Technology and higher education

W. Patrick Dixon, Michigan State University Professor of Educational Psychology, delivers a talk at the MSU Main Library titled "Technology and higher education: the future is now". Dixon says the shift to online learning is irreversible and accelerating and that appliances and storage media will continue to get smaller. Dixon also reports on the growth of competition in the education business and says that traditional educational environments can not keep up with the rate of change or accommodate the diversity of learners. He strongly endorses the concept of student portfolios to showcase college work and says that portfolios need to be online for prospective employers to see. Question and answer session follows. Sponsors of the event include the Michigan State University Libraries and the ASMSU U-Voice Seminar. Part of the MSU Libraries' Colloquia Series.
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Michigan State University. Libraries
G. Robert Vincent Voice Library Collection
United States, United States, United States, and United States
Subject Topic:
Web-based instruction, Internet in higher education, Education, Higher, Effect of technological innovations on, Education, Higher, Economic aspects, and Employment portfolios
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