Resolution, hand written on paper and mounted on linen, issued by the Michigan Senate

Resolution, hand written on paper and mounted on linen, issued by the Michigan Senate. pressing approval to President-elect William McKinley of his consideration for Russell A. Alger for a cabinet position, dated January 18th, 1897. The text of the resolution is as follows: "Mr. Lawrence offered the following concurrent resolution: Whereas, The citizens of Michigan, ever anxious for the advancement of the best interests of their noble commonwealth, have learned with feelings of intense gratification, that there is a possibility of an advancement to a cabin exposition, under the incoming administration, of her most favored and distinguished son; therefore be it Resolved (the House concurring), That we cherish with jealous pride the history of the achievements of Gen. Russell A. Alger as soldier and hero of the rebellion. That we contemplate with admiration his wise and statesman-like administration of the affairs of the State as Governor. That we, as representatives of the whole people of the State of Michigan, express to the President-elect our earnest approval of the contemplated appointment, believing that the conduct of national affairs will be distinguished through his attainments. Resolved, That these resolutions be endorsed by the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House, and that a copy be forwarded to the President-elect, to each of our Representatives in the National Senate and National House of Representatives, and to General Alger. Charles S. Pierce Secretary of the Senate Lewis M. Miller Clerk of House of Representatives."
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Michigan Senate
Subject Name:
Alger, Russel Alexander Sr., McKinley, William, Pierce, Charles S., and Miller, Lewis M.
No Copyright - United States