Three page handwritten copy of a resolution passed by the Citizens of East Saginaw in honor of the late Jacob M. Howard

Three page handwritten copy of a resolution passed by the Citizens of East Saginaw in honor of the late Jacob M. Howard, which was presented to his family. The document is bound at the top by three grommets. It reads: To the Family of the late Hon. Jacob M. Howard. At a meeting of the Citizens of East Saginaw held in the parlors of the Bancroft House on the 4th mth. call for the purpose of paying a tribute of respect to the memory of your lamented father and for the purpose of extending their condolences and sympathy to his family and relatives. The following resolutions were submitted by the Hon. John F. Driggs and unanimously adopted. In pursuance of the same a committee was appointed to attend the funeral and present a copy of the proceedings to you. In discharging that duty the committee desire to say that they in common with all of our citizens deeply regret the sad event by which the State has been deprived of one its best citizens and you of a kind and affectionate father. In the remarks made at the meeting these sentiments were feelingly expressed and earnestly sympathized by all: Whereas, We have heard with profound regret of the sudden death of Hon. Jacob M. Howard, late U.S. Senator from our State, and for many years one of Michigan's most talented, esteemed and honored citizens, whom in life without distinction of party we felt proud to call our own. Not only on account of his long and valuable service rendered the State while in the various positions of honor and trust to which he had been called, but for the national reputation he enjoyed as a statesman of exalted ability and learning; a citizen whose devotion to duty and principles, as well as what he believed to be for the best interests of his country and state, secured to himself the confidence and respect of all fair and honorable men of all parties; a citizen whose death we mourn as a loss to the community and whose memory though sadly, we delight to honor; and Whereas, It has been decreed by the inscrutable laws of the Supreme Rules of the Universe that our esteemed fellow citizen should be thus suddenly taken from his family and the country while in the maturity of his manhood and usefulness, we deem it not only a duty but fit and proper that we should express our deep sorrow for this great loss to the State and country, and that we should extend our unfeigned condolences and sympathy to his afflicted family, therefore, Resolved, That we the citizens of East Saginaw, without distinction of party, deeply lament the sudden and untimely death of Hon. Jacob M. Howard. That we mourn his loss as one that will meet with responsive regrets from the hearts of the people of the State and nation. Resolved, That we extend to the family and intimate friends of the lamented deceased our sincere condolence and sympathy. That though we may not feel as they must by this sad event, we realize the uncertainty of life, and feel assured that his loss will be felt and regretted by all. Resolved, That as a mark of due respect to the memory of the distinguished dead, a committee of citizens be appointed to attend his funeral at Detroit, and to present a copy of these proceedings to his family and see that the same are given to the public through the press. Committee: Hon. John F. Driggs, chairman B.J. Brown H.C. Potter C.W. Wisner Rev. S.A. Wishard Hon. Leander Simoneau " John G. Owen " Edwin Eddy Chas. L. Ostman L.H. Eastman B.M. Thompson W.L. Webber Hon. A.B. Wood H.C. Ripley Prof. Jos. Estabrook Capt. M.L. Gage Jas. F. Brown C.W. Grant B.B. Buckhont J.S. Estabrook T.P. Sheldon Geo. K. Newcomb East Saginaw, April 5th, 1871 J.F. Driggs, Chairman meeting T.B. Fox, Secretary
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Saginaw, Senators, and Representatives
Subject Name:
Howard, Jacob Merritt
No Copyright - United States