One collage (Sheet 18 of 20) consisting of three pencil drawings, three photographic images, and a small black and white print

One collage (Sheet 18 of 20) consisting of three pencil drawings, three photographic images, and a small black and white print. The pencil drawings show plan and cross-section views of various components of the "Biautogo" motorcycle. Red watercolor paint has been added to highlight details on one of the drawings. One color photographic image is entitled "Photo of original watercolor drawing" and "JSB [James Scripps Booth], Cranbrook, November, 1908." One black and white photographic image shows an advertisement for "Der 'Militaire'" motorcycle and a second black and white photographic image shows a "Henderson" motorcycle. A small black and white print shows plan and profile views of a motorcycle fork assembly.
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Biautogo, Bi-Autogo, and Motorcycles
Subject Name:
Booth, James Scripps
No Copyright - United States