Winchell School, Mrs. Mildred Borton's classroom with visitors and list of Swahili words

Education. School children look at list of Swahili words with international visitors sponsored by the International Teacher Development Program, U.S. Department of State, through Western Michigan University. Visitors include Bakari Kombo (Tanganyika), Biubwa Muh'd Gharib (Zanzibar), Addson Harris Mphonda (Nyasaland), and Othelo Courtney Pegus (Trinidad), with Winchell School teacher, Mrs. Mildred Borton, far right. Client: Mrs. Borton, Winchell School (Photographic Negative)
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Western Michigan University. Libraries
4 photos in event 9223
Kalamazoo; Michigan
Subject Topic:
Borton, Mildred, Winchell Elementary School (Kalamazoo, Mich.), School children--Michigan--Kalamazoo, Classrooms--Michigan--Kalamazoo, Swahili language--Study and teaching--Michigan--Kalamazoo, Teacher exchange programs, and International Teacher Development Program (U.S.)
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