- Home
- Weekly Artisan; 1909-11-27
Weekly Artisan; 1909-11-27
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and I
CRESCENT MACHINE WORKS of Grand Rapids, Mich. \
~ __ • • _ _. ~-_ • 1
Built to salle t,me in settmg up and the sawing of stock. Mistakes and inaccuracies are impossible.
This machine ,s bound to save money wherever used. Send for complete catalog of information.
I1t.-..-.--.-.-__..-._._---- - _.. -----. -' --~-. --
" . ---------~------ I NELSON
---- -------------
in ~fahogany, Circassian Walnut and Oak.
If you have not one in your ...tore, a siIUple request will bring you our l.uagnificent new Fall Catalo2ue of 12x16 inch pa~e groups, show-ing
suites to match. W1th it, even the most moderate sized iurniture ...tore can ...how the best dud ne"" est furnitnre satisfactorily.
he .••• ._ ••• _ w ••• w. _.-.-----.. ._._._--
. - --.
I - .'"
"'.- ... _-_ .. • •••• _._ _.______ ••• a_a _ ea. ••• - ..
Great Improvements in Refrigerators for 191 0
1he lause'ot and finest refngerator factory 111 the world It 1S only m such a factOly that the be:ot goods can
be made for the least money, and 01der" promptly filled
Th1s mammoth plant 1::' at your serVIce for the askl11g Send for our 1910 catalogue
\tVe make nearly everythmg that \\ e use. The Porcelam Enamel for Lmmgs-the Tl11necl \tV1re Shelves-the
Lock,,-the Hmge'o-the \Vater Cooler.,-the new cles1gm and fil1lshes are all made m th1s wonclerful factory.
Our a~"ortment IS enormous, rangmg from the very cheape'ol to the finest
\ncl best of all we help yOU "ell the goods I The "Leonard Cleanable" reputailon 1" behmd them
Our magaz111e aclvert1s111g and our store selhng plans w111bnng you many customers
Satin Walnut, with Water Cooler. Kitchen Cabinet and Refrigerator. White Enameled, "Leonard Grand Rapids.'
Factory, Nos. 52 to 202 Clyde Park Ave. Salesroom during January and July, LEONARDFURNITUREEXHIBITION BUILDING.
.. .. " . ...
Many New Patterns m
Dmmg Room and Bed-room
Furmture for
the Fall Season.
-~-_._-~-_._._.._...._.._.-.._. ._-----_._------~----_._._.---_._._-- ....
-----_._----_. --------------- ----------------------------------------'
Catalogue UpOIl rUjuest
---_._-_._. -_._.-. _. --------------
.. . ...
" ...
--------- --~_.------...
In Dark and Tuna Mahogany, Bitch, Blfd's-eye Maple,
Q!artered Oak and Clrcasslan Walnut
You will find our Exhibit on the Fourth Floor, East Section, Manufacturers' BUlldmg,North Ionia St., Grand Rapids.
Reception Chairs and Rockers,
Slippers Rockers,
Colonial Parlor Suites,
Desk and Dressing Chairs
... • a •__• ~ ••-.-. _._-- ••-- .....-. _. --------------'
30th Year-No. 22 GRAND RAPIDS, MICH., NOVEMBER 27, 1909 Issued Weekly
Grand Rapids Furniture Dealers Say the Advance Was Justified and Declare That
Their Customers Will Not Notice It.
"The manufacturers were Justified in advancIng their
pnces," saId Herbert G. Hefteran, manager of the Heyman
Company, furnIture dealers, of Grand RapIds "They were
practIcally forced to It," he continued, and there would have
been no reason for surpnse 1£ they had tacked on more than
ten per cent The cost of theIr matenalls probably more than
ten per cent hIgher than a year or two ago, and though they
have not raIsed wages matenally they WIll have to do so
pletty soon-probably In the spnng. The demand for labor
has been grow111g steadIly and when there IS a good demand
for labor, or anythIng else, wages and prices arc sure to ad-vance
"The advance in pnces WIll not affect us to any great
extent \l{ e had antiCIpated It for some tIme-everybody could
see that It Vvas sure to come-and we stocked up. We WIll
not have to buy much more before the end of the year and
WIll not be obhged to mark up pnces nght away, but will
probably do so gradually
"I do not thInk our customers WIll make any gleat pro-test
aga1l1st a shght advauce, though many of them are
'klckmg' about the mcrease In general hVlng expenses They
WIll hardly notice an Increa"e of ten per cent In furniture
pnces-mallY of them WIll never know of It
"As I saId, however, there must be a general mC1ease in
wages '-,oon else the busmess of merchants and manufacturers,
also, w111suffer The cost of hvmg has gone up to such an ex-tent
that many workIngmen are oblIged to practIce rigId econ-omy
In order to keep theIr household expenses WIthIn theIr
Incomes That. lIke the advance on the cost of furmtUl e, WIll
come gradually and It WIll all work out about nght in the end.
"Busmes:-, with 11'i IS remarkably bnsk at present as It
has been all fall, e:Acept dunng the week or two of warm
unseasonable weather that we had It IS far above what we
wel e dOIng a year ago
"The manufacturers were Justified in rals111g theIr pnces,"
saId G \V Chaffee, of the Young & Chaffee Company, furn-
Iture dealel s, of Grancl RapIds "I know that some of them at
least have been domg bUSIness on a very small margIn of pro-fit.
\Vlth the cost of matenals constantly IncreaSIng there
was no other Vvay than to advance theIr pnces, unless they
WIshed to do busmess at a loss Some of them had already
reached a POInt whel e they dId not care to 111CelaSe theIr out-put
and WIthout better pllces theIr profits would soon have
dIsappeared entirely"
"The retaders WIll hardly notIce the advance in prices
and the consumers won't feel It , In fact they won't know much
about it unless the newspapers call too much attentlOn to it
The dealers wdl not need to mentlOn It or use as an eXCU3e
for ralsmg their pnces. We wdl not do so VIe have a large
stock now and we WIll not need to make a general raIse In
pnces nght away We WIll cont111ue to buy and fix our pnces
111accordance WIth the cost.
"VI e have had an excellent fall trade-much better thaT}
a year ago-and can see no reason V\hy It should not contInue
to grow better."
"The advance of 10 per cent won't bother u:-,very much,"
saId Frank B Wmegar, of the \V111egar Furl11ture Company,
hou"e furmshers, Grand RapIds. "The consumers won't no-tice
It, eIther, unless "ome of the dealers are foohsh enough
to use It for advertIs111g purposes, and even then I do not
thInk they Will 'kIck' because every body must concede that
a fIse 111pnce:-, V\as inevitable
"ThIS advance IS not gOIng to force us to mark up our
goods for several months at least. \Ve are stocked up to the
11111lt and I thInk most of the dealers have laId 111large stocks
Those who have not must have been short-sighted. They
must have known that furmture matenals of all kinds Vvere
advanc111g In cost and that the manufacturers would be com-pelled
to ask higher prices."
"We have stock on hand enough to last us until next
May and wont have to buy much for awhIle, that is we
thought we were In that condition a month ago, but we
have been hav111g a large trade and may have to buy more
than we had figured on Our trade thIS year has been the
largest In our hIstory Yes, It w111go far above that of 1907."
Restoring Wages.
The Standard Steel Car Company of Pittsburg, Pa.,
announces that beg1l111lngDec 1, 3,000 workmen employed at
the Butler plant get a 10 per cent 111crease 111wages. This
15 folloW111g out a pr01111segrven the workmen some months
since that as soon as bus1l1ess warranted an advance that it
would be gIven The Standard call" attentlOn to the fact
that another 10 per cent stands between them and the boom
wages of 1907 and that as soon as bus111ess warrants this 10
per cent raIse will he made
Kow i" the time for good men to come to the aid of the poor.
Antiques Sold at Fancy Prices.
rme plece~ of olel Fng1J:oh fur111ture made up the gl eater
part of the la"t aftel noon'" sale of the co11ect1On of antique
tlea"ure", of \11". (,anett Ryckman PIer at the Amenlan
\It ("dlelles '\e\V YOlk, 1a:ot Saturdy 1hey brought t'le
blgge"t pllce, ot the "ale The total for the day was about
three tll11e:o that of the prevIOus days, $24,135, makmg the
total for the f1\ e day s $55063.
'" unIque pIece, a vHltlng table '" Ith bookca,e top for
'on1all ,olume" \\Ith tnangular-shaped cupboards on eltl1t r
"Ide and three dra\\ et '" undclneath, of Hepplewhlte'e, best
penoel, brought the record pnce of the day $2,200 It wa:o
of "at111wood InlaId vvIth bands of harewood and green holly
\ 11 e:OClltOlre Lookca,c brought the second jJrice In four fig
me" $::?OOO. ThIS ,\a~ al"o a Hepple\"vhlte pIece, :oat1l1wood
Il1la](l II Ith l11dhot:;an, anel other II ooch, a mllttar) deSIgn 111
the tne7e. It h con"ldered the most Important pIece of
Hepp1ell hlte ever brought to thIS countr), anel IS suppo"ed
to 111., e been made fOl some nobleman, ",ecretal y of :otate
01 of liar
\1r:o H. L Eno palel $=);0 for a ChIppendale chma
c2b 11(.t from the co11ectll n of Lord Henry Thynne c\ She,a
ton e,-cntOlre bookca'oc of 111lald mahogan), '" Ith stlalght
Ie,," ,IN1 '-)Jade feet ,lent to \lr" \\. H Cr,JCker for <;=)-0.
\l1ot11er ot the"e boolcase:o wIth a dentt11ed corl11ce ovel
a tt l t\\ 01k fne/e ~0ld for $575 A ChIppendale settee wIth
a mahoc,an, ft an' e III Ch111ese deSIgn vvIth back and seat
u )hl l"tel ed III modell1 stnpec! SIlk sold tor $775.
--------._------------------------------~ II
--- "There's
~, ----------------------------------------------~ I
I I I I ~~~'~sA BARGAIN i
I 1 I I
, I
I :•II••
No. 537. 28x42 top.
Quarter Sawed Oak, Cross
Band Rim, Polished, $7.50
You can't make money faster than by buymg thIS line lIbrary
Table by the dozen, unless you make up a carload out of thIS and
other good thmgs we have to sbow you.
1015 to 1043 Palmer Ave., DETROIT MICH.
Heilman's Observing an Anniversary.
\\ IllIam~p01t. l'a,. \01.26-1\ H. Hellman & Co, one of
11 l ~ pI011l111ent bU'-ll1eS" houses In \\ tlllamspOl tare erectmg
<l ,n cn "tOI \ hUlhhn~ on Thlld ~treet, whIch ",hen completed
II III hc one ot the mo"t ham1'3ome and "ubstantlal "tI uctures m
the '-Latc 1 he dlmelhlon" ale 69 x 14=) and only steel, stone,
cemlnt and bllck are belllg used \\ hen fil11shed the bUlldll1g
\\ h ch I" to be u"ed a" a retaIl furl11ture, carpet and drapery
eQablI"hment It "tands on one of the most de"lrab1e locatIOns
dbta111able 111 \ \ IllIam "pOI t b) I eason of Its proxImIty to
\lal kct '-.qnare, all "treet car lInes dnd the theatres The
fil m formerly handled only fml11ture In theIr retaIl b1hlness
hut nov, add carpet" and elrapenes. The bUlld1l1g IS expected
to he read) for occupatIOn Feb. l;, 1910 The work of el ecttOn
cc'ml11enced \pll1 last whIch elate marked the fortteth an-
J1l,el",al) at the establt"hment of the bU"11less The name
,e a" first \ II Hedman who e:otablt"hed the busmess al1d
t\\ 0 '. ears later John K Hetlman hIS brother became a part-ner
the name be111g dunged to A. H Hellman & Co. StIll
L1ter 1 '\e\\ ton Hedman, son of A. Hand J Henry HeIl-man,
"0Il of ] K Hellman, entered the firm, the four men-tioned
· "tIll COl11prtsng the personnel of thIS well 1..no\>\11
hOll "e.
Columbia University's Special Classes.
The :::,chool of HOllseho1d "\rh of Teacher" College, Co
lumhla l.111\ er"lty, IS offenng many speClal cla,ses m Its
new stuclto and laboratory bmld111g, Just completed at a cost
of ~=)OO 000 Among them are classes 111weav111g on a hand
100m c!e"lt:;n and ItS appltcatlon to texttles, advanced em-brOIder)
and a course 111 decoratl11g and fur11l'ihl11g the entIre
home. the ploblem of artIstIc and economIC furm"hing and
the co~ts of matenals and labor
People \\ ho 11\e 111 gla"s houses shouldn't thlovv mud,
WEEKLY ARTISAN --------------- ".". "1
..... _---_ ...... --------------~._-~-.-------- ----- - .. ----
The Beautiful, New
Udell Catalog
is ready for all Retail Furniture Dealers. It
wlll help sell the lme that of Its kmd has no
superior. It contams 88 pages Illustratmg
41 Library Bookcases, 88 Ladies' Desks,
48 Sheet Music Cabinets, 23 Plano
Player Roll Cabinets, 14 Cylinder Record
Cabinets, 11 D,sc Record Cabinets, 19
MedIcine Cabinets, 10 Commodes, 9
Folding Tables.
'-... -------_.------- No. 679
Cars Enough For All Demands.
The latest report of the car effiCIency committee of the
Amencan Rall" ay A'hoclatlOn. sho'h" a furthel deCl ea"e of
'i 720, 01 about 18 per cent In the total number of Icle car~ 111
the country. For the first tllne Since these reports were h
sued an InCl ease I" shown In both shortage;" and :'>urplllses.
1he former h chiefly 111 bOA cars III the 1\ orthwest and It1
PaCIfic state" The figures Il1chcate that the bU"lnes., of the
COUlltry IS Oil the whole, well cared for. It cloes not seem at
all certal11 that even the coal car shortage WIll he malntal11ed
much longer, e.,peclally a;" lake navlgatlOll wlll close In a
fe,,, "eek" The report Inchcates that the demand for car"
ha~ reached Its heIght ancl that flOm nO\" on radroacls '" 111
find It easIer to supply "uffiClent cars.
In the northwest there 1'0 a lar~e surplus of Idle Cal."
totalling 16,160, about 44 per cent of the ~urplus of the
entn e count! y. Along the hnes operat111g 111 the mIddle
Atlanbc states, extendll1g down Into the gulf states, there
was a gradual abatement of freIght offenngb. SImIlar con-dlbon;
prevaIled 111 the far west and PaCIfic coast state"
Thel e are no heavy 111creases In Idle cars 111 any aile sectlOn,
the Increase being chstnbuted 0\ el most of the country Ca
nadlan roads also reported a substantial Il1crea.,e III avadable
Agall1st these general Il1creases, traffic Imp,oved 111the
Ne" England states ancl the mlCldle west. ~ small 1I1crease
wa" reported 111the southwest, The total ...horta~e of car'o
IS 39,902, as compared WIth 36,036 two weeks ago, mostly III
coal cars In the East and Southea"t
No 354 -----------------
The President and Gompers.
John Knby. Jr, In the Kovember Amellcan Industnes-
I am not dlspo"ecl to take chances 111 I11curnng the charge of
belllg t.; t1Ilty of le"e maJ este Yet 1 may be pardoned III this
Ccltmtl'" whel e "free "peech" IS under unlllllited hcense, to
wonder, for llbtance, how the PreSident and Mr Samuel
Gompers are gOIng to adjust theIr differences 111 construct111g
an IIlJunctlOn law that wJ11 'hork no haldo;hlp upon any man
or class 'hlth a Just gne,ance, how the PreSIdent expects to
reconule 111Sexuberant and generous endorsement of trades
UI1lOl1lsm WIth hIS dra~t1c and merCIless denunClatlOn (111 the
"allle "peech) of U11l01lltol11'Sbal barous method;", and how the
\atlOnal CIV1C FederatIOn, and the Amencan FederatlOn of
Labor WIll finally explam theIr sevel al attitudes on the sub-
Ject of economIcs III such a way as to satIsfy the cunous 111-
qUlne" of the two elements 111 our tloclety who have no real
sympathIes III common-namely, the ahen Soclahsts and the
patnotlc multitudes that stdl adhere changelessly to the Ideas
of the father:'> of the great Republic'
\\ hen these confessedly IrreconcJ1able c!Jfferences are
settled, the employ el s of thIS countr) WIll know what to do 1n
the proc!JglOus task of deahng WIth t1 ea~onable dIscontent,
and what to expect from the makers and adml1l1strators of the
Pel haps the good dw young but yon can't make the old people
belJeve It
. - .--l
.-.....-.. -----_.-_ -••-••.----_.a~-_.-_-_ ---_._------._--_. -.,_. .. --------_. - .,. - .. .,. ....-.'"
BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other.
SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work.
Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture
and Chair Factories. Sash and Door MIlls, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by using it. Also
Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams.
H. H. BARTON & SON CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. ---- .- .-- .-- -_._._._._~_._-------~-~-----------'-" ---'
-~~----_.,.-._.-. _._.--_._._._.-------_._---_. _.-- -'" ....---~------~---.-._----- -~..-.---_-.- .'"
C~~~!o~~r~Iv~n~~T ! I
p~r II
p~r I
I A High Grade Cafe. I
Restaurant and Buffet In connechon :II ...
AmerIcan Plan, $2 50
Day and upwards
European Plan, $1 00
Day and upwards
Hot and Cold Runrung Water
In all Rooms
Rooms wlth Bath ~xtra
Detroit News and Obsm·vatiolls.
Detr01t, 1\IIch, 1\Ov 26-The bU1lcllng pln11ltq fOI the
week end1l1g X ovember 20, call for an e,penchtl1re ot 0\ el
one-half l111l11ondollars ThI<; 1" ~l\ en ae, l11C11catlOnof ho\\
fast Detr01t 1<;grovv1l1g It means great th1l1g" fOl the manu
facturers and dealeI" m furl1l ture
Owen's bIg eIght story bmldln~ on Gratiot a, enue I'" un-der
Ioof, and they wIll be mOy111g m edrh n(,t 'leal
The Grand Cpholstenng Com pam one ot the lead1l1l:;
furnIture houses on GratIot a, enue, 1::' al"o mak1l1g ma tellal
Improvements m the way of a new front and enlal g111~ the
st01 e.
George J Remdel & Bros, e,pect to mO\ e from the11
'vVoodwarcl ayenUe stOI e to their Gnsllold stl eet <;t01e 111
The Posse11l1s Brother" FurnIture ::-ranL1tactllllnSi lam
pany are pI epanng the largest and finest hne of d1111ng table<;
they haye ever shoY'.n. The hne \\ 1111l1c1l1de man) e,am plee,
of ElIzabethan, Flanders, Jacobean, fl1dor and colonwl desJ~n..,
and all the most popular finIqheq The l111e 1\ dl be "hO\I n
on the second floor of the \Ianufactlll ers Lxhlhltlon blllld1112,
1319 MIchIgan avenue, ChIcago. ThIS VI 111 1,e one ot the
most prOlTI111ent exhIbIts In ChIcago and WIll undoubtedh be
a W1l1ner, as all their pre,lOus exhIbIts hay e been .
The I-Iumphrey- \\ Idman Bookcase company VI 111 soap
Issue a fine catalogue of sectIonal bookcases ThI" company
IS movl11g to the large factory of J C \\ Idman at 14th and
KIrby. \
The Palmel Manufactunng company ale Iapldh Iecov-enng
from the fire, and are W01kl11g nearly as man, hands as
before, They are bmld111g a larg e bnck adclltlOn and VI hen
Need not be moved from
the wall
Protects covering by turn-
Ing cushions
Is so Simple and easy a
child can operate It.
Has roomy wardrobe box
under seat
Comprises three articles
for the price of one.
Is htted with felted cotton
Has LuxuriOus Turkish
Is always ready With bed·
ding In proper place.
Is absolutely safe-cannot
close aCCidentally.
Saves rent by savlRg space.
all IS completed they WIll have fully 250,000 feet of floor space.
The, V\ 111also matenally strengthen theIr lIne and bnng out
a lal2,"e number of new patterns of lIbrary and parlor tables
and peele"tals
] C \\ Idman & Co WIll bnng out almost an entIre new
lIne of d11111121,"00m and hall furnIture Man) of theIr old
patterns VIIII be dIscarded, and all the latest In Flanders,
1UdOI J alobean and Elrnbethan styles WIll be 111c1uded, The
l111e VI 111be shO\\ n on the thIrd floor of the Fur11ltUI e Ex-change,
lxI and RapIds and at 1319 MIchIgan avenue, ChIcago.
The ;"hll ph) ChaIr company have made large addltrons
and many nnprovements to theIr great plant and busmess 1S
The ] enl~s & MUIr Company have added a large bnck
addItIon to then factory.
Would Wait for the Bill.
\\ IllIam \\ Iddlcomb, preSIdent of the \Vlddlcomb Furh-
Itme Company and the bUSIest man of hIS age m the furnI-tm
e manutactunng busmess, po"sesses a nch fund of humor
1\ Ith VI hlch to lubncate the cares of the day. Recently he
ordel eel a lot of Shlpp1l1g books of hIs b1l1der and the boob
not hay mg been delIvered when needed, called up the mana-ger
of the h111dery. "You have not delIvered our shipping
books," J\Ir \\'Idchcomb remarked
"Oh, yes we have, v,e know they were dehvered because
VI e marled the bIll for the same to you this mOlnmg," the mana-g
er replIed.
"But Y'.e
them at once
have not receIved the books Try to delrver
\Ve can walt a day or two for the bIll "
Obituary of Arthur F. Switz.
The death of Arthur 1. SWltL, which wa..., announced by
the \\ eekly Arthan of la"t Saturday, a~ OCCl1l nng on Sattn
day, ~ovember 13, \\ a" due to pent0l11t1'-, cau",ed by an ab
sces..., He pa"sed away at 111s home 111 ::\1Jll Yalley, Cal,
after an acute 111ne",,,of about t",o weeks, The lemams were
cremated and funeral "erVlce~ \\i ere held on Tue ~day, X ov-ember
16 He was 3<)years old,
Although apparently a strong, healthy, rugged man, he
had been alhng for "everal months Fmally pentOl11tls set
In and an operatlOn wa, performed but the doct01;" found the
trouble more "enous than eApected and he d1ed the ",ame day
:\Ir. SW1tz leave" a \\ 1fe who had accompal11ed hun 111h'l'"
V1S1tS to Grand Rap1d" and w111 ha\ e the Sympathy of the
many fl1enc1~ she has made dunng hel "lSltS He was a man
of much pr01111se and ahllJty H1S customel sand employe1 s
all held 111m ln the hl~he"t esteem and he ",111 be greatly
m1"sed by the furl11ture trade as well <1'>the many fJ lends he
made outs1de of h1s l111eof bus111ess.
1I1r. SVI1tz',> first expenence 111 ...,e1l111gfurl11ture on the
road ",as w1th the late George L. \\ 1thers :\t .!\Ir. \Y1ther',;
death he became representatl\ e of h1'; hne~ and thereafter
held a leadll1g place among the hlll11ture men travehng on
the PaClfic Coast At the t1111eof 111" death he was repre
"entai1\ e fOJ the follow1l1g l1l1e~ Shgh FU1111ture Company,
Rockford NatJOnal, Rockford Frame and Fl' ...ture, N atJOnal
Furmture Company of l'I10unt Airy, N". C, Otsego Cha1r Com-pany
and the 13 L. :Mal hIe Company.
At former t!mes he VI<1",the representatJve of other leac1-
1l1g hou'>e" 111the counti y, "uch as the Jamestown Lounge
Company, the 1\Jaddox Table Company, the "\ e1son J\Iattel
I'urmture Company and the Grand Rap1d~ Fancy I'urmture
Death of Mrs. McGunhHe.
InformatlOn leached Grand Rap1ds on November 23 of
the death of :\lrs Charle" I. :\lc(JunH,;-le at Pawtucket, R I
Decea'>ecl formerly res1ded 111Grand Raplds and became the
bnde of J\Ir :\1cGunl11g1e on July 30, of the current year
:\lany fnencb "ympath1Le With 1\1r :\IcGun1g1e and the fam-lly
of the deceased ]\1.r 1\1cGum~le 1" one of the 1epre
,>entatl\ e'> of the 1-mp1re FU111lture Company of J ame",towl1,
It 1S human nature to nnag111e we would be satisfied w1th
the thll1gs we know we can't get.
irfft~ou INTERESTING PRICES g~'i~~vllt~g
--- --_ .. --_ -.,! t--.- .. -
CWartiatleogfuoer. Ir E• P• ROWE CARVING WORKS, ALMLEICGHA.N. ,,- - - - ----_.--_._---------, ............
--------- The Undertaker"s Daughter.
She "Ih 111 coffin furJ1lshed :otore
\nd file:o the orders gn en for coaches,
Pub on a sad, funereal "mIle
\\ hene'er a C11'-,tomer approaches
fo ~ll1lle In such a mournful way
-II" urcum"tance, of course, that taught her,
\nd ) et "he hold" m) heart Il1 thrall-
1he undertaker '3 dau~hter
HoV\ oft oUblde the wll1dow pane,
\\ here neatly hang~ the placard "Pinkll1g,"
I gdLe upon her mal ble face
\nd mal \ el If of me :ohe''3 thll1kmg
\\ hIle, oh, my heart Il1 hot suspen:oe
Seem" ever) day In bOlhng water;
I 10\ e her and I know not \\ hy-
The undertaker'.., daughter
\11 lnght I am dIsturbed by dreams
Ot corp~es, coffins, Clepes and hearses,
\11 day the thought of her sad face
Bnngs forth an endless "tnng of verses
To plea"e thl" faIr gIrl of my heart
I \\auld not falter at manslaughter,
So that hel hear"es may be fi11ed-
The undertaker\ daughter
If a, her hu:oband kll1d and tl ue
~he'd ral"e me from my present statIOn,
I 111 "t1l e I d find hel father'" trade
\ mO"'l dehghtful a\ ocatlOn
I d (111\ e the hear:oe put "..,tIff:-," on Ice,
\nd note the plea"ure tl1dt It brought hel,
If-a" I sald-:ohe'd be m) bnde-
1he undertaker'" clau~hter
\nd \ et I dare not tell m} 10\ e,
l-:l el ..,ton} glance 111lg-htpetnfy me,
.\nd then "ome Egyptologl"t
\\ ould for a modern mummy buy me
:\1y 10\ e was born n1ld thll1gs of death,
I 10\ ed, perhap", more than I "oughter,"
Enough. I mu"t gIVe up the ghost-
1he undertaker's daughtel
~ . ----.,
..- ..
This is one of our
popular Hotel chairs.
Our chairs are found
in all the leading
Hotels in the country,
The line includes a
very complete assort-ment
of chaIrs, rock-ers
and settees of all
grades; Dming Room
fllll11ture, Reed and
Rat tan furniture,
Special Order furni-ture,
A complete line of sam·
pIes are displayed in The
Ford ff Johnson BUlldtnl!.
1433-37 Wahash Ave., in·
dudlnl! a special display of
Hotel Furniture.
All fUi mhil e deale1s are COIdzall) l1lvlted
I to visit our buildmg.
I,......_ .._-- -... ..------------_. ----~
The Wagner I .i..ne.
Herk1l11el, \ y, \0\ 2-t--lhe \\ dgnel louch lompam
WIll ..,how the1l lIne of upho!<-'terecl turllltUle thh ]dnud1 \ a"
u"ual 111 l\(ew York 111 Parlor \, Grant] l mOll Hotel Sec1 e-tal
y- Trea..,urel, [' \ lagan, ~ta tee., the) are \\ orkmg thuJ
lIne mto hlghel grade of '3ohcl mahogan) pallO! ll1ecc, odd
pIeces and reproductIOn and III Tal1l1an then l111e \\ 111m
elude a new clepal tment of [landel" furl1ltUl e 1 he \ \ agllli
hne embrace" three hundred dIfferent "t} Ie.., :\1r f agan re-ports
the volume of DUSl11eSSfor 1909 excellent, fulh up to
a n01 mal } eal Lately he states there has been an extra-ordmary
ll1crea"e In the \ 01ul11e of busmess
TIme may be money, but It IS easIer to make up lo~t tnne than
lost money
. ...--_._.__._-----------1I
...-~---~------_..-.-_-----~------. ..
These Specialties are used all
Over the World
Hand Feed Glueinc Machine (Patent
Veneer Preaaeo, d.fferent kmdo and aizea (Paleated) pendIDR,) Many atylea and aizea.
Veneer Presses
Glue Spreaders
Glue Heaters
Trucks, Etc'l Etc.
and Supplies
Power Feed Glue Spreadmc Machine, Smcle,
Double and Combination. (Palented)
(Sizea 12 in. to 84 m w.de.)
YOUR WANTS L GHAS. Er FRANCIS COMPANY, Main Office and Works, Rushville, Ind. --~No-20-G-lue-Hea~ter. --_ ..N.o..6_G_lue Heater. ... •.._._._._-_._._. --~. "" ... ---_.-._-------_ .._.
The season
for banquets
i. here.
Get a.tock
of our
Table Tops
so as to be
ready to
supply the
r--------······-----··.·-------.·.---·--------.-·-·-.------------ ... -_ ...
-•.•.-••~--_.a-M--.a-_a-_._---_ --...,
Our Large New Line of
are the best on the American market
when prices and qualIty are considered.
City Salesroom, 4th floor. Blodgett Bldg. II
.- ..... __ .- ..--_ .... -------------~
Alde1'manMiller of Evansville.
Ell D MIller, of Ell D MIller & Company manufacturer~
and dealers m fur11lture In EvansvIlle, Ind. \\ a" elected as an
alderman at the recent electlOn for mU11lcipai officer", held m
that CIty Mr MIller I" a capable, self made bU"lness man and
wIll prove a valuable member of the councIl He entered a furn-
Iture ,;tore In hI:' nlllth year, learned all branche':> of the trade,
qualIfied hlm,elf for bU';llle':>", management and then took up
manufactunng, III whIch he has been very succes:oful The
retaIl store of the firm tran~ach a large bU';111e:,,:>annually
:\1r MIller IS an agreeable, active young man, whose career
m busllles:" although well begun 1:, de~t111ed to be much
greater Men of hI'; callber are needed 111 municIpal aftalfs
and Evan",vllle wIll benefit by Ius mtelllgence, good Judgement
and attentlOn to duty
Memphis Company's New Catalogue.
The :\Iemplus Fur11lture Company have JU'it begun mal1-
l11g theIr new catalogue, WhICh b one of the large"t catalogue':>
that wa:, ever Issuecl111 the fur111ture trade. It consl"t::> of mOle
than 300 large pages and l11c1udes III addItion to the com pan} 's
own l111eof chamber furmture, lounges and davenport beel::>and
"everal other l111e':>that the company handles 111a ]obb111g way
These goods are loaded WIth the lmes whIch the company
makes, so that It permIts them to ..,hlp mIxed cal loads afford-mg
a wiele selectIOn 011 comparatively '3hort notIce The
MemphIs Company'.., hne IS deSigned e,;peclally for the want'3
of the southern and southwestern terntory 111 whIch field It IS
unsurpa"sed A copy of the catalogue WIll be maIled to any
dealer who IS lllterested
Utica Factory Doing Well.
Utica, 1\ Y,;\i ov 24-The LOl tz-Teuscher Company are
pldnn1l1g to buIld an ae!e!ltlOn to theIr plant about 25 x 35 ft In
~l/e, to be u':>eclfor storage purposes. ::-,ecretaI} -Trea':>urer, G
F Teuscher state" hI'3 company 1'3 havl11g a gooe! volume of
bus1l1ess, espeCIally ..,0 WIth I e"pect to the ':>upplyl11g of \ ar-lOUS
l11stItutIOns WIth theIr l111e of metallIc bedsteads, hIgh
SIde cnbs, metal-woven WIre sprmg'3 and cob Recently they
filled d contract for the LTmtee! State" gOy ernment by ':>upply-l11g
500 bed" and ,;pnngs for the SoldIers Home at Da} ton, ()
The more conceIt a woman has the Ie"" room "he h,tS f01
There IS alway" room at the top of the barrel for the big
,..... iII
No. 57
Flat Arm
latest and best method of
double seating.
Catalogues to the Trade.
L - . ..................
------ ..- ------
No 100.
t 1; ..... ". .. ,..,..... .a
I have on hand for Immediate shipment the following brand
new machines which I wIll sell at reduced pnces
4-Two-spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore
from 1;,(to 18 inch centers.
3-Two.spindle Radial Boring Machines to bore
from 1to 12inch centers.
2-Eighteen inch Cabinet Makers' lathes.
I -Sixteen inch Cabinet' Makers' lathe.
---4DDRESS-- -
New Furniture Dealers.
A. \V '\Iurra} & Co are ne\\ fur11lture dealer" at rlo! c"
vIlle, Tex
Edward Buff has opened a new furnltult- "tore elt Bmk
man, l\Imn
\'\. \\ & J \\ Hendel :oon ha, e opened a \le\\ tmlll tu I(
"tore In \\ hee11ng, \\ \ a.
Harry Slhwart7 has opened a tur11ltme "tOle elt ] lL~h
land" near Red Dank :7\ J
The Holloway- \\ n~ht Com pan} ha\ e opener! their ne\\
fml1lture "tore 111 ~ ev" Ca "tIe, Pa
R \\ l!ham Hal11p:oon 1:0erect1l1g a bmld1l1g m \\ hllh he
wIll open a new fur11lture "tore In \\ aterhun Conn
F \\T. and),I E. Hray ha\ e opened a ne\\ tm mtul e ,mcl
hardv"are store at Jesup, \10. undel the name ut the 1\1,1\
Hardware Company
Luke McDonald of the ),IcDonald 1 urmture Lompan}
Rome, Ga, Is rel11ode11l1g a bl1lld1l1g m \\ 11ldl he \\ 111open
a large stock of furniture at Lmdale Ga
\V1lham P. Satterfield, J ~ Ca"gell ,md \1 FH1" hel\ e
orgal1lzed the El11s company to deal 111 tml1lture ell III
LIttle Rock, Alk Capital :otock, $15 000
The retal! fur11lture bus1l1e'i'i estabhshed fift} } ea1" ago
at Easton, Pa, by Da\ 1d (Tans and lecentl} clo"ed out b}
hIS succe"sOl, has been reI 1ved b) the l11lted ] unlltllre Lom
The Cobb Con5tructlOn Lompan} has been Illcc,rporated
by George \\ Cobb, Jr, C \. Flynn, and JO'ieph \Ialone to
deal 111 carpets, fur11lture, etc, In :7\ ev, \ ork Clt, Lapltell
stock, $100,000
.:\1rs A S Averett, ;\lr". J. r Bn ant and H 1 Rel11
lngton, ha\ e mcorporated the '\\ e1ett lurnl1m e LOl11pa1l\
to estabh"h a retaIl fur11ltme stOle at Qmtl11an (,,1 Lapl-tal
:otock, $5,000
The Hal n'ion Supply Com pan} mcorporated b\ \\ Ile\
SmIth, J r-i. Lamer and other" \\ III deal In fur11ltl1l e elnd
general merchand1"e at Harn"on \\ a"hmgton Counh (,,1
CapItal stock, $3,000
D \\ }\I1tchell, J E )'Iart1n and '\ ,[ Ha"tmg" hel\ C
mcorporated the Ha-.tmg" & :0.1Jtchell Com pan) to e"tabll"h
a retaIl furmture store 111 Charlotte, \. L ),11l11l11U11c1ap1tell
(sub'icnbed and paid 111) $4,000, 111a" 1111 n 111$10000
New Factories.
Chatle" Pa~" 1~ manager of a ne\\ furmture tactOl) at
Antwerp, :;\ Y
C. C Benc,llct ot \lma Center 1" to e"tabh"h a ne\\ IJed
spnng factor} at I aLrO'i'ie, \\ IS
The RItter FoldIng Door Company 1" to e"tabll"h a ne\\
factory on the Carthage pIke, near COv111gton, Ky
r""O FFMAN--~i.~iyE:£-I:~~~
~I______________ ._.. ••• • • .4I
II J Ha \\ k111:oand Ira Brandon ha\ e e:otahhshed a mir-ror
facton 111 the re"J(lencc of S J Ray, Johnstown, Pa
1 he nc\\ lhal1 factor) of Blown & i\IcColle), at \ \ In
dle"tu ,Ia"" ha" "tarted opel atlOns WIth a force of 50 men.
L D ~hl e\ e pI c"lclent uf the ~hrcve ChaIr Company of
Lon \ \\ 111c"tablI'ih a lanse table factor} at (;nlOn Clt}, Pa
(,e01£;e (, De\[o"s C \\. DIekman and R D G111nhave
1l1lO1pOlelted thc 10U1I"t Bed Company to estabhsh and ope-l
ate ,l tactO!, 111 Portland, Ore CapItal stock, all subscnbed,
SIO 000.
Furniture Fires.
D EntL funlltme dealer at l\IcPherson, Kan" , v"a'i
lHlll1ed out \ 0\ ember IG Lo,," $2,000, 1l1:ourance $l,fiOO
1hl 111m" furmtu1 e "tore at ::\IlPher'ion, Kans., wa:o
totalh de" t1 ()\ ed In hi e on \'0\ ember 17. A portion of the
"tock \\ a" "a\ eel b} qmlk 1e1110\al Lo'3S $7,000, 111surance
On \0\ l111ber 18 fire destroyed the DaVIS & Sargent
Lumber Lompam " nl1ll 111Lowell, J\Ia'3" l\larshall & Cros-b,
calJ1l1et 111elkel" occnp1ed a pal t of the bll1ld1l1g The total
10"" 1" about :;;100,000, 1110St of It fall111g on the lumber com-pan)
The Value of 8 Pull.
Depend" npon the u"e to whIch It may be apphed A
polItical pn1] 1'3 \\ orthles" unle:o" It IS a strong one i\ mod
elate pullIn hn'i1l1e,,'i sometIme" "enes a purpo"c, bnt 111 furn-
1tn1l It 111U"tahva}:o be ngld, un} 1eldllJg Such a pull IS the
'\ o~ Kum~ Loo:oe manufactured b) the Grand Ra p1cls lh:l ,,,:;
Lompam E, er) dealer can have thl-. pull. He need" hut
a "k the manllfacturu" f1om \vham he purchase" goods to furn
1'ih 1t.
What to Buy and Where.
TIn \\ \I TER CL \RK VE;..;'EJ=R COIIPANY, Grand
RapIds, has 300,000 feet each of bIrch and poplar cr05S-bandmg,
ready for prompt delIvery.
r-------- . --... _- . _.a •• -------------. • •••••••• s. a __ as • •• _ •• ~ I The NEWEST and MOST CORRECT S"ADES
Furniture manufacturers who seek
the correct shades in these increas-ingly
popular finishes will find our
stains will meet every requirement as
to color and working qualities. If
you are interested III any of the
above write us for sample panels. MARIETTA, OHIO .
FUMED OAK- -Our Fumed Oak Acid
Stain is largely used by manufacturers who
recognIze in It a practical piece of goods pro due
ing not only a correct but a uniform color wlth-out
the use of a fummg chamber. This stain
has proven a success wherever tried and even
manufacturers who have a fuming chamber have
found that by using this stam over the fumed
product they can tone up the work and make the
color umform. Wnte for sample panel.
STRATFORD OAK --ThIs is one of the
new stains now commg into favor and will
probably be much seen on Arts and Crafts furn
iture the coming year. It is a very deep brown
color with a purple undertone Write for
sample panel.
FLANDERS DESIGN---The Flanders is
a new deslgn in furmture finished in a deep nut
brown shade of color, in soft, velvety, dull
effect. We make thIS stain m the correct color.
Wnte for sample panel.
EARLY ENGLISH The Marietta Early
Enghsh is conceded by the best authoritles to be
correct in color and the finest workmg stain on
the market. Write for sample panel.
.------_._-------_.----- -- --------_._----- _. -- --- ------ -- -- ----_._--_._-------------~
When the Bride Buys Furniture_
FashIOn" ln furl1ltme chan~e dlmost as freCjuu,tl) as
fashlOns In (lJ e"" and man v bndes find consllle' able rll "fi-cnlh
111 selectIng pIece" th~t al e ltkely to rema111 111 "tyle
e\ en for a fev, ,eal s Such bnyer" ma) do II ell to 1el1le111l~e
h\ a law" 111 fUlnJture bu}tng. Seller" of fmmb,re -,iate t:Jclt
the} sell about 25 pIeces 111the soft. dull fi111"h i) aile ()[ the
hl~hly, finely poh"hed 1'hl" l~ one of the reac,nr -, 'vh ~ the
former k111d "hould be selected. 1he day of the orrwie C~f\ ed
furnrture has pa""ed, and the ma"slve effect~. C0101lld Cl'rves
dnd I11h"IOn angles are 1110re preferable these cIa) c
The furmtm e £01 the Inl11g room IS the first t11rug to be
selected and nothmg better "mts thlS room than l1lClUli'l d oaL
Oak h ah\ a}s the hest for the Ilv111g room as It wIll not .,how-the
"car~ and knocks as much as other mOl e expenslV e plec.:s
] lan<1el'o furlllture, a ne\\ kmd, IS very accc plahle amI -,t) 1Is11
It grve" the effect of Dutch "turdl11ee.,s IIlth Jt" 1011 tone" and
bold motIf
The "ame k111cl of lIood and style h 'UILt1)le 101 jl1e
c!Jl1lne, room, the next place to he con'--,c1u(',' Calle 101not
had for the seats and back:::, of the chaIrs tOt th(' <.Imino' 100m ;-,
~Iahogany JS of cour"e the most desJrahle but lt h ,el V ex
pensIve The latter shoulc1 always he seke Led In the Llul1
wood One of the latest woods IS an l1'1ltat](,11 at tlw CUCd.,
sIan walnut. ThIs has Ju:::,t appeared < 11([ h Cnl1eel c,at1J1 or
gum lIalnut It 1~ expen"l,e anc1110 10 J);" \\ III he plt'ch u-ed
when the !Je,hter ~rade:::, are deslred
London "ets the style" 111furmture In the "aPle ',a\ Pans
decrees what dlesses shall be worn bv thL' 'vIOll'en, d1"<1deal-ers
ln that CIty have taken up the lde 1 of re\ 1\ 1l1g the n;C/
\\ 11!Jam and :\Iar} style" Thus far the plan has been some-what
of a faIlure on account of the dhta"p mJl'y pel "on" have
for those style". The Adam furmture h anoi!l(l le,lval fw'n
••••• ..&
an old style and much of thIS kl11d IS bemg used. The shleld
dlst111gm"he., the Adam fnr11lture 111the same wa} that the
] apanese and nllrror effects dJstl11gUlSh ChJpp('11CIclle vanety.
The dIrect outcome of the \c1am re, h"l b tIle cane fUl111i1l1L
now much m 11'oe Tllls framewOl k IS Jf the LottI" X IV st) Ie
and IS sometImes m walnut or :::,0111e'anety of pretty wood
enameled 111II ll1te or gray The bouch . 'let" are SOlDct!mee.,
II' 111 d<>1Jcate pll1k" and blues and they gn e a very pre~~
In the fur11lshlng of the bedroom t,le I Ide"t scope 1'0
gIven to the lI1dlvldual taste, and the (-1nc furntme of It"
Adam vanety IS one of the pretty efJ>, "" fOI thr, loom The
craze or fad for the pa1l1ted furnIture gIves opportuDlty for
the decoratIve Idea, yet some prefe' thc old style, sImple
cottage fUl111ture to the paInted pJecec, If the P2.ll1tccj f1l1111-
ture h de.,lred the flowers 111a 'v\ll1te ground have the pre-ference
and the Japanese deSIgns ale clbJ \ elY gOild Some
set" have the Delft blue declratlOns, some have p111k awl stJ1l
other" have butterfiJes pamted 111 Pll1\ <"110no' d c1ustel at whIte blossoms '"
One of the th1l1~s that the bnde ,,!loulcl fir"t h11v h a
cedar che"t, d" these are alII ays trea'oun' 1 as <1reet pta~le fo-the
trousseau The bedroom lS hardly ('o,nplek \\ ,thout thh
chest. They may be procm ed 111almo," any kmd at wood,
lIned wrth cedar A very attrclctlve one 1'0 m,Hle of souihel n
reel cedar WIth heavy brass naJls anrl hmg('", and Ii J" a
splendId place to keep fine 1111ens. 1elephone table" al e one of
the noveltle" of the season and are "hOl\ ,1 m all {('lid" at
woods The stool" "lIde on grooves beneclth the tables when
they are not 111use
A WIdower always makes the best husband
IIhat to expect
He knows
Means Better Work
Equip your shop or factory with G. R. Handscrew products;
you'll note a vast difference in the quality and quantity of work
turned out.
All of our factory trucks, benches, clamps, VIses, etc. are the
best that money and skilled labor can produce. We use nothing
but the very best Michigan hard Maple in the construction of all our products. It is not
possible to turn out better goods than we now manufacture; years of manufacturing has
taught us that it pays to use nothing but the very best material possible in the manufactur-ing
of our product.
Good Equipment
918 Jefferson Avenue Grand Rapids, Michigan
Suggestions As To Table. Chairs. Sideboard.
Carpet and Wall Coverings.
The pracllce uf usmg the dmI1H;-IOOm d'" a ~el1el al 11\ m~
room "hould not he encouraged, but I greatly fear It \\ III be
long before all 111)1eader" WIll be persuaded to agree wIth me
The cl1l1mg-room ;:,hould be u ..,ed "olely for the "en ll1g and
eatmg of meal". and the constructIOn of the furnIture l'i hUllt
to that end, therefore let u" bear 111 1111l1dthat \\ e 111U"tselect
our clecOlatlon" dlHl cho"e uur fur11lture \\Ith thl.., end m
\ Ie",
111"t, then, a" to fur11lture \\ e shall need a rather
large table, \i\hlch 1', pertecth "tead} and \\ e mlbt cleten11lne
Its length and WIdth aClonlll1g to thl ..,Ize of the r00m and
allow plenty of "pace fur the "en ant" to move ea"Il) behmd
the ChaIr., v\hen people are seated at meals An oval or
Iound table IS a good one to .,elect, "mce these moclel" take
less space, and also .,eat an extra peron or t\\ 0 v\ Ith more
comfort, whIle they are rather more novel than the urthoeloA
squale or oblong table" \i\hlch have had It all theIr own \\ay
until Iecently
.\nother growmg fashIOn I" to have the table" far more
ornamental than heretofore, and many people entirely do
away \\ Ith the tablecluth except at meal times. and keep a
high poh"h on the top of the table. \\ hICh bnng" out the
beauty of the gram and the can 1l1g 011 the edge
If the 'iurface ha'i a \ ery fine poll'ih It l:o wIse to have a
felt cover made for the top, and thI" "hould be laid under the
dama;:,k cluth at meal tIme" to prey ent the hot plate'i and
dl"he'i 1l1arkmg the wuod
Perhap" the favollte \i\oocl just now for dmmg-room
fur11ltUl e IS lIght uak, but black oak, mahogany and walnut
"till appeal to man) people, and I hear rumors that rosewood
I'i "hortl) to return to favor
In the mattel of chaIr" one has an enormous vanety to
dlOOo.e fJ om the mo;:,t popular are perhaps those With hIgh
balk", m "ome quaInt artl"tlc shape, whIle many excellent
model.., ma\ be had which are exact leproductlOns of the be"t
example" of ChIppendale, Sheraton and Hepplewhlte, when
m doubt It h alV\a) s Whe to select one of these later vanetles
I \vould al"o "peclally urge the young housekeeper not
to purchase the "o-called sUite of chairs, V\hlch cu"tom has
almost made lh behe\e I" the llght thing to do Have your
chair" to match, of lourse, but 'ielect four arm-chall s and two
more of the OJ dmary kll1d
I 1l11a~lne most young WIve" V\III rarely soar beyond a
partl-carree when they mVlte their fnend" to dmner, and the
re;:,tful comfort of the arm-chaIr m the dmll1g-room cannot
be gam "aid
~l"o, pro\ Ide two or three footstools, and place them
under the table where they can eaSily be acqUIred by those
'" ho need them
The SIdeboard h of course, the most conspicuous Item,
and the most eApenslve one, and when selectmg thIS be very
caleful not to be led away by a showy extenor who"e over
elaboratIOn may make you overlook Its stnct utlhty It IS,
of cour"e, alh Isable to have a few shelves above the board
proper, where one'" collectIOn of plate, pewter, or chma may
be effectl\ ely dI"played, but It IS hkewbe essential that there
he dra" er" and cupboarcl" In the lower portIOn where table
lll1en, \\ me bottles, etc, can be put away
The dresser Sideboard has latterly been much affected
by young people who have but a modest amount whereWIth
to fl1r111"h,and a very deSirable posse"slon It IS, but whatever
form the sideboard take'i, It "hould, of course, accord m char-acter
with the other furniture m the room
Therefore, decide at the outset what style your dmmg
room IS to be, whether Chippendale, Sheraton, Jacobean, Old
Enghsh, or modern, and purchase accordmgly.
A couch b not at all necessary m a chmng room, but a
couple of ea:"y chair" are advisable If the after-dmner ..,moke
l'i enjoyed m thl'i apartment, sometimes a wntlng table I"
useful, and If the famJ1y be large a dmner wagon come" m a"
a u:"eful aide-de-camp to the Sideboard, while a "mall, 'itrongly
made table should alway::, be placed near the door for the
maid to place tray s, etc, upon, whether or not you mvest
abo m a butler'" tray and stand
Tho'ie young hou"ekeepers who cannot afford a Side-board
Will find a large size dmner wagon an excellent sub-stitute,
espeCIally If one be purchased \\>Ith cupboard'i m the
lower portIOn An over-mantel of 'iome de'icnptlOn IS spec-
Ially nece..,,,ary m a chl11ng room, and the picture" cho~en
'ihould be of the best pO'i'ilble quaht), and not too ..,mall 011
pamtmgs, engravmg", etchmgs, and even good photograph'i
bemg speCIally :"mted to thl'i room
In the matter of floor coverings one might Ul\ e"t m
Turkey, PerSian, Imltan, A:h111m"ter or \VI!ton carpet'i, If one''i
pur..,e be 'iuffiClently ela'itlc, the three former bemg perhap.,
the mo"t 'itlltable, m Ie..,., e:hpen'ilve Item'i there are good
examples of Roman and art carpets which have 111uch to
commend them
In general character a dlmng room 'ihould be rather
Impos111g and hancl'iome, It should also be re..,tful, both ph) s-
Ically and mentally, and therefore the wall paper and curtam~
mu:"t not be too aggTe'i'iIVe m design or color, whIle the
table chma and decOlatlOn'i "hould tone in With the general
A:o covenng" for dmmg room chairs I have a particular
a, erSlOn to plush, velv et, and 'iadclle bag fabnc If the ex
pen"e be not too great al\'vay'i stnve to po:;..,e"" a .:\Iorocco
covered :omte, although great care l'i needed to prevent It'i
bemg ..,cratched and otherwl"e dl"figured Falhng thl'i, thel e
are some capital ImitatIOn leather cloth", which wear remark-ably
well, and are to be had 111a pleasmg number at ~hade'i
I al'io very much hke the qmantly shaped chalr:o With rU'ih or
cane ..,eab, and the..,e, too, are generally me'Cpenslve
In the matter of color "chemes I prefer green or blue
for u:"e 111a d111mg room, a very "atl'ifactory method I" tv
cover the wall 'iurface With a nch cream or warm buff paper,
break111g It up mto panel.., \\>Ith "tnp'i of \'vood of the "ame
kmd a.., that which form., the furniture
Working on Their New Line.
Plack River, NY, 0:0V 24-The Black RIVer Bending
Company "Vv III ..,how their fine 1111eof Chall'i next January as
u"ual In Grand Rapids, \1Ich, but wJ1l have their e'Chlblt 111
the I, url11ture Exchange on the third floor Pre..,ldent G K
Oak.., "tate.., that a number at new paterns Will be added to the
January hne of porch and mlS..,lon furl11ture, the-,e guod'i
bel11g all With double cane ..,eat" and back-, He 'itates the)
are workmg on their new 1111enow and expect to have It
ready to ship earl)
F're"ldent H C Dexter of the Dexter Chau Company
has Just returned from a week's VISit m 13o"ton
Shelley & Ahl's Exhibit.
Blllghamton, ~ Y, Xov 24--The Shelley & Ahl Com-pany,
manufacturers of artistic leather furniture Will have a
very notable e'Chlblt next January "ea"'On and It wJ11 be "hown
on the fifth floor of the Leonard buJ1ding In Grand Rapids
UOlonlO1 Sulles
lOll POSI BaaS
000 Drassers
wales' TOIIBlS
I 101010 GOOGS III
.._-- _. - .-
.......---,----_._------ --------------~
I •• -4 -------- ------.
President J Ohl1 ~ Ahl, J r, states their exhibit Will contall1
double the number of ne\'v piece" -,hown 111any pi evlOUs ex-hibitIOn
season, and Will 1l1dude a lot of new "tuff along the
penod hnes
The 13111ghamton Chair Company, manufacturel'" of Mor-ns
Chair:" al e buIlding a new office~-a cement b1111d111g40 x 40
feet, wl1lch IS to be completed J al1uary 1, 1910
'" ..-.- . I ---------------_ _---------~
I••• L •••••••• __ •• ••••••••••••••
No Stock complete WIthout the Ell Beds III Mantel and Upnght,
WrIte for cuts and prIces ..- .i. ON SALE IN FURNITURE EXCHANCE, EVANSVILLE.
I educed The auto truck h dean, sa111tar} and Its storage
doe" not I equll e the "table room of a :Olllgle team Truck"
C,1ll\ 1l1Q,ught ton" of frel>iht at a "peed of f10m five to ten
11111e"a 1 haUl hay e heen put lllto "ucce:o:oful use v, \th111 the
]1,1"t h\ a \ ea1" and the deUland for couch veh1cle" 1" .~reater
than the "upph \n electnc truck with a dynamo to generate
a cmrent a" needed 1'; the la:ot development in tIllS 11lle of
Fntered as second class matter July'>, 1900 at the post office at Grand RapIds MIchIgan
under the act of March J 1879
Cone11tlOn" 1ll the ll1de and leatl'er ma1l--et 1ll lm.;L1nd
a" c1escnbeel on another page P01l1t to a conhl111atol1 a a pi e
ehctlon made to the \\ eeklv \rt1"an ,0Jl1 atter the ne \\ talltt
law went 1nto effect, 1n j [red 'Iuellci of the \[uellu ~
Slack COmpall}, Crand Rap1c1" 'lree hide" \\11\ not c<1t\"e
any matenal 1eductlOn 1ll the cost of leathel, ",1\el \11
l\Iueller. ,. fhe onh eflect \\ 111he to po"tpone an itch Llncc 111
pnce.., wh1ch "'1ould come Ullmechatel} hut tot the pldUl1Q (ll
hlele" on the free 11,,1. rr he dch ance \\ III come hcm e\ er pwh
dbl) 111a fey, month" It ma} be maele Q,raclu,1lh but It \\ 111
come soon.' The "hortage 111the "upph of h1de" a 1 1ll other
products of the falln 1aneh dl1Cl 1alHie 1" due mal11h to the
fact that the 1l1crea..,e 111al;f1Cultural produch ha.., nc t kljlt
pale w1th the 1ncrease of populatlOn 1\1 tht utle" LInd tlm n..,
In Amenca at least the 1l1lrea..,e In tht procluung popnldtlOn
has not equalled the 1ncrea:oe 111the numher of non producer,
or COI1:oumel'; of as;nlultllldl jllOduch anel to dIe".., e"tent
perhap" tl11" 1" t1 ne of neLllh al1 othel lC\1111t11e.n.,ot e"eljlt1n~
1"\1"11 \Igentma and \n"tJaha Ilenec the LlChdllee" 111jll1ee..,
oJ gla1l1 meah, huttel (QQ," anel ll1de" 1\ hIle tIll
wheat, oat" dnd lOJ n field" at the \\ e"tern "tdte" h 1\ e
been greatly enlarged the 1ncrea,;eel production ha" not
equaltzed the ll1crea:oed demand It ha" harel) equalled tht
fa1l111g off 111 the aIrIer sectlOn" of the conntn and In~ (n
croachlllg on the great cattle lam;e, the de\ e10pment ot
western agncultUlal land,; ha" actuall) decred"ecl the 'iupph
of hlde:o from that sect10n Still another calloe of the fd1l1l1g
off 111 the suppl} of hlCle" lS the tact that the cattle 111ctu"tf}
on ranges 111 the northwe..,tern "tate" and 1n \\ e"tern Candda
has not prO\ ed so successful a" \\ a.., e"pected The \\ lnttr"
are "0 "evere that the lo,;se" t1am cold equal 01 )\ ') L1I 1,~
all othe1 e'3tnnated profih E\en the "outh\\e"tcln lllQC.., I)
not produce as 111any h1de" a" they ebel a fe\\ } ea1 sago \ \ 1th
the h1gh p1lce" for beef 1anchmen 1a1"e fe\\er hut bette1
cattle than formerl} Thty do not "laughtu them for the
h1de:o bnt a1m to make more beef 1~rom tIn" It appedll that
J'lIr :\luel1er':o p10phecy 1" to be fullfil1ed-lcdther \\ 111 he
h1gher, notw1thstancl111g the ehsappearanle of the dnt} on the
raw matenal.
:\1annfacturer" and merchanh 111the furllltlll e and k111
clred trades ale dlspen"mg '\lth hor"e" and \\agon" n,ed 111
the tansactlOn of bU"1l1ess The ga" and elect11call} IWOjl"l1 , cl
veh1cles hrought out dunng recent yea1" hd\ I" \\ on fay or and
111 every Clt} the ohsen 1"1' not1ces the1r 111uea"lng u"e \"lcle
from the convemence" affOl dell 111 the handhng of fJ elght
w1thout the horse cleaner st1 eet" home, and "hop" hette1
health 111the commulllt} and an ehm1l1atlOll of the £h pe'it.
the cost of blllldmg and mamtam111g pavemenb 1:0 ma1 E r',uly
[t h ll10l,o"ed to e:otabh"h mu"eum" for the pmpo"e of
e"IllhltJng "afet\ de\ lle" for the protect1On of the 1\\ e" 'I
factOl \ \\ orker, dnd for the best po""ible sanitary COnd1lJOnS,
111\ dllon" pal h of the emtecl State" that the people may 111-
j01m them"eh e" a" to what sCience ha" accomplhhed for the
hc ltUl11Cl1t ot the conchtlOns of lab0l1l1g men and women It
h dall11ed that the los, of hfe on account of nnproperly m-
"tLtllec1 and unplOtected macInne1} I" greater 1n the Umted
States than 1n am uther countnes of larger popu1atlOn, but
thl" condition 1" l;ndoubtedly due to the fact that the people
at \ m e11lcl lbe machmery more Iar>ie1y than those of other
natHll1" 1he mu"eum" propo:oed would serve a good pur-l)
o"e and c;0\ ern111e11t aId could well he he"towe,l upon the
ente1 p11"e
\ lettel t10m E\ an,,\ 111e "tates that the "\eteran manu-tLlCtUl
e1 11 ul nOlk"tege \~ III undertake the management of
the jnflllture C0111]lan, beanng h1S name, on January 1 He
\\ III hc d""l"ted b\ h1.., "on,. For many years he has gnen
hh t1111eto the operat111g department of the Karges 1"urmture
Compan, and a:O"l"tecl " 1 Kdrges 111 bmldmg up the hl1"'-
ne"" of that cOl11pan} from small con'3equence to great 1m-pm
tanct. \11' l;ock"tege IS an up-to-date manufacturer and
a ]0\ 1aI gentleman
\1anulactll1 e1" and sh1pper" gene1 ally w111 be pleased
\\ Ith the anll()'111Lement that there lS to be no 'ienou" :ohortage
oj La1" thl" fall 01 \\111ter There 1'; no ,hortage now except
In the LOdl 1LC;j()1l" and a.., lake na\ 19atlOn close" the ld\-.
u..,ul 111eLlll \ 111Q, loal from the m1nc" to lake porh \\ 111"oon
he c11\erted 111 other lhrectlon s, thus rehe\ 111g the "hol tage
bet\\ een the m111e" of OhlO anel \ \ e:ot YIIg1l11a and 1\ estern
Ra1lroad lang uag e 1" be} ond 01 d111ary under:o 1andl1lf';,
dnd 1t 1" plOPosed to aboh:oh techmcal terms, \\ hat lop'o tIle
a\ erage :oh1pper know about "mJleage rate:o," con..,truct1,e
m1leao-e "po..,taoe :otaml) rate:o," "what the traffic w111 bear" h , ...,
and kmc1recl expres"10n" RaJ110ad operators "hould be com-pelled
to tell \\ hat the} hay I" to say 111 pla1l1 Engl!"h 111order
that the Q,ellcral publtc may hay e fan play
DUllng the past 'Week no furIJlture eXp0'i1tlOn bU1lcl!ng:o
\\ e1e "tal tedm Gland Rap1d~, but the oV'Iner of a tlnee story
"trncture lon"ulted an drc1lltect 111regard to the co"t of acldl11g
t\\ 0 floor" to be u"ed 111 exh1h1tmg furl11ture
\10"t of the trd\ e1mg fnrJuture ..,ale"man ha\ e completed
then \\ ork for the current year and wIll spend the ne"t two
month" at the1r home" 01 1n attendance at the furmlnre
C1echt men s a,:OOClat10n" throughout the Flllted Stales
\\111 ra1"e h1nds to be u"ed espeClally 111 the prosecutlOn of
fraudulent clebt01"
\ tv ay, Inc1 a:op1re" for prommence a" a furl11ture ex-hlb1t10n
town Vevay contal11S one factory and a hotel.
Short Supply of Hides.
COJl(l!tlOns 111 the Bntlsh ltather mar1.et a1e C,ttlS111g
"enou" thought to tanner", boot and "hoe manufacturers, 1m1
the pub1lc The pro"pect, IS that the :oupply of raw hlcles wlll
be fa1 belm\ the demand, notvv 1thstancl1ng the con.,tantl) 111-
crea"1l1g output of hIde:, The acutene"s or :oenou-,ne'3" of
the "ltuatlOn vv111be mOl e fully undertood v"hen It 1'0 known
that hIde" that could be purchased a dozen-) eals a(?,o at
about h cent" a pound now bnn~ 13 cents
The posItion of tho"e who.,e bus1l1ess It h to conI ert
calhkms mto the popular leather" kno\\n a" hox and wlllow
calf I" e, en le"., "ab"factory than that of the tanner of sole
leather.., c\ member of one of the leadl11g leathel firm:o 111
England comments on the '-,Ituabon a" follows
'Tanner., al e hav111g to g1\ e hIgh pnces for hlde'-, be
CdU'-,t the demand IS so much greater than thE' quantity avaIl-able
The consequence 1:0 that 1\ hen the fim"hecl leathel
I eache" manufacturers It b much more costly. The supply
of ll1des m London has been greatly decreased of late 0\\ mg
to the pollcy adopted by Amencan cattle seller". In many
1l1stance" It I'> now stipulated that the hlde:o of the l-\1lted
States cattle kllled at Deptford :oha11be sent back to \menca
J-J and bags. leathel belts and the thou'-,and and one artIcle"
made of the mate11al wlllch the pubhc buy Vv111ha, e to be
advanced .3 to 10 per cent 111 co"t -,hOltl)."
Miscellaneous Buildings.
C A.. Hallett 1:0 bllllchl1g a $15,000 hotel at 1235 Ohver
:obeet, lndlanapolh, Ind. Charle" Sand E C. Johnson are
bllllchng a $20,000 hotel at 1217 Raltllnore street, Kan'-,ds
Clt), }\10 Tra111 & \\ Il1lam'3 al e prepal1l1g plan" for an
European hotel to be hllllt 111 Los ,\ngeles, Cal, at a co~t of
$85,000 A P,ml Will erect a new theatre at Douglas, A..nz.
C n ~ru11dl), 1265 Ea'it Orange avenue, Long Beach, Cal,
propo'ie'-, to 1l1\e'-,t $1,500.000 111 a hotel and theatre bUlldmg
In that tm\ n The Elk-, of Glohe, \r1/. ha\ e adopted plano
and VI' 111 :ooon begm vvork on theIr new lodge room and
theatre bUI1cltng, to cost $40.000 or $4S,000 John Hays Ham-mond
the famous m111mg engmeer 1-, blllld111g a bungalow,
garage, barn, etc., at hIS wmter home near Delano, Cal, at a
LOSt of $20.000 or $25,000 ~an Bernad111o, Cal, is conslder-lng
plan.., for a ne\\ ot) hall to co'>t ~530,OUO
Corporation Tax.
In dl-,cu'-,smg the corporatIOn taA law pas:oed at the last
"e,,'-,Ion of congres-" cr. Rettlng. preSIdent of the Rettmg
FUll11ture Company remarked that the law seemed to be un-fall
and unjust If a mdn had eal ned a profit of $5,000 In
one yeal on an mvestment of a ltke sum It would not '3eem
unLlll to levy a taA upon the same. But 1£ the profit upon an
111Ve.,tment of $1,000,000 should be but $5,000, It "auld be
unfair to taA the same hecause the milner had not realtzed
a faIr return upon hIS capItal
Warehouse Completed.
1he 1.1Ichlgan ChaIr Company (Grilnd Raplch) have
completed an addItIon to theIr warehouse and taken po:ose~
SlOn of the same The company WIll add the usual number
of new patterns to theIr ltne for the comIng sea"on Charlf"
H COA, C B. Parpenttr, R G Calder and \ V. R Penney Will
cont1l1ue to sell the 1Ine 011 the road 1he..,e salesmen ale
veterans 111 the trade, each havlll£; '-,pent more than twell1;
) ear:o 111 thCll occupatIOn
Even the 1110"texclth1ve of men \lvlll t,lke oft the11 hat~ to the
dollar mark.
The L. Mac E. Fumed OaK Acid
Stain fumes the wood equal to a Fumed Box.
E.arly English Stain No. 1719 and
No. 506 Filler.
Weathered OaK Stain No. 1725.
They are the Standard Shades.
Mission Oak Finishes
can be placed between them, from one to as many as can fill
the entire length of the table. The blocks are made of sohd
mahogany, the button., covered With felt, and are loaded for
II eIght
Some of the blocb, are fancy in shape, that IS, they have
a fanC} top Other:" have Ju~t a plain, square shape WIth a
round edge well poltshed, and on one of the block", there 1" a
hand) dock placed In the center Other:" have a conventlOnal
figure can eel 111 the center
] he leather table mats are being bought for weddmg
pre"enh, The:"e are of all SIzes, large enough to cover mostly
all the center of the table top.." while others are large enough
on wInch to place a vase These mats are of different colored
leathel, on 1\ hlch are traced many attractive flowered or con-
\ entlOnal deSigns and are all felt hned. Some have the plain
round edge, whlle others have fancy
1he mahogany tra)" for the dl11l11groom are bel11g sold
1he..,e ha\ e taken the place of many of lIghter welght, m
order to match the dmmgroom set. These trays come In all
:"Izes, and ha\ e handles at each end. The German nickel edge
h "een on some plam mahogany trays, wlth the felt bottom,
Ylhlle others have the plal11 edge, wlth a moldl11g 111 a nar-lOW
stnp Other trays have Just a mahogany frame With a
gla.,,, bottom, under which are placed floral deslgns of fruit,
II Inch can be "een from the top The"e can be easily wlped
oft and are pi eUy
The lac!l ...,boudOIr telephone tables are new, These come
In ..,mall .,lLe;-, and can be easlly placed 111 any corner of the
room These are square wlth a pohshed top, and have a lIttle
narrol" back from wInch there swings a little round leaf on
I' hlch to place the telephone This b ll11ed and has an edge
to match the table A httle leaf under the table IS so placed
to put the telephone book Place" for the pencils and a httle
drawer are handy receptacles of the telephone table.
ReproductIOns of the old VV l11dsor chair rockers are also
"een m the "to res, and hIdden Clgar boxe;-, are among the
ne\\ Chn<.,tll1a., noveltIe" The~e are made of dark wood neat-h
po!J..,hecl and ha"e a "peclal contnvance by whlch a clgar
can dlwa)" be handy to procure About 25 cIgars can be
Martha Washington Tables, Card Tables, Trays and Various Articles Made to Meet
the Demands of the' Holiday Trade.
rLen t:-;~~--~ i:----.~--- --------------------
~-_.------- ..... ----------------_ ..... -----------_.- ...------ ..._-_ ....--- ......•....
Man) plece:" of furl1lture, admIrably SUited tor Chn..,t-ma.,
pre"enb are to be found m the weIl-"tocked up-to date
ftul11ture :"tore" today In the larger cltle:" the \ allet\ h
large enough to meet e\ ery Imagmable demand £lom ex
pensIve parlor, bedroom or dml11g room sUIte.., de>\\n to a
servl11g tray, and pnces may be found to fit an) pur;-,e £lom
about $250 up to $1,000 or more, Smgle pleces at model n
pnces are mo"t popular wlth the buyers, of cour:"e and the\
are dl"pla} ecl 111 an almost endless vanety of artIcle", and m an
even larger number of de"lgns, matenals and finl"he:" ~mong
the mo"t popular thlS year are coples of illartha \\ ashmgton "
work table Most of these are of solid clark l11ahogan}
Some are Il1lald, whlie other" are plam, The table" al t of
the mlcldle SIze, oblong ll1 :-.hape I'v Ith roundecl .,Ide" and
contaIn t\'vO httle drawer" ll1 the center \t each "Hie dH'
deep pocket" \'vIth a depth \\ hlch almo"t touche" the HOOI
wlth the exceptw!1 of about one foot The cm er, to the.,e
pocket" al e wlth the old fdshlOned \\ ooden hll1g e..,
They are handy to have and can be procured to match an\
bedroom set
Anoher \'vork table seen ha" a pedestal ha "e and a round
top, and can be also used for a carel table a" \\ ell. Thl" h of
mahogany, and ha" many chfferent compartments \\ hen the
top 1" hfted on hInge, that are of the he"t bra".., Compart-ment"
are made for "pool" of thread "u""or., tape and man\
othel matenals u'ieful for an) lacly ., 'ie\\ mg,
The 1 e\ olvmg vlork table attrach the e\ e.., of man\
Thl'S tahle 1" hexagonal In "hape, and ha" a l11ce .,mooth top
Each of the :"Icle~ can be pulled clown, and on the ll1"'1(ie oi
these are u"eful compartment'-. 111 \\ inch to place e\ u \ thmg
concelvable for "ew111g.
Strap:" to match the color of the mahogdl1\ of the table
Ibelf are made, and ale attachecl to the lea\ e" or ,,1(ie" In
the center of the table are hooks attached to the "Ides runl1lng
through the centel of the tahle. The"e dl e hanc!l to hang
:"Cl'i"or", :"pool" and C\ eryth111g el.,e on and m dll the"e al e
ll1deed work table"
Sol1(l mahogany bClJk biock-, at e the late.,t In the hoo!..
rack lll1e The"e have great demand a" an\ number of book"
No. 694, 48 in. top.
No. 687, 60 in. top.
Others 54 in. top,
8 Foot Duostyles
._ ...._ .._----------~I
....... I
placed m the box at one tIme W hen one pulls the top up, a
Clgar appear,; placed m a groove maue for the purpose Onlv
one Cigar can appear at a bme, The top has to be pulled up
m order to get a Clgar ThIs IS handy to place on a gentk
man'" de.,k or table CIgaret boxe~ are abo seen "111ular t'J
those of the Clgar, only Sll:laller 111order to fit a cIgaret
The cutest httle toIlet tables have the drop head The
tops ha\ e two leave" that, when they are open, dIsclose it
httle mIrror m the center of many grooves carved nght 1'1
the wood at a ch"tance proper enough to VIew one's "elf from
a :'>Ittmg posture. In the groove" made for each 111the nght
"hapes are placed, .,ohd :'>Iher topped haIr bru"h, comb. file,
poh'3her, powder box, tooth and naIl bru.,hes. bowl, curhn~
Iron, SCIssors and shoe hft
The"e are placed on \ elvet mats held 111place by bra"s
rod:'> The top of the leaves on the 111slcle are velvet hned,
.,1111llarto that of the groo\es and are large enough to place
many other artIcles ThiS t011et table I'; very chOice
Sohd mahogany tiP top card tables \" Ith the pIe crust
ancl pla111 edge", and the Jewel table'3 are all new,
The Jewel table,; are of the tIp vanety WIth "ecret clrawers
and compartment., The"e are about one and one-half feet
.,quare and have leave" that have the old-fa"hlonecl wood
The sohd mahogany tWll1 colomal bed" WIth four hIgh
po"ter" are bemg bought to match colomal dressers, Ladle,,'
boudOIr chaIrs have half back-, for the dressers to make
room for the combll1g of the haIr when let down
The bam"ter back chaIr., have the top" and one carved
underbrace, and legs end 111the Spanbh foot "tyle. The bam-ster"
which form the back are turned on one "Ide and the flat
on the other
Engh"h muffin tables for the d111lngroom and the curate
tables With llwI';lble drawers are all new in ,;hape and de"ign
Just received by the furniture dealers,
The ne", fireSIde chaIrs WIth the SIde w111ges in the colon-
Ial l)attern" are extra hIgh These come upholstered WIth
green demm, whl1e others have the hIgh backs and leather
upholstel ed ba ~k, dntch legs, and can/ed mahogany frames
The Ehzabetrlan furniture seems to be the craze of the
season, ThIS IS of the old cathedral oak WIth the square and
"pll1dle legs, eIther carved or plam
The fumed oak furmture "eems to have taken the place
of the black ml""lon ThIS b on the nl1:'>:'>IOn Imes, but of the
weathered oak, the glo"" bemg rubbed off WIth fumes of am-moma
The fumed oak fnrnlture IS bemg sold extensively
for the d111mgroom, hall and dens
The ChIppendale buffets come wlthont nl1rrors, of dark
mahogany mlald wIth bIrch or pearl, and of the regular colon-
Ial pattern". The claw and ball foot for chaIn, seems to have
the preference more than any other thIS season
Mr. Dana Rebuildina His Plant.
Camden,1\ Y, Nov 24--The plant of George W Dana,
manufacturer and dealer 111 lumber, pamt", 011", lath, sash,
doors and also manufacturer of chma cab111ets, tables and
ladles' wntmg de'ik,;, IS bn"y on the work of rebmldmg hIS
plant whIch wa" destroyed by fire September 1, entallmg a
heavy los,; Mr Dana I" erect111g a frame and concrete buIld
l11g 52 x 100 one "tory and basement and expects to have It
ready for operatIOns by the end of the) ear.
L A Penn I" plannl11g to bmld a forty foot addItIOn to
hIS plant next sprmg to be completed by July 1 Mr Penn
IS manufacturlng a hne of combl11abdn desks and book-ca"
es The capacIty of hIs present plant IS insufficient to
meet the volume of bu,,111e" he I" dOl11g
Are very popular with the Furniture Trade.
No. 46, Single Cone. $2 Each. Net.
We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs.
SMITH &, DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis
tut U d(111h1c"eLtlOlh and 4 s111gle ~ectlOn", maktng 130 rnn-
111l1Lt:cet J he"c cdhmeh at that tIme were made and shIpped
"et np ~lnle then \\ e hay e completely chaDl:;ec! the con-
"t1nc t10n \ l\\ they drc all mdde K D. and In swgle sec-t
Now Considered Necessary Furnishings by Merchant Tailors, Dressmakers, ~lininers
and in Suit and Cloak Departments.
Ea"tern papet~ hd\e had m11lh to 'd\ lCllnth lh 1111
changes tn the fnrl11tnre and flAttl1C~ 111 tatlot "hop" d1c ""
makmg and 111lll1l1el) pallor", dc 1hey ~eem to be lmple""ul
e"peclall) WIth the l(lea of keep1l1g "111t" c!odk" te1111ltltl\
etc., m cab111ete, or clo'3lh ra110.ecl alon-2, thl \\ dll" (], th1 ()1\2h
the mIddle of the 1'00111" ll1"tead c t l'L1l111~ thl 0.\)(J(1" 1]1
'Ohe1\e'3 and connter" O! hang1110. th(111 011 JK-2," I he \ 'l 111
abo to con"lde1 the mo\ ahlc c!o"eh Ot cdb1nct" dn 11111(,1l\t1U11
bnt predIct that 0\\ 1ng to then e\ 1e!ent ad\ ant,lL:c" ,1<1cl11tlhh
they v.11l ~oon he um"lde1ul ah~oll1te nele""lt1(" tc thl pw
gre~"lve merchanh and "hop klepe1"
J\lo\able and "eLtlOnal cluth1n~ c,\b1l1th ma\ bl l1l \\ lU
eastern utle" but they ale not a nc,\ elh 111 thc '\ l"t I[ \11\
of them are 11sed 111Grand RapId" awl ,tell e" ,wd "h()p" III
eqUlppec! WIth them 111Detl01t roledo Plthb111 g C hledgo
l\1Jlw a ukee and man) othe1 \\ e" teln tem n" I he \ \ III Tll" t
made and offered to the Udde 111(TldlHl R;lJ)ld, ab( 11t l l\l (11
five )ear" ago and nO\\ all at the P10l1ll11Ult mUlh \111t l11 1,
dress111aker~ and m1lhntl~ ale Ih1l1g them add "li111l the
d1y good" dealers hay e them In thell "111t and c!lIdk depal t
1he \\ e!eh IIanufactullng L0111pam oj (,ldlll1 RcljJld"
fil"t mttoduced tht dothlJ1l; c,lb111et~ and \\ L1l the pI0l1l11"
111 mak111g them, In the \\ <.~t dt led"t Tn 'pldk111" ld the 11
expenence WIth them L. \\ 1\ ellh )lle"lc1cnt 111<1"ll1l \1
manage1 of the lOmpan) "aId
"\\ e made what l~ claImed to lM\ e bel11 the fil "t clut111lIL:
cab111et 111February, lC)O~ T hay e a cut (1j It th'lt \ ou 111 \\
u"e If )011 want 11. It \\ a~ cdlle<1 \0 1 and the ll\l I" " ) Llb
elled:' (The cut \01, appear" 1111e\\tthl
The Flrat ClothIng Cabmet Made by the Welch Manufacturmg
Company, Grand Raplds, Mich
"That .:\0. 1 contm11ed lIt \\ elch, \\ d'; 11'dde 111 d
double "eLtlOn 5 feet wHle, al"o made In "1l1iSk ~Llt1lJl1~ to
fill In spdce \" here the double "e( tlOn \\ (mId not h1 111. [t \1 de,
deSIgned for gla~" ends, and thc "lde" ale tlu~h a'1d \\ hel1
they are put together they make d umtl111l011~ 10\\ of c,1h111eh
"The fire,t order fOl the"e cabllJt h \\ a" placc< 1 \\ Ith
July 15, 1905, by 13 R Baker & Co. of loledo, ()hlo Ii called
1 he othlr l1ltl"tl,tUOn \\lth th1~ alt1cle ,;hows a large
,ult dLjUt t 1 (11t JItted np YI lth I,," n ' "tcLthll1al cab111ets made
11\ tlle \\ deb l01111Ml1\, lhele are 1=)1 sectIOn" \vlth a cap a-l11\
cr' about 8000 iSarmenh. J he g-almenb a1 e hung on
h111L.,Cl"()11te1t"cuptc ~lt<k" that dra\\ out v\ hen the garments
IlL \\;,ntlll cln<1alc c0111pkteh clo'oecl up In c1u"t ploof ca~e"
\1 lth dhdpjJtal111':; dOO1~ On the right hand s1(le of the room
1, cl 10 \ l i htt111~ room" dnd alteratlOl1 rooms, and each
Ul1 l1er h pun ](led \\ 1th a lo,;tume loom There are 10 fittmg
1 OI)J1'" 111aJ J he door" a1 e mIrrored thdt pass 111tothe dres,,-
111" loon\'-, anI one ouhlc1e doO! 1" the enhance to a fitting
\\ 1nk thl \\e"te1n (1t1e~ are <lhead even of "l\ew YOlk 111
thl \ la Hattol1 al1d u"e of clothln~ cabllJeh, the) are not up
\\ nh the l,hteln uUe" 111 the matter of elaborate decOlatlons
,me! ttll 111~h111~~ tOl tdllor" "hop", <11e""makl11g and m1l11ner y
p,lll J)'-, etc. d" Ie, "ho\\n b\ the tollo\\lng- paraf;raph" taken
11U11] ,111 arUe!L un .( ~J t 111the TaIlor" Shop," that appeared
111,\ lllL111 ubtlCln ot thl \e\1 YOlk ~un
J hc botel" dIe not ah~Olb111g all the re~ult" of the decor
dtl\ e al h ,h th('\ all apphed to commercIal need~. There are
tell OJ the 11]'10\\n "hops that clo not show 111some clegree
the ll1fluenc<. () the fa"h1On fOl eXpCl1Sl\ e adornment. ThIS
ta,,111l111pel hap~ fincl" Ih hlghe')t eXpre"'3lOn among "hops In
'()1]lC u! the tdtlC)]" c~t,tbIt"hment" On 11fth a\ enue. One ot
th("l "hop" lllUl )le" l\\O t100h of a hou,;e that was tmned
ll\l) tll bU"l11t", U'o<''' ~o ~oon a" It" \\e,11th) o\\ner declared
th'l\ tt 'a" to() c()~th t01 hnn to It, e 1J1 C)11cha ,;hop \\ o11lc1
110t hay e been pO~~lhle d fe\\ ) ear~ ag-o \ chdnge 1,1 the
tat! JI" \' d\ oj clOlng bU'111e,,~ make' It p0~~lble nov,
I dl]' 1" hncl t11dt It no lonc,el paic, to have then loll"
"ldtiellll hdOll- thc e\e~ of then l11~tomele,. It conf11"e" the
lJll\ er" to 'o<.e man) 1J1atellal~ dlc,pla\ ed dt once. [hen It h
d1ffic111t \\ Ith the utmost care to keep cloth" or clothes from
helonl1ng "ot!ed \\hen they are allO\\ ed to he expo"ecl all da).
\1,\11\ ta,h1Onable talhr~ now make 11 d rnle to bnng out anI)
~l1ol1c,h 0+ a lert,ll11 matendl to make up one SLut \11 the~e
lau~ee, cont11111etu 111ake neCcS,;al) an ample supply of closets
01 cab111d~
Ldb1l1l h thercfule 1In<. the \\ dll~ ot many of the "h'Jps
l he) {(J1l11 thc 1\ am~lot11Jg of the ro()m~ ::\ltrror" wh1('h are
opened out flom the \\ all" when 111 11"e aLoo contribute to
+01'111the 1\ am~lotlng. In one of th( e"tdhItshmenb 111~pected
01cll0~e jOl1l1~ the color ,cheme and It l,mtra"b effectl\ely
\\ lth the odk \\ all" and the old fd"h1oned ldn ed walnut lhall"
that "tancl ,tbout. One of the tdble~ h of caned walnut
datll'l; fJ om thtc "Ixteenth centm \ a11d a lhall of the ~ame
pellod lLpre"enh the golden dd\ of waln11t furl11ture a" It
\\a~ turntd out h) the I~ng-It"h eratt"men. A Hokhala lUg
lonta1n" the c,ame tont~ of colm a" the v. alb and help" to
tOlm the "ame contrd"t of 10"e lolor +\ decorated detat! of
the 111dln ll)Om l~ d ~mt of armor elafJOJ atel} dama"kenec1
dnd \ alued at '110re thdn $3 01)0 ~ Ru""lan wede!111f; chee,t
more th<111thl <'tc hundred ) ear" old dnd a che::,t of Spa1J1sn
\mertcan onc,111 dele! to the OJ 11amcntatlO11 of the loom
J hue al e co"th pIeces of bnl a-b1 dC 'lrranged about the
mdln loom and the fre"h flower" are rarely 1,1ck111g It is
deed a far cry flOm tIll" elahoratel} decorated tatlOl's .,hop
to the aIel fa"hlO11ec1 deW" of the paInted pIne countel and the
open shelve~ behllld It.
'iot only the tallob have gdne III for the"e hI£;hl} decor-ated
V\ orkrooms. ()11 one 0' the .,treets off ['Ifth avenue a
p"eudo Geol ~Ian e"tellor of brIck and "tone conl eal s the 111-
tenor of the mo.,t ornately delOfdted (!r e"smdler" shop that
),ew York ever lne\\. \ marhle hall\\a) .,how., from the
entJ ance dOOl \ founteun stand., ILl the mld"t of tIll" hall and
Ii-, wateI" dnp Ovel Into a baslll 111 \\hlCh ::;01(1 fish "\\lm
apartment 111 the clOIsters of C'as"ebury Palk, Hertfordshlre,
1he stone pIers .,UppOI t a grooved and vaulted cell111g
and :\Iorav Ian tJle., have al"o heen used for the floor. The
chImney pIece In thIS room IS an exact copy of one 1ll Ro.xwell
:\1anor 1ll \ \ Ilhhlre c\ stone stallla"e "how1l1g a wall founta1l1
v\ Ith the water Howlllg from an antIque mask of comedy leach
to the maIn room on the second HoO! It 1" an astOl11"hlllg
apartment to be used for any .,ulh commercIal pUlpo"e
fhe archItecture of tll!" 10m;. spaCIOUS room follovvs the
Furmshed WIth SectIOnal Clothmg Cabmets made by the Welsh Manufacturmg Company.
about umler the palm" and aquatIC plant" thai lean m el the
Cp a malble "talflase V\ilth 1\) chmbln£; (ner Its laned
balustrade, the cu"toUlers pas" to the 111a111100111on the flOOl
abm e. v\ hlch 1:0 abo adorned WIth the hne" ell1d colore, of the
ltahan RenaIssance
StIll more pretentIOl1" IS the shop of a taIlor On a e,lde
street Just off ['lith avenue v,ho ha., taken the palace of
Desdemona In Yel11le a" the model for the extenor of hIS
b111ldmg The vestJ bule of tIll., house I" lmed WIth '\1ora\ Ian
tthng and to the left of the entrance thele 1;0 a chamber or
13111 el\ CIothlc style \\ 111ch IS copled In the ma1l1 from an
style of an EnglIsh halO!l!al hall Then 1', a carved and
ple.,.,ed gallel v rt1l1111ng-the entIre length of the room, whIch
15 panelled to the roof on both SIde" The whIte plaster ceIl-
111gfolIo \1\ " the ",tyle" or the "ta1ac tItes falllJ1g from the 1l1tel
laced CIrcles, although there 1" the nece"sary modern note In
the electIlc bulbs IntI oclucecI lJ1to the "talactlte" ..
Old EnglIsh chaIr" "tand agall1"t the carved vvaulscot1l1g
and a mammoth marble ChImney pIece stanel" at one end of the
room. There are elaborate 100r115 all about the hou.,e, but
none of them 1" ,,0 lmpI eS",lve as thIS chamber vvIth ItS noble
prOJectIOns, It., calved wa1l1Scotlnl..; and the look of medIeval
gI ancIeur-all to sen e for a tallm "hop
_, .. .- . - - - ----------- ----- _._.~--_._._._._--_.-.--..---.-------_-.-._-.-.--.-_."
c __ ~ ._~ •• _ •• _ _ _ •• • • _ •• _ •• _. ••
" .. .- .- -- -----.- .-- ..- --- - - - - - - ---,-------- ---- -_._. ~------_.--_._---- -----~~---_.
I 1,I
SUIte No. 891'}by Muskegon Va.lley Furmture Co. Muskegon, MlCb
....---------------------------------- ---.. .--. - ..- .. - .- .. - - --- - - ..- ..-
~._..-- ----_ .... _--------- ..-- .-- ._. - ..._,
We Manufacture tlte
Larl/elt Line of
In the Unlled States,
sUitable for Sun day
Schools, Halls, Steam-ers
and all pubhc resorts.
We also manufacture
Brass TrImmed I r 0 n
Beds, Spring Beds, Cots
and CrIbs In a large
Send for Catalogue
and PrIces to
MfG. CO.
ASHLAND. OHIO .._------------ -----_ ..--_ . - ------~
Thriving City of Mebane. N. C. Like a Block of
Wood in a Bale of Cotton.
Mebane, K. C, Kov 23-A newspaper corre"pondent who
recently "wnt up" thI~ town declared It wa~ hke a block of
wood 111 a bale of cotton," becau~e nearly all other towns 111
thIS ~ectlOn of the "tate have theIr cotton nlllls. wIllIe the WIele
awake, energettc, progre'3S1Ve people of "l\1ebane ha\ e de-voted
theIr effort., ma1l11y to the ma1l1ufacture of furmture
and other products of whIch wood b the pnnc1pal materidl
The httle C1ty'~ most prom111ent 111du~try wa", founded by the
\Vhlte r'urmture Company whICh 1'3 the olde~t actIve furnI-ture
manufacturing concern In the '3tate. ThIS company,
wl11ch was qUlte "uccessful from the start, ha~ become WIdely
known recently, because of hav1l1g succe..,sfully filled a large
order from the government, for furmture to be used 111 the
Panama canal zone That order was filled so '3atbfactonly
that the company had lIttle difficulty 111 secunng another
from the same source The government order on whIch the
company IS now mak111g shIpment::> 1'3 for 360 hbrary desk'3,
290 SIdeboards and 240 exten"IOn tables, whIch have to be
made under the eyes of government 111spector". The furnI-ture
IS all of sohd mahogany, and It 1~ 111terest11lg to note that
tl11s order IS handled for the government entIrely through
southern film'3 The mahogany tunber I~ Imported by a
southern firm and .,old clIrect to the \iVI11te company who'3e
employe~ are all .,outhern men ancl f01 the mo~t pa;t nat1\ e
born Korth Carohman., ,
CompetItor., of the \\ hlte company are "dId to enterta11l
the Idea that polIttcal 111fluence may have had .,ometh111g to
do WIth the plac111g of the.,e orcler'3, but the people of l\lebane
look upon the government'~ actIon merely as a recogllltIOn of
the fact that 111gh grade furmture can be made 11l~orth Caro-
1111aas well, and perhaps at Ie..,., co~t, than 111 other sectIOns
of the country, and that It WIll be made here whenever the
demand IS apparent The propneto1'> of the company are
RepublIcans and have been qUlte actIve In pohtlcal affairs
The WhIte plant, however, 1~ not the only furnIture fac-tory
here. l\1ebane has a number of newer concerns 111the
variou~ hnes of manufactunng that have been organIzed 11l
the past few years, all of which are domg a thnv1l1g business.
~-_-_-___.. -• - • a _ "-~--~_.~
China Closets
,, ..--~
We lead m Style, Conlltruchon
and Fmlsh. See our Catalogue.
Our lme on permanent exhIbIo
Uon 7th Floor, New Manufact-urers'
BUlldmg, Grand RapIds.
,,-------------------- ----- .
The Contmental ChaIr Company b a pro"peroll" com
pany manufactunng chaIrs exclUSIvely Thh company was
orgal11zed and began bus111e"s about five year~ ago
The Mebane Iron Bed Compan} orgal11zeel and be~an
busmess 111 1907 ThIs company manufacture'3 couches It
IS an "mfant mdtbtry," but IS enJoymg a prosperous trade 111
ItS Ime and bIds faIr to develop mto a much largel concern
The Alton Manufactunng Company I., another concern
orgal11Lecl111 1907 Tlll~ company manufacturer" cou.,he'3 and
other uphobtered good~
The :v1ebane Beelc1mg Company 1', another mfant 111(111"-
try, engage(l m the manufacture of felt mattres~e'-, anel beel
The l'\ebon Cooper Lumher Company b one of the older
concerns 111 the town and 1te, bU.,111e",s I., rapIdly groVv111g
This company make" ~ash, doors and bhncls and deal., In rough
and dre~.,ecl lumber
A pleas111g and prom111ent chalaeten'3tIc of the town h
the harmol11ou" way 111whIch the cltlLen" of lVlebane work tcl-gether
for the upb1111chng of the town A .,plnt of gooel feehng
eXI,t., among the people towdrd edch othel wl1lch make~ the
outSIder feel that the energy wl1lch the people put forward
IS the kmd that vvIII ~how re~ult., ill
l\1 V. RIchards an offiCIal of the Southern RaIlway .,ome
tIme ago In speakmg of ~lebane, "aId that the town was
known all along the Ime of the Southern as the "blglSest httle
town" along the entIre sy.,tem
Manager for Gervurtz Brothers.
J R ~Iorse, connected WIth the furl11ttll e trade of Port-land,
Oregon. many years has been engaged to manage the
new ea..,t stele .,tore of Gervurt/ Brother~ In thac CIty
11ank -\. \Idve trank \\ Hl!I and E. C Stout have
111lorporated the 111111ltme Forwarchng Company for the pur-p,
hC oj Cal tll]£; and for" al dlllg furnIture 111ChIcago TheIr
capltaI <.,tock I" fi"ed at $'1,000.
j he \\ a,,111n£;ton \ en eel Company has completed plans
jOl the recOlhtl UctlOl1 of Its plant, recently burned near Mee
ku Junctlull II a'-,h, and 1'1'111111,e,t $50,000 111 a factory
that \I III g1\e employment to 75 opelahves.
\ 1\ Ydffe of the Stoughton (l\Ia'-,,,.) FurnIture Com-pam
ha" pmcha"ed an 111terest In the lT11l0n lur11lture Com-pdn
\ ot 1\1ockton \Ia~s. ] he Stoughton store \\ III be clo"ed,
the quc!" beme; mo\ ed to the Brockon "tore
\1 H Cole ot \ ,uden, ::\ll'-,s., has an opt1On on the well
eCj\11]JI'ed plant of the Brenham (Tex) Burmture Company,
\\ 111Chha" been Idle tor ~e\ eral years, and purpo"es to organ
1/C ,1 compan\ to 1)11\ It and put It 111operatlOn.
I he \f el "hman nlOS & nrandts Company of Celma, Oh1O,
ha\ c lH1Hh'hed the plant formerly operated by the Central
\fetdl tUll11tm e Company located at Pembervllle'i Ohl,o
1he properh \\ a~ '-,old prn ately by the I ecen er
] he Conrad Bal'-,ch-Kroeble Company, turllltme dealers
at \ \ ade Pal k a\ enue and -\ddl'-,on Road, Cleveland, 0, have
opened a branch '-,tore to accommodate theIr suburban trade,
at the corner of \1 oodland avenue and East 5Sth street
B\ arrangement WIth the chamber of commerce of
\\ lchlta Kdn'-, 1\,1 -\. Erin has org-a11l7ed a company capl-t,
t!I/ul at S'10000 Of "hlch 7'1 per cent has been subscnbed,
and \\ III mo\ e hl'-, chaIr factor) from Charlotte, 1'\ C, to the
1l\I"t111l£;T"an"as teJ\\ n
\ rc pOl t tl om ~outh Bend "tates that eastern parhes
dre nel:;0tIdtlng f01 the Roper Fur11lture Company's plant at
\1 I'-,ha\\ aka Ind. J \ Roper I" reported to have "aId the
negotlatIon'-, have been penchng ,,111ce July but he declines to
£;1\e name" ot the plo'-,pect\ e buy er".
11e11l\ (). ~,l\\) er, '-,e11l0r member of the firm of H O.
",m \ cr ~ Co ftu11Iture dealers and undertakers of FItchburg,
'Id'-,". ched on \0\ ember 17 aged, 66 years He was a vet-el
an In hI'-, hne ot bu '-,Ine"s \\ hlch he started In Cl111ton and
mo\ ed to \ \ e"t llcn l"ton and ldter to 1"Itchburg
\I l!ham ! 1. \ \ oodall, the trea "Ul'er of the 1\ oodall W11-
10\\ I Ullllture Com pan) of 13o'-,ton, who obta111ed $2,076 by
'-,elhng fictltlou'-, and fraudulent credIt account-, to money
lenders, bank'-" etc has been conVIcted on the charge of
larceny and "entenced to prl'-,on for n111e months.
\Ir'-, \n11le R. Pnce, her '-,on Joseph J Price and her son-
111la\\ Dr D. r Orr, hav111g '-,ecured a majority of the stock
h,n e reOlgalll7Cd the Knox,llle (Tenn.) lurlllture Company,
and 111cred'-,ed the capltdl '-,tock They WIll enlarge the plant
and ImjJlO\ e the quallt) of the product. f nt/ Shaub and
Jo'-,eph l' (Taut mlth the three '-,tockholders mentlOned above,
COlhtltute the board of dlrector'-,
The l\Iorgan-Stan"ble Comp,uH Jugent 01 e tUl1l1tl1ll
dealers, have 111corporated
The Hudson (N. J.) Chdlr LOmpdl1\ ha" been II1UJ1pOt dtul
WIth capItal '-,tock l11111tedto $10000
The pay rolls of the furnIture tactCJ11e" In Roc1dol dIll.
now a1110unt to more than $200,000 per month
The K11171e-Glas" IUl11lure Company of J ack"on 1enn.
hava sold the11 undertakwg depa.Hment Ito L mphlett &-
The Connell) } Ul11lture ~upph ( ompan\ ha" been or
ga111zed b) J E Connell v and other" to do bu "Ine"" In \I11',
kogee, Okla
Frank Ryder fUl11ltUl e dealer of Des ::\Iol1le" ha" an-nounced
that he wIll move hI" "tock to \1 ,u"halltcJ\\ n 10\\ d
early 111 1910
] he Rowlett de"k factor) ,it RlLhmond Ind. 0\\ nul 1)\
George Knollenberg, I" beme; dl"mant1l1 dnd thl mach!'l
ery I" for sale.
C V Tomplon.,on of lebanon, '\ H, ha" "old hI', e'\.-
cel'-,Ior nl1]] to the DI'-,ton Evcel"lOl Company dnd \\111 opeldtl
It to full capaut)
Oscar Barne" ~ (0, fl11111ture dealer" at 18 ra"t Huntel
street, Atlanta, Ga .. have opened a hranch "tore at 72 \01th
Broad street same ut)
The factOl) of the RustIc HiCkory rur11lture Compdnl
at La POI te, Ind, "hlch ha'-, been Ide for "ome tIme \\ III
be put 111 operatIon ~oon.
The ::\lcDougal Cahmet Company ot 1nchan'lpoh" 1\ h()'l
plant was burned recenth, \I III rehuIld at 1 I ,mktot t d "u h
urb of the HOOSIer caDltal.
SmIth & \Vheelel carpet and rug mdl1l1factl11 er" of Iohm
town, 1\ Y., have deCIded to mOve theIr plant to the neIgh
honng ,tIlage of Berr) , tIle
The Alalre ('\ J) r ur11lture compan\ ha" he en lncOl
poratec1 by Seward Carey, \lllham llO"tnck and FI mmle H
IIer"h CapItal "tock, $100000
The commercIal clubs of the "tate of \\ a"ll11H;ton \\ III
co operate In a mOl ement for the purpo"e ot de\ el,)pl1lg m,i11l1
factunng mdustne" In tLat state.
There IS a bnsk demand fO! the proe!uch of the (rldlHl
RapIds Hand Scre\,\; Company \\ ho al e enJO\ In£; one ot thc
mo.,t pro"perous ) eal" In then hhtor).
The Guthne (Oka.) Desk & r11111lture Company hay e
mcreased theIr capItal "tock from $60000 to S100,000 dlHI
are lIlCl easl11g the cdpaClt) of the factor)
1 he George 'II . Bent Company Ot Boston, manufacture I "
of metal bed"teads, "pring", etc, hd' e mOl ed theIr hranch
factory m l\Iame h om Aubl11 n to Le\\ hton
The plant of the Rockford \]anufdctllnne; Company at
Ashburnham, \Ia.,'-" has heen "old to (har1e" (TIffin of l"eene
\f. H , who IS 1emodehng It for d chall fact on
The J LeImer Fur111ture LOmpdn\ ,dealer" of 1.2; Le\ el
ett street, Bo"ton, Alass, has heen mlO1 porated Capital
stock $3,000, of \\ hlch Loms Calln1dn bold" $2,200
The eighth annual meetmg of the Hard\l ood \laL1u
facturers Assouatlon of the ~11lted ",tates wIll be hele! at
the Smton Hotel, Cmunnatl, Bebnldl) 1, 2 and 3, 1910
Alakel H Arakehan, E"lal Cr and Luc) :\l1sslnan 11d\e
mcorporated the \I!""lnan Com pan) , capltahzed at $6,000 to
manufacture and deal m cdrpet" and rug-" m '\ ew H a, en
John \\ e..,ley Stearns, a \ eteran fur111ture manufdctt11 el
and dealer of Rutland, Vt ched on ::-'ovembel 2.2, aged 7'1
year" He "ettled 111 Rutland In 18S6 dnd opened hI" nrq
furmture 111 1858
Crex Company is Prosperous.
] he Lrt" Cal pet Com pan) of 1'\ew J er"ey, formerly the
\mellcan (Ira"" Tvv me Co., "hows a bU"111ess mcrea"e of 30
per cent on the fir"t n111e month" of It;" fiscal year over the
con e.,poncl1ng penod of 1908 La"t year the company earned
4 7 per cent on It'-, $3,000,000 stock, out of whIch the first
'-,eml-annual dn Hlend of 2 per cent, was palcl, the dIrectors
on '\ 0\ 2 la"t declarecl the "econd semI-annual dIVIdend, and
the second cxtId dn ldend of one-half of 1 per cent
It yOU dre g0111gto ,l"k fOl a favor d'ik fO! tWIce a'i much as
) ou expect to get.
.....__ --
\ § ,:~-:~--~- F -
--sf %ff~-'?~~-;=
Moon Desk Co.
Muskegon, Mich.
Write us for information.
..-------------------~---------~---_._-_._._---_._-------------- ---_._-_.-_._-~
Wall Paper Hints.
Lyne S Metcalf m "Beautlful Homes," St Louis, Mo-
Owners of new homes make many n11:otakes m the selec-tion
of wall paper, and whIle It IS largely a matter of personal
opmlOn, thel e are certam rules VI' hlch must not be overlooked
EspecIally IS thIS so of the new home where bare walls mu:ot
be co, ered wIth theIr first coat of paper A ""all paper ex-pert
gIves the followmg valuable ll1nts
~ evel use larg e figured papers on low -celhnged rooms
PlaIn COlO1 and self-toned '>trIpes 1l1crease the apparent
heIgh t of a loom
Do not u">e red or dal k green paper m a dark room.
These colors are mchned to absorb the hght Yellow, whIte
or CIeamy tmt.., are much more cheerful.
LIght blue aud pmk paper look well m rooms that ale
flooded WIth ,",unhght, but they soon fade Tl11s makes paper-
Ing very expensIve If we would have our walls look fresh at
all times VVhen the paper cannot be renewed often, use
more substantIal colors m :,unny rooms
V\ here pICtures are to be hung, select a plam background
and never put a garIsh paper In a room that mu:ot be occupIed
by an mvahd.
I\lany home makel s fall 111tOthe error of pul chaslllg ex-pensIve
style'> of paper fal beyond theIr means Fme grades
of dehcately tmted paper:, WIll keep one poor, because they
must be I enewed at regular 111telVals. One can often save
money on wall paper by pm chasmg lOlls of year-old patterns
at a great reductIOn If these are of con, entlOnal designs
they always look well Wall paper patterns change every
year, and It frequently happen'> that old patterns are brought
hack mto favor after the lapse of a season or two.
Deep borders and ornate frIeze:o should be aVOIded 111
small rooms The average home does not offer condItions
whIch WIll do them Justice !\ common error IS to purcha:,c
wall paper of a gaudy and novel type wl11ch WIll often "pOll
the appearance of the furmture
There IS a tendency at the present time In the finest home"
to papel an entire floor In one color, and thIS, In SOule
respects, IS a good plan It conveys an aIr of harmony a11d
restfulness and that should be the '>ole Idea In papenng
A gleat many people do not pay enough attentIOn to the
electIOn of wall paper TIme should be taken to select tbe
best of SIX patterns SIfted down from the contractor's pos">lllle
twenty. The papenng of the new home IS a very Important
matter and should be gIven careful attentIOn on the pal t of
the whole famIly, a vote bemg taken before makl11g the
final selectIOn
Many a gIrl thmks a fellow IS a man after her own heart
when he IS really after her money.
When a man IS taken by storm he must feel hke a borrow-ed
------_._----_._.-._.---_ _-- _.--~
i--s'o"yN·T"O·;'&. 'c'o'~-~"ll
Manufadurer. of
Embo .. ed ..nd
Turned Mould
ing., Embo....
ed ..nd Spindle
Carving., and
Autom .. tie
Turnin ....
We also manu
f.dure a larue Ime
of Embossed
Orn..menu for
Couch Work.
... . . ..
-----~----_._._.-.--.- .....~
1256-1258 W. Fifteenth St., CHICAGO, ILL.
These saws are
made from No. 1
Steel and we war-rant
every blade.
We also carry a
full stock of Bev-eled
Back Scroll
Saws, any length
and gauge.
Write uS for
Price Lut
and discount
31-33 S. Front Sf., ORAND RAPIDS, MICH.
I..--- - - - .. ..- ---- -_._._.----_.---_ . ..~
~---------------------- I
IIIt f·
Give your men tools that are ac-curate
to the one-thousandth part of
an inch. Tools that are straight and
true and hold their cutting edge.
No matter how expensive and per-fect
your machinery may be, if the
cutting tools are not of the best, you
can not turn out good work.
We pride ourselves on the fact that we
have manufactured only the very best for
thirty-fIve years. Write for our complete
catalog. It shows many new ideas m fme
labor saving tools.
------_._----- ...
t508-1510 W. LAKE ST.,
~-- ----- --.. I I IAlaska Refrigerators I
h ••
White Enameled,
Porcelain and Opal
Glass Lined,
In all sizes and styles.
Our catalogues for 1910
will soon be out of press
Alaska Refrigerator Co. IIII
New York Office. 369 Broadway.
L. E. MOOR, Manager.
Exclusive Refrigerator Manufacturers.
Requires Tact and "Knack;' Knowledge and a
Genel'al Sense of the Fitness of Things.
Furl1lshl11g 1" a velY Important matter The pnvate
home 1" at the foundatlOn of the pubhc state, subtle and un-
Imagltled ltlfluence:o mouldmg the men who mould the
e;tate The al t of h1l11lshmg comprehende; much more,
than the knack of puttIng pIctures and tables and chaIrs Into
"lllLlhle (()-lelatlOn lt comprehend,; a lalge part of the art of
I11dk!lle, l1Ul11( attl aLtI\ e and ot ,;hapl11g the farmly wIth the
1..;( ntle l11Qnnu" that make hfe ea"ler to one and plea"anter to
rhe al t of clecorat1l1g and fUll11shmg C0111pne;e" bome
thlllg \ er) far he) oml the mere techl11cal knowledgs of style"
and the ablhh to tell on 'Slght a pIece of furnture by Ite; con-
Made by Luce Furmture Co • Grand RapIds, MlCh
-,tructlOn. One ma) be a connOlsseur and yet have no Idea
hcn\ to place beautiful object:-, together so ae; to make the
1110"t of theIr congregated beauty, of the first Idea of group-
Ing \ anou,", al tIde,; for the sake of then plcture,;que charm
\\ hen l1111ted
rur111:oh111g I" an affaIr of ge11lus and tact, of thorough
ta:ote. \\ Ithout It the effect IS anyth111g but beautiful or pleae;-
111g-there Ie; no harmony In It There should be ,;ultable
chalf:O for ) oun~ and old, stout and shm, short and tall
The story of our hlll11ture, of our chaIrs and tables, Ie;
the story of art Itself, E\ ery pIece of furmture 1'; an illus-tratIon
of the cue;tom,; of a people and the manner:o of a tIme
to the educated obsen el In It can be tlaced evIdences of the
necc""ltJes of the people and the tUl1es, new creeds con"tantl)
all"e for" hlch ,;utable furnture mUbt be deSIgned and manu-fdctured,
rl he IUAunes are pl0vlded for by the up-to-date de-
-,Igner and are qUlcky purchased by an apprecIatIve woman
of mean"
1 he Importance of knowmg the theory of colors IS recog-
1117ed a:o an aId In the art of furmsh1l1g Too many colors m
one room h as great a mIstake to make as the other ext! eme
\\ herc a room 1-, In harmony. no one color prevaJ1s over
anothel ~ttC1 lea\ ll1g It one ,;houle! not be troubled by a
not of ree! or orange 01 other bnght color,; haunt1l1g one.
Too much fUf1llture Ie; often crowded 1l1to one room,
dIrect connected to an
will electric light your plant, run
fans, etc., and if you are now
bu~ing current, will pay you in
are generating thousands of kilo-watts
all over the world, and
each engine is paying for
itself every year in savings of
fuel and oil.
(Exhaust Steam is Available for Heating
and Drying)
(Wrtte for praif if above.) ThiS plant running IR IQUITOS, PERU. WE DIRECT CONNECT TO ANY 6ENERAT~R
It not onb, l111es the wall" but 0\ erflo\)s 111to the center.
:l\Iodel at on 1" what one should adopt as a \Vatchword. Cast
out the gJ!t chau" that always wabble and the httle low ~tool"
one ah\ ays stumble" ovel. Let the \" all cO\ er111gs "how-al"
o the rug" They "hould be beautJful to look at-not nece5-
"anI} expen;o1\ e but of the nght color" and SImple pattern"
In plann111g a 11\111l:;room's fur11lshmg the mantel 1"
of first Importance. It has been found that dark, heavY
mahogany pIece" can be placed on eIther Side of It to ~one
down the glare Books and pamt1l1g" too, add to the effect.
\ttentlOn to the ma""1l1g of objects prevents a ,>peckled ap-pearance
noticed 111 many room" where everyth111g "efm ~
spotty and cl1"connected Othel 100m" look as If the furnIture
belonge(l there, It 1;0 virtually a part of the room, as the
100m 1" a part of the hou"e \\ e ha\ e that "home fee1l'l<:',,
a" "oon at> \V e enter the house A hou-,e WIth a Jumbled up
appearance, "he1e the furmture 1" ah\ay" bemg mOved about
ha" an un"ettled look Noth1ng fits, "paces ale not proper1',
filled 5uch rooms show a lack of ta~te. \ knack for hou,,('-
fur11l<;hmg 1-' 111"t111Ct1e\ W1th -.0111ewomen.
One "tl Ie of decmatJon I... better ta~te fm a "ll1te of
hV1ng 100m" than a ll1t 01 1111 ..." collection of 1mpo""lble "tyle'l
an(l color" The wall t111ts "houd harmo11l7e 111all the rooms
the flam co,enng" "houl(l be con"l"tent and the effect be of a
harmonlOU;, whole.
The gel11th for fur111shng and decoratlOn may be appa1-
ent to the beholde1 If the lady of the house has only a small
amount of money to accomphsh satl"facto1 y result" Com-fm
t and "'lmphc1ty ~o hane! In hand. A CO"y, "homey" appear-ance
mean" much to a tIred man
The hnc a-brac In a room g1\e" a gooe! or barl1111p1ess10n
a" 111uch a" the heaVier furmture 1he picture" on the walls
a1e apt ta be notIced fir"t and oftelHl the eye or are approved
If the "ubJect I... "Ultable ami SUitably located. The old Idea of
farDlly portra1b m the room where guest" are recen ed IS hap-pIly
becom111g pas "e. As they nearly alwa);, were enlarged
photographs of dead relattves t':1elr mterest to a1\y out-
Side of the 1mmechate fanllly wa... "mall. \\ hen so many
beautIful pICture" can be had at a moderate cost there 1S no
excuse for the pre"ence of famIly portra1ts whIch should be
kept m a pnvate room As for the brIc-a-brac proper 1t repre
,;ents wOlk for the housewIfe, "all that du';t11lg to do every
day" A few good p1ece5, purchased WIth dlscretlOn, some
th1l1gs that all wIll adl11lre are "astly better than a lot of
"junk" whIch ha" no practIcal woe or excuse for bemg A
few good copies of famou,; pieces of statuary, a httle of the
old "grandmother" chma, fine p1cture." brasses, a few flowers
and sofa p1llov' s of good deSIgn m moderatlOn, are decoratIve
materIal" enough for any hV1l1g-room.
The one who buys for a hou"e ",hould remember that
whate\ er 1'0 brought 111tOIt should go toward" the decoration
or at least the beauty of the house. So nothing \V1thout a
permanent value "houle! find a place m 1t. It 1S economy to
buy a few pIece" ancl have them good so a ... to "eat one's
cake, and have It too" after a few year" ha\e passed
The pnce of furmture depends lalgely on the amount
of ornamentatIOn placed on 1t and yet the plamer 1t 15, the
more beautIful It IS Pretty thll1gs do not cost more than
ugly one... OrnamentatlOn 1" not beauty in 1t"el£ but merely
enhances the beauty already there.
TUlle IS money, but It b a mIghty poor substItute for a bank
The man who borrows money on IllS future "elclom catches
up with It
~Iinnesota Retail Furniture
Dealers' Association
OFFICERS-PresIdent LouIs J Buenger Ne\\ Uim VIce PresIdent C DanIelson Cannon Falls Treasurer, o A 0 'VIoen Peterson Secretar) W L Grapp JanesvIlle
EXECUTIVE COM'\lI fTEE-D F RIchardson Northfield Geo RIme Mankato W L Harns V!lnneapohs, o SImon, Glencoe M L Khne St Peter
BULLETI~ ~o. 30.
Large Dealers of the City Hold the Key Which Controls the Mail Order Evil.
Some of our larger dealel' al e 111, k111~ ,1 gl e It mhl1he \\ hel1 thl \
say that the cat,do,2, e'll does not :!ffect them but thel! attllude h
only natural for tIllS e\ 11 lMS splead so gr,ldu tlly ,l11e! the deceptHllh
11d' e been '0 c"refully dUel Lun111nglv pldl1neel, th It 1t Ius aroused
little ,uspluon untJ1 <-tUlte 1ecent!) The],\1 "l dedeI' h l\ l con"HI
ered the m<111ordel hOlhe too cheap ,I pi opchltlOn to \\ l,tL then tnnt
With but thdt h "hele the) ,\lL ml,lIhen 1hl 111,ll 1 «Illel hlU-L I-glV1l1g
them ,I clo,el I un th'lll the) eh l 1111 ot
]\,0\\ ask yOUl "dt why thc 111~1l1OJdu L It dog h h 1JeUl hnclnq
Ils WdY 111to the cltIe, In thL ]dst t\\ 0 01 threc ) edl, 'll1d \\ h\ the
heretofore ,1bsolute 1ule of not fUlnhh1l1g Ldt tlo'S" oj merch'lndl'l
to CItIzens of then home ut) ot Chicago I' bem" ~I ultnlh LOI1'ldlll d
a rule of the pa,t I ,1m to]e] b\ people \\ ho -CC111 t h110\\ 11111
thl" IS a fact The~l catalog, leach the Clt) bl1\ u' th t thu L I- I
pnce on depene!'lble melchl11 hoe much 10l\el th'ln lhl Cll\ -t I"
usually sell It f01 V'Ve must get It out of our hClel, th It thl 1111
Jonty of the gooels sold by the m<lll orrler house dre plunder becalh,
they ale not vVc filmJy behe\ e tInt no de Iler of (11) Clt\ ,\Ith thL
expenses that a CIty busHle,>s al\\ 1.\, J1,1", \\ mts to hLC I compLtltl\ (
pnce based on no 0\ el head chaq?,c'>-l pllce wlt110nt de]l\ 11111~
charges, freIght 01 othelVllse Thh IS the \e1\ thnq tlnt thc ( It l
log IS dOIng but not as yet 011 as ],u"e I 'l'llt to It h L IllUl ()11 III
the rural dlstnct, 'Iheletore "e feel that \\C lIe lle( \\hen \\1
say that the mall OJder e\ II does ,diect th" Ll1 ge dellet, 'lS m\11 hI-the
small dea1el s 'Ne kn()\\ tbat the III gc C011l11Ih 11e 1h\ I\
managed by far Sighted b\1S111C,S m111 \\ 110 I( 111/( the 111ll--ltll' 0,
bUlld1l1g bus111e,s fOl the future
You, as bUS111e,s mLn l,no\\ \\ lnt the e nJl\!t11ec 1 \ Ol1! In,[
mers means to yoU I am told by salesmen \\ ho l,no\\ th It thL me
chum class of furJ11ture buyer, al e turJ11ng to 11101e Ch"ICt! de'l~n_
111 furmture \TO\\ the mall order hmhe ah\ 1\ S hIS 111 U e open I 1
p0111ters and of course (lid not ml>s tbh one but 111'lfle 11ll111uintc
preparatIOns to supply the de111and If} ou \\ III look thlough the
111,111order cat Ilog, of the past, ,ou \\ III find not I \ lp01eon bed
a Colol11dl dresser or 1J1yth1l1g dlong the 1111e of \\ hIt \\ e cl11 hIgh
cLlss, ,Ut!-,tIC fl\l111t111C \,tlues, but look 'lt 11 toel 1\ \11el 111 the111 \un
\\111 see \\hat 1S gOIng on Then 1S It not hush time tJ1<lt }Oll ,\Uc
con"ldellng thiS factor \,;Inch yOU ale bound tll hCL some tlml nd
whIch grows ,tJongel and strone,lf 'l' t1me goes on
Don't you ever th111k tor OJle m11l\1te tlnt the nnIl Oldel h \1,(
arc asleep I If} OU \\ III 11n e,tl-'Sdte a llttle ao \\ e h" e done \ ( n
,,111 find tl1,\t they are about as In ely a propOSItIOn 111 modern blhI
ness as there IS g0111g Thel e are bla111s bach of them :!nd YO\1 \\ III
I e,1117e It some day If ) ou elon't I]()\\ Thev h 1\ e , stUll1'( foothold
alreadY and thc chance" are that unless" on get bus> md do .\ om
part 111 the process of LOllect111g thiS e\ 11 1t \\ 11] only he I m1ttel
of tll11e II hen .\ ou "J1l ha\ C to face It \\ hethll you hke 11 01 11)t thl
"Ime ,I" \\ C smdll dealel s are now compellt ! to do Thll dOl e \\ e
a,k why do you allow thIS condItIOn to cont111ue \\ hLn, as \\ L stltul
the beg111111ng of thiS artIcle, you hold the key to the sltuatlOn'
Some of you may tlllnk \\ C 11C P\1tt111,; thl> pretty ,trullg It
so just t Ike a re,tl look 11lto the 111atlel t01 ) ollr'lh e, me! \\ e Irc
sure that) ou "Ill say that" e did not tcll h .11 \\ 1 ,Ie g( 111'( tn tell
Just one hitle 11lCldent \\ hlch c Ime to Ol11 notlCl
'\ fflend of one of our act I' L membel s \\ as turl1lsh111g a home Illd
one of the first thmgs he wantee! \\ as 1 \ Ipoleul1 beel He ll1e! e"
phClt £'lIth 111 111s homc dellel ,11](] e"pL11nle! to 111m that he wlnted
1 good poh,heel h,d 11L1l1g the 1111e J1hhtrdte] 111 tll1s department
An ~1 al tide ()! tIllS Sfl1t was sold 111m for $30 Just about the llme
thIS bed was elehve1 ed, a nelghb01 happened to 01 cler a Napoleon
bell lbI011l;h I mdIl olelel hOllse To the mIsfortune of the dealer,
111l ,e t\\ () P Ittll n, h lppLned to be dlmost Identical, only one Wb
]Johshed and solel f{)l :jl30 and the othel \\<1S g]flSS 2nd sold f01 $17 SO
Do \\ hat he cflu1d, 11e could not con\ lllce hIS Lu,tomer thdt the beel
he ,uld 111m \\ ,10 \\ 01 in $13 mOl e, and WdS It? Becduse thIS hap-penecl
<IS It chel It \\ a, \ er) d1ffILult tor ou! member to complete the
1m Jlbh111l; ot tllh h0111e but the ,,\ on,t of It \\as th:!t he ne\ e1 wholly
fl~ Ilwd thc cOnflllelJLc ot hh Lll,tomel
\\ L Lould III tte '11111111 111cldents almost "Ithout number but
tbh onc h 'lll ,\ e necJ to Illlhtlate our pomt It shows so clealh
l111t ,ou calJlJot help but ,ee that wh,\tevel your hne of bus111ess IS,
\ uU hI \ l the 111,lIl 01 del house to buck up ,lga111,t and you ne\ er WIll
k11{)\\ \\ hen 1\ h gmlJ" tll elo vou the me st h,Ir111
\\ 11h thc'e t lLL st Iflng 11-, 111 the flce, "hat ale we g01l1g to
d d)l)ut It h thell no \\,,) out' YlS, we behe\e there IS because
\\ L knu\\ lbat thell dll jUot as t'll SIghted jU,t a" capable, JUst as
'Soud hn mClers md jlht ,I, good executn e heads 111 the retaIl fU!mtUle
blh1ness ,IS llJ the offices of the mall order house Here comes the
11Lqget ot tl11th "ll1ch \\ care trvmg to convey 111 thIS 0.1tlele anel that
h the 111I]OJIt) of the 1nger deaJer" of tl11', counlly who use the
~ 1( Itl ,j \ oIU111' ut t hL merLhanch 'c 111,d1UhctUl ed c m, WIth one stloke
{)I thc pcn ll1d lhl l<,<,ht tncc of the small ck Ilers, cont1o] tbe ,up
ph ot depClJellblc mcrch llJdhe
\\ e h 1\ e h ,d Just e11ou,:;h expellence 1'1 OUl c(' operatl\ e hJ1y111g
1W\ '111ent to know that If we could add the volume that our bIg cIty
'tOle, Ihe to OUI \ 01U111Ctl1<1t Vv C could absolutely control the output
)1 thc t ldOI1L' 111Ik111g depLlllhble furmtule "hlLh would suit O\1r
\ llIOlh Illll1lllmeub B\ c Irr)l11g out the pollcy adopted by the
11Itl{)lJ tl j"{)llltl<ll1-tlnt ot I]()t bUYll1g a dol1,1r's W01 th of merchdn
(II'C trom 1 hd(1) ~1111t) of slllmg m,ld Oldel houses, tLere IS no
ljUe-,tl(Jl1 but \\ hdt \\ e could control the source of OUf supply WIth-out
thh v olume It md\ be ) e,1rs before we al e ~trong enough and
thu efOlC "e 'd) the lal ge deale I s of the country hold the key to
the solutIOn of the mall order problem
1t IS III \\ ell Lnough to talk about these th111gS and If you have
beE n an ob,u \ Clot the htel,lture \\ 11lch has been circulated concel111ng
thl" subJect, J Oll WIll notIce that the \\ llter of those arlldes always
'1)' th1'>, thdt 01 the other thl11g IS the 1cason why we are affected by
thIS busllle,s plague The majOllty of them say thIS or that must be
d, Jl1l but 1t ) ou llled to follow anyone of thell suggestlOns, they
\\ ollld bL toulld lmpraLtIcable, e~peC1alh for the small dealer
\0\\ do not I111S11l1delstand u, to say that these Vlf>OUS articles
ha,e no good ,ugge"tlOns but the pomt we want to emphaSIze 1S that
om ,1Ssoctatlon come~ to yOU \\ 1th a dJJterent PIOposltJon We mahe
It Olll bUSlllhS to fmd out what IS g0111g on 1ll the mall Older Clrcle,
md then \\ e pI m Ide yOU the medIUm to protect} oUfself We make
It po,slbJc f()J OUI members to get the dd\ el tJ~111g matellal necessary
to plotect thell mtel e,t~ ,It a cost whIch "Ill ,1110w them to do It
l11r] '0 on do\'. n the hst of cleLllls \\ lllch make thIS work effectIve
\\ hlle v\ l admit thdt these helps dre not so essentIal to the ma
JOI1t.\ ot the largel "tOI es, dS they hay e \\ Ith111 themselv eo, systems
l11el helps \\ ]l1ch 'llpply them WIth these th111gS, yet It they adopted
'lnd ,lllClh \dheled to the pohcy laId do\\n by the natlOnal as,ocI
'ltIon not 1 t \dOry 111 EXIstence whIch supphes mall order houses
\\ Ith merchanchoe could exIst because the mall order hOllses tdke only
,hout 30 per cent of then d\ erage output
\Ve kno\\ tInt busme", hds got clown to a cold blooded propo
,It I )11 ot dolhl s and cents In 1ll0,t L1ty stores and} et we wclnt to
15k the buy ers of those "\anOllS stores "\Vhat does It profit you
tc' get an extra 10 per cent or 20 per cent off of a certall1 lll1e of mer-
class of goud~. "uuld turn down the~c 1111L"ur 111SI,tthdt thc-y ale not
catdlog good;, tIlls comlItlOll wouH nut ehl,t 1 h,lt IS why we ~,lY
the bIg CIty store, hold the l,ey tu the c,ltalog e'll sltu,Hlon
\Ve therefore hope that thIs article wl11 set the lal ge dealers who
al e not membel s of the natlOlldl furl11ture a"oclatlOll to t1llnk111g
alon~ these lIne" wIth a vIew to ovcrcomlllg the,e eVIls through the
concrIltrated actIOn of our ndtlOnal meetmg We know that there
Will be a lot of detaIls to ov ercome whIch IS true of any blb111ess and
therf'fore firmly belIcve that If we can once arOUse our th111klll£;men
to the necessIty of pUtt111g 111tOactIOn some pollcy or method to
correct the~e th111gSthat It wl1l be done
In order to help our ~maller member~ who are not In dally touch
WIth 'his class of merchandhe, we hdve bulletJl1cd m thIs ISSUCa few
competitIve Itcm, of artistic and cla,slcal fUll11ture so that they can
protpct themseh e" If they al e not 111 a pOSItIOn to meet and over
come whatever pl1dse of competitIOn they meet WIth In thIS class of
Ch,llldlsc V\hcll thL ;, lml PdttOlh yuu die llOV\plac11lg upon} OUIfloors
'Ire: llsted 111the mdll urder catalo£; at one thIrd or one half of what
yOUusually, dnd by nghb, ought to get and are you creat111g by these
means a healthy bU,,111essconfidence for :y our establl'ihment?"
To Illustrate tl1ls thought more fully. the last time wc were III
ChlcdgO, we notIced ,I partIcular 1111eof musIc cabInets and musIc
hellc'1es which were entirely new m mode ot con"tructlOn and WhlCh
we 110tlced \\ ere puced very reasonably Tll1S IS a 11l1eof dependable
gGocl" and ought to carry a fdlr profit and IS an ,utlcle whlLh no con
~t1J1 Lr who IS not a fnrmture dealer, can Judge the value of We con
Ie l1p]cttcd furmsh111g these to OUI member~, but 10 dlld behold, a"
<oon as we returned home, we found tIllS l111Cfully reprc'iellted on
page No 624 of 1Iont,;omoy \'v,lrd 'i c.lt"log, and we want to a,k
tlle cIty buyers" ho drc handl11lg thIS das, of goods to get thIS C'ltt
lug ant! ask them'ich es how they would hke to sell the,e £;ood, at
the pllce" n,lmet! on pa"e 624, catdlog '\T () 78 i\ 0\\ the mOLl! of
thiS 111u,tr,ltlon I, th'lt If the cIty c1e,l!ers wlw buy 80 pcr cent of thl'i
This is a Reproduction of a Suite Sold by One of the Mail Order Houses.
A Plain Relined Colonial$3345
Suite at a Low Price
Packed in SoUd Crates by
Experienced Packers.
This fine Cole"" It~ ill ntade 0' large flaky quartered golden oak, and made 1'" the \'the sl.ts are " ft. ~ m.long We can guuan,ee thIS sUIte to ple.,e you Ul rega,d to constructwn.
best 881b1.. man...... This &ult& will UPpedl to the more refined taste on account ..t fimsh and stock used a~ Dothmgbut the best g eq mto Its cou,true'lOn. It u made by " Jaige loctor:r
t r 1 lllne<li3 U·]3 ea"Y to keep clean <is It lS free flOlll. carvmgs The d.lesser 13 -extu\. large. haVIng the reputatwn of .turnm~ out the be5t i-,OOU5 of tha.s lund The, ..employ only the best cabmet ..
b:mCg:X~n lJ tong and 22 m deep. has a. d0l1ble ..h..'lped top md shapeu serpLnhne front carved Plalf mJkel's and tln1.!ihe.r6. They also have old experIenced paLkels and for thiS reason we c'\n g\1arftntee
f t d
f UT room\ drawers ntted WIth cast br'lss handLes and lock" CommoJe (-or washstand .r:s alll() It to nmt-h )OU m pertect condItIon OUr pnce fOl th1s smte 1-5much le5~ th'ln the average retaIl
~~;n ando ~ervJCeable and matchi's the dre3Set and the bed Bed 15 .Just the nght hC1ght to be len" PllU ShIpped dHect from factory m I:ldlana :tIOm whIch })om.t purchaser 1.<1\:' fletght.. WeIght
.rttshc. It 15 a rep<OO,,,,tlOU of- too styles that were used )ears .go It l' 63 lJ] hIgh at head Illd "bln,1 350 100.
IF 23860 Suik Complete iI1cludinlJ 'Bed, Dresser and Commode $3Ui RF 2386:! Dresser $l7.20 RF 23865 Red S9.75 Bf 23867 Comacd<: ~MO
The abOve SUIt furnisheu to JUI IDembel'"i as per pIlLe c;tated belo"\-\ d..d\8ttlsmg cuts 3 ('olumns \\lde fUlnlshpll for75t'
Puce to men'lbel"i at complete SUIt '-.0 2.)\'60 ~2() 75 PrICC of Dlesser No 23862 *13 Z5 PIlU of Bod 1\a 23&6) $81") PllC'B of ComulOue No 38b7 $;) 35
ThIS No 229 Napoleon Bed 15 a beauty qU'trtered oak through
out a most excellent gloss finIsh and In every way a. hIgh grade
bed one WhICh v.e hope every member \\-111 put one 1n stock
Ad" ertlslng cut furnlShf'd for 40<' PrIce to our menlbers $12.45.
ThIS No 912 Napoleon Bell made of solId oak wlth a gloss finIsh that 1S
nearly as good a~ saIne pol1sh finIshes has a heavy full roll at foot and top
clct\\ feet Ad\. (rtl;:,Ing unIt furnIshed fOt 4\0<.. PllC'8 to our member s $865
Send all orders to the secretary, Janesville, Minn.
If you do not know the "Oliver" wood working tools, you had better give
us your address and have us tell you all about them. We make nothmg but
Quality tools, the first cost of which is considerable, but which Will make
more profit for each dollar invested than any of the cheap machmes flood-ing
the country.
Oliver Tools
Sa,e Labor
No. 16. Band Saw
36 Inches.
Made wIth or wIthout
motor dtIve Me tal
table 36"x 30" Will
take 18" under the
gUide-tIlts 45 degree.
one way and 7 degrees
the other way Car.
nes a saw up to 1.%11
WIde Outside beanng
to lower wheel ,haft
when not motor dnven
Weigh. 1800 lb, when
ready to sbp
"Oliver" New Variety Saw Table No. 11
Will take a ,aw up to 20' diameter Arbor belt IS 6' Wide
Send for Catalog "B" for data on Hand Jointers, Saw Tables, Wood
Lathes, Sanders, Tenoners, Mortisers, Trimmers, Grinders, Work
Benches, Vises, Clamps, Glue Heaters, etc., etc.
Works and General Offices at 1 to 51 Clancy St.
BRANCH OFFICES-Oltver Machinery Co .• Hud'on Terminal, 50 Church St. New York
Ohver Machinery Co. Fmll NatIonal Bank BUilding, Chicago, III • Ohver Machinery Co
Pacific BUilding. Seaule. Wa,h ,Ohver Machinery Co .201-203 Dean,gate, Manchester En.
These Will Need Furniture.
Re"ldence,,- 111<"" FIlen \\ llhalll" Hou"ton J c \. '-,18
000, 1\11% Jean D}er. ~8G 11e\elh a\el1l1e 1'1thlnllc, l'ct
$-l-,~OO, 1\1 F111kel"tel11, Kno",.\111e ]enll £~,~OO fohl1 I)
1\1 e"burg, 282 Snelhng o;treet St Paul. 1I111n $3,500 I Ie I
ence -r-I .1IJayble, 131 LeRoy street. Ihn~hamton." t $300)
E H Kroll. 216 EllenV\ ooel a, enue, Y oUlllS"tovv n () $3200
R J. Graveo;, 2523 Elma a\ enue. Kan"a" LIt, \[0 $();O)
P 'vV Kehoe, 1157 Laurel <.,treet, ::-t Paul \111111 s; -tOO f'
C \\T ard, 1635 J acko;ol1 houle, arcl, Ullcago, $7 ;00 Che"tel
FJrehrough, 53 Klmpark "treet, ChIcago, £20000, J 01111 G
Rlechel, 702 Eradley avenue, Peona, Ill. $4000 Han e, L
Page. San c\l1t011l0, Tex. $~.OOO, \. J PIUltt 271; '-,hellClan
Road, E,an"ton, Il1., $10000. C II. 1hol11p<.,on 81R '--hell(\,111
Road, Evanston, $6,000 ~ate Kl11cald 81; LIncoln ,tIll t
Evanston, $4,400 \ata1e DIFrancl"co ;;0 Oak ..,tleet \UI
Ha\ en, Conn. $12,000, "\lfred L (,Ibo;on. 707 \\ e"t\ 111e\\ a\
enue, Phlladelpllla, Fa, $~.JOO Ill',,, c\hce looker, Ele\ el1th
"treet and Lhelten avenue, Pl1l1adelphla, :P-t.~OO F d 1\ ,ll t 'L
Bendel. 3415 \ an KIrk "treet, PhIladelphIa. $-1-,800 I rank
Hood, Park Elll Helghb, Dem er Col. $3 000 ~l cl11e Ileel
~e", Houston, Tex, $3,000, John Carhon, 13-t8 \Ior"e ,11 enl1l
Clllcago, $5,400, Edward HIll, 5-1-11Greel1\\ ood terr dce (111
cago, $6,000 Anton Rlchtel, 12~1 ::\aol11I a, enue I[mlle
apohs, ~1111n., $3,;00, ;\Ir" J. ::\1 HIgh ()7 Cone "tllet
Atlanta, Ga, $17, SOO, Sa111uel Polk -t~-1-; I"()J e"t Park boule
vard, St L01l1", ::\10, $7,;00 r 0 Flatt 23-1- lhoach\,l\
South Bend, Ind, $3,500, George K CJarland 2807 CapItol
avenue, Omaha, \'ebr, $4.000, I[r dncl \Ir", \\ H l'au~lu
\\ est Dela">on avenue, Youngsto\\l1 OhlO. $37;0 C J l{eJ1h
Newberry "treet neal Lake Drl\e. \fJh\aukee, \\ h. ::-,2;000
Frank ;\J cCmtle, 288 ;\[cUellan "tl ed, ~chel1eLta(h. ", 1
$4,000, G. vV \V Blalr, 1207 Arch "treet Pltt~b~UI 0 Pa ) b"
" Tempers
u Cost
SG ;00 IIr" IIal' C \\ rI~ht, 7400 Race street PltbbUlg,
s,'! ouo \\ a1<.,on T Ha"sel1l1an, Centlal d\enue and 34th o;Ueet
IJ1Cl!al1'lj)olh Inel Sl(,OOO ~ '1, Jol111"On, 1716 l\UV Ham~
"]llIC d,ume '\ \\ \\ a<.,hlll~t()n DC. $22000, Jacpueo;
\\ uelcnhe11l1el 2()0-1-P "tleet \. \\ \\ ;l<"hmgton, $10,000,
J a" F I[ehan 3601 I:LJghland houle, al d, :CUlh\aukee, \\ lS.,
$;,000 ~rthur Hottman Uarke and 33rel o;treeto;, .:\I11waukee,
$-t oon Geor~c C Dlebe. CJ31 ?\ elhe my avenue, J\Iemplll'o,
1enn , $3000 Ird ( FV\ mg. ;18 \nderc,od ~treet. Pltt"bmg,
Pa, $5,500, H u~h Chalmer", 291 IroquOl" ~tJeet, DetrOIt,
IIJLh £22000 IIllton S \\ ebb, 1S9 Palll"ter street, DetrOIt,
$8,000, C (J IIcCollum, 146 Palll<.,ter "treet. DetrOlt, $4,000,
Rao;mue, Ro,," ~C)O::\lcClelhn d\ enue DetlOlt. $3,600, \\ R
Fenne\ FdhOIl d, enue and ::-eco'1d "treet DetrOIt $G 000
I h/dbeth PdU" 37g LJ111hne!~e o;treet ])e~rolt $4 000 . rd~
\\ aul \ \ alh DI \. ane! II d'-dn "trv "tree~", Detro;t, $8,000, iT
II C::tol1e 28 Ca"t 'i5th "treet, ~an<.,a<., CIty \10, $0,000, H,
\\. La<.,hbrook Blame and J:le\ enth "treeb, Terre Haute,
Ind. $3000,::-' \\ IIudd, 2232 Hal' aul bou1evdrd, Los i\nge-le~,
Ca1., $18,000 '-- 11 \pp1eton, 3542 Hlal<.,clell dvenue, l\Imn ,
$; 000 John n L) on", 153 OrlJn a, enue ~ E 11111neapoh~,
S~ ;00 \. C Lm mg 11; Chfton avenue, :;\I1nneapoh", $5,000,
T r, CllchtOll 11CJ L :Z;th ~treet, :\Imneapohs, 8)-1-,000 13 G
Hm\ al d. ;0; Crutcher ~treet, Dallas. Tex, $3 503, .1IIr~ c\
l Bn~<;<., 1(,0 ~un<.,et a\ ume, Dalla~ $3000, Jame" \ndrewo;.
-t017 Fort\ hr"t a, enue, ChlCdgO, $7,000 \nl1le l Pl1l1hppo;,
[;1\ n Ifa\\ 1 wad, Pltto;]mrg. Pa $11 000, :;\lro; Hal1l1ah \ r
Pettit '--ewll(l and (]rlme" "tleeh, Da) ton. OhIO. $3, SOO E
S BIll ke, J r, :\Id~noha awl IIlo;tletoe clrn e<.,. Cleveland, 0..
~100 000 ILlrtha:C ".lIlleI, S32 South ldrroll "treet, SOl1lh
!1Ulel Ind $(iOOO \. P '\ul"en 810 \\ e"t 7t11 o;treet Topeka,
:h.dl1<", $-1-.000 \nna IZclchmae, (Jlenv\ood a,enue, Youngo;-
town, OhIO, $3,600
Lodge Furnishings.
A gentleman largely engaged 111 the bU"111e~s of furn-ish111g
lodge room~, recently related a number of expenence,
w1th lodge member,., who p1esumed to know all that 1S worth
know111g, "and then some," about fur11lture. An outfit had
been unpacked at Cumberland, J\1d, when a lodge man sur-f'eptJtlOu~
ly clIpped off a p1ece of leather frorn one of the
dIvans and forwarded it to a gO\ ernment expert at \\T a"hmg-ton
who, m the caUl Se of tlme, reported that he had exam111ed
and tested the sample and found 1t to be a hbrou" ll111tatlOn
of leather 1he dealer who handled the Job 111 great alarm
\\ rote the manufacturer "tatJng the deCl"lOn of the expert,
when the manufacturer offered to fur11l0,h a bond of $10,000 to
111demmfy the dealer agamst los" and wager $1,000 w1th the
expert upon the propo"ltlon that only genume leather was
used in the Job ;';othmg mOle was hea1d of the expert
~nother W1se lodge member expre..,sed the oplmon that
an uutfit of sohd mahogany \\ as made of bIrch and "tamed
c\n offer of $1,000 for e\ ery p1ece of b1rch found 111the lob
sllenced the fello'"
Looking for Desirable Machinery.
Lrne~t IIuppertz and l\Ir Kurtenbach, repre"entmg
Schnchardt & Schutte, dealer" and Jobber" 1n mach1l1elY, of
\ 1enna, ~u~tna. were 111Grand Rap1do, for a day or tvvo dur-mg
the past \\leek, J\Ir Huppertz Is manager of the ",ood
workmg machl11ery department and Mr. Kurtenbach 1" one
of theIr mac111nery expert~ They are makmg a totH of the
L l11ted States looking for machl11es "Ultable tor then trade
and found some of them 1n Grand Rap1ds, 1hey VISIted
"everal of the machme manufacturer~ and 1n"pected ~ome of
the fur11lture factone"
Our New Hand and Foot Power Circular Saw No.4.
The strongest, most power'ul, and m every way the best
machtne of Its kllld ever made, for nppIng, cross·cutttng
bonng and groovmg
Messrs Schuchardt & Schutte have agencies or branch
houses m Berlm, Stockholm, Copenhagen and o,everal other
European cltle" and also m \" ew Yark. La"t year thor
sales amounted to o\Cr $8,000,000, of whIch about $1,500,000
was Amencan made machmery
;\1es"r", Huppertz and Kurtenbach w1ll return to theIr
headquarters in December
Marvel Company Resumes Business.
The already long h"t of fur11ltt'1'e manufacture I~ for
wh1ch Grand Rap1ds I" famou", ha" recel\ed an add1tJon m
the Marvel \Ianufactunm; Company, formerly of loma, J\1lch
The l\1an el Company ~uffered from an extensIve fire at
loma m ] uly and determ1l1ed to take advantage of the OppOl-tumty
to move to the great furl11tUl e center, and purchased
the lanse plant formerly occup1ed by the Harnson \Vagon
\\ ork~ The plant \\hlch I" now 1n operatlOn covel" several
acre" of ground and has been remodeled to accommodate thc
rapIdly ~roW1l1g bus1l1e"", of the ~larvel Company, The lme
of ~00ds manufactured 10,popular pnced rocker" 111 oak 0111.1-
roll ",eab, saddle seats and cobbler "eats Th13 hne of rocker"
wl1l be on exh1blt 111 Januar) on the fourth floor of the furn-
Iture e~change 111Cranel RapIds a11d on the second floor of
the rllnuture ExhIbition BUllel1l1g. 1411 l\I1ch1gan a\emle,
In ChIcago, i'\\ elcome to our CIty," h heartIly extended to
the :\larvel company by the people of Grand RapIds
Enlarging Their Plant.
The Keeler Bra"s Company ha\ e under C011"tructlOn an
addItion to thelr foundry, 60 x 100 fect m ~ILe A new and
largcr eng111e and bollci WIll be 1l1stalled The compdny
cmploy'o 225 men and al every pro"perou",
In these days of close competition, need the best
pOSSible equipment, and thIS they can have in
BARNES' ----------------------- -----------------~
Send for Our New Catalogue.
iI . ."I •
654 Ruby Street, Rockford, Illinois
,-. ----~---._._----._._----~----,
Miscellaneous Advertisements.
----- ---- -
In the middle West. Large expenence in the sale of cham-ber
and dmmg room furmture. Would engage on salary.
Address "S. W. E." care Weekly Artisan. 11 27-2t
Salesman, by an old established house making a lme of hlgh
grade goods bought by the furmture trade. State age, where
last employed and salary expected. Address "E. K. E."
Weekly Artisan. 11-27 12-4
A good furmture man-aSSll,tant to buyer or one who has
had all around expenence. A chance for man who wants
to leave a smaller town and go mto a larger field. Address
Furniture Department, P. O. Box 245, Trenton, N. J. 11-20tf
If you are a resourceful, determined, diplomatic salesman
with enough Iron-m-your-blood to fight for busmess and get
It. the don't-know-when-your-lIcked_kmd With the "make
good" habit, neither "a has been" nor "a gomg to be" but
"an Iser," we want you on our sales force. We manufacture
a lme of dmmg room furmture offenng more reasons that
go down to bed rock why the trade should buy It, than most
A wmmng lme for a wmner. We must know your present
lines and the terntory you cover. Address "York," care this
office. 11 20-27 12-4-11
of medIUm pnced Dmmg Room Furmture in New York,
Expenenced salesman to sell, on commiSSIon basIs, our lme
(except towns belongmg to Metropolitan Dlstnct) Central
and I!.astern Pennsylvama. State expenence and lllles now
carried. Address Southern Furmture Co., Atlanta, Ga 11-20
For terntory east of Buffalo, New York CIty, New York state
and New England, one good lllle of furmture to sell m con-nectIOn
WIth my present lllle of dllllllg chaIrs. Address A. E.
W., care Weekly Artisan. 11-20
A Manufacturers' Agent domg a very successful busmess III
BaltImore and Washmgton and surroundlllg terntory desires
one or two good lines on commISSIOn. Address "Success,"
Weekly Artisan. 11-131£
Well eqUIpped Carvmg and Mouldmg Factory. In good lo-catIOn.
Lumber and coal cheap. A good chance for hustler
understandmg the busmess. Address W. H. Roberts, Knox-ville,
Tenn. 11-30-20
An experienced upholstery furniture salesman to work the
larger towns in Ilhnols, Iowa, Missoun, Dakota, Nebraska,
Kansas and Colorado. Must be a man who thoroughly
understands the business. Good s
- Date Created:
- 1909-11-27T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:22
- Subject Topic:
- Periodicals and Furniture Industry
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- © Grand Rapids Public Library. All Rights Reserved.
- URL:
- http://cdm16055.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16055coll20/id/169