Lansing Community College sophomore Macey Morales talks about her childhood, family, cultural assimilation, college major, and career interest

Lansing Community College sophomore Macey Morales talks about growing up in a rough area of Lansing, MI, having a large garden at home, a Puerto Rican father and Mexican mother, and a wonderful childhood up to the time of her mother's death. She talks about her mixed heritage, dealing with racism, and the example her father set by trying to make sure that his children were assimilated into American society and by not confusing them by forcing them to learn Spanish. Morales describes a number of jobs she has had, majoring in telecommunications at LCC and looking for a creative career. She says she does not see herself married with children in the near future, and wants her own career, her own money, and her own home in the country.
Date Issued:
Data Provider:
Michigan State University. Libraries
G. Robert Vincent Voice Library Collection
Subject Topic:
Childhood and youth, Family, Students, Racially mixed families, Racism, Americanization, College majors, and Vocational interests
Subject Name:
Morales, Macey, Morales, Macey, Morales, Macey, and Lansing Community College (Mich.)
Subject Genre:
Interviews and Interviews
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