Harpocrates figurine; Karanis; Figurines; Ceramic; Harpocrates

Depth: 5.7 cm Reddish brown clay (Muns. 5YR5/3). Small hole in back of head. Traces of yellow paint on jug and powdering plaster. The child seated with right knee raised, holds elongated right forefinger to hips. Wears thick sidelock with snaky curls, double crown flanked by pine cones, a knee-length garment, and necklace with several amulets. Holds squat vessel with pierced mouth at left side. Slender eyebrows arch across full face and lead into a short, broad-tipped nose. Pudgy cheeks and chin. Pursed lips. Blank eyes slightly bulbous. In front, folds of drapery loop schematically between two vertical panels. Pair of similar panels of drapery on back framing short V-shaped creases. Bottom summarily rendered. Hollow moulded in two halves and sealed on all sides. Tiny circular vent in bottom.
Data Provider:
University of Michigan. Libraries
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Subject Topic:
Karanis; Figurines; Egypt
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