[Program] Bravo: Michigan Opera Theatre, Spring 2006

The 2005-2006 season has three program books. One for the fall, winter, and spring seasons.
These materials are part of the Allesee Dance and Opera Resource Library, the official library and archive for the Michigan Opera Theatre. and This metadata was created by Wayne State University Library system based on original cataloging by the Allesee Dance and Opera Resource Library, the library of the Michigan Opera Theatre
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Wayne State University. Libraries and Allesee Dance and Opera Resource Library, Michigan Opera Theatre
Michigan Opera Theatre Archive Programs Collection
Subject Name:
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. and Grands ballets canadiens.
Subject Genre:
Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Program, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs, and Programs
Subject Title:
Aida, Bella Figura (Choreogaphic work: Kylian), Caught (Choreographic work : Parsons), Cinderella (Choreographic work), Cry (Choreographic work : Ailey), For Bird - with love (Choreographic work : Ailey), Forgotten Land (Choreographic work : Kylian), Hidden rites (Choreographic work : Ailey), Ife/My heart (Choreographic work : Brown), Memoria (Choreographic work : Ailey), Night creature (Choreographic work : Ailey), Opus McShann (Choreographic work : Ailey), Phases (Choreographic work : Ailey), Reminiscin’ (Choreographic work : Jamison), Revelations (Choreographic work : Ailey), Salome, Sechs Tanze (Six Dances) (Choreographic work), Shining star (Choreographic work: Parsons), Solo (Choreographic work : Manen), Song for you (Choreographic work : Ailey), Vergessenes Land (Choreographic work : Kylian), and Winter in Lisbon (Choreographic work : Wilson)
theater programs
Copyright, Michigan Opera Theatre. Contact copyright holder to obtain permission for use.