Two handwritten letters, written back to back over two pages of blue paper, the first from T

Two handwritten letters, written back to back over two pages of blue paper, the first from T.R. Spence to David Birrell concerning a job for Birrell's son also named David, and the second from the senior David Birrell to his son forwarding the previous letter along concerning the job. The letters read as follows: Detroit, May 4th 1853 Mr. Birrell Dear Sir, I had the pleasure of receiving yours of 25th all in due season and owe an apology for not acknowledging it earlier. I have been very busy reserving goods and have alas been some what at a loss in regard to the time that I can do without David which will account for the delay. It affords me pleasure that my proposal met with your approval and hope it will also be satisfying to David. If it will not interfere too much with your arrangements I would be very glad to obtain him the first of next month (June). When I wrote I did intend to get along if possible until the time you mention and feel unwilling to break up his progress in school. My own health has given out a little, and business is often pretty good in June or by the middle of it - I have some intention also of going East and all these considerations will explain to you my reasons for asking him at an earlier day. I will pay him quarterly or semi-quarterly just as you desire and shall be regular about it. You will please express your preference about it, and authorize me to pay to him as you think proper. Business is very good and I think a reasonable prospect of a gradual improvement. It shall be my effort and desire to render David's situation advantageous and agreeable to himself as well as profitable to me. You will also greatly favor me by pursuing a [?] and open course. In all things I prefer to be honest and open and hope if at any time you or he have any unpleasant feelings that you will mention it. With best wishes I remain yours [?], T.R. Spence Dear David, Your letter of the 4th was as you say waiting for me when we got back from Bristol this morning. We enjoyed our jaunt very much, & were very hospitably entertained. I will get Marge to Ivy & give you all the news sometime this week. I have enclosed you five dollars. You will see from Dr Spence's letter that he wishes you in by the 1st of June next & you had better go, I will write the Doctor tonight that you will come then & that your salary may be paid quarterly, & that you will write him yourself stating the exact day you will be in Detroit which you will please do as soon as you can arrange exactly when you can leave, & tell me in your next if you think you can come to Adrian & spend a day or two before you go to Detroit. I did not sleep any last night so I am very tired, we left Bristol at 1:25 AM this Monday morning. It is very cold, snow on the ground, & while we were away a cow broke into the garden & made sad work of it. Kind love from your affectionate Father, David Birrell
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Detroit Historical Society
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Spence and Birrell, David
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