Black and white photo showing 46 guests at a dinner party that was held at the Detroit Edison Conners Creek electric power plant

Photograph (and 1 copy). Black and white photo showing 46 guests at a dinner party that was held at the Detroit Edison Conners Creek electric power plant. The dinner was held to celebrate the completion of the plant construction. The guests are all well-dressed with the women seated in front and the men standing behind them. Most of the guests (32 men and 14 women) are identified on an accompanying handwritten diagram that is dated "3-23-53." The room has a wood plank floor and has walls that are made of small and large bricks. The lower portions of the walls are vertical, but the upper portions have a slight inward slant. The ceiling area is decorated with twisted black crepe paper that forms a tall arch. Also, it appears that a dark-colored paper has been placed along the lower portions of the walls to protect the guests' clothing when they are seated on the wooden side benches. A table with a white tablecloth and glassware can be seen on the right side of the photo. Printed text in the lower right corner shows the number, "2787," and the date, "11-28-14."
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Municipal Services
Subject Topic:
Detroit Edison Company, DTE Energy, and Conners Creek Electric Power Plant
Subject Name:
Spencer, Art, Fenkle, Neil, Miller, Bill, Hall, Archie, Livsey, J., Esselstyn, H.H., Parker, Jim, Guetts, Frank, French, Sydney, Williamson, Donald, Gardiner, Jack, Gross, Christian, Dow, Alex, Wilde, Jack, Benjamin, O.R., Simons, Aaron, Devissor, Jack, Marshall, A.C., Dickson, Jim, Oxtoby, James, Mumford, Sam, Goudy, Bob, Cato, George, Drysdale, Walter, Lapworth, C.W., and Dow, Margaret
No Copyright - United States