Herman Miller Vanity Base and Mirror

This Vanity, in the collection of the Newark Museum, consists of a dressing table carcase of rectangular form with slightly concave recessed top. The table is raised on two tapered slap legs and made of medium brown wood. There are three graduated drawers on each side of the central knee opening that have pale blond horizontal striped handles. One drawer has a label on the inside which reads "Made by Herman Miller Furniture Co. Original Rohde Design Zeeland Michigan". The object is finished off with a square mirror with blond moldings framing the glass. Stenciled on the back in black are the numbers 3930 which indicates the year of design to be 1939. Based on Trade Catalogue information, the original price of the vanity was $29. 00 and the mirror was $7. 00. The mirror originally intended to hang separately on wall above, whereas this example has been modified to attach directly to the back of the vanity. Herman Miller Trade Name: Vanity Base and Mirror Herman Miller Series: 3930 Bedroom Group Product Number: 3930
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Wayne State University. Libraries and Newark Museum
Herman Miller Consortium Collection
Subject Topic:
dressing tables and mirrors
Images are copyright Herman Miller, Inc. Web versions may be used for reference purposes. If you would like a higher quality image please contact the individual institution holding the item.