not OUT house alone, but every merchant in Danville is well up in the science of selling goods. It is a regular practice to call our salesmen together once in every two Or three weeks, when points are thoroughly disc.ussed and every proposition which promises to advance the ability of our forces is can':' sidered. \Ve ha\'e <111 exceJJcnt merchants' assoc.iation in our city and last winter under the auspices of thls organization we gave a series of lectures for the benefit of the sales forces uf the various stores. The lecturer was Dr. Krebbs, who is the offic5al head of the Sheldon School of Salesmanship and his talks· were valuable. The effect of the lectures has been shown in the better 'work of oUr men. The high tone of sales-manship has become more g/;."nerally understood in the last few years than ever before. It is a profession and the quick-er tllC man realizes this and stttdie~ the systems which will increast his capacity for results the more quickly will he be-come interested in his work and the more quickly will his value be recognized by the merchants. John McLaren of ]. N. Adam & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.-There i:; but one system of keeping account of stock. That is the c<-:lrdsystem, which 1 have used for a couple of years with the aid of a young lady and I would not part with either systen1 or lndy for :l great deal. The system is all right and so is that young woman. She ~,va.sformerly a school teacher, but her hearing became affected and she had to seek other em-ployment. \Vhen I nrst took charge of the furniture depart-ment of OUr hottse-I had been in charge of others previously -we had two books as big as those back there (and he pointed to a big loose leaf ledger used in the Livingstori: lIotel). They were big and they were dirty, and aside from OUR NEW 1907 LINE OF ALASKA REFRIGERATORS with side ice chamber is made in twenty-one styles, zinc lined, white enamel and porcelain lined. Our cataloguewill interest you. Write for it. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATOR CO. Esclusive Refrigerator Manufacturer$, MUSKEGON, MICHIGAN. 6 bulk and uncleanliness it was. an awft11job to hunt up infor-mation in them. I got the card system and threw away the books. The cards are kept in two drawers and when a card becomes soiled it is thrown away and a clean one substituted. When goods come in they are entered upon a card; when they are sold they are checked off. All Ihave to do is to ask for the stock number. The card is promptly found; I glance at it and there is noted how many of that particular article I have on hand. If anyone has a better and handier method 0.£ keeping track of his goods, I should like to know it. S. A. Gusdorf of Gusdorf & Joseph, Baltimore, Md.-Our method of stock keeping is to give each salesman charge of some part of the stock and require him to keep track of it. It places responsibility upon him which develQps in him the buyer's and the manager's qualifications. We have alway,; found this practice to work to the end ·which it is desired to accomplish. It takes but little time in this manner to dis~ cover offhand just what stock we have in any particular de-partment. As to their individual method of keeping track of their charge, that is a matter which rests with them entirely. They probably have as many ways as there are men, but the result is the same-we know for the asking and at any time, what we have and what we need. Walter McManus of McManus Brothers, Elizabeth, N. J.-As to talking up selling points with our clerical forces, I believe in it thoroughly and not that alQue, but we have practiced the system for years. We gather our forces to~ gethcr at stated intervals for an interchange of ideas and any man who has an idea to advance is welcomed into our coun-cils, whether he is the newest clerk or the oldest salesman. You never can tell who will produce a good idea or when it will be advanced. \Ve arc not alone concerned 'with the ideas we develop ourselves. We are quite well aware that our competitors have some very excellent ideas of thir own and when one of these is brought to our notice we are not slow to talk it over with nut help a"d to incorporate it into our system, if we think advisable. This is not borrowing from them, but rather an interchange, for they are as welcome, as apparently they are free, in taking those we work out on our own account. Peter E. Pickard of Pickard Brothers, Fort Wayne. Ind. -We aim to keep our sellinR" forces fully posted On every-thing that tends to encourage the talent of the members. We hold nO -regular meetings, hut frequently have informal talks that tend to bring employers and employes closer to each other and also bring about better feeling and under-standing amOng the employers, We take the trade papers and whenever there is any article of more than ordinary merit and interest therein, matters which have a direct bear-ing on selling work, we call the attention of our men to it. They se'em eager to pick up anything that will give them bet-ter powers of selling and 1 have yet to witness the instance when a man has to be urged into the study which makes for his improvement in his calling. We do not depend alone on the trade journals nor other printed matter, We hav~ mig-inal ideas and we have sufficient respect for our competitors to know that they arc just as enterprising as we are. When-ever some new force is developed by one of the other houses we review it personally and if it stands our test as to availia-bility we pass it on to our men, S. K. Barstow of Vincent, Barstow & Co., Cleveland, 0.-. Through my banking affiliations I am closely in touch with financial affairs.. I confess that with the tightening of the ffiQney market in the spring I was on the lookout for squally times and the necessity for taking in business sail. No lam free to confess that the clouds have cleared away and that all looks bright ahead. There is no reason why the outlook should he otherwise. Labor is employed steadily and at good wages, regardless of the class one calls to mind. The crop reports assure good returns to the farmers and when the city man and the agriculturist are moving along at a prosper-ous pace, all is well for the country at large, its industries, commerce and its mercantile forces. R. F. Hellwig of EI Paso, Tex~-\Vc believe in any mod-ern device which will add tQ the syst.ematic working of our house and to this. end we long ago instituted a class among our salesmen which meets every, Monday evening. Each member reads the trade papers faithfully and is always pre-pared to intelligently discuss <).nynew topic which arises. We have the question box and any man with an -idea if> wel-comed, especially the idea. Not a meeting is permitted to adjourn without a clear threshing out of every topic that has been propounded, G. A. Gruetzner of Hespeler, Ont.-The trading stamp craze which yoU discussed several seaSOns ago interested me, Our government took a stand in that matter and the evil has been wiped out in the DominiQn. As lQ1\gas people have the desire to get something for nothing, just so long will that and similar "devices be invented and carried out to lure the un-wary. They are catch-penny devices so far as the trading public is concerned, but with those who operate the system they are accumulators of many dollars. The ha'rdest thing the young merchant has to learn is how to buy goods. Most bright young fellows, interested and determined, can quickly ·pick up knowledge regarding goods, salesmanship, system adapted to their immediate needs, etc. They can learn these things steadily and profit by them. When you buy right the hardest part of mer-chandising is over. A well-established house, old in experi-ence, says: 'IAvoid buying job lots, c.heap trash and too far ahead; It is not wise tQ buy of too many different houses." The Higher Degrees of Furniture Construction Have Been Taken by the ESTEY MANUFACTURING CO. For Workmanship -------------- For Quality CHAMBER SUITES No. 400 SIDEBOARDS and BUFFETS For Designs OWOSSO, MICH .----------------; " CATALOGUE MAILED TO THE TRADE ONLY For Finish 8 ·3t~MI9J-IIG?lN , 7l~Tlq;Jf£i1 ..,..- How to Avoid Car Shorta,e. Car shortage, or freight congestion, that annoys mer-chants and has caused numerous dashes between railroads and shippers is discussed by Chicago shippers and railway officials in a symposium of articles in the current number of System. "There is a possible method of increasing the carrying capacity of the railways tl1irty to forty per cent without the Made by Globe Furniture Co., EvansVille, Ind. purchase of another car or locoll1otive/' writes A. B. Stick-ney, president of the Chicago Great Western. "This can be accomplished," he continues, "by loading to the full capacity the cars which the railroads possess. Investigation proves that, aside from coal and ores, the average present loading of cars does not exceed sixty-five or seventy pe'r cent of their present capacity." F. A. Delano~ president of the \Vaba!'>h, protests against legislation hostile to the roads. He says: "One. of the effects of hostile legislation is to alarm illVeS-tors in railroad securities. They doubt whether railroads can successfully survive the hostility and investors who have fol-lowed the history of railroads in the United States, may well be alarmed." John M. Glenn, secretary of the Il1itlois Manufacturers' Association, urges the forming of associations by shippers. He says: "The railroads are strong on associations. They pay a lot of money to keep their various organizations going. When you prescl1t your case to a railroad it must go to an association. Kow, how is the business man going to reach the railroads unles1:i by united efforts." A Cross Road Merc:hant'sExperience. C. H. Rowland, who started business with a "handful" of goods at Casnovia, Mich., a few years ago, has built up a fair amount of trade and is an important factor in the business life of that little to,,,,·u. He occupies a double store of two :floors, and is noted for his energy and intelligence. The big mail order house,s of Chicago operate in his territory largely, but Mr. Rowland 15 contesting every ine\} of ground and holding his own. He watches the railroad freight depot, and "keeps tab" on every article that is shipped in from abroad. A short time ago he noticed a chamber suite at the station bearing the name of a, farmer living near the vil-lage. He readily identified the shipment as having been made by a mail order house. A day or two later the farmer called DU Mr. Rowland and asked the prices on a bed spring, mattresses, pillows and blankets. Mr. Rowland quickly add-ed something to the regular selling price of these articles and when the goods had been loaded and paid for, Mr. Rowland invited the customer to look at a suite he had in stock, stat-ing that he had never failed to meet the competition of the postal service merchants. The suite, as Mr. Rowland well knew, was a duplicate of the one the farmer had bought in Chicag-o and ~'hell Mr. Rowland named his price the cus-tomer recognized the fact that, adding the freight he had paid, the transaction with the mail order nouse had not heen pro-fitable. The farmer reported·· his experience to his neigh-bors, and 11£. Rowland "made the most" of the incident. There is a waning of interest in the offering5 of the mail order houses in Casnovia and vicinity. The Great Luce Line. The Luce Furniture Company, down in Pleasant Valley, are making a display of chamber and dining room furniture worth going hundreds of miles to see, In chamber fur-niture they show many beautiful patterns in mahogany, Cir-cassian walnut, golden quartered oak, bird's-eye maple amI curly bureh. Thi.s line is large enough and varied enough in woods, styles and prices to meet the demands of the most careful buyers. The dining room furniture is made up ill mahogany and oak, the latter mostly in dark finishes. The tables, buffets, chairs, etc., in this line are worthy of the most careful inspection, as they are certainly much above the aver-age. The buyers have taken a great fancy to the Luce line this year, and well they may. "Strat" Makes a New Alliance. H. V. Stratton, formerly and for many years a buyer for George Kelly of Philadelphia, has entered into a contract with S. F. Kauffman to manage the furniture section of his department store in Trenton, N. J. r ORAnDlIlunft RT. mun MOST ATTRACTIVE ROUTE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Tickets on sale daily until Nov. 30, 1907, at very low rates. Pas, sengers have choice of several routes. On season and sixty-day limits, liberal stop-over. Passengers may go one route and return via another. Full particulars at City Ticket Office, 97 Monroe street. Phones-Citizensl 5576; Bell, main, 576. C. A. JUSTIN, C. P. & T. A. ·~J:A.I9HIG7fN 9 The Monarch Push Button Chair EVERY PATTERN OF OUR WELL KNOWN LINE OF MORRIS CHAIRS WILL BE EQUIPPED WITH THIS PUSH BUTTON ATTACHMENT. THE MONARCH ,s Note the simple yet abso-lutely r-igid construction. Fully guaranteed and pro-tected by U. S. Letters Patent Nos. 653,452 and 648,715. Perfection, Comfort and Utility. Ramsey-Alton Manufacturing Co. PORTLAND, MICHIGAN HINTS FOR HOUSE FURNISHERS. Proportion in construction is merely the regulation of the subdivisions of spaces, It deals ;:ilso with the amount re-spectively of ornamented and plain surfaces that go to make up the pleasing sum total result. The tendency -in decorating is to err rather On the side of over-doing than of over-severity. But it should be borne in mind that allY object which has its surface covered with decorations is not so impressive as if part only were embellished and the other part left plain for contrast. The art of proportion consists in determining ex-actly the relatiollshipduc hetween reticence and enrichment, that shall cause the latter to be appreciated at its full value. Expense and elaboration demand a foil for their value: 'with-out it they are virtually wa.s:te:d:.. In the application of color and form of ornament, the bal-ance should be struck on the one which is 11either too strollg on the one hand, 110r yet dull .and commonplace on the otber. Monotony is wearisome and depressing, while eccentricities ill contrasts shock and startle.::t:h.e beholder. Ground floor fooms in nafrow streets, where opposite houses conduce to (leaden the light, require brightening as far as possible; \\·hile rooms in open spaces, especiaHy in the country, in general admit of a comparatively subdued color scheme. .:::. The satisfactory motn is cheerful, but not gaudy. In the selection of colors the aspect of any given room should be considered. A southe1'11or ,,,,,estern aspect does not require such warm tones as do rooms.:t:h:a.t face more sunless quarters. The most s:ltisfactory room is that which embodies com-fort and restfulness. House furnishers should ever keep 'these requisites in mind. Ornament and color which provides a gentle stimulus to the imagination is agreeable; anything beyond this becomes :In annoyance. Large, lwavy furniture is out of place in smaB rooms. Small, delicate furniture lacks character in large and high rOOms. The health and happiness of the occupants of a home are affected by the color scheme .b:y::\.\'hich they are surrounded. Over severity (extremes) repels; lavishness is vulgar and ostentatious. MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER & VENEERS SPECIAL TIES: ~1"i'g'E=~QUAR.OAK VENEERS MAHOGANY VENEERS HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W. Main St., FORT WAYNE, INDIANA 10 ~M.}f«HIG7JN THE LEXINGTON MiehiPtt Bkd. &; 22d St CHICAGO, ILL. Refurnished and re-fitted throughout. New Management. The fumitul'"e dealers' head-quarters. Most con-venient~ y situated to t b e furniture display houses. Inler-Slale Holel CO, OWNKR &. PIlOPkIItTo:l E. K. CrUey. Pres.; T. M. CrUey, V. Pres.; L.H. F\rey.Sec-TI~. The Summer Sales Season. So far as Grand Rapids is c.oncerned, the furniture sales season for 1907 has been a record breaker in the matter of attendance and it is probable that it will also break the rec-ord for the volume of business transacted. Up to this date, July 25, the -number of buyers registered is 1,012, against 969 for 1906 and 895 for 1905. The figures show a gradual in-crease in the. n\lrnher of buyers visiting the Grand Rapids market and as most of the exhibitors report sales larger than la&t year, it is prohable that the total volume of business "\vill exceed that of 1906 and 1905. in proportion with the in-crease in the number of buyers. The season has been some-thing of a ,surprise to manufacturers. Owing to a cold backward spring, which was known to have retarded trade in all sections of the country. a dull season was expected by many and the opening weeks indicated light attend<lnce and small orders, but since the Fourth of July a better feeling has prevailed and the market has grown stronger day by day. It was generally supposed that' most de<tlers werc well stocked and therefore would be inclined to cut down-thcir usual sum-mer orders. It is probable that many came to the market with -that intention, bllt Wht:ll they got into the rush changed their minds and bought more freely than in former -years. That they are not over-stacked-that they have sold the goods ordered last winter':"'-is shown by the fact that"many have insisted on immediate or early delivery. The 'trans-portation difficulties enc~utltered last year may have caused some to ask for promp~ delivery, but it is more probable that it,s due to the facti that they need the goods. At any rate, they have tried to' ihsure early deli¥eries. It is known that several buyers have :closed their deals with such reluarks (LS tbis: "Now, if you canfillthi:'i order by the first or mid-dle of September, you rllay duplicate it in October or No-vember." Conditions in ChiQagoare similar to those in Grand Rapids. There, also, the season opened weak, but the mar-ket gt:ew stronger -rapidly and has proved quite satisfactory to nearly all concerned. While the attendance to this date has not quite equalled th~t of last year, it is likely to exceed it before the season is clpsed and the volume of sales is be-li. eved to have gone up veh near to the highest record. ! It$; Best Line. The Muskegon Vatle,< Furniture Company have exhibited mallY good lines of chamber furniture, music cabinets, ladies' desks and wardrobes 1,ntl~e twenty years of the past in Grand Rapids, but it is concede? that .the .~ine brought out for the fall season of 1907 surprusses 1n mbit all efforts in design and construction present~d by the company to the trade in the past. Many of the pieces were ornamented with mar- , I quetry, in the laying of which the company has attained dis-tinction. There were pieces in the line containing stich beautifully figured wood that the hand of man could add nothing to the work of nature, and then in other pieces the skin of man was manifested in beautiful carvings. The line impressed the buyers most favorablY. Interfering With Business. G ~;..~~ -:::.:.~-; '. -"""""_ Il·":~ ~ \ .....-_...- Tenderfoot-DOll't you see that man killing all those peo-ple out there? vVhy don't you stop him? Alkali Jim-Stop him! Me! Well, I guess not. Why, my dear man, I'm the coroner, and my pardner is the under-taker. Made by Luoe Furniture Co.• Grand Rapids, Mich. Feather Beds Much Prized in the South. Now is the time when the pe,uple Jiving south of 1:fasoll and Dixon's line from 1.'faryland clean down to North Carolina turn their feat]lcr bob, says a writer in the New York Sun. They do not turn them inisde out or even upside down, hut the feather bed is put next the slats or sacking bottom or spring and a hard mattress of hair or fdt is placed on top. Some folks like to sleep directly on the ieather be j all summer long and there are hotels in the region where the guest is asked in July whether he will have feathers m' noc But most people turn tllcm. The feather bed is the southern sign of respectability and ancient lineage. Every family of old respectability had h,'.\f a dozen feather beds a generation ago, and a good mally are still in use. They arc handed down as heirlooms, cher's!:e,j with pride and care. and in the best families cleansed and r{'- ticked from time to time, sunned thoroughly at least Ollce a week and treated as articles of the highest consideration. Whenever there is a country vendue in the belt fron "Mason and Dixon's line 200 miles 1:iouthward half the com-munity is 011 the lookout for a chance to buy feather beds cheap. They are regularly sold by the pound, and even the oldest, if in good condition, fetch pretty good prices. Really old fashioned folks still save their f:{oose feathers to make heds, though the fetich of the feather b~d is not what it used to be. and the doctors are against it as an article or unwholesome luxury. Nevertheless, when southerners COiT!f; north to live they are apt to fetch along the feather bed". TJlere are old ladies who would sooner leave behind the fam-ily "Bihle than their feather beds, and this \'ery night there ',\"i1l be scores of sOlltherners in )Ie\v York sleeping on feath-ers. 'fheh: is no possession that a colored family in the south 11 takes greater prid(~ in than a feather bed. It usuaHy'com~s into the possession of such a family second hand, but some· times 11 is the result of patient years given to the treasuring of goose feathers. An old colored woman ,-,rho eame to New York from V-ir-ginia leaving a husband behind was vastly disturbed when sne learned that he was ill. The family in which she was etT,- ployed condoled with her and tried to cheer her up, btlt abandoned the attempt when the old woman said: "1 'feared ef he dies dey'll sell my feather bed." He did not die, but the old woman had the bed sent norl h before he had a chance to fall iU again. The value of the feather bed lies in the fact that it is pra ..-... tic ally indestructible and is always an available asset. If the feathers are properly cured and the bed is properly c:tn~d for i~ is as good at the end of a hundred years as on the Jay it waA made. 1here is always somebody south of the Mason and Dixon "ho is ready to pay a fair price for a fcather bed and if by ;Juy accident it liaS lost part of its contents so that it is js too thin to serve its original purpose the dealers are always reatly to buy it and make the feathers up into pillOWS. In this form the feather bed has a new and long lease of lift'. Peo-ple the country over are pmOWiJlg their heads upon feather:.; that .once soothed the 51umbers of Virginials first families. Additional Hotel Accommodations. Proprietor P.1.ntJindof the Morton and Pantlind hotels in Grand Rapids, will have much larger accommodations for hi::; guests ..v.hen the winter furniture season shall open. The Hotel Panttind will he considerably enlarged and a large building adjoining the hotel may be acquired and added to the hotel proper. HAVE' ANIcEH6ME~iFYb(rHAVE ANY We will furnish a duplicate of $1 50 this pleasing room scene - for • • Remit with order. MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. 12 Our Spring Business was 50 per Cent Greater Than Last Year Sales at the mid-summer furni-ture show in Grand Rapids were more than satisfactory to us, all of which proves the popularity of the Woodard line. If you are looking for Circassian Walnut We have the Strongest Line in America LIKEWISE COLONIAL DESIGNS Have you our DeW tall catalog? A .A If not send tot" it.. A .A Makers of medium priced Bedroom Furni· ture in all the Fancy Woods and Finishes. Woodard Furniture Company Owosso, • • Michigan C. F. SCHMOE. al. CO. SHEL.ElVVIL.L.E. INC. MANUFACTURRJ:S OF KitGlum Gabinet5, Gentlemen'!) Gombination Wardrobe!) and Ghiffonler!). Line on sare at lAanutacturers' Furnlhlre Ex-change. Wa. bash and Four-teenth Street, Chicauo. WRITE FOO PRINTS AN. PRICES EXCEPTIONAL FACTORY OPPORTUNITY Do vou wish lo fitldan opening for a CHAIR. FACTOR.Yorwould you like to remove to some moTe favorable location? If so, it would repay you to at once request information about a fine IOI..--ationin the great timber selCtion of Southeast Missouri along the ... Liberal inducements are of[~r~d to ~cure a bQ'l\a fide 'proposition ~m-ploying oot less than forty men. Good di ..trJbutin~ facilities for finished product. Correspondence is invited regarding thiS and other excellent opportunities for furnitu.r~, mattress, iron bed and other factories along our lines. 8mdjorimlU8lrial descriptive matter about tM Rock latand- Frlsco. M, SCHULTER. Induslrial Commissioner. Rock Island-Frisco Lines. 1144 Frisco BldO., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Morton House American ......Plan Rates $2.50 and Up Hotel Fantlind Rates $1.00 and Up GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. European ......Plan The Noon Dinner Served at the Pzmtlind for 500 is the fiNEST IN THE WORLD J. BOYD PANTLIND, Prop. Creditors Running Breuner Company's Business. H. L, Smith, secretary of the commitlec appointed by the creditors of t.he John BI-el1l1Cr Company of San Francisco, to take charge of the stores in San f'ruocisco and Stockton, Ca1., investigate and report the amounts of assetf; and liabilities and make rccOl11rnenclations as to what action should be taken to protect the interests of all concerned, has sent out the fol-hHving stalement to creditors; Gentle11lclJ:-Purstlflnt to promise contained in fanner etr-cular, r desire to advise yot! that the accountant employed by the creditors's committee has made the follmving report as to assets and liabilities of the J obn Bret\tKr Company of Sa.n Francisco: RESOURCES. Values as pel" face of Ledger Cash on hand _ ,.$ 3,645.99 l\lerchandise ., 207,594.55 Bills receivable , _. . 29AOO.OO Accounts receivable prior to April 18, 19Do ,. 14,512.81 Accounts receivable since April 18, 1906 . Sundry accounts receivable . New stable on leased ground . Account receivable BrcuDer Commercial Co. and stock-holders' liability _ . Account receivable John Breuner Co. of Stockton and stock-holders' liability ,. _., . New ",,-arehollse proper-ty on line of S. P. R. R. Co. . $77,017.09 Subject to mortgage of 22,500.00 Estimated values for closing 011t purposes. $ 3.645.99 103.797.28 24,500.00 2,500.00 73,380.38 3,756.02 7,445.16 62,373.00 919.12 3.000.00 5,677.97 1,892.66 8,503.03 5,865.00 ----- 54,517.69 50,000.00 Interest in staTe building on Van Ness avenUe _............... 19,184.95 Ul1col1ccted insurance accruing out of the fire of April, 1906., 6,392.40 Horses, vehicles, harness and stable fixtures 11,743.60 Fixtures m warehouses and stores ... '" .. , . _.,. 15,655.00 AcCotUlts due under leases of fur-niture '" 33,272.75 5,000.00 2,130.00 3,900.00 4,800.00 33,272.75 $494,679.30 LlABILlT1ES, $307,595.80 Accounts payable to San Francisco and California merchandise creditors $ Accounts p<lyble to Eastern merchandise: c\'(',ditors. Bills payable to Cnlifornia and Eastern merchandise creditors ., _.. , . BiBs payable {or borrowed money _ . Due upon sundry local ac.counts " . Due for rent_. . .. 44,557.95 138,688.01 123,011.94 180,100.00 1,818.67 140.00 $488,316.57 So far no proposition of adjustment or settlement has been made by the debtor and as an alternative to sumnl.arily realiz-ing upon the assets the committee will run or operate the business for the time being, as it is upon a paying basis. Respectfully, H. L. SMITH, Secretary. STAR CASTER CUP CO. NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPLIEO FOR) We have adopted cellulQid as a base for our Caster Cups, rnaking the best cup on the market. Celluloid is a great improvemellt over bases made uf other' material. \ it is tJeces~ary to move a piece, supported by cups with celluloid bases iCccan b~ done with ease, as Ulebasesare per~ fectty snlooth. Celluloid does' not sweat. and by the u~e of these cups tables are never marred. These ClipS are finished in Golden Oak and White MaplE:, finished light. If you will tPy a sample order of tkr-;st goods youwiU desire to har,dl'] tltem in quantities. PRICES: Size 2% inches, $5.50 per hundrf!=d. Size 2;.( il'lches., 4.50 peT hundred. f. o. O. Grand .Rapide. TIt Y A SAHI'LE ORDER. Richmond Chair CO. RICHMOND, INDIANA Double Cane Line SEE OUR NEW PATTERNS CATALOGUES TO THE TRADE 13 14 .J'~MICHIG.7IN 7IRTIS'..7IL".J"~. . ". . • .. , a';. $ e. . i,· MADE BY ESTEY MANUFACTURING CO. OWOSSO. MICH. Protect That Last Dime. Be prOmpt in sending ,;tatements. Put a limit on all ac-counts. Keep your accounts posted to date, so that you can always tell just what a cu"tomer owes you. W'hen payments are not made all promised dates, f111dout \\'hy. You judged your customers were able to pay their bills when yoU opened the accOunt. You should knOVi'if conditions have chang·ed. \Vhen customers have no resources make ar- J1 f jn Made by Richmond Chair Co., Richmond, Ind. rangements ·with them to pay a little each week and show them their obligation to g·ive you their cash trade. [vIany towns are organizing merchants' associations, which keep their members in t.ouch with the character and credit of customers. Tbese organizations are proving a great benefit to storekeepers. In collecting bills never throw a good do.llar after a bad one. All ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is better to prevent the accumulation of accounts. See bow big successful stores do business. Study their systems, their methods of increasing trade, their ways of making their clerks more efficient and taking care of their money. A prominent man once said: "The only difference between a rut and a grave is the \vidth and the depth." So don't get into the rut, hut go out and learn how other successful storekeepers do business. Perhaps you do all this. Perhaps you have a good stock, seasonable goods, good clerks, good advertising and good show windows, perhaps you do everythillg suggested in this article and still are not making money. If this is the case, 15 then there is something wrong. You are taking in the money all right, but it is going in a way that you probably cannot account for. There is a reason for every wrong. Many merchants sit down and figure on making 20 per cent profit and stop at that. The most thorough going business man I ever knew figured out to me once a little illustration that made me reali:ze more the lleCessi.ty of taking care of a busi-ness in a systematic way than any argument I ever heard. His illustration was as follows: "Suppose these five coins constitute a dollar taken in, over your connter, what becomes of them? The t\venty~five and fifty ce,nt pieces (seventy-five c~nts) go back into your busi-ness to purchase new stock. The nickel and one dime are used for rent, light, heat, help, insurance, ad...e..rtising and sundry expenses. The remaining dime is all that is left for your net profit. Out of this yOll have to meet your home expellSCS, pay for amusements, educate your children; and save enough to provide for sickness and a rainy day. Every loss in your business falls back on that last dime. There is no profit in handling the first ninety cents, but there is a chance for loss, and all this loss must come out of that last rli111C. Sometimes the loss is even greater than the dime. It eats up tJJis 1::I5tenth of your dollar and goes back into'the nickel and dime which are needed for expenses. Som,etimes it Illay even reach to the seventy~five cents which should go for new stock. In such cases as these the business cannot stand the drain, and ballknlptcy follows. "Can y011 afford to take the chance of losing any part of that last dime through the insufficient protection against care-lessness? Rememher that the welfare of your family is wholly dependent upon that lone dime-the only part of the dollar you have left'utlprotected." This illustration is so manifestly COfl"r:d. as to admit of no arg11l1H~llt.-The Retail ).Jerchant. The White Directory CONTAINS A CAREFULLY COMPILED LIST OF MANUFACTURERS OF. FURNITURE, PIANOS, ORGANS, INTERIOR FINISHES AND KINDRED INDUSTRIES Now Ready. Send in your order. WHITE PRINTING COMPANY PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS, PUBLISHERS, BINDERS 2-20 LYONST., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 16 7l"R'T'IS~ 1 2"- WARNING! No. 50. Imitation Spanish Leather Velour Plain Imitation Leather Embossed Imitation Leather Sprillg Seat $5.50 5.50 5.50 5.75 6.25 WARNING! WARNING! We are the owners of the patents and design patents of this line of K. D. Rock-ers. No one has authority to make these Rockers and we will prosecute all infringers and deal-ers who buy of in-fringers. No. 52. Imitation Spanish Leather Velour Plain Imitation Leather Embossed Imitation Leather Spring Seat $6.50 6.50 6.50 6.75 7.25 Send your orders direct to us by mail or give chernla our salesmen who ate covering the entire United States•. STANDARD CHAIR COMPANY, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. Don't Clutter Your Store. Some very good looking stores are spoiled in appearance by being cluttered. Too much is attempted. There are too many tables loaded down with goods; too much stuff piled up 011 the counters; too much of everything except floor space. and. an take a full breath. Some merchants think that as they are paying $100 a month rent for a 25-foot front they ought to make every foot of space possihle count in earning capacity. Hence they plant long batteries of display cm:mters on each side and then crowd the m ddle full of bargain counters and specials. They have a tend ncy to overlook the advantage of giving their customers r am to get around wit,hout falling over each other. A oderate amotlnt of gymnastic 0;; is gaud lor cus-tomers, but store which offers a continual opportunity for a head-on co lision is a little too strenuous. Crowds arc good for a store, nd crowds indicate prosperity, but there should be a place p ovided to put the crowds. Clever a vertising 'writers recognize the value of white space in adv. rtisements. They avoid cluttering up their adver-tising. Ev rything stands out clear and distinct. The va-cant floor space in the store is similar to the white floor space in thel well-written advertise.ment. It makes things stand out, a9d makes it easier for the customer to grasp the situation. Stores with lots of drapery and cheap jim-cracks hanging from the ceilings generally look cluttered up_ Show windows filled 'with a miscellaneous mess of poorly assorted and worse displayed samples of merchandise look cluttered· up. Avoid it. Don't try to do too much. Your efforts are not apprec-iated.- Merchants Journal Will Protect Their Rights. The line of the Standard Chair Company of Evansville. Ind" consisting of rockers, diners and children's chairs, is shown in Chicago 'l,vith the George D. Williams Company, 1323-25 Michigan avenue. The Standard Company are the originators of the K. D. upholstered rocker, and they are own-ers of the patents and designs. They wish to warn dealers not to"'buy of any other manufacturer who is inf~inging on their patents, for the Standard Chair Company will prosecute all manufacturers and dealers, as well who buy 'from them. The business in Chicago and the St. Louis market is very sat-isfactory this season, and Manager Reitz is of the opinion that there will be a continuance of the good times they are now enjoying. Swedes Asked to Go Home. King Oscar is anxious that the hundreds of thousands of Swedes who have emigrated .to America shall return to Sweden, and has begun an investigation to determine what IJrtJmpted his people to leave the fatherland and what would induce them to return. This investigation is a part of the industrial awakening which is going on in Sweden. The first direct appeal from the crown to men to return to Sweden has been received in Chicago. l1enry Schmit &. Co. nopkln. aRd n.rrld Su. Cincinnati, O. MUBRS 011' UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE OOR LODOE AND PULPIT, PARLOR LIBRARY. HOTEL AND CLUB It00M - - - - - - - -- -- --- --------., Chamber and Dining Room Luce Furniture Company Godfrey Ave., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. NEW FEATURES in Upper Class CIRCASSIAN WALNUT A LARGE ADDITION TO OUR LINE OF STAPLES MEDIUM and FINE FURNITURE for the 17 18 ·~MI9rIG7JN : l!!:STABLISHEO 1880 ,$~"~~ \-1(( \1'\, "I) ~- j~!"-~'l - ' I , \ --' "'''-9 ~ - \ <_l!'~.~ :!' ~ _J_ ~ ~ FlU!lL.15HI!iD BT MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE IOnl ....NC 25TH OF EACH MONTH OFFICE-2-2Q LYON ST.• GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. ENTERED I\S M/l.TT!:F1 OF THE 8EC()ND ()l ..S..S 7119-.T 1.5' 7U'J ? 7F· larger exhibitors have fitted up their quarters in Grand Rapids and Chicago with an idea of permanency. Among those who have jnst rcnnvcd their leases on space in the exposition buildings for a term of three years arc the Jamestown Lounge Company, Hubbard & Eluredgc Company, George Richard-son, the Ottawa Furniture Company, the Northern Furniture Company and Glenn K. Brown. \Vith so many Jamestown tines established in Grand Rapids and Chicago, the prospects for establishing <In exposition 'at Jamestown do not seem to be favorable. *1'" *1* *1* *1* Why should one word placed wrong in a sentence cause the whole statemellt to fall flat? vVhy does a single state-ment worded incorrectly from the standpoint of salesman-ship cause the iailure of a sale? Why should o"nc Ettle look or one little sneer lose a customer? Perhaps for the same reason that one single hair will caUSe the diner to push away the entire butter dish. It makes him suspicious of the rest of the contents. The man who has been treated to sharp practices 0I1C('. in a store does not care to 'Tun the risk again. The man '\vho has been badly treated but a single time will remember that and not go back any more. *1* *1* *1* *'1* Inquiry <lmong a large number of merchants leads to the conclusion that women fllrnish more than seventy-five per cent of all buying consumers. There is a lesson in that. There are some lines of goods which appeal especially to men aud bought almost entirely by them, but in the gener~l lines of trade women buy most of the goods. Get the \VOluen to come to your store, get women to approve of your place of businNis, your w<ty of conducting it and your goods, and you will have the bulk of trade. *1* *1* *1* *1* The mail order houses, when they find a certain district not well supplied or that the advertising is neglected, take it up, flood that section ,,,lith well worded advertising matter, and withot1t exception reap a rich reward. The mercha.nts who at:fvertise \velt and adequately have little trouble over mail order competition. *1'" *1* *1* *J* Many newspaper men as well as furniture dealers would like to know how a paper of such standing as the Chicago Tribune was induced to give Mr. Clark's 'lHome Trade League of America" a column of advertising free' of cost in position that could not be bought by any reputable business man, firm or corporation. *1* *!* *1* "'1* A woman in Holly, Mich., makes a house-to-house can-vass for orders for furniture, carpets, rugs and kindred goods. A big "distant merchandising house" in Chicago fills the or-ders ill car lots. Her success is only possible on account of the dullness and stupidity of the local mercbants. *1>1<*1* *1* *1* \Va1ter D. Boutell arrived in Grand Rapids from :l-'1inneap-otis on Wednesday, July 24, and found the market wide open He was notified that his services as a closer of the Grand Rapids market were no longer Ileeded~that Grand Rapids will be an always-open market here~fter. *\' *1* *1* *\* The mid-summer furniture expositions have ,been largely attended by. dealers and many new faces were noticed among their number. The value of market buying is becoming bet-ter understood by retailers. *1'" *1* *1* "'1* The Holly Cabinet Company, moved recently to Laming, Mich., have changed their name to the Capital Furniture Com-pany. Having capital (in name at least) the corporation ought to succeed. *1* *\* *1* *1* Most of the orders taken 'in the furniture exposition towns during the past month call for early shipments. CHAS. A. FISHER & CO., 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicago. WR1TE FOR BOOKLET AND PROPOSITION ST. LOVIS, MO. kANSAS C1TY,MO. PEORIA, ILL LlNCOLN, lLL MJNNEAPOLIS. M1NN. CHICAGO, JLL Home Attractions Overdone. The man in the ["rled brown overcoat had been growing more and more careworn for the last six months. The wan who sat with him OIl the 'way to the city every morning and on the way home Jt night had noticed it. 1\t last he learned the reaSLin of the change. The careworn man dropped into his scat with such a heavy sigh one evening that it would have been in impossible for his friend not to bear it. "1 guess yOll are glad you"'re going- home, where you can get a comfortable chai, and have a quiet evening," he said. "Quiet C\'cning!" echoed the careworn man. "We dem't have allY quiet evenings )J(l\vadays." "Don't YOtl~" asked his friend, uncomfortably. "\Vhy-er--" "Ther<~'s eo domestic: trouble," said the sufferer. dolefully. Made by Wooda.rd Furniture Co., Owosso, Mieb -- _.- -- -_ .. _- --------~ 19 "TIler",':,; nothing I'm ashamed to speak of. It's only that my wife has been reading a series o.f articles on 'How to 1'!ake Home Attractive,' and she's carrying out all the ideas-with me to help her. "You needn't think of me sitting in an armchair before the flre with my feet up now, I can tell you. You can picture me stringing peapods to make a handsome hanging or cover-ing an old apple bar-reI with wool wadding ready for the pink muslin that's goitJg to turn it into a charming mirror stand. If it isn't that, 1 shall be engaged in giving a hardwood flllish to some of the floors ''\1ith a preparation that I saw my wife mixing in a till pail this morning. "Our home may be attractive if we ever get it done and I'm alive to appreciate it, but I'U wager the woman that writes those articles lives in a hotel or boards in a. hall bedroom," Clnd the careworn Jll<111 gave another heavy sigh as the brakeman called out "}JL\radise Centre!" and he gathered up his bundles. Some Queer Burials. At an undertakers' banquet a soft-voiced gentleman read an essay on lIpright burial. "The quakers," said the essayist in conclusion, ""once \vent in for upright burial. Thus we have the case or one Jane Taylor, wif~ of Captain Tilylor of Brighouse, a quaker, who was buried upright in her garden, October 28, 1684. "A :.\1rs. Norton of Pawlin, -:.r. Y., was buried sitting up-right in a rocking chair. Tlarry Hems of Norfolk and Clement Spelman and George Backhouse of New York are other well known in-c; tances of upright burial. I, in a career of tWl~nty-sevell ~ycars. have only buried one person upright." ;;I," said a young undertaker, "once buried a man in the bed l.le died il.l. He was cornfortablYjtUCked ill \\'ith pi11O.\..s.· and coverlets. just as he had died." "1 once buried a maiden lady of gr at wealth and beauty," ~aid a third undert'tker. "People ha often wondered why ,.,he neyer married. Alas, the embalm ng process revealed to me her sad "ecrel. This lady, tilOUg"l no one suspected it, h'lJ a false foot." Behind Orders on Caster Cups. The .A. . L. Cline Manufacturing Company of,l239 vVabash avenue. Chicago, 111., manufacturers of caster cups, T(',port an active demand for their products, a-nd that at present the factory is behind on its orders. Dealers in furniture are in-vited to \"Tite for the company's catalogue. 20 Sligh's Superior Styles Sold All Through the Season Dull Trade is Unknown by Dealers Handling the SLIGH LINES. CI THE JULY SEASON'S SALES OF SLIGH GOODS A RECORD BREAKER. fJI CORRECT STYLES, GOOD MATERIALS AND HONEST WORKMANSHIP, STRONG FEATURES IN THE SLIGH LINES. SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY, BUCHANAN STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Thousands in Use Furniture Dealers need have no more fear. With the use of Cline's Caster Cup one table may be placed on top of another without injury. Made in two sizes in the follow-ing finishes: Oak, Mahogany and Rosewood. Special pre· pared felt bottom, preventing sweat marks, scratching, etc. Price: 2)4:In. per 100. $3.50; 3» in. perlOO. $4.50 We also manufacturetbe moat J"'eliable ColU'dHolder on the market. Write for our new 40 page Catalogue. L. Cline Mfg. Co.• 1239W.b .. bAve .. Chicago The New Banquet Table Top as well III OFFICE. DINlNG and DIRECTORS', TABLES at'e (lIUt' .peei.Jty. STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE CO.. 2\d:ii!:~""" Wtile for Catalo;uc. Get samples of BANQUET TABLE TOP. WE manufaet nte the larg~ est line of FOLDING C H A IRS in the United States, suitable lor Su.nday Schools, Halla, Steamers and all Public Resorts. . . • . We also man ufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds. Spring Beds. Cot.. and Cribs in a larKe variety. . . . S9.d for CataloltUc llDd Prlct:1I to Kauffman Mfg. CO. AS6LAND. 0610 UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD. ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead in Style, ComouCJ:ion and F'mish. See our Catalogue. Our line on permanent exhibi-bon 7th Flooi, New Manufact-urers' Building. Grand Rapids. - -- -- - ------------------ Tbe Ford 8 Jobnson Co. MANUFACTURERS Chicago Salesroom Ford·Johnson Bldg., 1433·35-37 Wabash Ave. For the July market we will have many new things to show. All furniture dealers are cordially invited to call and inspect our line, which includes Chairs, Rockers and Settees-all goods; Dining Room furniture; Mission furniture; Fiber Rush and Malacca furniture; Reed Rockers; Children's Go-Carts and Carriages, etc. WE ALSO SHOW SAMPLES AT OUR OWN SALESROOMS IN Cincinnati Atlanta New York Boston Cal)inet Makers In these da.ys of close competition, need the beat pOilliible equipment, a.nd this they can have in . • • • BARNES' Hand and Foot POWER Machinery Our New "and and Foot Power Cireul ..r Saw No.4 Tblt: strongest, most powerful, and in every way the best mac:-hineof its kind ~ver made. (or ripping, cross-cutting, boring and grooving, Send for our New Catalogue. "W. F. ®. JOHN BARNES CO 654 Ruby Street. Rochford, Ill. 21 22 ~rvu9,.HIG7JN e Out of Place. Hardly anything in the modern parlor is 50 interesting a~ the mantel piece. It is such a trouble to most people to think what to put on it that they end by accepting, blindly, the dictation of friends and tradesmen. A rich lady one day introduced a house furnisher to a stunning suite of mantel piece ornaments, fearfully and wonderfully made and costing n.ll that even the most fashionable votary could desire. The handsome owner stood before her purchase and good natured- Iy excused herself by explaining how she had been hadgered by her friends, who, one and all, to the self-same tune and words, had assured her she must hav(~a set of orname.nts for her mantel piece. A clock finds itself naturally at home on a mantel, but it is a pity to give up so much space in what ought to be the central opportunity of the room to anything that is not worth looking at for itself apart from its merely utilitarian uses. It is very seldom worth while to look at a clock to know what time'it is, and as a rule it would be much 7'IR'r I>5' A.l'l 2 0/"" vase, a Roman lamp, and a piece of Venetian or English glass. A vase filled with roses, a plate of red cheeked apple,s, tIle quaintly painted gourd or the wreath of autumn leaves may be used. Candle sticks with real candtes, to be lighted at twilight, before the hour for the gas, in the hour of illu-sion and lK,nsive tlloughts, castlng a wavering gleam over the ensemble, bring a few moments of poetry to close the weary working day. vVe once know a man "l/ho was gifted with a keen ,sense of humor. He could say really clever things, and write them. He made some store signs, embodyillg the keen wit that was in him, and they attracted attention. He used good sense and they offended nobody. People looked for them when they entered his store. He made jt pay. A neighboring rival attempted the same thing. V\-'hen he tried to be funny his jokes were either ,coarse or pointless. He had no appre-ciation of their possible offense. He was puzzled when his ~J , / WRITING OUT THE ORDERS. better to keep clocks out of our dining room, though, for that matter, it is ]1ard to say where the~,.are not an lff\pc,rti-llellce. In the dining room they are a constant reDnke to people who come down late to br<.',akfast,alld they give mOTal support to the priggis.hness of punctual people, while they have, no doubt, to rcproach themselves fOr a good share ill the very bad American habit of eating in a limited time. In the drawing room the clock plays a still more ill-mannered part, for what can he do there but tell visitors when to go away, a piece of information the wen-br'ed mall is in no need of, and which the ill-bred mal1 never heeds. So that, if a dock must usurp the place of honor on a mantel piece, it ought to have so good a form, or serve as the pedestal tn such a bit of br011ze, or l1ave such a case as to make one forget the bnrden of time and tide in the occasiomtl contemplation of art eter-nities. The clock habit, with its flanking of candle sticks and vaseS, was acquired from the French. They get rid of the main difficulty by either making sure that the clock docs not keep good time or by using clock cases, without working parts. The mantel ought to second the intention of the fireplace as the center of the family life-the spiritual and the intellectual center, as the table is the materia! center. There ought to be gathered upon the shelf or shelves over the fire-place, a few beautiful things-the most beautiful the family purse can afford-things t.hat will uplift the beholder-worth living with. "'ith the "great things'; a notable picture or 8 cas~ of a famoHs individu:tl, there is room for pleasant little things 011 the shelves-a bit of Japanese bronze, an Etruscan cards drove customers away and provoked a guffaw only from loungers. Funny business does not pay save in exceptional cases. It takes an artist to do it just right. Asked concerning a price cutter, the merchant smiled. Poor fool, he seemed to say in that smile. He has lost his standing among his fellows, he is losing his money fast, and the sheriff will he likely to take his remaining goods,He, like the lady of the one-time popular song, is "more to he pitied than censured." FURNITURE POLISH \\,Ie offer a polish guaranteed to produce a BRILLIANT and PERMANENT lustre on any finished wood, A dealer's trade bUilder. Send for sample J4 gross, $3.15. Our Superior Repair Finish never fails to remove burlap marks and mars; and, used with crystal shellac and a set of our colors, [aniline, to match any finish] will repair deep scratches and jams, and reproduce the original finish, at once. A boon to factory or store. Repair outfit complete, with colors, one $Q 25 quart finish, and instructions for ·use, U. Send for Sa.mples. Grand Rapids Furniture Polish Co. 24 Milton A"e., Grand Rapids, Mich. AutomaUc: Phone 8226. BEWARE OF THE PROMOTER. Mr. Clark of Chicago Trying to Exploit the Furniture Dealers Apparently for His Own Benefit. The 1Jichigan ,\rtisan recently warned its readers against the \viles of those \vho seek to promote organizations for the purpose of combatting the mail orders houses. .Further warning should not he necessary, hut it may be well to notice a flchcrnc ill this line [('cently launched in Chicago by Alfred C. Clark \\'ho started out by securing a big free advertisement for his project-a column Or lUore on the IjL~t page oJ the Chi-cago Tribune under bold head-lines declaring "Vv'ar to the . K.nife," "Dig Catalogue to Be Put Ont of Business," elc. lilT. Clark's scheme is 1I0t materially different irom others that have been proposed "for the protection of the small deaL ers against C'ompeLition from the mail order houses," but its proposed scope is wider and its plan of operations more elab-orate. It is to be calted the "Home Trade League o[ Amer-ica" and the proposed <:onstitution explains its purpose as fol- 10\;\,s: "To combat the m<lil order system in a1\ its phases, be-lieving that its tendellcy is to the con<:enlratjon of trade i\1 the hands of a few individuals, Of at most a few cities. Now, therefore, to the end that we may help restore the merchan-dising trade of the nation to its natura!, normal condition, the members of the Home Trade league pledge themselves to have no business ·with the retail catalogue house or any jobber Of manufacturer who continues to sell them. V'/e regard the consumer as Ollr logical ally, alJd. everything being cqual, we believe he ,,,ill trade with the merchant in his home tOWlI. Tt is the purpose of the league to bring the manufacturer, the jobber, all(l retailer together to the end tbat the retail mer-chant can successfully meet the competition of the catalogue house." The by-hnvs provide for a president, a secretary, a treasur-er, a general manager, to he elected by a board of twenty-one directors, and also for a vice pre,sident and an a(lvisory com-mittee of ten from each state. 1Ir. Clark declares "the bat-tle will be fO\1p;htout along the lines of trying' to meet mail order COllJpctitioll. \-Ve "",ill fight to make the wholesalers. jobbers and manufacturers give to the retailer the benefit of the same prices as lhose given the mail order houses. Con- S11nH.'1'5 ·will be asked before sendil1g their orders to a mail ortler house, to give the retail dealcr a chance to llgure on the111,and if the local merchant cannot llleet them the Horne League will place him where he t<:\n. IVlerchants are also pledg-illg thell>;clves not to buy of jobbers or manufacturers 'vho sell to a c:ltaloguc hOllse. Thousands of leaflets are being- s<:nt out to retail dealers urging them to co-operate in this me;:tSlue. and every effort ,vill be made to arouse local - - -- ----------------- 23 pride against patronizing the mail order houses. Excur-sions will be run from all centers where a large section of the state can be interested in seeing that retail dealers can supply goods as cheaply as the mail order houses." To the credit or 1lr. Clark's common sense it should be stated that the "Home Trade League of America" does not endorse the plan to cripple the mail order houses by ordering their catalogues in lnTge numbers merely for the purpose of destroying them. It is also stated that this league does not propose to do away ·with the state associations, hut will use them as a "nucleus for this org·anization." It is announced that the "majn offices have been estab-lished in the 1\lonadnock building" Chicago, and the work of organization is "progressing rapidly" in Illinois, Wisconsin, Grand Rapids Caster Cup Co. 2 Parkwood A.e., Grand Rapids, Mich. We are now putting ou the best Caster Cups with cork bases ever offered to the trade. These are finished in Golden Oalc and White Maple in a light finish. These goods are admirable Eorpolished floors and furlL~ iture rests. they will not sweat or mar. PRICES: Size2:'.<incbes ...... $4.00 per hundred She 2% inches'" .,. 5.00 per hundred Try a 8ample Order, F. O.B. Grand Rapid8, Kansas. J\'Iinnesota and lHicbigall, but no names or Iurther particulars arc gjven in connection with the state organiza-tions because "many of those interested prefer for the present to keep in the background for the reason that they do not care about incurring the open hostility of the catalogue houses and theil' powerful influence." By the way, it is provided that the vice president for Illinois-presumably Mr. Clark-is t6 be the tirst general manager. From this outline of the "Home Trade League of America" it is plainly evident that like to.o many other trade associa-tions it i? a "one-man concern" and that any success that it may achieve will be at the expense of the retailers and the only bendiciary ,,",,illbe Alfred C. Clark of Chicago. Ii BERRY BROTHERS' II Rubbing and Polishing Varnishes II MUST BE USED IN FURNITURE WORK TO BE APPRECIATED THEY SETTLE THE VARNISH QUESTION WHEREVER TRIED II II II II WRITE FOR INFORMATION, FINiSHED WOOD SAMPLES, AND LITERATURE. N~w York 262 Pearl 5t. Boston 520 Atlantic Ave. Philadelphia 26-28 NQ. 4th 51. Baltimore 29 5. Hanover 5t, BERRY BROTHERS, LIMITED VARNISH MANUFACTURERS DETROIT Chic:aB"o 48-SO Lake St. Cindnnati 420 Main St.. St. Louie 112 Sc..4th St. San, Franc:illC:o 66B HClWard St, THIS IS THE CAN AND LABEL C"NADIAN FACTOR•• W4LK£RV'LLE ONTARIO 7 Prl6e $18.50. Has 48 InNcho. T2o5p, 5. Legs an d' IS H'1gh]y Polished. It's Oneof the "SU~~OR" There are many more•Iall ePeaancdhegse,tPaietaasnted. Pudding. Send for Cata ogu BOCKSTEGE fURNITURE CO. fVA.NSVILU IND. TUE Globe Side-boards nre me BeS! on me G10!Je lor me Money GEl vUR CATALOGUE MentiontheRT~~- CAN A _, when wnbllil. Globe Furniture The "ELI" fOLDI NG. BE.DS ~RREOFBITRfAWDI•• AENRDS Company itbout the Eli Beds Mantel and Updght. In No Stock complete w .ville. IDdi~Da ELI D. MILLER &-. Co.~~forr c:uts and pnces EVANSVILLE. IND. Cupboards .Kitchen Cabinets. and K. D. Wardrobes. Is all we rnake but we make Job cA tbem. Get Catalogue and Price •. The Bosse FumitureC EVANSVILLE • INDo. . Kar~e5 War~ro~es are800d Wardrobes GOOD Style Construction Finish PRICES RiG HT Writefi or Catalogue Karges Furniture Company, EVANSVILLE: I 26 Michigan's New Embalmers' Law. Michigan now has, or will have when it goes into effect~ over a year heuce-one of. the most stringent laws regulating the embalming and undertaking business. As this law has he,en heralded as one of the best ever enacted and as many furniture dealers in other states afe interested in Lts provis-ions, the most in:portant sections are reprinted as follows: SECTIOX 1. The State Board of Health is hereby au-thorized allc1 empowered to determine the qualifications neces-sary to enable any person to properly emhalm dead human bodies amJ disinfect the premises. The said board, or some member thereof, sball examine all applicants for '111 embalm-er's license, and shall issue an embalmer's licellse to all per-sons who successfully pass such examination. Ko person shall emh;:\\m any dead human body, unless he shall hold a valid unrevoked and _unexpired licel1se horn the Michigan State Board of Health authorizing him to practice the art of embalming. All persons who are engaged in the business of undertaking, or who profess to be engaged. in such busi-ness, or who hold thenlselves out to the public as undertakers, or embalmers. shall be required to possess a eertiGcate, show-ing that they are licellsed embalmers or have canst,mtly em~ ployed a licensed embalmer. Any person embalming- or at-tempting to embalm, or caring or attempting to care for a dead httman body, either as an (',mbalmer or as assistant em~ balmer or undertaker, except under the immediate and pcr-s011al direction of a licensed embalmer, S~Jall be deemed to be practicing the art of embalming, and any person so emba!m~ il1g or caring, or ntten~ptillg to care for a dead hun-an body, or \:vho shall prCj)'-'.refor transportation or burial 01' otl1CTW15£ dispose of any dead human body, or hold himself out as prac-ticing embalming, without being the holder of an embalmer's license granted by the State Board of Health, .shall be deemcd guilty of a violation of this act. The term etribalm-ing, as llsed in this act shall be taken to 111eanthe d-isitifec.tion or preservation of the dead human body, entire or in part, by the use of chemical substances, fluids or gases ordinarily used, prepat'e~l or intended for such purpose, -either by olltward ap-plication of s\.1ch chemical substances, fluids or gases on the body, or by the introduction of same into the body by vascular Musk.egon Valley Furniture Co. Moskel/OD. Mich •• Odd Dressers Chiffoniers Wardrobe, Ladies Toilets Dressing Tables Mahogany IDlaid Good, Ladies Desks Music Cabinets or hypodermic injection-or by direct application into the or-gans or cavities. The finding of any such chemica! Sub-sta. nce, fluid or gas ordinarily used in embalming, or any trace, evidence or appearance there'of upon a dead human hody, the use of which i:r prohibited except by licensed em-balmer, or the placing thereof on a dead human body hy any person who is not a holder of an embalmer's license shall C011- stitue prim8. facie evidence of the violation of the terms of this act: Provided, That nothing in this act shall apply to any person who l}f'epuf'ef'>dead human bodies for buria\with-out the assistance of an undertaker or embalmer, or without acting in the capacity of embalmer or undertaker. SECTION 2. Embalmers' examinations shall be held in the city of Lansing, at least once each year, and at such other tln-:es <ll1d placcs as the said board may designate: Pro-vided, That an examination shall be held once each c.alendar year in the Upper Peninsula, if five or more residents of the Upper Peninsula shatl have on file with the secretary of the said board their applications for licenses. The said board is hereby authorized to send not more than two of its members to the Upper Peninsula to conduct embalmers' ex.aminations there. The members of the said board, except the secretary, who are present and assist in any such examinations shall re-ceive ten dollars per diem for the time actually spent, in addi-tion to reimbursement for such expenses as they may act-ually incur. SECTION 3. No person 5hall he granted a license under this act, unless he shall have had at least two years actual, practical instruction in embalming and disinfecting under a licensed embalmer in this state, or at least oue year of such instruction and has completed a course in some school of embalming whose standing is recognized by th(~ State Board of Health, or who shall have been engaged ill the practice of embalming for five years past prior to the datc of his exam-ination. Each applicant for a license shall be examined orally and in wdting in the following sub.jects: Anatomy, sanitary science and disinfection, the care, preservation, em-balming, transportation and burial of dead human bodies, al1d shall, at the request of the board demonstrate his proficiency as an embalmer by ope'ration on a cadaver. All applica- The Sargent Mfg. Co. MUSKEGON. MICH. Bachelors' Cabinets Ladies' Desks Extra Large Chiffoniers ______ Also Manufacturers and ExporteT8 of _ ROLLING CHAIRS Chairs adapted 10 allltinds of invalidism, both for howie and street use. OVER FORTY DESIGNS TO SELECT FROM MICHIGAN #011' f tions under this act shall be upon blanks iurnished by the State Board of Tlealth amI shall be accompanied by a fee of five dollars and a pllotograph of the applicant. All appli-cants for license to pracTice embalming shall have ,ttuincd the ag"c of twenty-one yea("s aud must [ a certillcatc of good moral character, signed by three responsible citi-zens, one of ,...-hOltl l11t1st be a licensed embalmer \","ho has heen personally acqnainLed with the applicant for at least one yc"r. i\ 11 applicants sh:t11 furnish the State Board of Health satis-factory ('vidence of their proliciellcy in a c.onunOll school ed-ucation, that they have had :It least two yC;Hs' practical ex-perience under ;1 jiCCllSt:d emhalmer in this state or have had a practical experience of not less th8n one year under a li- Why Not Order? Say a dozen or more Montgomery Iron Display Couch Trucks sent you on approval? If nol satisfactory they can be returned at no expense to you whatever, while the price asked is but a triKe, com~ pared to the convenience they afford and the economy they represent in the saving of ~oor space. Thirty_two collches mounted on the Montgomery Itoo Display Couch Ttucks occupy the same Aoor spaC(';as twelve dis_ played in the usual manner, Write for catalogue giving' full descrip-tion and price in the different linishes. to~ gelher with illustrations demonstrating the use of the Giani Short Rail Bed Fastener lor Iron Beds. Manufactured by H. J. MONTGOMERY PATKNTlH;: Silver Creek, New York, U. S. A. Denni5 Wi,e and IrQn CQ.• Canadian Mlnl,l-factureu. London, Ont. censer! (,l\Jnl11~Cl' ill this state and have completed the reg1l18r course of instruction in a school of embalming recognit:ed as being In good stauding by snid bO<ll"Ij: Provided, That any person now holding 811 embalmer's license issued by the State Board of Health under authority of act numher one hundred thirty-two of the Public Acts of nineteen hundred three, shall be deemed to be a licensed embalmer under the provisions of this act, but SHch liceuse sh<dl tct"mill<lte and expire on the thirty-Ilrst day of July, uineteen hundred seven, Ilnless snOnt'r revoked or cancelled, \vbo shall be entitled to registration without examination llPOIl p8Y111e11t of the fec herein provided for: Provided further, That any perSOIl holding a valid, unrevoked and unexpired liccnse in another state or territory having- substantially similar requirements to those exi"ti1Jg .ill this stilte. provided tl18t such states or territorid rccog"nize license is,';:'l1ul by the fltichigan St8te Board of Health. way be gTClllled a license to pr8ctice in tbis st8te upon lilint'; \vitb tlH: secret8ry of this board a certified statement from the secrctary of the exall1inillg hoard nf t1le state or" territory ill \vhich the applic;mt holds :l. license. showing the rating l1pon \vhich s'lid liccl1se was granted, to-g- ether with his rl'l'on:nieu(][ltion, ~ll~d if satisfactory to tbis board it shall. upon the receipt of a fee of ten dollars. grant such license. Tbe U\Vllcr of any license or renewal provided for in this 8et shall canse a copy of same to 1;e riled in the offIce of the lneal rcgistr:H o[ (,8ch city or \"iriage ''''hercin he intends topractiee the 8rt of emb8lmillg, 8ud no transporta-tion permit 511<"111 be issued by the local registrar to any per- SOl1 ,\'ho has li(Jl a C:ill) of snch license or rene,vrtl on Jile: Provided, That any local reglstr:ll· is herthy authorized to grant a tt8Psportalioil permit to any et1lb81n~cr coming from beyond the jurisdjctinn of .";aid registr8r 1I1):)!l the exhibition of a copy of s:lid license or renewal tn said registrar. It shall be unlawful fOl" :lny railv,'ay agent, express agent, haggage n~aster, conductor, or other person acting as snch, to receive '27 the dead body of any person for shipment, or transportation by railway or othcr public conveyance, to or from any point in this st:lte, llllkss said body he accompanied by a removal or shipping permit sigl"cd by the health officer of the local board of health,. ;llld 8 certificate, attached to the outsick box containing- s11ch body, showing the name and offlcia1 number of the embalmer by whom it was prepared, and the method of preparation employed: Provided, That nothing in this act shall be so constructed as to prevent the shipment of dead bodjes intended for use for anatomical purposes within the st8te wbell the same are so designated by the shipper. [Sections 4 to 8 inclusive relate to revocation of license in ease the holder is found guilty of violating the law or become unfit to pursue the business of embalming, making elaborate provisions for preferring charges, granting the accused a hear-ing, etc. Section 9 provides the penalty. It reads as fol-lows] : SECTION 9. Any person who shall violate any of the provi.sions of tbis act, upon conviction thereof, shall be pun-ished by a fine of not less than three hundred dollars or by irnprisonmcllt for not less than three months nor more than one ye8r, or both such fine 8nd imprisonment in the discre-tion of the court. Prosecutions for the violation of any of the provisions of this act, may be .brought by any person il1 the natTIe of the people of the state of NJich-ig8tl, against any person violating any of the provisions of !J'1S .act, before any court of competent jurisdiction. It is hereby made the duty of all prosecuting attorneys to see that the provisions of this act are enforced in their respectivc countics. [t shall also be tbe duty of aU health officers in their respective cities and townships to inform against and assist in the prosecution of .all persons whom there is reason-able cause to believe arc guilty of violating any of the provis-ions of this acL. This act is ordercd to take effect Septembn 8, 1908. Furniture for the Walls. VvTith rarc exceptions, the rooms of the homes of Ameri-callS :lre sll1nll and in order to obtain the necessary floor space the walls are utilized by the hanging of furniture upon them, that but for the reason stated would be placed upon the floor. Book racks, cabinets, plate racks, hat racks, cup-boards, mcdicine cabinets and small articles, such as- brackets, pockets and slipper cases, jf properly hung, serve to decorate rather than burden the walls. "Vhen the floors are over-fUrJlished, scrimped rooms may be made comfortable and (:onveni{'llces for the oCCllpants provided try using the waf Is, !\ great deal of wall furniture is m,tnufactured, but there is I rOOlll for improvcment in that line of production. The D. & B. Line Steamers leave Detroit weekdays J; at 5: 00 p. m , Sundays at 4,00 p. _ . m_ (centr::ll time) and from Buffalo daLly ~t 5:3~ p.m: (e~stemtime) W_~E"': reaehmg- theIr destmatwn the next------ ~----=-~ morning. Direct connections with early trains. Lowest rates and superior service to New York, Boston,Philadelphia,Atlantic City,aU points east. Popular week end excursions to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, leave Detroit every Saturday. RAIL TiCKETS AVAILABLE ON STEAMERS All r;tas3eg of tickets so!<l readi"!! vi.'!. Michi"<aIl Cenlral,Wabash and Gl'll.nd Trunk railways between Detroit and Buffa!" in either direction will be accepted fur !ran9portation un D. b. R Line S:eamenl. Sel'd 2c. B1aml'-f'Jr iJlnstrated pamphletandGreatLakcsmnp. Address: L. G. LEWIS, G. P. A. DETROIT & BUFFALO STEAMBOAT CO., D.troil, Mich. PHIUP H. McMILLAN, V,Ce,PRE5. A. A. SCHANTZ. G&:I\I. MGR. 28 ManZ!/acturers -- Johnson Chair Company CHICAGO, - - ILLINOIS . PERMANENT EXHIBIT: Furniture Exhibition Building, 1411Michigan Avenue Office Chairs, - Dining Chairs, Bedroom Chairs, and Parlor Rockers Send.for our new catalogue,just out, illustrating our entire line, SUCH AS WE MAKE IS EVER THE SOURCE OF PLEASURE AND PROFIT TO THE RETAILER AND THE PURCHASER RELIABLE and SUBSTANTIAL fURNITURE ROCKFOR.D CHAIR. AND FUR.NITURE COMPANY ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS OUR OAK AND MAHOGANY Dining Extension Tables Are BeSt Made, Bdt Finishl!:d Values. All Made from Thoroughly Seasoned Siock. No. :}&4~Dining Table Top. 48x48. Made in Qyartered Oak. Full Polished. Nickel C~eIS. No. 384. Same style liS above with square top. LENTZ TABLE CO. No. 384}6 Dining Table. NASHVILLE. MICH. Moon Desk Co. MUSKEGON. MICH. OFFICE DESKS New Styles for Fall Season. WHITE PRINTING CO. I I GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. HIGH GRADE CATALOGS COMPLETE 29 ~MI9.rIG7J-N DON'T HIDE BARGAINS UNDER A BUSHEL. A Michigan Dealer's Idea of a Gced Joke-The Late Fred Macey's Methods. Vv'rittcll by Aln~ol'(l Griffen for the Furniture )Iews, St. Louis.-Docs advertising pay the retail denier? \lVdl, the <llls.vcr dq)C1lds largely upon bow and where the "ad" is placed. Lots of money is wasted in advertising improperly placed, 110 doubt about that. The use of a poor cut-this is especially tnte of furniture---is simply throwing money a ..v..ay. Business is not clttracted, LInd it certainly is !lot cre:ltcd, in this "vay_ Advertising has been described as the art of "put-ting things Tight" before the pllblic. It is a science. and UlI- -qt~estinnab\y a science sti.lI in its idancy, dsepite the ma:,ly schools in publicity that have sprnng 11p in these later years, the books that have becn written, and the general avvakening that has taken place on the subject. 1\ow, let 11S brush ;tll long theories aside and get down to the busilless at hand-that of sell~ng furniture by the use of printer's ink. First, as to your medium. I am a believer in the efficacy of the local nc·wspaper, and let it be the right paper. By all means, study the paper. Does it go home? Is it read by the family? Is it well edited and clean? Is the editor of the old school, who lets the devil (printer's) rtlIl the sheet while he goes fishing, meantime permitting the stale ads to go along from month to month unchanged? If he is _of this type, you can rest assured that the circulation of the paper is not what yol.1 want, neither as to qnantity or qnality. Then, having found OUI: medium, theit~ is the advertisement itself to· consider. A good "ad·" writer must be able to see and to tell deady. The "ad" must first of all catch the eye, but its function is to go farther than that. It must not only interest the reader, but it should stimulate him or her to aet. I was personally acquainted with the late Fred },:Iacey, founder of the Marey Company, Grand Rapids, who was one of the most successful mail-order advertisers in the country, and the two essentials that he insisted on in all his ad-con-struction, as he often told me, were that the price of the ar-ticle should never be 'omitted, and that the ads "hould be so adroitly \Vorded-mesmerically worded, if you please-~ts to influence the reader to remember and do. Ability to stir people to act and act now,-that's a vital point in good ad-vertising. The wisdom of stating the price in plain figmes is appar-ent. It is human nature to 'want to kliow the price of an ar-ticle the iirst thing and how can a reader be expected to act or indeed to take any interest at all in the effort at pub-licity, with so important an essential left out? The adver-tisement should be especially appealing to a womall's eyes, since womep usually do the buying, or at least are very close to the buyer, and what they say "goes." Here's a combination that has often proved lucky in the saie of easy chairs at holiday time, and there arc mallY other combinations equally suggestive; the chair-a mall in smok-ing habit comfortably seated-and the price. Let the cut bc high grade and attractive and not much else is lIcceSS:lry in the way of description. Neither over-estimation nor nn-der- estimation, but the exact truth should he aimed at in de-scriptiOllS of the goods. But the matter docs not end with the writing uf the "ad." 'fhe art of the compnsltor, or ;nl-man, t11e sort Of type llsed, the arrangelllcl,t, :'pc! last, but not least, the position in the paper, are ,Ill il~'I)(.lrtal~t consid~rations. The successful ad-vertiser studies these details and does not trust to chance or to otl1er people's humors. He sees the money-vahle in knowing these things for himself. I know of many people, and so do yOU, who haven't the gumption to write: their Own advertisements. The newspaper representative on entering the store is met with the exclama-tion, "By Jove, I had forgotten you. Can't you fix up some-thing for me?" Possibly he tears off a piece of wrapping paper and scribbles thereon his announcement, on the spur of the moment. This is not business. It is playi"g at b'lS-lness. There are people who never advertise. A dealer in Big Rapids, l\lich.; a city of possihly 5,CCO people., Jifty miles north of Gram} Rapids, ";as recently t(~l1ing some of his friends what he considered flS a good joke. A large adverti ;ement (If kitchen cabinets had been run in a Grand Rapids' paper, offering the article at the "reduced price of $16.50, regular KOOK WOOD and a general line of F/\NGY TABLES Write fOT Cuts and Prices PALMER . Manufacturil1g Co. 115 to 135Paln1er Ave. DETROIT, I\fICH. Full line shown on second floor. 1319 Michigan Ave., Chicalro. in JllDuary· Pioneer Mfg. Co... DETROIT, MieN. Reed furniture Baby Garriaocs Go-Garts Full line sLowD on second Hoor. 1319 Michi~Bn Ave., Chi-cago, in January. DETROIT, MICH. Murphy Chair Co. LINE. MANUFACTURERS A COMPLE.TE SHELBYVILLE DESK CO. MI\:'{UFACTURERS OF OFFICE DESKS Mahogany, and Imitation Qyartered Oak, Plain Oak in Three Grades. SPECIAL FEATURES A SQUARE DEAL Writ( flr latest Catalogue. SH ELBVVI LLE, 'N D. -- -- ----- -------------------, 31 price $20." The cabinet is manufactured at Big Rapids, and, said the dealer, "the funny part of it is that some of our people ""vent to Grand Rapids to buy the cahiuet at the re-duced price, ....h..ile all the time I ani selling the same goods, made by the same company, at $14." As (l matter of fact, wasn't the joke on the dealer !"ather than all his legitimate customers? Are the people to blame because he hides bis bargains under a bushel, never letting it be kllO\Vll in the public prints what he bas to sell, and the pricc:? Ire thinks that the people :dl knmv him all)'wa)', and so know his bargains. But they don't They have 10 be sh(l\vn, and if his customers go to Grand Rapids to buy what h~ could sell them <3.t a low('1- price, he has none but llimseH to blame. The case referred to was probably a bargain for Grand Rapids folks, but not so there. The story is I-dated of a man 'who \vent to a merchant to buy a remnant of cloth. long Ollt of fashion. "'VVhy did you come to me:" asked 111edealer. "I thought you'd be likely tf) lwvc it beo:::allse you Bever advertise," \vas the reply. If your sto,e is located in a town (,f cunsiderable :::oi:l.c\v. hy not a(/\,ertise in the smaller towns in yonr tenitory:' Ag-gressiw: ncss is required to lmild a busine",s. Dress yO\1\- \vind(Jws, rh(;ll call up a city editor and <.!.'ikhilH to have a n:poder stop at the store. Theil ',<ly to tJ-JC repor-t. er: "\Ve ace carrying an ad with you. }\'ow rec1procate by g-iving our \vindo\Vs it Hiee write-up ill yoUr local ('.olull1l1s." He "vi]l he glad to do so and if you give hjm m;lteri'll for his story, you 'will be surprised next dny W]H'J) the bright, newsy write-up appears. A regular 11e"\'5 writer can llsually hide all the (',,1' Jnarks of ;ldvc'rtising in his stories, therdore he will be of mort value to ,you than the advertising solicitor would be. Advertising will bring people to yOllr store, then il is up to you to "deliver the goods." Extensive publicity does not pay gCllen"llly except ill eases of artickh o[ real, unmistakable meril. Carry the right S(lrt of goods and put them right he-fore the pUblic, tbt.,,;('.two things make for sllccess. It Jus been estimated that the sum of $600;OOO.OGO is spent in advertisillg alone in these United States every year. How much money is that? It is an amount equal i.n value to the annual corn crop and nearly twice the value of the wheat crop of this ('.ountry. This estimate was made two or three years ago and is therefore too small now, since the publicity game is growing rapidly. Of this sum more than seventy-five per cent is spent with the newspapers, trade journals and maga-zincs, Another for Rockford. August Peterson of the Central Furniture Company, Peter H. Palmer of the Royal liJantel Company and J. A. Peterson of the Skandia Furnitnre C0111p<1ny,<tl1 of Roek-ford, Ill., arc the incorpor<itors of the ?'Jational Furniture Company, organized to estahlish a furuiture factory in Rock-foro. The capital stock in placed fit $80,000 and a new plant is to be erected but no anJ)ouncen,ent has been made as to ~tyle or grade of the product. Made by Globe Furniture Co., Evansville, Ind. r---------------------- -- Robbins Tabl6 60. Owosso. Mi6blgan No. 318. AMERICAN OAK. 44x48IN. TOP. AMERICAN BASE. 7 IN. PILLAR. SPRATT'S CHAIRS ARE THE JOy OF THE CHILDREN. OUf new CHILD'S MISSION ROCKER was a winner from the start. Write for Catalogue and pri~t!s. OUf line is large and prices are right. We make CHAIRS GROWN-UPS as well as CHILDREN, GEORGE SPRATT & CO. Sheboygan, Wis. Say you M'W trn! fJd in tbe MiclJigall A",i- .,.. Something DiffERENT No. 155 WOVEN WIRE COUC" in Couches $4.00 Net We have made for some time, Couches and Davenports with woven wire tops. Our Jatest essay in this line is DlffI:RI:NT. Made and shipped K. D. l:aslly set up. 4 trial order wlll convince. 8MIT" ~ DAVIS MfG.' CO.,St. Louis. BUSINESS ON A BOAT. Meeting of Michigan Retail Furniture Dealers Takes the Form of an Excursion. The midsummer meeting of the Miehigan Retail Furniture Dealers' Association was held in Detroit on Wednesday July 24. There was a large attendance from all sections of the state except Grand Rapids, that city having only one re-presentative- G. R. Chaffee of the Young & Chafiee Furni-ture Company. The meeting" was held on hoard an excursion steamer 'which ran up and down the Detroit river, through Lake St. Clair and the "the flats" from 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 in the aftCr110011, making a most enjoyable day for the .furniture men many of whom were accompanied by ladies. Reports on the present condition of business and pro-spects for the fall trade 'oNeredecidedly optimistic, nearly all dealers declaring that since the middle of June their trade has 33 dation to succeed C. C. Rosenbury of Bay City who is now president of the national association of furniture dealers.' 'Love and Politics at Luna Park. Ne"v York wa.rd- politicians, especially those wearing the stripes of the Tammany Tiger, have great faith in publicity as an elemcnt of success and to obtain it they use novel meth-ods that might he adopted by furniture dealers with bene-ficial results. The working out of some of their advertising schemes is describcd by the New York Commercial as follows: "More than 20,000 men, women and children of the twelfth assembly district attended the "Dooley Day" outing at Luna Park Tuesday. The day was planned in honor of Matthew Dooley, chairman of the board of directors of the twenty-second Ward Democratic Club. The most novel and interesting event in Luna's history was the "Dooley Day" wedding." To encourage matrimony and votes in his district, Mr. Dooley offered a complete set FLEMISH RENNAISSANCE SIDEBOARD.· :Made by Berkey & Gay Fumture Company, Grand RaPids. Mich. been better than it ",,-as a year ago and that conditions were never better than at present. The discussions, which were largely informal were de-voted mainly to mail order competition. They showed that the !vlichigan dealers do not fear the big mail order hOtlses so much as they did a year or two ago; that hy making ex-tra efforts to show the people the advantagcs of trading at home they are meeting mail order competition much more successfully than formerly and have certainly checked the business of the big Chicago houses in this state, in the furni-ture line at least. It was stated that several manufacturers have refused to aUow the mail-order houses to catalogue their products and that some who have heretofore sold to that branch of the trade have decided to discontinue that practice. It is re-ported that some of the manufacturers of hardware novelties, etc., in Meriden and New Britain, Conn., have instituted court proceedings, or are about to do so, for the purpose of es-tablishing their right to prohibit the cataloging of their goods by Boston mail order houses. If manufacturers have the legal right to control the use of their products for cata-logue purposes, they may be able to place an obstacle in the progress of the mail order business. W. 1. Owen of Detroit was elected president of the asso-of household furnishing to the couple or couples who can· sented to be married in Luna Park on "Dooley Day." The one condition was that each contracting party must reside in the twelfth assembly district. Five couples made applications, but only one qualified_ The successful candidates were Emelia Swensen and Olaf Jergensen, who came forward with the proper credentials. The ceremoney occurred at 3 o'clock at the base of the tower overlooking the lagoon. After the ceremony, :l.1r. Dooley of-fered his congratulations, gave the couple an order for a complete house-keeping outfit and then conducted the "newly weds" through the "Night and Morningl ' show. In the chamber of skeletons the king and queen gave their blessing, and the verbose skeleton admonished the honeymooners to beware the awful results of "Hell on Earth/" Handsomest Ever. John J. 1\'Icisinger, buyer for the G. W. McAlpin Com-pany of Cincinnati, left Grand Rapids declaring: "I must say the lines are the handsomest and most extensive ever dis-played and I have managed to make quite a selection though in such a market, where there are so many attractions it is hard to decide just what is best to buy. However, a man who ",,-ants high grade goods can't go far wrong in this market," 34 _Don't B~ Too Blunt, Nor Too Smooth. Some busin('.ss men -are blunt in their dealings with CllS-. tomers; others are polished and suave to a degree, The fortner may acquire local reputations for their bluntness and command the kind of respect that is evinced when neighbor3 say, "John is pretty blunt of speech, but yoU always know just where he stands. He calls a spade a spade and yon don't have to think twice to know what he means." while of the polished man and the suave it is sometimes said by the unappreciative, 'He is too smooth, too oily, too smart." The blunt man in business may carry his bluntness too far, just as the suave man may convey the impression of ovcr-smartness. The happy medium is the- thing to strive for-a polite, considerate attitude to",,'ards customers and friendly patient ,treatment of them-neither the bluntness that offends the fastidious nor the "smoothness" that excites suspicion. 1vfenaFe cast in various molds and their methods naturally differ in all callings, trades and professions. This is welt illust.rated by the methods employed by diffcrent puhlic speakers in quelling interruptions. The blunt method, the method of the club and the cudgel, was illustrated when a Governor of the State of Illinois answered an interrupter at a public meeting by the exc1aminati"on: "Back to the asylum with you!" The method of the polished debater, the method of the rapier rather than of the cudgel, was that, employed in thc course of a speech by the great orator, John Bright. He. was saying, "Personally I do not feel disposed to wage war against these Philistines," when an unruly membcr of . 11is English audience shouted "Hee-haw!" ·':~lfhowcvcr;" }Jr. Bright continued witho~lt a pause, "my f.i.-iendat the back·oT the hall wilt lend me one of his iaws I shall be' encouraged to reconsider my attitude, in vie,~ of the- historic success of Sampson when provided ''lith a similar wea1J(ln." Both of these methods were :effectiv-e in quelling opposi- "THE BEELMAN LINE" FOR SPECIAL SALES MiSSION ROCKERS MAGAZIN£ STANDS TABLES MEDIC1NE. CABINE.TS SEND FOR CATALOGUE . l'HEBEELMAN CABINET COMPANY j; ·1682'~t6'72., Columbus Road; CLEVELAND, o. Ij -;_ r' ~•.:." .- -. - c, . tion. Bluntness and polish may both win, but in business the most likely channel to success wilt probably b~ found by steering a middle course. Laziness and lngenuity. The man who tries to make.his work easier is not general-ly a lazy man. Too many business men are today inclined to look with suspicion on anyone in their employ who tries to so simplify his work as to be able to do it in less time. A man who goes to his employer and outlines a- plan whereby he can do the same amount of work in less time i"sgenerally about as likely to get a cool reception as encouragement. Why this is the case is hard to say. Iii rnostcases it probably comes from the fact that the employer is not himself familiar with the work, and naturally feels that an employe is more likely to try to shirk than to accompli-sh more. This is entirely the wrong view to take of the matter. \Vhen an employe takes enough interest in your business to devise plans of saving time for you, he is too valuable a man for you to overlook. He is not trying to save his time for his own use, but for yours. He re~lizes that you are paying him for a full day's work, and if.he studies out a method of saving an hour of his time each day, or even a few moments, he knows he will be expected to find something else to do during the time: This· is the kind of a man to, encourage. Every idea he advances should be taken under consideration, and if found to be sound they can be givena:triaL Each trial will encour-age 'him to be more valuable to you, and what do you hire men for, if not to help you? The lazy man is more like the machine. He plods through routine work and never tries to thi'nk of better ways of doing it. If he can get more assistance by a little shirking he is more likely to shirk. If he has any thoughts which would benefit you, he is avcrse to letting you find it out. Do not get -these two classes of employes mixed in your mind, for if you do, you fail to get what you should. Dont's For Young Salesmen. Don't think that because the boss has a. roll-top desk and a pri.vate -office that he also has a cinch. The man who car-ries the responsibility is the man whose shoulde~s first grow bent. If the- boss has a system for you to follow, you follow it. Don't try to introduce any variations on your own re· sponsibility. Exercise the same discretion in choosing an employer that the employer uses in choosing a salesman, and then stick to your choice. It doesn't pay to recommend goods a bit higher than they wilt stand. A customer fooled that way once won't Rive you a :Sec~n.dchali~e. Don't tell your story too glibly. The man who rattles off his piece about the goods as if he had said it a thousand times doesn't inspire any too much confidence. It is a- wise sales~an who take-'j pains to know inote than he is expected to know about the goods he sel1~. Study some branch .of store work on the side. Learn to make sign cards, to write advertising, to dis-play goods, to handle correspondence. It's a busy man who hasn't time to learn something outside of his· routine. . NeW' FactoriES. Shawnee,' (IlL) Bedding Company. Brooklyn (N: Y.) Dining Room Table Company. Warten & 1i.fartin, West Point,Tenti. Jacob Jacckle Furniture Company, Buffalo, N. Y. DearboTll Desk Company, Marion, Ind. Piqua (Ohio) Furniture' CompanY· Moore -Furniture Company, Knoxville, -Tehti. Gastonia (N. C.) Mattress Cori1panY._ Globe ;Brass Bed Manufacturing Company, New Ya:tk City. Miller Furniture Company, Orailge;Tex. NoweH.:.P,eacock UpholsteI:ing_C~tnpanYI .Lexingfori, ;N. C. Miscellaneous Notes. At the annual meeting of the National Traveling Men's Protective Assoc,iation, held in Detroit during the third week in July, officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: President, Louis T. La Beaume; of St. Louis; vice"president, L. C. Deets, of Des Moines; secretary and treasurer, A. L. Sheetz, of Omaha,N eb. The 1908 convention will be held in Lake Placid, :K. Y. Cincinnati furniture men do not have much in the line of dull care to drive way. Kcither do tbey propose to allow all \vork to make them dull. 'I"be Queen City Furniture Club will have a "stag outing" at \Vhite \~ril1ow Park, over in "Old Kaintuck" on Tuesday,. August 13. To complete "the other half" of boilding, the l\Janu-facturers' Building ~ompany of Grand Rapids, :dich., have increased the capital stock trom $70,000 to $125,000. The new stock has all been subscribed fOj" and exc.H,-at;on for the additional structure is in progress. Tht Lent:! Table Company of 1\ashville, J\Hch., shut down the {attory for two weeks in July in order to install a new engine and make otber betterments demanded by rapidly i11- 7IRTIS'A~ t T t· 35 the best modern type fire-proof buildings, 70 x 150 feet, four stories-to be completed by Novernber l. The Gutter Furniture Company of Port Huron, Mich., gave aV"'ayover 4,500 souvenirs at the formal opening of their new quarters in the Armory building on Ivlilitary street. A three ,~tory brick buildjng is to be erected on lVlain street, Zeeland, .:\lich .. for the accommod~\tion of DePree & Pruim, furniture dealers. The Bay Poplar Company, capitaliz.ed at headquarters in Cincinnati, has been organized poplar as a furniture wood. \V. E. "Vig-Icy of Gatesville, store to i\lortoll Scott of \Vaco. and will retire. $150,000, lvith to {;xploit bay Tex., has sold his fu.rnitme fllr. Vligley is 70 ycars old The Armstrong Cork Company is building a linoleum plant at Lanc:aster, Pa., that will cost $250,000 and cover of land. Farnham. & Fillmore have purchased the furniture store of George Gave of Petersburg, \lich .. and will continue the .busi-ness. The Helena, Ark., branch of the Ford-Johnson Company MADE BY ESTEY MANUFACTURtNG CO, OWOSSO, MICH. creasing business. The managers are planning to add two buildings to the plant next spring-. The furnitll1"(~sales season, now closing, having 5ho\vl1 the need of greater hotel facilities, the directors of the Old :\ ,,- tional Bank, owncr of the building, are having plalls drawn for a nve-story addition to the rear of the Hotel Pantlind, Grand Rapids. The Standard Furniture Company of KashviIJe, TC11ll., is huiJding a la.rge w<ll'elwusc: as an addition to the plant and v..·.ill put in a number of ncw rnachincs, thus increasing the ca-pacity d the plant about forty per cent. Thc!htson-='le.vcJl Furniture Company are buying g-oods for thei;- new cash and instalhnent store to be opcned at IIat-tiesburg, Miss., about the middle of Ang"ust. Cbarles E. Newell is vice president and manager. The nanw of the l\:f ohawk Desk Cornpany of Herkimer, 1\'. Y., has been chnged to the l\atlonal Desk Company. The Buckeye Parlor f<'tunitttre Company of Toledo, 0., has inc.reased its capital stock frOth $10,000 to $25,000. C. Xiss & SOllS, the well kn<nvll furniture dealers of Mil-waukee, arc erecting a large addition to their store-one of will herea.fter be known as the Helena ::\Janufacturjng C01'n-pany, A factory for the Hmaking over of hair mattresses" is be-ing established at Dixon, III. The Hillsboro (Ohio) Chair Company are enlarging their factory. Emil Tyden of Hastings, 1\lich., has been granted letters patent on his famolls pedestal table lock. . L. i\. :.\lallecy, furniture dealer of 01.ea.n, 7'J". Y:, .is laying the foundations for a new store. The: B. A. :rvfdvlillan Company of Salt Lake City has the contract for seating- the new Catholic cathedral in that city. The pews \vill cost about $6,500. Sargent's Strong Exhibits. The Sargellt ]'\'Iannfacturing Company of Muskegon 1Tieh., are among the leading exhibitors of ha.ll racks,. desks, chiffoniers chiffo-wardrobcs and kindred goods in the Grand Rapids Furniture exposition. The line has heen,grea:tl1:yen-largcd and improved and the liberal ordeTs'taken: r-ewa'i'u: the enterprise and good judgment of the management.' EV.RNSVILLL Evansville, July 24.-Tbe mid-summer selling season h:as produced satisfactory results to manufacturers.- Liberal or-ders for goods were booked at the St, Louis and Chicago ex-positions and the mails have added materially to the sales. The factory of the recently organized World Furniture Company is about ready for operation and a line of goods will be prepared speedily for the market. The new line of fqe Crescent Furniture Company is in the hands of the photographer and the engraver. A machine for producing imitation of figured woods has been installed by the Specialty Furniture Company. The Buehner Chair Company has changed management, Mr. Lichtenfeld retiring. His successor is George Keve- New Furniture Dealers. Angelo (Tex.) Furnitur'e and Undertaking Company. Cap-ital, $50,000. Michigan Furniture Company, 2174 Third avenue, New York. Bernard Mendel, 1401 Fifth avenue, New' York. Star Furniture Company, 268 West One Hundred· ann Forty-fifth street, New York. H. Horwitz, Baltimore, Md. O'Donnell Company, Boston. Nichols & McEachren, Monterey, CaL E. Lapowski, Douglas, Ariz. George Swadner, Fairfield, Ky. Henry W. Bergman, Bradford, Pa. E.Sehneider & Co., Allentown, Pa. Universal Furniture Cornpany, Troy, N. Y. Batson-Newell .Furniture Company, Hattiesburg, Miss. Furniture Fires. Zen gel & Heidrick, New Orleans. Loss, $60,000, insured. PIOK UT THE BUYER. kordes. Improvements will be made in the factory and the line strengthened. The great factory of the Karges Furniture Compan t.s well supplied with orders for chamber furniture and w rd-robes. A. F, Karges is giving close attention to the op ra-tion of this great plant, as usual. Eli D. Miller has returned from Chicago, where he oak many orders for the famous Eli folding beds. A new line of tables has been placed on the market by the Bockstege Furniture Company. The designs are mee tng the approval of dealers ·generally. The Bosse Furniture Company are marking many large shipments to dealers in the west and south. Their goods are manufactured for shipment knocked down, thereby effecting a great saving in freight. Evansville is a great market for carload shipments of mixed lots. Everything needed by the average dealer is man~ ufactured here which makes this feature of the business pos-sible. A verse from the pen of "Ben" Fellwock, the furniture rhym-ster of Evans.ville, reads as follows: "Evansville is on the Ohio-- Near Henderson, Kentucky- :The dealer selling Evansville goods Is lucky, lucky, lucky." In other words, according to the sweet-singing Ben, the dealer is three times lucky if he can stock up with Evansville goods one time. J. J. Reifensnyder & Bra. Philadelphia, Pa. Loss, $1,000. Charles Dusenbury, West Branch, Mich. Loss, $1,800. Ferdinand Serengo, Brooklyn, N. Y. Loss, $9,OOQ H. J, Miner, Clayton, Mich. Loss, $8,000. Made by Woodard F'Urniture 00., owosso, Mich. THE OLD MAN'S SOLILOQUY. 37 How to Meet Man Order Competition. The retailer is getting over his state of funk. He realizes that the retail catalogue 'houses may worry hi111) but cannot crush him, That they will continue to exist, and must be accepted as one of the conditions of modern day merchandising, says The Butler Way. He knows now that while their monster catalogues are universal encyclopedias of merchandise their actual sales arc big only in certain classes ·of bulky goods-trivial in most shelf ware, and especially so in popular priced articles. No wonder the retailer was rather "rattled" .vhen he woke up and found how far into his field the foreign catalogue houses had crept. The ene-my came at him in a new form and in a new way. Almost before he knew it the offending catalogues ,..-ere in every farmhouse and orders were going away from home by every mail. 1\ ot unnaturally, though in light 'of hind sight not wisely, he refrained from advertising the retail mail order houses by not recognizing their exist-ence. lIe simply ignored them. His customers construed his silence as a sign of defeat and the enemy grew apace. As usual, the first impulse spent itself in talk. There was much discussion of ways and means, but little real fighting. Merchants' associations did not get beyond oratory and resolutions. Meantime, a few hard-headed merchants in dif-ferel1t parts of the country were meeting the issue squarely. They got right out into the field and fought. Each season a few more recruits joined the ranks of the fighters. They found the retail mail order houses were not invulnerable. As in all cases, the danger when met face to face proved Jess formindable than in prospect. Successful fighting of retail mail order houses appears to be along two lines: L Every merchant must fight to stop the peo-ple he classes as his customers sending orders away from homc. To do this, he must be willing to sacrifice his profit, and more if need be. At all costs, the idea 111USt be uprooted that home merchants cannot sell goods as cheaply as foreign concerns. 2. The merchants of a town must stand shoulder to shoul-der against the common enemy. Their powerful influence must be brought to bear on the local newspapers to dissuade them from accepting advertising from retail mail order houses and to advocate home buying in the editorial columns. The associated merchants should learn the names of people who are sending orders away and bring to bcar on them all pos-sible pressure at least to give the home mercha"nts an even chance at their business. From what we have heard from customers in many states we are convinced t.h.1.t.if the merchants of a town wilt set themselves vigorously to the task they witi soon stop the growth of the retail mail order houses in their territory, and after that slowly but .surely reduce the present busines don.e by those }lOllses. Good-bye, old friend; good-bye! Geary leaves the house that made molts. Twelve: years ago I came to you and asked for ·work. I informed you that 1 was an advertiser. You gave me :.l. triai; at the end of three days you hired me for one year. I made good and you arranged with me to stay another year. \Vhen that time expired you arranged with me to remain ten years longer. That time has expired. We part. r leave the house that made me famous. The house that had the nerve to back my advertising schemes. The house that grew from the smallest to the largest in the world. The hOltse that never resorts to unfair methods, the house that gives one hundred cents worth for every dollar that you hand them. The house that gives every man, woman and child a square deal. That's Pickerings. Nuf-ced. Back to the farm for James Geary, R. F. D. 2, Allegheny, Pa. The above "advertisement" appeared in the Pittsburg pa-pers last ·week. James Geary, familiarly known as "Old Man Geary," ,,>'1)0 had been connected with Pickerings' adver-tising department for twelve years, closed with them on July 20. In an explanatory Jetter to the Michigan Artisan, Mr. Geary writes: "Some say my ads were £1-- bad; others say results count. \Ve (Pickerings) are no"..- as big as they (we) want to be. vVe agreed to disagree-that's Y I am out on the farm planting new advertising ideas. As soon as they ger-minate I will have something to selL "Thank you! "JAMES GEARY, "Original Nu.f-ced Man." The Ero Office Supply Company and the E. R. Thompson Printshop of Carthage, ido., have been consolidated under the control of Mr. Thompson, who proposes to increase the capi-tal stock and enlarge the business, using the old name of Ero Office Supply Company. Yeggmen entered the furniture store of J. c. Herms, Keosho, Mo., wrecked the safe with explosives and got away with about $30 in cash. 38 Mr. E. Z. Mark Helps Out 1. MRS: MARK_The,.e! There, E. Z., is Just the very thing I want you -to glve'me for a Christmas present; that (lId Eighteenth Century ltalial\ i;abinet. It is onJyflve hundredd ollar& S.· Z., I have set my heart· OD,It_I must have H:. MR. E. %.-WHAT! Not MUCH! VDU'V~got tl:1nthel' :nu~ss. 2. STRANGER (later in theday) .....Mr. Mark. i am secretary of the Sellleg.a.mbol'lian Missions, of ""hi!;h Mra. Mark is QUI'1\i)n!2~ preei~l\t. We wlosh to make her a little Chrlrmna$ !itlft aad , have beendttlegated to- ask you qul~Y to 8i1S9e1t something that would pl(.aBe our b,eloved Mr.. Mark. 3. STRANGER (eontlnuh:g)-We have only -tfole sum of four hundred'-,", .had l:Jo~ 'to ralae fi~ hundred- MR. "E. L::.-8Y jovel I know what. She wants that old Italian eilt!lnet down at Flotsam .. Jet· urn'. antique store. He....: I'll acid an1:lthe:r hun-. <lJMd to )'OU1" fow, ,VOPU-"'8oclQWnalJd-buy' that for ber oIlIndshe'll bepJ.eaaed to·~th. ~ '"";".-... "}"$" ,'~;::;:' ..._.~:'~.:'*7::l:. , :\10."",,_ 4. E. Z.- (that cvenfng)-Ah-er<-Mary". you stan4 very WII'II with th~'- members of the te:ne- . gamQ,OllliM Mi$$i9n.S, don't you1 I moan, thoy think iI: .Jot of, y,ou,'dOn't the)'. ~~ar1 MRS, MARK...;..;Sencgambe-nian 'Mia.ions? WAy, I nevt'r heard of such a thing. Th-e're t8 DC)sUCh $IO<lr¢y in e.l(hitenroe as as l.k.nollV. WhX. ~' Z .• ,wh.t I. the matter? Have you got a .fit? ~ TREATMENT OF GRAFTERS. Famous Architect Who Was Kind to Them Was Finally "Skinned" by One of the Tribe. \Villiam Le Baron ]cnne::r. the famous Chicago architect, who \\<as the inventor of skeleton construction, and who died re:ccntly in Los Angeles, 'vas a man of odd characteristics. He' recognized hutmtl1 fraiJities, but seldom condemned the frail man. Jenney despised worse tban .anything the gTaftcr, ;llJd hjs manner of dealing with that type of man was effective. Arch-ness. If you \vant to do the best kind of business, "..-jth the best Jirms, don't do as you have
- Date Created:
- 1907-07-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 28:2
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and - , i' / Twenty~EighthYear-No. 19 APRIL 10, 1908 Semi-Monthly THROW" OUT All Disk. Drum and Spindle Sanders are money wasters. - There is not a piece of sanding that our PATENTED SAND BELTS WILL NOT POLISH BETTER AND FASTER. 400 machines already in operation. Why give your competitor an advantage over you in this department? Patented January 12th, 1897 May 17th, 19°4- November 14th, 1905 February 13th, 1906 October 2nd, I 906 No. 171 SAND BELT MACHINE. Will sand and polish FLAT SURFACES, ALL IRREGULAR WORK in your sanding department. Ask for CATALOGUE. E.. WFSONO &' MILES CO., Cedar St. and .sou. R. R., OREENSBORO, N. C. ~ The Best Truck~-The Strongest Truck This is the famousGillette Roller Bearing Factory Truck-the truck on which it is said, "One man can move a loa.d of 3000 pounds whUe with the other trucks it takes three men." This is the truck that is strong where others are weak-the truck that has an unbreakable malleable iron fork. This is the truck YOU are looking for if youwish to invest in rather than waste money on factory trucks. ----------~ 'I:M ....... Gillette Roller Bearing Co. ORAND RAPIDS, MICIfIOAN The Lightest Running. Longest Lasting Truck Who Feeds Your Pigs'? Every factory has its pigs-razorbacks, most of them-good feeders but never fat nor marketable. There are steam-eaters, glue-eaters, etc., but the most rapacious of them all is the lumber-eater, commonly known as the "waste bin." In most plants this pig eats from 25 per cent to 50 per cent of all the lumber the overworked manager can buy, and gives in return a very low grade of refuse-fuel. If you will watch this pig for a week you will discover that about all the feed he gets is the result of poorly dried lumber-lumber that is checked, warped, casehardened or honeycombed in the dry kiln-knots that are dried or baked so hard and crooked that a planer wont touch them. When you have decided that a sufficiently large hole has been eaten into your bank account, write the Grand Rapids Veneer Works, Grand Rapids, Mich., and learn how hundreds of wise managers are cheating the pig. New Patterns •In Moohs . Write Us for Prices. ORAND RAPIDS BRASS CO., Qrand Rapids. Mich. • 1 francis' Glue Room Specialties Who Does NOT Use Them? A complete equipmtnt of our Gluing Appliances is not a LUXUR Y, BUT A NECESSITY these days of glued~ up and ~'eneered work. Glue Heaters,. Glue Cook.en;;, Glue Spread-ers. Veneer Presses, Clamps, Truck.s, Etc. Anything and e\'erythlng that you need In this line. Our Catalogue is a handy Book of useful information. CHAS, E, FRANCIS & BROTHER MAIN OFFICEAND WORKS: RU5l-lVILLE, IND. BRANCI-i OFFiCE: CINC.INNATI, O. Power Feed Glue Spreading Machine,:Single. Veneer Presses, all kind8 and sizes. (Patented) Double and Combination. IPatented) W"e mahe ROYAL SURFACER It is a PIGMENT FIRST COATER. In our honest opinion no firm makes a better piece of goods Let us convince you. We also make Polishing Varnishes. The Royal Varnish Company, Toledo, Ohio. Marietta Solvent Marietta Solvent is sure to prove its worth wherever it is given a trial. It is of inestimable benefit in the finishing room as it is one of the most perfect solvents for all kinds of oil stains. ! DON'T BE STUBBORN If your filler works sticky or tough, either from having been left exposed, or from any ocher cause, a little Marietra Solvent will renew it, making it work freely again and helping it to fill, as it will cut the heavy oils. For Golden Oak Stains it is invaluable. With a certain per cent of Mariett ... Solvent in your stain you can use mOTe benzine or terpentme in thinningJ without impairing the color of the stain: or, you can use all solvent for thinning. which will bring out its full beauty and depth of color. It is a perfect solvent for all oil stains, especially those containing either Asphaltum Gums or Anilines. It is also a perfect solvent for varnish. A small quantity in a hard working varnish will cut it perfectly, making it work freely without in the least retarding its drying qualities, while at the same time retaining the neces-sary body of the varnish. If you are using any of our Golden Oak goods let us send you sample. n When it was first claimed that we &hould cross the ocean by steam power many people flatly said it could not be done. DON'T YOU BE STUBBORN THEY WERE STUBBORN II When we w('re toLd that we should· travel in horseless carriages there were many who refused to believe THEY WERE STUB50RN DON'T YOU 5E STUB50RN g: When they tell us that we shall soon be flying through the air in airships DON'T YOU BE STU5BORN JUST WAIT AND SEE g: W hen cell you chac our new Marietta Solvent is one of che besc chings r:;ver used in the finishing room 7She DON'T YOU BE STU5BORN 5UT TRY IT MARIETTA PAINT and COLOR CO. MARIETTA, OHIO I SEND fOR A SAMPLE NOW 2 I Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company Jobbers and Dealers in Plate Glass. Mirrors. Window Glass. Ornamental Figured Glass. WIRE GLASS, the Great Fire Retardant. CARRARA GLASS... New Product Like Polished White Marble. For anything in Builders' Glass, or anything in Paints, Brushes, or Painters' Sundries, address 'any of our branch warehouses1 a list of which is given below: NEW YORK-HudsOD a:nd Varr.dam. Sts. &OSTON-41-49 Sudbury St •• 1-9 Bowker St. CHiCAGO 442-4$2 Wa.bash Ave. CINCINNATI-Broadway and Court St•• ST. LOUIS-Cor. Tenth and ~ruce Sts. MINNEAPOLIS-SOO-SI6 S. Tbtrd St. DETROIT-53459 Larned St .• E. GRA"'O RAPIDS, MICH.-39·41 N. Division St PITTsaURGH-]ol.I03 WoodSt. MILWAUKEE. WIS.-492.494 Market St. ROCHESTER, N. Y·-Wilder Bldg., Main & ExchangeSl •. BALTIMORE-310.12.14 W.Pratt St. CLEVELAND-1430.1434 West Third St. OMAHA ~1608.10.12 Hat"ne7 St. ST. PAUL-461·463 JacKson St. ATLANTA, GA.-30-3Z.34 S. P...,.or St. SAVANNAH. GA.-74S.149 Wheaton St. KA.NSAS CITY-Fifth aod Wy..ndott. Sts. :BIRMINliHAM, ALA.-2nd Ave. and 19th St. :BUFFALO. N. Y.-312.14.16.78 Pearl SI. :BROOKLYN-63S-631 Fl1lton St. PHILADELPHIA-Pitcairn Bldg., Arch and I lth 8ts. DAVI£NPORT-410·416 Scott St. . THE CREDIT BUREAU OF THE FURNITURE TRADE Grand Rapids Office, 41 2·413 Houseman Bldg. GEO. E. GRAVES, Manager CLAPPERTON " OWEN, Counsel The LYON Furniture Agency THE STANDARD REFERENCE BOOK CAPITAL. CREDIT AND PAY RATINGS CLEARING HOUSE OF TRADE EXPERIENCE THE MOST RELIABLE CREDIT REPORTS ROBERT P. LYON, General Manager CREDITS and COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS MADE EVERYWHERE PROMP'TLY-REUABLY The Universal Automatic CARVINU MACHINE ==== PERFORMS THE WORK OF === 25 HAND CARVERS And does the Work Belter than it can be Done by Hand ------IMADE BY Union [nuosslna MAcnlnr Co. Indianapolis, Indiana Write for Information, Prices Etc • . White Printing Co. HIGH GRADE CATALOGS COMPLETE GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. )l~ANn :r' '1 J( 28th Year-No. 19. $1.00 per Year. Getting the Best Work Out of Employes i~a Furniture Factory. Nothing is mOTe important to the employer of labor, large or small, than that he have the conscientious and undivided service of his workmen. HO\v to g-et this service is a qllc~tion hundreds of employers have attempted to solve; few success-fully; a condition of affairs that can be attributed to the fail-ure of the average employer to remember that his employes are not merely single uuits in an integral machine but individ-uals with individual characteristics, and must be treated 8S such to give satisfaction. There afe many ways in which an employer may gain the loyal allegiance of his workmen. First of all, he must be very careful to make the men's labor as pleasant as possible. and, by ridding it of any semhance of servility, promote a disposition on the part of the men to take more than a passive interest in their work. In his dealings ..v.ith his men be must above all things practice fairness, evincing at the ,same time a ''lillingness to recognize, appreciate, and reward any partic-llbr interest manifested in the work of the factory by an individUal. Fairness is another great c,ssc1Jtial, for nothing will so dcgTIH'Tate the workinR capacity of a large factory as a too easy-going "boss." The comfort of his help should be a vcry import;l11t lTlat-ter to ,\ll employer. and in this conncctioll he should sce that his factory is welt lighted, well ventilated. sufficiently heated in winter. and that its system of sanitation is adelJuate to the demands of the number of men employed. Tn the arrange-ment and decoration of the factory itself, much can be done to promote the health and comfort of the employes. Har- 1110nyof color arrangements should be assured, and a1l ma-chines placed where the workmen call operate them most comfol·tably. Some large employers of labor in the United States have fitted up elaborate bath and wash rooms in con-nection with their factories. These are fitted with tlumbered lockers, "paciolls enollg-h to accommodate a complete change of wardrobe for the: workman, thus enabling him to go to and from his work 'without having to advertise his occupation to the public. A llOon lunch and reading room is another very advan-tageous adjunct to the fadory for by keeping the men within doors at noon time it tends to keep their minds upon their work-an effect which the diversiOlls of the street ,,,,-(mIdren-der impossible. The serving of a cup of hot coffee, cspc-cially in the winter. to men who are unexpededly required to work overtime is a11ot11er little and inexpellsive attention which rmilly employes 1,.vouldreciprocate by a more difigcnt application to duty. During the summer months, ice water might also be placed within easy reach of all the workmen. Tn vcry large factories this innovation would probably be ob-jected to 011 the ground of expense, but the expense, distrib-uted as it really would be. among a large number of employes, w(lJJJd be cOlllpal'atively insignificant. The cll1estion of holidays is an important matter in the relation of employer and employes. \Vorkmen \,.·.h. o had seen a YC:l'- or two years of stt:ady service. might well he rewarded with a week or even ten days holiday at the fin;'l's expense-the holidays extending throughout the summer months OJ1 the prino::-jp1efoJlowed in large clerical offices, the New York offices of the Standard Oil Company, for instance, where thousands are employed. The qucstion of shorter hOUTSand Saturday half-holidays is also ",",ortll considering, for while many employers of labor are unalterably opposed to any such movement, others who have introduced it nccJnim its ll11qlwlified success. Unquestionably the surest way of gaining the allegiance of one's employes is to let them participate in their factory's success. This can be done by allowing them to subscribe to a small percentage of the company's capital stock or by giving them an annual bonus, the amount to depend wholly on the year's returns. This means that each emplOYe he-comes in a sense a vital part of the institution and,. having a direct interest in that institution's success will be only too willi11g to do his level best for it. Of course, there is always a certain element in every factory which regards loaf-ing as its peculiar prerogative, ·This element, however, no up~to-date employer of labor can afford to tolerate. Another ~rcry good way of gaini1lg the workmen's interest is the "idea box" to which all employes are asked to contrih-ute some practical. idea for improving the capacity and effic-iency of the plant. Every good idea is reward in some way and the originators of the best ones are frequently· promoted. Still another plan of promoting the efficiency of the workmen is an informal monthly dinner, to which the heads of all de-p8rtments are invited and at which matters relating to the factorv's ",,-eHare are discussed. In ~any event, however, each employer must settle his particular question for himself. GARNAULT AGASSIZ. Cradle of Henry V. At a recent sale of antiques in London the cradle of Hcnry the Fifth was c8talogued. King Edward was so in:.. terested in this cradle in ..v.hich a former king of England had been rocked to sleep tbat he himself went to Christie's to see it and instructed Guy Laking-, keeper of his majesty's armor, to purchase it for him to add to the national collection, \iVhen Kmg Henry was an infant he was placed in the, care of Lady Montacttte, heir- , ess of Thomas of A[ol1- thermer and grand-daughter of Edward 1., alld the eagles which surmount the posts • from which the cradle is swung probably represent the MOl1- thermer arms. The cradle itself is 36 inches high and 45 inches wide, slightly tapering at the foot; it is of oak and is deeply carved v,,,itb horizontal Autings <ll1d holes at the sides for the rocking straps. 4 Wood Bar Clamp fixtures Per Set 50c. Price $2.80 to $4.00 THE WILEY BURNS. Why Young Hamilton Didn't Succeed in Furnishing His New Home at Jobbers' Prices. Young Dick Hamilton was about getting married when the big furniture exposition opened. He had secured his girl and his house, but he was still shy of furniture. It is some-times eaiser to get a wife than a lot of rich furniture, and Hamilton seems to have worked along the line of least resist-ance. The girl and the house had cost him very little cash, for the girl didn't demand a carriage every time he took her to the play, and the house was only $25 a month, payable in ad-vance, "vith the furnishings legally the landlord's if be moved out without paying Hamilton was going to have that house furnished in style. lIe had a job which caught $125 a month for him, and he had a roll in the hank which didn't look like prunes for breakfast, dinner and supper. Besides, both Dick and l\1amie had such a lot of friends '\\'ho moved in the highbrm ....crowd that they were sure to entertain a lot, and they wanted to show that they were just as much as anyone ,.,.ho was not in on the basement floor .." some Pittsburg iron company. "You go right on and let the furniture men eat up your mazuma,-'-' said Dick's chum, Howard, "and ;H:(jmre a group of household necessities that you'll be proud of. \Vhen it comes to the first-aid-to-the-mismated proposition, yOll may he able to sa'\" the furniture off on )..T amie in lieu of a cash alimony." But Dick ignored Hmva:d's reference to alimony, for How-ard ,\'as clerk of a comt and saw only the worst side of life. vVhen he went about pricing things he received a shock which seemed to jar the bottom stone of the building where his money was dr<lwing four per cent. Just as soon as he found what he wanted, and what Mamie said she must have, his b;tnk account began to look like a Foraker boom in a national con-vention. It lookecl small ellOugh to put in the back case of his watch and keep for scntimental reasons rather than for any value it had as a horr::e-furnisher. Much to his amazement, Hamilton discovered that one can't buy crotch mahogany furniture at secol~d-hand store pnces. He began to understand that real money has to be paid out to a good many people in order to shape a tree into a fancy parlor suite, and he also found that f~lfniture dealers are not in business for their good looks. Then he thought of the exposition, and "vas glad. Hamilton had a friend who 'was showing a line of samples at the exposition. That is, he had met Burns once or twic.e at a billiard parlor and smoked cigars with him in the lobby of the hotel he frequented whenever he felt like seeing life, Of course, he could make ,it all right with Burns, for Bums was .03. good fellow and liberal with his acquaintances. So he ""ient to Burns. HI am going to get married," he "That's too bad,' 'replied Burns. snare you?" "Oh, that's all right," a little home with Cupid said to that gentleman. "How did she happen to said Hamilton. in the· limelight. "I'm the boy for I've got a little QVEi 15,000 QF QUR STEEL RACK VISES IN USE 2.; doz. Clamp Fixtures bought by one mill last year, We ship on approval to rated firms, and guarantee our goods ullcondi-tionaJly, Write for Ust of Bleet Ba'r Olamps, ViBes,Bench Stops, etc. E.". S"ElDON &. CO. 283 Milldlson St., Chicago, girl that has the maple sugar crop soured in the bush, and we're going to live happily ever after." "Of course"" rejoined Burns. "That is one of the symp-toms. Have' you ever tried living with a friend with a red-headed wife and six children as an antidote?" "\Vhat I want you to do"" continued Hamilton, ignoring the question, which was irrelevant and leading, anyway, "is to put me wise as to furniture. I find that it costs about 'steen dollars a niinute to do business with a retail furt1iturc man." "It cost me $32.97 to do business with three buyers for two hOUTSlast night," said Burns, with a sigh. "I'm expect-ing the manager of my company in here with an ax at any mo-ment. My expense account this season is the thing I c.limb up on when I want to get a birdseye view of the city. You are right about retail furniture dealers, my son." "I had an idea" said Hamilton glad that Burns was in a mood hostile to·the retail element, "that -Wemight both make a good thing by working a little deal. \Vhat do you do with your samples when you get ready to go back to the home plant?" "I sell 'em if I can, but sometimes 1 can't," said Burns, with a sigh. "All right," said Hamilton. "That is what I supposed. You can't do bettcr than to sell 'em to me. Judging from the fact that every retail dealer I know has a diamond as large as a doorknob and an alltomib1e with a snout nine feet long, there must be something or a margin between the price:.; you get and the prices I am asked to pay! What!" "The retail men insist on having n:oney enough left to pay rent," said Bllrt1s, "when they get to the end of a deal. But I don't see hov,' I'm to let you have my samples. I can't even get YOLI on the floor of the expo"itioll building. The re: tailers have an odd notio!l that they ,val~t to do all the retail-ing themselves." "That's all right," said Hamilton, whose head felt best in a seven and three-quarters hat, "you leave it to me and 1'11 pack 'em away in cold storage. You like this metropolis, don't you? \\1ell, you're going to· amhlc about the streets, ill plain view of the multitude, with a little pe,ach 'that I'm going to loan you, and you're going to take her fo:- your O\vn, and furnish a home out of yonr stock, and the stocks of your fellow ~an;ple men. It will be just like taking rubies off a blind hotel clerk." "\,Vill it?" asked Burns, innocently. "Of course it will," Vliasthe rfply. "I should think you'd see that yourself. Now, how much T got to pay you to sit through this gan,e with me?" "Vi/ell," said Burns, "I'm not getting anything like what salary I ought to have, considering my experience and the size cif my needs, and so I'll see what I can do for you if you'll toss over a little fizz money now and then." "Catch me paying any extortionate rates on furniture," Hamilton said to Mamie, that evelling, as he left her in the hallway at a quarter to twelve. "I've got the thing fixed so that we'll enjoy seeing our stuff, just as an evidence of the power of mind over matter. I want you to stroll down the street with me tomorrow, and we'll run across Burns. Then he can take you up to the, exposition building~ and introduce (Continued on palle 12.) New Styles I•n Table Legs Is it not a big advantage, nol only in the se]l(ng of your product, but in the prices you command, if you are able to keep changing the style and getting out something new right along and without any extra expense in the cost? Our No.5 Table Leg Machine will turn not only round, but square. odago[J, hexagon, oval or any poly- I!;onalshape. and aU with the same cUtler-head. Its capacity is equal to eight or ten hand turners, arA it is guaranteed to do the work successfully. WQuid it not intere6t you to know more about this machine? Then drop U6 a line. c. Mattison Machine Works 863 Fifth Street, Beloit, Wisconsin 5 No. !i Table Leg .:V1:l.chil1e. Glues to Use With Different Woads. "Should different glues be cmploy(;r.\ on different kinds of w·oad?" is a question which, \vith one exception, can be ans-· wered in the negative. This exception is maple, "vhich, o\V-iug to its extreme hardncss and light color, can be joined perfectly only when a gl\l~ of very superior quality is used, a conditiOll of affairs attributable in great part to the invar-iable tendency of the darker and inferior glue to streak \vhen employed on maple, and of the joints to assume an appear-ance of being diTt-lilled-a sign of careless workmanship that every good manufacturer strives above all things to avoid. "\Vhite Glue," as 111allYof the manufacturers term the su-perio;- quality of glue known to the trade as Hide glue, owes its color to the zinc which is one of its important constituents and is responsible for much of its strength and consistency. \Vhen first applied "wbitc" glue is as its name indicates, white, but after drying it darkens to the color of the wood, m.aking it practically impossible for anyone but an expert to detect the join. Except in the single CriSe refened to, Veneering Glue, the name given to the cheaper article is llsed on all classes of \-vork and on all woods, thongh in glueing joints which give promise of heing subjected to severe strain the superior ar-ticle is frequently applied. Hide glue is mal1ULlctured exclusively from the hidcs of cattle; veneering- glue is a by-product of the hoofs anrl other parts. The fonner is about fifty per cent the mOTe expen-sive, so that except in C,lseS of necessity its use is an extrava-gance. The ma:l1utacture of high-grade furniture has 110 rnore im-portant question than the selection of the glue and its proper app1ieation. There a,e so many really excellent glues upQn th(', market at the present time that the selection of a glue well adapted to meet the reql1ireme·llts of thc average mallu-hcturer is a comparatively easy matter. Of course, there are lllal~Y inferior glues for sale, but the manufacturer who has occasion to use glue ill <lily quantity call speedily differelJ-tiate between the genuine and the inferior articles. The pruper applying of the glue, however, is very impor-tant, and should be delegated only to one thoroughly exper-ienced in this particular branch of the work. for a slight crror may do a very great deal of harm, as many furniture manufac-turers know to their SOlTO"",. The first and cardinal neecssity in the glueing of furniture of course, is the p:oper preparation of the wood to be gll1c;d, and in this connection it may he remarked, adequate sand-papering and other prcliminar}~ ,,,"'ork arc of very first im-portance, Thc gh'.e decided on, the next question is in what thick-ness to apply it, [01' it would never do to use glue of the same consistency for all classes of work, the thickness of the glue to be used dCjlcnding very n,uch upon the character of the \\'0;"\( to be dO\1e-a tv,·o alld a half inch table. top naturally re-quiriug a heavier glue than a half-inch veneer. Tlw thicker tile wooel to be joined, the thicker the glue to be used, is an excellent principle to follow. Vcncered work naturally requires a very lig·llt or thin glue, fnr tl1('re is a great tenelency on the part of the glue in this cbss of work to thicken and grow lumpy. In this connection it migbt be said that in all vencer work it is imperative that all wood 511all be properly "toothed" off before the glue is applied, otherwise an unevenness ,,,,ill rcsult that no amount of sandpapering wiII overcome. ~o cast-iron niles call b<: laid down for the adulteration of the glue hence the great lIC'cessity of the gll1eing being done only by a m;lll who thoroughly understands his work. r..luch, as bas been pointed on't, will depevd on the character of tlH' work. but temperature and the general condition of the glue at the time nl\1st also he considered. III the thinning of glue water alone. should be used. GARKAFLT AG,\SSIZ. It's Different Now. "Six months ago when a salesman handling a line of up-holsterer's materials arrived in the city," remarked a ~nanufac-turn of parlor fllrnitu,'e in Granel Rapids, "he opened his samples, called up his customcrs by 'phone and notified them that a hack would bring them to his' hotel when it would suit their convenience. It is different now. One's office is sur-rounded by eager salesmen before the morning's n:ail is dis-posed of. and during their stay they drop in frequently and ring up by 'phone before their departure." THE WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL GLUE HEATER Send your .address .and receive descriptive cir-cular of Glue Heaters, Glue Cookers and Hot Boxes and prices. WEATHERLY CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. 6 of flat surfaces, such as table tops, desk tops, oops of dressers, etc., and will not cut through the thinnest veneer, even where New Sanding Machines. Wysong & Miles Company of Greenbsoro, K. C, through their patents, apparently possess the field in impr(wements in this particular branch ')f iDlprOved" ma-chinery. \Vysong & ?diles Com-pany, CJ.reensboro, ::{. c., have placed on the market this new ]\i o. 171 Sande,r, which is worthy of the most careful consideration. It suc-cessIully polishes (111 a(\(lition to the work shown in groups A, H, C, D and E, selected from their cata-logue, and all similar work and shapes) a line of work on pianos, desks, school sUltS, church pews, interior finish, sash, doors and blinds and other classes of work that has never yet been accomplished and which makes it indispensable in factories for this class of work. In fact, Wysong & Miles No. 171 Sander. warped or cupped. It will sand the raised edges of panels of all shapes, ogee, round or beveled edges of table and dresser tops, band scrolls sawed edges, flutes of table legs, columns, in fact, an endless variety of work tha~: it has been considered impossible to sand with the grain per-fectly except by hand. The success of this machine is beyond any question, suf-ficientlyso for the manu-facturers to offer it on trial and stand the freight both ways, if it does not make good their represen-tations 'of a saving over any other process of twice the price of the machine in twelve months where parties have sanding for it to do. A very complete catalogue, Series E, on sanding machinery is is-sued by the manufacturers, \-Vysong & Miles Com-pallY, Cedar street and Southern railroad, Gree-ns-bora, N. c., and whieh may be had by anyone 'interested in wood working plants and up-ta-date wood work-ing machinery. Group A this machine is capable of sanding tbe irregular work in coffin and brush f<lctories and otber wood working plants regarded heretofore impossible to sand other than by hand. The claim that the manufac:'" turers make is that this belt sal~der at once makes all disk, drum and spindle sanders, ma-chines of the past; that should sanders not embodying them be discarded, also that other belt patents accomplish their work at a disadvantage, for instance, belt sanders now in use in chair factories sand across the grain. The No. 171 illustrated sands with the grain alld operates in such a mtl11ller as produces twice as mueh work alld of a better surface, also is suitable for a much greater variety of WO"_-k. The machine is equally advan-tageous on other Hiles of work. It is guaranteed to be quicker and superior to any other ma-chine known for the polishing Group B .!"~ 1'1.1<,BIG 7f-N t 7 Varnish Mixing. There is an ancient injunction \vhich declares that "the varnisher. which simply renders the varnish mixing practice in excLlsa blc.- Exchange. Group C The with cobbler should stick to his last," or words to that effect. application of the adn:ollition is timely in connection the inclination of a prodigious num-her of painters to mix varnishes, both of one make and of various makes. The inclination is more apparent in the autulllll and early winter than at other seasons, and appears to have for its ultimate object the development of a var-nish capable of accomplishing cer-tain results impossible to obtain otherwise. Hm·vevcr, the records of a geller-ation of \',lrnish foom experiments, added to the first-hand data of the varnisb-make;". are all to the effect that, as a rule, the n:ixil:g of var-nish hy the jJaiuru or Vilfllish user is an erroneous practice leading up [0 inevitahL; disaster. At this date uf i11lprO\'elllents ill the making of varnish when, admit-tedly, bettcr and mOI"C reliahle var-nish is made than ever before .. the paintcr can ill afford the attempt to in~prove UWlll the scientific achieven,ents of the varnish-maker. Varnish is 110W made to suit eyery conceivable need of the New Factory at Lowell, Mich. The manufacture of furniture has been earried on without Group D lnnch success at Lowell, 1Iich", in the years of the past, still the enterprising- business men of that place have lIot lost faith in the practicability of such an enterprise and have stocked a new com-pany to engage in the manufacture of furniture. carvings and interior fin-ishes to the amount of $11,000 and promised to put in $9,COO more. The machinery of the Muske-gon Carving and Art Furniture Company will be moved to Lowell ancI converted to the use of the new corporation. F. G. Scydewitz of 11uske-gon is the largest stock- Group E holder. 8 -~MI9rIG7fN Dried by lhe "Proc1orSyslem" Machine. (We will describe ;110 you.) (Something unheard of before.) ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BETTER THAN OUR GUM and COTTONWOOD DRAWER BOTTOMS Prompt deliveries of DRY STOCK rain or shine. WALTER CLARK VENEER CO 535 Michigan Trust Building, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Periods of Decorating. :\'ow that the professional decorator is to the fore there is much talk, more 01- less intelligent, 3S to diffe.ent periods of decoT;:ttioll. Perhaps some of my readers will fmd a brief mention of the distinguishing features of the different styles helpful. For practical purposcs we may leave out the distinctly classic styles, the Gothic and RomancsCjue, as belonging to architecture, rather than to decoration. For domestic art 1,-ve seldom get back to the renaissance, with its adaptation of classic forms to modern use. vVe must remember that each European country was influenced i-n this adaptation by its pc-culiarities of circumstance <~lld artistic temperament. But whether Flemish, Italian or F:-ellcll, thc decorative art of tile renaissance is distinguished b)' its wea1'th of ornamellt whose central idea is always borrowed from the Greek. _i\canthus scrolls ill high relief, fluted columns, swags or festoons of fruit and flowers and lion's claws for feet are all cha 'acteristic Italy gives us the dolphin and the elaborated flenr-ll~-bs, the lily or Florence, and makes large use of human and animal grotesques. The French renaissance is distinguished by simpler forms, giving the impressioll of greater SJlidity of construction. The salamander is its distinguishing animal form. In the Ketherlands we find the enrgy of the crafts-men displayed in most elaborate carvings of fruit and H.)w('.ls. Here <lnd in France the spiral or tumed chair leg \vas charac-teristic, but Fleming carried the Cllr\'t~still further and applied it to first the fool, later to the entire leg of chairs and couches. He made uS,e, of incised and elaborately carved piecc orna_ 11:cnt. The typical piece of [l1rnitureof tht Italian Renais-sance is the m<1rriage chest; of the French, the. square chair, with turned legs amI a sCJuare back with an oblong Vinel con-necting the two uprights: In ordinary use today the styles of the renaissallce arc chiefly applied to dining room and hall furniture, in oak They demand leather or tapestry up-holstery, in rich colorings and a good deal of space. Thc Jacobean period comprises practically the whole of the seventeenth century and, in England, is contemporaneolls with that of Louis Quatorze ill France. [t is of special in-terest to Americalls as all our oldest coloniai fumiture be-longs to it. It is distinguished by' extreme simplicity of COI1- stntction. ).J ost of it might have been made by the joiner. It is uncol11promising[y right-allg1cd and the_ decoration is generally, carving in lOW relief applied to panels. The com-monest designs are arrangements of repeating circles and of double scrolls, also of rather cruele and angular acanthus leaves. The oak chests, the gate leg tables and the high backed chairs with panels of cane work inserted in the backs framed ill caning are Jacobean. I noted lately the very last thing in dining chairs, a high~hacked Jacobean with a cane back and a tapestry seat. Queen Anne names the next period in English furniture. \Vhat were familiarly known as bandy legs characterize cLairs, tahles and cabinets. The highboy and the lowboy belong to this period, likewise mirrors and bookcases 'with hroken pediments. If the Jacobean is the period of oak, the Queen Anne is that of mahogany. The intimate rela-tions of England and Holland at that time led to the intro-duction of marq1.1etry more or less elaborate, an art of vvhich the Dutch were past masters. Tile Queen Anne succeeded the Chipendale period. As Chippendale arid his Sllccessors, Heppelwhite and 5hcrato11, have heen treated in a recent article in Keith's magazine, it . is unnecessary to allude to them in detail here. The bulk of antique, mahogany furniture, here in America, deriYesits tlesign from one or other of the three. Contemporaneous with the work of Chippendale is that of Adam. Adam's style is the English Louis Seize, and is distinguished by great delicacy of outline and a close adher-ence to classic models. He was the first of all an architect, aud designed furniture to snit his rooms. He generally em-ployed satin wood, painting it in delicate colors. He mad.e use of cane .......ark panels of exquisite fineness. The Adams are responsible for the best features of our colonial architecture, the quaint leaded oval windows and the delicate carvings of festoons, done on white wood, so often found fn the house of the eighteenth c;;ntury. It may be remarked in passing, that there has been a recent revival of interest in the Adams style and that fashionable decorators nre applying it to drawing rooms in houses of more or less pretension. H.oughly speaking, the three French styles may be dis-tinguished on the basis of the straight line and the curve. Tn the Louis Ql1atroze, the outlillCS of the pieces combine straight lines and curves. In the Louis Quinzc, the whole outline is practically a combination 'of curves. III the Louis Seize, although some use is made of curves, the general ont-line is a combination of straight lines. Other distinctions will snggest themselves. In the first period there W:J.S a lay-ish use of applied metal ornament, buhl and ormolu. In the seco1Hl, the wood of furniture waS almost universally gilded. In the third the frames were usually painted in white, ivory or gray. French Empire, the remaining style, is di::tinguished by a recurrence to classic forms and by a profusion of applied brass ornament. In Ellgland, the form was copied, minus the n,etal decorations. Its ty·pical piece is the swan neck sofa, the parent of most afour long mahogany sofas. Its distinguishing decorative feature especially in America, is the pitleapple.-Exchange, Disbursed Millions. Since the Sligh Furnhure Company was organizetl in 1880, when about twenty men were employed, the company has paid out for wages $3,000,0.00. Six of the original working force are still in the employ of the company. 9 Qran~Ua~i~sDlow Pi~e an~Dust Arrester (om~an~ THE LATEST de7Jice for halldliui! slul"uings alld dust from all 'l£iood- 7.f;wrking machrnes, Our nineteen }'cars experience in this class of '((lork has brought it nearer perfcclion than ml},I other systenI on the market today. It is no experilnent) but a de-Inollstrated scientific fact) as 7.fJC have se~leral hun-dred of these syste1ns in use, and not a poor one anwl1g them. Our AutOtftatic Furnace Feed Systenl, as shOT.'1.min this cut) is the most perfect [(.Iorking device of anything in this line. l/Vrite for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DETAIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CCSTOMERS. EXHAUST FANS AND PRE~ SURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK. Office and Fa.ctory: 20&-210 Canal Street GR.AND RAPIDS, MICH. Cltl:zene Phone 1282 Belt. M.In 1804 OUR AUTOMATIC FURNACE FEED SYSTEM 10 PAINTED FURNITURE. A Revival Following the Vogue of the Adam Period. The demand for furniture of the style designed by the Adam brothers continues as great as it was twelve months ago and preposterous prices are still paid for furniture of that })e,riod imported from England. That little of this furniture is really the work of either of the two better known Adams or of their disciples is well known apparently to all but the purchasers. Three facts about the Adam period in English dcco:atiotl should be tolerably familiar to all by this time. 011('.is that the narre of these decorators does not end in an "5", Yd half the purchasers of this high priced furniture refer to the slyle as "Adams." Fact No.2 is that the period was a very debased one in interior decoration, although in architecture it achieved better results. Fact Ko. 3 is the absolute falsity of nearly alt the so-called Adam pieces. Most self-repect-ing dealers who offer a piece of Adam will on a repetition of the question as to its source say "Period of Adam" if they are not anxious to mislead the purchaser. It seems, however, that very few collectors with moncy enough to buy furniture of this fashionable period care wheth-er or not it is genuine. So soon as they see' bird's-eye maple painted with t1gures or conventional decorative designs they murmur "Adam" ecstatically and let it go at that. Thus the dealer is able to save his conscience and be merely passively a party to the great Adam invasion. The great majority of the stuff that passes now for furni-tU:' e done under the direction of the two great brothers is in-deed in their malmer. It follows in detail many of their own designs. It is not of course painted by such artists as Angelica Kaufman and others ,'vho gave to this furniture most of the artistic diginity that it possessed. Its decoration came from the painters employed by the English furniture manufacturers that have continued without interruption to turn out so-called Adam furniture as a stand-ani pattern. Some of this output is naturaIly older than other specimens. That produced half a century ago has claims to antiquity in comparison with a piece finished last v,reek. But it is said to be doubtful if there is ill the market a single specimen that came under the eye of either of the two decorators who have suddenly acquired a vogue, "Once a fashion not founded on the highest ideals of taste,""said a salesman in one of the shops on Fifth avenUe, "gets a hold on people who are able to indulge it there'is no telling where it will lead to. "Of course, my business is merely to sell our customers what they want. I'm not here to try to educate taste. Al-ready I note the bad effects of this Adam craze on the taste of our customers. "Do you observe how fashionable painted furniture is again becoming? And do you remember how short a time ago it was that people arose in their wrath and threw out all they had of the old cottage furniture? • "Until twenty years ago cottage furniture was accounted 011e of the most artistic blcssorr:s of mirl-Victorian house-hold art. You must have seen it in the spare room of some country house to which it has been relegated. "It was usually in some damp aed musty shade of gray with flowers or sn~all landscapes as a decorative scheme at the top of the bed, on the doors of the washstar:d and ward-robe, and on the top rung of the chair backs. It was made of icexpensive wooct, aEd the cost of cottage fLlrniture was not great. "That made it popular with young married couples going to housekeeping. They gradually moved it along '\.mbl it passed from their own to the guests' rooms, if they had any, or to the nursery. "It wasn't bad. Of course the highest standards of art .7'lRTISA.!'J \~. e 2e ~ were not met by it, but it had some beauty and it was more appropriate to its use than any kind of Adam is in nme cases OLltof ten. But what happened? "The aesthetic craze brought ill the taste'for antiques, and t11en came tl,c reheilion again;st black walnut by persons who talked a great deal about it without knowing that some of the 1110stbeautiful furniture in the world was n~ade in that WOOI1. SU cottage furniture v"as declared hopelessly against good tast.e and it went. So decided was the revulsion against it that some of it even went to the fireplace. ;;.:\ow painted furniture is rapidly becoming-the rage. It i.i lr.ore costly than it used to be! largely because everything costs more. Perhaps it is more carefully doile than the old painted furniture and 1 have no doubt it is Inade up in more graceful shapes in some cases. "But it is not in its general character very different from the cottage furniture that was put out of sight with the ex-pressed wonder that one could have stood anything so taste-less for such a long bme." The painted furniture which is likely to be much in de-mand before many months have passed, comes in various forms. Some of the sets have ornaments of bowers all a white ground. Others have porcelain patterns, and a fav-orite style copies the colors and designs of the Delft porce-lains. Other ,manufacturers of china are not missing. D:-esden in its flowered patterns and the reddish brown of the royal Berlin factory with its accompanying landscap'es or cupids are to be had. and there are exquisite Japanese effects. This painted furniture need not be made of the finest woods, but the enamel is so thick and firm and the painting of so much more elaborate character than that on the so-called cottage furnitme that- it is not bought, ;is that style used to be, for the sake of economy. "One charm of the paint.~d furniture to many women," said OUR CLAMPS RECEIVED GOLD MEDAl .u WORLD'S fl\IR ST. LOUIS. PJLING CLAMP. CHAIN CLAMP (Patented June~, 1003) Write for prices and particulars. BLACK BROS. MACHINERY CO. MfNDOTA. ILLINOIS • --------------------------------------- the Fifth avenue authority, "is that it may be had to m<ltch exactly the color of the other decorations in the bedroom or boudoir. and you must understand painted furniture bas not as yet traveled to allY other apartments, 'T[ there is a pink wall, for instance, anLl it is intended to have hangings of tbe same color, the furniture may bt of that tender shade so far as its back:;rollncl is CO\1ccT..:ed, The S,lll:C is true of pale blue and ye11ovv. "1 ll;lve St'.CJl beautiful. pale pink furniture fo;' a lnudior and hedroom painted ·with an eX(jllisit(: pattef:l of p:lle green, da.rk browll and gold and l)eacoek blue lwtterHics P::\Y:ilg about great blossoms of blue hydrange:l. /\ beautifu"J Y21'.OW set had the bronze, reddisb tones of the Berlin \):)rchill:; ;;nd the figures wcre cupids <Inti butterflies. "The only dining room set of this painL'd fur;~itt·.rC' tlut we ever had ,vas intended for a breakfast rOO>1, , ,led there were the regTllar Delft scenes of H'ater hfe painted i:, Delft blue on ivory. A bedroom set which ha.d ;1 h~~d-:::r:·ot'.r<l of Sketched by Otto Jiranek, Grand Rapids., Mich. very pale cafe au lait ",'as painted only in deep toned fiuers de lys of purple and blue. One pale green background has bunches of vivdi crimson geraniums as the. "only ornament for the various pieces of furniture, "Of course this is all much more artistic than the simple old fashioned cottage furniture used to be. Btlt it is of the same school and all of its bad qualities are the bad Cjualities of the Adam school which would have disappeared forever from houschold decoration had not this period been revived to take the thought of people away from the use of the old models that our furniture makers ate now usin;.::-,to their D\VI.1 glory 8net the improvement of their customers' taMc." Persons ,\'ho are anxious to have unifoncity benveen the furniture and the decorations of their rooms h<\\'e teen kn.own to paint the wood work the &ame shade as the background of their furniture and ornament it with the painted IHtterns. 111 such cases the hangings should 'be of the sallIe sbade as the backgrounds, bnt without pattern~, or if there i~~a pattern it follows the design of the furniture amI the wood work. Tn some cases there arC' cretonnes and chint2es which mateh exactly, .] n t.hese rather overdone instances the lamp slHldes are mack of tl!e same materja1.~~e ..v. York Sun. Furniture for Hotel at Alexandria, La. Claudius Jones of the Jones FtlrniLUrC Comp<tll}", Little Rock, Ark., arrived in Graml R:lpids 011 .:\Jarc1l 2, accompanied by ]. A. Bel1tley, owner, and r F. LeHan, ll"I:I1lag'cr, of a new hotd, erected at Alexandria, La. The hotel c01ltains 150 rOO!l1S and cOSt $500,000. High grade furniture ,,\-'as pur-chased for the house. , I L- __ West Side 36 Inch Band Saw Machine, GleasDn Palent SecUonal Feed Roll, WEST SIDE IRON WORKS CRAND RAP1DS, MICH., U. $. A. IMPROVED, EASY AND ELEVATORS QUICK RAISINC Belt, Electric: and Hand Power. The Best Hand Pl)werfor Furniture Stl)res Send for Catalogue and Prices. KIMBAll BROS. CO., 1067 Ninth St" Council Bluffs, la. Klmball Elevator Co •• 313 Prospect St., Clevelaud,O.; 10811th St., Omaha, Neb.; 12DCedar St" New York City, We can help you. Time saved and when done leaves are bound (by YQur~ sill) and indexed by 800t$ or deparlments. BARLOW BROS,. Grand Rapidt. Mieh. ·Write Right No'w. ====-SEE:===== West Michigan Machine & Tool Co., ltd. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. for "11m GRADE PlJNG"ES and DIU. If your DESIGNS are right, people want the Gaods. That makes PRICES right. '!larence lR. bills DOES IT 163 Madison Avenue-Citizens Phone 1983. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. A. L. HOLCOMB Cl CO. Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE OROOVINO SA WS ---- up to 5-16 thick. ---- Repairlni .....Satisfac.tlon guaranteed. Citlzens' Phone 1239. 21 N. Mat"ketSt .• Grand Rapids. Mich. WAllASH B. WALTER & CO. INDIANA M,nu'~,,",,no~T ABLE SLIDES Exclusively WR.ITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT WHITE PRINTING CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. PRINTERS OF CATALOGUES <a.ndeverything needed by business men H 12 STA.E D-EI: (TRACE: MAFtK REGiII!9TEREC) PAINT AND VARNISH REMOVER Things don't grow without nourishment. Manufacturers do not increase their facilities unless there is a growing demand to supply. In point of sales, Ad-el-ite Paint and Varnish Remover is far ahead of any similar preparation on the market and our new, thoroughly equipped plant enables us to give better service than ever before. You will find that Ad-el-ite contains more energy to the gallon, has fewer dis-agreeable features and brings better results than anything you can get. Eats down through any number of old coats of hard paint, varnish, wax, shellac or enamel leaving the surface in perfect condition for refinishing. Send for Free Sa.mple. (Continued fcom page 4.) you to t1,(;: coarse buyers and the free-for-all sample mCli who make our city look like a tbree-ring circus twice a yedr. YO,u-'ll have a fine time, al1 right.'·' "'The ve,ry ideal" said .lI.famie. "vVhat am I going to the exposition buildil1g for?" "To select OUf furniture, ligIlt of the earth," revlied Ham-ilton, whose right cuff-button was at that moment caught in Mamie's back hair. "\Tou're engaged to Burns, and you're picking out sticks to set up a wigwaml \Vhen you get 1t all ~ele.cted, I'll fly down on Burns with my \var bag open and s(',ttle. You don't care if the sampte men think you're going to marry Burns, do you,' sweetheart~" ;'Oh, it is just a trick to ge,t the furniture cheap!'f ~rniletl Mnmie. "I don't se(', why you're not at the head of a bond cOll1pallY i.n LaSalle street. Of course I don't care. Hmv did you ever come to think of such a thing?" Haml1ton tapped his brow and declared that he often had thoughts in the silence which he t1lOught he, could cash in at the proper time. It took 11amie a long time to select that funittltc. Burns couldn't talk much about it 011 the floor of the building, ;lI~doften had to call all the girl at her home to s::c nbol1t something or other. Dick began to feel sorry for himself, he was alone so much. He consoled himself, how- '::,ver, \ViCl the notion that he was going to save a couple of llUl~dred all the furnishing; of the house. Besides, l\farnic seetrul to be having the time of hel'life! Onc'day he handed Bums a check for a thousand and told him to move the fumi~ ture right illto the bouse on Forrest avenue. "I'll not show up," be said, "until the furniture is hought amI paid for. You']] be up to the reception, of course?" Burlls looked at the check and put it in his pocket. Then he took i"t out again and secxned abO\lt to hand it back Tllen he buried it again and walked away. That night Hamilton was called to the long distance 'phone. "It's Burns," came the voice. "I've sel1t your check by CHICAGO maiL ~tfamie thinks we can get along without it, althougb I've a notion that you owe me a couple of centurie,s for show-ing the girl a good time!" "\Vhat are you. talking about," asked Hamilton. "Do you feel anything bl1zdlng 111your attic? Where are you?" "\rVe're in Detroit;' was· the reply. ;'lVlamie and I are at at the pre:u:::her's house. Say, I wish you'd go to the freight ofl.1cetomorrow and see what's the matter with that furniture. 1 reckon some of it needs repacking." Han::ilton felt like falling off the earth. "vVhat do you mean?" he gasped. "\Vhy, old man, l'm going to get married." l-hmilton gasped. Then a serene smile came to his face. ;'That's too bad," he said. <;11ow did she. come to snare you? Have you ever tried an antidote in the shape of a' red-headed wife and six children?" "YOLl don't seem to take it much to heart?" asked Burn.s. ;'1 don't feel any moistt1re dripping off the wire. Mamie will be glad to hear that." Hamilton bung up tIle r:ecei"er and wondered when he would get, his cl~eck back. "Any,vay," he said, "Burns is a handsome 11'lan, and, be~ sides, any chap who will sell out his firtn and the re.tailers, also, will steal another man's girL'! ' Hamilton gave up the house next day. ALFRED B. TOZER. Quartered Oak Veneers, The "Valter Clark Veneer Company have a very choice supply of quarter-sa\""cd oak \'eneers stored in their warehouse in Grand Rapids. It is not necessary to visit Grand Rapids to procure high grade stock, as Mr. Clark will take the ut~ most care in filing orders. Address him at his city office, 535 Michigan Trust building, and 'he wiJl take care of aU or-ders with care and promptness. 10~.110.112 nort~ Division~l. Orand Rapids IO~. 110. 112 norl~ Division~l. Orand Rapids OUR BUILDING EN GR A V ER 5 PRINT ER5 B INDE R5 PRINTER5 B IN D ER5 EN G R A V E R5 Erected by White Printing Company. Grand Rapids, 1907. I I I Il _ Michigan Engraving Company :: Michigan Artisan White Printing Company Company 14 WOMAN RUNS VARNISH PLANT. Miss Liszka Has Revived Her Father's Business. "':VIanufacturing varnish is an inherited taste with me, as well as inherited business," declared Miss Florence K. Liszka of Glendale, L. 1., who is said to be the only woman in the United States owning and managing a varnish factory. "My father had the ffilsfortunc of having three girls in-stead of three boys, and while I ,vas always around his var-nish factory as a child I was not old enough at the time of his death to show any decided taste for any work or profes-sion. ¥lith the hope of making things as easy as possible for his family,. he left the business to be managed by outsiders. They managed it in such a way that after a few years the factory had to be closed. Three years after this happened I of age and found tha.t a good bit of my little fortune was tied up in that closed f;:lctory. I held the mortgage on the building and a good part of the visible assets. As I also had all my father's formulas I decided to open the fac-tory and try to get back his old customers. "That happened just ten years ago. The work has been hard, both mental and physical, but it has made us a good living. I now employ twelve hands besldes myself. Don't I devote myself to the office work? Oh, no, indeed. There is nothing to be done abollt a varnish factory that I can't do in a pinch. I have learned it alt by actual experience. ,"Vhilc my factory is a very small one compared with the majority of varnish making plants, I manage the business with such strict economy that I am able to compete with them in the prices and quality of my goods. ,Vhenever I employ a new man 1 am particular to see that he learns to turn his hand to any and everything that is to be done in the factory. T tell them that it is only by o\Jr working together in harmony, each doing whatever is necessary, that our little plant can hold its owr.. and compete with the giants. "As I ,'vas entirely ignorant of the business when I first undertook it 1 contented myself with making dryers, chiefly tcribine, a preparation that my father had a patent on. He had Quite a wide reputation on that particular dryer, so when I opened up and put it on the market again people were will_ ing to give me a trial. As my teribine proved up to his standard they were willing to try varnish of my mallufacture. That is the way I secured my first customers. From mak1.l1g dryers I began to manufacture the cheaper grades of varnish, ;:I.ndfrom that switched off to spar varnish. After this suc-cess I began to manufacture fine finishing varnishes. «Every varnish factory has its Own formul<Lsand to a cer-tain extents those formulas are secrets known only to a few trusted workmen. .As I had not the money to pay a high priced man when I started in I had to do all the weighing and mixing with my own hands. The s.ecret as a gelleral thing lies in the preparation of the oils. While many of my ways of preparing these oils came to me through my father's for-mulas 1 have discovered others for myself. Besides pre-paring the oils T have passed on all varnish to decide when it reaches the required ripeness. After a varnish is made it must lie from eight months to a year to be properly ripened. "2'Tew York is the gum market of this country, as all var-nish gums are shipped here before being distributed to other points, That is another part of the bnsiness that I have not as yet trusted to another person. I select all the gums used in my factory. There are do:zells Of firms in New York who do nothing but handle gums. They ·keep samples of the different varieties and grades and all orders are taken from these samples. Much of the ~,uccess Df varnish making de-pcnds on the buying of gums. The price of gums fluctuate as much as that of cotton, so of course 1 have to keep posted and try to buy whcn the varieties I t~eed are at bottom prices. Kauri gum is the gum most generally used in varnish making. It is imported from New Zealand and South America. There are many grades. The lighter grades are the most costly and are used in making the very light varnishes. "Of course, oils like gums, must be bought when they are cheapest to make the greatest profits.. Linseed oil is the foundation of ne<lrly all varnish. Quite recently, however, we have been using wood oil. This is· a new oil and is .made from a nut grown in China. It is more expensive than lin-seed, but many varnish makers believe that it has many more valuable qualities. It is more durable and has much more elasticity, especially under water. "Of course, each season sees several new preparations in the way of varnish on the market. While the prices of the raw materials are steadily climbing upward the prices for made varnishes seem to be going as steadily downward. This is caused chiefly by the sharp competition in the business. In my father's time he got $1.50 a gallon for the same grade of teribine that today 1 am glad to sell for $1. Yet the raw materials cost me almost a third more than he had to pay. "The prices of both turpentine and benzine are continually on the rise. To make both ends meet I have to be on the lookout and lay ln a sufficiently large supply when they arc at bottom prices to keep my fadory busy when the price soars. Turpentine is used in making all the better grades of varnish, while benzine is for the cheaper. It is much more dangerous to make a cheap varnish than the finer grades. The danger of the business is one of the chief reasons why it will never appeal to many women. Just nOw there are two puzzles that the varnish manu-facturer is trying to solve. We are all trying to get an am-monia proof varnish with a dull finish likc the wax fll1ish. The v~rnish maker that perfects either of these will make a fortune. We want the ammonia proof varnish for carriages and wagons that are kept in or near stables. "I have recently put out what I call semi-ammonia proof varnish. \Vhile I say that it is the best that is on the mar-ket, I ari.l entirely honest in stating that it is only semi, not entirely, proof. "We are experimenting in the hope of getting a perfect dull finish varnish for the pupose of saving labor.. As mat-ters now stand the only known way to gain what is known as the wax finish· is hy rubhing. This take:;; both time and labor both costly commodities just now. Yes, there is it Yami~h on the market, several, that profess to ·give this mtlch desired finish. Vnfortunately none of them are perfect. The foundation is wax, and wax always settles. What we ·are looking for is a varnish made of something that wilt not set-tle. Now, I believe, and my headman agrees with me, that '\"e havc about perfected such a varnish. "1 have been asked to become a member of the Varnish Manufacturers Association, but as I would be the only woman 1 don't think I ever shall. It would bring a certain amount of notoriety which I would not enjoy. I am not the least bit afraid of work, and am wi111ng to do any amount of it, but I want to slip out of the way when people come a1'Ound to stare at me as bcin·g unusual. I am a varnish maker from preference, just as other women are lawyers or doctor5_"- New York Sun. Ten to One. Ten hand turners could not turn out in a day as many table legs· as one table leg machine manufactured by the C. Mattison Machine Company, nor do the work so well. 15 -~. igl\apio.s.f\ic~ Clamp and Vise Economy. There .is probobly no problem that ha~ to be solved and revolveJ Inore frequently than that of clamping work in a modern 'wood "vorking slwp. This is p<lrticularly true in a factory where. quantities of work of various kinds, requiring gluing and clamping arc being turned Out from day to day. Vilhile the avcrage shop's supply of dalqyS to sun with seerns ample. the gluing operations come to an untimely end \"cry soon after it begins owing to their scarcity. This ',vill be more readily appreciated by those experienced in the making of Ulble tOllS, desk tops aed dresser tops, where five to eight clan~ps ;LTe necessary on each top and should be al-lowed to remain Oil the work at least hventy-fol1r hours he-fore removing the pressure. \Vhen we stop to think tl1e top of a desk is by no means a whole desk, which has many Ot1iC! parts to he cl:lmped during their r:onstruction. Further, that dQsk to bQ more economically manufac-tured, must not Ollly he made in lots of bundrc(ls. but thous-ands, and these operations to be done economically must so far as possible be continuous, we hegin to rcalize olle factor of the lrallll(acturcr's clamp problem. The I:ext 'll'd eql.1<dly as discouraging is the constant brc;lkage., unless th~ clamps arc prohibitively htl1vy or ex-pensi\ re. Tire a\'(Tage gluer in his excitement and llaste to get the pressure all his work hefore his glue chills, is a clamp ,,\'reeker. The illventor of the Sheldon line of clamps and vises began his career in tbe machine shop, then into the wood shop, .\vbere he was confronte{l with the 11sual clamp problem. He was asked to get up a quantity of wood bar clalrps with iron heads and screws for a piano manufacturer tb,lt would not split al1C] bre,1k loosc from the bars under excessive pressure. tl]at wOldel not Jet the scre\.v get out of line wit11 the bars. that would provide again:=;t uneven or angular strains, bending the scr('~'-. th<ll ',vnuJ<! provide against the lIe<ld turnlJ)O" by the friction of the screv,,' under heavy pi'c~_stn~ thereby th~ow-ing the clan~p out of position, or sliding off SHELDON'S the work at the critical moment. \Vitb the ma-chinist's anxiety for strength, the wood worker's ambition for serviceableness, rapid-ity and economy, by much hard '\\'o:'k, expenSe and experience. he solved the problem. not only on the wood bar clamp, but steel bar elamps. His \\Toed \Vorker's Rapid Acting Vises were developed in a similar maTIlJer, with the conviction that a \""ood worker's vise should not be built on the principles that would make a machinist's vist': an uUer failure so far as rigidity and positive action \verc conc(;,nlcd, that the slide and outer jaw must l1ecess~lrily be of one s-lid piece of metal to accomplish this, that the pressure must be applied as .uear as possible to the resistano::e, that the wearing parts must be adjustable and either of steel forgings or malleable iron to stand the excessive strains that they were continually subject to, that they must not cost from $5.00 to $10.00, when a \.".ood worker can buy a vise screw for 50 cents and make him-self a vise, which, while inefficient and inconvenient, can be made to do. The Sheldon Company ask no better proof of the correct-lless of these convictions than the records of their sales. The wood working trade has appreciated their efforts, their guar-antees, i111d tbeir values to thE'_ extent of 25 ..000 elamps and l5.0CO vises since their introduction. They are now installed in their new plant at 86 North :\1a)' street, Chicago, and have some literature on these subjects that will he interesting to any \voad worker. Mohair Plush Made Here. An investigation by the Bureau of Manufactures of the department of commerce and labor shows that in the last few years the manufacture of mohair plush,:which until re-cently 'vas not sufficiently large in this country to be reck-oned <l11l0ng the industries, has grc:atly increased on account of the successful breeding here of Angora goats, which sup-ply the hair for the n:;anufadure of mohair plush. During the years between 1901 alld 1905 the nWlltlfa~ture of plush grew much more rapidly than the production of goat hair and for that reaBon the importation of mohair increased from 739,419 pounels to 2,625,000 poun.ds; but in the last t\'1,'O years there has been a supply of Angora hair which came nearer to supplying the demands. Heretofore Bradford. England, has been one of the largest centers for tlle manufactttre of mohair dress goods, but a few months ago one of the leading manufacturE'xs there erected and equipped a large mill at Providence R. L which will supply tbe finn's American tr<lde and increase the demand for American Angora hair. Through Pensacola, /\ timber importing firm of Louisville. K)i" has contracted for a large llumberof mahogany logs to be shipped from South Africa and Spanish-Americ<tl1 parts to Pensacola, Fla .. Evidently the Grm expects the panic to close during the cur-rent year. From flve to six thousand logs will be received each m01lth. ------------------- - - 16 lnve~tigat(:: our LiIJe. 5aw and Kn"fl e FI"tt"mg Mach"Inery and T00IS TLhinee BMigagn"u,faca'nud"d.Best Baldwin. Tuthill a;}. Bolton Grand R.aplds. Mich. Filera, Setters, Sharpeners. Grinders. SwaGes, stretchers. BrazinG and FilinG Clamps. Knite Balances. Hammerina Tools. Bolton Band Saw Filer for Saws % inch up. New 200 page CataloglJe for 1907 Free. S, T, & B. Strle D, Knife Grinder. Full Automatic. Wet or dry. 17 Morton House (AmericanPlan) Rates $2.50 and Up. Hotel PantJind (European Plan) Rates $1.00 and Up. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the Pantlind for 50c IS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. J. BOYD PANTUND. Prop. [ L Wood Forming Cutters We offer exceptional value in Reversible and One-Way Cutters for Single and Double Spin~ dIe Shapers. Largest lists with lowest prices. Greatest variety to select from. Book free. Address SAMUEL J. SHIMER & SONS MIL TON. PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. OFFICES: CINCINNATI--Plckerlng fhdldtng. NEW YORK--346 Broadway. B05TON--[8 Tremont St. CHICAC8--134 Van Buren St. GRAND R.APIDS-~HoU5eD\anBldg. JAMESTOWN. N. Y.--Cb ..d.koln Bldg. HIGH POJNT. N. C.--Stanton~Welc:h Sioch. The most satisfactory and up-to-date Credit Service covering the FURNI;fURE, CARPET, COFFIN and ALLIED LINES. The most a.ccura.te and reliable Reference Book Published. Originator. of the ·'Trace .. and Clearing House System:" CollectionService Unsurpassed-Send jor Book of Red Drafts. H. J. DANHOF. Michigan Manager. 341·348 Houseman Bufldin •• Gl"and Rapids. Mich. Stephenson Mf~. (0. South Bend, Ind. Wood T uming., Tumed Moulding. Dowel. and Dowel Pins. -==~== Catalogue to Manufac-turers on Application. BOYNTON eX CO. Manufacturers of Embo"Cl=d aqd T~d Moulding., Embossed and Spindle CarviDlP. add Automatic TurninCL WCl= also manu-facture a huge line of Embo .. ed Orna· mente for Couch Work. SEND FOR \,. -- - ~ ~ -<.~ - ~. /. - .... . .....;;. - - - CATALOGUE 419-421W. fifteenth St .. CmCAGO, ILL. 18 I!STA.SLISHEC 1880 /"UIIlLISHIlD BY MICHIGAN ARTISAN CO. ON THE IO"H A.ND 2&TH OF EA.CH MONTH OFPICE-1Q8,110. 112 NORTH DIViSiON ST •• GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ENTeRED "'S M...TT!R OF' THE SECOND CLASS Three men el1gaged in the business of manufacturing furni-ture were candidates for the office of mayor at the late election. The last oue in "tl1e game" came out first. 1Jayor Ellis purchased a bloc!>: of stock in the new Dolphin Desk Company two days preceding the election and won the coveted position and the $2,000 "per" s<L1ary. The order for 18,000 dozen chairs to be supplied for the use of the general government by the Crawford Chair Com-pany of Grand Ledge, Miell., will keep 1Janager Crawford and llis assistatlts' out of politics dt1ring the coming campaign. T11eir time will be more profitably employed. A New York paper (quoted 011 another page) observes a revival of painted furniture. Let us hope the revival will not extend to the horrid examples of cottage work that held the favor of the buyers of cheap aud nasty stuff twenty-five years ago. Through his efforts to open the factories by the distri-bution of contracts for furniture and other articles needed at present and during many years to come, Mr. Roosevelt has proven himself to be a timety and vigorous booster. Evidently 11r. Foote is of the opinioi1 that Mexico will not be a good market for furniture. until the 15,000,000 pc.ons shall have been supplanted by a class of people who do not sit on their thumbs and sleep on the ground. There will be 110 withdrawals from the expositions of con-sequence, on account of the past dull season. in trade. Lease managers report that the greater part of the space in all the exposition buildings is under contract. i\tanufaeturexs of wood workir,g machinery take a more hopeful view of the future. \Vood workers are not only buy-ing machines, but rebuilding worn ones, which indicates ;i. re-vival in the manufacturing trades: A marked .revival in trade might prevent an active. partici-pation by manufacturers in the quadrenial political movement to save the government from destruction. Such a contin-gency would be deplorable. A gentleman largely engaged in the lumber business, 10- .~ated near St. Louis, Mo., states that he is abic to dispose .rIR..T I.s ..7L"J d • 2 r of wal~ut lumber -as fast as he can cut it. "Something doing" somcv,,·here. \\i ood carving is the latest fad taken np by the ladies of the eastern cities. The heroine of Charles Reade's story, "Put Yourself in His Place," may have suggested the move~ ment. Reports from leading hardwood lumber markets-Cin-cinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago, Memphis-report a moderate amount of buying and an improved outlook. Reprcscntati\'cs of the l11anufacturers of brass t:inunings who are touring thc manufacturing centers, report having taken liberal orders. Care of Injured Workmen. An agent of an accident insurance company spent a week in Grand Rapids recently in an effort to secure business on aCCOl1nt of the low charge for premiums. \-Vhen asked to explain the scheme he replied: ,.\\re furnish tirst aid only. An injured tn<lll must pay for subsequent treatments. Our physician makes but one call on account of the company.'" A leading manufacturer denounced the scheme in strong terms. "vVe deem it our duty to take care of men injured while in our employ so long as they need care. That is the kind of insurance we pay for and would not accept any other. Not infrequently an injured man is without means or so burdened with the care of a family that his earnings are absorbed. He may be a very competent workman and deserving of consid-eration in every W'ly. To cut off relief from such a Ulan would he inhuman. The conscientious manufacturer cannot feel that he has fulfilled every obligation due to a faithful workman when he places a pay envelope in his hand. There are other duties that count for much." The man who uttered the above 'remarks is one of the most successful manufactur-ers in the furniture business. He is very highly esteemed by his melt and in the transaction of his business he receives their loyal support. A fcw months ago a stranger entered his fac-tory and asked for employment in the machine roon,. He was an expert machine operator, but a few days after com-mencing work one of his hands was caught in the knives of a fast running machine and horribly mangled. A physician was called in, and the tIlan received, not only first aid, but n";:\I,y subseqttent treatn~ents at the expense of the employer and v"hen he was able to travel to his former home in another sHlte an envelope containing $40.00 was placed in his haml. ?\ atttre's richest blood Rows in the veins of that manufacturer Anxious for Trade. A manufacturer of furniture, returning from San Francisco recently, stated that he was informed that the representatives of forty manufacturing hOtlSes located in the east arrived in that city during the third week of February. All were so anxious to take orders that the manufacturer quoted above was reminded of the folowillK story: A Parisian shop-keeper, writing to one of his customers, offered a table likc the photo enclosed for twenty francs. "In case I do not hear from you," he added, "I shall conclude that you wish to pay only eighteen francs. In order to lose no time I accept the price last mentioned." Perhaps the manufacturer quoted was impressed with the idea that prices were not so well maintained as they should be. FURNITURE IN OLD MEXICO. E. H. Foote Spent a Few Weeks in Greaserland. E. H. Foote, the trea~uret' of the Grand Rapids Chair Com-pany and president of the Imperial Furniture Company, re-turned recently from <t tour of old !I.fexico and the P,lci/lc coast. )raturally the furniture trade claimed his attention. "The l\Iexicans import practically all the furniture they lIse. A few kitcJH'!l tables, cheap chairs and kindred articles arc made by hand, but the Jack of skilled workmen is such a handicap that the manufacture of furniture to supply the local markets is not to be considered. There is an abundance of timber in the country, but it is used for other pmposes or sold to exporters. 1Judl of the {urnitllre sold by retailers is imported from France and the Gnited States. Gold and Vernis IvI<l":tinfinishes are preferred. The 11exicans love gaudy coloring and showy work. Of the lines imported from the United States a considerable quantity is in mission and arts and crafts styles. Ten thou"and former residents of the United State.s, who live in Mexico City, maintain a club and the American section, which tbey occupy, is a very attrac-tive spot. The city sit~ on all elevation 7,500 feet above the sea. and is very healthy. The hotels, conducted on the Eu-ropean plan, are clean and comfortable." :\0 registers are llsed in several of thc hotels ~'lr. Foote v·isited. \Vhen a guest arrives his or her !lame and the number of the room taken is written upOn a large black board hntlg upon the wall. Mexico colltains 16,ODO,000 people. One milLion constitute tbe rich or ·welt-to-do class and live mainly in the cities. This ebss is the only one that uses furniture. The Peons sit and S1cCD on the ground, ;md in their mode of living their necessi-ties are few. l..l..exico City has a population of 500.000. The hotels and restaurants wcre crowdecl with sojourners from the States. Los Angeles ,vas filled '''lith sojourners when l\'ll'. Foote arrived in that city and trade in furniture '¥as active. The immense stocks accumulated during the era of consolidation and the opening of new stores were moving. and buyers rep-resenting the mallY dealers in that city would probably visit the eastern expositions in July. Building enterprises occupy the attention of the San Franciscans. Probably one hundred great business stmctures arc in course of erection in the center of th~ city. 'vVork on the Palace Hotel is well ad-vanced, hut it will not be ready for occupancy during· the cur-rei1t year. \Ir. f.'oote visited Portland. Seattk. Tacoma. Spokane and Salt Lake and reports that business was active in all Jines in those cities. Trade and Personal Notes. I I I I L_ Myers & p',rartin are starting a large furniture store at Sumas, \\Tash. Manufactttrers are wn king the foreign markets for orders quite sllccessfully. Day & Henderson h~l\·e sold the-ir furniture f:Lctory at Eugellc, Ore., to Ray f\.for~pll. Lignine carvings, unb:'e:lkable. are manufactured by the OrnanH:lltal Products Company, Detroit, !lJieh. D. H. Brown of the Century Furnitue Company has re-tl1n~ ed after a flying tour nf the furniture markets. Ad-d-itC'. a "cry nseful removcr nf paint and varnish, is manufactured by the Adams & Elting Company. Station E. Chicago, Ill. Solid steel glue joint cutters, \vhich never burn. are man-ufactured by :\'Iorris \Voo(l & S01lS, of 2714 \:V est Lake strC'ct. Chicago. O. L. Dunbar has leased a large :wu will open ,a furniture stock. storeroom at Joseph, Ore., Later it is expected he J9 ·will put in a stock of ladies' and men's furnishings in part of the building. The Crescent .Furniture Company h~s succeeded rihe Owen Furniture & Upholstering Company at Spokane, Wa£h. The Buss 1lachine \Vorks of T1011and, ~'Iich., have taken a number cf good orders recently for planers, shapers and double cnt-off saws. Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton of Grand Rapids has just is-sued a large descriptive catalogne of saw filing outfits and v.."ood working machinery_ EeL \\'are and v.,.'illiam Hoggard have purchased the furni-ture business of C. S. 1lt1dge, Sr., at Echo, Ore. Mr. \Vare ,,,,,ill n'::lve charge of the bushless. \iVillard Barnhart, the president of the Nelson-Matter Fur-niture Company, Grand Rapids, has returned from Pasadena, Cal.. where he spent the winter with llis family. The Universal automatic carving machine manufactured by th(~Cnion Embossing Machine Company of Indianapolis, turns out in ft day more work than twenty-five hand carvers. Paul F. Markoff. the farmer of Spring Lake, who sells furniture for recreation when his live stock, fruit and field crop interests will permit, has returned from the Pacific coast. Clarence IVlarkoff, the youngest son of the widely known and popular Paul F., has engaged to travel on the road with the line of the Berkey & Gay .Furniture Company. Having been graduated by· a school of designing and spent a year in a furniture factory, the young man, with the experience of a few seasons as a tr:ule solicitor, is destined to become an ac-complishcd 'Salesman. His brother, "Bert," has carried a photo case during the past three years and made good. George C. ""Vhit,vorth, treasurer of the Berkey & Gay Fur-niture Company, was elected a member of the public library commission of Grand Rapids recently. The position is im-portant. The board has the managing of the Ryerson library and its branches, containing in all 100,000 books, and a large museum. :Mr. \Vhitworth is .weU qualified to perform the work the people have entrusted to him. A great deal of his time will be required and the office is not a salaried onc. E. M. Hulse and Family Suffer an Affliction. £. M. Hulse, manufacturer of upholstered furliiture in Co-lumbus, 0., suffered an irreparable. loss recently by the death of his only daughter, Louise. the joy of the household. :VIiss Hulse was born in Chicago in 1884 and finished her edu-cation at the National Park Seminary, Washington, D. C. She was always cheerful. hopeful and helpful. a favorite in the social life of Columbus, and her untimely death greatly shocked her large circle of frielids. Besides her father" and mother, two brothers, E. C. Hulse of San Francisco and J. G. HulSE:of Columbus, are the immediate mourners of her loss. PETER COOPER~ GLUE is the best in all kinds of weather. When otber manufact-urers or agents tell you their glue is as good as COOPER'S. they admit Cooper's is the BEST. No one extols .his pro-duct by comparing it with an inferior article. Cooper's Glue is the world's standard of excellence. With it aU experi-ment begins, all comparison continues. and all test ends. Sold continuously since 1820. Its reputation, like itself, STICKS. Peter Cooper's glue is made from selected hide stock. carefully prepared. No bones or pig stock enter into its composluon. In strength it is uniform, each barrel containing the same kind of glue that is in every other barrel of the same grade. ORIN A. WARD GRAND RAPIDS AGENT 403 Ashton Bldg. OITIZENS PHONE sass ~------------------------- ---- ---- 20 PROTEST OF ANTIQUES AGAINST UP-TO-DATE WAYS. The Woman was New, and the Furniture Very, Very Old. An old house stood at the crossroads. It \vas a homely old house with heavy wooden shutters, a deep roof and two enormous chimneys; but, as it was fond of saying, "Hand-some is a handsome docs," and it had come through 150 years of hard usage and neglect with sound timbers and straight sides, even though its venerable clapboards were bare of paint and its shingles moss grown and decayed. The old house boasted that Gen. \~iashillgton had once spent a night under its roof, and as it was far and away the oldest huilding in that part of the State, there was none who could justly challenge the boast; and indeed its truth had never been questioncd- by the gothic cottages, the mansard roofed houses or even the silly gingerbread villas which in catttse. of years came to reside in the neighborhood. They always listeneu with doors and windows wide open while the old house told the story of Washington's visit, and were much shocked when a cynical imitation Colonial house, which had been knocked together in a precariously short time across the street, rec.eived the honored talc with a rude "Huh! every old rattletrap in Jersey tells the salTIe story!" At any rate it is certain that the old house had enter-tained a great variety of persons in the course of its many changes of fortune. From respectable farmhouse to road-side tavern, to humble tenement, it had finally passed into the hands of a -new woman. This new woman, it seems, though very new and with all the modern improvements, yet loved to distraction every-' thing old-the older the better. She had for years been collecting old furniture, old· china, old carpets a~d quilts, old utensils of many kinds, for which the old house seemed a Jitting receptacle. She rejoiced in its remnants of box bordered flower beds and brick walks because she was all for an ancient atmosphere, though the newness of her de-manded a few concessiolls to modern comfort and sanitation. The old house did not at first know what manner of person a new woman migh t be, for in all its life befo~e it had never encountered one, but it was quick to make some discoveries. "Lord-a-massy Jonathan!" it groaned to the gnarled apple tree which had kept it company for some seventy • • years, "the horrid things that are going on in my interior woulJ split you straight in two. "Never cmnplain of bluebirds nesting in your hollows again, when here am I with evil spirits buried in my walls and floors. 1 believe they call them pipes and wires, but I'm bedevilled sure enough, for the pipes end in brazen serpents that hiss and gurgle and throw off a terrific heat that makes even my well seasoned joints part company, and the wires end in will 0' the wisp lights, which lIO man strikes, as bright as a hundred candles. "'As for the furniture folk who inhabit me there are at least twice as many as I have ever harhoredbefore, and between you and me society is a trifle mixed. Articles that should be in the kitchen are in the parlor, and things of no consequence are set in prominent places. Through no fault of their own, mind you! "In fact the furnitl-lre folk feel very uneasy about this and other, and to-night we hold a meeting to see what if anything can be done. Myself, I think we might as well rebel against Gen. vVashington and all his troops as against this new woman, but the furniture folk are anxious to make a stand. I will try to manage that the west window is left open, Jonathan, so that you can hear some of the goings. on." It was long past midnight before the new owners of the old- house were in bed and asleep and the atmosphere had attained that breathless, expectan.t quiet of the night which is so necessary to the proceedings of what humans are pleased to can inanimate objects. The tall dock in the hall struck one with a resounding oath that would scarcely have been expected f-rom one so staid, and at once broke into re.:. vilings of the manners of modern human kind. "The tickety-tock idiots r Don't know enough to go to bed!" it stormed. "At '{ I say, 'Time for sensible folks co be in bed!' Kobody stirs: I don't expect it. At 9 I say scornfully, 'Time for fools to be in bed.' It doesn't move 'em. At 11 I thunder, 'Time for roysterers to be in bed,' and that usually routs 'em." "La! ma'am!" simpered one prim, straight, high backed chair to another. "Did you see how this new woman con-ducted herself au me this evening, and in presence of gentle-men too? She seems to know nothing of genteel deport-ment, erect figure, feet together and hands folded in the lap, but sits lounging forward, with elbows on knees, chin on hands, and, I vow, ma'am! I scarce like to mention it, but with one limb actually crossed over the other swinging her foot to and fro!" "You were speaking of decorum, ladies," whispered the settle. "Things have indeed come to a pretty pass." "You know, I've. a wide experience. in sweethearts . 1,1any's the time the qutstion has been popped on me, and always did the man and the maid keep a proper distaJlec from each other, sitting modestly; one in either of my capacious corners. ;'But last night the sweethearts, who arc visitors, sat so close together that the two scarce took up room enough for 011e; and though I tried not to see, I'm almos;t sure he haJ his arm around her waist and kissed her.'! "l'm well aware that this is na place far a warming pan," quavered an apologetic voice from the parlor wall, "but she spent a \vhole day polishing me and she says~I'm only telting you what the new woman said," it hastily added, at ;\ contemptuous hiss from the statdy brass alldirons. These andirons were tall, brilliant and. very aristocratic and felt themselves deeply humiliated at their enforced as-sociation with humble utensils. They were particularly exasperated by the nearness of an ancient black kettle which hung from a crane in the fireplace. "And as if it were 110t enough," said they, "to have a black kitchen wench swinging in idleness right under our noses, we must look up and see an impudent chambermaid disporting herself upon the parlor wall and claiming kinship witl1 usl" The ancient kettle was too solid and prosaic to be much moved by this unkind speech of the andirons, but the warm-ing pan, being of a most sensitive nature, was 50 hurt and shamed that she fell with a lOUd clatter to the floor. ;;The eat's foot [" sharply exclaimed the spinning wheel. "You ought to have a real trial like mine to fret over." "Here mouths of precious time have been wasted, letting me stand motionless by the fire, my spindle wrapped with flax and never a thread spun. This new woman is a thrift-less housewife, or else-I hate to suspedany ,,,"oman of such a scandalous thing, but sometimes I almost fear that she doesn't know how to spin." "I half believe you're right," mused a charming little work table with claw feet and glass knobs. "And "..·bat's more, I don't belic,ve she knows a bodkin from an emery ball, or knitting from needlework. At any rate there'~ nothing in my drav,iers that ought to be there, such as thim~ blc, thread and needles. Instead, there is qUClrtered there a regiment of little paper cylinders who roll impudently about and caU themselves cigarettes, though they sTllell very much like tobacco," "Speaking of tobacco makes my bowl burn," said a long, slim day pipe. "\Vbat T want to know is, where':; the master of this house? The pipe tongs <tnd myself have beel] waiting patiently on the mantel shelf for him to come and use us 50 long that I am ready to drop ,,,,ith hunger." "By the great horn spoon!" quoth the big dining table. "You might know this ",;as a l11asterkss house by the feeding." "I anI still the groaning board, but I groan \;",ith wc;ight of service, Bol of victuals. No morc great joints of mcat nOr mammoth pudding~, no more delicious pies (111(1dougb-nuts." "The new woman says they're not wliOlcso1l1c, and she seems to live exclusively on fruit, nuts, porridge and gn~ell leaves, for she can't get <lny nourishment from th'e IOllR rows of knives and forks and spoons which arc set out each side of her plate." "011, dearl Vv'hat will become of me?" piped a quaint little high chair. "I'm so unhappy." "I used never to be empty, for as fast as too big for me there was another to take now-I'm not empty." "No 1 But I hold an ugly smug faced dog whose mistrcss talks to him'like this, 'Vlon't Jerry have anqzzer tecny weeny one baby its place. grew But 2/ piece of chicken? Take it to please muzzer, pitty. even if you aren't hungry.''' An agonized ",,"ail floated down from the four post bed in the guest chamber. "Db, please don't el1lybody look at me!" it cried. "No tester, no valance, 110 curtains, only four pitiful, undraped sticks of wood stretched upward to the ceiling in silent protest. The new lvoman 5ayS that draperies afe not sani-tary, but though the patchwork quilt does all it can to cover me 1 feel disgraced forever." l\.futters and groans, creaks and rU5tlings came from all parts of the hOllse. There were threats of great undertakings and dire happenings. The tall clock struck twenty-four times all at once, the prim chairs turned thejT faces to the wall, the settle tipped over, the andirons beat the black kettle and got badly dented, the spinning wheel actually succeeded in spinning a tbread, the work table spilled the cigarettes upon the floor, and the little high chair oozed tears of new varnish. ·'\A/hat a silly set of old fogies you are!" said the water pipe.'; and electric light wires, Hto think that what you can do will mnke any difference! Kmv, we could make some gClluinc troubl~ if we felt inclined. VVe could burst and flood the homc or set it afire, and the ne,,\, woman biows it! She fears tiS, but you she will very S0011 set 1n your proper places again." Sure enough, when morning came the new woman, though much amazed at the disol·der which she found throughout the house, gently but firmly arranged her antique furniture just as it was the day before, but the warming pan eould nowhere be found. After a long search it was dis-covered wit]] its head btlficd in the guest room bed, whieh stretched its four posts upward to the ceiling in silent protest. -Sun. NO! NO TROUBLE HERE! Simply wanted, to get you to give this somethi~g bel;ler than a passing glance and since We have CItU~t your eye Jet s catch your ordet"$ for Veneered Rolls.· We build the famous"RELIABLE" ROU.5. WRITE FOR PRICES. The Fellwock Auto. & Mfg. Co. EVANSVILLE. INDiANA OUTSi8 the largest Roll Plant in tke United state,. ----------------------------- ---- -- 22 .7IR-TI.s'~ e 7 e. Henry Rowe Mfg. Company Newaygo. Mich. MANUFACTURERS OF Wood workers' Benches. Factory Trucks. Turnings. Dowels. etc. .II .II .II No.1 Factory Truck. Just liS good as the)' look. OUR NEW CATALOG TELLS ALL ABOUT THEM. No.1 Cabinet Mak-an.' BeRcn Keeping Track of Orders and Work in a Furnitute Factory. Modern machinery, skiIled workmen, and plenty of orders are important factors in making a furniture factory a success. but unless behind -these there lie an efficient office fmce and executive ability of the first order, regular dividends will be a matter of doubt and it will probably not be long before the establishment is ill the hands of a receiver. "Leaks" may occur in the stock room, in the turning room, the scroll room, or in the finishing foam, bnt these will be sm<\.l1as compared with the waste of money that may be caused by mismanagement in the business end. A certain small town, famed in the surrounding country for the number of furniture factories it possessed, was the subject of discussion by two business men. ;;Blankville is becoming quite a town for the manufacture of furniture isn't it?" said one. "Well, it has been," said the other, "but there isn't one of those factories that hasn't either gone into a receiver's hand or been entirely reorganized at some time during its existence. And aU of them getting more orders than they can handle, too. All the profits seem to be eaten right up in the business management somehow or other." It was lack of proper "system" in the business departments of these factories that eventually "killed" the town in ques-tion and many another otherwise promising business has met an untimely death from the .same cause. Of course, too complicated a system in the business uc- .partment Gf a furniture factory is as bad as one in which there is no method for keeping track of the cost of material, labor and the progress of the work, but a happy medium should be attained by the use of a combination of the various card indexe3., time slips, time docks, and other office devices now on the market. Different methods must of necessity apply to different furniture factories, those establishments supplying large quantities in but a few styles requiring a much simpler system of book and time keeping than those shops which make a specialty of single orders of unique or rare design, and yet in both cases it is importallt that the cost of the raw material, the amount of labor required, the individual workmen employed on each part of the job, alHI the progress of the "lOrk, can all be easily ascertained. The. tenuem'y in some of the factories making large quan-tities in but fe",' styles seems to be to 'minimize the <lmOtlllt of bookkeeping required, and to leave much of the responsi-bility as to the present progress of the work entirely with the superintendent; who is supposed to keep a private record of the work which is being done i.n his department. This applies to stock or.clers where large quantities are being turned Ollt, and where the same design has been made hun-dreds of times before. When a large order is received for some new design, a sample must first be made up, and pro-vided this does not require special tools or machinery, the superintendent nlay keep a record of the amount of material and labor required to produce this sample, and this cost will be used as a basis in making the price for the order, allowing, of course, for the desired profit and for the increased rapidity \vith which a workman can handle <l job with which he h"s become familiar. It is to be lmderstood that an order of this kind would not be accepted unless it was sufficiently large to pay for making the sample and for the personal at-tention required from the superintendent. Since the cost of each regular order is already known, a detailed record of the work that each workman accomplishes for every hour in the day is not important, and time keeping for the employe is only necessary to insure his conscientious work for the required number of hours per week. If the workman is paid by the hour, the time clock is a valuable ad-junct to the bookkeeping department of a well-managed fac-tory. With this system each workman has a card for the week, ruled with vertical and horizontal lines, The horizon-tal columns may be_used for the different days of the week, and the vertical columns should be headed "started," ;'stopped," "overtime," etc., so that the time when the day's work started, the amount taken out for the luncheon hour, and the amount of overtime, may a11 be accurately recorded. On entering and leaving the shop the workman places the card in the stamping compartment of the clock so that the proper column will be marked with the exact time at which ~Hl employe ·starts and quits the job. At the end of the week it is an easy matter to add up the total number of hours worked by each employe, and the wages may then be paid on that basis. An elaboration of this syStem may be llsed to keep track of each work:illan's time on each order, amI in .this manner the actual cost of a certain 'piece may be accurately obtained and the amount to be charged for the job quickly deter-mined. In this case the workman uses a different card for each job v...hieh is assigned to him, and should he be employed on ~his certain order for a week or more, the same card would be used Oll. the stlccessive days, and thus an accurate check made on the workman's time and on the labor expend-ed 011 any particular job, . The above system is particularly adapted for use in fac-tories where special orders are execut~d which require a con-siderable amount of work ill a variety of departments, and which in consequence have occasion to be handled by a great number of men. III many of the factories catering to the special design furniture trade, however, the old system of cmploying brass checks is still in vogue, and offers a simple method for keeping track of the individual workman's time. Tn this system each workman has a number and a bra;;s cheek corresponding to that number. When a workman enters the shop in the morning he obtains his check from the time-keeper and hangs -it on its proper hook in a wall case. At n certain time. the case is lock.ed, and any workman coming late must first apvly to the foreman before he can pla.ce his MICHIGAN Fe 'i'Hf -., 1 7IR'T' IS JI...N i 9 firs- CABINET Cabinet, Pattern, Chair, Carvers' BENCHES PATTERN FACTORY FURNISHINGS Hand Screws Trucks Saw Tables Benedict Clamps check on the hook and receive credit for his tin'c. On leaving the shop the brass checks arc <lgain deposited with OARVERS' Grand Rapids Hand Screw Company 9t8 JEFFERSON AVE., GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. LARGEST BENCH MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD Sketched by Otto Jiranek, Grand Rapids, Mich. the timekeeper, whose duty it is to record each \vorkman's time at the close of the day. In these factories making special designs, it is absolutely necessary to keep an account of the amount of labor spent on each operation in filling the individual orders. The loose leaf system of bookkeeping has greatly simplified the methods for keeping track of the progress of work on orders, and it is well adapted for use in fumiture factories. The opera-tion of this system in keeping track of special orders may be somewhat as follows: The order is received and e,ntered under a certain number on an individual card. This is filed according to its numher, in the order book, and at the end of each day the amount· of material used, together with the labor put upon it by the various workmen is entered on this card and charged to that particular order. This forms a ready reference for determining the amount of work already done 011 the o.rdcr, and by entering the number or name of the 'H"orkman WllO has had a hand in any particular operation conllected 'vith its manufacture, responsibility for a poorly performed job may be laid at the proper door, - Special forms of these cards may be printed h) suit the needs of the manufacturer. A similar system on a smaller scale may be installed in each of the shop departments and rderence to these noted on the main order card so that more detailed in-formation may be obtained as to material and work expended no the job without unnecessarily filling the original card. The above methods of keeping track of orders and the progress of work in a furniture factory offer many variations which cannot be treated in a short article, but they will probably serve to show the general system employed by the leading factories of that class in thriving towns where there is no danger of a concern with plenty of orders going into a receiver's hands through lack of good business management. H,\ROLD W. SLAUSON. Returned to His "Old Job." D. S. Oakley, formerly of the' Oakley & Jansen Machine Company, Parkersburg, W. Va., has again connected himself ""-tth the \Vysong & lHiles Company of Greensboro, N. C. 23 24 ~MJPrIG7!N, C. C. WORMER MACHINERY CO., 97 Woodbridge St., Detroit, Mich. fLY W"EEL EXPLOSIONS PREVENTfD BY THE "LOCKE" AUTOMATIC ENOINE STOP AND SPEED LIMIT SYSTEM. By means of the "Locke" system your engine can be immediately stopped from any part of the plant; the apparatus furnished includes an independent speed limit which automatically slows down and stops the engine when it starts to race. Read" When Fly Wheels Explode" in the February number of the "Michigan Artisan." A NOVEL ENTERPRISE FOR ST. LOUIS. Twenty Thousand Buyers to be Brought to the City Annually Free of Cost to Themselves. St. Louis capitalists have engaged in a colossal enterprise for extending the trade of the manufacturers and jobbers of that city. It is of such magnitude as to cause the business men of Chicago, Kansas City, Cincinnati and Denver to polish up their glasses and read the proposition the second time. The Artisan has received a view of the club building, anJ a description of the same, which reads as follows: "A new type of business building is under way in St. Louis which presents features never before attempted on such a large scale, and others of perhaps equal value whidl have never been utilized. It is to be called the "Buyers' Club Building" and its cost, it is estimated, will be fully $4,000,000. The building was promoted and will be finance.:! by H. A. Vrooman, president of the State Trust Company, of St. Louis. The Buyers' Club Building will occupy the entire block hounded by 17th, 18th, Chestnut and Pine streets. a location within one block of the Union Station. Its ground area is 234 by 324 feet, and it will he eighteen stories high, with a tower extending ten stories above the building. It will be given up entirely to the display of merchandise with the exception of the top floor, which is to be sumptuously furnished for elub purposes exclusively for vi~iting buyers and convention delegates. The tower will contain offices. The Club Hoar will contain a convention hall with com-mittee rooms, the use of which will be given free, together with all the club privileges to all visiting buyers and to con-ventions where the delegates are in a position to buy goods or influence tl1{~\rpurchase. The first floor win be devoted to a general display, demonstration and advertising purposes. The basement to demonstrating machinery, engines and toah, with provision for power of every nature. Sixteen floors ",,'ill be used for sample rooms. The most important feature'the Buyers' Club presents is the plan for bringing the buyer to the seller. The fare of 10,000 buyers will be paid to Saint Louis twice annually by the building company, and the exhibitors will choose the buyers w'ho are to be brot.l~ht. Special trains will be hired by the company and run from distant points where dealers frOrll a considerable radius can be gathered. The building is designed to extend the terri-tory St. Louis supplies, so that exhibitors will enjoy not only the immense trade of the southwest which now centers in St. Louis, but that of all the central west and northwest as well. Only a limited amount of space will be leased to each exhibitor, so that the exhibits may be sufficiently com-prehensive to attract the best classes of buyers from great distances. A club bulletin 'will be published monthly and sent to over 100,000 retail buyers. A close organization of all the retailers in the central and southern states \vill be pro-mated by the club management and extensive plans for the benefit of the various retailers are under way." St Louis is provided with furniture exhibition buildings of sufficient capacity for her present purposes, and ,it evident-ly is not the intention of the buyers club to disturb the ex~ hibitors occupying space in the s<\me, although furniture wilt be shown on the third floor. "Only a limited amount of space will be leased to each exhibitor," the promoters announce. "'Only a "limited space" will not meet the requirements of the average manufacturer of furniture. VVithout space to exhibit lines completely from 5,000 square feet upward, it would be useless to try to induce manufacturers of furniture and kindred goods to take. leases. The Salesmanship Pr?blem. According to welt-nigh universal experience, it is practical-ly impossible to secure salesmen who can be depended upon to aet in strict accordance with the principles of good salesman-ship at alt times and under all conditions. Yet the observ· ance of these principles is essential to the achievement of suc-cess in any business, and the problem is therefore one of the most important with which large merchan'ts must contend. The salesman, as a matter of fact, is more potent than the ad~ vertisement. For while the latter will bring people to a store, their continued patronage, de.pends almost wholly 01, the treatment received from and the service rendered by the salesmen to whose tende.r mercies they are consigned. And very frequently both treatment and service are of a very in-ferior bralld. It is a matter of common knowledge that salesmen are ·prone to look upon every custonler as being merely one in a thousand, giving the impression tb;:tt no par-ticular individual's patronage is essential to the success of the business, and that they are really doing a favor to conde-scend to attend to anybody's wants. Most houses try to Citizens' Telephone l'iW. 10uls 1babn DESIGNS AND DETAILS OF FURNITURE 15~Livingston St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 25 It makes a perfet:t imitation of any open grain because it uses the wood itself to print from, and one operator and a couple of boys can do more work with it than a dozen men with any other so-called machine or pads on the market. Tbat's why it's a money maker. It imitates perfectly. 50 Machines Sold Last Year 50 More Satisfied Manufacturers PLAIN or QUARTERED OAj{, MAHOGANY,WALNUT, ELM. ASH or any other WGod with open grain, WRITE THE Posselius Bros. Furniture Manufacturing Co., Detroit, Mich. FOA PR;IOES AND FUL-L.PART'CU~AAe. MENTION THE MleHIGAI'f ARTISolI" overcome this condition, but only a compuiutivcly small measure of success eyer attends their efforts. Recently a large firm made an attempt to secure hetter scn,jce from its salesmen by issuing a manual of instruction for their guidance. It has always tried to impress upon ib employes the bt1siness value of good s('.Tvice; but hundreds who have gone into its storeS in variotl.'i parts of the country ha';rc been known to leave ·with a feeling of dissatisfaction at the treatment received. Of course, this is not the company's fault; but people alrvays blame a concern for the actions of its salesmen. \Vhat effect the new manual ·will have is a question. It 1:'-icertainly strong eno\\gh and specific enough to make an im-pression upon the most indifferent salesmalL It makes clear the fact that "effective organization is dependent on co-opera-tion.." that ev"ery employe t'cprescnts the per:,;onahty of tlll: company, and that loyalty and abilit.v witt ahvays be substan tially recognized. It declares that tv.o things arc ~,ital to the St1CCCf;S of [lny husilless~g()()d goods and good service. The manual on the ·whole, dO(:5 not present alJytllillg new on the subject of good salesmanship_ 1t simply ernphasizes the fact that '''''hat has be{'n said bcJoro;: has not been said merely to fill :;pacc, but because it was worth saying. 1ts main con-tentions .7lre: That "good salesmen are students of character." ·which means that they mtlst kno~v llOW to "size np" a customer ac-curately. Tbat an establishe,d reputation for courtesy is one of the most desirahle assets any sto"C, can have. That every should have personal attention the minute he enters t.he store. That no customer should be kept, hut receive prompt attention. That the first minute \\lith a customer gives hin1 a lasting impression of the srrlesman and of the whole organization. One subject whit::h is forcibly pre.sented is that of "double sales." Salesmen are urged rthrays to try to sell a customer two floor rockers instead of one. This, of course, is good business, and the possibilities should be studied by progres-' sive salesmen. Several injunctions are e.specially c:onullend-able, One is: "Do not :run down n competing house!' Another: "Never address a customer as 'lady'; madam is the proper term lnattention to simple rules has often made a bad impressiol1 on a prospective patron. In conclusion it i!-i pointed out that "there is no more im~ portant feature. of personality than enthusiasm," and that every salesman ShOllld remember that he is a part of 'a great conce.rn that is worthy of his enthusiasm, How to Stuff a Mattress. Any \,>'oman who can stuff a chicken can stuff a mattress. First get your mattress, alld be sure that it has been carefully picked. Spray it with chloroform, if you like, and then you \",ill not notice the C011.'>to111t ticking. I-leat your curlers, and curl the hair for the mattress. This wm be a pleasant way to spend your idle evenings, \Vhen you have curled all the hair you are going to us<:- unless yon conclude that you ..v..ould rather have a hairless mattress, a bald on~, so to speak-take the mattress on your knee and administer th(~ curled hair with a spoon until its nppetite is satisfied. Some people have a fad of fIlling a mattress with bricks, corn cobs, sUcks and cinders. This may do for the guest room, but for sleeping purposes the curle.d hair is m/?re satis-factory. If it bothers you to know which is head and which is foot of the mattress, put a hat on one end and a shoe on the other. -Ex. -------------------~------~------ -- -- -- 26 LlGNINE CARVINGS, UNBREAKABLE Increase your business. Increase your profits. Increase your bl1siness friends by adopting LIGNINE CARVINGS. Send for sample and new catalogue showing Drawer Pulls, Capi-tals. Pilasters, Drops, Shields, Heads, Rosettes, Scrolls, etc. ORNAMENTAL PRODUCTS CO., 556 Fort St., Detroit, Mich. TOO MANY LINES OF BUSINESS. Original Plan of a Co~Operative Corporation at Bristol, Tenn. The Artisan has re~eived letters from the Koreshan Unity Company of Bristol, Tenn., revealing an original plan for conducting various kinds of business on the pr(Jfit~sharillg basis. The promoters claim that it is their purpose: tn give to labor its just share of the products of their several indus-tries, The business of the company is so diversified a5 to create a dotlbt in the minds of experienced men in business as to its practicability. An exten5ive wood working plant at Bristol, Tenn.} a iactory and large farming interests at Esters, Fla" stores <tnd warehouses in various parts of the United States, land in Cuba and Honduras, steamboats on the navigable of Florida, a ship yard and fanning are the most important of their undertakings. The company issues three kinds of stock, namely: COtl1ll1011 for control only; preferred for inve5tment only; co-operative for workers only. The Unity claims to have demonstrated the fact that skitled workers in the wood ;:wd iron working industries are anxious to avail themselves of the' bel1efits to be derived under the system; where no wages or salaries are paid, but wherc_ each worker gets such a share of the total profits of the in-dustry as his efficiency would entitle him to. Each person who is in ally way actively engaged in the industry holds such an amount of co-operative. stock as will entitle him to a just share of the profits, according to his skill and worth. The company claim they can secure the tools of p:'oduc~ tion, employ and furnish aU the necessities of life, tog·ether with a 'home permanently, for an average family of fouf per-sons, for every $100.00 of investment stock that is sold, and sec.ure to the industrial workers every dollar of the profits outside of the interest on the $100.00. Under this plan every idle plant should be started up and run its fun ql\ota of work-men. BIG OPPORTUNITY FOR A MANUFACTURER A furniture lI1anufacturing Plant All Equipped, Ready f"r Use, Awaits the Right lI1an. The plant has 50,000 sq. feet of floor space well equip-ped with upwto-date machinery having superior motive power, switch tracks to three trunk lines of R. R.t Dry Kiln, suitable out buildings an .of brick, detached office building .with vault, and large wouuds on street car Hne. The above described property can be secured free qf debt by a manufacturer havin~ an established paying busi-ness- capable of increase-which has outgrown his present manufacturing facilities and who can brinK $25,000 in money for working capita1. . Investigation offered and required. Address, HENRY G. LOW, P. O. Box 299, Owensboro, Ky. :\ 0 wages nre paid to anyone. No salary is paid to <\ny-one. No pe_rsoll can hold co-operative stock unless he be-comes actively engaged in the industry, alld gives his ....h..o. le time, business hoUTS, to the business. No person call hold more of the co-operative stock than !lis efficiency .vill entitle him to.: each man being put on the SketCh by Frank Van Domelon. formally & Stud.ent in the Grand Rapids School of Designing but Now One of t;he Local Furniture Designers. basis of his worth to the company. For instance, a man who can earn $1.00 per day may hold $IGO.OOof this stock; a man who can earn $2.00 per day may hold $200,00 of stock; a man who can earn $3.00 per day may hold $300.00 of stock, and so on. The profits arc paid -in cash every three months to the holders of the co-operative stock only; but before this divigiol1 is made, there l!'. set aside enongh money to pay the pro-rate of taxes, insurance, reserve fund for the conduct of the busi-ness for the next three months, and also DIll" and three-fourths per cent to pay the seven per cent cumulative stock its yearly dividend. For all the holders of t1]e co-operative stock aI1d familcs. the living expenses, such ~s· house rent, fud, light, food. clothing, medical attclldance! ami ill fact, all .theneces-sitles of life, ate paid out of the treasury of the company. Every person old enough to perform some use in the con-duct of the industry, or -in the gardens, lawns, kitchen, laundry or otl]cr light work, is expected to do 50 to the extent of at least paying for his food, etc. If a chil.d is old enough, under the law, to work ill the factory, and his parents want him to give his time to the industry, then enough of the co-operative stock will be issued him in his father's name, to secure to him what he earns. Anyone can withdraw from the company at any time by - - - - -- -- -- ------ -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- --------- turning in his co-operative stock and taking in exch;11lge the seven per cent stock. The company lllay get rid of an undesir-able man on thirty days' notice, and his stock ceases to draw dividends" and mnst be exchanged for the seven per l':ent stock. All sto<:k lllust be pajc] for ill full, at par, in cash, labor or property. Xo stock i."i held by any person in the COlllp<lny, unless he has tbus paid for it. If a man pays cash for his co-operative stock, be gets the dividends on the whole amount from the start, but in case he pays in labor, he can draw Oll only the number of shares that have been paid for in full at the end of the dividend periods. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. William Holt Considers the Furniture Department Interesting But Not Very Important. A Splendid COllection of Musical Instruments, Pianos Enclosed in Beautiful Cases. \Villiam Holt. the designer employed by the Grand Rapid" Chair Company, spent a part of a day in the Ivletropolitan 1luscum of .Art, during a short sojourn in New York recently. The furniture department was naturally \risited j,r,~t and a brief hour spent in an ('xamillation of the exhibits. It COlJ-sists mainly of gooc1 specimens of tIw pcriod styles, tbe French ,'lnd English predominating. There was a scarcity of novelties, but a fair number of pieces valuable on accoUnt of thc historical interest t:lttaclJcd to the same, :Vlr. Holt \vas very much pleased with the exhibit of mus1cal instruments, Owing to a new post~ office ruling that all subscriptionsmust be paid m advance and that all subscribers who become nmety days m arrears must be dropped, we urge you to send in $ 1.00 today to extend your subscription and t h us make sure that you will continue to get this paper. 27 THE One-hall O"r Trade oow Duplicate an' Triplicate Ord&r. Every Purchaser Satisfied There's a Reason MICHIGAN TRUCK HARD· WOOD FRAMES M.M.A L. CO. MAllE-ABLE HOll Y, MICH. IRON CASTINGS Vlihich is large and of great value artistically. Many of the cases were as harmonious in lines, color and ornament as the music they ·were planned to produce. Afr. Holt is the posses-sor 'of a collection of designs of piano and other musical cases of much value, and states that marc attention j" given to style il1 the construction of "ueh cases than formerly. The grand is susceptible to artistic treatment, but the problem is more difficult with upright and square forms. Mr, Holt's collec-tion contains a number of beautiful cast's in whic.h the "boxy," illy-proportioned appearance is wholly eliminated. The lines of Sheraton, the several Louis of France and other noted per-iod work are used effectively. Things That Please, The Hoosier l\Ianufac:.turing Company of New Castle, Ind., are disposed to le.t the people with whom they deal know when the company are pleased and to kick vigorously when they have been imposed upon. A short time ago the com~ pan)' concluded that it would be but fair and right to address Sketch by Frank Van DomeloD. Form.erly Student in the Grand Rapids SChool of Designing, But Now One of the Local Furniture Designers, a letter to Charles E. Francis & Brother Qf Rushville, Ind., from which the following is taken: "Dtlring the past four or five years, we have bought quite a. large amount of equipment from you and it is a pleasure to us to say that in every instance, this equip-ment has given U$ the very hest of satisfaction, It gives us especial pleasure to say a good word with ref-erence to the six. Ko. 36 preSses purchased from you for our veneer room, These are most excellent ma.chines ~ll1d h,1"v(, given us perfect satisfaction. It pays to make good, honest goods." ---------------------------------- -- -- 28 7fR.T I.s ..7U'I 1 $ e. s. HOLDEN 23 SCRIBNER ST., VENEER CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. OUR SPECIALTV BIRD'S EYE MAPLE { Made and dried right, and white. Samples furnished on application, ) 500,000ft. 1-20 inch Quarter Sawed Oak carried in stock. Come in and see it. Birch and Poplar crossbanding and rotary cut Oak. Birch, Maple, Basswood, Poplar and Gum Drawer Bottoms. PROMPT DELIVERY. ALL PRIME STOOK. FIGURED WOODS. MAHOGANY. WALNUT. QTR. SAWED OAK. BIRCH, HENRY WALNUT PRIZED AGAIN. Civil War Furniture Ripped Apart to Supply the New Demand· It isn't alone Santo Domillgo mahogany that's getting so raTe that a decent piece of it will make an old furniture sharp's eyes sparkle. The humble black walnut has come in-to its own ;tt last and furniture builders who arc making sin-gle reproductions of old Italian and Spanish antiques aTC buying up sonIe of the heavy and artistically atrocious ward-robes and tables and sideboards of thirty or forty years ago just for the wood. They tear the things apart, and when the walnut re-appears it is in a design worthy of its quality. Some of the handsomest and purest furniture now produced is made up from lumbering arks which, just after the civil war, were installed to give the final.touch of grand and dismal unsight-l1ncss to houses which commemorate the worst stage of American taste. "Good walilUt," said a Fifth Avenue furniture maker, "is worth more to me than mahogany. \,Ve can fake the mahogany but not the walnut. HAnd the walnut trees about the country, that used to be chopped down and converted into wood for the kitchen stove, fetch all kinds of money. I know a man who has a little hillside farm over in northern Jersey who for years staggered along trylng to feed a big family and a small mortgage at the same time. rfThe family grew steadily tllinner and more poorly clad, but the mortgage seemed to gain in health with every suc-ceeding year, By a'nd by I noticed that conditions were changing, and one day 1 met the man on the road. He was whistling as he jogged along in his cutter. "'You seem pretty good natured today, Rowley,' says T. "'Good reasoll,' says he. He unbuttoned his overeot'lt and fished a paper out of his inside pocket. '''That. damn thing,' he said,· sbaking it at me, 'has been taking the sleep off my eyes and the hair off my head and the clothes off my back and the victuals out of my mouth for )'cars, but now it won't do it ally longer, for I'm gain' to burn it up in my kitchen stove tonight and celebrate with a square meal for the hull family. That's a mortgage, that is, an' I hope you'll never have one.' "'Well, your farm has done pretty.well by you,' says I. "'Farm nothing,' says he, spitting contemptuously over the dashboard and ramming the paper down in hls pocket. 'Farm nothing. I paid that mortgage. with black walnut.' "'Why,' says I, 'I didn't know, there was any timber to speak of on your place.' "'They hain't,' says he. 'I wish they was. If it was all black walnut I'd own Bergen county by this time.' "N ope. It was a piece 0' luck, this was, an' it only shows how easy it is to make a suc.ces?>if a man's only got gumption enough to take a holt of a chanst when it's put right ullder his nose, I buitt a little chicken house out there, and had to buy part new lumh(',r for ·it. ;; '\\fell, when I went into the lumber office to pay up, I heard the clerk talkin' to his boss over the telephone. The old man was sick an' the young feller was tellin' him what was in the mail.. "Here's a letter from So-and-So," says he, "and they want to know about black walnut. \iVhat? No, they want to buy. They want black walnut trees standing an'll pay any kind of a fair price for 'em and do the c\1ttin' them-selves, provided the trees is blg enough to saw upgoOd." "That was ~nough for me. I paid m):'"bill an' got out. I put up my hoss in Samson's stable an' took the lust train I could catch for the city just as I was. 1 hunted up that lumber firm over on the \Vest Side, an' sa'ntered in an' says; "Is they any market for black walnut?" <'1guess so," the feller says. . "I kin git you all y011 want, mostly," says I, "but you'll have to cut it." "We want to cut it," says hc. "Before I quit I'd signed an agreement to give them first chance on all the walnut I could fmd, an' the figure suited WOOD FINISHING MATERIALS FILLERS, STAINS, POLISHES, ETC. tI If in trOllble with finishing materials, now is the time to let us put you right. CJI We match all sample~ submitted and fill all orders promptly. GRAND RAPIDS WOOD FINISHING CO. 55-59 £iI-worth Av~., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. me, for r knew where there was a lot of old trees !'>cattered around the country." ;'~ext day I hitched up an' started. Sell 'em? Of course, all the fartn('.rs 'd sell 'em, and glad to git the money, All r had to do was to pay down a dollar to bind the bar~ gain and git a bill of sale and then spend two cents now and then for a stamp. "I tell you J kept 'em busy, an' I didn't care whether I got my corn an' potatoes in or not. The. boys can look after the farm now. I've got a better hoss an' a little spare money, an' I'm gain' prospectin' fer black walnut. By the time I git through they won't be a walnut tree left standin' his side of the Great Lakes. Gidap!" "Rotary Style" for Drop CarvIngs, Embossed Mouldings, Panels. Machines fo.. all purposes, and at prIces within the reach (If all. Every machine has (lur guarantee against b.-ellkllge for oue year. "Latel'1l1 Style" for large capucity heavy Carvings and Veep Embosslop. We ba-ve the Machine you want at a sattsfactory price. Write for descriptive circulars. Also make dies for all makes of Mn~ chines. UNION EMBOSSINGMAC"INE CO., Indianapolis. Ind. MANUFACTURERS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER &. VENEERS SPECIAL TIES: ~lv.;'i!'E'i'JQUAR.OAK VENEERS MAHOGANY VENEERS HOFFMAN BROTHERS COMPANY 804 W. MaiD SI., FORT WAYNE, INDIANA - ---------------------------- WOOD'S PATENT LOOSE CENTER COUNTERSINKS ---ANDBORINeBITS------ STI'LE 7 BORING OIT ST'YLE a '-J.I'ER COUNTERSINK Carried in slack in ell sizes. Cenlers are adjustable. and can be replaced at very lIllaU cool when broken or worn out. Write today for complete Catalogue MORRIS WOOD a. SONS, 2714 L"K£ ST" CHICAQO.IL.L· ralm6r'S rat6nt 61UlnU GlamDS Mr. Manufacturer-Do you ever consider what joint gluing coAs } The separators and wooden wedges, if you use them and many do. are a large item of expense accoun~ b11l: this is small compared to wage ac.- counts of workmen who wear them out with a hammer. and then a large per cent of the joints are failures by the insecurity of this means. RESULT, it has to be done over again, if possible. If you use inde-pendent sc.rew clamps the result is better, but slower, altogether too slow. LeI us tell you of somelhing beller, PALMER'S CLAMPS. All :Reeland iron. No wedges, no separators, adjust to any width, clamp instantly yel securely, releases even fasler. Positively oDe-lhirdmore work 'With one·third less help. In seven sizes up to CO inches. any thickness up to 2 inches. 200 fadories convinced in 1906. Why not you in 1907? Although sold by dealers everywhere let us send you po<",ul"". 1\. E. Palmer 8. Som;. Owo~o. MiGIl. FOREIGN AGENTS: Pro;ediIe Co., Loodon. England. Schuchardt & Schutte. Berlin. Germany. 29 30 WOMEN TAKE UP WOOD CARVING. A New Element Introduced Into Country Hom<::s. To carve a sixteenth century chair, a mantelpiece in an intricate and benutiful Norse design, a cabinet in Celtic style, or as one New York woman, Miss Emily Slade, has done, to copy in her Vermont coulltry home a staircase in the Cluny Museum in Paris, is the aim of many a woman who has joined the number of those that have taken up the craft of wood carving. It (:a11never become a fad, say its devotees, one reason being that women who have not a real love for it are wholly unwilling to expend the time and physical strength it takes to become moderately projicient. Trousseau chests arc other favorite articles which women carve. English oak with its ril:::h coloring and handsome grain is frequently used, though mallOgany is perhaps the best liked. Curiously enough, pine, while generally supposed to he the easiest wood to carve becanse it is soft, requires sharp-er tools and more skill for that very reason. Wood boxes for the country home arc very popular. Tables, chairs, cabincts and even wainscoting and dadoes, wooden freizes and doors are being executed by women who probably never before did anything more difficult with their hands than to widd a mashie and racquet. "N at every woman can be a success at wood carving;· Professor Karl van Rydingsvard asserts, "and for that reason I am very glad, for if they could rush into the work as they did into pyrography then the coulltry would be Hooded with it lot of inferior work that holds no p.articular value either ar-tistically -or practically. "Invariably the first thing a woman asks me is, 'HoW"long will it take me to learn?' To this I invariably reply, 'I ,;vill tell you in two lessons.' For it is quite possibe to decide ill that time whether a woman has the gift for it or not, simply by the way she handles the tools. "1£ she picks up the tool in a dainty way and goes at the work a~ though doing embroidery the chances are she will never make a good craftswoman. But if she attacks the wood energetically and with an innate sC)Jse of the proper position of the tool, then I have hopes of her. "\V"0I11Cl1 who are working with me are by no means spending their time on insignifiant trifles, but are putting their time into really substantial pieces of construction for their own homes which not only satisfy a passing whim but have enduring qualities as well. "A bridal chest.
- Date Created:
- 1908-04-10T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 28:19
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• MAY 28. 1910 SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY The Largest Manufacturersof CHAMBER FURNITURE EXCLUSIVELY IN THE WORLD Catalogue to Prospective Customers. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. WEEKLY ARTISAN 1 z WEEKLY ARTISAN ..... .. . . • •••• • • ••••• -tr .. e:.. . . .. .• -1 LUCE FURNITURE COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Manufacturers of COMPLETE lines of MEDIUM PRICED DINING and CHAMBER FURNITURE. Catalogues to Dealers Only. '"- a_. • • . .. . . ..--_ . Luce-Redmond Chair Co.,Ltd. I BIG RAPIDS, MICH. High Grade Office Chairs Dining Chairs Odd Rockers and Chairs Desk and Dresser Chairs Slipper Rockers Colonial Parlor Suites in Dark and Tuna Mahogany Btrd' J Eye Maplt Birdt ~ullrtered Oaft and Ctruwtan W"lnut Our Exhibit you will find on the fourth floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS'BUILDING,North Ionia Street GRAND RAPIDS, MICUIGAN \ Exhibit in charge of J. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES, J. EDGAR FOSTER. CHAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY 30th Year-No. 48 GRAND RAPIDS9 MICH' Issued Weekbr 9 MAY 289 1910 BOSTON'S MANUAL TRAINING METHODS Making Earnest Efforts to Secnre the Best Possible Results From Their Vocational Schools. Few people realize how rapidly the leaven of the voca-tional idea is working in the schools of Boston. The School Committee is making experiments, quietly <undgradually, a3 its means permit, toward the modification of its established courses and the planning of new ones, all with the vocational end in view. Everybody knows albout the Latin school, with its relation to college and the professions, and of the Normal School, which gives preparation for teaching, and of the newer Mechanic Arts High School, which fits young men for intermediate positions in the factories, training a3 it were the non-commissioned officers of the industrial army. The long~discussed High School of Commerce, when it gets into its new budding, will graduate 125 pupils a year. But these are the more ambitious and better-known experiments. The smaller and more obscure ons are really quite as sympto-matic of the times and their tendencies. The School Committee has just started in East Boston a so-called pre-apprentice school of printing and binding. It IS planning a similar trailning school in wood and metal work in the Dearborn district of Roxbury. These are not expec-ted to turn out expert printers and boo~binders, but to give the pupils such a training as to enable them, on entering these callings ,to adViance more rapidly than they otherwise would The annual number of graduates of these two schools will not exceed one hundred. The importance of the experi-ment lies in its value as a type for the future. The leading officials of the trade unions, when called in-to consultation by the School Committee in connection with these pre-apprentice schools, stated their entire willingness that the pupils should finish and place on' the market such goods as it is found necessary that they should make in order to get the benefits of industrial education. These liberal ex-pressions were in line with the report on industrial education recently made by a committee of the American Federation of Labor. They afford a striking indication of the co-oper-ative spirit without which no such educational scheme can be a success. The School Committee has recently taken over the Girl's Trade School, which was established by some public-spirited women of Boston. It successfully places every year 125 girls in dressmaking and millinery establishments. The evening industrial school offers courses in freehand and mechanical drawing, in industrial mathematics, in tool and jig-making, and in boller engineering, besides sewing and cooking classes for the girls. A still more interesting experiment is the "Continuation School." The committee has hired a room in the business district and has started one class in the shoe and leather in-dustry, another in wholesale drygoods, and a third in sales-manship. Each class meets two afternoons a week for ten weeks. Business men are providing the teachers and giving the young men in their employ time in the afternoons, with-out loss of pay, in which to do the school work. The school committee is furnishing the room, and supplies, and the schoolhouse commission the furniture. The entire school course is now undergoing modification in the direction of a better preparation for life's work. Man-ual training has for many years been carried on in all the schools; but more recently a number of experiments have been made in the higher grades in modifying their courses so as to afford more direct preparation for mechanical occupatiO'l1s. In the Agassiz School, for ex-ample, the manual training class in the three upper grades receives instruction in shop arithmetic and working drawing, and is also set to work, not individually but under a system of labor, at making articles which are actually used in the public schools. Attention is given to economy of time and of material, and an accurate count is kept of the expenditure in these directions in comparison with the output. The School Board has also formed, in connection with the vocation bureau, a committee of junior masters whose business it is to study the vocational problem, to devise meth-ods by which all the pupils about to leave the schools can re-ceive advice as to employment and practicable methods of preparing for it. Thus by keeping alive the executive and constructive faculties from kindergarten up by manual train-mg, followed by definite vocational schooling suited to the needs of those who are leaving school at various ages, and finally by vocational direction and advice, the school com-mittee feels that it is making progress with the problem. The work on the High School of Practical Arts in train-ing girls for housekeeping, dressmaking and millinery has long been familiar. When removed into an adequate build-mg it should annually gratuate 120 pupils. The committee is also planning a clerical high school for pupils who have tak-en two years of the regular high school course. This is in- WEEKLY ARTISAN .......•....... _-_ ~ ..... LODGE and PULPIT, PARLOR, LIBRARY, HOTEL and CLUB 1l00M .. ..... " Henry Schmit 8 Co. HOP:KlNS AND HAllRIRT STS Cillcillllati. 01.10 makers of Uphol.stered Furniture for --~.----------_._........ ~._ . tended to afford defi11lte vocatIOnal traln111g, l1ke that \\ l11ch the business colleges no\\! 'iupply The <'chool \\ 111 pl0babh be carried on all the year rounJ. ItS pupl1", to recen e certJfl-cate'i not at stated tlmes but a'i soon a~ they become pro-fiCIent 111 any lme Such a school should accomph"h the double purpose of grv111g many hIgh <'chool pupl1", the 111- dustrlal preparatIOn that the} need In a conden'ied dnd prac-tical form, and al<,o of cl1ttm~ do\\ n the e"pelhes of our hIgh schools by provhlmg 'ilH'h pI eliclratron m a shorter tU11CthdI1 the 1eg ula1 course consume" "\iVh1le the'ie expe11ments 111 the total by no mean", CU\ er the demands of modern educatron, they are 'ilgmficant of a tendency to put the Boston school 'i\ 'item on a con"'ldcrahl} more practical baSIS -Boston Transcnpt Threatening the I ..umber Trust. Washington dl"pa tche<' announce that for se\ e1al mon th" agents of the department of lustlce have heen m\ e"tH;atll1g an alleged combmatlOn among lumher men \\ 1th the hlea uf he~innmg prosecutlOn agdl11st It f01 v wlatlOn of the ~herman . _ ... ant1-tr Iht act J U'it how soon proceedmgs will be begun or \\ here ~uch actIOn \\ 111be taken wa'i not dIvulged It i" the helJef of offic1al<' there that practrcally every concern of consequence 111the country IS Il1tere"ted in the combmatlCln and It 1S sU'ipected that tho"e m it fix the price of lumber and even go ;;0 far as to 111chcate to the several IIIem bel 'i to \\ hom they shall sell The depal tment 1<'mak111g the invest1gatlOn on the idea that pnce" are arilfic1ally ma1l1ta1l1e,! Just as they think they are kept up by the heef tru"t and othe1 alleged combinatlOns \\ h1ch cleal 111 foodstuffs Laraier Than Last Year. . Our 'ihl])111ent'i during the fi1st four month" of the cur-l ent year,'! 1en1<lrked John A Covode, 'iecretary of the Ber-ke) & Gay Fur!1lture company, "we1 e con'iiderable larger than dunng the correspondll1g pellOd of last year. Our bUS1- ne",,,, ha" been con~lClerably latger m volume and we are con-hdent that the fall months wJ1l gIve Ib a good season of .-.------------------_._~-----_.-._._.-._._._.-.h_lbl.n_e"-'"_". .. . ..- -_._.-._._._.__._._._-------- _ .._.. .. ._. ...... ... CHICAGO-NEW YORK FOUR NEW TRADE MARK REGISTERED PRODUCTIONS BAR 0 N IA LOA K S T A I N in acid and oil. F LAN D E RS 0 A K S T A I N in aGid and oil. S M 0 K ED 0 A K S T A,I N in acid and oil. EARLY ENGLISH OAK STAIN in acid and oil. Send for finished samples, free. Ad-el-ite Fillers and Stains have long held first place in the estimation of Furniture Manufacturers and Master Painters. In addition to the reg-ular colors the above shades offer unusually beautiful and novel effects. The Ad-el·ite People •• Everythmg m Pamt SpeCialtiesand WoodFinishing materials. Fl1lers that fill. StaIns that satisfy 1_' _ ••••••••• d \~ WEEKLY ARTISAN 5 Wood S.r Clamp Fixtures Per Set SOc. Patent Malleable Clamp Fixture. E H SHELDON & CO , Chlca~o, III Gentlemen -We are pleased to state that the 2') dozen Clamp FIxtures whIch we bouJht of you a httle over a year ago are glvmg excellent se"Vlce We are weH satisfied with them and shaH be pleased to remember you whenever we want anythIng addItIOnal m thIS Ime Yours truly SIOUXCIty, Iowa CURTIS SASH & DOOR CO. •••• e ••••••• .. 30 000 Sheldon Steel Rack , Vises Sold on approval and an uncon-dltlOual money back guarantee SHELDON'S STEEL BAR CLAMPS. Guaranteed Indestructible. We solICIt pnvllege of sendmg samples and our complete catalogue E. H. SHELDON & CO. 328 N. May St •• Chicago. NEW RAILROAD COMBINATION. ...---e_-..._._--~~~-----------~~----------~-~_._-_. ..... Rock Island, Wabash and Lehigh Valley to Form a Transcontinental Line. New York, l\Iay 26 -In the event of the Rock Island interest:" gettl11g control of the \¥abash and Lehigh Valley, as may now be considered probable, a transactIOn likely to be accomphsheJ through Enghsh capltah"ts already working on It, a new and aggressIve transcontll1ental factor will have to be dealt with that w11l gIve other such routes much troublesome competItIOn, espeCIally If the SPirit of mdependence heretofore ,hown by the Rock Islanci. m traffic matters i" to be mamtamed, and It undoubtedly "J1l be \YhIle the statement has been repeatedly made of late that the comb1l1atIon depends upon the sort of report made by en-gineers who have been engaged m mak1l1g an examination of the Lehigh Valley and the \>\' abash, mformation receivd by the CommercIal some tune ago, from a source entitled to the highest credIbilIty, when there was so much actIvIty in the Lehigh Valley stock, was the baSIS of Its announcement that an Engh"h broker had quietly vIsIted thIS country and securely se" ed up the deal for the Pearsons and their a ssoci-ates to corral both the Valley and the Gould road and sIlently departed wIthout an) one dIscoverIng what he was doing The only e\ Iclence then that somethl11g was bemg done that concerned the LehIgh Valley was the hkely movement Il1 Its stock, wlllch prompted the behef that somebody was after It, but all effort to uncover the fact or to learn the IdentIty of the 1l1tere"t were of no avaIl In all probabIlIty the SItuatIOn at that tIme JustIfied the declaration of those dIrectly connected WIth the management of the LehIgh that they had no knowledge of a pendll1g change ll1 ownershIp and knew nothmg more about the mat-ter than was bell1g assumed by mterested observers of the movements of the stock ,'Tlth the deal finally consummated m all its detaIls one of the greatest s) "tems ll1 the country Will have been estab-ltshed, and there w11l be a tel Jency to economIze by aboltsh- 111gagencies There WIll be no necessIty for the expense en-taIled m the mall1tenance of separate orgal11zatlOns I tWIll mean a reductIOn m the "alancd ltst as well as 111 the number of reJ)resentatlves The new "'y"tem ,,111 equal that of the New York Central lll1es, the Pennsylvania lInes, the Grand Trunk or the Can-adIan PaClfic It WIll reach from the Atlantic to the Pacific, takll1g ll1 Denver and Colorado Spnngs, vV'atertown, S D, St Paul anJ Mmneapolts, Omaha, Santa Rosa, N M, Mem-phis, EU11lce, La, Galveston, and practIcally all the larger commercial centers between New York and the west. The Rock Island 0" ns and operates 8,028 miles of road and has been glvmg ItS ea"tbound busll1ess to the Lake Shore at ChIcago" a fact that becomes of dIstinct slg11lficance when l----:.__ consldereJ m the hght of new relatIOn to be establtshed; the ,~Tabash has 2,157 miles of hne and interchanges traffic with several eastern roads, partIcularly the Lackawanna; the Le-hIgh Valley has 1.393 mIles of road, It" chIef ally for some years havmg been the Grand Trunk, on western business, and It IS dependent upon the Readll1g for an entrance into PhIladelphIa It has great tennll1al faCllItles of big values at Buffalo for hand1Jng lake traffic Veneer Trade Notes. "BIrd" Eye" \¥alker, Chicago, reports "Demand for birci.s eye maple veneers IS stIll very bn"k espeCIally from the MIddle \Vest Just now our plano trade has got us 'gomg some' on theIr large SIzed orders A ChIcago piano firm sent 111 a hurry up order for a car load yesterday." \Valker Veneer and Panel ,Yorks, ChIcago, WrItes that "trade ha" become SO extended that we have been compelled to add another traveler, \"-rm J Culley, to our lIst to handle the merease HI" route hes prInCIpally in the MIddle West." T"E MORRIS PIANO CO. Listowel, Ont., June 25, 1908. Seaman, Kent Co., Ltd., Meaford, Ont. Gentlemen:- We are duly in receipt of your favor of the 23rd, con-tents of which have been duly noted, in reply would say that we take pleasure in recommending to your favorable consider-ation the kiln system of the Grand Rapids Veneer Co. We installed one of their kilns last fall and It has fulfilled our most sanguine expectations. Weare drying lumber now in six days which under the old hor blast system took six weeks. We do not use I" Oak, Maple or Beech, but we took in green Basswood right from the saw in the winter and dried it absolutely bone dry in eight days. There is absolutely no twist or warp in the lumber and no checks in the end. We cannot recommend the System to your favorable consideration any too strongly. Hoping this will be satisfactory, we remain, Yours very truly. THE MORRIS PIANO CO., Ltd., (sgd.) E. C. Thornton, General Manager. Since thill we have BQldthem another at p.ew plant a~ Wo9dlltock, 6 WEEKLY ARTISAN "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other. SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work. Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture and Chair Factones. Sash a.nd Door Mills, Railroad Companies. Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by using it. Also Barton'. Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams. MANUFACTURED BY .......... ······1 H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third S1., Philadelphia, Pa. .. MICHIGAN FURNITURE FACTORIES. Number of Their Employes as Reported by the State Department of Labor. The first annual report of the Michigan department of labor, which is now being distributed, is a volume of over 500 pages. It is filled mainly with reports of factory in-spectors, employment agencies, etc., and the statistics re-veal some interesting facts 10 those who have the time to dlg them out. They show thai 1,026 accidents occurred in the manufacturing institutions of the state during the year 1909, of which 55 were fatal, 555 severe or serious and in 416 the injuries were slight Of the total number 656 occurred where machinery was properly guarded, 3S where machinery was not properly guarded and 321 where no machinery was in-volved This, on its face, would seem to show that guarded machinery is more dangerous than unguarded machinery, but as a matter of fact it simply shows that nearly all ma-chines are properly guarded and that more than half of the accidents were due to the carelessness of the employes Over 100 pages of the book are filled with "orders issued by inspectors" relative, employ of children without proper per-mits, the installation of safeguards, correction of sanitary defects, calling attention to the law that prohibits, provid-ing fire escapes, etc, and most of them are repeated in many instances. The report gives the number of employes in the various factories but does not mention factory wages. For the pnnci-pal furniture factories the average number of employes are shown as follows: Adrian-Clough & Waren, (pianos), 90, B H Gray & . .I. La. (tables), 11; A. E. Palmer Furniture Manufacturing com-pany, 35. Allegan.-Baker company, 39; Oliver & Co., 31. Ann Arbor.-International Manufacturing company, 58; ~fichigan Furniture company, 39. Belding.-Be1ding-Hall company (refrigerators), 231. Benton Harbor.-Spencer & Barnes company, 75 Big Rapids.-Luce Redmond Chair company, 79; Big Rapids Furniture Manufacturing company, 20; Falcon Manu-facturing company, S1. Buchanan.-Buchanan Furniture company, 36. Cadillac.-St. Johns Table company, 143. Charlotte.-Knight - Brinkerhoff. Piano. company,. 14; Charles Bennett Furniture company, 40; Charlotte Manufac-turing company, 62. Corunna -Corunna Furniture company, 49; Fox & Ma-son Furniture company, 84. Detroit-Art Novelty company, 34; J. H. Buekers Manu-facturing company, 30; Chrysler & Koppin, (refrigerators), 28; F. Deinzer & Son, 53; Detroit Cabinet company, 178; Detroit Chair company, 33; Detroit Furniture Manufacturing company, 29; Detroit Show Case company, 43; Enterprise Couch and Furniture company, 25; A. A. Gray company, 24; Grinnell Bros, (pianos), 117; C. H. Haberkorn & Co., 101; Hoffman Manufacturing company, 31; Michigan Uphol-I stering company, 24; Murphy Chair company, 752; Ornamental Products company, 24; People's Outfitt-mg company, 126; Posselius Bros. Furniture Manufac turing company, 186; Rosenthals Manufacturing company (show cases), 16; J. P. Waddell Show Case and Cabinet com pany, 30; C. D. Widman & Co., 81; J. C. Widman & Co, 201 \\'llham Wright company, 87; William \Vright compan Manufacturers of .... _e ••• a ••• _-------------.-.----~---.-.-.-.-.~.~.~.-.-.-.~ •••• ~._. 4 •••• a.a ••• ....-....1 Pitcairn Varnish Company Reliable Varnishes of Uniform Quality Our Motto: "NOT HOW CHEAP-BUT HOW GOOD" c. B. Quigley, Manager Manufacturing Trades Dep't. .'.-. ..-... .......... .. . Factories:.Milw.a_uk.~ee.,, -N-.-J-.41 WEEKLY ARTISAN "I (upholstering), 84; Wolverine Manufacturing company, 480. Grand Ledge.-Grand Ledge Chair company, 116. Grand Haven.-Story & Clark Piano company, 306; Chal-lenge Refrigerator company, 176. Grand. Rapids-American. Carving. and. Manufactur-ing company, 41; American Seating company, 496; William A. Berkey Furniture company, 170; Berkey & Gay Furniture company, 398; Bissell Carpet Sweeper company, 378; A. F. Burch company, 18; Century Furniture company, 76; Cris-well- Kippler company, 16; Fritz Manufacturing company (re-frigerators), 35; Grand Rapids Brass company, 219; Grand Rapids Chair company, 402; Grand Rapids Clock and Mantel company, 24; Grand Rapids Fancy Furniture company, 97; Grand Rapids Furniture company (formerly the New Eng-land), 148; Grand Rapids Parlor Frame company, 33; Grand Rapids Refrigerator company, 217; Grand Rapids Show Case company, 448; Grand Rapids Upholstering ,company, 44; Gunn Furniture company, 264; Haney School Furniture com-pany, 88; Hot Blast Feather company, (bedding), 40; John-son Furniture company, 30; Imperial Furniture company, 266; Luce Furniture company, 343; Luxury Chair company, 32; Marvel Manufacturing company, 125; Macey company, 324; Michigan Art Carving company, 23; Michigan Barrel company (refrigerators), 117; Michigan Chair company, 379; Michigan Desk company, 64; MueIler & Slack company, 48; Nelson-Matter Furniture company, 236; Oriel Cabinet com-pany, 328, C. S. Paine company, 49; Phoenix Furniture com-pany, 423; John D. Raab Chair company, 42; Ret-ting Furniture company, 83; Royal Furniture com-pany, 150; Shelton & Snyder Furniture company, 51 ; Sligh Furniture company, 373; Stickley Bros. company, 257; Stow & Davis Furniture company, 47; Valley City Desk company, 185; Welch Manufacturing company (Sparta), 96; Widdicomb Furniture company, 413; John Widdicomb com-pany, (including Kent Works), 477; Waddell Manufacturing company, 95. Greenville.-Gibson Refrigerator company, 125; Ranney Refrigerator company, 227. Hastings.-Hastings Ca1binet company, 48; Hastings Table company, 86; Barber Bros. Chair company, 83; Grand Rapids Bookcase company, 98. Holland.-Bush & Lane Piano company, 181; HoIland Furniture company, 151; Charles P. Limbert company, 137; Ottawa Furniture company, 132; West Michigan Furniture company, 294. HoIly.-Hobart M. Cable company (pianos), 102. Hopkins.-Walter Cabinet company, 29. Ionia.-Stafford Manufacturing company, 200. Lansing.-Capitol Furniture company, 58. LoweU-Dratz-Segdewitz company, 11. Manistee.-Arcadia Furniture company, 108; Manistee Manufacturing company, 65. Monroe.-Weis Manufacturing company, 211; Deinzer Furniture company, 48. Muskegoll-Alaska Refrigerator company, 329; Chase Hackley Piano company, 165; Moon Desk company, 95; Muskegon Valley Furniture company, 87; Sargent Manu-facturing company, 77; Shaw-Walker company, 231; Stewart- Hartshorn company, 280; Superior Manufacturing company, 162; Grand Rapids Desk company, 120; Browne-Morse com-pany, 64; Booth Manufacturing company, 33. Nashville.-Lentz Table company, 88. Northville.-Glotbe Furniture company, 43. Newaygo.-Gale Chair company, 13; Henry Rowe Manu-facturing company (filing cabinets), 13. p •••••••••• - •••••••••••••••• . .. DO YOU WANT the PRETTIEST, BEST and MOST POPU- ~ LEATHER FOR FURNITURE. ANY COLOR. WILL NOT CRACK. If so buy our GOAT and SHEEP SKINS Write for sample pads of colors. DAHM & KIEFER TANNING CO. TANNERIES: CRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CHICACO,ILL. 204 Lake Street, CH ICAGO, ILL. ........ ..._.. .. . .... ....... Niles.-Kompass & StoIl company 26; Earl-Storms com-pany 10. Otsego.-Otsego Chair company, 93. Owosso.-Estey Manufacturing company, 85; Robbins Table company, 67; Woodard Furniture company, 96. Portland.-Ramsey-iAlton Manufacturing company, 73; Verity-Caswell Table company, 58. Reading.~Acme Chair company, 74. Saginaw.-Cooney & Smith (upholsterers), 18; Feige Desk company, 48; Herzog Art Furniture company. 252; Quaker Shade Roller company, 124; Wessborg-Gage company, 14. Schoolcraft-Eureka Furniture Works, 21. Sturgi2l.-Aulsbrook & Jones Furniture company, 91; Kirsch Manufacturing company (curtain fixtures), 43; Sturgis Steel Go-cart company, 70; Royal Chair company, 123; Steb-bins- Wilhelm company, 66; Grobhiser Cabinetmakers' com-pany, 114. Three Rivers.-Specialty Manufacturing company, 17. Traverse City.-J. E. GreiIich, 55; Traverse City Chair company, 84. Zeeland.-Wolverine Furniture company, 41; Colonial Manufacturing eompany (clocks), 80; Zeeland Furniture Manufacturing company, 61; Michigan Star Furniture com-pany 36. .. .. .._-:; .T' •• ., B. WALTER & CO. rNAD~~~~ Manufacturen Of: TABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT ~ - _ -----_ ...•..•..•..•.. _ ...• Onental rugs, ~omethmg absolutely e:"..,entlal for eyery han- ~lIcr of such good" and no other book In eXI'itencc meets thl:" \\ ant so perfecth a:" docs 'Onental Rugo, and Carpets" It ha" 199 pages and 141 IllustratIOns "Onental Rugs and Cal pch" I" the only handbook whIch has been 'Hltten e:Aclusn ely from the trade pomt of vIew and for the gUIdance of dealer" 1he mforma bon It gn es comes ,bred from lead1l1g Importer:" of Oriental rug", men who have handled the good~ f01 years and whose tran"actlOl1s m them have been on the mo"t extensIve .'lcale vii/hat they have to "'ay on theIr own ,ocatlOn IS embodIed concI::,ely and com-plehen~ l\eh m chaptels headed as follows' Cla",..,Jflcatlon ane! ;\ omenclature of On ental Rug", Me-thod-- of Ii\ ea, mg, Onental Dye", How to Purchase Rugs, WEEKLY ARTISAN OFFICES: CINCINNATI--Sec:ond National Bank Building. NEW YORK--346 Broadway. BOSTON--18 Tremont St. CHICAGe--14th St. alld Wabash Ave. GRAND RAPIDS--Houseman Bldg. JAMESTOWN. N. Y.--Chadakoln Bldg. HIGH POINT. N. C.--N. C. SavIngs Bank Bldg. The most satisfactory and up-to-date Credit Service embracing the FURNITURE, CARPET, COFFIN and ALLIED LINES. The most accurate and reliable Reference Sook Published. Originators of the "Tracer and Clearing House System," About Right in Sheboygan. Sheboygan, \\ 1::', :\Iay 25-E\ ely th1l1~ I.., about tl~ht In Sheboygan It IS one of the fine..,t C1tle~ 1ll \\ I--COl1--1l1. and abo one of the 1110"t pro"perous It 1" a manutactunng to\' 11 WIth the largest chaIr factones 111 the cuuntr} one of the largest fur11lture factones, tv, 0 ,ery large tannelle.., the larg-est toy works, and many other extel1~l\ e mal1ufactunn~ con-cerns Includmg the Frost Veneer Seatln~ com pam The scarCIty of labor IS the ma1l1 thlllg that hold.., elO\\11 lit thel c is any holdlllg down) but the manufacturer __arc e"lccdll1gh enterprlsmg and the} make thmgs go The 1\orthern Fur111ture company \\ 111ha\ e a £;reat many new pattern" for the fall trade, and \\ 111ha' e the ~tf(ln~e~t line the} have ever shown l'he Ill1e \\111 he on e,,111hltlOn on the third floor of the Leonard ExlllbltlOl1 bul1el1l1g, Crland RapIds. at 1300 \llchlg-an avenue, ChIcago, and 111 the I UrnltUtL Ex-change 1\ew Yark George Spratt & Co, are busy makmg a fir,..,t c1a~-- Ime of medlUm and low pnced chaITS, and rocker.., 1'hl-- h a 11ne that sells m the smaller towns and CItIes but e\ en go()(1 tUlIll-ture merchant can find many patterns m thh hl1e that can he handled with profit The Sheboygan Xm elt} company has a ne\\ catalo~l1e lit bookca"es, desks and other fancy ftH11Itule m the hand-- lit the engravers and prmters TheIr traJe I" faIr and pro--pu t-- ~()()cl fOl a large busmess The Sheboy~an Chall compam 1-- ha\ 1l1~ a ;.(oud 11 aelc and e\ erything IS prosperous \\ Ith them In comersation WIth the manager of one of the lall;l~t chaIr factones m·the Clt} , he ..,alrl that th('\ make 1t d 1111--1 ness twice a year to clean out all old "tock flom thlll \\ at e houses A" soon a:" a pattern cea..,e,.., to .,ell \\ ell thc\ elt~ cont1l1ue makmg It In that wav the) a\ Old accl1mulatlll~ large stocks to throw on the market at any jJllce the} \\ 111 bring Mr Blackstock, pI eSldent of the Phocnl" l hall lOll1jJdl1\ saId the} were ha'lUg a "atlsfactOl v t1 acle and \\ U l quJte "atl"fied WIth present condltlOn~ Book for Merchants and Salesmen. Vanous books intended for the use of merchal1t~, qle'-- men and window trimmers ha' e appeared recently dnd ma, be obtamed m or through tlhe bookstores Some of th em con tam hm ts, sugge~tions and mforma tlOn and \\ III be m ter-esting and valuable to those whose ambItIOn IS m the d1rec-tlOl1 of becommg better eqt11pped for thetr "ocatlOns as mer-chants or salesmen. one that may he tound u--eful to tur111- ture dealers I" entItled "Onental Rugs and Cal pet~ and IS a really practIcal and accurate handbook on the subject of Made by Lentz Table Co, NashVIlle, Mich ['cr..,lan Rug-., l urk!..,h Rug~, Cauca..,lan Rugs, Turkestan Rug.., Incha Rug'-, Chmese Rug" and Japanese Rugs _\ .,peual and 111ghl} 1111pOltant feature of the handbook I" the great number of Illu"tratlOl1s contamed 111 It, as these a,~ht '-a matellall} m showmg at a glance tlhe charactenstIcs I)t the \ anou'- \\ ea\ e." and thereby enable the mexpenenced '-,de--man to Identlh readIly all the goods he IS handl111g 1he maJonty of the vvomen who \\Ish to buy Onental lug,.., for theIr homes have now a smattenng of mformatlOn on the ~ubJect, and lTIuclh of what they thmk they know IS lfroneou~ It 1'- therefol e all the more neces"ary for the --ale~man to fetl leI tam that he IS hlmslf absolutely correct lJ1 hI::' --tatemenh about hIS good." and he Cdn easl1y assure hlm~elf on tht~ pOInt b} con"ultmg a copy of thIS book ----'" Collection Service Unsurpassed-Send /01' Book of Red Drafts. " _--- . WEEKLY ARTISAN 9 ... -... THE ONLY liORTISER That does not require material to be marked off. Makes each and every mortise accurately and perfectly. Each spindle instantly adjusted by hand wheel. Automatic Spacing Gage. Patent Automatic Stroke. Patent Adjustable Chisel. No. 181 Multiple Square Chisel Mortlser. Ask for Catalog "l" .. a __ •••• __ ••••••• WYSONO « MILES CO., Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., OREENSBORO, N. C. ...... .... . ..--------~ ROCKFORD FURNITURE FACTORIES. They Are All Gettina Out New Lines for the Summer Sales Season. Rockford, Ill, May 26.-Rockford is very much on the map. not only m the f'lrmture way but in many other way's. There is much bUlldmg gomg on this spnng, not only m the factory lme but m business blocks and residences If Rockford keeps up her present gait for the next ten years she will easily pass the one hundred thousand mark in 1920 and probably be the second city m populatlOn and business m the state. AJI of the furmture factones are domg a good business and in additIon to fillmg orders are prepanng their new falllmes. and expect to make a better showing than ever before. Among those who Will show in Grand Rapids are the Rockford Chair and Furmture company, whose lme has been shown in the Blodgett bUIlding for about a dozen years Robert C. Lind says this line Will be <;0 much stronger (especially in dmmg room furniture) that many of the buyers who are not famlhar with it wl1l be surpnsed Not only that but there Will be other surprises that the 'vVeekly Artisan Will mentlOn m a short time E C Good-nch, who has charge of the display, says it Will be worth while for every buyer to see what he wl11 have to show them, whether they buy or not. Another of the fine hnes to be shown in Grand Rapids is the Rockford Frame and Fixture lme. They show m the Fur- 11lture Exhibition bul1ding and their lme of furniture for the dining room, music room, parlor, boudOIr, dressing room, hall and bath room Will be much larger and finer than ever This line will also be shown m Chicago, and N ew York ThiS com-pany has Just Issued catalog No 38 and to use a western slang phrase, "It's a beaut" Reahzing that there are thousands of catalogs Issued every year, and that many of them go mto the waste basket or on a ,shelf never to be seen aga1l1, because it is an absolute Imposslblhty for the merchant to buy from all that come to him, and that a catalog m the waste basket IS a wasted catalog, they determll1ed to get out one so good that the mer-chant would be ashamed to consign It to the waste basket or to the top shelf, but would keep It where It would be handy for ref-erence. In the front of the book IS pnnted a very pretty senti-ment from Emerson: "If a man can preach a better sermon, wnte a better book, or make a better mousetrap than his neighbor, though he build his house m the woods, the world Will make a beaten path to his door .. Send for catalog No. 38. and although It IS a fine one, it IS not better than the goods It displays. Of course Jolly Buell Pease Will be "nght on hand with the goods" 111 the Manufacturers' bUlld1l1g, Grand Rapids, with the Rockford U 1110n' s l1l1e of d1l1ing and library furniture. Don't need to say much about that because it WllInot only speak for it-self, but "holler." "Y ohnny Yohnson" was gett1l1g nervous untIl the Weekly Art;san representatIve informed him that the Furniture Exchange bUlld1l1g Will be ready for him and his big l1l1e of the N atlOnal Furmture company. He says It will be bigger, better and the be<;t that ever came out of Rockford. Oscar Hall will be there to back ].]m up 111 every word he says. But it must not be forgotten that the West End Furniture COJ1lpany, of Rockford, Will be in the same bUlld1l1g-the Furn' tllre Exchange-and their l1l1e will also be one of the chief al t fdLtlOns in this bUlld1l1g :'\1r. L1l1n Will be there with the goo(l~. and everybody that misses seeing them will be likely to regret it. The Rockford Standard Will add 30 or 40 new patterns to Its already large l1l1e of ch1l1a closets, buffets and bookcases on the first floor of the Mhnufacturers' Exhibition bUIlding, 131.1 Michigan avenue, Chicago, 111 charge of F. P. Fisher, N. P. Nel son, and P. M. Smith. The Standard's is one of the oldest awl best known hnes 111 Rockford and IS always attractive. One of the best Rockford 11l1esis that of the Mechanics Fur niture company. It is made up of buffets, ch1l1a closets and serv-ing tables, in oak, mahogany and Circassian walnut, with d1l1ing tables to match. These represent most of the leading styles S0 much in vogue, and are thoroughly made by some of the be,t mechanics 111 Rockford ThiS company has Just issued the fin-est catalog in ItS history, a gem 111 good pnnt1l1g, fine styles and fine cuts. It has 64 pages and an elegant embossed cover and should be in the hands of every dealer who appreciates and hkes to sell good furmture. The Mechamcs Furmture company has d permanent exhibit on the third floor of the Furniture Manu-facturers' ExhlbltlOn bUlldmg, 1319 Michigan avenue, Chicago m charge dunng the July season, of J E Hanvey, L. O. Fosse, C. Gustavsom and E F Holmes C. M. Advertisina Campaign to be Extended. The Berkey & Gay Furlllture company are preparing an extcn"lve advertIsmg campaign for the commg year. An expenditure conSiderably larger than last yea I Will be made It IS the purpose of the company to make their trade mark as promment belfore the people of the world as the rock of Gl1braltar at the entrance to the Mediterranean sea Going to Gotham. W H ReJmond of the Luce-Redmond Chair company Will VISit N ew York and the Metropohtan district thiS month HIs object IS to ascertam what the market Will need next season to WEEKLY ARTISAN NEW YORK NEWS AND COMMENT. Building of the Great Merchants and Manufac-turers Exchange Proliressing Satisfactorily. New York, May 26 -The new bUlldmg of the ),Ierchants' and Manufacturers' Exchange b progressmg m a "atl"factory manner. An immense centrahzed market place \\ III be created where samples Imes of the manufacture" of the \\ orId mal be l1U1ckly exaJ11111e,1b) buyer,; The locatIOn I" ,,0 acce""lble dnd central that buyers wIll find no cause for complalllt '1he buyer WIll have all the convenIences of the modern club, includmg cable, telegraph, telephone and post office facllItw;, rooms for busmess consultation, readmg amI \\ ntmg room", roof garden and restaurants, cab and ta,(1 sen Ice, etc ~\ll these convem~ ences WIll be free except meah, \\ hlch can be purcha "ed at reas-onable rates. The buyer WIll be free from an) embarrassment aD 1 e' erythmg done for hIs comfort that he \\ ould de "Ire \u-tomoblles WIll take hIm v\ Ithout charge to and tram the depob, hotels and other points. When a manufacturer pays for space, It covers all expenses except for hIs salesmen and other expenses of a personal nature OffiCIals WIll meet all buyers and conduct them to the section they are most 111terested 111. There \\ III be a colbeum m the bUlldmgs where trade and commercIal exll1bltlO11:, can be held The exchange will try to concentrate m one locaht) a headquar-ters for the transactIOn of the maxImum amount of busmess m a mimmum amount of tIme, owmg to the groupmg of the" an-ous interests. 511ch an enterpnse can on 1) be mamtamed on a ~rand ,;cale, owmg to the expense ot gettmg m touch \\ Ith and Clrcu-lanzmg buyers all 0\ er the \\ orld. keepl!1g track of hotel arnvals and reachmg them thl u the medllll11 ot lIterature, advertlSll1g, 10 SPINDLE MACHINE ALSO MADE WITH 12, 15, 20 AND 25 SPINDLES DODD ' NEW GEAR DOVETAI ING MACHINE ThiS htUe machme has do e more to perfect the drawer work of furm ture manufacturers than an thmg else In the furnIture trade For fifteen years It has made perfect thug, vermIn proof, dovetaIled stock a poSSI blhty ThiS bas been acco phshed at reduced cost, as the machine cuts dove-tails In gangs of from 9 to Uat one operation It s what others see about your bUSiness rather than what you say about It, that counts In the cash drawer It s the thnll of enthUSiasm and the true nng of truth you feel and hear back of the cold type that makes you buy the thmgadvertlsed ALEXANDER DODDS CO., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Represented by Schuchart & Schutt. at Berhn. Vienna. StOCkholm and St Petenbura Represented by Alfred H Schutte at Coloane. Br.....J.. I....eae. Pan. Muan and Buboa Represented 10 Great Bnban and lroland by the Ohver Madune,y Co, F S Thompson, Mar. 201.203 DeaDlaate, Mandldler, Enaland etc It is obvIOUS that there must be such a comprehensiveness and dlversltv 111 the lInes of merchandIse as to a1tract buyers of many Imes Once the buyer IS brought in contact with the man-utdcturer" representatIve, which IS all that the exchange pur-po" e" to do b) means of the servIce descnbed, and the supply-mg of a smtable place 111whIch to transact busilles'S, It becomes on 1) a questIOn of smtable goods at nght pnces and the abIlIty of the salesman to consummate trade. The bmldmgs are so Immense that the furl11ture trade WIll not reqmre near all the space whIch V\ J11 be for rent, therefore, provISIon has been made for other lInes such as hardware spcci-altle", house furmshmg goods, clocks, sIlverware, pIanos and mUSIcal merchandl.,e, men's furl11shl11gs, textIles, leather goods, rug" uphol"ten, \\all paper, druggISt's sundne,;, statIOnery. small \\ are, clothmg, mlllmery, cloaks smts, etc Thi" aggre-gation of exhIbIts and the ll11111ensltyof the sales rooms to be reqUired make It a bmldmg that cannot be duplIcated anywhere else m the world. The firm of \\ armg & GIllow has been incorporated by DaVId Bennett Kmg, DaVId GeIger and Walter G Howell, of 165 Broadway They WIll do a busmess of manufactunng fur-mture, cabinet makmg and upholstenng CapItal stock, $1,- 250,000 \\ 0 SmIth & Co, 23 Produce Exchange, wants catalogs, pnces and term'S for cheap grades of kItchen and dmmg room turl11tme, for the South Afncan hade. J :1e firm of Raymond & Co, wholesale brass and iron beds, \dlO have been m busmess eight months at 143 East Twenty-thIrd 'Street, \\ III go out of thIS lIne and the stock WIll be sold entIre or pIecemeal The partners, George W. Raymond and T"ranklm D Se\\ ard, '0\ III go mto another Ime of manufacturing and Jobbmg of an lllvlslble rug and carpet fastener, which bUSI-ness \\ III be conducted at 137 Ea"t Twenty-thIrd street The fastener IS made of steel, lays down flat, is easily adjusted and has a bull dog grip. The FranklIn Desk factory was recently incorporated by tI~d\\ ard SeIfert. Frank McWatters and Percy D. Wright They WIll manufacture office and other furniture, with a capital stock of $10,000 '1he EmpIre } url11ture J\'Yanufactunng company of 56 'vVe"t T\\ enty-second 'Street, ha'S 26,000 square feet of space and cal ry a "tock of $100,000 They do a considerable maIl orclel busI-ne" s and advertI'Se speCIally a leather couch. G Green, G Foster and B F H :McDonald have mcorpor-ated the Kent-Costlk) an company, Importers of and manufactur-er" of carpets, rugs, etc , WIth a capItal of $1,000,000 Hyman Berman, Morns Levenkmd and SImeon Goodelman have mcorporated the Keystone Refngerator company, \\ Ith a c,lpltal of $-tOOO, to manufacture and sell refngerators. The plano house of Hardman, Peck & Company has taken a long lea"e of the property at -1-33FIfth f\venue, for whIch they IV III pay an aggregate rental of $750,(X)() They wIll erect ,l '-1'- stor) htllldmg. Jwlor ),Iay, 1934 Third avenue, furl11ture dealer, i5 in bank-ruptcy. LIabIlItIes $3,454; as'Sets $14. fhe Murphy company of Syracuse, NY, has been incor-pordted by Ed\\ ard J Murphy, Frank J Murphy and John H Burke, all of S\ racuse The) WIll deal 111 furmture WIth a cap- Ital of $25,000. A petItIOn m bankruptcy has been filed against Abraham l-'::ojwll1dn turl11ture dealer of 98 Essex "treet. LiabilIties are $6,000, a'Sset" $1,500 It IS alleged that he made preferential pal ments and transferred merchandl,;e Colm 'vV MacLennan has been appomted receiver. '1he plant of the \dler \ eneer Seat company, which manu-factures chaIr" dnel tdble" dt b1 MIlton "treet, was badly damaged b) fire to the e"tent of $7,000. It I" located in vVIllIamsburgh. WEEKLY ARTISAN 11 JUNE 24 is the opening date of the Grand Rapids market for the coming midsummer exhibit. Every buyer is urged to attend, as this will be the biggest event in exhibition history, both in the number and character of the lines shown. The Big Klingman Building will be filled with 150 lines of real merit, and everyone of them is worthy of the most careful inspection. THE KLINGMAN FURNITURE EXHIBITION BUILDING. There is still a very limited amount of good space open and every manufacturer not now showing should take advantage of this opportunity to meet the increasing number of buyers visiting the Grand Rapids market. Furniture' Exhibition Building Co. of Grand Rapids 12 WEEKLY AR1ISAN ". . I You cannot find better ..-~ I Quarter Sawed Oak Veneer than we could furnish you right now. Write us. WALTER CLARK VENEER GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. COMPANY ~---------~-----------_._---------_._--.__.------_._-_._--- ---_._-~--, Corporation Tax Will Soon Be Due. As the first day of June approache" It h of Increa ..,Ing Interest to note the operatlOn ot the corporatlOn-tnlome-tax law, the a,sessment<; must be made and the COmjHl11e.., be duly notIfied by the commbSlonel of Internal re\ enue un or before that date, and the tax Itself must be paid on or before June 30-otherwbe Il1terest at the rate of 'j per cent a } ear wIll be added to It and the collectlOn may be enforced b} due process of law vVhIle report=> ha\ e been commg Il1 from compal11es that are hable to the tax n er smce la<;t January and notificatIOns of the tax ha\ e meantIme been gOIng uut to the compal11es, only $250,000 ha~ ,,0 tar been paId Il1to the treasury out of a total tax as:"essmen t aggregatIng mure than $26,000,000-thb IS, less than 1 per cent of It Qt1Ite naturally the average corporatIOn \,,111 not pay the tax untIl It has to do so, an~l m thl:" m:"tance the chance'3 that the laVv may pos"lbly be declared unconstitutIOnal pnor to Tune 30 are unquestlOnabh operatIng to defer pay ments until that date The} onder IS Il1 fact, that am cUlporatlOn ~hould have paId thl" tax under the clrcum..,tance", for Il1 the event of a dechlOn by the Supreme Court agamst the enact-ment the proce"s of secunng a I eturn of the mone\ 1n the gove1l1ment mIght not be an ea,,} one OffiCIals of the trea,,- ury department are call1l1g attentIon to a po"slble prece~lent In tll1S connectIon In one ot the legacy -tax case:" ansll1g under the '" al-I evenue act of 1898-the }'ear of the Spal1lsh Amencan war- the Supreme Court held that a htlgant \\ ho had receIved a hfe bequest dId not ha\ e to pay the tax 1111- posed becau"e hb light Il1 the estate \\a" not a \ e~ted nght but contingent upon hfe ThIS htlgant got hIS tax-mone\ ,back flom the trea"ury wIthout an act ot Congres'3 and It h possIble, the"e officlal~ say, that such procedure coulJ be tol-lowed m the corporatIOn-tax ca"e" That a""umptlOn cloe" -_ ....~ not <;eem reasonable It IS Impo"slble to Imagine a corpor- ,atlon-ta:A ca'3e a'3 bemg on all fours wIth a legacy-tax case-and especIally '" Ith one of the sort Just cIted Almost un-questIOnably legblatlOn would be necessary m order to make pO""lble the refundmg of corporatIOn taxes paId under a law ..,ubsequentl} declared unconstItutIOnal-and to secure such leglslatlOn mIght reqUIre a year or two Therefore corpOl-atlOns that are holclUlg back theIr taxes pendmg actlOn by the Supreme court or untIl after the dawn of June 30 are not "ubJect to cntlcbm New York Merchants' Year Book. The ~Ierchanb' aSSOCIatIOn of X ew York has Issued a , ear book that should be of partIcular mterest to officers and members of '3lmllar organizatIOns m other cIties The book, contall1mg 76 pages, gIves a summary of the actIVIties of the organlzatlOn Junng the past year, whICh mdlcates that they had a bus} season Among the mattels of pubhc mterest \consldered and acted upon were raIlroad transportatIOn, ~~pokane rate cases, Chattanooga rate cases, differentIals agaubt X e\\ York. Express rates, uniform bills of ladmg, \\ aten\ ay", hal bors, tanff and customs admInistratIOn, en-forcement of state laws, mUnicIpal affairs and vanous others of mterest only to members The book gIves the names of the officers. dlfectors and commIttees, a copy of the by-laws and an alphabetIcal hst of the members whIch fills 33 pages It ~hould "en e a" a model for slmJ1ar pubhcatlOlls Busy at the Rettinli Factory. The factor} of the Rettmg FurnIture company, Grand Rdpld~, IS full} employed on orders, WIth a full force of \\olkmen --~-----------------------_._-------_.----_-._..... _-..., I EMBOSSED MOULDING The largest manufacturers of Furniture Trimmings in Wood in the world. Write us for Samples and Prices, Made in Oak, Walnut, Mahogany, Birch and all Furniture Woods . r-....---- IIIII II Waddell .._- Manufacturing Grand Rapids, Michiga.n Co. Samples of our - .. WEEKLY ARTISAN 13 .p..--.----------------_._._. _._..~--.----.------_._-----.-----_-._.----_--.-, I WE MAKE REFRIGERATORS IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES White Enamel Lined. Zinc Lined. Porcelain Lined. Opal-Glass Lined. You can increase your Refrigerator Sales by putting III a line of the "Alaskas." Write for our handsome catalogue and price lists. I......... - . THE ALASKA REFRIGERATOR COMPANY, Excl~s~~eu~~;~M~U:S~K:E:oGrON, MICH. New York O£hce, 369 Broadway, L. E. Moon, Manager Checking Up Materials. !\. gentlemen employed m the office of one of Grand Rhplds leacbng fUl1u~ure m<\rnufacturing corporations, to whose dutIes had Ibeen added the responsIble and trying work of buymg the matenals used m the factory, learned that hIS predecessor had usually accepted bIlb rendered for certam supplies wIthout questlOn The gentleman deter-ml11d to employ suitable testing rods and measures, and after procunng the same put a ban el of varnish costing $275 per gallon to the test and found a shortage of several gal-lons The makers of the varnish were notified of the result wIth the suggestIOn that the barrel be removed and another supplied or the shortage replaced in any way that would ac-commodate the makers. A letter asking for I11formatlOn as to the means used for measuring the contents of the barred was received by the fur111ture company and when the explanation asked for had been received and conSIdered by the makers of the var111sh a credIt memoranda for the amount of the short-age was maIled and the matter amicably settled. Earre1s contaming cylinder oils, turpentme and kmdred supplIes were tested and 111every I11stance where a shortage was found the maker:, of the material "made good" The buyer then determined to test the measurements of the hIdes bought for the upholstenng department of the fac-tory HIdes are sold by the square foot and when the price ranges from twenty-two cents upward it IS necessary for the manufacturer to recen e the full measure of hI" purchase He called 111 the foreman of the upholsterers' and wIth his aid a frame walk was constructed by the use of whIch a square . .t. foot of space co~ld be accurately measured The actual square foot spaces of a hIde were first ascertal11ed and then the fractIOnal spaces remainl11g were carefully computed. The result showed that 111 a shipment of thirty hides the shortage amounted in value to $30 The tanners were noti-fied of the result of the measurements and an all 0'" ance was made m the account to cover the same As a result of the mvestIgatlOns stated above the manufacturers of varnIshes, cylInder oils and other supplIes gave more attentIOn to the filll11g of orders receIved and there has since been but little cause for complaint on account of shortage in quantity In many lmes of business a paIr of scales and a measunng rod are as valuable as the abilIty to dIscount one's bills in the settlemen t of accounts Peculiar Strike Settled. About a year ago the L111c1ner Manufactunng company of Grand RapIds, who had been runn111g an open shop, se-cured a contract for furnIshing mtenor materials to be used in ChIcago buddings that were being constructed ",ith union labor. To aVOId trouble at the ChIcago end, the Linder factory was ''u1110111zed'' and contmued to run under U1110n rules and regulations until about May 1, when Manager Charles Ll11dner proposed to abolish the unIOn rules and re-turn to the open shop system The men ob]ecteJ, about 70 of them '" ent on strike anu the factory was idle for three weeks The matter was settled last Sunday and on Monday the factory resumed operatlOlls under unIOn rule" .,.-._-~~------~----------------------._-_._.~------~------~-----I-~-----~ I (ale.led) Veneer Presses Glue Spreaders Glue Heaters Trucks, Etc" Etc. These Specialties are used all Over the World Power Feeel Glu. SJtr•• din. Macbine. Sin..le. Doubl. a..d COlllbi ..atio... (alented) (Size. 12 i... to" in wiele.) ~ Hand Feed Gluein. Machin. (ateal penchn)a. Many .ty Ie. and .ize •. Wood-Working Machinery and Supplies LET us KNOW YOUR WANTS N. 20 Glu. Heater CHAS. E. FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville, Ind. . ..... .~ No.6 GI•• Heater. 14 WEEKLY ARTISAN Complete lines of samples are displayed at 1411Michigan Ave., Chicago, and in the Furniture Exhibition Building, Evansville. THE KARGES FURNITURE co. Manufacturers of Chamber SUites, Wardrobes. Chlffomers, Odd Dressers, ChIfforobes THE BOSSE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of KItchen Cabinets. K D. Wardrobes, Cupboards and Safes, m ImItatIon golden oak, plam oak and quartered oak. THE WORLD FURNITURE co. Manufacturers of Mantel and Upnght Foldmg Beds, Buffets, Hall Trees, Chma Closets, CombinatIon Book and Library Cases. THE GLOBE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of SIdeboards In plam oak, Imitation quartered oak, and solId quartered oak. Chamber Suites. Odd Dressers, Beds and ChIffomers 10 ImItatIon quartered oak, IflIltatIon mahogany, and Imitation golden oak. THE BOCKSTEGE FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of the "Superior" Lme of Parlor. LIbrary, Dmmg and Dressmg Tables. THE METAL FURNITURE CO. Manufacturers of "HygIene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds. CrIbs, Wire Spnngs and Cots Evansville is the great mixed car loading center of the United States, made so by the Big Six Association. i =-4 Made b} The Karges Furmture Co a-- .. . ••. .•_._._. ~ WEEKLY ARTISAN 15 6-- ~ ._.••_._. • .... Made by World Furntture Campau). Made by Bosse Furntture Company. Made by Bockstege Furntture Co. Made by Bockstege Furmture Co . ..... - .... _--- -- - _.- . 16 WEEKLY ARTISAN MICHIGAN ARTISAN COMPANY .U8SC .. ,,.T/ON $1 eo ,.E.. YE..... "'NYWHE"E IN THE UNITED ST...TES OTHE" COUNT"'ES $200 "Ell YItAIl. SINOLE CO,.IE. 5 CENTS. PU.LICATION O......ICE. 10S-112 NO"TH DIVISION ST , G"ANO RA,.,OS, MICH, A S WHITE M...N...GING EDITO" Entered .. lecond cia .. matter July 5. 1909, at the post office at Grand RapIds, MIchIgan under the act of March 3, 1879 CHIC...GO REPRESENT...TIVE E LEVY .An eastern railroad managel b quoted d" declanng (the propo~ed ach ance In freight rate" \\ 111 not he telt 11\ the people-It \\111 not amount to a qual tel ot a dollal PCI \ e,lI for the d\ elage LU11lh' ['he "tatemenh 111d\ III tll1t hut It IS pO~"lble that the d(h ance \\ 111"ht the ,1\ eld~e tdll11h 25 cent'i per month 01 25 cenb pel \\ eel.. lI1"tead ot o11h d quarter of a dollar a year Cl hel e are a larg e nU111bel ot fam1he, III the countr)-about I\\ent\ ml1hon, of them-and even a quarter frl m each \\ ould make qUlte d large l1t1111her of dollar'i The people might not teel an a"e"ment ot 2:; cents per famllv per vear, but 2:; lenh per \\ eck \\ auld ,ureh be oppre'isn e to man) fal11!lIe'i It \\ auld amount to 513 for each famIly or a total ot $260.000 000 per' ear tm the rallroad'i The lllCI ea"e 111rate" hu\\ e\ el. \\ 111 nut he d Pplll-tlOned to fall1llIe, Some tanlilIe' \\ 111Ilot hd\ e to pd' al1\ part ot It, wh11e other" \\111 he ta\.ed hed\lh Lhe glcdtel portIon ot the 111CI ea,e \\ 111 tall on manutacturer, \\ hi) UIl,]U present condItIOn", can not pa~'i It along to the Jealt I' he-cause the dealer" can not unload It on the (On"U111er, [he raIlroads, as ,hown h) then mcmthh It prirt, al e d0111~ tall Iv well no\\, mucb better tban are the 111anufaLtUl er, and the\ are makll1g a ml"take b) lll'i1"t1n~ on an ach ance III tt ught rate'i at pre"ent Detter let \\ ell enough alone tor a \\ hl1e The late~ t report of the \mellcdn Ralh\ a \ a ",oua tlOn show'i an lI1erease of 27 nel cent Ul the numhel ot Idle trel~ht car, dunng the past tv\ 0 \\ eek', the total he111g I epol ted cl t 122,590 That IS a lalge number and ~eel11" to Jnc!Jcatt a con- 'ilderable dec1ease 111 ;,hlpment" but a' a matter of tact the volume of general bU'imess compa1e" favorably \\lth that ot a year ago and as th1~ 1'i not the hUS1e.,t "eason ot the' ear It IS not surpn~1I1g that there are 0\ er a hundred thouqnd idle cars -\ ltttle mOl e than a year ago the numiJJer reported Idle wa" nearh four hunclred thou"and and It "tood at 0\ U three hundred thou"and for man) month" II hen It I" COI1- 'ildered that the railroad, hay e boug-ht and placed 111 com-mISSIOn dunn~ the 1'd"t ) Lar about one hundrccl and thlrt, thousand car" there 1" nothmg alai m1l1g 111 the I epDl t tha; 122,000 are Idle, espeCially at thl'-, 'iea'ion \\ hen comparat1\ eh few cars are bemg used 111th e gl am and coal bl1",111e", The :Wontana Ra1ltoad Comml'isloners hd\ e soh eel the expre~s rate problem If their actIOn stand" \\ 1thout \\ alt1l1g for as"l"tance from any other 'itate or natlOn Thu ha\ e ordered the expres'i compal11ec, to reduce then r,ltc, dbout 33 1-3 per cent on buslI1e"" \\ 1th1l1 the "tate 1\ here the 1dte on a package has been 60 cents it is reduced to 40 cents and IV hue the rate for 100 mIles ha'i been $1 50 It IS reduced to 51 00 The order, of course, applIes only to rate~ between pOInt" \\ 1th1l1 the state, but If the Montana order IS good the expre"s coons" Vv1llhave to come down, because what 110n-tan a can do other state~ can do and what all the states can do can "urel) be done by the KatlOnal Government The e\.pre,s compame", of cour'ie, WIll fight the order and carry the matter to the court of la'it resort The time 111 WhICh the reductIOns made by the 1I1terstate commerce comm1SSlOn 111 Pullman car rates was to have taken eflect ha" been extended untIl July 1 ThiS waS L)rderecl pend1l1g a decblOn by the Ul1Ited States supreme lOU1t, to \V 111ch the case was taken by the company It is hoped that the court wIll not delay ItS decision beyond the date for the opel11ng of the furl1ltm e exposltlOn '\ 0\\ the gO\ ernment offiCIals propose to 1I1vestigate the \\ OJ kIl1g" of the Lumber Trust They wIll not find condi-tlOn'i such a'i ha\ e been exposed 111 the Sugar Trust 1I1vestI-gatlOn but may find 1I1'itances of rebat1l1g and other violations of the mte1..,tate commerce law and he Sherman anti-trust law. 1he 111\ c"tIgatlOn mal not benefit consumets materially but It \\ 111not do them an) hal m 1\ 1tb an 1I1crea,e m manufacturer,,' materials and an in-crease 111 the exports of manufactured articles as reported b\ the department of commerce and labor, It would seem that the manufacturer" of the country 'ihould be enjoying pros-pent), but that Idea IS not endorsed unanimously by the furl11ture makers () H L II ermcke and IVtlhard Barnhart, V\ho have been 'iummoned to \\ a'ih1l1g ton to tell the g-overnment officials \\ hat the) knO\\ about the high cost of ltv111g are well In-formed '0 far a, regards the furniture trade One month hence the furl1ltUl e center" wtll be thronged \\ Ith buyer'i and selll1lg agent"" the latter stra1l1ing theIr ear" 111the expectancy of heanng a nObe ltke an order every hotll of the da) '" me-tenth'i of the people of the G l11ted States are \\ orkmg uncon;,clou"ly, 111 many cases, for the trusts." re-marked a prol11Il1ent manufacturer" What do you know about ,It) .:\Jr Readel It 1" eJ<..peeted that the 'itocks of automobIles manufac- ItUed for the current) ear v'>111be dlspo"ed of next month and that the general publtc WIll then turn ItS mmd toward furnI-ture The pbotographers employed by manufacturers of furni-ture are \ ery busy WIth new lmes Later the engravers and pnnters WIll ha' e their hands full of V\ork The fir"t a'i"OClatlOn of furmture RapIds \\ a" orgamzed m May 1881 11\mg manufacturers of Grand None of the officers are The number of faIlures m the retaIl furniture trade does not mdlcate an uuu'iual degree of prosperity Dealer'i 111 furniture have tardIly commenced usmg cuts of Halle} " comet for advertIsing purposes WEEKLY Heavy Exports to Canada. Exports from the Dlllted States to Canada show a larger gro\'<th 111the current fiscal year than those to any other of the Important countnes of the world For the ten months endmg wIth Apnl, the exports to Canada amount to 174~ ml1hon dollars, aga111st 129 mllhon m the correspond-mg months of last year, and for the months of Apnl alone, 22 ml1llOn dollars, ag-am",t 15 ml1hon 111Apnl of last year The mcrease 111 exports for the ten months 111 questIOn IS thus 4) ml1hon dollar", whl1e the total 111crease in exports to all parts of the world dunng the same penod IS but 55 ml1- lIOn. the figUl es m each ca"e relat111g to exports of domestIc merchandIse To France the export figures show for the penod 111 question an mcrease of 9 ml1hon dollars, to Ger-many 11 ml1hon, to Argentma 5~ mllhon, to .:\Iexlco 6~ nlllhon, to i\ustraha 2 ml1hon and to Canada, as above 111dl-cated, 45 ml1hon dollar" ThIS mcrease m exports to Canada occurs larg-ely 111 manufactures Coal shows an mcrease of about 2 1111111011 No 1723-1587 Plll1 Made by Grand Rapids Brass Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. dollars; cotton, about 2 million; wheat, about 1~ million, horses, about a half ml1hon, and furs and fur skms, about a half 111111IOn , but aSIJe from these the bulk of the mcrease oc-curs m manufactured artIcles Agncultural implements show an mcrease from 1Yz ml1hon to 2~ millIOn; automobIles, from 1 mllhon to 3 ml1hon, cotton manufactures, from 1~ ITI1lhon to 2;-4 milhon; lumber, from 2~ mIllion to nearly 4 ml1lion and furnIture from $546,067 to $679,233 Compliment to Boston Culture. "Boston buys more onental rugs 111 proportIOn to ItS population than any other cIty m Amenca," says Charles A Hanley, manager and buyer of the rug and carpet depart-ment of Henry SIeger" Boston, New York and ChIcago stores Boston IS also recoglllzed as being the most dls-crimmat111g rug market 111thh country by buyers everywhere Only the be"t and most artIstic rugs find sale here." l\Ir Hanley, who IS recog-ni7ed as one of the lead111g On ental rUR expert.-, m thIS country, leaves Boston and i" about to sal1 on hIs semI-annual purchasmg pl1grimage to the Onent, 111cludmg Constantmople, Smyrna, Cairo and the far east oriental markets He expects to remain abroad untIl some time m August, and will also VISIt all the other large European markets, as he buys in addItIOn to the onentals all the EnglIsh anJ German lmoleums, Chma and Japanese mat-tmg" for the cham of SIegel stores ARTISAN ~---------------_.. ..... I Johnson Chair Co. 4401 to 4531 West North Ave., CHICAGO Makers of the BEST MEDIUM and HIGH GRADE line of CHAIRS in the West. Our new Catalogue Will be mailed to any responsIble furmture dealer on request. It shows the latest patterns of the most seasonahle goods. ,,-.... ..... - _._. _.._.-._------- ~----- ,I ......--- _--------------_._._._._.--------- Palmer's Patent Gluinl!: Clamps The uLune (ut .101 takf."n dirt-. t f,ulIl n phoftlgr.lph, and l!bO\\8 the range of one oize only, our No. I, 24-inch Clamp. We make six other sizes. taking in stock np to 60 inches wide and 2 inches thick. Onrs is the most practical method of clamping glued stock in nse at the preser· time. Hundreds of factories have adopted our way the past ~~ar and hundreds more wl11 in the future. Let us show you Let us send you the names of nearly 100 factories (only a fraction of our list) who have ordered and reordered many times. Proof positive our way is the best. A post card will bring it, catalog inclUded. Don't delay, but write today. A. E. PALMER & SONS, Owosso, MICH. Foreign Repreoentatives: The Projectile Co., London, Ene-land; Schuchardt & Schutte, BerlIn, Germany; Alfred H. Schutte. Cologne, Paris, Brussels, Lieee, Milan, Turin, Barcelona, .--- -. .. ---._._.-._-~- 17 I ... .. --- 18 WEEKLY ARTISAN A Collector of Antiques. E R Somes, the desIgner fOI the Centun FurnIture com-pany ib an enthu"lastic collector of antiques' In h1', pur"U1t of the rare and the beautIful In the decoratl\ e and applIe I art:" he has tray eled very extensl\ eh and many of the chOIce "pecimen"> found hay e b'een reploduced fOI th; Centun C0111- pany Between J\Ir Some" and ~f I Lemon, the 0\\ nel of the \Va) slde Inn, made known to the \" orU b) LongfellO\\, there has long eAI'3ted a wall11 fnend~hlp and \\ hen on hh penodlcal V1SIt">to fnend'3 In ,fa"bachu">ett" he ne\ el taIl ... t(l '3pend a few days at tll1-, famous old ta\ eln Tn rev olutlOnan war tImes the hou"e was owned In ",ucceS"lOn b\ a fam Ih ot patrOlts nameJ Howe, but when lt came Into the pos:"es"lon of Mr Lemon he gathered a collectIOn of rare and beautlful articles of utlht) and adornment and the house b nO\\ prac-tically a museum A few of It'3 large room'3 are rented to guests and meals are "en ed, but nounshment of the bod) 1'3 a "econd consideratIOn to man) of the thousanJs \\ ho \ hIt the Inn annually, In the past century LongfellO\\, Lafa\ eUe and many others known for then greatness 111 \\ ar, ...tate-,man ...hlp SCIence, art and hterature "pent "eek'3 and oftlme" months dt the Inn, and the Interest 111 the establI"hment created 111 It" early hlstory has steadIly groV\ n \mong the \ l"ltor ... met at the Inn are ambas">ador", artl"b hbtonalh poet">, poh-tlclans and sClenti"ts; cultUl ed people from all parts of the ClvIlILed world J\Ir Lemon po-,ses"e-, an artl ...tlc tempera-ment and lS very proud of hI"> collectIOn III'" "en-,Itl\ ( ...I)ul rebel:" when a que'3t fads to obsen e and apprecIate the rare and beauhful artIcle" a..,,,embled In the Inn ,Ir Some'3 recall" an incident dunng hl'3 "tay at the In nlast year, "hen a hump-tJOus indlVldual entered the 1I1n and questioned ,[r Lemon "Sa), do you keep an) thll1g to eat here ," 'If \ on "Ill look. about the place ) au WIll find "omethmg that ought to plea"e ) ou more than an) th1l1g you could eat," he answered r\bout tweh'e yeal'3 ago 1\1r Some" ,,>pent several week" at the Inn dIrecting the work of repalnng and refilllshll1g the turlllture and gamed the perml,;slOn of Mr Lemon to repro-duce a Ilumber of rare pIece... Tn hI'; ,;earch for antique" Mr "ome-, Ignore" pubhc collectIOn"> He "eek" for article" that can not be seen by an) one askmg the pnvl1cge Will Exhibit in Their New Factory. The Century Furl11tul e company, havmg closed the most -,uccessful year 111 theIr hIstory, are prepar1l1g to take pos-sessIon of a large and perfectly apP01l1ted factory now near- II1g completIOn, 111 the near future The 11l1eWIll be exhibited at the ne\'. locatIOn 111 July Secretary D H Brown state" that the mov1l1g of the machmery anJ supphes wlll be hand-led so as not to 1I1terrupt the bUlsness of the company, The factory \\ 111 con tam all that IS new and best in a furniture manufactunng plant and WIll be a credIt on account of ItS fine archItecture to the company and the cIty of Grand RapId.., A Valuable Art Collection. Ralph P Tlet'3ort of the Royal Fur111ture company I" the fortunate po-,..,e,,-,or of a chOIce collection of pa1l1tmg" Among the numbel are cam abse" from the brushe" of Fred S Church, ~I ~\Iten, \\ H Howe, ::\IatIlda Brown ane! several mannes pa1l1ted b) a noted artl"t of San FranClbCO Mr Church's pIcture repre"enb a pall of flam1l1goe'i near a stream, attended b) a be\\ Itch1l1g fdlr) Of ~Ir AJten'" work, all of great ment, the H ucklebel r) ,Iar"h I" mObt hIghly e"teemed --------------_._. _._._-----------_.-----------_._--------- New designs In the Louis XVI Style. WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES. GRAND RAPIDS BRASS co. GRAND RAPIDS, MIClH. No. 1711 ..- .. No. 1705-1705 • • •••••.... _. ._. ..i ..- - . --_ .. WEEKLY ARTISAN 19 STAR CASTER CUP COMPANY NORTH UNION STREET, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (PATENT APPLIED FOR) We have adopted cellulOId as a base for our Caster Cups making the best cup on the markel. CellulOId Is a great Improvement over bases made of other matenal When It ISnecessary to move a pIece supported by cups wIth cellUlOId bases 1t can be done wIth ease, as the bases are per fecUy smooth CellulOId does not sweat and by the use of these cups tables are never marred. These cups are fimshed In GOlden Oak and WhIte Maple, fimshed lIght If you w,l! try a samplt order of thtSt goods you w.U dt81reto handlt them 'n quant,tus PRICES: SIze 2M Inches .. $5.50 per hundred. SIze 2)( Inches . 4.50 per hundred. fob Grand Rap'ds TRT A SAMPLE ORDER t..-_. • • .... A Pernicious Habit. Ralph P Tletsort of the Royal Furniture company, laments the pernICIOUS splrit of pesslmism that prevaJ1s to a large extent 111the fUl nIture trade. "The hablt indulged 111by many," he re-marked, "of lo{)k111gfor the dark spots 111trade I first ob~erved twelve} ears ago and I have wItnessed Its reappearance, more frequently than Halley's comet, WIth the spnng season of each \ear I spent two weeks 111the eastern markets last month and WdS assUlecl by many buyers that trade Wds SImply decayed I que~tlOnecl these c11sLouraged buyers, the conversatIOn runnIng about as follows. "H{)w was your January trade ? "Good. "How was your FebrualY trdCle? "Very good. "How was y{)ur March trade? "Poor. "\;V as It not as large dS your J\Ial ch buslnes'S last year? "Yes, it was considerably larger. "And what about your Apnl trade? "It was way off. "D{) you expect much trade m Apnl? "K 0, It IS usually the dull season UN 0 worse than last year? "N0, I thmk It is a little better. ,.So S111ceJanuary you have had a pI etty good bus111es,? "Yes, I th111kyou have figured It out nght U\;Vhen a travel111g salesman returns from an unsuccessful tour, he usually relates a tale of woe 'Dus111ess IS SImply-well .p.o...-. ---•_•._--._. ------_._----_.-_---------.---.W, I WEATHERLY INDIVIDUAL Glue Heater THE Send your addrell and and re~ebe de.~riptln ~Ir~ularof Glue Heatera. Glue Coo"era and Hot Boxes wltL prl~e•• The Weatherly Co. Grand Rapid •• Mich. .. .. .. ... -..----.-..-------._._. __..._._-------. -_._-_._-_.------....-.. I :fK1:A~ou INTERESTING PRICES g~~~~Vk7:J~ SEND SAMPLES, DRAWINGS OR CUTS FOR PRICES. E. P. ROWE CARVING WORKS, ALLE AN. I MICH. .... Write for l ...CatalolfUe. r -....---_._._------- .... there IS no business In the forty years I have been on the road I never sa", It so dull as now' ThIS story he repeats to every retailer he meets before complet1l1g hIS tour, forgett1l1g that earlier 111 the season he had taken a goodly number of order'S and that a very considerable trade had been denved through the mails. Such salesmen fail t{) remember that the spnng season IS a short one-that Apnl IS never a very hvely penod, and that naturally the buyer WIshes to reserve space upon hIS floors for display1l1g or stonng the new th111gs he WIll buy 111June and July Too many dealers and salesmen have acquired the habIt {)f speak- 111gof trade dIscouragingly, when a m{)ment's reflecti{)n or 111ves-tIgation would prove that no substantIal reasons eXIsted for as-sum1l1g a peSSImistIc attitude 111relation thereto." Imperial Furniture Company Will Enlarge. At the annual meet111g of the Impenal Furmture com-pany of Grand RapIds, held durmg the thIrd week of l\lay, the busmess of the year was shown to be so satIsfactory and the prospects for the future so encouragmg that it was deter- 1111l1eJto proceed early in the fall of the current year, WIth the erectIOn of an addItion to the factory ThIS wJ1l be 60 x 160 feet in SIze anJ four atOl ies high Bnck wJ11 be used and the archItecture wJ1l harmOlllze WIth the present structure. " _.- ---_ - ------ --- . We Manufa~ture tl.e Larl/elt Line of fOlDI n.Q (nAIDS In the UnIled States, SUItable for Sun day Schools, Halls, Steam-ers and all pubbc resorts. We also manufacture Brass TrImmed I r 0 n Beds, Spring Beds, Cots and Crlbs In a large variety I ... Smd for Catalogue and PrIces 10 KAUffMAN MfG. CO. h ASHLAND, OHIO • _ .., MorKan's Art Treasul'es May Be Bought . It 1" q1l1 that T I'le1;llnt \1orgdl1 may bllng h1S wonderful art collectIOn to ), e\\ York At present 1t lS III h1S London house dt l'nnce "(late 1 he collectIOn conqsb of pa111t111gsm, lllatures, old En~h "h ,,11\en\ d1e fm11ltm e, tdpestnes, carved 1vones, rare \ a"e" book" mann~n 1pt" and a1t objects of many k111ds "mce the tallft: 1estllct10n" have been removed from art ob- 1ech there 1" no longer an) reason tor not mov111g the collectlOn to \ e\\ YOlk \\ here d ,pec1al repos1tory w1ll be bmlt. 1t l' nnpo"'lble to ectl111ate the value of the ent1re collectJ{)n The book" 'l.lld t11dnU'U 1ptS alone are valued at $20,000,000 The cdtalog ot 1111111atme" fills a large book The pallltlllgs include the tamon" Gdm"bOl ongh pOl tJ a1t of the "Duchess of Devon- ,,1111 e be"lde" "peClmens of work by the rarest of the Dutch, eall\ Itallan llemhh and modern 11ench and IEnghsh masters 1 he old tllfl11tn1e 1I1clnc1esslllgie p1eces valued at $350,000 each 1he \Ja7alm tape"tJles are worth $500,000 The old Enghsh 20 WEEKLY ARTISAN '" - - . ,III I,,I ,,• III III I•• I I Don't Burn Your Moulding. Blackened edges so often found III hard wood MouldIngs Illdlcate the use of Infenor tools whICh fnctlOn and burn because ot theIr failure to have proper clearance The Shimer Reversible and Non Reversible Cutters are made of the finest tool steel by experienced \\orkmen In deSIgn alld COil structJon they are supenor to anythIng on the market They cut well and retalll their shape until worn out Send us draWIngs or wood samples for estImates on speCial cutters. Many useful de Signs, with pnces, are given III our catalogue SAM\d'EL J. SHIMER & SONS, Milton, Penn. Manufacturers of the Sh1mer Cutter Heads for Floonng, Cellmg, ..---Si-dIn-g,-D-oo-rs-, S-as-h,-etc.._----- ..---------_._ I .. ------_.~ SA~~D l QUARTERED OAK { VENEERS SLICED \ AND MAHOGANY ~-- I•• , Ii ._--_._-------- ------------------~ UNION FURNITURE CO . ROCKFORD, ILL. China Closets Buffets Bookcases We lead m Style, ConfuudJon and Flmsh. See our Catalogue Our hne on permanent exhibi-tion 7th Floor, New Manufact-I urers' BUIldmg, Grand Rapids. I..-_._. ---_._--------_._--------_._--- -----------~I, II I,• I, I I• I, '" - II I I I I I ..._--------- ._----_.-- _..---_._------------~ I,I ,•t II I I III ,It t I It II,t I,I .I \tade b) ManIstee ~lanufactunng Co Mamstee, M1Ch "Ih el I" one of the fine"t pl1vate co11ectlOns m eXistence Every-th1l1g rdre and beautltul I' 111c1uded111th1S collectlOn which 1t IS hoped \\ 111scen be ~h1ppecl to :Ne\\ York Paying Deimel Insurance Claims_ Ie "eph Delmel, pre"ldent ot the NatlOnal Parlor Furni-ture compal1\ ot Chicago, who V\ a" killed by a tram 111 Apnl, carned $47:; 000 m llfe and aCCldent 1l1surance, most of the pollc1e' ha\ 111~ been \\ ntten dunng the past few months \ttel hi" death It \\ d' I umorecl that Delmd had taken pOlson and then th1 0\\ 11 hlm~elt unclel the tram and that the 111.,ur-ance COmpa1l1l S \\ ould refuse to honor the pollcles on the glOuncl that the' \\ el e ohta111ecl V\ Ith 1l1tent to rlefraud The I umOl" ..,eem to ha\ e been haseles., \fte' thorough lllve"t!- gatlon conducted ]0111tly by the 1l1surance compa111es the EqUitable Life Insurance com pan) has paid $100,000 and the \e\\ Yorf.. Lite S170000 to the tlea"urer of the NatlOnal company and $:;,000 aCClclent lllsurance has al,o been pa1d The other cla1ms, ~tlll pencl1l1g, are under pollcles lssued by the \haml Lite of \e\\ YOIt< fOi SlOO,OOOO, Penn l\Iutual LJ!e In,ura11le lompal~J' $:;0,000, and the INorthwes~ern \luwal Lite In''l11ance lOl11pan) of l\1J1waukee, $50,000 WEEKLY ARTISAN ~"'oreign Trade in April. DetaIls of the APlll trade of the Clllted States wIth the princIpal countries and grand dlvblOns of the world have Just been completed by the Bureau of Statistics of the Depart-ment of Commerce ami Labor They '3how Increased Impor-tatlOn from all the grand dlv ISlOns and nearly all of the im-portant countries, e"peclally countries supplying material for use In manufactUring, of whIch the ImportatIOns show large Increase" for 1910 compared wIth 1909 Exports show a fail- Ing off In total.., to those countries forming the princIpal mar-kets for foodstuffs, but an increase to those counrles forming markets for manufactures Thus to BelgIUm, France, Ger-many, the Netherland.., and the Ulllted Kingdom the value o£ exports shows a decline, while to Argentma, AustralIa, Cuba, Made by World Furmture Co, EvansVIlle. Ind. ,leXICa and Canada the value of the figures show an Increase of more than 33 per cent both In the month of April and the ten month" ending WIth April Met in Chicago. At the last conventIOn of the NatIOnal FurnIture J\Ianu-facturers assocIatIon a commIttee of fi\ e was appOinted to determIne the average co"t of manufacture of certain case'i submItted to the conventlOn, uSing the data anJ material placed In the hands of the secretary The commIttee com-posed of Georg.e H Elvvell of Mlnneapolr'3. George P Hum-mer of Hollan,! , John Hoult of Grand RapIds, BenJanun Bosse of EvansvJ1le and Alfred \nderson of Jamestown, I\' Y , spent Thursday and Fllday, ::\Iay 26 and 27 In ChIcago In performance of the duty as"lgned to them Running Full. The Luce FUlnItule company of Gland RapIds are oper-atmg their factol y on full tIme WIth a full force of work-men In fillmg orders and cutting 'itock for the fall season " . I IIt •II 21 w •• wa ••• w •••••••• __ ••• _._. • • ........ Here is a Rocker That's a seller. Write for the price. GBO. SPRATT 8 CO. SHEBOYGAN, WIS. No. 592. II ~----------------- ---------------..1 BUilt with double arbors, sliding table and equipped complete with taper pin guages carefully graduated. This machine represents the height in saw bench con-struction. It is designed and built to reduce the cost of sawing stock. Write us for descriptive information. CRESCENT MACHINE WORKS OF GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ~-.-.-- --_._------ -- --- . ... .. ... .. .. ach ertl~mg The seductIOn of a so-called bargalll offer ha~ ~pent lts force on the mtelhgent bUylllg pubhc I venture the dothe~ .:\1r. Stalker \\ ears \\ ere advertised to hIs better Judg-ment regardless of pnce, eIther because they were made by a f;Teat taIlonng house who pIctured style, style, style, and talked ~ooclne~, m the goods, or because they were made by a smaller t.lIlO! \\ ho offered hun personal attentIOn and a better fit If he, .l~ a bu~mes~ man, bought on any other baSIS, he has pa~sed his daUl1~ to Judgment \\ orth whIle on advertlslllg, and I don't think It of hIm BIshop IS bmldlllg confidence, cultivatlllg a standlllg III the LOmmu111t) for the better class of goods, It IS more to such a "tore that It be the fir~t III the mlllds of the people able to buy good furnIture, \\ hen the) "ant lt, than that It sell so many of such a chaRi 'na1tern, at ¥less profit than the space costs wIth no truly great• benefit accrUIng from the effort. Thl~ COP) talks about fine mahogany, ln Sheraton and other ,t) 1e~ Ho\\ much lower than $29 50 does Stalker want to see quoted? He \\ould hke to see merchandlsl11g traIled m filth, 1 remember 1a~t January a salesman for a table company went mto another Grand RapIds store III response to a Stalker type ot "ad" to see Just \\hat they really had at the pnce, $7,79 Ac-cordmg to Stalker he would be artfully shown more deSIrable good~ lIe \\ as a man earnmg over $10,000 a year and looked the part The clerk learned that he wanted to look at d111111g ta1J1e~,and led hUH very first thl11g, to the wl11dow, to thIs measly lIttle $, ,9 affaIr He bought It and sent It to hIS factmy for mspectlOn lIe \\ as not shown or offered a better Why? Be-cause the a, erage clerk sells along the ll11e of least resistance He \\orks on thIs Stalker theory that pnce IS alImghty That man has a table 111 hl~ home worth twenty tunes the one the clerk "artfull)" shO\\ed hUH ~ndl'll wager when he buys such good~ he doesn't hunt the papers for $779 offers and get led into $200 buy mgs -\ny takers? \0\\ part of prestIge locally comes fl'Om what IS thought ot one outSide -\ Clt) acclaul1s the VV nght br'others after a contment had paid Its homage It 1~ no waste of tIme for a store hke Bhhop ~ to let local trade realIze It IS a natIOnal mstltutton It 'tlenf;thelh e\en cu~totl1el s reahzatton of Dlshop's buymg "RETAIL FURNITURE ADVERTISING!~ Mr. Schurman Responds to Mr. Stalker9s Suggestions With Some Rather Severe Comparisons and Criticisnls. To the department' RetaIl Fm mture \ch ertb111~ \\ eekh Artlsan -~'vnr Sta1hel ~ comments on a BIshop ad m the I~"ue of May 17 have been called to notH e Snbstantlalh, the cntl-clsms are first, that these cltmbmg I o~e~, a heroIC eftort to do somethmg, end m farce and lack oj result", second, the) might have been condoned 1£ flo\\ ers had been gn en a \\ ,n , thlnl, tlMt a notlce to ont of to\\n I eadel s panelled at the top "hon1d ha\ L been less conspiCUOUS, that Ib prommence kills 10c,d mtere~t, fourth, that the smooth readmg 1m Itatlon to m~pcct h anemll aad 111~ufficlent But chIefly, "If the \\ ordmg ~tarted "$'!(\ ')0 for the handsome," etc, It would arouse mterest "ng11t off the bat," and a ltttle later the pnces quoted are too high The wnter understands perfectly tlMt BIshop handle" hIgh grade goods but he also has moderate pnc e~ and the~e are the ones to throw up to catch mterest Then good salesman~hlp must lead the customer away from these and artfully shm, hIm \\ h) the others are much more to be deSIred, ]\I[ahm's Messenger remarks, "Don t be too confident a cntlc of advertlsl11g If everybody had the same Idea" about how to reach the pubhc, the "ad,," m the b,lcks of the magazme~ \\ ould look hke bncks m a bnck walL" 11r Stalker speab confidentl), ha'l1lg "rattled off a few pages m an hour or so' and had a pt,l) hshcI accept It He Will have man) backers m hb Vle\\" regarrl mg tIllS "ad." But I WIsh to use the prnllege offered m '\11' artlcle to advocate, not only \\ hat he behttles, but a more e"\.treme poltey ;J10ng the lme Just begun b\ thb style of CoP\ Attentlon, favorable, and assocnted WIth plea surab1e per~on~ ,d c"pel1ences IS deSIrable m all ach ertl smg FIO\\ er~ come IJL-tween the dreary waste of bnsmes' and the cheen meal-the) ~hould be oftener on ::\Ir Stalker's table F10\\ er" belong to weddmgs, recall home furmshmg tlme to father and uncle \\ ho have 111 mmd some gift for a comll1g \\ eddmg The) attract and are a part of the thought of more than halt th~ table buy er", and are a JustIfiable part of table display F"r trom being m-effiCIent, thiS border set the qnarter page It enclo"ed. tar "head of an ordl11al) half page cltspla) b) Its dlstInctne an and dam-tmess It tells as much at qualtty and ~oodnes" a" the \\ Of(]-, tell, and no readel can overlook ItS message Pl1ce I~ emphatIcally \JOT the ~reate"t pullmg p(m el 111 p----- ...-------_._-------_._.-------------------_..._..-----------., I Lentz Big Six No. 694, 48 in. lop. No. 687, 60 in. top. Olhers 54 in. lop. 8 Foot Duostyles ANY FINISH CHICAGO DELIVERIES Lentz Table Co. NASHVILLE, MICHIGAh ~ ._. ••••• __ • ••••• •••••• a •• 4I ___ l WEEKLY ARTISAN power, his far reaching enterpllse It makes for confidence Stalker IS for the stuffed club, or the jollier, or the Barnum or the cureall or some other undefined sty Ie of copy, masquerad- 111g beh111d the phrase, "mlghtly convmcmg language at that," I am for conversatIOnal, behevable, temperate talk, for the plam statement of your clallw; on attentIOn, for an 1llvltation to mspect the goods a store wishes to sell, for adverttsmg that starts the sale and saves the clerk's tJme as agamst advertising that starts a sham sale to rope cu~tomers until somethmg else can be war-ned mto their acceptance. I think better of the store that builds confidence and lets trade come, than the store", hose transactIOns are so dlfierent from their adverttsmg that buyers never return Mr Stalker has some good "ads" to hiS credIt He should be 111 Ime for clean, constructtve, confidence-earmng copy. He ~hould know better than to pIck onto the work of one ac1verttsmg man 111a whole city who has the courage to cultivate slllcerity, and wnte copy that must compel the pubhc's confidence mother copy because the experience With this pans out as printed. Now that I have ans"ered so freely, It may be expected that I wrote the "ad" I knew nothing of it until it was printed. I planned the "heroic effort" roses for a manufacturer, from whom Dlshop buys And I help coach the man who dId write this copy, and who has been called to a more than twice better place to do the ~ame kmd of wnting I have apphed the policy of confidence bU1ld111gregardless of pnce, to the advertIsmg of thIS same man-ufacturer, and though Mr Stalker has ardently and WIth "mIghty convinc111g language at that," argued for his style, he has not been assIgned to put his policy in place of the one 1n effect. It's easier to cnticlse than create. Neither Stalker nor I ongmated the theones upon which we are advertising as a means of hvehhood And they WIll always have partisans. Success is the final critenon And both styles seem to succeed The meas-ure of one success or another calls for the cultivation of the sense of busmess perspective. PerspectIves change c,onstantly, and WIth them, wise men change their minds. I hope this re-sponse states the prinCIple back of the "ads" of one of the most successful furmtt11 e stores 111the country, for It is worth broader comprehension Grand Rapld~, May 20, 1q] 0 CLARK E. SCHURl\~AN, 284 Eastern Ave Death of Charles E. Fredericks. Charle'S E Fredencks, of the La'S Angeles Furl1lture company died all Tue<;day, May 24, from the effects of an operatIOn for appendicltI<; performed four days earher J\II Fredencks was one of the 1110<;tentel pn~illg and <;uccessful fUI nlture dealers m the countrv and wa <; well and favorably known in the Grand RapId" and ChIcago markets, whIch he \ i:,lteJ regularly for 'Several year'S a<; buyer for hiS company. I He had many fnend" and acquall1tances among the manufac-tmen, 111 Grand Rapld<; e<;peclally, and all were shocked by hI<; untnnely death, which was announced in a telegram from hIS brother, A R Fredericks, receIved by R G Calder of the Nelson-Matter company last Tuesday, a few hotH'S aftel hI'S death Officers of the Imperial. The officers of the Imperial Furniture company of Granel Rapids, for the current busine<;s year of that corporatIOn are a<; follows PreSIdent, E H Foote, Vice President, R W Butterfield; Secretary and Treasurer, F. Stual t Foote. L. Seal Reynold'S succeeJed Benjamin y\r olfe on the board of I dIrectors. The financial condition of the company is very I "atlsfactory I I 23 Ha ve you received your copy of DRY KILNS FOR TIMBER PRODUCTS? A book on the "best and latest" practice of artificial lumber drying. IMPROVED ROLLER BEAR-ING TRUCKS Doors, Steam Traps, and the" ABC" Moist Air Drying Apparatus fully described and clearly illustrated. Mention Publication No. 265 (M. A.) AMERICAN BLO'){ER CoMPANY ---- DETROIT. PilCH U S. A Manufacturers of "ABC" low speed; low power exhaust fans. "ABC"roller bear-ing trucks, trans-fer cars and flexi-ble doors. "Detroit" Return Steam Traps. __ I 24 WEEKLY ARTISAN Manufadu' .... 01 Embo .... d and Turned Mould-in .... Embo ... Oldand Spindl. eamDP. aDd Automatic Turnin••. Wc aJ.o manu f.durc a It.rllc c 01 Embo d Omam ..nta for Coucb Work. 1256-1258 W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, Ill. SMOOTHEST GROOVES FASTEST CUT LEAST POWER LONGEST LIFE _ ...--- ..- .. ". _.. - -- ---- .--- ..-- -------~--------- I FOX SAW I>ADO We'll atadty tell you all about It. PERMANENT ECONOMY FOX MACHINE. CO. HEADS GREATEST RANGE QUICKEST ADJUSTMENT LEAST TROUBLE PERFECT SAFETY Alao Machine Knlve.r, Miter Machine •. Etc. 185 N. Front Street. Grand Rapid., Mlch ROLLS For Bed Caps, Case Goods, Table Legs and many other purposes; in Gum, Mahogany and Quartered Oak Veneers. The Fellwock Auto & Mfll. CO. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA III Ii . .I. ...--- I ••• _. __ • • as' .. These saws are made from No.1 Steel and we war-rant every blade. We also carry a full stock of Bev-eled Back Scroll Saws, any length and gauge. Write u. for Prle. Ib_ and dleeo __ 31-33 S. Front S1., ORAND RAPIDS, Mien. .. _ • - •• - w ••••• aa. Ie ....... Chicago Notes. ChIcago. Ill. ~1ay 26-WIlham E Hess. formerly ChIcago representatIve for the CabInetmaker and Upholsterer for a penod of seven years and precedIng that tIme shippIng clerk for the FurnIture ExhIbItIOn bt1lldll1g company, 1411 \llchlgan a, enue, ha'3 been made AdvertIS1I1g Manager for the Peck & HIlls Furntture company The Herman Koel1lg FurnIture company of Chicago have taken a larg-e space 111 the Fourteen-Eleven bUlld1l1g on the fourth floor and ~Ill exh~blt the com1l1g July season the largest dlspla} of case goods 111 theIr hIstory The X atlOnal SewlI1g ~Iachll1e company of Belvidere, Ill, hay e taken space on the third floor of the Fourteen- Eleven buIld1l1g anJ wdl have an exhIbIt in July. The XeV\ton & HOlt company, 311-313 \i\fabash avenue, de"lgners and maker;; of fine furlllture. also furlllshers of publIc bUlldmgs, hotels and clubs. is one of the latest furni-ture enterpn"es orgalllzed 111 ChIcago and is officered as follows PresIdent, Joseph R ~ ewton; Secretary, Charles S HOlt, Trea"Uler, Otto 1\'1 FreIer The company are showmg at their studio and sales rooms, characten"tlc models of speCIally deSIgned and specially con-structed furnIture for hotel". halls. clubs and court houses and ha' e a "ell equIpped deslgnmg department and are pre-pared to "up pI} de"lg-n". '3ketches and '3uggestlOns for furl1l-ture of all kll1ds -" New Factories. R ~J '\ Ichols & Co , hay e started work in theIr new chair factory at Camden, MISS The CltV of Hope, Ark. offers a sIte and a bonus of $8,000 for the establIshment of a chaIr factory Xorthern men are reported as considenng a proposItIOn to establIsh a plano factory at GreenvIlle, S C .\ company I" bell1g- orgalllzed to establIsh a new furl1l-ture factor} at Dalla"town, Fa It IS to be capItalIzed at $50,000 WIth $20,000 paId 111 Charle" PfeIffer and others have orgal1lzed the Ulll- ,er"al Comfort ChaIr company. capItalIzed at $l00,()(X), to establIsh a factory m Akron. 0 John E and Edward A Chambers, WIth George Melks, ha, e 1I1corporated the Chamber" FIreless Cooker company, capItalIzed at $30.000 and WIll establ13h a factory at Shellby- \ l11e, Ind New Furniture Dealers. J C Bentley I" a new furnIture ~lealer III Mt Clemens. l\1lch John S\'ven"on h prepanng to opt-n a furlllture "tore m Buffalo, ~1mn J T SImmons WIll open hIS new furnIture store at Mc CormIck S, C about the first of August 1\1 S Ro"en and SImon KlI1g are remodelmg the budd-lI1g at 371-3 ~1alll street, PoughkeepsIe, NY, with a view of uS10g It a" a turl1lture store or rentll1g It to others for th same purpose New Officers. After sIxteen years occupancy of theIr old offices anc havlllg outgrown the "arne, the 11Ichlgan ChaIr company ar en~aged 10 the constructIOn of new and greatly enlargec quarters tor the offiCIal" of the company and theIr employe" The neV\ room" wIll contalll a \ ast amount of figured ma hogan) and up-to-date furlll'3hmgs hardware dealers of Ybor CIty, Fla, has sold his mterest to hIs partner and has retired from business. The Dunn Chair company recently organIzed with $75,- 000 capital stock has taken over the chair factory at Keene, N II, e,<,tablished in 1886 and heretofore operated by Dunn & Salt,bury Mr. Salt,>bury retires from the busines'> Edward H Crowther of Charliestoyn, Mass, widely known m the furmture trade as an expert upholsterer, died recently, aged 86 years For many years he was secretary of the famous 999th ArtIllery association of Boston. The Lena (Ill) Casket company has been dIssolved and succeeded by the Freeport Casket company of whIch A. C Lawrence is manager The factory at Lena WIll be aband-oned when the company has erected a new budding at Free-port. Rosenbaum & Mendel for twenty-five years in the retail furniture bu,<,mess m ~lemphis, Tenn, are building a long needed addItion whIch when completed WIll gwe them one of the largest and most convenient furniture stores in the south James Hayes of DetroIt has taken a block of stock in the Ramsey-Alton ::.vfanufacturmg company of Portland, Mich. and the factOly whIch has heretofore made a ;,pecialty of Mor-ns chair;, IS bemg eqUlpped wIth machmery for making auto bodle'> C NI,>S& Sons, fur11lture dealers, MIlwaukee, are mak-ing a large addItion to theIr ThIrd street bUIlding whIch was partially destroyed by fire last wmter. They will add two storie'> to the old structure and erect a two-story build-mg ad]oinmg Byron Jones, Homer Hoover and Isaac Lutz have formed a partnershIp and purchased the retatl fur11lture business of Simp"on & Jones of Wabash, Ind Mr. Simpson retires from the trade for the pre'>ent, but is expected to take an inter~st m the firm of Lenhart, ~1urphy & Co, furniture dealers of Peru, Ind. The Lammert Furniture company enjoys the friendship of many manufacturers of furniture and kmdred goods At the openmg of the company's new store in St Louis, on Monday, :May 23, there were present a considerable number of fur11lture manufacturers and theIr representatives The occasion was a very enjoyable one for Mr Lammert, who has been engage,l m the busme'is of selltng fur11lture over fifty years, and has many friends The new ,>tore is located m the most deSIrable busine'is "ectlOn of the cIty MISCELLANEOUS NOTES AND NEWS The Dust Proof Fur11lture ~'!anufactunng company of Rochelle, Ill, has been dissolved C. C Marvel succeed" Z B Zybell m the retaIl fur11l-ture business at Monticello, 'v'll'>. '11he Sterling Furniture company, dealers of Detroit, has been incorporated Capital stock $30,000 Stockholders m the Elm CIty Shades Roller company of Hartford, Conn, have voted to dIssolve the corporatIOn The firm of Butler & McMtllan, furniture and dry goods dealers, of Sparta, WI", has been dissolved, Mr Butler re-tmng. Frank H McCarthy of McCarthy Bras, fur11ltme deal-ers, MemphIs, Tenn, dIed at Hot Spnngs, Ark, on May 22, aged 34 years The Doge Fur11lture company, dealers, of Worcester. Mass, ha, e issued $30,000 addItional capital stock, makmg $60,000 now outstanding. The Doddndge Grave Decorating company, capltaltzed at $12,500, has been Incorporated to manufacture under-takers' supplies, at Mtlton, Ind J J and Clarence Haverty and T F. Frazier, have in-colporated the Haverty Furniture company, capItalized at $25,000 to deal m furnIture at Dallas, Tex The Central Upholstering company of Sheboygan, WIS, havmg more than doubled their bu:smess m the past year, WIll butld a three-story factory on the west SIde V,' Illlam J Moore, last '>urvlving member of the firm of Moore Brothers, fur11lture dealers, ChIcago, dIed 1'!ay 22, aged 50 year'S HI'i death was caused by pneum011la Frank Payne, who recently secured control of the Mar-shall Furniture company's plant at BInghampton, NY, has sold the property to the Ansco company of that city. Robinson & Tarrant furniture and vehIcle dealer" of Temple, Tex, have sold their business to C F Daniels, formerly a prominent business man of Caldwell, Tex Frederick Tattenborn, who had been a promment furni-ture dealer in Cincinnati since 1872, dIed on May 21, aged 62 year" He leaves a widow, a son and two daughters Owmg to the crowded, congested condition of \V ood-ward avenue, the center of the furniture trade in Detroit has shIfted to MIchigan avenue Junng the past two years. G. H GtlPIn, who recently sold hI" general store at Davenport, Cal, has taken the pOSItion of sales manager for the Doernbecher Manufactunng company of San Francisco The Johnson ChaIr company are erectmg an additIon to their plant recently establt'>hed at ]\forri"town. Tenn. The new butlding w111 be used for office and wareroom purposes The Cmcinnatl ChaIr company, capltahzed at $3,000, has been mcorporated by Robert Herfut, Jr, J Edward Herfut, 1\ R Park, H II Tattenborn and ,y J 0, erbeck The firm of Holland & Peder furmture dealer,> of Fos'o-ton, l\Iinn, has been dIssolved, ~1r H ollan,l retiring Ole Peder wtll contmue the bu'Sines'> under the name of Peder & Co A petition m bankruptcy has been fileJ agamst Abraham Kopelman, furnIture dealer of 96 ES'iex street, New York HIS lIabilities are supposed to be about $6,000, assets estImated at $1,500 Newberry Bro,> & Cowell, haVIng overhauled and re-equippeJ theIr plant at Charlotte, "'\ C, whIch had been Idle since last August, have re.sumed operatIOns, manufacturing medIUm and cheap grades of fur11lture OWIng to long contmued Ill-health I B Turnley, junior member of the firm of Altman & Turnley, fur11lture and Furniture Fires. The Hawkeye Cabmet company',> d'actory at \Vebster CIty was badly damaged by fire on May 20 Loss, about $5,000. partIally msured A Doetch & Co, manufacturers of mIrror'> and show cases, 148 Seneca street, Buffalo, NY, lost about $7,000 by fire In theIr factory Insured The Plant of the Cochrane Mantel and Novelty company, at Piedmont Park, near Charlotte, N C, was completely destroyed by fire on May 19 Loss, estimated at $12,000 to $15,000 with only $3,000 Insurance The store and stock of Robert R Northbridge, Wor-cester, Mass. was damaged to the extent of about $30,000 on May 18 The fire started In the basement from a spark that went in through a window from a locomotive that passed in the rear of the store Insurance $25.000. ·------ -- -- -- 26 WEEKLY ARTISAN ... ••••••• •••• ••••••• we ••••• NO OTHER .-.... . . SANDER No. 171 Patepted Sa.d aelt Machine. WYSONG « MILES CO., Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., OREENSBORO, N. C• .... .. . _. • • I •• • Miss Anna Doetsch Goes East Again. On the 19 inst. Miss Anna Doetsch, daughter of the late Joseph Doetsch of the Doetsch & Heider company. parlor frame manufacturers of Chicago, started on another eastern business trip. Having suddenly found it necessary, last year, to take to the road over which her deceased father had traveled in behalf of his company, Miss Doetsch, though scarcely out of her teens, made a most successful first trip over the territory where her father had, throughout many years, made numerous friends and customers. But Miss Doetsch had the elements within her to cope with this un-toward exigency, and with the courage and confidence few women so young could muster, bravely ventured out on her "maiden" trip, taking up the threads of her father's business where his sudden demise had dropped them, with rare ability and succesS. Indeed, so well did she perform this duty that she has been encouraged to essay another trip this year, rely-ing upon the same kindly reception that was accorded her when she first ventured on her difficult task. MISS Doetsch does not take unto herself the credit for the success that has attended her efforts, but firmly believes it is due to the designs and finished product of her house which secured her first orders, and many others as the season advanced. Those who met this efficient saleswoman and amiaible young lady will no doubt welcome her again this time, and as this season's product is in every regard superior to any her company has yet turned out, this will be sufficient alone to give her a kind reception and a greater volume of business than was given her on her first trip. Doing Splendid Work. Grand Rapids Veneer Work, Grand Rapids, Mich Gentlemen: In reply to yours of the 27 inst. in reference to the dry kiln we beg to say that our opinion remains about the same, that is, it is doing splendid work and we are very much pleased with it. Very truly yours, NEW HAVEN CLOCK COMPANY, New Haven, Conn, July 31, 1909 ----_._----_._. --_ ...- - .. .. .. , ... Kimball Ele.atol' Co.• 343Pros~ct St., Cleveland,O., l0811th St., Omaha, Neb.,128 Cedar St , New York CIty. IMPROVED. EASY AND ELEVATORS QUICK RAISINC Belt, Electnc and Hand Power. The Best Hand Power for Furntture Stores Send for Catalogueand Pnces. KIMBAll BROS. CO., 1067 NIRth St .• Council Bluffs, la. .... .. .. I . ..-- . _ ..-"'" • •••••••••• aa ••••••• .._ .., can possibly do the variety of work that is being accomplished on our machine. Our No. 171 Sanderis positively superior to all other methods on flat surfaces, irregular shapes and mouldings. Ask for Catalog liE" • ••••.•••••••••• 4 Will Sail in June. Ralph P. Tletsort of the Royal Furniture company, ac-companied by his wife, daughter Helen and son John, will saIl for Europe on June 23, preparatory to spending three months in touring England, France, Germany and Holland in an automobile, which will be shipped from Grand Rapids. Upon the conclusion of their automobile tour they will travel by train through Belgium, Switzerland and Austria Grand Rapids Chair Company Elects Officers. At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Grand RapIds ChaIr company, held recently, the old board of direc-tors was re-elected subsequently the board elected officers as follO\'I<s PreSIdent, R. "V. Butterfield; Vice President, John ::.rowatt, Secretary and Treasurer, E. H. Foote ----------------------1 I ~ .. .. .....••..... _--- - " ... Give your men tools that are ac-curate to the one-thousandth part of an inch. Tools that are straight and true and hold their cutting edge. No matter how expensive and per-fect your machinery may be, if the cutting tools are not of the best, you can not turn out good work. We pride ourselves on the fact that we have manufactured only the very best for thirty-five years. Write for our complete catalog. It shows many new ideas in fine labor saving tools. MORRIS WOOD & SONS t50S-1510 W. LAKE ST., CHICACO,ILL. - .. WEEKLY ARTISAN 27 ~Iinnesota Dealers' Retail Furniture Association OFFICERS-PresIdent, J R. Taylor, Lake Benton, Mmn , VIce-PresIdent, D R Thompson, Rockford, Mmn , Treasurer, B. A Schoeneberger, Perham, MlUn , Secretary, W L Grapp, JaneSVIlle, Mmn EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-ChaIrman, Geo KleIn, Mankato, Mmn., 0 SImons, Glencoe, Mmn, W. L Harns, Minneapolis, Mmn I C. Datllelson, Cannon Falls. CO.OPERATIVE BUYING. BULLETIN No. 145. Paper Read Before the North Dakota Furniture Dealers' Association. Your secretary has asked me to be with you at your con-venhon which I would have considered a decided privilege to do had I not found it necessary to go to the national instead. Therefore, I send you this paper upon the subject I have been asked to talk about-the matter of co-operative buying. This subject is beginning to receive the attention of all thinking bus-iness men. It has its difficulties and drawbacks but it is the only avenue thru which the small dealer can supply his wants down to the practicablhty of the proposed method and ask your-selves whether the 'small dealer can do it. The officers of the Minnesota association have been grop-ing around in the dark trying to find the best way for over three years and we believe we have found the solution of the mail order problem in our branch of association help which we call co-operative buying. All beginnings are hard and any move-ment that promulgates a system which is against the established custom of business grows slowly, but we have doubled our bus-iness this year and our accounts and volume of trade are begin-ning to be such as will command the price that this movement ought to have. I have been made to realize in the last six months more A complete Illustration of what IS gomg on m a more or less destruclIve way allover tlus country There Is a reason for It and don' t blame the consumer ThIS condItIonwill contInue and grow 10 proportion unless we, the small dealers, cut out the enormous waste In getbng our merchandiSe which has made th.s cartoon pOSSIble Why not )010 an aSSOClatlonthat can show you how and supply you WIth Ihe matena\ necessary 10 beallhe matI older game 10 a frazzle ~ Tim help is wllhm the reach of every dealer l/You don 'I use 11,whose fault IS .I? Tlunk II over. upon the same basis as his largest competitor-the mail order house. Business i'S beginning to be more of a science and the general public is receiving an education thru the publication of journals and catalogs that the business men of ten years ago did not have to consider. Then, if we wish to keep up with the times and be the progressive dealers we should be, we must adopt modern business methods. IF WE are on an equal foot-ing with the mail order house in the matter of first cost of our merchandise, we have the advantage because of our personal contact with the trade. Then, too, the average small dealer does not have the gigantic and unwieldy expenses of the mail order house. You, no doubt, have noticed that tons and tons of litera-ture has been written on how to meet this phase of competi-tion, but if you were to stop and consider a good many of these articles, you would find that they were either burdensome, ex-pensive or impracticable if you attempted to carry them out in your small community. This agitation against the mail order house has been effective and has done a great deal of good, but if you ,are going to solve any problem, you have got to get than ever before that even with the volume that we have, we are not yet big enough to compete with the large jobber element which dominates most lines. Therefore, at our last executive meeting, we changed our by-laws so as to make it possible to take in members from other states and to work in conjunction with other associations. We realize that it takes a certain amount of expenses to maintain a clerical force necessary to car-fY out this plan and that this force can take care of two or three times the volume that we are now handling which saves expense in the executive department. Not only that, but by taking in our neighboring associations we are able to create a volume which will bring to us price'S that we now little dream of. When all is said and done, the whole success of this move-ment is locked up in the little word, volume. Everything de-pends upon the volume of business done. So much for the method of getting our 'Supplies. We found at our last convention that it was not necessary to buy a cheap line in order to get the price. If we can get volume enough, we can get a high class of goods at a price that will enable us to meet any competition. While there is a personality locked up in the various associations, there will nat~ 28 WEEKLY ARTISAN --------------- .. .... --_.. .. ~ T' ST ••• e ••••• numbers as fast as OUI cause really deserves Therefore, I bid the Dakota assoCIatIOn God speed 111tlllE>endeavor to organize and hope that we will bc able to work together for our common good .., Yours truly, ..II. W. L GRAPP, Advertising Helps. In thl~ \\ cek s clcpal tmcnt we devote our aclvcl ttsing helps to a miscellaneous l111eof cuts If yOU will study them carefully, ) au \\ III Iwhce that they are all so wntten that fhey cover a gencral lme and not a special Item These items are the items that are usually neglected 111the average store No doubt, your customers are bemg supphed by others rather than yourself. If thiS IS ) our condltton, you will find ready use for these units The) were selected because It IS so hard to get advertising cuts of these Items Ask) ourself, "If you decided to run an "ad" of an) ~me of these Items, where would you get the cuts?" If ) au turn to \ aU! general catalog, you Will find them either illus-trated m half tones or three or four times the size that you would \\ ant to me them If yOU had to order these made especially for \ our purposcs knO\\ mg that they would cost you $1.50 to $2 each, would you use them? Hardly-especially the small dealers Therefore, we feel that If we bring to you these mis-ccllaneou~ cuh of staple goods which are used commonly that \\ e are rendenng ) au a service that you cannot get in any other \va\ \s thc gTO\\ th of thiS department depends upon Its sup-port \\ c urge VOlI to use as many of these as you can, knowing that yOU \\ III bc well repaid by doing SD. Yours truly, Tl Ie '\D\ ERTISI:.JG COM::'U1 TEE. Send all Orders to the Secretary, JanesvIlle, :Minn. Are very popular with the Furniture Trade. $2~ Each Net No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net. We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs. SEND US YOUR ORDERS. We can help you. Time saved and when done leaves are bound (by your-self) and mdexed by Roars or departments. BARLOW BROS.• Grand Rapid •• Mich. ..... . .. ... .... --_._--W-rtt-t R-tg-htN-ow-.----- urally be various Ideas as to what IS the best way to \\ ark out our own salvatIOn We, m '\Imnesota have found tlldt \\ e can meet catalog competltton \vlth a smile by placing the Identtcal article that IS furmshed m the mat! order catalogs beside the article that we can furmsh thru co-operatIve buymg Our Items speak for themselves and we can meet the \vorst catalog fiend that comes into our store and make him see the values \\ e give Without saymg one word agal11st the catalog house A reputation m your commul11t) for meetmg the mall order competttion, the soap competItIOn and, m fact, all kinds of com-petttion IS a reputatIOn worth culhvatmg and \\ III bnn~ \ au more dollars 111 return for the amount of mane) invested than any other form of advertlSlng that the human mmd can con-ceive I respect the mdlvldual Idea~ of those \\ ho cltfter \\ Ith me All I ask of you IS to place some of the.,e competltl\ e leaders upon your floors and see what the effect \\ III be I leave It enttrely to you whether It IS the practical and busmess Itke way. In 1\1l.innesota, we have turned the dread of the mall order house whIch made many a man Wish he \\ ere not 111 bllsmess, mto a paymg propoSitIOn The hard problem that the ::'Imne~ota assocIatIon IS now contendmg \\ Ith IS the eVil call~ed by the soap club and premIUm I1lnsances Therefore. \\ e are gOIng to con-centrate our efforts along lmes to find a way to overcome this I want to leave \\ Ith \ au the thought that \\ e as an aSSOcI-atIon, WIll only grO\\ as fast as \\ e arc able to bnng results to our membcrs Gntll \\ e do tllclt, \\ e cannot e"pcct to glO\\ m SINGLE CONE ALL STEEL SPRINGS SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis $2~ Each Net Minnesota Retail Furniture Dealers" Association. BULLETIN No. 145. Tooth Picks. GIlt NaIl. and Clothes Pms Lace Pallels. Wall Mirrors These clothes pms are full sIze and made of the best ma-terial 2'h dozen packed m a neat car-ton Pllce 5c v\e have a large assort of lace panels at varIOUS S 1 Z e s kmds and deSIgns They add a beautl ful fiUlsh-mg touch to a door The Bat tenbu rg deSIgns cannot be dlstmgUlshed from real hand \\ ark Wr:>also have some \ ery elaborate patterns m Insh pomt All of tnese deSIgns are mounted on a very fine qualIty at net These panels can be had both m whIte and ecru Thr:> eel u ~hade"l are partlcularly rIch Pllce~ tram 54PACKA6{ CLOTHES PINS ~ 'l..~ \ These tooth pIcks are put up m a neat package and are of the finest quality They are ~lIverless ~====S!IThese tooth pIck art> an extra value for Pnces accordmg to sIze 10 and 15c the pnce of box, 5 The brass up holstery nails are put m neat, convenIent boxes They add a neat fin-mg touch to any pIece of upholstel ~ P, ICe 111'0.45.2. Pnce of Ulllt ('omplete 40c 111'0.499. Prier:>of UUlt ('omplete 40" Nickel Plated Bathoom Fixtures. Thr:>se bracket soap dlshe~ art> Ulckel plated 'l'hey hay e a beaded top and stlOI1g- 'tlllll,wlre bracket 'l'he~ , should be found m p, ery bathroom Price 20(' and up These tOIlet paper hIloyldeUISlckaerle phlaetaevd- ~ and have polished ~-~ wood rollers Only ~~ the best material IS used and theJ are hIgh grade m e\ ery respect Price 15c ff '1 hese bracket tooth brUSh holders are Ulckel ~ plated and hold five ~ bl ushes They are onlJ a small Item but they add greatly to the con- \lence of the bathroom Price 25c and up 111'0.497. Pnce of UUlt complE'te 40e The;se llllIrrors h a v e a a k flames fro m one Inch to t\\O Inches WIde aClo, d- 1n g to the sIze of glass They come III good AmerIcan or French plate, SIzes from 7 x 9 to 12 x 20 Illcluslve These mllrors add a pleasmg fiUlShIllg touch to the bathroom and are Just what IS wanted III a great many places where a large mIrror cannot be used We have all kmds of these largp and small ronnd or 0\ aI, some beveled and somr:>plam Come m and let us ~how you our lme PrICes from '-----------1II';;:0,-.-;4~-·--------' Pncr:> of UUlt complete 40c Bathroom Rugs We hay e a great vanety of pat-terns m bathroom rugs TI,e col 01 s are partICUlarly good Thesr:> rugs are rev erslble and eaSIly cleaned Every woman WIshe" hel home to be damty and up-to date and these rugs add one of the lIttle fiUlshmg touches whIch go to make a refined home They are so me", penSH e that J ou cannot afford to get along WIthout one ('orne m and see our assortment PrIces accordmg to sIze 1II'0-:-45a-. ~ Pn('e of UUlt complete, 40c. BATHBOOM SET A Comfortable Hammock ThIS complete and attractIve bath-room set consIsts of a fifteen mch solId brass towel bar, solId brass tumbler and toothpIck holder and solid brass bath tub soap basket The soap stand IS also made of brass and the brass paper holder has an ebony roller All pIeces are beau-tIfully lllckel plated No bathroom IS complete WIthout one of these sets and thIS IS your opportulllty to se-cure an extra value for the prIce Pnce 'i-s. "Never·Rust" Bath Set ThIS bath set consIsts of four pIeces-soap dl>,h towel bar tooth brush vase and tumbler holder mounted on a pIece of ImltatlOll whIte tIlmg made of heavy sheet steel Unles you own one of thE'se sets YOUhave no Idea now conven-lent they are They are sold ~o reasonably that there IS no reason \\ hy you "hould not have one m your bathroom Don t mIss thIS chancE' to secure a complete outfit at a low price Price 111'0.451. P,lce of Ulllt complete, 40c ThIS hammock IS 37 x 88 mches It has a canvas stnped center WIth Jacquard weave m EmpIre wreath effect m border and drapery The colors are rIch and stnkmg It has a large tufted thro\\ back pIllow, ~preader and 15 mch frmged valance It IS extra ~ell made large and roomy The strmgmg IS very ~trong Of course you are gomg to get a new hammock thIS summer and thlb IS yom opportufllty PrIce 111'0.454. PrIce of umt complete, 40c 111'0.450. PrICE' of umt complete, 40c Send All Orders to the Secretary, Janesville, Minn. 30 WEEKLY ARTISAN REMINDERS OF THIRTY YEARS AGO. Paragraphs Copied From the Michigan Artisan for April. 1881. Kilpatrick & Brown of Denver report an active trade Mirror plates are forty per cent cheaper than one :1 ear ago. John B. Laughlan, 1\orfolk, Ya, has greatly enlarged his store. A. P. Johnson of A P. Johnson & Co, Chicago, has sailed for Europe. Hax, Gartner & Co, have opened a stock of furmture III Denver, Col Whitney & Co have enlarged their warerooms in Al-bany, N. Y. Streit & Schmitt of Cincinnati ha\ e taken possession of a new factory Maher Brothers wIll erect an add[tlOn to their factor) III Medina, N. Y W. R. Hobbs of Aurora, III, purchased goods in Grand Rapids, recently There is a growing demand for brass bedsteads in the eastern markets Bennett & Shaffner have opened a stock of furniture III Rochester, N. Y. Cabinetmakers in Pittsburg demand an mcrease of fifteen per cent in wages W. E. Huntlllg is traveling in the west for the S1Igh Furniture company. Burnham, Reynolds & Rose succeed Deutsch Brothers, m Hornellsvllle, N Y. John D. Raggio is engaged in the erection of a new fac-tory in Phllade1phia. C. Blake has completed an addition to his factory m South Boston, Mass The Paduch (Ky.) Furniture company has taken posses-sion of a nerw factory Stumpe & Nlehans are expending the sum of $10,000 m the erection of a factory. Gannon & McGrath of Chicago have settled with cred[- tors and resumed business. Brown, Pierce & Co, of Boston, have furnished the American hotel at Saratoga. Riley Brothers', merchants of NashVille, Tenn, ha\ e added furniture to their line. WSWetzell of Benton, Montana, purchased a stock of furniture in Grand Rapids recently Edward Boeger of the E. D. Albro company. Cmc111nat[, arrived in Grand Rapids on Apnl 21. L. C Stow, of the Grand Rapids Furniture compam b visiting the trade in the western states. Mr Springer of Boston has been engaged as a deSIgner by the Berkey & Gay Furniture company. Lawrence Wikle & Co, have taken a contract to furn-ish a large hotel at Revere Beach, Mass. Charles Tobey of Chicago, placed a number of orJef'- with manufacturers of Grand Rapids on April 10 Mr. Guernsey of Guernsey & Jones, St. Louis, made hl-' second visit this season to Grand Rapids, recently D W. Kendall, designer of the Phoemx Furniture com- • pany will spend his summer vacation m ~ ew York Rockford (Ill) has a new corporatIOn, the ExceblOf, about to engage in the manufacture of parlor furniture There is a strong feeling in favor of an advance m pnces among the manufacturers of furniture throughout the country. William Hudson, late designer for the Wolverine Chair company has returned to his former home in Hamilton, Can-ada 1\Ir KeVIlle of Keville & Wapples, Kansas City, placed orders with a number of manufacturers in Grand Rapids this month. The Brooklyn Furniture company contributed a hand-some parlor sUlte for competition at the recent shooting tournament on Long Island. The upholsterers employed by J. Beiersdorf of Chicago, \\ alked out recently because Mr Beiersdorf refused to reduce the number of his apprentices. Charles M. Plum of San Francisco, arrived in Grand Rapids on A~ril 16 and placed orders for a carload of furni-ture for immediate shipment. Charles \V Black of the Sargeant Manufacturing com-pany, Cmcinnati, recently toured the east, showing the trade a very choice line of fancy furniture. Manufacturers of the east are endeavoring to obtain quantities of Michigan wild cherry lumber, which is used quite largely in the manufacture of furniture J W. \Vheelock has taken an order for 110 fine marble topped chamber suites manufactured by Nelson-Matter & Co, for Cranston's hotel at West Point, N. Y. J. F Barrs, J r, recently of the Widdicomb Furniture company has purchased a block of stock in the Sligh Furni-ture company and will assist in the office work of the conpor-ation ::'Ielssner, Stock & Co, H. Z. Mallen, Pottle & Co.. Denme & Frederickson, Thorson & Tollockson, manufac-turers of Chicago, report a steady improvement in the furni-ture trade. F. M. Holmes and J. D. Wilde, prominent furniture men of Boston, are touring the Pacific coast states with their famll[es. Before leaving Boston they were given a dinner and much talk by friends. VV'.H. Jones of the Phoenix Furniture company came home a day or two ago to learn the sad news of the death of his) oung and beauttful daughter on the day preceding his arrn al. ~Iany friends sympathize with Mr. Jones and family The store of A. Bamberger, a retailer of Chicago, was closed by the shenff recently. His estimated liabilities are $50,000, assets one-half that amount. Several manufacturers of Grand Rapids \V ho had shipped goods to him were warned 111 time to stop de1lvery. ". . - ~ If your DESIGNS are right, people want the Goods. That makes PRICES right. <!'[arence lR. lbills DOES IT [63 Madison Avenue -CItIzens Phone 1983. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH . .. A. L. HOLCOMB &. CO. Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE QROOVINQ SAWS DADO SAWS CItizens' Phone 1239 21 N. Marllet St., Graad R.aplds, Mich. ...-- . .-~----------_.... ., WEEKLY ARTISAN Buildings That Will Need Furniture. Residences-Charles Weinborn, 4732 North Mjaplewoodave-nue, Chicago, $5,500; George Staat, 4734 North Maplewood avenue, Chicago, $4,000; John Heinen, 4744 North Maplewood avenue, Chicago, $4,000; A. R. Spinharney, 5841 Indiana ave-nue, Chicago, $6,000; F. W. Ballentine, 5945 South Wood street, Chicago, $4,000; Webster H. Rapp, 1508 Lunt avenue, Chicago, $4,800; Joseph Slovansky, 2233 West Eighteenth place, Chicago, $4,500; Charles J. Arbogath, 4717 North Campbell avenue, Chi-cago, $3,500; Wilham H. Sellou, Rowena and John R. strets, DetrOIt, Mich., $10,000; August Vangalau, Jefferson avenue and Vanda street, Detroit, $5,400; Mary Hotchkiss, Canton street and Kercheval avenue, Detroit, $5,050; Anna C. Synnestredt, LI1hcbridge and IEdlie streets, Detroit, $3,850; Henry S. Koppin, 1401 Townsend street, Detroit, $10,500; Jane c. Rose, Blaine street near Woodward avenue, Detroit $,6000; Joseph F. Dedrich, Gratiot avenue and Stephens street, Detroit, $4,000; E. M. Taber, Beaubien and Ferry streets, Detroit, $9,000; Samuel Bell, 273 Hamilton street, Detroit, $5,000; K. L. Brown, 3670 Belleview, Kansas City, Mo., $8.000; C. N. Sheldon, 3521 Locust street, Kansas City, $5,000; R. M. Godfrey, 3811 Bell street, Kansas City S-t,OOO; Henry Hermann, 3114 Harrison street, Kansas City, $7,500; J. W. Fulmer, 2540 Charlotte street, Kansas City, $3,- 500; T. K Smith, 3132 Tracy avenue, Kansas City, $7,000; M. Perrine, 3923 Woodland avenue, Kansas City, $7,500; G. W. E11- nutt, 3938 Garfield avenue, Kansas City, $5,000; Albert P. Schmitz, 1833 Houston street, Kansas City, $4,000; Homer L. Donaldson, 2915 Victor street, Kansas City, $5,000; C. G. Pinck-ard, 3834 Paseo street, Kansas City, $8,750; W. H. Nettelmann, 2819 Mmnesota avenue, St. Louis, Mo., $3,500; V. C. Jordan, 1133A Hamilton avenue, St Louis, $4,800; Alice Kavanaugh, 3938 Hartford street, St. Louis, $3,600; F B Higgins, 1469 Un-ion boulevard, St. Louis, $6,500; C. A. Dieckmann, 2248 Alice avenue, St. Louis, $6,000; lEmma L. Frye, 3853 Flora boulevard, St. Louis, $12,800; Philip Rittersbacher, 307 Chadwick avenue, Newark, N. J., $5,000; George Weymar, Weequahic Park, New-ark, $18,000; Owen H. Monaghan, 649 Mt. Prospect avenue, Newark, $6,000; Warren W. Spence, Lincoln and Lexington avenues, St. Paul, Minn., $4,500; Amanda Jorgenson, Hague and Oxford streets, St. Paul, $7,800; Josephine c. Lyons, Hague and Dunlap streets, St. Paul, $4,500; Dr. Blomgren, Payne and Wells streets, St. Paul, $12,000; Mrs. M. B. Bass, Sixth and Franklin streets, St. Paul, $8,000; Mrs. C. E. Lines, Eldridge avenue and Nicholson street, Pittsburg, Pa., $5,000; N. B. Williams, Bright-on road and Carton lane, Pittsburg, $4,500; Rev. Dr. H. C. Wylie, West McIntyre and Perrysville avenue, Pittsburg, $6,000; Rev. T. H. Acheson, Howard street and North avenue, Pitts-burg, $5,500; Joseph McFadden, 4336 Water street, Wheeling, W. Va., $3,500; Mrs. Rachel Larkins, 2224 Chapline street, Wheeling, $3,500; Charles L. Vore, 1630 Topeka avenue, To-peka, Kan., $3,000; T. J. Kimbrough, 1028 Lincoln street, To-peka, $4,000; George Hughes, 16217 Buchanan street, Topeka, :;: h, Jol\; A. C. Ford, 491 Capitol avenue, Atlanta, Ga., $6,000; Jennie R. Cook, Rodes avenue, Lexington, Ky., $3,500; Mrs. ,.--_.- ---- ---_.__._-----.-.-..----..., 154 Livmgston St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 10ufs babn DESIGNS AND DETAILS OF FURNITURE CItizens' Telephone 1702. '•---.--_..._._ ..-. ---- a-a ... ... ._ _. __ .._-~ 31 Reuben Sims, 77 Spruce street, Wilkesbarre, Pa., $3,000; Allie 1\1. Leet, 2121 Sheridan boulevard, Li'l1coln,Nebr., $5,500; M. B. Jones, 1326 Vinton place, Memphis, Tenn., $6,000; A. F. Elg-gren, 465 Ninth avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah, $3,750; H. B. Daugall, 219 East Fourth South street, Salt Lake City, $4,500; John R. Winder, 62 South Third lEast f>treet, Salt Lake City, $5,500; A. B. Wright, 227 Third avenue, Salt Lake City, $3,250; C E. Harmon, 324 Juniper 'street, Atlanta, Ga., $4,500; Mrs. S. C. Stevens, 184 Metropoiltan street, Atlanta, $3,000; Mrs. James Smith, 291 Lawton street, Atlanta, $3,000; Mrs. M. W. Askew, 16 Arnold street, Atlanta, $3,000; James G. Cantrell, State street and Twenty-first avenue, Nashville, Tenn., $6,500; Ollie Elliott, 1102 Eighteenth avenue, Nashville, $4,000; A. A. Fennyves'sey, 16 Russell street, Bucalo, N. Y., $8,000; George A. Spring, 121 Windsor street, Buffalo, $6,000; Lorenzo Haight, 309 Grant avenue, Syracuse, N. Y., $4,000; J. R. Pineo" Cook and Manlius streets, Syracuse, $5,000; W. J. Schneider, Freder- Ick avenue and Twentieth street, St. Joseph, Mo., $3,000; W. A. Cameron, Arlington and Portage streets, Winnipeg, Man., $4,- ,)00; C P. Mason, Ross avenue and Keewatkin street, Winnipeg, $3,500; ]. A. Pottruff, Kingsway and Guelph streets, Winnipeg, $7,500; J. C. Fitzgerald, Florence avenue and Hay street, Winni-peg, $5,000; D. A. Ross, Balmoral place, Winnipeg, $6,500; D. N. Harrington, 930 Jackson avenue, Wichita, Kans., $3,500; Pelagia Ralicki, 300 Amherst street, Buffalo, N. Y., $4,000; Thomas Compson, 567 Richmond avenue, Buffalo, $6,500; W. L. Hopkins, 140 Hite avenue, Louisville, Ky., $3,000; George R. Taylor, Murray and Linwood avenues, Milwaukee, Wis., $5,500; C. H. Kineke, Lisbon avenue and Forty-seventh street, Milwau-kee, $4,000; F. G. Schultz, Cedar and Thirty-fourth streets, Ml1- waukee, $6,500; H. F. Fisher, Pabst avenue and Forty-seventh street, Milwaukee, $3,500; James F. Meade, 5409 Wyandotte street, Kansas City, Mo., $8,500; E. B. Albertson, 3929 Tt oost street, Kansas City, $5,000; Kate Y. Fulkerson, Jones and Twen-ty- fourth streets, St. Joseph, Mo., $7,750; Fred Griffin, Twentieth and Monterey streets, St. Joseph, $6,500; A. H. Anderson, Campbell and Curri streets, EI Paso, Tex., $3,500; D. C. Patter-son, 303 North Thirty-eighth avenue, Omaha, Neb., $10,000; Charles Blakeley, 3424 South Thirty-fifth street, Omaha, $3.000; Ida Malin, 4215 Parker avenue, Omaha, $3,000; A. Wieba, 3413 North Twentieth 'street, Omaha, $3,000; Mrs. George Paxton, 2659 Douglas avenue, Omaha, (six) $24,000; R. J. Dinning, 309 South Thirty-seventh street, Omaha, $12,000; C. F. Thomas, 1924 Prospect avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, $12,000; C. C. Roehl, 2903 Walton avenue, Cleveland, $5,000; Caroline A. Thorne, R iver-dale, the Bronx, N. Y., $7,500; W. J. M'oss, 2708 Rio Grande street, Austin, Tex., $3,500; E. W. Larson, 19 Cannon H111 Park, Spokane, Wash., $6,500; C. G. Corbaley, 14 Cannon Hill Park, Spokane, $6,000; Mrs. Frank Ellis, 11 Northwestern boul-evard, Spokane, $3,000; Mrs. Victor Saul, DePere, Wis., $3,750; Mrs. F. A. Dunham, DePere, $3,000. Miscellaneous Buildings-The Moore & Greaves Amuse-ment company is building a theatre to cost $60,000 on Curtis street, Denver, Co1. Springfield, Mo., will expend $60,000 111 the construction of school buildings during the coming summer. Henry Graf of Baraboo, Wis., has the contract for the erection of the state school for deaf mutes at Delavan, Wis.; cost $40,000; E. IE. Strayer is building a theatre in South Bend, Ind., at a cost of $40,000. The Holy Trinity Society of Syracuse, N. Y., is building a church at a cost of $70,000. The Minneapolis Board of Education is expending $250,000 in new school buildings and additions. The Germania Turnverein Norwerts of Cleveland, Ohio, are building a $25,000 club house. A newly organized company is to spend $60,000 in remodeling and refurnishing the Newport hotel at Newport Beach, Ca1. The Schubert brothers have accepted plans for their $250,000 theatre to be built on South Spring street, Los Angeles, Cal. 32 WEEKLY ARTISAN • • •••••• a_a. • •••••• '-1 Miscellaneous Advertisements. WANTED. An up-to-date cost man to take charge of a table factory. Must thoroughly understand machin,ery, lumber and cost of fimshing. Give reference, state whether employed at present, and salary demanded. Address A. L. M., care Weekly Ar-tisan Co. 4-14tf WANTED A manufacturers agent in Baltimore and Washington, selling all the largest and best trade in Upholstery and Furniture, desires to add one or two good !lnes, best of reference Address, B. & W., care of Weekly Artisan. 4 14 T F WANTED On salary or commission a line to sell in Ohio, West Vir-ginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Washington, D. C., by a salesman with established trade of more than 20 years. Ad-dress "L. G.", care Weekly Artisan. 4-23tf. Salesman. If you are Rocking Chairs and Stores. 15 per cent torland, N. Y. WANTED. not making $10 dally sell our lme of Novelties to Furmture Department commission. Address Box 291 Cas- 4-16tf WANTED. Position as commercial photographer of furniture by a prac-tical, competent man. Ten years' experience. Best of refer-ence. Address J. H. Packer, care Times Union, Jacksonville, Fla. 1-22tf • • .. _ ..I New York Markets. "t\ew YOlk, ,fay 27 -The II11~eed Oil market IS qUIet and steady, after a dlop of about 2 cent:, on \\e-teln la\\ al1d about 1 cent on double boIled ] h
- Date Created:
- 1910-05-28T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:48
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and Twenty*sixth YI[';).r-No. 23 MAY 10. 1906 Semi--Monthly 100/0 to 200/0 PROFIT PER YEAR on this Sand Belt. The investment is a small one. The few months you. are getting along without it is losing you the entire price of it. HUNDREDS MOS~~~RTo'i..'iN'NT FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS using this Sand Belt state that these claims fall short of the real merits of the machine. IT HAS THE DESIRED ADJUSTMENTS QUICKLY MADE OUr' claims are wiII sand with the grain and require no retouch-ing by hand the following: Mirror frames, round oval, any shape; drawer rails; drawer fronts, base rails, etc., serpentine, agee, round or swell; straight veneered or cross veneered; ogee, found, bevel or straight edges of dresser or table tops, of round, square or scrolled patterns; table tops, of round, square or scrolled pat-terns; table rims, dresser posts; veneered rolls or columns; straight, ogee or round· ed moulding!h; raised surfaces of panels; spirals of table legs; curtain slats for roll-top desks; spindle carvings; ·french table legs; plumbers' wood work; etc., etc. No. 164 Sand Belt Machine. WYSONG &. MILES LEE AND .JACKSON aTS. CREENSBORO, N. C. A MESSAGE OF IMPORTANCE TO THE MANUFACTURERS OF AMERICA: Do you wish to lessen the cost of handling your pro~ duct by the use of light running~ long lasting axles! If so explain to your wagon builder that Gillette Roller Bearing Axles are inexpensive to buy-easy to install-simple in con~ strucrion and highly effective in reducing the draft-that they can be made a part of YOUR vehicle at OUR risk as we ship on approval to responsible persons. And ask him to write to us-or do so yourselves. IT WILL PAY YOU. Yours for the cheapening ~fmanuf8.cturing costs~ THE GILLETTE ROLLER BEARING COMPANY Patentees and Sole Manufacturers, GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. PATENT WOOD FILLER Forms a permanent foundation. Erings out the full life and beauty of the wood. Goes further and saves labor and material, hence cheaper than other fillers. The Bridgeport WoodFini~hlng Co., NewMilfeld, Conn.; &5 Fulton St.• New York:70 W. lake St. Chlcagoi 41·43 South ani st., Phlla-dell)" ia; 48 Cornhill, Boslon. i IT COSTS YOU NOTUING But a Stamp To secure from us full and practical information regardiug auy of our now famous STAINS and FILLERS Our Spartan Combination filler No. 871-4 is made with a water-floated Silex and triple boiled Linseed Oil. It dries hard in twenty-four hours and produces the same effect as a Golden Oak Stain and Filler process, leaving the flakes clear and the pores of the wood dark. Address T"E MARIETTA PAINT s.. COLOR CO. MARlfTTA, 0"10 . . Square Drawers Need No Fitting That's what THE BENEDICT NEW DRAWER CLAMP you can have by using GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. 130 So. Ionia St., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Manufacturers of Hand Screws, Cabinet Makers' Benches, Factory Trucks, Etc. Veneer Pre!l!les,all kinds and sizes Veneer Presses Glue Spreaders Glue Healers Trucks, Etc.. Etc. These Specialties are used all Over the World -=::====.--:..-.: - Power Feed Glue Spreading Machine. (Patent applied for). Single double aDd combination. Hand Feed Gluelng Machine. (Piltent pending,) Eight Styles and Sizes. Wood-Working Machinery and Supplies 1 CHAS. E. fRANCIS &. BRO.D L~T US KNOW TOUR WANTS 419-421 f. flghth 51" CINCINNATI, O. No.6 Glue H~ter The Universal Automatic CARVINO MACHINE ==== PERFORMS THE WORK OF ==== 25 HAND CARVERS Anddoes the Work Better than it can be Done by Hand ------MADE BY======= Union [nDOSSlna MAculnr (0. Indianapolis, Indiana Write for Inlormation, PrieN Etc. The Pittsburg Plate Glass Company MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS 01' Plain and Beveled Mirrors, Bent Glass for China Cabinets Plate Glass for Desks. Table Tops and Shelves Our facilities for supplying furniture manufacturers will be understood when we state that we have 10 Glass factories, extending from Pennsylvania to Missouri; and 13 Mirror plants, located as follows: New York Boeton PhU.delpht. Surfalo Clncinnatl St. Louis MlnneapoHs Atlanta. Kokomo. Ind. Ford City. Pa. High Point, N. C. Davenport Crystal City, Mo. Also, our 22 jobbing houses carry heavy stocks in allUnes of glass, paints, varnishes and brushes and are located in the cities named below: NEW YORK-Hudson and Vandam Streets. BUFFALO-37:l-4-6-8 Pearl Street. BOSTON-4I-49 Sudbury St., 1-9 Bowker St. BROOKLYN-635 and 637 Fulton Street. CHICAGO-4.P-45:l Wabash Avenue. PHILADELPHIA-Pitcairn Building, Arch and CINCINNATI-Broadway and Court Strec1:s. Eleventh Streets. ST. L0UIS-Cor. 12th and St, Charles Streets. DAVENPORT-4IO-416 Scott Street. MINNEAPOLIS-.soo-SIO S. Third Street. CLEVELAND-149"51-S3 Seneca Street. DETROIT-53-55 Lamed Street E OMAHA-I60S-lo-l:l Harney Street. PITTSBURGH-IOI-I03 Wood Street. ST. PAUL-349""SI Minnesota Street. MIL WAUKEE, WIS.--492-494 Market Street. ATLANTA, GA.-30, 32and 34S_ Pryor Street. ROCHESTER, N. Y.-Wilder Building, Main SAVANNAH. GA.-74.s-749 Wheaton Street. and Exchange Sts. KANSAS CITY-Fifth and Wyandott St9. BALTIMORE-221.223 W. Pratt Street. BIRMINGHAM, ALA,-2nd Ave. and 29th St. It needs no argument to show what advantages may be derived from dealing directly with us. . AGENTS FOR THE COULSON PATENT CORNERPOSTSAND BATS. 2 On which side of the line are you .1• ARE you in the field where men have to scrape, chisel andre-babbitt in order that they may keep their tools in working order. or have you already crossed the line into the new and improved division where planers take up their own wear and work quickly and steadily day after day without delays, trouble and tinkering? This is the machine with Patent Sectional Clamp Bearings that take up their own wear. This invention is controlled exclusively by us and is fitted to no other planer. Its value to you in time, labor and money saved from tinkering with the cylinder journals, and in the general excellence of the work through the absence of all last motion in the cylinder cannot be estimated. But this is not the only feature that commends this planer to up~to-date shops. Improvement all along the line was the order when this machine was deligned -and as a result you are ofFered,- Britjiy, are you uJing a Cahinet Smoothing Planer? Fay and Egan N,. I56 A new arrangement of the table that SUppOTtSthe stock without yielding or trembling~ Gears keyed to shafts running in babbitted bearings, eliminating all studs. Practical, successful sectional feed roll. Pressure bars 80 arranged that pieces less than three inches long may be planed without clipping the ends. What else? Ask us. send for Circulars, Catalog, ilnd Complete Information. 505-525 W. front St., Cincin.n.ati,Ohio, u..s.A. TAe H'orJdj Standard for Woodworking lfadlinery. GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY 26th Year-No. 23 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.. MAY 10, 1906. $1.00 per Year. WOULD MAKE INSURANCE INTERSTATE COM-MERCE. Bill Framed to Keep Closer Watch on Work of Companies. A bill has been introduced in the house of representatives in \~lashillgton to declare the business of insurance interstate commerce. The measure provides that insurance companies may apply to the commissioner of corporations of the De-partment of Commerce and Labor to be registered, and re~ <..juiresthat before passing upon the application the commis-sioner shalt inquire illto the business of the company and ascertain its financial standing and ability to fnUlll its obliga-tions, and if found to be satisfactory to issue a certificate to that effect. Insurance companies are required to furnish the de-partment a\, annual statement of their busincss and financial condition and the commissioner may at any time cause an examination of any company to be made to which he has issued a ccrtificate. He is required to make an examination at least clIlce in three years and as much oftener as he deems necessary_ V\;he.~lever a company admittNl to registry shall upon ex-amination be found to be doing an illegal business or he in un-sound condition, it must "make good"or desist from its il-legal business within sixty days under penalty of cancellation of its certificate. After a certificate has been cancelled it is de-clared to be unlawful for a company to advertise or make lIse of its certificate, and in case of violation of this provision the postmaster-general is empoVliered to deny the company the use of the mails_ The bill applies to all forms of insurance doing business outside of the "state of its domicile." A Young Man Should Be Honest With Himself. In the matter of petty expenses, or large, there are thous-ands of young men who are not honest with themselves. On the one side is the young man of the careless methods who does not enter his expenditures; on the other is the man who enters more than he should. In this way the employe who is dishonest brings the VIi hole catalogue of expenses into disre-pute. The one "\vho charges too much and who submits the discounting of his overcharge is a th~ef in spirit and robber of his fellow worker whose expense bill' is legitimate and fig-ured to cents. Manifestly the employe who ,""arks his overtime, caus-ing him to miss a meal that he has paid for while he buys another, has paid a double price for a dinner; one of these prices should he restored to him-the employer for whom he works would not pass the occasion were it developed in his O\"n business; the employe can never mwe illy afford to do so. ;\ strict business polLey and a strictly "sq\lZlre deal" for himself as he goes along must be one of the principles of the salaried worker, of all others. The paying teller in a win-do'\'\' of the ricbest bank in the world accounts to the cent every night for his handling of the bank's funds. The man who takes the pay which is tendered and pays the prices that are demanded is marked for bankruptcy if he attempts a dif-ferent policy Changes in Weathered Oak Finishes This style of finish changes continually, and there is abso-lutely no standard of any kind for it. It is one of the dull finisbes and is never varnished. At one time the weathered oak in favor was almost black; this 'llias followed by a color or shade resembling the gray hark of trees and now a number of shades of brown pass for \veathered oak. Under these circumstances we shall only attempt to describe the variety of weathered oak that has the, widest popularity. The field is a sort of yellowish green; the open grain of the wood black and the quarterings of the grain a yellowish white. Tn producing the weathered oak effect especial eare must he taken that the stain coat is absolutely dry before applying the finishing coat. \Vhether on oak, ash, or chestnut, no filling should be used in making the weathered oak fin.ish, the proper effect being produced by the stain and final coat only_ THE CORRECT Stains and fillers. THE MOST SATISFACTORY first Coaters and Varnishes IIIANI,IFACTlJRCO DNLY U-Y CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CO. 259·63 ELSTONAVEm2·16 SLOAN ST. CH I CACO. 4 New Yorll Jameatown High Point Associate DIllces Grand RaJ)lds Chicago In all PriD.elpal clUe. St. Louts 80.tOD WHITE PRINTING CO. GRANO RAPlbS. MICH w~ PRINT THI' MICHICl"'N ARTISA"", AND ....AK~ A SPECIAL.TY OF CATAL.OO ....ES FOR THE: FURNITUIiI£' TRAOE. HANO CIRCULAR RIP SAW. MORTISRR REPORTING FURNITURE. UNDERTAKERS, CARPET HARDWA~E AND KINDRED TRADE-C;. CO L L E C-TIONS MADE BY AN UNRIVALLED SYSTEM Tl-(RQUGH OUR COLLECTION DEPARTMENT • WE PRODUCE RESULTS WHERE OTHE....s ~AIL WJUT.I:i: FOK PARTICULARS AND "'OU WILL SEND US YOUR BUSIN gss. Our Complaint and Adjustment Department R.ed Draft. Collect IMPROVED. EASY and QUICK RAISING Belt, Electric and Hand Power. The Best Hand Powerfor Furniture Stores Send for Catalogue and Prices. KIMBAll BROS. CO., '067 N;nlh $L. Counoil Bluffs, la. Kimball Elevator Co•• 323Prospect St., Cleveland,O.; l081Hh St., Omaha, Neb.; 12(lCedar St" New York City • COMBINED MACHINE. No.4 SAW (ready for cross-cutting) W. F. & JOHN BARNES CO., 654 Ruby SI., Rookford, III. ~:~~'::. HAND AND FOOT POWER MACHINERY WHY THEY PAY THE CABINET MAKER: He can save a manufacturer's profit as well as a dealer's profit. He can make more money with less capital invested. He can bold a better and more satisfactory trade with his customers. He can manufacture in as good style and finish, and at as low cost, as the factories. The local cabinet maker bas been forced into only a dealer's trade and profit, hecause of machine manulactured goods of factories. An :mtfit of Bartles' Patent Foot and Hand-Power Machinery, rein· states the cabinet maker with advantages equal to his competitors. If desi.ed, these machines will be sold ON TRIAL. The purchaser can have ample timll!ito test them in his own shop and on the work he wishes them to do. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUBANDPRICK LIST FRHE. FORMER OR MOULDBR. HAND TIlNONEIt. ELEVATORS No.3 WOOD LATHB, No.4 SAW (ready tor ripping) No.7 SCltOLL SAW. STAFFORD fURNITURE ENGR4VING Our"half tones an~ deep sharp, clear"; 8,Mng them long wear and ease of make-ready. Every plate is precisely type high, nloullt~d all a perfected squared, seaSO!l-ed block trimmed to pica standard. An are proved and tooled until tlle best possible printing Qual ty is developed. Specimells mailed on requeht. Stafford Engraving Co. "The H()U8{! of ideas" INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA These saws are made from No. 1 Steel and we war-rant every blade. \Ve also carry a full stock of Beveled Back Scroll Saws, any length and gauge. Write us for Price List and discount 31-33 S. FRONT ST .• GRAND RAPIDS Factory Locations There is in the various offices of the Land and Industrial Department of the Southern Railway and :Mobile & Ohio Railroad late information regarding a number of first class locations for Furniture, Chair and other \\'oodworking Fac tories, which will be furnished Manufacturers upon applica-tion. An invitation is extended td all who use wood in their plants to write about the timber supply, good sites and mar kets available in our territory. Address your nearest agent. M. V. RICHARDS, Lal\d an~ \l\d\,l'Striai Agel\t. WASHINGTON, D. C, CHAS. S. CHASE. Agent, M. A. HAYS. Agent, 622 Chemical Building. SI. Louis, Mo. 225 Dearborn St.. Chicago. III QUARTER-SAWED INDIANA WHITE OAK VENEERS CHOICE FIGURE :: EXTRA. WIDTHS When writing for pricest mention widths required and kind of figure preferred. HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. Fort Wayne Indiana GLOBE VISE and TRUCK CO. Manufadurer~ of HIGH GRADE Wood Workers Vises AND Factory Trucks Office 321 South Division St GRAND RAPIDS, • MICH. 5 Simplicity in COllstruc-t ion enahles u~ to Il:ive q'lj1lilyand durahility, allt! meet all com~eti_ tioll. Writejvr PriccB, No. 21. Roller Bearings. Same style Trucks No. 24, without Roller Bearings Step~ensonnf~. (0. South Sond.lnd. Wood T .mings, T urnod Moulding. Dowels and Dowel Pins. Catalogue to Manufac-turers 011Application. Folding Bed Fixtures Profitable fixtures to use are those which give the least trouble. They are made by Folding Bed 'Williams in many styles and designs, suitable for every folding bed manufactured. Furniture Cast-ings, Panel Holders, Corner Irons, etc. New ideas and inventions constantly being added to the line. F. B. WILLIAMS 3812 VlnceDDes Ave., Chicago. Manufacturer of Hardware Specialties for the Fumiture Trade. Established 1878 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A well located and old established firm in Michigan with a well equipped factory now doing Mill work, Store fixtures, etc., and with ample room in vacant buildings adja.cent thereto, having a surplus of cuttings in Oak, Ash, Maple and Birch, wou~d like to negotiate with parties thoroughly posted in the manufacturing and selling of Furniture. One who has a small amount of capital or a line of desirable furn-iture specialties and can furnish unqualified references as to responsibility and efficiency as a man~ger. To one wishing to develop or enlarge an established and growing line of furniture we can offer inducements worth investi-gating. Address "OPPORTUNITY," Care Michigan Artisan. 6 ~r;.IfHIG7}-N Various Matters. "The rod is a nuisance in a furniture factory," remarked Charl'ey Wise, an experienced factory foreman of Atlanta, Ga. "Where it is in use much valuable time! is lost by the work-men while running from one part of the ~hop to another look-ing for it. The rod can be dispensedi with when the bills arc car~fully made Qut. A foreman, by carefully checking the stock as it comes from the te110ner and the trim saw, can keep a perfect re<:ord of the lumber han8led between the cut-ters and the cabinet room." ___ i An old traveling salesman remarked Irecently/ "It is easier to sell a new style articl'e than an old s~yle one, although the old may be a bettcr piece in every way. I The mere fact that a style is new is often a sufficient argument to effect a sale." Respectfully referred to the advocates bf the one-line-a-year plan. : Designers employed upon a salary di not object very ser-iously to the much-discussed but never-adopted one-line-a-year plan. Commercial designers and the public generally oppose it. The position of these respective classes is the natural' one. ' i, The sale of antique articles of furnithre is carried on very extensively in Washington, D. C. Antiquity is the sole quality of much of the stuff. Efforts have been made to ob-tain the splendid coIJection of furniture' purchased 140 years ago in France by Thomas Jefferson and installed in his fam-ous old home in Monticello, Va. The Jefferson estate, includ-ing the remains of Jefferson and many members of his family, is the property of Jefferson M. Levy, al'millionaire banker of New York, who would not part with J spoonful of earth, a twig or a pebble of the sacred (to many) ground. The Jef-ferson furniture, which is contained in! twenty-six rooms, is made of warnut and mahogany. ' A gentleman engaged in selling fJrniture, who is com-pelled to divide his time between Gran~ Rapids and Chicago during the exposition season, discussed; his work as follows: "Traveling frequently between two expbsitions is a hardship. And then think of the expense! If the lines shown could be concentrated in either city it would 'prove of great advan-tage to all concerned." When it was ~uggested that the ac-commodations for showing goods were !not sufficient in either city to meet the demands of the exhibitors he admitted that ~iUchwas the fact. "It is much easier Ito meet the buyer::' in Grand Rapids than in Chicago," he continued, "and in the matter of expellse of making an exhibit!Grand Rapids ha1>the advantage. But the buyers remain in, Chi(".ago much longer than they do i.n Grand Rapids; therefore, the exhibits receive greater attentlOn." i "While the builders of wood ~orkibg machinery are en-gaged in study and experiment for the! purpose of perfectin~ machinery to pe'dorm work whieh is nbw done by hand," re-marked the superintendent of a great wood working shop in Grand Rapids, "they have not succeeded in perfecting a ma-chine to sand mouldings with fine meutbers. Only by hand is it possible to sand the moulded ed~e 'of a tabl'e or case top or case frames. I doubt if we shall ever have a machine to do this \vork. I have attempted to perfect such a ma-chine and failed. It i5 greatly necd~d by wood workers.·; The attention of the superintendent is respectfully directed to a machine recently brought out by I! the Wysong & Miles company, of Gre-ensboro, N. C. It lis illustrated and de~ scribed on another page. The manul' acturers claim that it fills "a want long felt." It is worthylof the attention of all wood workers. ~ I "It is not necessary to veneers, as many contend. use a poweri scraper on mahogany A hand scnaper and a sander suf~ tice to clean the glue and other substances that collect on the face of the veneer. No one would attempt to use a power scraper on crotch veneers, whlIe on solid boards only the planer and power sander need be employed to produce a per-fect surface." The first calls for goods from the stricken cities of Califor-nia were for desks and other articles of office furniture. The.: people were anxious to "get down to business" before the ruins had ceased to smoke. The enterprising manufacturers. of Grand Rapids shipped several carloads to San Francisco within the week following the {(quake," and others are going forward daily. There will be a great demand for cheap fur-niture during the reconstruction period. The makers of low priced chamber suites are unloading the accumulated over stocks rapidly. "I had an opportunity to VISit a factory a short time ago, and met a superintendent who is of no more importance, when the big man of the offic~ is on the premises than the sman boy employed to lubricate the wheels of the f?ctory trucks," re-marked a dealer in factory supplies. "The superintendent was afraid to assert that the soul within him was his own. The 'big man' dominates the whole works, and ""ha.t need he has for a superintendent or foreman is beyond my calcu-lation. The superintendent is so subdued when in the pres-ence of the big man that he abjectedly answers iyes' when he means 'no' and 'no' when he knows in his own mind his answer should be ·yes.' Some day the big man will die and the factory will pass into the hands of ·the stockholders. \Vhat sort of an organization will he leave?" "The manufacturer of a certain brand of artificial' leather is conducting a strenuous campaign to protect his interests against imitators," remarked the president of a hlrge up-holstering company. "Whenever he learns that a manufac-turer is using an imitation of his product he opens up with an attack of rapid fire correspondence from the office of his lawyer that is calculated to frighten if not entirely subdue the offender. He often purchases an article of furniture, supposed to be covered with his leather, to be exhibited in the big windows of his 'i'i areroom in New York. When a piece covered with an imitation of his product reaches his premises "so'mething" follows rapidly. A source of annoy-ance to the manufacturer. is the fact that the imitations so closely resemble the patented article that none but an expert can detect the difference." As loyal citizens of Atlanta, filled with CIVtC pride, the manufacturers of furniture have given, and will continue to give, substantial support to the exposition of American pro-ducts and manufactures to be held in that city in 1910. In discussing this matter Lewis Newelt of the Southern Furni-ture company said: "The manufacturers of Atlanta could afford to contribute to a fund to prevent the holding of an exposition much more liberally than to a fund to promote an exposition. Why? you naturally ask. The demand for skill'ed labor during the two years preceding the date of the opening of the exposition will' be so great on account of the erection and equipment of necessary buildings that wages will be advanced far above a legitimate scale and it will not be an easy matter to hold our men in the shops. There will be more or less shifting in the positions of workmen, and such a thing as discipline must not be thought of. The com-petition that we will have to meet ,at the hands of manufac-turers employing much cheaper workmen than we shall be able to obtain, will wipe out the margin line of profit, and several years will necessarily elapse before it will be possible for us to get down on our present basis. We could give $1,000 to prevent the holding of an exposition rather than $500 to promote one. But we shall cheerfully do our part to make the enterprise successful. We owe this to our city." I New Slyies in Table Lells I IS it not a big advantage, not only in the selling of your product, but 1n the prices you command, if you are able to keep cbanging the style and getting out something new right along and 'Lvithaul any extra expenSt in the c~u.p OUR NO.5 TABLE LEG MACHINE wilt turn, not only round, hut octagon, hexagon, square or any irregular shape, and all with the same c\ltter head. Its capacity is equal t<l eight or ten hand turners, and it is guaranteed [0 do the work successfully. WOULD IT NOT INTEREST YOU TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS MACHINE: ~ THEN DROP US A LINE. C, Mallison Machine Works, FIFT·.:'~T, Beloit, Wis, MACHINERY F'OR TURNING WOOD, 7 FOX DADO HEADS GREATEST RANGE QUICKEST ADJUSTMENT LEAST TROUBLE PERFECT SAFETY SMOOTHEST GROOVES FASTEST CUT SAW LEAST POWER Also Machine KntveJ. Miter Machines. Etc. LONGEST LIFE We'll gladly tell you all about It. PERMANENT ECONOMY FOX MACHINE. CO. 185 N. F.-ont Street. Grand Rapids. Mlc:h CyClone Blow Pipe Co. Improved Cyclone Dust Colleclors, Automatic F umace F eedera, Steel Plate Exh.aust Fans. E:xh.awl and Blow Piping Complete 8Ystelll$ designedl manufactured. installed and guaranteed. Old sY$lelll$ ielDOdelecl on modem lil1e5 1 on mOlll eoonomieal plans. Supplementary systems $1ded where pregeDt ~. ~ afe nu\\I1'Own. De_ fective s y s t e m8 OOl'leded and put in proper workiI\i: order. 70 W.]ackson Sireel, CHICAGO. _ ILL. WHITE PRINTI'NG CO. Printers for the Furniture Trade. Grand Rapids, Mich. Do~~s' Patent Ta~le=le~Dovefailer "The Dodds Tilting Saw Tab\e has more practical features and good points than any other saw table on the market. MANUFACTURHD AND Fo)!. SALE BY ALEXANDER DODDSGrand Rapids, Michigan, U. S. A. 5% NINETY.FIVE PER CENT OF THE FLOOR SPACE IS RENTED. NECESSARY FOR ANY MANUFACTURER TO HURRY IF HE WANTS TO BECOME A PART OF The Chicago Exhibition (THE BIG BUILDING) Thirteen Nineteen (1319) Michigan Ave., Chicago. Diagrams and Descriptions Ready for Applicants. Manufacturers' Exhibition Building Co. CHICAGO Qran~ Ua~i~s Olow Pi~e an~DustArrester(om~anJ THE latest device for handling- shav-ings and dust from all wood wood-working machines. OUf eighteen years experience in this class of work has brought it nearer perfection than any other system on the market today. It is no experiment, but a demonstrated scientific fact, as we have several hundred of these systems in use, and not a poor one among them. OUf Automatic Furnace Feed System, as shown in this cut, is the most perfect working device of anything in its line. Write for our prices for equipments. WE MAKE PLANS AND DO ALL DET AIL WORK WITHOUT EX-PENSE TO OUR CUSTOMERS EXHAUST FANS AND PRESSURE BLOWERS ALWAYS IN STOCK Office and Fa.ctory: 20B-210 Canal Street GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. Citizens Phone 1282 Sell. M..In 1804 OUR AUTOMATIC FURNaCE FEED SYSTEM: 10 wALTER CLARK 535 Michigan Trust Building Citizens Phone 5933 ONE OF OUR SPECIALTIES QUARTER SAWED OAK VENEER NO OLD PICKED OVER STOCK ON HAND BUT A LOT OF FRESH AND BEAUTIFULLY FIGURED WOOD IN STOCK G RAN D RAP IDS, M I G If iG A N Travel on Right Hand Side of Car. When you are traveling and enter a sleeping car, chair car, or day coach, and want to fmd the traveling men, look 011 the right side of the cars. You can tell "drummers," of course, without that, but if you go into any railway train you will find the commercial travelers-the men who make a business of traveling-all riding on the right hand side. If you want to test this, go sometime to the sleeping car chart at any station, and you will find the right hanJ berths sold, and the left hand ones mostly vacant. The custom, which has grown greatly, is extremely no-ticeable even to railway men, and the makers of sleeping cars would put all the berths on the right hand side if they could. The demand for berths on the right hand side is enormous It is not a habit or superstition with these old travelers. It is based on experience, and the cause is twofold. Force of habit, the "rule of the road" for hundreds of years, will cause most persons to' take the right hand side natural1y, but this applies to traveling men no more than to the ordinary traveler. Yet, while the commercial travelers will. fight almost for the 'right hand seats, there are three big roads in the United States whcre the demand is for left hand seats and berths. All but three of the big roads of the United States follow the "rule of the road," that if;, they run their trains on the right hand track of the double tracked line. The right hand side of the cars, therefore, are furtherest removed from the trains passing i}l the opposite direction, and passengers on that si.dc escape the noise and dirt. In the night they are not awakened by the crash of passing. trains, although they may suffcr more from passing long lines of cars on sidetracks. The chief reason, however, that the traveling men choose the right hand side is for greater safety, as the l'eft hand side of a train running all the right hand track is exposed to danger from passing trains. All old travelers expect some day to be in a train accident, and they do not overlook any safeguards. They know that at any time some big piece of freight from some passing freight train might be jostled loose and rip through the si.des of the fast train going in the opposite direction. They know that some loose side door of a freight car, caught in the suction betwecn the trains, may rip a hole in the sleeping car's side. They know it is possible for one of the heavy mail catchers on :l mail train to tear through the sides of half a dozen cars going in the opposite direction, if some one left it sticking out through carelessness. Also, they know that when fast trains are hurled into siding by misplaced switches, the left hand side suffers most. So the veterans with the travel' worn grips claim and pre-empt the right hand seats and berths everywhere-and the rest of the public is no wiser. FRANK GUNTON. Sandpapering and Temperature. It is of the greatest importance to have a clean, smooth surface if a first-class finish is desired. For this reason all finishing operations in natural wood should be commenced by sandpapering the surface to be finished until it is perfectly smooth. Temperature is another important consideration. Varnish is susceptible to atmospheric conditions and can-not dry in a proper way if used in a cold room. If it has be-come thick from long exposure to cold, it should be allowed to stand in a warm place until it regains its normal consist-ency. Turpentine may be used to prepare varnish for the brush quickly, but it creates unnatural conditions and injures its luster. Varnish s-hould be spread in the proper temper-ature, which is above 700 F" and for a first-class finish heat should be supplied. For a polish finish .not less than three coats of lard oil or varnish should be used. An egg shell gloss can be produced with two coats. Time should be allowed between the coats for thorough drying. The first coat of stain shoul'd be sandpapered as it smooths down the grain, which has a tendency to raise more or less after the stain is applied. This throws up the high lights by removing a portion of the stain from the markings of the wood, causing them to stand out in greater contrast. The second coat of stain is diluted so that it will not obscure the grain while it deepens the color of the open grain of the wood. The second coat should be applied very sparingly and best results follow irom rubbing with a rag. A slight rubbing with polishing sandpaper will make the surface per-fectly smooth for the finishing coat. A coat of shellac should precede the filling, so as to pro-tect the solid parts of the wood against discoloration by the filler. The thin film of shellac does not fill the open grain of the ·wood, allows full ingress of the filler where needed and makes an impervious coat,ing of the solid structure, pre-venting the wood from absorbing the filer where not wanted. I t can be easily removed by a~light sandpapering after the fiBer has become dry. Thus a much better result is gaitled the finish being more beautiful and clear Oil and Water Stains. Oil stains have the advantage over water stains in not being affected by the cold, The wood through their use be-comes more or less obscure and the color effects are not as rich as those produced by water stain. For staining old work oil should always be used. The reason for this is that watcr stains perform their work b'y absorption and in old work thc porous properties of the wood are either destroyed or impaired by the previous finishing, so the water stain cannot penetrate Weathered oak should always be finished with an oil stain. All other col'ors in oak call for the use of water stains. 11 G. R. ~ I. fLYERS BETWEEN Grand Rapids and Chicago To Chicago To Grand Rapids Lv. GR.\.ND RAPIDS, Ex. Sun 7.10 A. M. AI. CHICAGO 12.35 Noon Buffet Parlor Car Lv. GRAND RAPIDS, Ex. Sun 12.01 Noon AI. CHICAGO •....•........... " ....•• 4.50 P. M. Parlor and Dlnh1. Car Lv. GRAND RAPIDS, Daily 11.50 Night AI. CHICAGO. .. .• .. .. . . .. . . . . 7.15 A. M. Electric Llllbted Sleeping C.r c===_=== ===c==~---- Phone Vnion Station lor Re.ervatlons PALMER'S Patent Gluing Clamps Are the most suceessful Piling Clamps Made For the following reason. They clamp instantly any width of dimension stock; no adjusting clamps to fit the work, they hook at once to the desired width. Released instantly-throw out the lever and take them off. The work can be removed as fast as it can be handled. As the clamp' is placed over the work and tocks into the one below it the draw is alike on both sides, prevents all springing no matter how wide the stock may be. Impossible for them to slip; the wedge has sermted edge and cannot be moved when clamp is closed, hammer all you like, Unlimited powe(; great strenJ!th and durability; malleable iron and steel; tbe knuckle joints are SQ(;ket joints, not rivets. Although the best they (;ost you less. For further information ask for (;atalogue No.4. A. E. Palmer. Owos.o. Mich. Lv. CHICAGO 8:45 A. M. AI. GRAND RAPIDS 1:50 P. M. Lv. CHICAGO, tjihCSt~S:~Etl~x. Sun 1.15 P. M. AI. GRAND RAPIDS.. .. . . • . • • . . . . . . . 5.50 P. M. Bulfe. Parlor Car Lv. CHICAGO, r:ihOSt~~~~1~Ex. Sun 5.30 P. M. AI. GRAND RAPIDS 10.25 P. M. Parlor and Dhllin,. Car Lv. CHICAGO, NihCSt~~~~t1:~ Daily 11.55 Night AI. GRAND RAPIDS.. .. .• . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.45 A. M. Electric Lllihttld Sleeping Car Phone MlchlltlUllCentral City Ticket Office for Re.el"Vatlons. 119 Adam .. Street GLOBE VISE .n' TRUCK CO. Grand RaJ)ids, Micll. lIb-kers of the BEST Quick Acting VISE Ou r Illustrated Circular will tell you all about it. • fOUR TRAINS TO AND fROM CHICAGO LvGd. Rapids 7:10am ArChieago 1:15pm Lv Gd. Rapids 12:05 nn Ar Cl;licago 4:50 pm Lv Gd. Rapids 4:25 pm Ar Chicaco 10:.5.5pm Lv Gd. Rapids 11:30 pm. da.ily Ar Chicago (:,:55am Pullman Sleeper, open 9:00 pm on 11:30 pm train every day. Cl1£eservke on all day trains. Service a la carte. PeTe Marquette Parlgr cars on all day trains. Rat. reduced to 50 cents. T"REE TRAINS DETROIT TO AND FROM Leave Grand Rapids 7:10 am Arrive Detroit 11:55 am Leave Grand Rapids 11:15 am daily Arrive Detroit 3:25 pm Leave Grand Rapids 5:20 pm Arrive Detroit 10:05 pm Meal. served a III. carte on trains leaving Grand Rapids at 11:25 am and 5:20 pm. Pere Mar<\.uette Parlor C.1'S on aU traina; seat rat., 25 cents. "ALL OVER MICHIGAN" H.]. GRAY,DISTRICT P.uSBNGBR AGiENT, PHONE 1168 Grand Rapid., Mie-h. 12 .7IR-T I.soA.AJ & 7F. cm. MfMMfR ~ ~O. MANUFACTURERS OF DROP CARVING AND GENERAL EMBOSSING MAcmNES Dies fOTaU kinds of Machines. At lowest prkes. 7 Second St" LAFAYETTE,IND. Wood Forming Cutters We offer exceptional value in Reversible and One- 'Nay Cutters for Single and Double Spindle Shapers. Largest lists with lowest prices. Great-est variety to select from Book free. Address SAMUEL J. SHIMER &. SONS MILTON, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. ORAnD KAPIDS WOOD flnlSnln fi (0. I':X('I.USIVB MANUF"CTURRRS Ill'" WOOD FINISHING MATERIALS That is our specialty. We confine our business tel Fillers, Stains, Polish Furniture Wax a"d Fmishing :->upplies. We are the origillators of Weathered. Antwerp and MiS!lion Stains ill Oil. Our shades are ::Ibsolutely correct We ale authority on Early English, Fumed, Cathedral Oak, and Silver Maple Stains, and will match any particu-l,~ r shade desired. Office and factory, 55, 57, 59 Ellsworth Ave.,6rand Rapids, Mich, BOYNTON &. CO. Mfn. of fmbosstd and Turned Moulding~. Porch Work. Wood Grills. and Auto-matic Turnings We also manufac-ture a large line of EMBOSSED ORNA-MENTS for couch work. SeJld for illustrations. Removed to 419-421 W. fifteenth St., CnlC4GO, ILL. CATALOGUE -;) - - ~ )1~!J,i~/)ll,')!\!1d- lIIJ~J' B. WALTER & CO. rNADU~~ M,nuf"ture" of TABLE SLIDES Exclusively WRITE FOR PRICES AND DISCOUNT If your DESIGNS au right, people want the. Goods. That makes PRICES right, <Ilarence 1R.lbills DOES IT 163 Madison Avenue-Citizen9 Phone 1983. GRAND RAPiDS. MICH. 9llammolh fj)rop~ CarverJ 9/0. 3 This machine weighs about one tOil. Has a traveling table, is reversed and started from a counter shaft, which is inClUd-ed with machine. Hollow steel mandrel S% inches in diameter. We furnish bum· er for inside or outside heat-bIg for eilher gas or gaso-line. Size of machine. ! ft 9 in. h,gh., 3 ft. 10 In. long, II ft_ wide. We guarantee thism9chine. Prkc, $225; without trav-eling table, $200. Mammoth No.4, Sflme as machine No.3, driven with longitu de shaft only; pulleys at right an g-les;- needs no counter shaft. Price 820' I; with-o u l traveL-i Ii g table, $170. Send for full de-s<:: ript ion and list of other dwp carvers we build, Blue Print DesijJns Free to the Trade. JNO. P. DENNING 208 S. FIRST ST. TERRE HAUTE, IND 1Loufs lbabn DESIGNS AND DETAILS OF FURNITURE 154 Livingston St. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Citizens' Telephone 1702. 13 They All Meet at Grand Rapids FROM EAST, WEST, NORTH SOUTH Not a representative Retail Store in the country that is not· represented by its buyer in this Market. If you have got good goods to sell--SHOW THEM in a market that is not sectional, but national. Permanent salesrooms--~~open the year round. If interested in desirable space, write at once, as the amount available is limited. FURNITURE EXHIBITION BUILDING COMPANY GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN INSIST ON HAVING Morris Woo~ 3 Sons' SoM Steel OIue Joint (utlers for there are no other.r Of ju.rt a.r good!' They cut a clean perfect joint always. Never bum owing to the GRADUAL CLEARANCE (made this way only by us), require little grinding, saving time and cutters. No time wasted setting up and cost no more than other makes. Try a pair and be convinced. Catalogue No. 10and prices on application. MORRIS WOOD CD. SONS Thl-rt:y_one yeal"S at 31-33 S. Canal Sh'eet, CHICAGO. ILL. PALMER'S Patent Gluing Clamps Are the :most successful Piling Clamps Made For the following reason. They clamp instantly any width of dimensloll stock; no adjusting damps to f,\ the work. they hook at once to the desired width. Released instantly-throw out the lever and take them off. The work can be removed as fast as it can be handled. As the clamJl is placed over the work and locks into the one below it the draw is alike on hoth sides, prevents all springing no matter how wide the stock may be. Impossible for them to slip; the wedge has serrated edge and cannot bc moved when clamp is closed. hammer allJ'ou like, Unlimited power; great strenl{th and urabilitYi malleable iron and steel; the knuckle joints are socket joints, not rivets. Although the best they cost you less_ For further information ask for catalogue No.4. A. E.. Palmer. Norvel. Mich. 14 2 THE AVERAGE SPEED OF CIRCULAR SAWS. Figured on a Rim Speed of 10,000 Feet Per Minute. A close watch must be kept on the saw when blue spots begin to show themselves, the cause thereof must be found and removed. A blue spot on a circular saw means that the blue portion has heen heated too hot. \Vhcll pine is sawed a lot of pitch sometimes collects 011 the saw and burns on. It bakes 50 tight that it becomes as hard, almost, as the saw itself, and as tbis thick place goes around, it makes a good deal of fridion in the kerf, and beg-ins to heat. The more -it heats, the hardC'T the coating becomes, and the tighter it sticks. If the saw were looked over often, and all the spots of baked-on pitch, grease and dirt were scraped off with a knife or chisel, there would be fewer saws with burned spots on them. As soon as a saw begins to heat the spot getting hot expands and buckles out, so as to bear still harder on the wood it is going through. If the cau;e is not removed, the spot will increase in size, and the cente:', ihstead of being blue, will be heated so hot that the blue color will be driven away, leaving the center of the spot softened from the great heat. Put a straight edge on a saw of this description and you will find a well defined bunch in it, th~ bunch sometimes standing out over a sixteenth of an inch. Until the bunch is removed the saw will be useless for good \-vork. Hammer the bunch on an end grain block, and if the saw is not too open, it ,,,-ill dish through and show on the op-posite side, 'in whjch case the surrounding steel must be ex-panded to let out the undue expansion of the bunch. Why Saw Teeth Crumble. The crumbling of saw teeth may arise from an actually de-fective temper or innate defect in the saw steel itself so that the latter cannot be overcome. It is due to a too high temper, <Lna if there are only a few teeth on a saw that show the defect, it may be remedied by the use of a gasoline torch. Place the saw in the filing clamp so that the tooth just shows, then holding a piece of asbestos board or charcoal 011 one side of tooth, throw the torch flame against the point of tooth. You can draw the temper to- any desired degree. Hold the asbestos or charcoal in place a fe.w seconds after removing the flame. This will save heavy grinding to remove the hard points. Or, crumbling may be due to an improper shape of tooth or a faulty adjustme.nt of swage so that in either case, the swage exerts too great a strain on the fibre of the steel, starting a fracture which though not visibre will be manifested when the tooth strikes a knot. Or it may come from a tooth so slim that the use of an upset is necessary to secure a proper corner or from the corner being too much of a needle point to stand up to its work. A tendency to crumble may be overcome by a more frequent and consequent lighter, swag-ing, sharpening and sidedressing. The condition certain-ly demands that the various fitting strains put upon the teeth shall be as light as possible. In general, careful attention to the proper use of swage and shaper and light grinding will avoid the trouble. The Standard Number of Teeth in Small Circular Saws. The size and the number of the teeth in circular saws are governed largely by the gage of the. saw. \Vhenever saws are very thin for any reason whatever, the number of teeth should be proportionately increased, and the length decreased, products can be glued and nailed, filled or fin-ished salIleas wood, with oil, water or spirit stain. Our Unbreah.a ble No. 1,39A No. 152 B BETTER THAN WOOD Much stronger and more durable, full depth of grain. A perfect reproduction of ha.nd carving which absolutely defies detectiClin. Send for Sa.mple. Send for CATALOGUE. ORNAMENTAL PRODUCTS CO, Twdfth. and ForI Streets. Petroil. MichipD. as a very slim tooth is liable to spring sideways and make rough timber. As regards' the work of the saw for different woods, there is much that depends upon having saw fitted with the proper amount of set or swaging, having the teeth kept sharp and properly slim and throated, and the feed not too fast. The set on the teeth may properly vary for differ-ent woods. Under proper care, 19-9age segment resaws are cutting hard maple, and 16-gage segment resaws easily cut wide kiln dried oak, being run steadily on such lumber. The stock should be fed to the saw so that the teeth wjl1 take a deep, full cut, rather than a light scraping onei as they will stand up to the work with less tendency to dull. It is sometimes observed in sawing kiln dried hardwoods that the saw is dulled in a short time, and this fact can usually be traced to improper feeding, assuming that tJte saw was in the first place properly fitted. IF' YOU HAVE NEVER T R lED OUR RUBBING AND POLISHING VARNISHES DETROIT FACTORY CANADIAN FACTORY YOU HAVE YET TO LEARN THE FULL POSSIBLITIESOF THIS CLASS OF GOODS WHY NOT PUT IT TO THE TEST BY GIVING US A TRIAL ORDER? BALTIMORE BERRY BROTHERS, LIMITED, VARNISH MANUFACTURERS NEW YORK ~HILADEL"HIA CHICAGO ST. LOUIS CINCiNNATI SAN FRANCISCO FACTORY AND MAIN OFFICE, DETROIT CANADIAN FACTOJlY WALKERVILLE. ONT. The • DAILY ARTISAN· RECORD WILL BE ISSUED AS USUAL DURING THE MID-SUMMER SELLING SEASON IT WILL BE UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE AND DISTRIBUTEDTO THE f BUYER.S ~i IN ALL THE MARKETS -- IT WILL PAY EXHIBITORS TO USEITS PAGES -- IT WILL PAY NON-EXHIBITORS TO USEITS PAGES FOR SPACE AND RATES ADDRESS THE Daily Artisan - Record 20 Lyon Street, GRAND RAPIDS,MICH. "R~ry Style" for Drop Carvings, Embotied Mouldinll&. Panels. Etc. EMBOSSING and DROP CIlRVING MIlC"INES Machine! for all purposes, and al pricea withiP the reach of all. Every Machine hat. our guarantee againsl bteakalle for one year. "Lateral Style" for Laree Ca.pacity ~Vy Ca;rvi.~ ?d'ld ~ E.nW.:.i~I. We have the Machine you wan! aI a satisfactory price. Write for descriptive circulars. Also male die.; for all makes of Macltinetl. UNION EMBOSSING MACHINE CO., Indianapolis, Ind, Fine Service MICHIGAN CENTRAL Grand Ra.pids AIDetroit AIToledo TUROUGU CAR LINE Solid train service with Broiler Parlor cars and Cafe coaches nmning on rapid schedule. Through sleeping car to New York on the "Wolverine," making the run in nineteen hours and fifty minutes. For full particulars see Michigan Central Agents. Or E. w. Covert. C. P. A. Grand R.apids. O. W. Ru,gle •• G· P. A. Chicago. 15 16 ·f'~MlfpIG7}N OUI"Clamps received GOLD MEDAL at World". Fair. at. Lout •. VEtNEER PRESS (Patented June30, 1903.) CHAIN CLAMP (PatentedrJune30, 1903.) Write for prices and particulars. BLACK BROS, MACHINERY CO. MENDOTA, ILL,. CABINET CLAMP. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR DRY KILN REQUIREMENTS WE CAN FILL THEM In some instances it is necessary to have comparatively small Quantities of a number of different kinds of lumber, in varying degrees of dryness. In such cases the "ABC" APAI\.TM£.NT filLNS are successfully employed. Note the experience of the Hale & Kilburn Manufacturing Company of Philadelphia. "You recently installed for us a seven compartment 'Muist Air' kiln which has proven very satisfactory Our re-quirements are unusually exacting'. manufacturing, as we do, furniture and interior bank and office fittings, and interior woodwork of the highest class, and our lumber must be thoroughly dried in such condition as to be sus, ceptible to the highest finish. These conditions have been very well met by yOllr kilns. "Your service has been prompt and satisfactory, and we heartily recommend you and your kiln to anyone whose requirements are similar to our own." AMERICAN BLOWER COMPANY NEW YORK, CHICACO, ATLANTA, LONDON Saw and Knife Fitting Machinery and Tools I~:.B.:p.n~a':,';~,:~:t Baldwin, Tuthill ®. Bolton Grand RaDlds. Mlch. Filers. Setters. Shlllrpeners. Grinders,,- Swages. Stretchers. Brazing and Filing Clam\ls, Knife Balances. Hammering Tools. Investigate our Line. New 20a page Catalogue for 1906 Free. Bolton Band Saw Filer for Saws % ineh up. aT. 81B. Shle D. Knife Grinder. FulfAutomatic. Wet or clr) ,z.: <t 0- :E - 8> "' 0: >< :0 ~:c o:u :0- """ if) >- 'fi - ;:) <tCl ,,0: ..,<t 0 0: GiCl ~ "'z gJ;Z W "''' ~ i:; oJ Cl ~ <t :E if> ~ if) u GRAND RAPIDS PUBLIC LIBRARY Golden Oak Oil Stains STRONGEST NOW ON TUE MARKET 1914 1916 1917 DARK BROWN BLACKER BLACKEST All of which produce a rich black brown effect, increasing in blackness as indicated above. WILL NOT CURDLE Leaves no deposit or film on face of wood. Lea ves flakes clean and white, more especially when used with our 20th Century Stain Solvent which is for use with all Oil Stains and costs very much less than turpentine. Write for samples. The Barrett Lindeman Co. IN CONSOLIDATION WITH The Lawrence Mcfadden Co. CHICAGO, III. 61-63-65-67 Ashland Ave. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. 1400 and '402 Frankford Ave. 17 18 MICHIGAN • me * 7'I"R..'T' 1,5'JI.l'I j Z$. ESTABLiSHED 1680 PUBL.ISHI!:I) I'y MiCHIGAN ARTISAN co. ON THE 10TH AND 25TH OF EACH MONTH OFFICE--2-Z0 LYON ST., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. EtlTERED AS MATTl!.R OF THE SECOND CLASS The fellowship of thebu!'iiness men of the road is prac-tical and sturdy. "The practical side of this fraternity," re-marks the editor of a great daily newspaper of :t\ ew Yark, "is represented by organizations like the Commercial Travel~ len:,' Mutual Accident Association, with its present member-ship of morc than 44,000. Beginning in 1883 with 515 mem-bers, the society has grown steadily. By five year periods the progression has been: 1888, 3,827; 1893, 12,966; 1898, 19,- 258, 1903, 36,726, and at the close of last year, 42,311. .Keep-ing _pace with this growth, the amount paid annually for in-demnity claims has advanced from $774.78 in the first year to $281,814.30 in 1904-05. The total of payment has been nearly $2,000,000, or an average of about $85,000 a year. Av-erage annual individual dues have been only $7.64, and a drummer whose membership is coextensive with the associa-tion's existence has had his insurance for th('. entire twenty-two years for $168. The society's present reserve fund is $302,000. Busincss men await with intercst the final outcome of a suit commenced by the attorney general of the state of Penn-sylvania against the Delaware and Lackawana, the Pennsyl-vania, the Erie and the Buffalo and Susquehanna railroads to restrain the above named corporations from imposing fur-ther the $10.00 excess mileage book fee upon the people of Pennsylvania. After quoting the provisions of the state constitution prohibiting the imposition of discriminating rates or regul'ations on the traveling public, the attorney gcneral destribes at length the mileage book for the Pennsylvania and its allied lines. He then.s_ets forth his reasons far asking the court to prohibit further use of these books. It is proposed to commence proceedings having the same purpose in view, by the legal departments of other states. A hill introduced in congress a few days ago by Repre-sen* tive Sulzer fixes the price for passengers traveling over inter-state railways at two cents per mile and prohibits overcharges on the rebate plan. For violations of the act, the directors of the raitroad corporations arc made person-alty rcsponsible. The session of the present congress is drawing to a close and thc bill will probably die in the com-mittee to which is was refcrred. The bill is receiving the endorsement of commercial organizations and associations of the traveling salesmen. The manufacture of ornaments of wood secms to have been overdone in certain markets. In quite a number of shops other prod,ucts have been wholly or in part substituted. In one shop the manufacture of letters of wood for sign makers has been taken up, ..v.hile in several others furniture has been added to the line, The supply of walnut having become pra.ctically exhaust-ed and the preference of the English for dark-colored furni-ture still prevailing, there a heavy and growing demand for the red gum of the south. This is stained and sold in_th~ markets of England as satin walnut. "A rose by any other name," etc. Proceedings have been instituted in the federal court against the American School Seat company in Chicago at the instigation of Attorney Eugene Carpenter of Grand Rapids. It is claimed that the corporation named is a com-bination in restrain of trade. The exquisitely carved staircase in the twenty·five million dollar capitol at Albany cost about a million dollars, but the -work was so shabby that the stairway has begun to crack and the use of it has been forbidden. June 18 is the day for the opening of the Grand Rapids Furniture exposition. Rather early, but none too early in the estimation of the big buyers of the eastern cities. Tilted Band Saw. /\. band saw with an always level table and a saw which can be tllted for bevel work is one of the interesting machines offered by an Ohio manufacturer. - All the parts of the saw are automatic and no minute adjustments are necessary in changing the angl'e of the saw. The operation is accom-plished by turning the hand wheel at the side of the table until the pointer indicates the desired angle. All this may be done, if desired, with the saw in motion. There is no change in the location of the driving pulley whe·n the machine is tilted and no complications are introduced subsequently in belting up the machine. The table is carried back on the pedestal in exact unison, so that the saw always keeps its position in the same slot. Both the upper and the lower guides keep in exact alignment with the saw, and the lower guide keeps at a proper distance from the under side of the table. There is no change in the tension of the saw when the angle is varied. The saw is said' to make from 400 to 450 revolutions per miou·te. Automatic Gear Cutter. A patent has recently been applied for covering a new type of automatic gear cutter. The machine is designed to meet a demand for rapid' productiotf at low cost and is especially adapted for making small bevel gears, pinions, spur gears, etc., and cuttcrs of irregular shapes. Two changes of speed are provided for the cutter spindle and nine for the speed mc_chanism. Both spindles have heavy taper bearings with compensation for wear. The cutter works nine-tenths of the time, being raised clear of the work on the return stroke, the indexing, which is positive, being accomplished at the same time. The motion of the ram which carries the cutter is con-trolled by acam, which is easily and quickly changed as de-sired. Cams can be furnished for any l'ength of throw from one to two and a half inches. The machine is driven by a three-stop cone pulley, which is thrown in gear by means of a clutch operated by a rod on the front and parallel to the base plate Mithigan In Summer. The Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad has issued its an-nual resort folder, "Michigan In Summer." It is attractively illustrated with scenes from life at the northern resorts. The cover design in- colors adds much to the beautiful appear-ance of the book. Copies may be had by addressing C. L. Lockwood, general passenger agent, Grand Rapids. Book Plate Collections. For a collection of 564 book plates, mostly by Chippen-dale, $140 was given at Sotheby's in London, the other day, when the late J. R. Brown's collection of nearly 20,000'-p1ate~ was sold for $2.945. Side Lines. Does it pay in the long run for a comme;-cial traveler or anyone to carry a side hne? This is a pertinent question because of the general ten-dency of salesmen to dabble in schemes to make money out-side of their regular employment. On ev(~ry traveling salesmen are importuned by manufacturers and wholesalers to carry a side line. The manufacturers having nothing to lose other than a fe\.-" samples, are liberal in offering glov.;1ng inducements for salesmen to sell their goods. And well they might be free ·with their offers of large commissions, for th'e other fellow pays the bills. The prospect of no railroad fares, no hotel expenses, or incidentals to pay salesmen is an alluring one to manufacturers with no or limited capital. So he casts his bait in the form of get-rich-quick advertis,,:- ments, hoping that the salesman of his next door busillcss friend, being underpaid, will jump at his offer. He usually catches the salesman, and his next door frielld unknowingly stands the blunt of the burden of expenses, These offers to make money on the side are in many cases stumbling blocks in the way of permanent advancement or gain. Morally the practice is wrong, The temptation for most salesmen, however, is too great. Inadequate pay, per-haps sickness in the family, business depression, lack of steady work, unfortunate investments, or even gambling are usn ally the causes for salesmen to take on side lines, with the hope of recouping their losses. Sometimes the motive is purely Olle of additional gain. But to the general credit of the mcn on the road they do not resort to side lines unless driven to it by misfortune. \Vith trade and salary good, traveling sales-men are usually loyal to the houses they represent The ma-jority are so. \Vhen misfortune steps in, advertisement: L such as these, in magazines published in the interest of com-mercial travelers, tempt the salesman, and he usually falls. HIGH CLASS TRAVELING SALESMEN WANTED; can carn at I~ast $60 ...'.e.eldy with new side line adapted to any class of busilless; some have made $250 in one day; we send proof of above statement and. sample ease {weight 4 ounces] free by return mail. FOR SALESMEN ONLY-Do you want a good side line to carry in your territory, o:le that will show you a g'ood per- ~etl:tage on sales? 'Ne bell eve you are out for what there is 111 It, and we have a good line to help YOtt make something out .of your travels. If you are interested, write us, naming territory you cover and line you are handling, and home ad-- dress, TR~\VELI.NG SALES:\tIAN 'A/ANTED-To carry as a side lme Sachet Puff, Every dealer buys one as soon as shown sample SALESMEN \VANTED-Traveling men can increase in-come $20 per week ..v.ith my easy pocket side line; sample free, COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS-Here is yOur side line. \Vill pay you dollars for a few minutes' talk. Light weight sample. SALESMEN-Traveling salesmen, we have the best line on earth for you; will not interfere with your regular line, Outside of the moral considerations of loyalty or disloy-alty a side line seldom pays, whether handled by a traveling sal'esman or a city clerk. The average person has only a limited amount of strength and energy to devote to his busi~ ness, and jf his attention is divided one or the other lines must suffer from the neglect. Usually it is his regular employment. He counts on the salary from his employer as 3. sure thing and what he can make on the side as so much clear gain, The clerk in the city engaged in the side line likely stays -uphalf the night at work, when he should be rest-ing for his day's duties. At his regular task he is not able to do his best, and only does half of his duty to his employer. So \vith the man on' the road. He rushes through the calls of his regular line with lightning speed in order to make something on the side. The results in both cases are the same. There is at the ~tan a temporary gaiu in money, but gradually both the clerk 19 :,nd the s::I~'sm,ll1 lose thei;' g ,lSp on their regular work, either by not improving or advancing in promotion or by really deteriorating, They see others who have concentrated their energies advanced over them. Sooner or later, either by the poor quality of the work done or by chance, the em- ?loye.r wilt fmd tllat his clerk or salesman is not loyal to him, and will dispense with his services. After all, the siJl' line does not pay. Traveling salesmen, by combining a sufficient number of side lines, can build up a new business. Instead of being regularly employed on one line, the salesman selects twenty or thirty articles which sell regularly and easily, and becomes his own employer, The goods are supplied him by the man-ufacturers on a commission basis and the credit side is handled entirely by the manufacturers. The samples include goods not bulky, such as novelties, neck""'ear, linen, station-ery, calendars, etc. One case will do for all the samples, and the transporta-tion is not a serious propos.ition. Unlike a l<egular line there is no limit of time to be spent in each town, With twenty ar~ ticles, the salesman will have opportunity to VISIt as many as twenty different stores, and make his stay of three or four days' duration. If he cannot find a buyer for one article, he will for another, and at all times will average welL If reg-ul'ar salesmen can sell side lines at a profit, surely a special- <;tdevoting all his time to the sale of these novelties is bound to succeed. Several traveling men have already made a success of the new business, and it is capable of improving the condition of many other salesmen out of employment, or ....h..o. have un-congenial work or territory, Those engaged in the combi-nation side line business are reany merchants upon their OW\1 account They outline their own routes and go and come a" they wilL W. W. HISCOX. Shellac Quotations in New York. Orange Shellac Ordinary T. N., , ,. Bright orange grades .. Diamond T ...•. , .... V. S. O. D. C. A. C. Garnet lac. Button lac .... Bleached shellac. wet. ..... ,. Kiln-dried 43 @ 46 @ 50 55 @ 55 @ 56 60 @ 43 @ 3fI @ 50 40 @ 41 50 @ 51 Inspected Floor Space. Manager Senour of the Shelbyville Wardrobe .,company was in Chicago May 4, looking over the company's floor space at 1319 :rvrichigan avenue in preparation for the July show.' 20 How Manufacturers Are Made. He who makes something with his hands, or by employing the hands of others, no matter what that something is, is a manufacturer. But the manufacturer, commercially consid-ered, is one who employs labor for the making of commodi-ties Qut of raw or crude material, or from material ill more advanced stages, producing a morc or less finished pro-duct. The successful managing manufacturer or working head of a concern is a businesS" man, who, in conjunction with his knowledge of business and his trade training, understands the practice, if not the detail, of manufacturing. The manufacturer is pre-eminently a composite man, pos-sessing a dual ability, that of business management and the mastery of mechanics or a direct familiarity with the process of manufacturing. The manufacturer is distinct from the merchant, or purely business man, in that he both makes and sells. The exclus-ively mercantile or business man sells without making. The successful merchant must know how to buy and how to sell, to buy at a price sufficiently below the selling price to produce a profit. The manufactur·er goes further than this. He must know how to buy material; and, second, make something from the material; and, third, sell the finished product at a profit able price above all costs. The successful manufacturcr, then, is' more than a busi-ness man, for he combines with his buying and selling knoVli-ledge of thc methods of production. Like the business man, he must be proficient in organization and able in manage-ment; otherwise he cannot profitably handle his employes, upon whom he is dependent. True ...a large manufacturer is not and should not be his own superintendent or foreman, nor does he work at the bench; but if he is a pronounced success he probably has either come up from the shop or has other-wise mastered every detail of manufacturing. He knows how to properly handle his workmen, because he can do the workman's work himself. The great manufacturer understands' in a general way at least every department of his business, and often is a first-class skilled workman. It is now the rule more than the ex-ception for the manufacturer to refuse positions of responsi-bility to those who do not understand mechanical art and arc unfamiliar with factory detail. Tbe boy who hopes some day to be a manufacturer should start at the bottom of the ladder and master every round a3 he climbs upward, not attempting to forge ahead by jumps. Unless he begins :It the bottom and works at the bench or COLT'S UNIVERSAL CLAMP Catalog and Price List Furnished Excels all hand lIcrew clamps in adaptation to work, conv.enience of hand1ing and quick action. Espec:lally adapted to Ven~l'lDg Paneling and all work requiring long broad jaw. 45 Center 51. BATAVIA, N, Y. machine, he will not be properly equiped to master manage-ment. A common school education is absolutely necessary, and a tcchnical education is of the greatest value to the young man who is ambitious to become a manufaciU_er. The grad-uate of an institute of technology or mechanical, school has a far, better opportunity for ultimate success than others not thus equipped educationally_ "1 would not advise any boy," says N. C. Fowler, Jr., in a recent address, "to consider the possibility of becoming a manufacturer who has not a decided mechanical bent, who is not handy with his hands, who does not possess a creative mind, and wbo does not know how to produce something or to improve upon something. already made. wfhe boy who cannot properly hang a door, or drive a nail, or saw a board st.aight, is not likely to have in 'him the es-sentials of the manufacturer_ I db not mean that it is nec-essary for a boy to be mechanically expert to succeed in man-ufacturing, but the boy who has no mechz:nieal skill had better kecp away from manufacturing. ;If he has the mechanical ability he will succeed, ev~n though his success be confined to the purely factory side; but if he develops with mechanical ability business sagacity and the power to properly handle men he will sooner or late: become a superintendent or a managing and, perhaps, an owner in the business,"-Ex. Injuries Sustained by Employes. A very important decision illustrating the relations which employers sustain to employes in "unionized" or. "closed" shops, when personal injuries result to an employe from the negligeqce of fellow employe or employes, was rendered by Justice :.richols of the supreme court of Kentucky a short while ago. He ruled that if an employed of a closed shop met with personal injuries, as the result of the care1cssne~s Or ex-perience of another employe, he could not recover damages from hi!>employer. Under the common law a workman so injured could recover if it could be shown that the employer had fa.iled to provide competent fellow s~rvants or a number sufficient for the task undertaken; but th's decision holds that under the closed shop rules the unions have taken upon them-selves the respohsibilty of determining who shall or shall not be competent, and the emp-loyer is there},y released from liability for the acts of incompetency resulting in personal injuries to other employes. Batavia Clamp Co. Mention Michigan Artisan. JAnmOWn PMtn AnD vrnrfR (OftPART (InCOl'p91'ated) M&nulaoturers of Veneered Panels and Table Tops Largest &Jook of VeneeJ"S MAHOGANY. QUART£.REDOAK. WALNUT. BIRD'S-EYE MAPLE. CURLY BIRCH. PLAIN OAK PLAIN BIRCH .. MAPLE. CROS$. BANDING The Best Workmanship and Finish Office, SO-58 Steele Street. Jamestown. N~Y Two Large Factories: Jamestown, N. Y. Ashville. N. Y. Get Our Prices Before Buying El~where. $ampteson AppliOJtion MICHIGAN 811 1"". f 21 HISTORIC OAK FOR CARS. Pullman Company Buys Tree Which Grew in Cromwell's Days. An oak, centuries old, from the English estate of Bucking-ham park, has furnished material for tko dining cars just completed for the Burlington. The necessity for raising a large sum of sum led to the sacrifice of a number of tbe im-mense oaks, twenty-seven being sotd to the Pullman com-pany. The oak which furnished material for the Burlington cars \vas nearly eight feet in diameter. In cutting it up, there ·was found a gatehook within ten inches of the center, appar-ently driven there 700 or 800 years ago. In the same tree was discovered a slug bullet, such as was used in the first matchlocks. Mahogany Should Be Filled. Mahogany belongs to the open grained "'ioods and requires filling to deepen the natural color. It can be done by using a light fIller darkened with burnt sienna to the desired tint. If antique or dark mahogany is required, precede the filling by staining the wood with a solution of bi-chromate of pot- For a dull finish the last coat should be rubbed with pul~ verized stone and water, instead of oil. . For a polished fini£h the last coat should be rubbed first with pulverized pumice stone and water followed by a rub-bing with pulverzed rotten stone and water. For a piano finish give a further rubbing with furnitLtre polish used with a little pulverized rotten stone and apply with a piece of soft felt or flannel. If a rubbed finish is not desired, omit directions for rubbing the last coat. Will Erect a Factory. The Grand Rapids Handscrew company contcmplat ~ the erection of a plant on ground purchased for the purpose. At present the company occupy leased quareters which are much too small. The Grand Rapids Hand Scrnv company was organized in 1889 and for a. time simply manufactured hand screws, damps and other wood working tools. Later was added show cases, and for this purpose a subsidiary company known as the Grand Rapids Fixture company was organized, al-thongh the corporate name continued to be the Grand Rapids Hand Screw company. It still manufactures the wood work-ing tools, but its fixture business has grown so rapidly that it is now the principal dcpartmeno: of the general business. ash and water, or a coat of mahogany stain. l'duch of the so-called mahogany in present use is in reality baywood, or Am-erican mahogany, as it is called. This \vood is very much lighter in color than true mahogany and is rather cold and insipid in tone when fi.nlshed in the natural color. To produce an egg shell' gloss one coat of filler to match the color of the wood is used, followed by a coat or orange shellac and sandpapered to a smooth surface, a.nd two or three coats of white or light hard oil finish; rub first coats with hair cloth or curled hair and the last coat with pm"'dered pumice stone and crude or raw linseed oil, For a dull finish the last coat should be rubbed with pul-verized pumice stone and water instead of oil. To produce a polished finish the last coat should be rubbed first with pulverzed pumice stone and water and then with pulverized rotten stone and water, and for a piano finish a fur-ther rubbing with furniture polish used 'with a little pulver-ir. ed rotten stone is necessary A piece of soft felt. or flan-nd is used to make the application. If a rubbed finish is not desired omit the rules for rubbing the last coat. Prima vera or 'whit~ mahogany is open grained and must e fill'ed. It is invariably finished in the natural color, as ing would mar its delicate shade and markings. The ofj-ieers are: \~ralter C. \lv'inchester, president; A. A. De Lisle, vice president; O. B. 'Wilmarth, secretary·treasurer. Alcohol Engines. There are now in operation in Germany between 5,000 and 6,000 alcohol engines, and it is estimated that when alcohol designed for such purposes in the United States is free from government tax a much larger number will be used here. Internal combustion engines using alcohol as a motor fuel are coming into general use on farms for running all'kinds of farm machinery. By the use of alcohol t',venty per cent more power can be secured on a given engine than can be obtained by the use of gasoline, as alcohol can be compressed to a much higher degree than gasoline without danger of spontan-eous combustion. It is used also in running light machin-ery in workshops. A Break in the Hardwood Lumber Combin,e Expected. A break in the hardwood lumber combine is expected any day. An Oshkosh dealer has refused to advance prices $1.50 a thousand feet on all grades of lumber and manufactures, ordered by the association. Some Advantages Possessed by the Invincible Table Leg Fasteners. The Invincible Table Leg Fastener company of Shelby-ville, Ind., are manufacturers of one of the best table leg fas-teners on the market, and did not venture to place their fasteners on the market until they ""ere in position to back up by proven facts, all' that the,y say of its advantages. From actual experience, the company say they, know it to be satis-factory in every way; strong, durable and convenient, and simplicity itself. Their brochure states: "We have something no manufacturer can do without. He cannot afford to do without it. The dealers all over the country are becoming acquainted with this fastener and everywhere it has received universal commendation. '/Ii e ate prepared to offer Y011 something that will add to the selling qualities of your tables, save lumber, save machine work, save cabinet work, save glue,save time and 'Time is money,' besides making your tables better. Your customer will appreciate it, because his stock will require no refitting; v;ill take less warehouse room, can be carried in small space on delivery wagon, and through narrow doors, or up narrow, cooked stairways, easily. \~lith the Invincible Leg Fastener, you simply concave your leg, bore a hole, drive the bolt, and screw the plates on under side of top, and it is donc. Your customer then has nothing to do but screw the leg on. It is all so simple that we wondel why none of us thought of it before. We want you h tr." them. Our price on this fastener is less than any that has ever been put on the market. Write for prices. \Vrite for our special contracts. Let us hear from you now. "Ad-dress Invincible Table Fastener company Shelbyville, Ind. Buyer From West Tells Present Conditions.-Dealers· Losses in San Francisco.. W. H. Seymour of San Francisco, a furniture commission man for twenty years in the Golden Gate city, was in Chi-cago the past week. .Mr. Seymour represents such well known lines as the Shelbyville Wardrobe company, Shelby-ville Desk company, Old Hickory Chair company, Miller Cab-inet company, Brooks-Morley company, Rockford Desk com-pany, Forest City Furniture company, American Chair com-pany, Jacob & Joseph Kahn, Storey Furniture company, and Anchor Furniture company. "Newspaper reports of the San Francisco disaster have been exaggerated considerably," said Mr, Seymour. "The only buildings that went down entirely are those that sur-vived the early mining days,. The St. Francis Hotel, Call building and the mint are practically in as good shape as be-fore and with all of the steel buildings it is simply a case of putting in new windows and wood work. Among the furni-ture concerns in San Francisco there was but one store with stock d.estroyed. This was the stor _ of Carl Diehl, who car-ried a stock worth $15,000 or $20,000. Two warehouses also remained intact belonging respectively to the Sterling Furni-ture company and the Indianapolis Fl1rnitme company. All of the furniture companies were insured. John Breuner, I know, was insured for half a million dollars. Mr. Breuner had contracted for starting a building in Oakland some time ago and has now commenced the erection of a temporary structure, which will be used until his permanent building is up. Mr. Breuner also operates stores in Sacramento and Rello. The furniture dealers will all start over again. Thcir plan will be to discount bilts for any new debts. They may be a little slow in paying the old accounts but will pay one hundred cents on the dollar. San Francisco in the next ten years is bound to be the liveliest camp the west has ever. seen. I am here for a month to secure the agency of a number of cheap lines of furniture, as there will undoubted-ly be a big demand for such goods for some time to come. I will also act as purchasing agent or a number of the Sail Frandsco dealers, all of whom will rebuild." WHAT CAUSES "BELT CREEP?" IncurabJe Disease of the Shop and Mill Machinery. "The relative speed of two belt-connected pulleys, is an every-day problem in power transmission. The solution of the problem is very simple if 'somewhere near rjght' is good enough. If a four-foot pulley making 100 revolutions per minute drives a one-foot pulley, then the smaller pulley v;ill make 400 revolutions per minute, accordjng to the rule that the ratio of the speed is inversely as the ratio of the diam-eters. To be more accurate, it is necessary to consider th{'; thickness of the belt and' the crown of the pulleys, assuming that the correction for this increases the diameter of each pulley three-eighths of an inch, then the smaller 011€ would make 390.9 revolutions per minute, or a difference of more than two per cent This correction is generally made by taking the diameter of the pulley on the crown for the pitch diameter, with no altowancc for the thickness of the helt. The correction, however, to be more accurate, should be made by taking for the pitch radius of the pulley, the distance frurn the c.enter to the middle of the belt at the mean diameter of the pulley. That is, average the diameter of the pul'ley at the crown and add the thickness of the belt with the diameter at the edge of the belt; this gives the pitch diameter. And the speeds of any two connected pulleys arc inversely proportionate to the pitch diameters. "There is, however, another factor to be considered if it is necessary to knuw just how fast the one-foot pulley is to run, and this brings us to the subject of the paper, 'Belt Creep.' " Here followed a demonstration that, as each inch of belt from the slack side enters upon the driven pulley, it is nec-essarily stretched by the increased tension it there receives, and in that stretched condition is drawn on to the driving pulley. Having· rounded the latter, its tension is slackened again, and jf the load is heavy the belt in this process must slip upon the pulley. ·This is often so, even with a light load. Thus, because the belt is creeping ahead on the driv-en pulley and falling back on the driver, it following that the latter must run faster than its mate to take up the stretch. The paper goes on: "The following tables gives the per cent of creep for var~ ious tensions and values of the modulus of elasticity: Effective tension -Modulus of elesticity.- per sq. inch. 10,000 15,000 20,000 25 .25 .17 .12 ~ .................~ .M .~ I~........... I.~ .~ .~ 150 1.48 .99 .74 i75 1.72 1.15 .87 200 .. .. .. .. .. 1.96 1. 32 .99 "The modulus of elasticity "'aries with the belt speed, hav-ing a minimum value of about 12,000 pounds per square inch when the belt is not moving and a value of about 20,000 when running .:rta belt speed of about 2.000 feet pcr mimlte. "By the table it will be seen-that under ordinary conditions the loss due to cre~p will' not exceed one per cent and would only amount to about !\' 0 per cent with a fairly elastic belt ;,t stOW speed Allowing one per cent for belt creep, the speed of the one-foot pulley will be 387 revolutions per min-ute, "It must be remembered that the loss will vary with the load, but will always amount to something as long as the belt is elastic and some load is being transmitted and the loss of power can not be avoided by belt-tighteners or patent pul1,e'Y coverings. "Another interesting fact with regard to belts has been shown by experiments conducted at the WOfcester Poly-technic Institute and this is that the pressure on the s a bearings increases with the load. The old theory wa the sum of the tensions remained constant. That is, as the load came on the tension on the slack side increased-the sum remaining constant and depending upon the original tightne:;s of the belt was put on. Experiments ha\'e shO\"I"nthat as the load comes on, the belt on the tight side stretches more than the slack side con-tracts, the result being that the sum of the tensiolls increase, thus bringing a greater pressure on the bearings. This is probably due to the variation in the modulus of elasticity as effected by the element of time, If the belt was non-elastic as on a chain drive, the pressure would incre<l-sedirectly as the load, \'v'hile if the belt .vere pedectly elastic and could stretch and contract instantly, the pressure would remain constant." W. \V, B. BURLAP PRICES HIGHER. Both Dundee and Calcutta Markets are Active. Prices have continued to advance in the New York mar-ket as ·welt as abroad. Both Dundee and Calcutta lwve done. business at a considerable advance (YVC;T pTices which prevailed a week ago. Jute has advanced in Dundee to £24 10 shillings per ton. 'Vhile this price is not the highest in the history of the trade, it is rapidly approaching that poiJ).t, Advices from Dundee are to the effect that considerable bL1si- 23 The advance in jute since the present season opened has been extraordinary. At the -beginning of fast June jute for the present crop began to be quoted at £15 15 shillings, in both the Calcutta and Dundee markets. In October it jumped to £20 sterling, the highest price reached during the whol'e year. Buyers all over the world predicted .that this price could not stand, as the crop was the largest in India"s history, namely, 8,500,000 bales. In spite of this, after a slight decline in Novemher last, prices steadily advanced. Toda,Y the cost of jute stands at the record figure of £24 10 shillings, and many of the firms in Calcutta that went short. on t.he market have either fail'ed or are being gradually forced to the wall. The consumption of jute has been larger thIS year than for any year in the history of the trade, and notwithstanding the enormous crop which India produced, the consumption has outrun the supply, and there seems to be little doubt hut that prices will still further advance before the season is over. A Good Machine. Every furniture factory and wood working estabishment must have a planer. There are a great many planers put on the market; some of them depending almost entirely on the price to .'leUthem. Such machines are never cheap, A good machine is not madc in the counting room, but in the machine ness has becn done at the new figures, and that the entire production of the mills is so well taken up that it is no"v more of a question whether the consumcr can secure goods in time to suit his purpose than it is onc of price. In the ~ew Ydrk market prices have-responded in only a faint way to the advances which have taken place in the pri-mary markets. Calcutta lO-oz. have sold at 6.05 cents, alld 10;%-oz. at 6.15 cents, in rat.her large lots. Supplies in these weights, in importers' hands, are. fairly close down to the ex-haustion point. During the past \veek business to Cjuite an extent·has been done in light weights at. 4.80 cents for 70- oz., and 4.90 cents for 8-oz. It is more than probable that quotations will advance to 4.90 cent.s for 7Y;-02., .:; cents for 8-02" and 6.15 cents for 10-oz., with 1OY;-0'.7:. at 6.2j cents. shop, w here every part, from the pattern room and foundry to the rolls, \'\/heels, bed, pull'eys and adjustments are con-stantly under the watchful care of a thorou:shly. competent and experielLced superintendent. Such is the No.4 Double- Belted Surfacer illustrated herewith and manufactured by the Cordesman-Rechtin company of Cincinnati, There is nothing pOOl· or cheap entering into its construction-tile only cheap thing abolLt it being the price. Not that the price is the. lowest, but because the machine is so valuable no matter what the price. It is not nccessary to describe it at length here, The experienced wood ..v..orkcr will see its su-periority at a gl"allcc, and jf more particulars are desired, a postal card addressed to the above company will quickly bring the desired information. 24 SYNDICATE SALESMAN AND THE EXPORT TRADE. Unscrupulous Methods Common to the Fraternity in Its Early Days. One of the regular institutions of the export trade is the syndicate salesman." This individual has at some time had some connection with the export trade in one capacity or another, and when he starts out in business as a syndicate salesman he· thereby announces to the world that he has reached a station in business affairs which entitles him to sQtl1eof the good things of life in so far ~s the good things of life are ever within the reach of one identified with the ex-port trade. This salesman may never have been on the road for a day or an hour, or he may have circled the globe at teast once a year since he became old enough to travel alone. If he is of the domestic variety it is more likely that his connection with the trade has been as a clerk in some export commission house in New York, or perhaps the export representative of a manufacturer. If the salesman is of the foreign type, with only a slight experience in American affairs, except by long distance correspondence, he has marvelous tales to relate of his strong foreign acquaintance, his wonderful acquaintance with trade matters generally, and in particular the habits, customs and requirements of people among whom he desires to travel. He has come to Ame,ica to establish connections with some of the biggest manufacturers in the biggest manu-facturing country in the world, and is v.aiting until he can complete his arrangements to start out and make his fortune and that of all the firms he represents by flovding this or that foreign country with their goods. The proposition submitted by the syndicate salesman, either domestic or foreign, is always the same. He promises to start out on a tour of certain countries, to be gone from one to five years, and to actively undertake the sale of from six to ten lines of goods by direct penwnal work in the countries visited. He will do all this on a commission basis, but the manufacturer must make a certain monthly or annual allow-ance for traveling expenses, cables, postage, display of samples, commercial travelers' licenses, consular fees and many other petty items of cost, the total of which, according to the salesman, shall not" exceed a certain amount monthly. The amount guaranteed by each manufacturcr by himself would not he sufficient to cover more than a very small per-centage of the total expenses for the trip, but by combining together, the manufacturers can obtain the services of this special representative at what really seems to be a trifling figure. , This is the proposition which, p"actically without variation in the minutest detail, is always submitted by the syndicate sa.lesman. It is plausible, '" ell presented, and practical' in neady all respects, but it is accepted in less than ten per cent of the cases where it is presented. Salesmen who ap-proach manufacturers with this proposition, and with the best of motives, often wonder why their proposals receive sl1ch scant consideration. Thc reason is to be found in the fact that the proposal is nothing new, but that on the con-trary it is very old, and has been submitted many times be-fore, not infrequently by men whose intentions were none too good. No manufacturer could accept all .the propositions of this kind that come before him without soon going into bank-ruptcy. In sheer self-defense the exporter must decline a vast majority of the opportunities to spend money which pre'- sent themselves for his consideration and if he were to send out all the foreign salesmen ",ho offer themselves for jobs he would soon be obliged to close up his domestic sales de-partment. His attitude toward the syndicate representatives thus. becomes one of hostility and it is only the most per-suasive syndicate man who can get a good account nowadays from a responsible American manufacturer. The syndicate salesmen are not handicapped by Jheir num-bers alone when looking for new ,accounts, but they also suffer severely from the bad name ,attaching to the profes-sion as the results of certain unscrupulous methods common to the fraternity in its early days. Not so many years ago it was a favorite pastime of certain men with a globe-trotting propensity to obtain contracts from unsuspecting manufac-turers and then start out on a long tour, the only result of which was to give them a good time and the manufacturer much soreness and chagrin. Once in possession of the con-tract, with his year's expense allowance conveniently depos-ited in some bank at his disposal, and with a safe distance betwe~n himself and his principals, this individual was as-sured of a good time, free from annoyance and all the ordi-nary cares of life for som~ time to come, with an unrestricted opportunity to see the world. This game was discovered and thereby slJoiled a long while ago, and it is doubtful if it is now being attempted on any considerable scale, if at all. However, business men have long memories, and one such experience in a lifetime is enough to spoil a manufacturer's interest in this kind of thing during the balance of his business career. Thus it happens that newcomers with propositions which read fike the old ones, even though their motives may be beyond reproach, fail A. F. BURCH CO. 15-17Park St, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. ====Jobbers 01==== Upholstery Goods and Furniture Supplies Call Lont Diatance Citizen!i Phone 1123. Bell 1223. We solicit your inquil"lea. to receive the attention and considerc:tion which they dOUbt-less deserve. At the present time, syndicate salesmen are in the field so-liciting accounts for many different markets. One is prepar-ing to visit British India, his native land, and undertake the active management of a nrm v.;hich he has organized to rep-resent not more than ten American houses, no one of which would be required to advance more than $300 at the outside, to obtain this effective form of representation in that market. An effort is also being made to interest a dozen 0, more firms in the Argentine trade by a young man of high character who expects shortly to visit Argentina and set himself up in business as the Argentine representative of the American houses. It is unfortunate for these trustworthy salesmen, who without question, could accomplish much for their principals, that they must suffer from the bad reputation of some of the pioneers in their line of trade as well as from the overcrowd-ing of their profession. Any manufacturer seriously desir-ing to extend his foreign commerce would always do well to listen carefully and seriously to the propositions that come to him from men of this class. Century Old Lumber. Charlcs C. Rubbel recently hauled a peculiar load of lum-ber into Burlington, Vt. It was sawed in 1801 from old growth pine, having been stored in the town of Charlotte all these years. The lumber gave no indication of its extreme age. 25 Otis Mfg. Co. New Orleans. Chicago. BUHL AND INTARSIA. The Work of Sorrento is Very Celebrated. Tarsia, or wood inlaying, (the word is used in English as being the only one to distinguish the work done in Italy at the close of the middle ages and during the era of the Re-naissance), is done mostly with dark wood like walnut, on which straight lines and curves are incised rather deeply and the incisions then Jl11edwith light colored wood, producing, when finished, a general effect of yellow on brown. These lines and curves make scrolls of different patterns which ter-minate in small flowers and clumps of foliage, and in this way help to carry out the great scheme of arabesque decor-ation which we associate with Renaissance proper in all the Italian school. Heavy furniture, such as cupboards and cabinets, ornamental chests for the storing of clothing, and the like, are adorned in this way; hut the most effective ex-amples of the art are in the v;ooden fittings of chureh choirs and the long rows of cupboards and closets (ambries) which line somE' of the sacristies of the churches in central and northern Italy. Wood inlay of later times and of the North is not often called Tarsia, but the process is the same, and the effects pro-duced differ only according to the style of the time. The most interesting wood inlay out of Italy's the Dutch ill which spirited little boquets of flowers are relieved on a dark ground. This and all northern inlaid work, disappears in the 17th century in what we call marquetry, which is a mosaic of veneers rather an inlay. Buhl work-the inlaying of brass and tortoise shell in-troduced and carried to great perfection by Andre Charles Boule, who gave his name to this particular style of inlay-ing, furnished the palace at Versailles. Closely allied to buhl work is the lUore ancient Tarsia work or l\hrquetry which consists of inlaid woods alone. It has been practised from remote times, but came into prominence for the decor-ation of furniture in Italy during the Renaissance epoch and has continued to be a favorite decorative art, varying with changing tastes and styles, to the present day. From India, under the name of Bombay boxes, comes a variety of minute and elaborate work, inlaid in geometrical patterns on wood. The inlaying materials consist of tin wire, sandal wood, sapan wood, ebony, ivory and stag's horns and the effect produced by minute pieces of these various sub~ stances is altogether peculiar and distinctive. RUSSELL STURGIS. Number 166 Sand Belt Machine. Vile illustrate another of the new Sand Belt ~dachilles. now much in use by the enterprising furniture manufacturers. This machine is guaranteed by the manufacturers to sand the Commercial Photographer Phon. South, 700 1414-1416 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO D. A. KEPPERLING L Chicago Office and Distrib· Importers and Manulaclurers 01 uting Yards: 2257102267 LUMBERST. R, S, HUDDLESTON MAnOQAnT MANAGER following, sanding with the grain of the wood and giving a finish that requires no retouching. The line of work fat which this machine is especialI'y adapted and upon which it is used with extreme profit is: Dra ...e..r. fronts and base rails, either agee, round, swell or serpentine; mirror frames. rounded or oval; mirror standards of all shapes; drawer rails, agee, bevel or rounded; band scroller edges, even to the smallest curve and corner posts for dressers, washstands, sideboards, etc., veneered columns, mouldings, rounded or ogee, used in wardrobes, sideboards, beds, dressers, etc,; raised surfaces of panels, spirals of tab1"e legs, curt<lin slats for roU top desks, plumbers wood work, and much of the spindle carv-ings now used in the decoration of bedroom sttites, sideboards. etc.; in fact almost the entire line of irregular work that is now being sanded in a more or less imperfect manner by spindle or drum or home made belt and retouched by hand. This new improved Belt Sander is capable, it is claimed, of giving a perfect surface superior to hand work and far su-perior to spindle or drum or home made belts, and to have all the requisite adjustments for being quickly set up for each cl"ass of work. For further particulars address the man-ufacturers, Wysong & Miles company, Cedar Street and So. R. R, Greensboro, N. C. Harmony in Browns. A good deal of the seventeenth century Dutch inlaiJ furni-ture is wrought in h,"o or three woods, varying from yellow to bro-wn, so that the general effect is a harmony in browns. 26 "MERELY COPYISTS." American Renaissance Bound to Affect Furniture and Dress. Mr. Waring, the English decorator now visiting this coun-try, deplores the fact that the only effort made here to im-prove upon the lack of harmony in the bettcr as well as the ordinary class of domestic interiors is by slavishly copying ex-isting styles instead of intelligently studying the principles underlying style. At the same time Mr. \Varing, who has catered to or perhaps directed the tastes of kings and poten-tates, admits that his own firm works in thirty-five different styles and periods of decorative art. Perhaps, therefore, we poor, artless Americans arc ,not the only people who arc ad-dicted to slavish imitation. But of course everybody knows the sort of thing he means -the house where a Gothic hall, a Louis Quinze drawing room, a Renaissance library, a Colonial dining room and an Empire bedroom strive to Jive in peace under the same roof. A clever woman decorator who has been struggling with this problem and at the same time battling with Nemisis in the shape of "something to wear," was struck by the notion th8t the diffusion of taste and lack of originality v;hich is so no-ticeable in furniture prevails to a greater extent in dress. 71"R-T 1.5' A.l'I 9 $ ,.e In the earliest times when men were only connoiseurs of murder and pillage and women were merely chattels, the whole store of furniture of a lord consisted of a board laid on trestles for a table, a number of benches and stools, a rude chair or two, a straw bed and a chest, and feminine charms were extinguished in the clumsy folds of a gown, a mantle and a head veil. In the earliest times when men were only connoisseurs skill-of the wood carver and the metal worker, so the only outlet for feminine coquetry was in the rich and beautifuHy embroidered borders of their gowns. Then came the Gothic period, and a coldly technical writer on historical furniture admits that "so long as the pointed arch remained a vital principle _in architecture, furniture, and dress reflected in a greater or less degree the Gothic principles." Both showed the same long, slender, stately lines, with lofty tops and simple tracery of ornament. During the Middle Ages the towering head tire was the striking feature of woman's dress, and this became more and more fantastic as the days of Gothic simplicity waned. As furniture was overloaded with ornament until' the original beauty of li'ne was entirely effaced, so were gowns, though still severe in outline, madc parti-colored Ot covered with de-vices, mottoes and armorial bearings, while the edges were COLONIAL FASHIONS. The spring importations emphasize more than ever the fact, which has often been ilOted before, that there is no such thing as a prevailing or positive fashion in dress today. One great French dressmaker is determined to launch Empire costumes, another is backing up the voluminous flounces of the Second Empire, \'\;hile the Louis modes, with a sprinkling of Directoire and 1830 styles, are patronized in turn by all creators of costume who cannot boast a single original idea among the lot. Our woman decorator, after pondering this curious resem-blance between costume and domestic interiors, inves.tigated the subject and made the quaint discovery that dress and fur-nitur'e, but it is likely that at those periods when feminine is pretty certain that costume was never an appendage to fur-niture, but it is likely that at those priods when feminine influence was all powerful furniture was to a certain extent designed to conform to costume. The real reason for the resemblance, of course, is that the great under current of taste and manners wllich influenced the drift of one affected the other in the same direction, so in-timate is the connection between people and their household belongings. In any case, the resemblance is so close as to be patent to the most matter of fact or Teast fanciful of ob-servers. cut and slashed in the form of letters, flowers and leaves. Th~women of the Renaissance, particularly in Italy and France, exerted a powerful influence on the decorative arts, and it is not at all unlikely that these delightful platonists who drew upon every possible resource to -make themselves charming, considered furniture in the light ,of a background as well as in that of a work of art. At any rate, the furniture and costumes of this period were alike rich and sombre, with massive grace of outline and a sumptuous magnificence of detail. The Renaissance ended, the whole scheme of decorative art and costume changed A lighter note was struck in color, material and ornament, and the flowing line began to make its way. It is easy to find a likeness between the graceful grandeur of Louis XIV. furniture and the formal elegance of the dress of that period between the Rococo furniture of Louis XV. and the extravagant prettiness of the Pompadour and DuBarry costumes, or between the real return to simpler and more re-strained forms of the Louis XVI. furniture and the rather affected simplicity of dress under Marie Antoinette. In most eighteenth century chairs and many other pieces the way in \',.hich the lower portion spreads widely from the comparatively small and narrow top presents an amusing likeness to the narrow shouldered, slim waisted, greatly be-hooped dames of that time. The resemhlance between Empire furniture and dress was a perfectly conscious. and sophisticated one. The craze for the antique transformed everything, and \",'omen \"..h.o dressed like Greek statues required stately couches upon \",hich to re-cline in classic simplicity. L"zanne says that a fine lady of the Empire felt that she must as a matter of correctness make a daily toilette of her apartments to harmonize with that of her person. If she chose Greek attire her furniture must he Greek; if she dressed in Roman style, her rooms were decorated to match; if she donned eastern turban and pelisse, at once her boudoir glowed with brilliant Turkish couches and bright rugs. If she robed herself like an Egyptian, that instant the sphinx, the mono-lith clock, the mummies even emerged from their retirement and the apartment straightway transformed itself into an Oriental tent." The Empire marked the last of the great historic epochs in furniture, and truly, the same may be said of costume with one exception. The influence of the Empire style ",,'as felt as late as 1830, but after that came the del'uge of imitations and bad taste. \Vith a few mitigations there was a long succession of un-compromisingly ugly fashions in household decoration and dress, but costume had this advantage over fmnitme, that a GRAND RAPIDS CARVED MOULDING CO. front and Myrtle Sts., Grand Rapids, Mich. Manufacturers of Carved Mouldings and Furniture Ornaments. Write for pictures and prices. pretty, modish woman always lends a charm to almost any atrocity she chooses to 'wear, while a parlor suite must bear alone the sins of the cabinet maker and upholsterer As has been said, there 'Nas one notable exception in dress to the utter lack of creative genius of the nineteenth century along these t\\O lines. This was the rough mannish tailored suit for women, and in its heyday it found its prolotype in the mission style of furniture. Both were severely plain, straigbl, angular. immClculate-ly well made, but abhorring ornament or polish. No t\VO thing-s could be more alike in general characteristics. Doth are extremely good in their proper place. '·\,Tillowfmnitme, one of the few delightful discoveries of the nineteenth century. may be said to represellt the SU111111er girl, a nineteenth century product, pure and simple. Both arc cool, alluring at the proper season, but not to be relied on for the winter months. Admitting this close connection between dress and furni-ture, there is a lesson involved, particularly for the American woman. Mr. \Varing encourages us to take the Colonial style in furniture, of which he highly approves, and reconstruct it so as to meet the social need and domestic conditions of the day. The real merit of Colonial furniture, it may be said for the benefit of the few who do not know, lies in the fact that though English and Continental designs were used they ·were . 27 strained through the sieve of fine simplicity, leaving all ex-travagance behind. American women used to have the reputation of treating the last foreign fashions in the same manner, but oOate years when so many French gowns are imported, even by the cheap-est shops, this good Colonial principle has been abandoned and one is tempted to think that French dressmakers send over their most bizarre concoctions just to see how much the receptive American woman will swallow. She has given them every reason for this attitude, but what if she should arise from the slough of her Empire, her Louis and her 1830 modes and create a distinctively American fashion? She is bound to do it, too, if, as many folks think, there is such a thing possible as an American Renaissance in decorative art, for dress and furniture always have been and will continue to be closely allied.-Sull Big Men Require Furniture Made to Order, In discussing the needs of big men in the line of furniture, a writer for the Saturday Evening Post speaks of former Postmaster General Bissell and Secretary of the Treasury Taft. Bissell was not so tall as Taft, but he was thicker. He couldn't ride alone in a victoria without oozing over the sides on the wheel guards. llisscll had special' furniture made for his office. It had to be special, for ordinary chairs col-lapsed when he sat on them, Taft adopted the Bissen plans. His chair is trussed and buttressed and stiffened and canti-levered. Taft hopes he can cast it aside soon. He has no regrets because he is losing his weight distinction. Many m('11weigh 250 pounds, including a few statesmen. Taft was Ul11que111 the 320-pound class, Carvings by the Maoris of New Z,ealand. Dr. Ra\vei, an educated 1",Iaori, who has spent several months in travel in America, exhibits photographs of very interesting carvings, executed by the natives of New Zea-land The tools employed are pieces of stone, shaped like flints and shells, taken from the sea. The designs, although somewhat barbaric, are well executed and. interesting, sug-gesting the work of the Scandinavians of early days. The wal!"s of the houses, the rafters support inK the roofs, the doors and casing are beautifully decorated. I'n many of the houses panels ill the wall contain carved historical scenes and incidents of inlerest to the family. The art of the Maoris is worthy of the attention of the manufacturers of America. The Only Employe. "You have heen with that firm a long time," said the old school" friend, accordil1g to Judge. <;¥es," answered the man with the patient expression of countenance. "\iVhat is your position?" "T'111 an employe." "But wbat is your official title?" "T haven't any official title. It's like this: vVhen the proprietor \vants something done he tells the cashier, and the cashier tells the bookkeeper, and the bookkeeper tells the as-sistallt bookkeeper and the assistant bookkeeper tells the chief clerk, alld the chief clerk tells me." "And what then?" "\\7ell, I haven't anybody to tell, so I have to go and do it." The Morton Improved Air Dry Kiln. The lI.forton Dry Kiln company, Chicago, have issued a handsome twenty-six page catalogue full 1)f comprehensive reading and illustrative matter pertaining to the Morton dry kiln. These \"..i.ll be furnished to the trade by addressing the company at 1328 First National Bank building, Chicago. 28 ~M"}9HIG7}N EVRNSVILLL Peter H. Reddinger. Readers of the Michigan Artisan will note in the half tone here shown the likeness of Peter H. Reddinger, proprietor of the Reddinger Carving Works Evansville, Iud., manufacturers of all' kinds of carvings and furniture ornaments. Mr. Red-dinger was originalty from Grand Rapids, having spent h's boyhood days there and there learned the carving business ill some of the most famous furniture factories in the world. Starting in with Nelson, Matter and company he next went to work for Berkey & Gay, and after that at Widdicomb's. Following this, Mr. Reddinger accepted a traveling position with the Valley City J\Iachine Works, covering the east and north. After putting in some time as a knight of the grip he for two years and a half was foreman of the carving de-partment with the l'vlattoon Manufacturing company of She-boygan, Wis., filling the same position with the Converse Manuacturing company at Newaygo, Mich., until that com-pany went out of business, and then came to Shelbyville, Ind., where he occupied the same position for some time with the Conrey-Birely Table company_ \Vith his relinquishment of this position, :\1r. Reddinger came to Cincinnati, whe:'e he started in for himself in a small way at first. That was six years agO, the business being styled "Cincinnati Carving Works," and incidentally it might be stated that Mr. Red-dinger was the first man to manufacture carvings in Cinc~n-nati. From a smaJi beginning the busjness grew steadily, and about a year ago he removed his plant to Evansville, the location proving itself a splendid one and in the centre of the furniture district, with more orders coming in than they can take care of. The Reddinger Carving Works oc-cupies a plant 60 x 100 in size and employs a force of forty men. The plant is run by c1ectric power_ On account of rush of business the plant was run for a time last v; inter up to 9 o'clock nights, but as the force also was obliged to work in the day time, the night work was discontinued. dinger has moved up in the business· until today stands second to none in the country. Mr. Red-his plant New Industries in Evansville. The G,'ote Manufacturing company, founders and machin-ists, have erected a stor~ge building in which they will store their lumber. The Reddinger Carving Works (C H. Reddinger, proprie-tor) have a force of forty men employed to meet the demands of th~s firm's trade which are pouring from all' sections. Mr. Redd~nger says t'he demands of his trade are more than thf capa9ity of his plant can supply. The Evansville Veneer company are continuing to make improvements at their plant. HWe have just finished putting up a filing room on top of the saw mill, and in June will build a fifty-foot addition to the cutting room," said Manager Tagle. liOther improvements are. the installation of a steam drag saw. Since the first of the year we have pur-chased eighteen lots adjoining our property." The Evansville Dimension company, manufacturers ex-clusively of three-ply veneered door panels, is one of the more recently organized companies. The company occupies a one-story building 125 x 75 feet in dimensions, with dry kiln and other buildings. The organization was completed eight months ago with a capital stock of $20,000, and the fol-lowing officers elected: President, William Heyns; vice president, Henry Wimberg; secretary-treasurer, Charles Hart-metz. The Fellwock Roll & Panel company are now nicely locat-ed in the building formerly occupied by the Evansville Metal Bed company_ Manager Fellwock says results have been very gratifying since they made their move to their prese'nt location. On January .3 the company were visited by a very severe fire, but inside of two weeks after that were located again and since then trade has been busy as ever with the company, They are now making veneered rolls exclusively, and have just put in a steam plant to supplant the elect: ic motor power they have been using. The c0tTIpany's trade extends from the Atlantic as far west as Kansas and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf. The American Pharmacal company, manufacturers of Nail's Red Star Polish, have in this article a perfect polish and cleaner for furniture, office and bar fixtures, pianos, or-gans, bicycles, iron beds, carriages and automobiles. Nail's Red Star Polish dries instantly and never softens or gums. It never settles or evaporates and there is no disagreeable or of-fensive odor connected with it. It brings out the finish and gives new life to furniture; is free from acid and can be used by any child. Address orders to the Ame"ican Pharmacal company, Evansville, lod., 205 Upper First street. Sold in one, two, five and ten gallon cans and in barrels, also put up ill two, three and six ounce bottles, retailing for ten cents, fifteen cents and twenty-five cents ,allowing a liberal profit to the retailer. A New Ven~r and Lumber Company. The American Veneer and Lumber company a new cor-poration, are building a mill at Newport. Ark. E. E. Dietrich, for 18 years superintendent' of the Grand Rapids Veneer Works, ""ill be the superintendent of the new factory. He stated to the Artisan, a few days before leaving for his new home, that they will manufacture veneers and panels from the native woods of Arkansas and that the company owns large tracts of standing timber in that s~ction. Newport is a thriving little city of 3,000 inhabitants, about ninety miles northwest of Memphis, Tenn. Henry Holden of Grand Rapids will represent the new company in this section. L-..- __ , R• 'T' .1.5'A.l'l ~. 29 T ... t K OIL STAIN Correct Shade. Stain Made. WAX OR SHELLAC. SHING WAX se on Weathered or Mission Finishes. ELS AND PRICES. ET," real wood panels showing twenty-supplied. • CHICAGO. 'The Ad-el-ite People. I Write for Price to I THE CHAUTAUQUA VENEERING CD. Manufacturers of VENEERED TOPS. FRONTS and PANELS In All Woods JAMESTOWN. NEW YOR.K NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, Via GRAND TRUNK·LEHIGH VALLEY ROUTE. Two Fast Trains WEATHERED OA Fast Color. Most Penetrating WILL NOT WIPE UP WITH AO-EL-ITE FINI Dries Harder Than Ordinary Wax. SEND FOR SAMPLE PAN Ask for our "STANDARD STAINS BOOKL one Fillers and Stains. The finest booklet ever Dept. 5. P. H. Reddinger Carving Worhs (Formerly Cincinnati Carving Works of Cincinnati, 0.) CARVINGS and FURNITURE OR.NAMENTS of aU kinds. EVANSVILLE, IND. By sending me a small order I will convince you that I am the man who can make your carvings. ONE TR.IAL WILL DO THE BUSINESS. For U Dally Except Sunday. Dally. Leave Gd Rapids 2:45 p. m. 7:05 p. m. Ar Philadelphia 3:40 p. m. 7:25 p. m. Ar New york 4:30 p. m. 8:40 p. m. Service unsurpassed. For further information apply at City Office, Morton House Block. c. A. JUSTIN,C. P. & T. A. 30 .~MlfJIIG7fN 2 Double Spindle Shapero For all kinds of heavy hard wood cutting, this shaper will be found a very powerful and dependable tool, and of such heavy construction that the spindles may {"unat the highest speed without fear of vibration. The upright spindles are extra long, of- the best crucible steel and may be lowered below the surface of the table. The raising wheels in front for raising and lowering the spin-dles are convenient to the operator, and operating spiral cut gears, prevent the spindles from working down when ruu-ning. The pull of the belt is always against the solid column. Either straight or flat bits or solid bits may be us~d with equal success. The table, either iron or wood, is 61 x 48 inches. Rings are let into the table so that when large or small bits or heads are wanted to be run on spindles, the change can be instantly made. For the greatest variety of heavy work and for dependable continuous service, this machine offers much and its makers, . the J A. Fay and Egan company, guarantee that it will do everything as claimed. By sending a postal to them at 505-525 W. Front Stree~, complete details, prices, circulars and general catalogue of the Fay and Egan line of woodworking machinery may be obtained by return maiL Antwerp Oak. The Chicago Wood Finishing company, 259-263 Elston avenue, Chicago, have in their Antwerp oak finish a strong article for the furniture trade. One of the more popular finishes is Antwerp oak for many lines of furniture, such as those for the library, dining room, hall, etc., as ""ell as for special pieces of fancy furniture. It is used also to some extent for office and buffet furniture. Antwerp oak finish is employed on about the same lines of goods as \Veathered oak and Flemish oak finishes. In some respects Antwerp oak finish may be said to be similar to Weathered oak finish, except that Antwerp oak fin-ish is :tiJ'edand varnished, whereas Weathered oak is neither filled nor varnished. All parts of the surface ,of the wood are stained uniform-ly, including the flake of the wood in Antwerp oak finish, there being no "highlights" shown, as in Golden oak finish. The Chicago Wood Finishing company produce the only practical Antwerp oak oil stains made, that is those which give the depth of shade required and dry well'. They manu-ufacture Antwerp oak spirit stains as well as oil stains, but the latter are muth to be preferred since they do not raise the grain of the wood as spirit stains do. Their Antwerp oak oil stains and fillers produce this style of finish as easily as Golden oak finish is made, something which had been impossible until they brought out these stains. The cost of producing Antwerp oak finish heretofore has been the greatest reason for the finish not having been em-ployed as much as it otherwise would have been. 7IRTI.sA~ t 7 $;. The method of producing Antwerp oak finish isas follows: The wood shou:d be smoothly sand-papered and the sand-dust, thoroughly cleaned out of the pores. A coat of No.2 or 4 Antwerp oak oil stain, full str'ength, not thinned down, is then applied, the stain being wiped over or not wiped as may be preferred. We give, following, directions for both processes: \Viped finish. After the stain has been allowed a few minutes to set it is lightly wiped over with cloth, waste or a rag. The stain is given over night to dry and the work then filled with an Antwerp oak wood filler. The filler is allowed twentY'-four hours to dry and is given a thin coat of white shell'ac. The shellac for this purpose is thinned down, using two parts of wood alcohol to one part of shellac var-nish. The shellac:; is lightly. sand-papered, when dry, and two coats of rubbing, or of rubbing and polishing varnish are applied, first coat being sand-papered and last coat rubbed, or rubbed and polished as desired. The Antwerp finish is sometimes not polished but only rubbed, although it is also put out in the polished finish. The company manufacture a number of shades of Ant-werp oak wood fitter. Lead-jng shades are their No. 225 and No. 225 B. Net prices for Antwerp oak paste wood fillers, any .packages: No.2 Antwerp oak oil stain, $1.50 per gallon; No.4 Antwerp oak oil stain, $1.50 per gallon. Ket prices for An~werp oak paste wood fillers, any shade, in 100 lb. or 200 lb. kegs or 100 lb. cans, 60 cents; in 25 or 50 th. tin pails, 70 cents. W. F.G. Filler and Stain Effects. A booklet of great service to finishers for refernce pur-poses is in course of distribution among the furniture factor-ies of America It consists of finished chips showing a large number of filler and stain effects, pasted in a heavy card board cover, that can be carried in the pocket or hung above the desk. These chips· show exactly the effect produced by the various materials on birch, oak and mahogany. They run the gamut from the very light to the very dark shades and from rubbed to waxed finishes. This booklet is the work of the advertising department of the Adams & Elting company, the "Ad-el-ite People," of Chicago. This big concern has Tong been headquarters for everything in the filler and stain line and for all kinds of paint specialties. Their fillers and stains are us~d in the finishing rooms of most of the large furniture factories throughout the United States, and are a standard for this class of goods. They will' send one of their reference booklets showing these stains and fillers to any fin-isher who will make his request on the letter head of his firm. Lumber For Veneer Work. Nearly 160,000,000 feet of lumber were used in this coun-try last year for veneer "work. The statistics have just been collected by the. forest service on the returns· from ninety-three firms. The showing. makes the use of wood for veneer work the next largest to wood putp for forest exploitation. Formerly it was believed that only a very few woods were available for veneering, but this year there were twelve dif-ferent species mentioried, all of which ran over a million feet of log measure. Of these red gum, yellow poplar and maple constituted fifty per cent. All species for which a totar cut of less than 1,000,000 feet was reported include. sycamore, tupelo, chestnut, hickory, pecan, butternut, cherry, spruce, cypress. hackberry, locust and willow. The proportion of veneer stock manufactured in the leading states is as follows: Wisconsin, seventee'~l per cent; Tennessee, fourteen per cent; Indiana, ten per cent; New York, ten per cent; Missouri, nine per cent; South Carolina, nine per cent. Factory Notes. Andersen & V\iinter of Clinton, Ia .. have had constructed for their use a new furniture plant. The Orchvay )'IIanufacturing company's plant in Bristol, Tenn., is to be sold at public auction. Work on the new Illillois Cabinet company's plant of Rockford is being rushed to completion, The Badger Furniture: factory in Mihvaukee was damaged by fire to the amount of $2,700 recently. The Booth Furniture company will manufacture furniture in Peru. Ind. Capital stock is $40,000. The Pennsylvania Bed company has been organized in Pittsburg. Tte capital invested is $125,000. R. S. Reynolds of Bristor, Tenn., will c:onduct a furniture manufacturing business. Capital is $50,000. The Ford & Johnson company of Chicago will crect a chair factory in Atlanta, Ga., to cost $30,000. The Pennsylvania Bed company of Pittsburg; will manu~ facture metal beds. Capitalization, $125,000. The Dust Proof Furniture company of Chicago, with a capital stock of $50,000 will manufacture furniture. The Mayhew Ma.!.wfacturing company are about to con-struct a $20,000 addition to their factory in Milwaukee. The Sanitary Folding Bed & Manufacturing company of Kansas City, l\Jo., has been organized "vith $18,000 capital. Kyle & Sons' warehou!ie in Temple, Tex., was rccently de-stroyed by fire; damage resulted to the extent of $10,000. The John D. Raab Chair company of Grand Rapids, Mich., have increased the capital stock from $20,000 to $50,000. George \V. Denton has pmchased the interests of George T. Nolley in the \7ilesterll Furniture company, vVichita, Kas. The Southern Seating & Cabinet company of Nashville, Tenn., have increased their capital stock from $35,000 to $100,000. The Ideal Hospital Bed company is organized with places of business in Chicago and Guthrie, O. T. Capital stock is $300,000. \'Fork on Louis Harbach's lIew furniture factory in Des 1\loines, la., is being pushed. The factory is to be modern in every respect. .!-\. new furniture factory will be started in Columbus, Ga., in the buildings formerly occupied by thc Columbus Show Case company. The American Seating company of Jersey City, K. J, has been organized to manufacture furniture and supplies. with $4,000,000 capital. \Vork has been conl111(',nced on the buildings of the Brunswick-lllake-Collender company's plant in Muskegou, Mich., and is progressing rapidly. Tlle Carthage (1\10.) Bcd Spring l'vTanufacturlng company have increased their capital stock from $25,000 to $100,000. Four-fifths of the increase is paid. The Standard Furniture company of Rockford, Ill., will make an addition to their plant 18 x 100 feet, four stories; 2,000 square feet of floor space will thereby be added. The Batesville (Tnt!) Veneering \;Yorks will move to Lawrenceburg, where a site has been purchased [or $8,000, Oil which a three-story building will beerec.ted to cost $60,000. The people of S1. Johns have raised the money due the St. Johns Table company now moved to Cadillac, Mich. The plant occupied by the S1. Johns Table company will be used by another company soon. The Birmingham (Ala.) ~etal Bed :vlanufacturing com-pany has been organized with $50,000 capital. The com-pany v;il1 manufacture iron and brass beds at North Bir-mingham. 31 The Imperial Patent Bed company has been organized in St. Louis, Mo., with $30,000 capital. The Poughkepsie (:-.T. Y) Chair company was damaged by fire recently to the amount of $15,000. The American School Furniture company, of v;hich the Grand Rapids School Furniture company is a part, has been re-organized under the name of the American Seating com-pany. Capital is $4,000,000. A committee of the Commercial Club of IVlontgomery, Ala., will try and secure factories for their city. A chair factory is one of the things in vie,'v. John \V. Tullis, Jr., is chairman of the committee. Three hundred cabinet makers in George W. Smith and company's Philadelphia factory, struck on May first. Other factory employes also stopped work. The union demands an eight hour day and a fixt:>dschedule of wages. The j\'lanistce (IvIich.) Development company will or-ganize a chairfaetory, selling stock to rcsidents it $100 per share. After the company is .formally organized it is pro-posed to ask the city for a bonus of $10,000 for the purchas:: of a site and the erection of a building. The Northwestern Cabinet company of Burlington, {a., will enlarge their plant by an addition to cost $50,000, three stories high. Dimensions 50 x 200 feet. Thirty thousand square feet of floor space will thus be added. The company recently increased the capital stock to $150,000. At the Bennett Brothers furniture factory in Charlotte, 111ch., recently, great excitement was caused by the blowing off of the safety valve on the boilers. The force of the es-caping steam was so strong that the roof of an adjoining }JOuse ''''as torn off. The fact'ory will have to be dosed while repairs afe being made. Prosperity No Excuse. "It is possible that some time in the future \"e shall give our attention to the export trade and seek to market our goods abroad, but at the present time we are so rushed with domestic orders that we really have nothing to offer for-ex-port, and could hardly give proper attention to foreign orders if \ye were to receive them.' This is the familiar, stereotyped expression now in com-mon use among certain manufacturers when approached with propositions to offer their merchandise for cxport. The excuse is based 011 a fallacy so obvious that it is hCLrdto credit its users with particularly profound mental processes. Un-doubtedly these are prosperous times in the United States, and more factories are running to their full capacity and experiencing difficulty in keeping their orders promptly filled than are having trouble in obtaining all the business they de-sire. It is fair to assume that under these conditions the manu-facturers as a class are making money and accumulating profits which they could well afford to apply to business expansion. If this is so, when will they ever have a better time than the present to organize export departments an
- Date Created:
- 1906-05-10T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 26:21
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. It was published twice monthly, beginning in 1880. and '(GRAND ,RAPW ~ 1111111 u'4--n AllY I ! I' I , MICHIGAN ARTISAN I OCTOBER 25, 1906 I r ~ Grand Rapids Fancy Furniture CO. It , , . I i ;". r"·' ;:. . ,) 1 ," GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. '>;, ". Bookcases, Ladies' Desks, Music Cabinets and Writing Tables IN MAHOGANY: OAK. IMITATION MAHOGANY. MAPLE, ~~~ ~-WRITE FORCATALOGUE.~~-- Spring Line on EXhibition, FIFTH FLOOR, BLODGETT BLOCK ,I BEST THINGS FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON. (, -j ,:p ,) . ~ '. -.'1 .<t L _ EVERY INDICATION POINTS to the fact that we wiUhave a LARGE HOLIDAY TRADE, hence Weadvise you to FIGURE AHEAD, AVOID THE RUSH and BUY TODAY. We will date the bill December Ist. Terms: Net 60 days 2 per cent 10 days, F. O. B. here. The beauty of this Couch is in ils massive proportions. yet embodying lPacefuI lines. It is. made of quarter sawed Oak, cl'OOs~bandedveneered sides, (finished Golden) and with massivelv carved shell at the head. The springa are High T em-pered steel, built upon Ihe S. & H. Construction, the same construction as adoe!~ by tile Governmt!nt. WE GUARANTEE IT FOR FIVE YEARS. The Filling is of Tow, Mo" and Hair Top and the covering is of the very best M. & S. No. 1 guaranteed Machine Buffed Leather. Will not crack or peel. No. X2610 COUCH 77 in, long 30 in, wide A RARE BARGAIN MUELLER & SLACK COMPANY, Grand Rapids Mich. IF YOU HAVEN'T OUR CATALOGUE ~6 ASK FOR IT For the Holiday Trade A YOUTH'S MANUAL TRAINING ========== BEN CH ========== Is an Article That Can't Be Beat. A Useful Article in Any Home. A Perfect Gift for the Boy. The Same Bench we Furnish the Best Manual Training Schools. Strictly high grade in every respect. Sold at a price that 'places it within the reach of all. It sold like "hot cakes" last Christmas. Get it on your list for this year. Write for full information and prices. GRAND RAPIDS HAND SCREW CO. 130 South Ionia St., Grand Rapids, Mich. LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF BENCHES IN THE WORLD. - - -- - - --- - - _._-- -- ------- THE NORTHERN LINE KITCHEN CABINETS LET OTHERS ADVERTISE, BUT YOU BUY THE BEST GOODS FOR THE MONEY Kitchen Cabinet No. 1I C\ Kitchen Cabinet No. 501 I. While it is a mistake to offer an unsatis-factory, cheap Kitchen Cabinet, and you know as well as we do that a WELL MADE . ARTICLE at a moderate price WILL OUT-SELL the best advertised Kitchen Cabinet in the world. We are content to let others advertise Kitchen Cabinets while we DELIVER THE GOODS AT INSIDE PRICES. WE ADVERTISE NO RETAIL PRICES and every dealer may ask what he likes. There is no better built line on the mar-ket, and few as good. Our Kitchen Cabinets are THO R - OUGHL Y PRACTICAL with no contrap-tions, and WILL SATISFY THE CUS-TOMER. They have all the features of the best Cabinets on the market, and we have carefully avoided the short-comings of others. We have different styles, so you can al-ways PICK WHAT YOU WANT. There is no more complete or salable line in the country. They will help you immensely to make Q!JICK AND PROFITABLE SALES. The Northern Furniture. Company SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 2 The Luce FurnitureCo. INVllES ATIENTION TO ITS LARGE LINE OF Bed Room and Dining Room Furniture. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN SALESROOM AT FACTORY ONLY. DURING THE JUL V. 1906. SEASON YEAGER'S HIGHEST THE REASONS GREATEST QUALITY VALUES THE YEAGER fURNITURE co., Allentown, Pa. CHICA.GO-Funliture Manufl'l.(:turers' Exhibition Building, 7th Floor, 1319 Michigan Ave. NEW YORK-(Salesroom) 333-341 Fourth Ave., Cor. 25th St. 2d Floor. PUBLIC LIBRARY 27th Year-No.8. $1.00 per Year. MAIL ORDER COMPETITION. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., OCTOBER 25, 1906. A Commercial Traveler Tells How it is Met by a Sagacious Dealer of Coldwater, Mich. "Mail order competition isn't such a terrible thing after all," declared a traveling man, after listening to a little ca-lamity howling in the corridor of a Grand Rapids, 11ich., hotel recently. "Of course, the country merchant who lays down and does not even attempt to meet it is liable to feel it keenly," he continued, "but there is no reason why the small dealers who are in close touch with their patrons should fear it. All they need to do to hold their trade is to explain the matter to their customers. A little heart-ta-heart talk and saga cia lIS figuring will hardly ever fail to convince a sen-sible person that there is nothing to be gained in patronizing the mail order houses." On being asked to elucidate his idea~tell how it can be done- the optimist proceeded: "Well, I'll tell you. I wit-nessed a good example of how to do it down at Coldwater the other night. I was in a store when a man \vho wanted a small wood stove-onc of those little heaters-came in. He sauntered around until he saw about what he wanted and then asked the proprietor: "Vhat do you want for that stove?' 'Six doJ[ars,' was the reply. "'1 can do better than that/ said the would-be buyer. 'I can get that stove from Sears & Roebuck for $5.25.' "'Well, that's better,' said the seller, 'if you can do it, but I doubt it.' "No doubt at all,' said the buyer. 'They've got exactly the same thing and $5.25 is their price.' "'That may be,' said the merchant, 'but I think I can con-vince you that you won't make anything by sending your money to Chicago. 1 can do just as well by you as any mail order house can.' 'If you can I will buy that stove and pay your price,' was the buyer's offer. "'Well, Jet's see,' said the dealer. 'You say their price is $5.25. If you send that amount over there you've got to write a letter and buy a money order. That will cost you 10 cents, including the postage, even if you don't count your time worth anything. That makes $5.35. Then you must pay the freight, which will be at least 4S cents. That will make it $5.80. Then you will have to hire somebody to take the stove up to your house. That will probably cost a quar-ter, but we'll call it 20 cents, which brings Sears & Roebuck's price tlp to just what I have asked you and they won't send a man over here to set up the stove and swear at the pipe for you as we do.' /1'1 guess you're right,' admitted the buyer. I had not figured the thing out, I'll take the stove, You know I'd rather trade with you, anyway. Here's your money.' "'Thank you,' said the dealer, and the incident was ap-parently closed, but he could not resIst the temptation to 'rub it in' a little. He saw an opportunity to make the les-son a little more impressive and improved it, thinking, prob-ably that it might have a good effect on several other me1 who had witnessed the transaction. He took the money and then turning to his handy man, said: 'Here, John; mark this stove sold to Mr. Edwards. Set it away to be delivered and set up a week from Saturday.' "Can't you deliver it before- that?' asked Mr. Edwards in surprise. "'Oh. yes, we could: was the reply, 'but I only agreed to do as well as Sears & Roebuck would and you know if you sent to Chicago for a stove you wouldn't expect to get it in less than two weeks, while wc"ll keep it only a little over a, week.' "Mr. Edwards saw the point plainly. He protested mild-ly, saying the weather was growing cold-might freeze up any time-and the folks needed the stove, and when he was as-sured that it would be 'up there the first thing in the morn-ing,' he invited all present to smoke at his expense. "Now," continued the optimist, "that incident shows how the small dealers can compete with the mail order houses. I believe that if people who patronize the mail order concerns would figure a little, they would find, in nine cases out of ten, that they can do better by buying at home. I suppose there are dealers who ask too much for their goods. In such cases the people cannot be blamed for sending their money away, but when a merchant plays fair, shows a disposition to 'live and let live,' and knows how to Use his opportunities to the best advantage, he ought to have no difficulty in holding his trade against any inducements that the mail order men can offer." THE CORRECT Stains and fillers. THE MOST SATISFACTORY first Coaters and Varnishes MAItU'-ACTII.CII rII ........ B .... CHICAGO WOOD FINISHING CO. 259·63 ELSTON AVE.., 2·16 SLOAN ST. CHI CAe o. 4 ~r;,.IfjiIG7}N , 7I R'T' I >5' AJ"! 4? $ $. HORN BROS. MFG. CO. 281 to 291 W. Superior St.. CHICAGO. ILL. MANUFACTURERS OF Chamber SUites, Odd Dressers, Chiffoniers UDII'S' DRI'SSING TII.8LI'S to match Made in Golden Oak, Genuine Maho~any VeneCTed, Birdseye Maple, Whit~ Enamel High\y Pohsbed 01 Dun Finish. We also make a line of PRINCESS DRESSERS from $13.00 UP, In Quarter-Sawed Oak, Mahogany and Birdseye Maple, Veneered If you bave not received our Spring Supplement. ask for it. SAMPLES SHOWN BY PECK & HILLS 1319 Michi~D AVeline, and HALL .& KNAPP, 187 Michigan Avenue, Clilcago. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, Via GRAND TRUNK-LEHIGH VALLEY ROUTE, Two Fast Trains Daily Except Sunday. Daily. Leave Gd Rapids , 2:45 p. m. 7:05 p. m Ar Philadelphia , , 3:40 p. m. 7:25 p. m. Ar New york ~:30 p. m. 8:40 p. m. Service unsurpassed. For further information apply at City Office, Morton House Block. I . C. A. JUSTIN, C. P. & T. A. QUARTER-SAWED INDIANA WtllTE OAK VENEERS CHOICE FIGURES:: EXTRA WIDTHS When writing for prices. mention widths required and kind of figure preferred. HOFFMAN BROTHERS CO. Fort Wayne Indian ... No. 51 The New Write for CatalGJlle. RICHMOND Chair Co. RICHMOND, IND. The Standard line of Double Cane CHAIRS and ROCKERS Mention MICHIGAN ARTISAN THE ONLY CASTER CUP THAT WILL NOT MAR OR SWEAT ANew Caster Cup, a Furniture Protector and a Rest We guarantee perfect satis-faction_ We know we have the only perfect C&'ltercup ever made. This cup is in two sizes, as follows: 2}( inch and 3 inch. and we use the cork bottom. You know the rest Small size, $S.50 lI'er100 Large size, 4.50 per 100 F O. B. Grand Rapids. Try it and beconvinced. Our Concave Bottom Card Block does Dot touch the snr· face but upon the rim. permit. ting a dreu\ation oi air under the block, tberebY pr~e:ntin~ moistua or marks of any kind. This is tile only card blllck of its kind on the market. Price $3.00 per 100 Grand Rapids Caster Cup CO", ..... 00. A,. .. Grand Rapids, Mich. Also can be had at LUSSKY. WHITE 6. COOLIDGE, 111·113 Lake St.; ChicaGO "PE.RFE.CT·· FOLDING CHAIR PATENTED OCT. 20. 11)03. Comfortable Durable Simple Neat The Acme of Perfection in the line of Folding Chairs. PERFECT COMPACTNESS wbil!:nfolded. Hard maple. natural finish. WaITE FOR. PaICES. OM PEABODY SCHOOL FURNITURE CO. North Manchester, Indiana "Rotan Slyl,," lot Drop Carvin~, Emboaed MouklinllS. Paods. Etc. EMBOSSING and DROP CARVING MACHINES Mlldtjpes for a\l PUtpose~, and at prices witbin lhe reach of all. Every Machi" .. has OUr Il"uarant"h against breabge for one year. "Lateral Style" for Larie CApacity Heavy Ca~ ",00 Deep E.D1.boWn~_ We Mve the Machine you want at a JlllisfactaIYprice. Write lor del<::riptivecirculars. Ako malle. fo1 aIlmaltes ~ M.cbinell. UNION EMBOSSING MACHINE CO" Indianapolis, Ind. Morton House American ......Plan Rates $2.50 and Up Hotel Pantlind European •.....Plan Rates $1.00 and Up GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. The Noon Dinner Served at the Pantlind lor 50e is lhe fiNEST IN THE WORLD J. BOYD PANTLIND. Prop. -- ----- -- --------... 71R T I ..s' A.L"l a;;;; ; ".. 7 f' • PATENTED JULV 29, 1902. The best FASTENER for Five Le&.gedTables Write for Price! atld Informaticf1 --ro-- Invincible Table Fastener Co.. Shelbyville, Ind. FURNITURE- FACTORY OPE-NINGS. Excellent opportunities for furniture factories exjst in cities anti towns of the Southwest along the lines of the ... An a.mple supply of h~rdwood timber. besides most of the soft woods, are procurable at low cost and within a short distance of these locHtion~. Full particulars upon application. Send !(JT booklef about facfO'ry opminglt a!(J'fI(Jthe Rock Island-Friileo. M. SCHULTER, Industrial Commissioner. Friseo Building. ST. LOUIS.Mo. Fine Service MICHIGAN CENTRAL Grand Rapids .II Detroit .II Toledo THROUGH CAR LINE Solid train service with Broiler Parlor cars and Cafe coaches running on rapid schedule. Through sleeping car to New York on the "Wolverine," making the run in nineteen hours and fifty minutes. For full particulars see Michigan Central Agents. Or E· W. Covert. C. P. A. Grand R.aplds. o. W. ,,"u.s.)ea. G. P. A. ChlQajio. 5 -"',,-MIC.H·2IG7INa graining machine in factories making low and medium priced goods. Quartered oak is becoming so expensive that many are using the imitations instead. The Wolverine :Manufacturing Company and the Cadillac Cabinet Company are having a trade in fancy furniture and tables. The Safety Folding Bed Company expect to show their line in January at 1319 Michigan avenue .. Chicago. Changes in Burial Customs. "You may people in the country and in smaller towns say that folks in New York don't even know the peo-ple that live next door," says an undertaker of the big city. "But as a mattcr of fact somebody might live and die under the Same roof with you here and you might never even know that he was dead; thi!';, for instance, in anyone of the city's large apartment houses. "Here no crape is hung at the outer doot, as it would be disturbing to the other tenant'S. And so there are parts of the town which you may traverse and never see a crape. Peo-ple die here, but it is not the custom to place the crape at the outer door. "In some parts of the town in houses of many tenants, where it is de~i··ed and where it is sanctioned by custom, we still plate a crape at the outer door, in such cases tying a black ribbon to the bell pull or to the nameplate of the family in which the death has occurred' in the hall within; but in the many fine modern apartment houses it is not the custom. "You will still find, as in the old way, in various parts of the city in case of death crape displayed at the door of pri-vate dwelling houses; but here, too, the custom is beginning, has in fact begun, to fall' into disuse. You will now see 011 such houses flowers with the crape, or flowers alone; and there are fine avenues and streets where the outward display of any death emblem whatever has been largely if not wholly given up. They know, and their friends know; and why should they make their grief public? HAnother change of comparatively recent years is in the manner of inscribing coffin plates. Once such plates were universally lettered with the name of the deceased and with the date of birth and of death, the lettering being done in script. Now it is not unusual for us to put upon a plate the name only, and this in old English or a block letter, omit-ting the dates of birth and death entirely. "Women, particularly, are naturally sensitive about their age, and they might have shrunk from having this told, after their death, as they would have shrunk from telling it them-selves. It was respect for this feeling that prompted the omission of dates, done at first in the case of women, The simplicity of this manner of making plates commended itself and it was extended to plates made for men; and we are now making, for both men and women, an increasing number of coffin plates bearing- the name only. "Another change in burial customs in the city is found in the increasing number of burials now held from undertaking establishments, which are now to be found here equipped with every possible convenience for the seemly conducting of funeral ceremonies, either public or private." Demand for Old Style Beds Increasing. "In spite of the rapidly growing scarcity of suitable wood, furniture is selling at a low price, all things considered," said E. A. Bandcrob of Oshkosh, while in Milwaukee recently. "Wood from which furniture is made is not only becoming scarce, but mechanics employed at furniture making are de-manding higher wages than paid them four or five years ago, and other material used in the' construction of household ar-ticles has gone up in price. Therefore it is but natural to suppose that the price of furniture has been increased some-what also. Furniture made today is far more serviceable than that manufactured when I was a yopung man. The me-chanics employed at furniture making are men expert in their profession, and such workmen command the highest wages the manufacturers can afford to pay. "There is, of course, cheap furniture made, but my advice to the young- couple or the old couple, too, for that matter, is when buyhlg furniture to get the best, even if they are ob-liged to go in debt to get it. The best in the furniture line is always the cheapest. "Wooden bedsteads are not going out of use as fast as some people may think, or ~s certain furniture dealers may endeavor to make them think. The demand for the 61d~ style bedsteads is increasing rather than decfeasing, as house-holders after they have had experience with an iron bedstead will go back to the comfortable and good-looking wooden bed. In the winter time, especially, is the difference between iron a.nd wooden bedsteads appreciated. "';VoDd carvers, the men who make the fantastic and ar-tistic designs on the bureaus and bedsteads are paid better wages than mechanics in other branches of trade, and they earn their money, too. It requires skill and ingenuity to be a wood carver, and the work is hard." "Down and Out." The man who wins in the fight for fame, Who wins in the war for gold, The welkin rings with his lauded name Wherever his deeds are told. Not mine to jeer when I hear him hailed; I'm proud of his heart so stout- But what of the fellow who tried and failed, The fellow that's "down and out"? Shall nought be said for the man who tried The goal of his hopes to gain? Who faced the battle with patient pride And fought though the fight was vain? Whose spirit in one weak moment quailed, Who fell at the last redoubt- Ah, many a hero heart has failed, So here's to the "down and out"! The man 'who wins, oh, honor him well, And give him the praise that's due, But don't forget the other who fell Ere ever his dreams came true; Yes, honor the man whose will prevailed, Who baffled despair and doubt- But give one thought to the man who failed, The fellow ,that's "down and out"! -Denis A. McCarthy. THE HAWK£.YJt. KITCHEN CABINltT Original feature~. Des;2n.finishand cabinetwork the beston earth. Prices ran~ frOID$3.25 to $60.00. ExcJuslvesale Jl'iven. Sold to dealers only. Price is a good salesman. Quality is a b~ter one. We have them both. Catalogue on application. UDloD FurDltu,.. Co .. BURLlNGTc>N. JOWA.. HOW TO BETTER YOUR POSITION. Hang On To Your Job, Do Your Best and Keep Your Eyes Open. He w;iS seeking work, all unmarried beginner, but scorned the suggestion of a more experienced worker that, since op-portunities 111 the desired 1ille were few anti applications many, he should take other work while walting. l'I'd rather go hungry than do work I don't like," he per-sisted, voicing a piece of folly common to mally thoughtless work seekers. "I couldn't do my best at anything distaste-ful. And, besides, if I get into other work, I may never get out." Those who employ others or seek to help them trYward em-ployment frequently are confronted by this mistaken attitude based on half truths improperly comprehended, says John Coleman in the Denver News. Love for the work undertak-en no doubt conduces to the enjoyment of its performancc, as also to to the power of doing it well and easily. But the un-desired work may offer the highest opportunities for improve-ment of working ability and character, nor can any kind of work utterly pt"Ove. distasteful to the honest, whole-hearted 7 waiting? There are cases, however, in which the unde-sired work performed for necessity's sake, leads to unexpect-edly promising opportunities, brings out latent abilities not otherwise. shown. A. Chicago young man, an artist by instinct, a phat"macist for financial reasons, loathed the occupation of his business hours, yet discovered through it certain photographic possi-bilities that prescntly lifted him to fame and easeful prosper-ity and freedom. Another unloving chemist passed from the uncongenial field to researches that by and by landed him in the happy haven of a university professor's chair. A struggling physician, eking out the income of an infinitesimal practice, took to medical illustrating; from this branch he passed to the nOll-scientific drawing, which proved his great-est gift. A woman, suddenly widowed, desired to take up design-ing, but, the money for immediate study, turned her housekeeping experienc.e and talents to good use. As a successful teacher of domestic science she tong has' been rec-onciled to her altered plans. One of the cleverest character artists of America, a woman widely famous for her adorable child sketches, slipped into this work quite by accident, need-ing money wherewith to further her sculptural endeavors. b in jts simplklty, Our new 4eSlgna &1 I\4if sion furniture that have lusl IUTtvt;d from' ,hi Grand Rapids factOries .ar.e t~ finest eumJ1c& 0/ this popular furuhure as yet pr.oduCcd:. We have them In complete sets for every room bi the hause, or odd p1e~s ta set hel't and there ta add 10 tbe attraclivent,8s 01 the home. We would ask y(IUto' call at OUt stott aM allow us to acqtulilll you witb tbe me:tfts af Grand Ra¢dsfurn1ture' aM show you why it extek any (urriJ.- tute produced iIi tbe- world tOda. and fel it costs no more tban mQ" stclre.s ask for the: vetyardinary k:in&. ~l!.E OUR FALL BXHiB«T Of!' RUGS Jt,fu>OTIWlI'l.(lOa CO'VBRJN03 N~ al!stKns iN dwic, Ji;lf.. I",,,s and, a"'lislit: f;ollJrUc6 /"iHH .4mP'~Q's;.hsl.ak~ ~~lllb~"· SAMPLES OF' GOOD ADVERTISEMENTS. worker. Nor, again, is it necessary to "stick" in the unde-sired place. The desired work should be held in mind always, with the confident resolve to secure it as soon as possible. But it is e.asier to obtain a new job ·while blessed with an old one than when anxiously 'workless; and it is better to be well fed and clothed, out of debt, and easy in mind, evert at the cost of dis-agreeable daily effort, than to endure hunger, shabbiness and discouragement in search of the most alluring position. Lincoln may not have made log fences, Garfield driven the canal horse, and Grant hauled wood with the presidency in view, but. it may be assumed that each had far different work in mental perspective. Each, undoubtedly, made a bet-tcr president for the practical knowledge of men and c.ondi-tions acquired whHe engaged in the undesirable efforts. Marshall Field, John \Vanamaker, George \V. Childs, Sir Thomas Lipton, George M. Pullman, Thomas A. Edison, Rud-yard Kipling, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Jack London. these, with hosts of other world successes of varied order, toiled along in uncongenial fields befor('. coming -into their economic own. Who can doubt that the chosen work at last was the richer for the fruits of patient, productive The writer of an immensely successful recent book on femi-nine economics unconsciously secured its basic material while following a variety of distasteful occupations in search of the right one. A valuable and lucrative contrivance for softening and re-moving old wall paper was invented by a woti1an who watched her husband, just then out of employment, renovating his 0\',711 si.tting room hangings. The handy little restrainer of \vomanly "scolding locks" that some years ago profited its creator, ,"vas suggested to an ingenious worker seeking for different employment. At least half the world's most satis-fying successes have come to men and women who rather might have expected success in almost any other way. Instances might be multiplied indefinitely, but to what purpose? Here is the Hcondusion of the whole matter" to the thoughtftll work seeker not utterly committed to prev-ious mental conceptions: Choose the kind of work you pre-fer, determine to attain and successfully perform it as soon as possible, and bend all avaHable efforts in the cherished direc-tion. But, meantime, do your best at whatever kind of work first offers, being sure that in this course will be found the direct road to future opportunities of any and every kind. Karges Wardrobes Are Good Wardrobes fJIGOOD STYLE CONSTRUCTION FINISH =1 P R ICE SRI GH T [ WRITE FOR CATALOGUE KARGES FURNITURE CO. EVANSVILLE, IND. It BOCKSTEGE fURNITURE CO. EVANSVILLE:, IND. NO. 10. DRESSINGTABLE. Top 10%40. Ftench P1iaW2i2x.28.SdectO»artered Oak. Rubbed and PoIUbed. . Mak.en. of the "SUPERIOR" Extensioa. Parlor.nd Unaty Tahles. New CAT. ALOGUE just iaued. GET ONE. GLOBE SIDEBOARDS alB the BEST ON THE GLOBE FOR THE MONEY GEr OUR CATALOGUE. Mention the Michigan Artisan when writing. GLOBE FURNTURE COMPANY EVANSVILLE, INDIANA MAKE MONEY MR. DEALER BY SELLING THE KITCHEN CABINETS CUPBOARDS SAFES and WARDROBES Besl Goods lowest Prices BOSSE FURNITURE CO., Evansville, Ind The "Ell" fOLDING BEDS ~~~frl~'~N~~~ No Stock. complete without the Eli Beds in Manto::! and Upright E 0 M &. Co Evaa •• 1Ue.ln41a1'lla L' • ILL E R . Write lor cuts and pril:e5 1906 SMIT" C"4IR ===COMPANY=== 1858 E. Q. MANUFACTURERS OF WOOD, DOUBLE CANE, CANE, COBBLER TUfTED LEATHER AND VENEER SEAT CHAIRS AND ROCKERS No.145 R.eception l\.ocker Veneered Rolled Seat Quartered Oak Finished Golden Office and Warerooms. Cor. Third and Division Sts. Factory and Supply Mill, Foot of Oak St. ------:EVANSVILLE,IND •• ------ - - - - -- -- -- -- ---------------------- 10 UNREASONABLE EXCLUSIVENESS. Radical Measures Proposed By Minnesota Undertaker; and Furniture Men. The Furniture News, St. Louis, Mo., gives the undert~k-ers and embalmers, fumiture dealers and manufacturers of Minnesota some good advice when it says; There was a time when if we heard of happenings Q(lt of the ordinary we had visions of Kansas. The Sun Fl.o\vcr state came in for all"sorts of gibes for her eccentricitiesl which geemed well earned from the pet:uliar actions of some of h{~r citizens. But the spot light has gradually shifted of late until it is now focused upon one of our neighbors in the north, where its searching rays penetrate a state of affairs that is amusing, to say the least. Minnesota seems to be afflicted with as many tormentors as Job of old, and two have broken out in such virulent form that some of the good citizens of that state have felt called upon to exercise stringent measures to prevent them frou' Why Not Order? Say a dozen or more Eureka Iron Display COuch Trucks llCDt you OD approval? If not satisfactory th~ ean he returned at no expense to you whatever. while the price a;ked is but a triBc, com-pared to the convebience they afford and the economy they represent in the saving of door space. Thirty-two couchl!S mounted on the E",eka Jron D;,pIay Couoh Truck occupy the same floor spate as twelve dis-pl~ ed in the usual manner. Write flQrcatalogue giving full descrip-tion and price in the diJferent finishes, to-gether with illustratioDs demonstrating thc use of t he Giant Short Rail Bed Fastener or Iron Beds. Manufactured by H. J. MONTGOMERY PATHNTKIl: Silver Creek, New York, U. S. A. Dellnit Wire and IMl Co.• Camldian Manu-faeturecIS. londoa, Ont. spreading. One that troubles them sorely is the embalming fluid question. For many years Minnesota funeral directors have taken a most active interes't in compounding a fluid that would possess all the good qualities of several hundred fluids and then some more. Not satisfied with the appropriations made by the National Funeral Directors' Association to carry on the investigation, the Minnesota Funeral Directors' As-sociation, we understand, have put up large sums of their own, Ulltil now they are ready to shout "Eureka" and pub-lish to all the world a formula that will put the embalming fluid manufacturers to the bad. We are not up on fluid!> sufficiently to know whether the free article is the superior of those that are sold at so much a quart, but if an embalmer, we believe we would hesitate to use the new discovery against the old and tried fluids un-less we had taicen a post graduate course in chemistry and cared to dabble in the mixture every time we had a call. It is within the province of funeral directors' associations to in-vestigate fluids, in fact they should do so a·nd report progress at their regular meetings, but we Question their right to put a large and flourishing industry-that of making embalming fluids-out of business until they know that all the concerns are fakes and frauds. It would seem more proper to inves-tigate fluids of trained chemists and put them right, if wrong, than to tear down the business that tbey have spent years of careful study and large sums of money to build up. Minne-sota fU11era}directors' activity in the fluid investigation gives the impression that they believe manufacturers are cheats and robbers, or something equally as bad, when the fact is that the calling is just as honorable as that of embalming and de-mands the same courtesy at our hands. To the layman the question is not very interesting, ex-cept as a study of the policy of exclusion and the extreme length to which it can be carried. Those of us who survived the ,nauseating exposures of the Chicago packing house investigations and realize what we put inside of our-selves while living, are certainly not very particular as to what is put inside of us, by others, when dead. The other perturbation that worries Minnesota business men is the inroads made by the mail order houses upon the sacred preserves of her retail furniture dealers. Whether Minnesota suffers more than any other state from this cause we cannot say. but she is first in the list to apply drastic: measures as a remedy. The Retail Furniture Dealers' Asso-ciation of that commonwealth have gone so far as to advo-cate the absolute exclusion of all furniture not made in the state. Consumers are not to be allowed to buy anything in the furniture line that comes from the thousands of factories throughout the country. Dealers -are to buy only from Minnesota factories or go without. The result of this pol-icy is not hard to foresee. If the Minnesota furniture deal-ers want to increase the business of the mail order houses they couldn1t succeed better than by invitinl; them to take the trade by this action. To cut out all manufacturers on the supposition that they supply catalogue hOuses is doing the majority of them an injustice. The fact that the catalogue houses are compelled to build factories to make almost every kind of commodity they handle, is conclusive proof that they· cannot buy the goods cheap enough and in such quantities as they sell. The selling end of their business is in advance of their ability to get the goods; -they are, therefore, forced into manufacturing, which adds complications to their sys-tem that they would prefer to go without, but cannot so long as their needs are not supplied by, regular manufacturers. ~I/Ianyof these manufacturers were in business long before the catalogue houses were ever thought of, and want now as in the past to supply the retail trade with their products; in fact are doing all they can to urge retailers to buy from them. Some have even gone into the advertising business, spending thousands of dollars to educate consumers to use their goods, thus helping the dealers to sell them. Are the Minnesota furniture dealers so unappreciative of this that they would discard their friends when in need and build up a barrier against them? We trust not, for no good can result. The Minnesota manufacturers will never be able to regulate the tastes of her people by their own creations. For be it known, that no matter how bright and intelligent they may be, they do nqt possess all the skill and ingenuity in the world, and the furniture dealers who depend tlpon them will be forced in the end to replenish their stock from other sources even if they do come from beyond the state's_border. Bennett's Price for His Herald. Members of a wealthy New York syndicate not long ago determined that they would dQ very much to the furtherance of some large plans in hand if they could purchase the New York Herald. So they dispatched this cable to James Gor-don Bennett "Please wire best price for whidl you will sell New York Herald.' That evening the answer carne: "Daily, three cents; Sunday, five cents. Exhibit at the National Business Show. The Moon DC5k Company of Muskegon, Mich., will make an exhibit of their products at the National Business Show in Madison Squarc Garden, New York, October 27 to No-vember 3, inclusive. They will occupy booth numbered 108 with Vice President Roy E. Moon and L. E. .Moon, who rep-resents the company in New York and the east, in charge. ,--- Detroit, Mich., Oct. 22.-Detroit is in the throes of a fierce municipal eampaign, thE:'.street railway matter entering large-ly into the struggle, but the furniture trade continue., tn flourish, no matter how great the political excitement r::,ay be. As the city is spending more than a million dollars a month on new buildings, and new factories are being hnilt all the time, and the demand for labor is steadily on the in-crease, it is as plain as anything can be that a great ~kC'.!of furniture is being called for. W. E. Barker & Co. are advertising a removal sale:; ?t 178 vVoodward avenue, but whether they will move to their Michigan avenue store or into a new building over on Ran-dolph street that Mr. Barker has been talking of building, the advertisement does not say. It is understood, howel.'<"'r. that they will vacate their present location vefore March 1, 1907. George J. Reindel & Brother hope to get into their fine new six story building on or before January 1, but it will require great activity on the part of the contractors to get it ready by that time. The Michigan Upholstering Company is also to have a new home. They will build a briek factory on Lafayette avenue between Seventh and Eighth streets, four stories high and 75 x 135 feet in area. They expect to move into it before May 1, 1907, Speaking of business, a Detroit manufacturer of tables said: "Our city trade amounts to more than $50,000 a year," while a chair manufacturer said bis city sales were much more than the above figure, It is said that eight or nine new fu'rniture stores have been added to the list this year. The Ornamental Products Company is meeting with great success in placing their unbreakable Iignine furniture and architectural ornaments on the market. The merit af these goods, and their wide adaptability is making itself manifest more and more every day, These ornaments are practically unbreakable, do not warp ar check, take on a fine finish and so closely l'esemble natural wood that only experts can detect the difference. The Posse1il1s Brothers Furniture :'Jallufacturing Com-pany have secured a new location for their exhibit of tables, on the second floor of the Furniture Manufacturers' Exhibi-tion building, 1319 Michigan avenue, Cbicago. They will have about 4,000 square feet of floor space in the northwest corner of the floor, across the aisle from their old space. They will show a number of new patterns at the January ex-position, but will make_no change in salesmen. The Palmer and Pioneer Manufacturing companies will show together as usual, at Chicago, on the second Boor of 1319 Michigan avenue. They will occupy the space vacated by the Posselius Brothers Furniture Manufacturing Com-pany, and wilt have considerable more space than bdore. Both of these companies are having a fine business, operating their factories three nights a week. The Palmer will show a number of new patterns of parlor and library tables. Ev-ery new pattern shown in July proved a winner, and brought lots of duplicate orders. They never saw anything like it. The Pioneer people will show some new styles of gears as welt as bodies of go-carts and baby carriages. They will issue a new catalogue in November. The Detroit Cabinet Company bas built an immense brick tower, on which is being placed a 20,000 gallon tank, and have equipped the factory throughout with the sprinkler system. Speaking of changing styles, a gentleman well known as one of the leacfing furniture manufacturers of this city! said, 11 "Buyers will come into our space every season and say, 'Hello, Jim; have you got anything llCW this time?' and Jim will say, 'Yes, a lot oi new things; come and see them.' "Then the buyers will go all through and place orders ior everything in the line that they have bought before. If we should have nothing new they would raise a great howl, but it simply shows that many of them either do 110tknow a uew pattern when they see it, or are so well satisfied with the old patterns that they see no need of changing," The Posselius Brothers Furniture M.anufacturing Com-pany are meeting with good success in placing their new Murphy Chair Co. MANUFACTURERS DETROIT, MICH. A COMPLETE LINE Pioneer Mfg. Co... DET~OIT. MIC". Reed furniture Babu Garrlaae5 Go-Gart5 Full line ShOWD on second f1(){) .., 1 3 1 9 Mi(l~i~anAve.. Cbi. caQo. in January. KOOK WOOD and a general line of fRNGY TRBLES Write for Cuts and Price_ PALMER Manufacturing Co. 1015 to 1035 Palmer Ave. DETROIT. MICH. Full line .hoWlt on second Door, 1319 Miebizan Ave •• Chicago, in January. 12 BETTER BEDS BEDS MAKERS OF METAL WITH STANDARD REVERSIBLE No. 691 I $12.25 Jet 2 inch pillars made of seamless t~bing. FiIling.% and M inch. I Head 64 inches. ! Foot 40 inches. I Smith '& RAILS Standard Reversible Rail Davis Mfg. CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. Patented July 15, 190~. No. 704702. This rail is reversible in the true sense of the word--ean be used either side up and enables the deafer to make one set of rails answer instead of having two 1- -1 stocks, one of regular, the other inverted. SOLID .. .. RIGID REVERSIBLE NALL'S, the Polish thai is M1king Evansville Famous. Nal~ls Red Star Polish dries instantly and n ver S1:Iftens or gums. No dis-agree ble or ofiensiveodor. Never set-tles at' evapot"!S. A trial orderalways ~u~k~ab~~~~~nJc~~~~tn~~riwf~n~~ furnil reo This Polis~is free from acid. Can b used by any child. Guaranteed to glv satisfaction. Sol in 1, 2:, 5 and 10pHon cans and In ba Is, also put up In -"I, 3and 6 oz. bottle retailing for 100. lSe and 25e. Howinga liberal profitto tbe retail • Write for prices and state quant· y wanted. Aperfect Polish and Cleaner forFur Iture. Offle. and Sar Fix-hlr ••• Plano •• Organs. Ble7clell. Jron .beds. Carrl •• e. and Automobile •• Wer~fer you to the Crescent Furnit Co., Tlu Evansville Desk Co., The Eli D. Miller Folding Bed Co., a d the City National Bank of Evan8vilte. AMERICANPHARMACALCO., ,., u "'" "'ST ST. Evansville, Ind The New Banquet Table Top al well as OFFICE, DINING l\nd DIRECTORS' TABLES are ou\, specialty. STOW & DAVIS FURNITURE CO.• 2;:':''::;'''- Writef<JT Cata1oaue. Gettamplea ofBANQUET TABLE TOP. I WE manufacture the larg~ eat line of FOLDING CHAIRS in the United :;'tates. suitable 'lor Sttnday Schools. Hall., Steamers and all Pu bHc Re$orta. • . • , We also manufacture Brass Trimmed Iron Beds," Beds. Cots and CribB in a larKe variety. . . • Send for CataloIUC: and Price. to Kauffman Mfg. CO. A56IAND. 0610 UNION FURNITURE CO. ROCKFORD, ILL. Buffets Bookcases China Closets We lead in Style, Conltruction and Fmi,;. SeeQUI eat.l~e. Ou~lineonpetmalJent exbibition 71b Floor, N- MaRuf.cturen' BuiJdiq, Gtand Rapidli. The Ford & Johnson Company "EVERYTHING IN CHAIRS" When in Chicago do not fail to see our Im-mense display at our Salesrooms, 1435-37 Wabash Ave. Many new patterns. SEE OUR Complete Dining Room Suites-Oak and Solid Mahogany. Chairs and Rockers---All Kinds. Mission Furniture---All Finishes. Children's Go-Carts and Carriages---1907 Line NowReady; Reed and Rattan Chairs---a Complete Line. Fibre Rush and Malacca---the Ideal Furniture. ===== GENERAL OFFlCES===== Sixteenth Street and Indiana Avenue, Chicago. SALESROOMS BOSTON, MASS. 90 Canal Street ATLANTA, GA. Mariel:ta and Bartow Streets 1433-35-37 Wabash Avenue CHICAGO NEW YORK 202 Can<ll Street No. 92-7 t Solid Mahogany CINCINNATI, O. 427 E. S.dh Street FRANKFORT, KY. The Club Table That Satisfies Everybody Size 32 in. Ions. 27 in. wide; 27 tn. high Cov<eredwith Leather or Felt EASILY FOLDED SIMPLE STRONG COOK'S PATENT FOLDING ATTACHMENT ;~':;;:~~~Sle~t~~~c~~~~~ of the table, as shown In the illustration. OUftables are made of hardwood, and covered with green felt and leather. The cross-piece or cleat on end of table keeps the top from warping. and is 50 arranged that a person c'!n sit dose to the table withQut crampinj{ the knees. The felt used on this table is of extra thickness and made special. and is much better than padded tables where cotton batting is used and inferior quality of felt. Very useful and convenient, for card partIeS, children's games, ladies fancy work, or tea table. BELDING-HALL MANUFACTURING CO. BELDING, MICHIGAN WAREHQUSES-I% Monroe Street. Chicago. 213 Canal Street, New York 13 14 '·~MIPJ"IIG7fN FROM CRADLE TO THE GRAVE. Extent of the Installment Business in Salt Lake City-Furnip , ture Men Lead. "From the cradle to the grave"-and then afterward. It's all the same whether onc wants a cradle or a coffin, he can get it in Salt Lake City on the installment plan. and with terms to suit his purse, says the Salt Lake Herald. Salt, Lake is considered one of the best installment towns in the entire United States. The dealers in all classes of goods who sell on this plan-and there are few goods that are not-say that the payments are made with greater regularity and promptness here than anywhere else in the entire country. The first dealers to cater to this class of trade were the furniture stores. For the last fifteen years, since the first furniture installment house opened for business, the volume of this class of trade has steadily increased until today fully sixty-five per cent of all furniture sold here is on the basis of a certain percentage on delivery with regular monthly pay-ments until the balance is wiped out. This class of business became popular at once. It ap-pealed particularly to the poor and middle classes, who, by its application, were able to furnish their liomes with greater comfort and taste than would have been possible if they had been required to pay cash the entire amount. "The installment business has many advantages for the purchaser," said C. W. Freed, a furniture dealer, recently. "Through the installment .system the poor who have good taste are enabled to surround themselves with many of the eomforts of life that only the well-to-do or the moderately rich of ten years ago could have. "Today the man of moderate means and a steady position can have his home well furnished, with a piano in the parlor, and with his library well filled. Of course his salary must be sufficient to meet the regular payments each month, but if one is not extravagant, ::I.nddoes not go into deht too deep-ly, and is not required to make too large payments each month, he can get along comfortably, and have the benefits and enjoyment of the goods while he .is paying for them." It is estimated that not less than $1,000,000 is spent in the installment furniture houses of Salt Lake annually. The greater part of this amount comes from men working for wages, who have families to support. It is not only the poor and the middle class who buy in this mannerl but professional men as well. Among the in-stallment buyers are doctors, lawyers, dentists, preachers, mining men, engineers and all others who have occasion to purchasc more than they can readily pay for in cash. "The installment buyers," said one dealer who has had long experience in this market, "are more' conscientious in Salt Lake than in any other city in which I have been in business. They seem eager to pay, and pay promptly. There is seldom a case where a buyer attempts to take advantage of the dealer, and try to beat him out of his goods or his pay. "The homes of the working people, the wage earners, are bettcr furnished and arc more comfortable than in any other city west of the Mississippi river. The reason is that the purchasers have the right taste, and have the opportunity of selecting from large stocks. The installment plan is an inducement to them to buy well, and fit their homes, with only the better grades of goods." The initial payments on any class of goods purchased on this plan, arc usually ten per cent of the gross amount of the bill. The regular monthly payments are usually eight per cent of the balance, and but few bills run for more than eigh-teen months. In three cases out of five, the paym"ents are in excess of the regular amount required by the contracts" The fact that the title of the goods remain with the seller until the final payment is made, has a tendency to cause the purchaser to hasten his payments in order to secure title to his property, and feel the independence that comes with undisputed posses-sion and unclouded title. But it is not only furniture that can be purchased in this manner, with terms made to suit the buyer. Almost every-thing that is needed in the course of one's natural life can be bought at {{somuch down and so much per month." There are one or two houses in the city where clothing can be bought in this manner. The outfitting of libraries on the monthly payment plan has bcen a boon to many book lovers who have been unable to buy the standard authors in sets on the cash basis. Cloaks are made to order and are paid for, sometimes, by the time the cloak has pao:.,cedthe stage of usefulness ·or respectability. There are but few pianos or organs that are sold "spot cash." The collector calls once every month for the payment. But the man who rents a house does not always want to live under the roof of a landlord. When he has accumulated a small sum of money, he is enabled to move into his own home, buHt after his own plans, and pay for it by the month, at a rate that, while slightly in excess of regular rental, gives him the satisfaction of knowing that some day this home will be his own, and he will be under obligations to no one for his roof tree. If a man owns or rents a farm, or if he has a. stable and wants agricultural implements or a ca-rriage, he can secure them from a dealer, on the inevitable installment plan, <rat terms to suit the purchaser." Automobiles are also delivered to the man who wants to travel fast, and who has not the means to purchase a machine outright. Nearly every sewing machine sold in this ·state is delivered on a contract of this kind. Watches, jew-elry and diamonds can he bought by the man of sman means, who desires to "put on a good front," or who wishes to sur-prise "somebody" with a gift. In the hardware lines, purchases can be made with such long credit extensions that they amount. to virtually the same as the instal1ment system. Not only real estate, furniture, clothing, machinery, car-riages, automobiles and other property of similar classifi-cation are sold on this plan, but one may secure the coin of the realm in the same manner. There are a number of places in Salt Lake where one may borrow money upon the signing of a note for the original amount, with interest at an undetermined rate. This is somctimes found to be worse than going without the money in the first place, Jor while the note calls for six per cent interest, the amount collected is sometimes considerably higher. The loss suffered by local installment houses is less than one per cent on all installment accounts. Foreclosures are infrequent and it is seldom that goods are "pulled" unless the purchaser is able to pay and refuses to do so. It is not generally known, but almost every rooming house and lodging house in the city ~as been furnished on the in-stallment plan, the proprietors depending upon the business revenue to meet the payments exacted from month to month. Almost any desirable urisk" can secure life insurance poli-des in nearly all of the leading companies with local agen-cies, upon signing notes for the payment of his premiums. These notes call for apyments 1n thirty, sixty, ninety and 120 days, and virtually give the insured his protection on the in-stallment plan. In the event of the death of the insured be-fore the entire payment is paid, and if aU payments' have been made to the time of death, the policy is paid, and th,~ amount of the premium deducted from the face of the policy. Thus the installment habit frequently follows those who are subject to it beyond the grave.' Census Taker-And what nationality? The Lady-Rooshan Jew, begorra. Couldn't yez guess that whin Oi told yez the name was O'Reilly?-puck. Our New"and and foot Power Circular Saw No.4 The strongest, most powerful, and in every way the best machine of its kind ever made, for ripping, c~\ltting, boring and grooving. Callinet Makers In theae days of close competition, need the best possible equipment, and this they can have in . . . . BARNES' Hand and Foot POWER Machinery Send for our New Catalogue. "W. F. ®. JOHN BARNES CO. 654 RubY Street. Rochford. Ill. TWELVE HUNDRED SAMPLES INCLUDING EVERYTHING FOR THE BEDROOM New Features in Rose Wood and Combinations of Woods. Largest variety of Styles and Finishes. SLIGH FURNITURE COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. 16 Our Oak and Mahogany DINING EXTENSION TABLES Are Best Mal:le, Best Finished Values. All Made from Thoroughly Seasoned Stock. No. 495 Dining Table Top 48x+8. Madein ~arter-ed Oak. Weathered Finish. Nickel Casters. LENTZ TABLE CO. NASHViLLE, MICHiGAN No. 495 Dining Table Please Send for Catalogue and Prices FOR WILLOW and RATfAN WARE I manufacture· the Fineat Clothes Hamper or Bedroom Basket IN THE AMERICAN MARKET All Kinda of BASKET WARE MADE TO ORDER F. PARTHIER, Manufacturer of Willow and RaUanWare, No. 209 GRAND AVE., CHICAGO, ILLS. "Tbis Trade Mark 6uaranlees Ibe basi." No. 526. No. 525. Be Good to the Gideon. One of the most annoying things 'which the traveling sales-man has to encounter is the expensive ioss of time caused by a good many thoughtless dealers and buyers, who will keep him 'waiting, before placing or declinging to give an order, when it is apparently unnecessary. The salesman's time is valuable and is entitled to thoughtful considerati(l1l. The unnecessary loss of an hour or two is a commotl occur-rence and frequently means the loss of a day. There are some dealers who seem to think they are conferril1g a special favor on the traveling man when they give him ally attention, and often when interrupted by the call of one will manifest a perceptible manner of annoyance. So far as the favors go the honors are equal. Traveling men are Ollt to sell goods to responsible parties, as a general thing, and when they call upon a merchant it is because their house believes he would be a desirable customer. As a rule the relations formed are of mutual benefit, and the representative who calls '011 the dealer and seeks an order is conferring just as much of a favor as the one who gives the order. It ",(iI.'ouJd be a pretty cold day for any dealer if the traveling man should stop call-ing upon him. H cnce there is no eXcUse for subjectil1g him to any form of j1.1 treatment or indifference on account of his own personality or the statu5 of his line. The great majority of buyers and dealers understand this and are uniformly courteous and thoughtful. But there are enough of the other kind, the thoughtless and the ill mannered, who stand in their own light al1d suffer disadvalltages, because they have never comprehe.nded that prompt attention aud unfailing courtesy is just as important to real success in dealing with the representatives who are ont to sell goods as it is when dealing with their own eustomers.-Furniture Index. "Kick" Book as a Pacifier. There was Gre in the woman!s eye, the sound of battle in her voice. The man at the desk saw her coming and push-ed forward a heavy blue volume. 'IWrite it down there," he said. .·.W. hat is that for?" she asked. "Complaints," he said. "Everybody who has any fault to fmd with the management of this store is respectfully re-quested to register her kicks in this hook. Every mOrtling the ma11agers of the different departments look over the en-tries of the preceding day. If a customer h;:;.sbeen subjected to impudence, if she has had difficulty in getting waited on, if goods have not been dellivered promptly, or if a hundred and one other disagreetble things have 11appened, all she has to do is to say so, and every effort will be made to improve the conditions, always provided that the compbinallt signs her right name, 50 that she may be produced as a witness." The woman looked over the four pages of complaints th .H. had been entered on that day only. "What a queer idea," she said. "It may be queer," he said, "but it is a mighty good idea. It is a great lahor saver. \Vithout that book we would have to hire half a dozen extra employes. Did you write down your complaint?" "No," said the woman, "I don't bellieve I have anything to say." Happy Furniture Family. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brouwer of Holland, Mich., cele-brated the Silver Anniversary of their marriage on Friday evening October 12. The event was made the occasion of a happy informal gathering of the employes of his furniture store and their wives. Previous to their departure each em-ploye wa.s presented with an envelop-e containing a cigar and a $10 hill. ),lr. Brou\ver has been connected with the retail furniture business since 1872. The family consists of five children, three daughters and two sons. MR. DEALER: Think of the trouble you've had with other Sofa Beds---the break-downs ---the disgusted customers. Think of the sales you've lost on account of the dissatisfaction of the pro-spective purchaser with the crudities of design---or the frame construction---or finish---or the hard upholstery---or the wide opening between the upholstery and the ends---or the unsightly fixture in the box---or the noisy action---or the narrow seat---or absurdly high back--- and so on, ad infinitum. IT'S DIFFERENT WHEN YOU HANDLE THE "SIMPLICITY" Easy Sales. Satisfil>d Customers. Big Profits. And "It Stays Put." Gur lIew "SIMPLICIT1" Catalogshawsthe largest and best selling line if Davenport Beds you ever .,saw. A postal gets it. Jamestown Lounge Co. World' 1 Largest Make"s if Dp.vetJport Beds, JAMESTOWN, N. Y. 17 18 ~MIF«HIG7J-Z'I Reliable School Furniture. One of the most thoroughly modern school furniture plants in the country is the factory operated by the Peabody School Furniture Company at North Manchester, Ind. The Pea.bod:vPlant. This plant is equipped throughout with special automatic machines, each to do its work as near perfect as possible at lowest cost. From the very beginning "quality" has been the watch-word of this company in the manufacture of their products and as a result the success and broadening trade they have merited places them firmly in the rank of the foremost man-ufacturers of school furniture and folding chairs. So well Patented July 26, 1904. have their goods been received that they now enjoy the con-fidence of satisfied customers all ovcr the country and in many foreign lands. The foundation of this success is the double trunnion and pintle bearing school desk, of which a cut is here represented. This desk is fully protected by United States patents, cover- No. 51. No. 55. KibdersaneD Chair. mg a hinge, which for noiselessness and staying qualities has never been equalled. I t is a clever yet simple construc-tion, making it unnecessary to have a bolt through the axis of the hinge, as such a bolt is sure to get loose in time. In addition to school furniture an a<\mirable line of fold-ing and assembly chairs is turned out ·at this modern plant. Folding chairs which are simple in construction and at the same time durable and very comfortable are made in many patterns to cover every demand for chairs of this kind. A large stock of goods is carried at all times and the company makes a strong point of their ability to ship orders promptly which is so essential in this line of trade. For convenience of western trade they maintain a branch office at Topeka, Kan. Home office at North 1'1anchester, Ind. The Peabody School Furniture Company can be recom· mended with the fullest degree of confidence. English Typewriter After a Prize. The managers of the national Business Show, which is to open in New Yark October 27, have received a letter from a London woman typewriter expert, who sends her entry and defi to all Ammerican typewriters. She says she is com-ing over hcre to win the contest. She is frank, and in the letter which accompcl1ljes her entry she gives this informa-tion about herself: ".My name is Lizzie MasoH. I am 30 years old, and don't care who knows it. I am single because I can't help it. I am a typewriter because I can make more money at it than I can at anything else. I have becH typewriting for six years, and I have beaten records printed as those which won the world's championship in America. I think I can beat any woman in the world on the typewriter, and I am coming over to try." Miss Mason further says that she represented the largest bank in England in a typewriting contest in London last Feb-ruary, and had no difficulty at all in beating all competitors. The Regulars Are Best. "We have been experimenting with some of the so called fads, loose cushions, etc.," said D. S. Brov.'n of the Century Furniture Company, Grand' Rapids, Mich., llbut we find it better, more satisfactory to our trade, to stick to the regular lines. Some dealers are able to handle the fads aU right, but most of them prefer our- regular designs. The period styles give variety enough and what suits the dealers and their patrons is good enough for us." New England Under New Management. E. W. Irwin has assumed the management of the New England Furniture Company, Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. Peebles, who has had general supervision ·of the company's business since the death of Superintendent Amsden, is in charge of the factory. Business continues good. A choice line of furniture for the dining room js in cou-rse of prepara-tion for the spring season of trade. I 19 ROBBINS TABLE COMPANY owosso No. 304. Quartered Oak. 44:l48 in. wp, 9 in. pill,n. WOODARD FURNITURE COMPANY OWOSSO, MICH. Our New Fall Line {)f Bedroom Furni~ ture is unusually attractive both in design and price, made in all the fancy woods and finishes. Dressers ~14to~58 in single pieces or in suits to match. SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE WOODARD fURNITURE CO. MICHICAN ~ No. 301. AmericanQuarteredOak, 44~4;8"\iB..l0P•.9 m, ?iOaf. Kitchen (a~inds of QualilJ &ll at· .. hI, and make .a greater profit than other lines of kitchen cab-inets. Send for catalo8ue. Th. BEST 01 OUALITY 10. least mORey. We. have doubled our capacity aoo will be better able to take care of OUt trade th.n before; We aolfcit your patronage. MAIL ORDERS TO C. F. SCHMOE & CO. SHELBYVILLE, IND. 20 -~"J:A.I9.HIG7}Ns The Carpet Department. We venture to say that in no phase of mouern merchan-dising has there been a more radical change than in the var-ious carpet departments of our stores throughout the United States. The adJ,.·cnt of rugs as a prime factof in the retail carpet business during the past decade has led to sOIne C~lr-iOlls and interesting changes in the complexion of the aver-age department. Inquiry shows that one of the main results Mi-ton Style of Architeeture m::.m a California f'ieture. of the large sales' of rugs has been that the total space allot-ted to the sale of carpets has, in many cases, been materally diminished. The explanation of this is, of course, simple and apparent to any observer. In days gone by, during the busy season, if ten or more customers happened to be intent on the purchase of ingrains or three-quarter goods at the same time, the amount of floor space necessary to properly display the various patterns was a very important problem. In showing a single customer, a salesman would at least throw out 0 dozen or more patterns and match up borders for them. Every old-timer remembers well that this operation took a large amount of floor space, and when this space was multiplied by even four or five, the average carpet sales-floor was nearly in a crowded and disor-derly .co:lldition. Establishments which demanded of their carpet manager extra neatness in the appearance of the de-partment almost invariably met with a request for more room and additional porters, and in numerous departments the presence and service of six or eight porters were always in demand. Today, in the very busiest carpet depart"'Oents, a customer usually finds the stock at all times in a neat and orderly con-dition practically ltukno\Vt1 ten :rears since, and one or two porters' amply suffice to keep the stock ship-shape. Very generally throughout the c-ountry and in the depart-ment stores especially, the various grades of goods such- as taps and velvets, ingrains and wiltons are at present allotted a small space for each, and at one end of the department wilt be found one or two fine rugs display. racks. In a department 25 60 feet, it is now possible to intelligently show goods ag-gregating thousands of dollars in value, the main proportion of these, how.ever, being in rugs of .11{ sizes. Going through a typical department recently we noted on a rug rack occu-pying a space about thirty feet square, 116 rugs of carpet size, to examine anyone of which it was only.necessary to give the wing of the rack a slight push, which operation any cash boy could easily accomplish. That the day of tremendous space for the carpet depart-ment ·is past, no one will attempt to deny. Even such houses -- --, rIR..T 1.5'.7IJ"l ; $ e as those whose trade runs largely to piece goods endeavor to educate their customers to buying either from samples ,Or swatches, indicating quality by one or two rolls on the small shelves and bringing the selected roll of body and border from the warehouse if necessary. The widespread intro-duction of the cut order business, especblly as affecting the smaller shops, has also tended to diminish the required space of the average department in a small store and permits mallY firms to handle carpets and floor coverings who would other-wise not have "the space therefor. It is hardly necessary to dwell upon the self-evident ad-vantages of the display rack, either as a method of showing carpets. oil cloth or other fabrics, and investigation proves that the sales of all classes of racks and cabinets is largely increasing every season. The benefits of displaying rugs in this m,umer by no means accrl1e to the dealer alone. The very fact that the rack can always be placed in that portion of the department or store which affords the best light enables the customer to more carefully examine the rug he is about to purchase and tbc shmving of the rug in a vertical position rather than on the floor tends' to bril1g out 'the colorings and artistic en-semble. in the most favorable manner possible. We were told recently by a shrewd manager that he made it point to every 110W and then take a few of his old Hstickers" hich had been relegated 'to the warehouse for a special mark down sale at some future date and slip them in judiciously a oog good stuff on the racks, this method resulting often time in wholly unexpected sales. The use of the display rack is by no means the retail store, but many of the prominent whole and mill-selling agencies are today employing good results and large saving of space.-American Upholstery Journal. onfined to ale houses hem with arpet and Prosperity at Nashville. Nashville is prospering fintly. It is situate In one of the best agricultural districts in Michigan. The merchants are prosperous and the town is growing. T e principal manufactming business is making extension tab es and the Lentz ¢'able Company is known all over the ountry as producers'of one of the very best Hnes of medium priced din-ing tables. Within the last year they have ade great Mi••ion. Style of Arcbitec.tul"eham '. Catifomia Picture. changes in the plant, so that it hardly seems ],kc the same place. Large additlons to the main building ave enabled them to nearly double the number of machine. New dry kilns, a complete sprinkler system, electric ligh s throughout the plant, a huge water tank on a tower more han twice as high as the factory, a new side track to the lum er yar,ds and dry kilns, and doubling of the number of hand tells an elo-quent story. The output of the factory is more than doubled and business was never better. They do not in end to exhib-it in any market in January. 21 POOL CARS FOR PACIFICCOAST OVERLAND FREIGHT SAN FRANCISCO, CAUrORNIA. TRANSFER COMPANY, make a specialty of distributing pool cars of aU kinds and PARTICULARLY, furniture, carpets, linoleum and interior finish. References, Bradstreet's or Dun's and any bank in San Francisco, and the t',!-de. Carloader in Chicago Carloader in Grand Rapid.i J. W. Welling, 633 So. Jefferson Street Gelock Transfer Company, 108 So. Ionia Street TEAMING FORWARDING STORAGE HIGH GRADE BEDDING We Manufaclure an Unsurpassed Line of M~ttr~~ J)()~I1_ Gushions Feathers and Feather Pillows -OUR- 1906 CATALOGUE Gives you detailed information on GRADES, QUALITIES and PRICES Schultz & Hirsch Co. 260 South De,plaine' SI. CHICAGO, ILL. Factory Locations There is in the various offices of the Land and Industrial Department of the Southern RaHway and Mobile & Ohio Railroad late information regarding a number of first class locations for Furniture, Chair and other Woodworking Fac· tories, which will be furnished Manufacturers upon applka-tion. An invitation is extended to all who use wood in their plants to write about the timber supply, good sites and mar-kets available in our territory. Address your nearest agent. M. 't'. RICHARDS, Land and Induslrial Agenl, WASHINGTON,D. C. CHAS. S, CHASE, A,.nl, 824 Chemical Building, $1. Louis, Mo. SPRATT'S CHAIRS ARE THE JOy OF THE CHILDREN. Our new CHILD'S MISSION ROCKER was a winner from the start. Write jor CataloEu( and priedl. Our line is large and ~rices are right. , \ We make CHAIRS fo' GROWN-UPS "M well at! CHILDRE.N. GEORGE SPRATT I & CO. 'Sheboypn, Wis. Say fUN saw this ad in tbe Michigarr ./Irti- • fOUR TRAINS TO AND FROM CHICAGO Lv Gd. Rapid. 7:10am ArChic:_go 1:15pm. Lv. Cd. RapicLs12:05 Dn Ar Chieqo 4:50 PID Lv Gd. Rapi.d5 4:Z5 pm Ar Chi.ugo lO:5Spm Lv Gd. Rapid. 11:30pm daily Ar Cbicago 6:.55am Pul1man Sleeper, on 11:30pm train open 9:00pm. A II. carte Cafe .ervice on aU day trains. PeTe Marquette Parlor cars on all day traia.. Rate redllCed:to .0 cent •• T"R~~Ar:,~D~e~troit and Toledo. Lv Grand Rapid. 7:12am At Detroit 11:55am Ar Toiedo 1:00 pm Lv Grand Rapids 11:10a.m daily Ar D~rotl 3.:05 p:tll AI Toledo 4.:15ptll Lv Grand Rapid. 5::Wpm Ar Detroit 9:10 PhI At Toledo 10 45 pm Note fast time made by both midday ud eveJtina" thuD" Meal. serv!W. al.t. carte lu.ving Gu.nd at }1:1Sam and S:;Wpm. Pere Marquette Pulor Can on all train. j seat ra~., :II cauls. "ALL OVJ:R MICHIGAN" H.]. GR.A.Y, DISTlllIC'1'PAU&NGER AoAf'f, PHONE1168 Gn.ndRapi'., Kic1l.. [ -- ------------- 22 A GrotIp.,f Ub.:-ary Tablet' Made by the Imperial FUrDiture Company, Grand Rapid.. Mkh. - -- --------------- • No. 1426. FULL CROTCH MAHOGANY. A Niue Pieee Suite From the Catalo;ue of the Nelsou·Maater Furniture Co.• Gtaod RaJlidt. Mich. 24 MICHIGAN SCREEN, OLD ENGUSH DESIGN J:\ TOOLED LEATHER I I I l 25 THIS PUSH BUTTON distinguishes the "ROY At" Morris Chairs from the other kind MORRIS CHAIRS --FROM-- $6.00 to $30.00 CATALOGUE UPON APPLICATION, Royal Chair Co. STURGIS, MICH. Six Years of Test have Established Supremacy THE" ROYAL PUSH BUTTON MORRIS CHAIR Dangerous Boomera.ngs in Trade. There are a great many trade boomerangs and it is not our intention to attempt to name them all But a few may serve to set readers to thinking of them and others which they may have contemplated throwing, and which may return to them and smite them, Price cutting is a boomerang which nearly always works bacbvards with marvelous accuracy and deadli-ness. It is as dangerous as the gun of the small boy vvhich he re.garded with fear even after the lock, stock and barrel had vanished, for his father whipped him with the ramrod. There are men who habitually cut prices, not for the sat.u~of drawing customers so much as from a desire to injure COlll~ pctitors. They may succeed-frequently do-but the boom-erang smites them swiftly, and they are hurt fully as much as their intended victims. A small merchant .vas having a hard time of in a little town over in Illinois. His richer rival decided to "run him . out of town," and, desirtng to do it as cheaply as possible, he chose a barrel of sugar as the weapon sufficient for h1s pur-pose. He cut the price considerably below cost, confident that it would do the work. However, the first customer who arrived, a friend of the younger merchant, promptly bought the whole barrel, congratulating himself on his good fortune. He sent others who were willing to buy sugar by the barrel when they could secure such bargains. The merchant who had the brilliant idea sold aU his sugar in a day-at a loss that hurt him. Retrihution came swiftly to him that time. It does not always come so soon, but it always comes. It is not contended that to lower prices on stickers is not a good plan. Sometimes a single article with the price cut will enable a merchant to do a good business in other lincs, which will remunerate him. But that is 110t habitual pricc cutting, the kind that most towns and cities arc cursed with, the kind that buries the originator and others in the ruins. Lack of courtesy, such as laughing at an eccentric custom-er, is a boomerang which clerks are apt to throw. It comes back \vith a viciousness that is amazing at times. It never does any good and it may be depended upon to do harm. Selfishness is a boomerang. A cent will shut out the sun if it is held close enough to the eye. Foolish economy, neg-lect to attend to detaiis because they cost time and money, all grease the plank into the pit the digger prepared, and ac- . celerate his steps to it. Finally, let us remember that the boomerang as a weapon is (Jut of date. There are others much better, much more effective and far more safe. The merchant who is up-to-date uses no boomerang purposely. He uses better weapons. Pointers for Prospective Dealers. \Ve recently received a query, asking whether it is better to buy an estahlished business or start one. The question is too vague: for answer. It all depends. How many stores are there? How much capital have you? \Vhat is the con~ dition of the store you contemplate buying? These are all pertinent questions and without them a derinite answer can-not be made. There are stores for sale which have ·a· repu-tation which would be a drag rather than a boost for the be-ginner. There arc stores where the good will is worth a great deal. There are tm"'11$where another store would be a superfluity, and the elimination would begin with the last started. For an inexperienced man the tendency is to buy an established business. In this way he can get a line on what ShOllld be carried in stock. If yOU contemplate buying, be sure and rind Qut what the real motives for selling may be. -Orego11 Tradesman. The Lee Bracket Company will manufacture wall brackets at Three Oaks, Mich. 26 MICHIG.7lN 7lR.'T' IS' ESTABLISHED 1880 PUBl.liSH_C BT MICHIGA.N ARTISAN CO. ON TH~ IOnl ANO 25TH OF EACH MONTH OFFICE - 2-Z0 LYON ST., GRANO RA.PIDS. MICH. £NTElUiD ....9 ..."rr£R OF THE 8£1:01'11:1 CL1l88 As~odations, combinations ar,d similar organizations lt1 trade are ;Ill right when they are fair and reasonable in their aims and demands, V'lThcn their demands are, when they undertake to be arbitrary and coercive, they are much like the labor unions-the)· frequently fail to accom~ plish anything good for their members or for the public. The world is wide and it is diffictllt to organize an association that can dictate terms and cOlilrol the business of a strong manufacturing concern or large producers in any line. This fact is well illustrated by the experience of a prominent ft1rnjture manufacturing company in the \Ill est. A few years ago, when the organization of associations was something like II rage this company was doillg a large business in the way of makjng furniture horn ·special designs for club houses, court houses, city halls, hotels, lodge rooms and steamboats. The associations of jobbers and retailers asked the company to discontinue this most important part of the business forth~ with. The managers of the company r~fused to "sign up" and as. a result their business with retailers dwindled down in a single year until their retail customers numbered less than thirty. The company was able to stand the loss for a year but they did not propose to stand it TIluch longer. With catalogues and liberal advertising they went directly after the retailers, in the small towns appealing to them individual~ ly, and now instead of twenty-eight, they have over a hun-dred regular buyers and the list includes nearly all of their former customers, This shows that associations, if they would succeed, must have right and justice as the basis of their organization and that they must be liberal and diplo~ matic in their efforts to accomplish their purpose. During the past few weeks Grand Rapids manufacturers have been receiving letters from dealers complaining of delay in the shipment of furniture. In l1early all cases the delay is due entirely to the shortage in cars, The goods have been made and are ready for shipment, but the rail-roads can not furnish the cars, therefore the responsib.ility rests on the railroads instead of the manufacturers. The Grand Rapids manufacturers have l1ever made greater efforts to fill orders on time than they have this fall. They had an early start, pushed the work to the limit awl most of ·them succeeded ill getting out their goods as ordered. The car famine has caught some of the orders that were placed late, but it is believed that the dealers who bought in Grand Rapids will suffer much less than tho:'ie who bought ill some other cities. It is hardIly necessary to call the attention of dealers to present coudit.ions as an argument in favor of the early opening of the summer selling season, The editor of Good Housekeeping says that most yOtl11g houskeepers make a great mistake in buying too much ftlrni~ ture for their first outfit-that they fill rooms to such an ex-tent that they have no rOOIn for anything new for years and invariably regret that they did not wait' for a part of it until they knew just what they wanted. There is truth in the observation, and also a hint to the furniture dealer. The dealer can warn newly married couples against overCI"Owd- IhE· lng their houses. e need not advise them to spend Jess money for furniture. Tell them to buy fewer pieces but of of a better grade th n they intended. If they a.ct on his advice he will have one them a service for which! they wiJl be tl~ankft1t al~d Wht "h they will remember when; they buy again, He ,,"viIIals help to promote a taste for the higher grades of furnitme bieh will not harm his trade. If tbcre ;5 any vi ttle ;n conventions, the lumber bus;ness of the country ough to be in a decidedly flourishing condi-tion. The lumberm 1t have had a convention of some sort or other in some see ion of the [and nearly every f,.veeksince the Fourth of July and most of them have been followed by excursions with side trips to various points of interest. [t is possible, howe'\ er, that what appears to be cause in this case is realty effect that the conventions are t.he results of prosperity rather th n the cause of it. The closing of th year is welcomed by the traveling sales-men, quite a numbe of whom have not seen their cU5tome~s since their departur from the markets in July, Trade has been so good that t eir services were not needed on the road. It has been sugges:~;d that the designation so generally used when referring to tts class of business men be changed-that ::::;,~~;;nei~;;~;:~:~I;~;~~1;~t'2~::::~;~~~;;:;S~~;~~over time tn nearly II sectIOns of the country. Owing to the high prices of all k'nds of materials, however, the profits are probably less that1.they were a few years ago and further .advances in prices n the finished products may be expected in the near future. Cheap goods a ,e not always poor goods, but generally th.ere is somethin~Jobjectionable about them, sorltething that ·"1!1 prevent ready I sale. When sold the buyer is rarely pleased. He is mlf>refrequently dissatisfied and is not likeJy to come again. The dealer who handles the better grades does not have to dmtend with such disadvantages. The furniture ealer in Jackson, Mich., who displayed a lot of old unpaid bills for house fumishing goods in the window created a reat sensation in the ranks of the delin~ ~uents, but the b lIs were paid without much delay, The experience of the dealer with the style of advertising men-tioned proved its alue. The question 0 window decorations for the holiday season occupies the mind of many retailers, when they have time to give to the subjec. Many are so busy in filling orders and straining the malfs and the wires in the effort to obtain good.s that they h ve not noticed the approach of the gift be-stowmg season. This edition o~ the Michigan Artisan contains an unusual amov;nt of matte:lthut of interest to· employes. It may also be of 11 terest and benefit to employers to induce their employes to read it. ! ----- A rhyme withtreason in it may be all right in an adver-tisement, but rh roes without reason are nauseating, even when used in the antic supplements. I ! The dealer wh finds it necessary to replenish his stock for the holiday trade 's likely to have unpleasant experiences with the car famine. The weather i nearly aU sections of the country has sug-gested buckwhea cakes arid preparations for holiday trade. Moon Desk Co. Muskegon, Mich. I· OFFICE DESKS See our new TYPEWRITER CABINET The Sargent Mfg. Co. MUSKEGON, MICH. Bachelors' Cabinets Ladies' Desks Extra Large Chiffoniers ____ Also ManufaCluren and El[porlen of ---- ROLLING CHAIRS Chairs adapted to aUkim:h dinvalidism, bctb. for house and street U5e. OVER FORTY DESIGNS TO SELECT FROM Muskegon Valley Furniture Co. Muskel!on. Mid. .•. Odd Dressen. Chiffoniers Wardrobes Ladies' T oilels Dressing Tables Mahogany Inlaid Goods Ladies Desks Music Cabinet. White Printing Co. HIGH GRADE CATALOGS COMPL ETE GRAND RAPIDS MICH.· - 28 WHY THEY LOST THEIR JOBS. An Employer Tells Why He Found it Necessary to Dis-charge Employes; The Chicago Tribune, in the industrial department of! it's Sunday. edition has been running a series of contributions from employes on the subject "Why I Lost My Job."" At first the articles, were apparentlly genuine and quite inte~est-ing but later they assumed a sameness that made them mono-tonous. Several of them appeared to have been writte~ by a space filler who was not clever enough to conceal his !ear-marks. However, they attracted considerable attention and finally led a "\iVestern Employer of Labor" to express his opinion and give some of his experience on the other side. He tells why some of his employes lost their iobs as follbws: "Within the past six months I have had to 'fire' six ot my men. I didn-'t want to fire them, not a single one of them, be-cause it costs money to break in new men. But J simply had to do it; there was no way in which they and their jobs could be kept together. at a profit to myself. I will tell you jwhy they lost their jobs: < I "There were four of them who belong in the same tate-gory. I believe that the reason for their failure to make good is the reason of the grt~at mass of the same failures. 'il'hey didn't try. This sums them up in short order, but the ~tate-ment requires some explanation before it entirely is accep-table. It is impossible to say whether or no these men were capable, whether they were by lack of capacity doomed to failure, or whether they might if they had applied themselves have WOn success. "Two were common derks, the third was a checker ip the shipping room, and the fourth was a salesman in the retail department. All of them had been with the house for [more than a year, and everyone of them had been told pre'vious to dleir discharge that if their work didn't show some im~ provement they must know what to expect. The clerkk had been with us three years each. They began at $12 per !week. At the end of the first year they got the regular $2 per Iweek advance that we make it a custom of giving to employes of their class. And they were getting this same salary at the tjme they \'\,ere taken off the pay roll. Now, clerks are worth $12 per week to us, not any more. That is what we are:justi-tied in paying to have our clerical work done, ·When we ad-vance a man to $14 it is in the hope that we are bl.1yi~g fu-tures that he will develope beyond the crerk stage into kome~ thing where the extra expenditure will be more th~n re-turned to us. If he doesn't do this we have lost mo~ey on him and must get rid of him, : "This is what happened to the first two of the non-lrycrs. They didn't get beyond the $12 stage in the work. ,;They didn't make an effort to become worth more than that Ita us. When they got their advance to $14 they took it as a ~eward for past work and went along at the same pace, They were told to improve, and they didn't, and so they had to go,' The checker was a good man, only he made errors. Of course, these errors weren't bad ones or numerous, and for ai while they were allowed to pass as accidents. But as they continu-ed in the Same proportion week after week and mont~ after month, it became apparent that they weren't accidents and that they were the results of the man' constitutional ca;~e1ess-ness, Then he was told to take good care with his work. He was told six times before I had him in my private offite and talked to him, and 1t hadn't made a bit of difference Jith his work. I told him that he would lose his position if hd didn't improve, and sent him away. A month later we were/1forced to let him go. The errors continued, and now it was appar-ent that he hadn't made any effort to prevent them. "The salesman didn't try to push his sales. He was on salary, and I suppose he figured that he should have been on commission. Apparently he was too shortsighted to see be-fiR T 1..5'.7I..N...,.. Q • 7 $. yond a salesmanship, and so he went along selling just enough to hold his job and never trying to get beyond this. We kept him-until we had a chance to get a better man in his place. "Number five and number six of the men I discharged each had distinct and separate complaints. Number five had an idea that he and he alone knew how his work was to be done, He tried hard enough to be of great value to the firm, but his natural bigheadedness stood in his way. There are plenty of workers of his kind. They cannot get it through their heads that they are paid for doing work as the employer wants it done, not as they think it, should be done. Of I'.ourse, it may be possible that they know how wOrk "should be done much better than the boss, but the boss is paying their salaries, so he ought to have something to say about what they do. "Number six so naturally was incompetent that although at times he tried hard to do good work he was impossible. He might have fitted in some other line, but he was just Qut of place with us. There is some hope for him; but for the others it is hard to see just where any hope lies:' Latest Fads in Wall Papers. About the newest thing in wall papers are Japanese leathers, which are not leathers at all, but pulp paper treated as only the ] know how. In appearance they are so nearly like tooled leather as to deceive the eyes of all except experts and the cost is less than a third of the price of genuine leather. They sell at $4 to $30 per rolf, retail, but when it is known that the Japanese roll is twelve yards long and a full yard wide the price does not seem high, compared with that of the American roU which is only eight yards long and half a yard in width. These Japanese pulp papers not only look like leather, but they are almost as durable, They may be washed with soap and water without fear of injury and they are really more artistic than anything that can be shown in real leather. Whether in plain effects, which resemble a burlap weave, a variety of which is calJed crushed levant, or in floral, con-ventional or heraldic designs, used as a frieze above the plain, and again as a covering fo-r the entire wall above the wainscotting, the blending and shading of colors are remark-able. Most of the patterned papers are hand painted or, at least, hand finished. After the pattern is stamped through from the back on the soft pulp the paper is treated to a bath of silver aluminum; over that are spread two coats of gold lacquer wiped off by hand in spots to give a shaded effect, and the colored lacquers applied to thd stencil are treated in the same way. After that the stencil pattern is supple~ mented, in the higher grade papers,-with segments of color and shadings applied with a brush. T~e more hand work· there is on the paper the more it costs. I, . In the East this "Japanese leather" ~s in great vogue at present for librairies and dining room$ and the importers predict that the fad will live for years. i Another novelty in pulp paper is a p~nel design. By the use of this old houses are made to appear up-to~date with paneled walls and ceilings. Like the ')Japanese leather" it is imported but it is promised that it 'till soon be made in New England. It is called Anaglypta rand the cheapest is $2.00 per roll of eight yards. The dtsigns not onlly re-present panels, but wainscotting and all kinds of woodwork in Colonial; old English, Dutch and Flelmish styles. Still another fashionable paper is [caned Tekko. It is made in SwitzerJand and is said to bel an improvement on silk paper, though it is retailed at $1 J!.er roll-eight yards, thirty inches wide. It comes in nearly all shades and like the Anaglypta may be worked in panel fffeets with any color for ground work including a remarkabI~ imitation of marble. I .7IR T IoS' A2'iI "M 2 zme 29 REX [:::~]MATTRESS CHAS. A. FISHER & CO., ]319 Michigan Ave.. Chicago. WRITE FOR BOOKLET AND PROPOSITION ST. LOUiS, MO. KANSAS CITY. MO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. PEORIA. lLL. LINCOLN, ILL. CH1CACO, ILL. Be Square With Your Clerks. A few days ago the ·writer entered a furniture store, employing a number of clerks. The proprietor himself was waiting on a woman and came over to me after he bad COll-cluded the bargain. He was smiling and appeared to be well pleased over something. "Clerks are alt right," he remarked, "but they can't come up to the old man. That lady passed two of 'em up and insisted on waiting for me to wait on her. I can sell three times as much as any clerk I've got, and some of Jem are high-priced men too." "Why did she prefer the proprietor?" was the question and he scratched his head, "Well, I suppose she thinks I know more about "the goods in my store, and that it is to my interest to serve her better," he said dubiouslly. "Did you make her a lower price on goods than you allow the clerks to make?" "Ye-es, I did a bit in this case." No wonder the customers preferred to be waited upon by the proprietor. They got better bargains when they did~ it was worth money to them to do so, Nor was it strange that he could sell rings around his derks, when by such methods he drew the customers away from them to himself. \Vhat did he hire clerks for? "VVhy not do all the selling himself? Another merchant with a store of about the same size and with about the same number of clerks, was qucstioned re-garding the same m;Jtter. He said: "The other day a lady, after a short conversation with one of my clerks came to me and asked mc to wait on her. I did so, although 1 was bU5Y at the time, hut as I knew her personally I felt that it was a necessary courtesy, She asked the price on some goods and I a good price on them. She looked rather surprised and said that my clerk offered them for less. "I looked surprised also and said that if he did that, [ would stand by his price but was not anxiolls to duplicate the order at those figures. I tried to do it in a way that would not offend her, and she bought the goods and went out, thinking that I was !lot the man to trade with in preference to clerks. "That was the impression I intended to convey, for I hire clerks to sell goods and I am fullly occupted with the manage-ment. The clerks know the prices, and if there are any re-ductions to be made they are informed of them. I want my customers to believe that they can get as good service from anyone of my clerks as they can him the owner, amI I've told them so, r will live up to my agreement vV'ithmy help every time." Both merchants ran the risk of injury because of making two prices Oll one article. The idea governing the second merchant was nearer correct than that of the other but he could have done better. If he had made exactly the same price as the clerk he could have attained the same object and reinforcced the belief in the one-price idea \vithout risk of offense or creating distrust. Greedy Undertakers Come to Grief. The Chicago Inter Ocean tells how two ambitious, enter-prising, greedy undertakers of that city "each striving to cor-ner the corpse market," managed to put themselves out of business. John A, Potroshius of Auburn avenue and Paul Mazeika of West Eighteennth stTed were rivals in the busi-ness and they carried their competi.tion to such an extent tha.t Mayor Dunne, after warning them to use less strenuous methods, re.voked their licenses. Vilith a view of brcaking into his cOIllpetitor's field, Pot-rash ius opene"d (;1.11 antleX directly across from Mozeika's em-balming shop. The latter retali<lted after the most approved trust manner. He rented a store next door to Potroshius' main establishment and wcnt into an advertising war. Then in their efforts to get business they encroached on the feelings of friends of the old and feeble and hounded the families of the sick, 1lsing methods very much like tho!;e 01 ((Obadiah" ill Miss Mdville!s perennial play, "Sis Hopktl1s!' Their strife· and contention attracted the attention of the police and investigation showed that neither had taken out a liceuse for his br<!-nchestablishment. The police shut up the branches, and then the mayor closed the main shops by re-voking the licenses on the ground that they had abused their privileges and that they were men unfit to pursue the ('alling of an undertaker. "enry Schmit &. Co. Hopkins •• d Hurio! SU. O. KU:RIt$ OF UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE LODGE AND PULPIT. PARLOR L18RARY. HOTEL AND CLUB R.OOM 30 ·~~MIFjIIG7J-N TIMELY HOLIDAY SUGGESTIONS. Windows Displays an Important Factor in the BUEiness of the Furniture Dealer. Windmvs displays, which are matters of importance to re-tailers at all times, are of greater interest in the fall, es-pecially when making· preparations for the holiday trade. Along about Thanksgiving time Of earlier, the wide awake dealer begins to think of his holiday displays and trles to dc~ vise means to D1:ike them more attractive than last year. It is not enough to have the goods. The public must be informed that they are in the store and ~induced to come and inspect them. Sales are rarely made without getting the buyers into the store and in these advertising days it is sel-dom that would-be buyers go about asking for what they FREE GOODS TO THE FURNITURE TRADE For a limited time we will give with every five gallon order for "PERLENA," THE WON-DERFUL FURNITURE AND PIANO POLISH, a discount of 25 per cent. and include FREE 2 doz. bott! s of PERLENA to retail at 50c per bottle or $12.00 worth at retail. Is this worth considering? Can you afford to miss this chance? PBK GALLON, '2.00. THIl PERLENACO., Sterlinl/ III. Recommended by all Leading Furniture Houses. want-they depend upon the merchants to tell what they have to offer, This information may be imparted, spread broadcast, by newspaper advertising, but a good window dis~ play will add effectivenesss to the best newspaper adver~ tisement ever written. Window displays are made with different objects in view and the object sought governs the arrangement. Some are made simply to call attention to the store, with the idea that those who see it will have the store in mind and naturally think of it when they want anything in its line. Usually, how-ever, the purpose is to aid the sale of special or seasonable lines and the most successful and profitable displays are -those that show what is in greatest demand at the time. There are dealers who use their windows to display unseaS011- abk or out-of-date goods and they claim that they thus suc-ceed in setling even the worst "stickers" without cutting the prices. That method surely cannot enhance the rep-utation of a store, but that 1t 1S successful certainly proves the value and effectivenesss of window displays. ::Nol'eltie:-;in show windows are successful in attracling attention, but as a rule the animated window-a representa-tion of a live Santa. Claus, a clown or a man or woman at work-is not profitable. It is expensive and it attracts the curious rather than those who wish to buy. Such a window, by attracting a cro\vd of inquisitive people, may keep those who would buyout of the store. The 1110seuseful effect of a window display lies in the way of suggestion which leads to investigation. P.]. \Veg-ner of Wegner Brothers, Grand Rapids, :\Iich., emphas3zed this idea the other day ·when he said: "The display window is not a good place to sell goods, It's value is mainly in what it suggests. If it's effect is pleasing to the observers they come inside and if they don't buy goods in the window they are quite likely to find something else that suits them. They get a better idea and form a better opinion of a suite or a piece of furniture where there is room to walk around it than by merely looking at one side of it in the window." 7iR TItS' JL:"l ...,.,,- 2 , ,'. ; Another Grand Rapids dealer said: ":We know that our window displays help our trade. We have proved it so often that we know about what to expect when we arrange a ,dis-play. It may seem strange, but it is a fact that there are many people \vho, even when they start out to buy allYthing do not go into a store and ask for it, Instead, they walk from store to store and look at the windows until they see something that suggests that what they want may be found inside. To catch the trad.e of that class the window di~play is: away ahead of pril)ters' ink." In this matter of window displays the furniture dealers have an advantage, over all other merchants, except perhaps those in the dry goods line. They have the material to make an attractive and effective display :at any and all sea-sons of the year. Their goods are also more easily han-dled and less liable to be damaged by exposure to the light than other lines. Their most attractiv~ displays arc made with suites, or a representation of roobs completely fur-ish cd, but at this season and during the next sixty days most attention will be given to.pieces intended for the holi-day trade. They will put out rockers, easy chairs; ladies' writ-ing desks, music cabinets, sewing tables, tabourettes, shav-ing tables, pedestals, hall stands, hat r~cks, and other odd pieces that are usually sold for Christma$ presents ,and more of them may be sold in Kovember and pecember than in aJI the rest of the year. This does 110tmea~ that trade in other furniture witl be dull during the holiday s~ason. The cus-tom of using f\.lntiture for Christmas presents prevails to a much larger extent than it did a few years ago. For that purpose buyers do not confine themse1ves to the articles named, but frequently select a buffet, a dresser, a sideboard, a chiffonie.f, a china closet, or, perhaps,)a fUll suite for par-lor, bed room or dining room. I The demand for furniture for Christntas gifts and also for wedding presents, might be increased by furniture dealers with profit to themselves and benefit to the recipients, by simply suggesting its appropriateness. Most people who buy presents wish to get something useful and those. who are looking for the ornamental can not object to furniture because it is both useful and ornamental. To men, espedaJly, the matter of selecting a Christmas present is usually a puzzling problem. 'It may be. solved for many by the furniture dealer who is ¥!rise enough to make the proper suggestion at the proper timJ. It might be done by placing a card in the display window inscribed with the query: "How would this do for ~ C~ristmas Present?" or an invitation to "Come in and let us Folve that Christmas problem for you." ! The up-to-date furniture dealer does.' not need to be told that a window display loses its power to"draw trade unless its make-up and arrangement is changed frequently. It should undergo a complete change at least once a week, and except in the .<;aseof a room representation eVfry piece in the show ..\.'i.ndow should bear a card giving its price in pl'aill figures. After the Rebaters. Several Qealcrs in furniture, farm implements dealers and freight officials of the Santa' Fe' railroad in Southern Califor-nia have been subpoenaed to appear in Los Angeles for exam-ination by the United States district ';lttorney in regard to granting and receiving freight rebates.i It is charged that the Santa Fe has granted rebates to large shippers, to the dHriment of their smaller competitors. Arthur Block to Marry. Arthur Block, buyer for Snellen berg of Philadelphia, will lead Miss Julia Prince, a daughter of 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Hyman Prince, of Houston, Texas, to the altar On November 7. Mr. Block is a popular young man, ~nd his many friends will wish him a long life of connubial felicity. MICHIGAN Taking Hold of a New Job. About haH the fellows who lose jobs alld are calmed out of offices and shops wlthin a few days or weeks aHer they land the jobs complain that they "didn't have a fair chance:' Their complaint is wrong. They had a fair chance ,Jnd fail-ed to improve it. Tlle fact is that they didn't know how to make tlletnselves solid with the other {ellow::>or "\\'ith the boss. The fir.stweek that ally man holds a new position is the crucial one. First lnlpressiOlls rule in busillCSS, just as they do 111 all lntercnurse lwtwt~en men. }Jut the best man in the world "in wrong" that is, stack him up against a boss or fellow-workmcll who at first impression think i11 of him-and the chances are he will !lot last. His only chance is to ticstroy the first impression and create a true one just as 50011 as possible. Not one man in five hun-dred will do this, especially not a good man, because he feels hurt that he should have been misjudged at the start, and "snlks" inste,ad of revealing his true colors. Here is a truism: Every man who works for ",,'ages or salary does something e\'ery week for which he could be fired if the boss is looking for a chance to fire him. TIlerdore <.~veryman who gets a had start and fails to remove first im-pressic) J1s shortly discovers another coat in his locker. The way to create a good impressi()]l, generally speaking, is to get at the work as if you knew it-whether or 110t yoiJ do. 1 have seen a dozen bosses sitting in their offices, said Andrew Bandon in a recent address, and have heard this con-versation dozens of times: "How's the new man doillg?" "Fine. He takes hold as if he knew his business." I never knew one of those fellows to get fired-at least not for a long time. First impression had cinched their posi-tions for them until they could learn office details. There is al10ther handicap. You may be: the best office man in the world, and for a month after going into a new office you ,,,,ill feel as if you were learning the trade over again. There are differences in tools, differences in methods and ways of handllng work, <l.lldthere are office traditions and office "sacred white cows'" against which a new-comer may come to grief. When you g-et a position, before starting to work, study the ground <tl,d learn as much as possible about the firm and its methods, the personality of its heads, and, above all, get acquainted with one or two men already employed there. No set of IvorkmE'll like to see an utter stranger escorted in by the bo;:;s with "Boys, thls is \1r. Jones, oUt new man. Treat him right." There is a sort of feeling- that the new marl may crowd all old (me out, and a bit of fear on the part of c'lC"h man. lf thE'y knO\v the man. or kllOW of him. his reception is. m(-re likely to he cordial. 31 Before starting work try to make the acquaintance of some man in the department, win his friendship, and, if he is a popular fellow there, have him introduce you around among the other fellows when you show up to go to work. The first effort should be to make a good impress.c'tl 011 the men. The boss must think fairly well of you, or be wouldn't have hired you. But, whether or not the bos", Wi.e"" you, it is all off if the men dislike you. I have a friend, m::m-ager of a big company, who says: "I never hire a man until I'm sure he'll fit 11], I generally have an eye open for a man for weeks and usua.lly consult my own me.H, asking their ad-vice as to '''''here to find the right man to fill the place. One of them, or perhaps'two, suggests some one and r hire the one 1 like best. Then I usually hint to the other employe that the. man he named refused to come for the rooney- and the ne"'.' man comes in. \Ve never have any friction here. The men. are all friends, and, furthermore, their interest in the husiness is added to by the fact that they are consulted. I \"'0uld not dare send a stranger into this place, unless! was sure the men knew ,,,,.,ho he was and that he waR a corking Now Is the Time to SeDd for Our El;pert to Reduce Your Stock FOUNDED 1888 I at a good profit or sell en~ tire stock at cost. Steveno~& Co-, I"dTehaoMNoenw"- 460 Mooon BI·d·~.CHICAGO Write for terms ana particulars. HiYMst references i.nchuling this journal. I Retail Sales Managers and Auctioneers. good man. They all bml\l to merit, if they know about it." Once at work these new acquaintances are of vast help to a new worker. They can tip him straight on the little things and the office tricks, and lots of new men are pulled over the crucial periods simply by having some man to answer their questions and give them hints, Many a Ulan has been fired because the others wouldn't tell him these things. Here are some rules which a business friend of mine wrote out at my request.....:....somedon'ts for new employes. Don't tell what yon did at the last place and don't tell , you're going to do. Don't cringe to the bosses. Meet them like a man. Don't knock fellow-workmen; try to help them if they have faults. Don't wateh the clock. Don't "soldier" on the job. Keep working. Above all, dOll't tell how much more work yon do than the other fellow; that's what is going to get you promoted, NEW VeRI{ BOSTON PHILADELPHIA BALTIMORE CANACIAN FACTOFlY, WALKERVILLE', ONTARIO ¢KICAGO CINCINNATI ST. LOUiS SAN FRANCISCO BERRY BROTHERS' Rubbing and Polishing Varnishes MUST BE USED IN FURNITURE WORK TO BE APPRECIATED THEY SETTLE THE VARNISH QUESTION WHEREVER TRIED WRIT£ TODAY FOR INFOftM,,-iI0N AND PRICES. FINISHED SAMPLES ON R(:QU£ST. BERRY BROTHERS, LIMITED VARNISH MANUF'ACTURERS DETROIT .J 32 RELICS OF COLONIAL DAYS. A Desk From Valley Forge, Sideboards, C'Highboys" and "Lowboys" and Antique China. A curious desk, the discovery of ,",vhichma.y prov~ of in-terest to the. Masonic fraternity, was recently brought to light at Pottstown, Penn. It is of an ancien! patt~rn, and evident-ly dates from Colonial times. It was bonght from a family at Valley Forge, but the possessors at that tiIIil~ were unable Masonie of Inlaid Wood. to give an authentic account of its original owner, lH( who constructed it, but stated that it had been in the possessi.on of immediate members of the family for rn3ilY year;;;. \lI,.'hat makes the desk of morc than ordinary intereSt is the fact that on the small door of the inside arrangr;-ment, t~te ~oor that bars the way to further entrance to the .">ecretreceSHS of the desk, is inlaid, in vari-colored woods the emblem of the Masonic order. The work is extremely well done and must have taken the patient worker considerable tim~ to ex:e~~uU·. The desk is the property of Mrs. M. B. Cookervw of Potts-town, who h;s a "valuable collectjon of antiques. Among other articles in this collection is a mahogany lin-en chest, on the front of which is inlaid in large letters "Ger- Colonial SidebllNU'd in Mrs. Cookeraw'. Collection. traut Walwerin, 1771." This chest is very massive and was evidently the property of a Gertrude Walwerin. Two articles of furniture of antique make are known as the "Highboy" and "Lowboy." They are both chests of drawers and are designated as either "high" or "low" accord-ing to their height. Some of the «Highboys" often stand as much as eight feet and contain as many as thirteen drawers. I.. The collection of Mrs. Cookerow embraces stveral of them, one being almost eight feet high. In the collection are a number of desks of andent pattern. ~lost of them possess one or more secret drawers. A great deal if ingenuity is necessary to discover; the :means of open-ing these secret receptacles, but when one is discovereli, the rest are easy. Tllere is also a collection of Sheraton arm chairs, Chip-pendale claw and ball chairs dating from Revolutionary days, and one chair that goes back as far 1740. A grandfather's clock of more than ordinary interest in this collection is one on the dial of which is painted in oj: a portrait of George Washington. This clock was made by Benjamin Whitman of Reading, Penn., and is considered as one of the finest examples known to collectors. Another valuable dock of this pattern was made by George Miller of Germantown, Phila. The dial is of brass and the figures "were laboriously cut out by hand. i '1hs. Cookerow's collection of old blue china, it is said, is unsurpassed. It embfaces :I; full set of the famous "Dr. SYr-tax" scenes, the possession of anyone of which is the chief ambition of collectors. Prominent among them is what is known as a "Liverpool" pitcher on which is a portrait of Queen Caroline, together with the following verse: "As for the Green Bay ctew, Justice will have its due, God save the Queen. Confound their politicks,' Frustrate their knavish tricks, On HER our hopes we fix, God save the Queen. I Other pieces include large platters on which are portrayed such historical scenes as the "Landing of Lafayette," "Boston Tea Party," Faneuil Hall, Boston," l<Independence Hall, Phil-adelphia.," and many others. To enumerate all the articles in this collection would oc-cupy too much space. It embraces old Revolutionary flint locks and swords, cutlasses, pistols, blunderbusses and what not; lamps ranging from the old "fat lamp" of Colonial days to lamps of the days of the Rebellion. The Lexington. Chicago. The Lexington Hotel, located on ·Michigan Bouevard and Twenty-second street, is one of the most conveniently 1ocat~ cd and desirable hostelries in Chicago. It is ]9cated at the commencement of Chicago's beautiful south park system of parks and boulevards; is located in a section free from dirt, smoke and noise of the city, is easily accessible from all depots and just outside of Chicago's great shopping district. The Lexington is a modern hotel in every sense, is "excellently conducted and refined and enjoyable. There are 350 guest chambers, 260 having private baths. Nearly $100,000 have recently been spent in redecorating the house and renewing the furnishings. The Lexington Hotel is a tourist, transient and residential hotel, and is an ideal place for ladies shopping or visiting Chicago. A specialty made of partie'S, clubs, wed-dings, banquets, and receptions. It has magnificent dining rooms, cafes, Dutch room, private dining rooms and ban-quet hall. Strong Line of Specialties. The L. Cline Manufacturing Company of 1239 Wabash avenue, Chicago, manufacturers of household specialties and bath room and lavatory fixtures, are having an excellent trade this season. This company manufactures a very strong line of goods and furniture dealers should not fail to send for the company's catalogue, which will be gladly mailed on appli-cation. SHELBYVILLE DESfi co. SHELBYVILLE, MANUFACTURERS OF OFFICE FURNITURE Mahogany, a.nd Imitation Quartered Oak, Plain Oak in three grades. Write/or latest Catalogue. SAW LOGS BY WEIGHT. INDIANA, u. A. Veteran Lumber Buyer Gives Some Interesting Information About Circassian Walnut. "Yes, I've been buying lumber for a good man,y years," said Fred \,V. Spraker, in response to a suggestioH made by a representative of the 1fichigan Artis'ln. The talk took place in the lumber yard of the Berkey & Gay Furniture Company, Grand Rapids, 11ich., and the suggestion was made with a view of inducing 1f1'. Spraker to tell something of his exper-iences in buying lumber for a furniture factory. Mr, Spraker is not loquacious, hut as he is, probably, the oldest lumher buyc.T in thc_west, and thoroughly understands his h.l.s..iness, it was thought he might say something that would be of in-terest to furniture dealers. In reply to furtber questioning he said: "I have heen buying lumber for Berkey & Gay since 1876. I have been with them since '59-neady fifty years. Be-fore '76 I was in the factory, but for thirty years T have had so so little to do with the fHcwry that T am not posted Oll the new methods and impr(Wemellts. Of course, there has been great changes in the factory and there bas heen a gre:H chal1ge in the lumber business. "In the early days ,ve used -:\Jichigal1 lumber, almost ex-clusively. \Vc got it from the mills near the city. Gener-ally w{'.nt out and hought the logs 1n the winter and used only the best. "\Ve did not have to use culls or even com-mon stuff. VIle had the logs sawed to suit the purpose, stacked the lumber.up ad let it stand until the next winter, when it was hauled in 011 sleighs. Every year we had to go out a little farther. The supply near the ci.ty was SOOl1 cut out and then the lumber came in on the railroads. \Vhen walnut was in fashion we had to go down into southern Michigan, -lndiana and Ohio and farther. "In those days the factory made a\.\ graucs of furniture and we could Use most any kind of lumber to advantage. Later years they made only the finest and that change in-creased the distance we had to go for lumber until now it comes from an parts of the world. We use someI\lichi-gan lumber for inside work, but with the exception of birch and bird's-eye maple nearly all of it comes from outside the state. \Ve get the oak mostly from the south, mahogany from ?vlexico, Centra'1 anu SOldh America, Cuba and Africa, and we use a lot of Circassian walnnt, which comes from Asia Minor." S. 011 being told that the writer had never se_en any Circas-sian walnut, Mr. Spraker said, "W~ell, come out here and I'll sho-w yOU some of it," and he led the way to a yard alley, lined on hoth sides with inferior-looking stuff-the last thing that a novice would select as material for fine furinture. It ,",,'as of irregular widths-had not been edged-and the lengths varied from seven to twelve feet. It looked some-thing like hardwood culls or odds and ends, but it was care-fully piled. "There it is," said Mr. Spraker. "It is n(lt niee~looking stuff and 1 don't like it. but it makes title furniture and it is the most expensive lumber we use. There is more waste in it than in ally other kind of lumber. By the time it has been cut up and is ready -for the machines it has cost about $1.25 per foot, hoard measure. "That stuH is imported in logs ::md they are sold by weight -by the ton. They can get only one log out of a tree and to get ::tit of it the tre<.'.sare dug out -roots and all and even then the longest log is not more than twelve feet. Most of them are Oll]y seven or eight feet. Of course, it is sawed very carefully. but the boards are wide at the butt end, nar~ ro\\' at the top and -very between and that makes great waste in cutting up." vVhen asked about the supply, Mr. Spraker said he did not know how S0011 the Circassian walnut would be exhausted. "1 don't care much." he said. "I would rather handle some thing else. hut 1-Ir. Gay says we must use Circassian walnut and must have more of it than we are getting." Mr. Spraker is exceedingly loyal to the Berkey & Gay factory. Tn conversation he conveys the impression that it is the greatest furniture instittttion in the world. His loyalty, with his undoubted abllity, is vrobably responsibte for his having been with the firm and company for forty-seven years. One of Chicago's Busy Institutions. One of the busiest plants in Chicago this year is the Schultz & Hirsch Company, ~60 South Desplaines street, manufacturers of mattresses, down cushions, and feather pil-lows. In addition to the]r Chicago plant, the company has operated a factory at Hammond, Ind., the past two years and both plants have been taxed to the utmost this season. The company has a warehouse in New York. ),-fr. Schultz states that the year 1906 is ahead of 1905 thus far in the vol .. ume of business. 34 NewsJ Notes and Comments. W. M. Blee has succeeded E. M. Wheeler, furniture dealer, Harrison, Idaho. R. C. McConnel1 of Manson, Iowa, has sold his store and stock of furniture to C. W. Leonard. Chinese futnitme workers in Victoria, Australia, outnum-ber those of· European descent 688 to 140. 1'Iilwaukee furniture dealers have taken preliminary steps in the organiza.tion of a city association. The Francis !\Jaollfactl.1ring Company of Columbus, 0.) has been placed in the hands of a receiver. The plant of the \\Tilson Bed Spring Company is being moved from Carson, Iowa, to Omaha, Neb. The retail carpet and rug trade is said to have broken all records as to volume in New York this faIL Joseph Kingsbury has purchased a half interest in the 1. J. HamIel fttmiture store at Tipton, Iowa. The G. H. \V. Bates Company of Boston, is a new mail order concern, incorporated with $15/)00 capital. Charles Russell, for many years a furniture dealer in Ot-tawa, Ill., died suddenly in Chicago on October 16. Robinson Brothers, Des Moines, Iowa, lost $500 by a tire in the basement of their furniture store, October 6th. Ground was broken for the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Refrig-erator Company's new plant on Monday, October 22. Adam Diacollt's mattress factory in Richmond, Va., was damaged by fire to the extent of $3,500 On October 15. Pendleton, Oregon, taxes trading stamp companies $300 per year for the privilege of doing business in the town. The Riggins Furniture Company of Houston, Tex., has sold out stock, store and good "vill to J. R. Bondurant. The Johnston Furniture Corr~pany of Oklahoma City sustailled a loss of $10,000 by fire on October 6. Insured. The Bessinger Furniture Company, dealers, Louisville, Ky., suffered a loss of $30,000 by fire OIl October 12. Insured. Fred Vv'. Pearce has purchased his partner's interest ill the furniture and hardware business of Pearce & Gerow, Owosso, Mich. Martin Bower, late of Toledo, has purchased and taken possession of \lv. A. Mudge's store and stock of f~rlliture at Caro, Mich. A large amount of furniture was lost in the fire which de- 5troyed the Southern Pacific freight depot in San Franc.isco on October 18- T. J. McT.Jollncll, late of Aberdeen, Wash., has purchased the furniture store of B. H. Sault in Tacoma, and will en-large the stock. H. B. Tyler has resigned his position as secrHary of the Kationa) Bed Company, vVheeJing, V>l.Va., and is succeeded by F. H. Blake. Henry S. Hiss o{ the Hiss Furniture Company, B,:},ltimore, Md., has 111eda voluntary petition in bankruptcy. Liabilities, $179,5M,; assets, $18,275. Fire starting in the fl11ishing room of the Victor Chair Company, High Point, N. c., cause a loss estimated at $6,COO to ~8,OOO on October 8. R. F. 'Webstl;:r, an undertaker and furniture dealer of \Va-hoo, Neb., died on October 8, aged 78 years. He served as a soldier in the war with Mexico. Dodg'e & Son of Anacortes, Wash., have purchased the stock of their competitors, the Anchor Furniture Company and will <:.onsolidate the tYlO stores. "Conditions growing worse every day," is the report from Chicago in regard to the car famine, and that describes the ·situation in nearly all parts of the country. The Rex Fluid Company of Des Moines, Iowa, manufac-turers of embalming fluid and ul1dertakers' supplies, is to eS-tablish a branch plant in Topeka, Kansas. W. E. Keeler, ]. C. Martin and K. M. Keeler have organ~ jzcd the Martin Furniture Company to do a general house fltrnishing business in Portland, Ore. Capital, $10,000. The St. Peter Furniture Company, a Minnesota corpora-tion, has also 6ted articles of associatiou in' \Visconsin, and witt establish a branch store at Ogem'a,EJ,Ice county, Wis. D. R. Maltby of McPherson, Kan., finding more room an imperative necessity, has decided to erect a two-story brick building adjoining the block in which his furniture .store is located. )jliss S. Gertrude Richardson of Waupaca, Wis., has pur-chased an interest in the Fargo Carpet & Rug Company of Fargo, North Dakota, and witt take an active part in the management. The DeCamp Furniture Company's establishment on East Frant .street, Cincinnati, Ohio, was damaged to the extent of $:~5,OOOby fire on October 15. It is believed the fire was started to conceal a robbery .. 'The contract for furnishing the new city hall in Rockford, Ill., has been awarded to Stevens & Son of that city, except tht;: aldermen's chairs, which are to be furnished by the An-drews Company of Chicago. Charles F. Doll of Buffalo, who was burned out in the Tifft building recently, will open a furniture store in some other part of the city, but may return to his old stand when the 'Tifft building is tebuilt. The old table factory building at St. Johns, Mich., which has been a sort of white elephant for some time, has been leased to Charles H. Manley who has organized a stock company to build portable houses. The largest carpet ever ma~e and laid in one building was that used in the Olympia, London, last December, when the hall was prepared for the motor car show. It contained 63,- 000 square feet-7,OOO square yards. Mrs. Grover Cleveland of Princeton, N. ]., is said to have the most valua.ble collection of genuine old Colonial furniture in the country. She picked up most of in Washington, while she was the "first lady in the land." Burglars entered the store of the J. G. Bums Furniture Company at 287 vVest Madison street, Chicago, October 17. They ruined the safe with explosives, but were frightened away before they had reached the cash box. The Rose City Furniture Manufacturing Company with principal office in Portland, Ore., has been incorporated at the state capital \-vith a capital stock of $2,000. The incorpora-tors are S. Kritshevsky, J. Ruvensky, A. Blackman and D. Gurien. Two robbers entered the furniture store of ~Iichael Ta- . scmkin, South Chicago On October 16th, beat the proprietor until be was unconsc'ious and got away with over $400 in cash. They were arrested later and positively identified by their victim. The final report of the Fidelity Trust Company of Mil-waukee, trustee for the Two Rivers (Wis.) ]\.fanufacturing Company, bankrupt, shows net proceeds amounting to about $25,000 to be divi\'e,d among nearly 200 creditors, or sufficient to pay 13 or 14 per cent on the claims. Tbe Cook-Cal1el1dar building, Columbia, Tenn" one of the largest in the town, was completely destroyed by fire on Oc-tober 12. F. G. Cook's furniture store was located in the building, which contained four other stotes and the Odd Fellows' halL The total loss is estimated at $75,000. G. V. .i\fcConnell, of j"McConnell & Wood, furniture deal-en:; and undertakers, Reed City, Mich., has sold his interest to Burton T, Curtis ano the new firm vdll move to Mr, Curtis' s.tore on wlall1 street. J\h. J\lcConnell has moved to Ionia, Mich., 'where he bought the business of the veteran furniture dealer and undertaker, George H. An11.1red. Losses by fJrc during the month of September in the United States a11(1 Canada, as computed by the N(~w York J ourual of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin, amount to $10,832,550. Tllis is about $3,000,000 le,ss than it was in September, 1905. For the nine months of the year, the loss amounts to $4CO,587,780, a Jigllre never reached before. New York COJ;umercial Oct. 16-David Richards drove a load of 27 dini11g room sideboards thrOl.lgh Fourth Street yesterday. \A-'hen at Broadway the excelsior packing was found to be on fire. One sideboard was destroyed before the flames were squelched. The furniture was consigned by the vVisconsin Furniture Co., to vVarwiek & Thompson, No. 660 \Vest :Hth Stret. The load was invoiced at $.1,000. The government figures show that in the five states of New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, 1lassachusetts and Ohio more than half the goods manl1factured in tl'is country are produced. The output of each of the above named states for 1£.105was: ~ew York, $;~,488,345,579; Pennsylvania, $1,\)55,551,- 3a2; Illinois, $1,410,342,129; Massachusettts, $1,124,092,051; Ohio, $960,81p;5'1. Don't be Afraid of Competition. The saying is, "Competition is the life of trade." If it had not been for competition we should be living in the woods, in a state of savagery. Ages ago all men and women led the simple life. vVhell the weather ",,'as hot the man sat in the shade. As the sun came he moved into the shade again to get cool. In the wlnter he Teversed the process. \\lhen this man felt a pain in his stomach hc learned by ob-servation that if he put things in his mouth and swallovlo'ed them it vmu\ct rC\leve the pain. The first man's whole object in life was to keep from having that pain, and the only en-ergy he expended was in procuring food. Finally, one man, ohserving that the lower animals lived upon each other, conceived the idea that if he could simplify the method of catching· and killing :111imalsit would save his energy, 50 he sal1icd forth with a club and killed slow mov-ing animals. Here competition begins, for a110ther individual invented the idea of throwing the club. This was another step for-ward. Another competitor discovered that a round stone could be thrown better than a club. The people who lived in the forests and subsisted ttpon animals commenced to tningle witl1 the people who (ived 011 grains, and the woodsmen traded their skill clothillg for the plainsmen's wheat, and thus commerce was bOrtl. From rhe primeval man to the present time compe.tition has stim1.l1atc(1 mankind toward better things, and everyone has benefited b,Y the competitioll. V\Te have in mind a certain mail-order hoase that had the Jield all its own way, says Colonel W. E. ,Hunter of Chicago in a recent "talk." Fifteen years ago its annual sales were about $:2,000,000. During th<',\¥orld's Fair year, 011 account of the in~ux of country people to Chicago, the sales reached $3,OOO,ODO, and this ,vas satisfactory to the mail-order house. A competitor came. into the nelli, stirred things up and now this old mail-order house probably sells eight or ten times as mue-h per annUln as it did before the competitor came. Had it not been for the competitor, the old house today would be selling about $3,000,000 or $4,000,ODO worth of goods per annum. In this matter of competition, you must remember not to worry about your competitors. If they do something differ-ent or better thall you are doing, get into the band wagon. Do not regard competition as hurtful to your business, but look at it as a pacemaker for you, If you had ten experts 35 working for you studying to improve your business, yOU cer-tainly would get som.e good from it, although the ten ex-perts would cost you more than your profits would allow. 1\ow, on the other hand, if you have ten competitors, and they arc staying up nights studying to benefit their businesses you can get the benefit of their experience without it costing you anything, and so you should consider competition as an advantage to you. Waiting for Cars. Gral1d Rapids ('\lich.) furniture shippers are being seri-ously inconvenienced by the lack of cars. The shipping rooms of many of the factories are full of goods waiting for cars and the situation is growing worse from day to day. Kabody can see any chance for relief in the coming thirty days, which means that many dealers will be waiting for goods that were to be delivered in October. Increased Storage Facilities. The Michigan Chair CompaI1Y of Grand Rapids have nearly completcd the erection of a warehouse adjoining their plant. Its dimensions are 60 x 160, two stories high. It will be connected with the factory by a bridge and its use 'will enable the compan
- Date Created:
- 1906-10-25T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 27:8
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1940-04-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 8, Number 4
- Notes:
- Issue of a magazine published in Grand Rapids, Mich. Created by the Peninsular Club. Published monthly. Began publication in 1934. Publication ended approximately 1960.
- Date Created:
- 1936-07-01T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- Volume 2, Number 8