Action media

Communication for health promotion is a complex process that is further problematised by limitations within communication theory. Linear models of communication give primacy to the communicator and see communication as a largely objective process. These models, which are often referred to as "communicator-message-receiver" (CMR) models, incorporate the communicator as a primary agent in determining the nature of information and the mechanisms for information flow. Action media is presented as a methodology for the development of media products that integrate the interests of both the communicator and representatives of target audiences within a health promotion context. The methodology has its roots in participatory action research (PAR) approaches and incorporates qualitative contextual research with a media development process. It is not intended that the methodology be perceived as an exclusive and absolute means for the development of health promotion materials. Rather, it adds to the range of methodologies health promoters can apply in media development, whilst also providing important insights into context-based activities that are consultative, collaborative and empowering. Action Media as it pertains to health promotion, has the following elements: Identification of significant health challenges; identification of sufficiently homogenous groups within defined geographic areas and collaboration with individuals within each context to co-facilitate workshops. The media products that emerge typically reveal deep insights into perspectives of the target group, are immediately relevant to the participant' s peer communities, and may be relevant nationally as health promotion products.The methodology differs considerably from producer centric approaches in that it sees contexts of media utility as dynamic, and furthermore, sets out to generate media products that are supportive of action, rather than simply as vehicles for information. Within the complex contexts of media development, the Action Media methodology provides insight into the potential for integration and empowerment of individuals and groups within target communities. It demonstrates a replicable process that provides for the development of deeply contextualised media products on the one hand, and qualitative understandings of community contexts on the other.
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Michigan State University. Libraries
Africa Media Review
Subject Topic:
Drama in health education and Health promotion
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