Delray Police Station, April 1st 1906

Photograph. Sepia-toned photo showing 24 policemen who are seated or standing along the exterior wall of a brick and wood-frame building. All of the men are wearing uniforms except for one who is wearing a dark suit and overcoat and is seated near the center of the photo. Printed text above the photo shows "Delray Police Station, April 1st 1906." Names of the policemen are printed beneath the photo as follows (left to right, back row): "E. Watson, signal officer; E. F. Hasting, patrolman; F. Weibel, patrolman; A. A. Coats, patrolman; A. Schoenrath, patrolman; P. O'Grady, patrolman; D. Gordon, patrolman; R. Weir, patrolman; E. Hays, signal officer." (left to right, middle row): "W. Farris, doorman; Wm. A. Gerold, patrolman; W. C. Degner, patrolman; F. Reskey, patrolman; F. Tesky, patrolman; L. H. Sterling, patrolman; D. Thomas, driver; H. Purcell, mounted patrolman." (left to right, front row): "J. Matteson, sergeant; L. C. Vermette, lieutenant; J. J. Downey, superintendent; P. W. Smith, commissioner; F. A. Newberry, captain; J. W. Wozniak, sergeant; T. Regan, sergeant."
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Detroit Historical Society
Subject Topic:
Buildings, Policemen, Police Officers, Police Stations, and Delray
Subject Name:
Watson, E., Hasting, E.F., Weibel, F., Coats, A.A., Schoenrath, A., O'Grady, P., Gordon, D., Weir, R., Hays, E., Farris, W., Gerold, William A., Degner, W.C., Reskey, F., Tesky, F., Sterling, L.H., Thomas, D., Purcell, H., Matteson, J., Vermette, L.C., Downey, John James, Smith, P.W., Newberry, F.A., Wozniak, J.W., and Regan, T.
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