Using radio for community mobilization

The aim of the experiment is to determine whether radio can be used In Kenya in the same way as it is used in Zimbabwe in the Development Through Radio (DTR) project. In the Zimbabwean project, 10 to 20 women in each radio listening groups (RLG) gather once a week to listen to a DTR broadcast In their local language on development information for farmers; and to discuss the broadcast and raise issues to be addressed In future DTR programmes. The programmes are community-oriented and a limited number is produced by the women's groups. Preliminary results in Zimbabwe show positive affirmation of the RLGs as contributing to developmental needs of a specific community. The RLG, as it is being structured in Kenya, holds promise of being able to increase women's interest in and use of nutrition-related information in the selection and preparation of food for their families.
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Michigan State University. Libraries
Africa Media Review
Zimbabwe, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, Kenya, and Kenya
Subject Topic:
Radio in community development, Radio in community development, Women in radio broadcasting, Women in radio broadcasting, Radio programs, Citizen participation, Community radio, Citizen participation, Radio programs, Citizen participation, Community radio, and Citizen participation
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