Meat Locker at Lamsdorfer

The meat larder at the Lamsdorf prison camp is full of pork, beef, sausages, and other foodstuffs early in the war (this photograph was taken in 1915). A German cook and an Allied POW work in the storeroom in preparation for the next meal. The Allied blockade of Germany placed a heavy burden on the Germans' ability to feed prisoners of war within a year.
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Western Michigan University. Libraries
Subject Topic:
Germany, Lamsdorf, Nutrition, Camp Kitchen, Rations, Work, Butchers, Cooks, Allied POWs, German Guards, World War 1914-1918, Diplomatic History, European History, Military History, and Political History
No Copyright - United States. Physical ownership of materials: Charles Correvon, "Aus deutschen Kriegsgefangenen, Zweite Folge," Frankfurt-am-Main: Literarische Anstalt, Ruetten und Loening, 1916, 35.