Michigan Capitol Postcard Collection

These digital images were created from materials held by the Michigan State Capitol Commission. and Michigan'$ Magnifictzntly Rlz$tortzd Capitol Wintizr or 11ummizr. Miehigan'11 earizfully fj!:lltOfj!:d Capitol, a National t1i11torie J.1mdmark, prj!:11iznt11 a hand11omiz pieturiz. iznjoyj!:d by thou11and11 of 11i11itor11 j!:a<:h yj!:ar. ~ponzorj!:d by friiznd11 of thiz Capitol, lne. Box 17067, J.an11lng, Mi. 48909 Photography eounμy of Grizg 't>omagal11ki
Data Provider:
Library of Michigan
Michigan State Capitol Collections
Copyright Status Unknown - work may be protected by copyright. It is the user’s responsibility to comply with U.S. copyright law. Please credit ‘Michigan State Capitol Postcard Collection, Library of Michigan Digital Collections’ when using content from this collection. For publication-quality images, or any questions about these items, please contact capitolhistory@legislature.mi.gov.