Photograph (and 1 copy)

Photograph (and 1 copy). Black and white photo showing a view of the construction site of the future Detroit Edison Delray electric power plant, located on River Street (now W. Jefferson Avenue) at Waterman Street. The view shows a group of five workman and their horse-drawn wagons in the foreground. They are standing across a narrow dirt road that has several apple or fruit trees on each side. Piles of earth and groups of workmen can be seen in the right background area of the photo. Houses and buildings, probably located along River Street, are also visible in the background. A derrick and derrick-house can be seen in the right background area of the photo. (The derrick was probably used by one of the local salt companies to drill a brine well for the manufacture of salt. After drilling, the liquid brine was pumped to the surface for processing which included evaporation of the liquid in order to produce salt.) Further to the right, there is a 2-story wood frame store which has an awning with the lettering, "Stroh's Beer," shown on top. Unfortunately, the name and/or address on the awning is not readable. Printed text near the lower left corner of the photo shows "Excavating for Delray Power House No. 1, 1903" and "4-12-34." (This second date of 1934 does not match the image that is depicted and might be the date when the original image was reprinted or re-photographed.) The number, "D-4346," is printed in the lower right corner of the photo.
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Detroit Edison Company, DTE Energy, Delray Electric Power Plant, Brine Wells, and Salt Mining
No Copyright - United States