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- Weekly Artisan; 1910-02-19
Weekly Artisan; 1910-02-19
- Notes:
- Issue of a furniture trade magazine published weekly in Grand Rapids, Mich, starting in 1879. and GHAND RAPIDS. MICH.• FEBRUARY 19. 1910
--------_._---------------------------------------~ •~~~
I' 'II
I Manufacturers of KItchen Cabmets, K D. Wardrobes, Cupboards and Safes, in ImItatIOn
golden oak, plam oak and quartered oak.
Manufacturers of Chamber SUItes,Wardrobes, ChIffomers, Odd Dressers, Chifforobes.
Manufacturers of Mantel and Upright Folding Beds, Buffets, Hall Trees, China Closets,
Combmahon Book and LIbrary Cases.
Manufacturers of SIdeboards in plam oak, imItatIOnquartered oak, and solid quartered oak,
Chamber SUites, Odd Dressers, Beds and ChIffoniers in Imitation quartered oak, ir~\ltatlOn
mahogany, and ImItation golden oak
Manufacturers of the "Supenor" Lme of Parlor, LIbrary, Dmmg and Dressmg Tables
Manufacturers of "Hygiene" Guaranteed Brass and Iron Beds. CrIbs, Wire Springs and Cots.
Made by The Karges Furllllure Co
Evansville is the great mixed car loading center of the
United States, made so by the Big Six Association.
''--.----------------_._--- --------- --------------------------.-..-.-.-.-.------ ....
... ... • aa •••• a.a. _ r •• ad. • Fa ••• •• .,
I Perfect results obtained on material 16or 20 feet I
long as well as shorter lengths. I
Quality and Quantity Ii
Profits Guaranteed. i
I Ask for Catalog "E"
No Other Machine is Capable ,
of Sanding Mouldings and
Irregular Shapes
Wysong & Miles Company I
Cedar St. and Sou. R. R., Greensboro, N. C. I
• b •• t..... . ...
No. 194 Belt Sanding Machine.
--~--~--~~ -- ... -_. .' .- ... ..... .
Qran~Da~MsDlow Pi~e
an~Dust Arrester (om~anJ
THE LATEST devtce for handltng
slJ,avmgs and dust from all wood-working
machines. Our ntneteen years
experience in thts class of work has
brought it nearer perfectwn than any
other system on the market today. It
fS no expenment) but a demonstrated
scientific fact, as we have several hun-dred
of these systems in ltse} and not a
poor one among them. Our Automattc
Furnace Feed System, as shown In this
cut, is the most perfect working devIce
of anything in this line. Write for our
prices for equipments.
Office and Fa.ctory:
208-210 Canal Street
Citizen. Phon .. 1282 Bell. Main 1804
I Show Room: 1435-37 Wabash Avenule. Chicago Warehouse: 16th Street and Indiana Avenue, I
• I i Chicago. Fadory: Michigan City, Indiana. _!
r.•• eoa.1&Wi ... "fJe ...... & ...... _t6,;;m ...... *,~_'!t 1!t61'll'll!l.'lIe.i1~p'._ t!l'§1li7$ffi~~"';'deo$' •••••••• !!"'!i: •••• -'5'6&8. ':S"'>'leJ
..... __ .
One of Our New
•I Our greatly enlarged line of Fiber ..Rush Furniture and our recently increased
I facilities for its manufacture, insure a wide variety to select from and prompt ship.. I ment of orders.
II Genuine Fiber-Rush Furniture is manufactured solely by The Ford &
Johnson Co.
The following
tern tones : I,I•
salesmen will represent the Company in the respective
W. B. Chase l
J. B. Gough ~
C. G. Shaw
J. N. Mehornay
Paul Clark
Tom Woodbury
C. F. Lehman
E. A. Sibley
J. R. Walters
Pacific Coast
Iowa, Nebraska
Missouri and Colo.
Illinois and Indiana
City of Chicago
Credit Department
Sales Manager
J. I. Brewer
J. R. Cline
J. C. Hubbard
L. D. Green
F. H. Waterbury
J. S. Boyer
F. E. Hunn
L. H. Steiner
A. H. Jennings
Michigan and Ohio
Central South
City of Chicago
Floor salesman
Floor salesman
Floor salesman
City of Chicago
~- -- - .
.. . . . ..
Have you had anything from The Luce Furniture Co. lately 1
Bedroom and Dining Room equipment in profusion.
Time---Now. Place---Grand Rapids.
- ----_._.-._._--_._--- .__._--------------------------.-...-..
Luce-Redmond Chair Co.,Ltd. I
Our Exhibit you will find on the
fourth floor, East Section, MANUfACTURERS'BUILDING,North Ionia Street
Exhibit in charge of ]. C. HAMILTON, C. E. COHOES, ]. EDGAR FOSTER.
High Grade Office Chairs
Dining Chairs
Odd Rockers and Chairs
Desk and Dresser Chairs
Sli pper Rockers
Colonial Parlor Suites
Dark and TUlia MahogallY
Brrd,' J Ey Maple
!::2!!artered Oal.
CtrcaJJum Waillut
- ~ -----------
GH.At\'D r~~;"' l
30th Year-No. 34 GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.• FEBRUARY 19. 1910 Issued Weekly
The Sixth Annual Convention Held at Toledo9 Proves a Pleasing Success.
. Addresses and Report.
Toledo, 0, Feb Ii-The "lxth annual com ent10n of the
Oh1O RetaJ! Furlllture Dealers' assoclabon wa" held 111 thlS
cIty at the Hotel Secor tl11s week Tuesday and vI, ednesday
It v,a::, a most succes"ful and harmonlOus affalr mal ked es-peClally
by a "'plllt of cOf(!Jahty C'n the pal t of the enterta1l1er"
compo~ed of the deale I " and manufacturel'" of 1 aledo and
by a feelmg of good fello'" shIp pervad1l1g all of the seS:,lOn"
The attendance was conSldeldbly lalgcl tha.n at the last
conventlOn thel e bC1l1g about fifty outsIde delegates present
The fir"t "e"SlOn \\ a" helel at 2 30 Tuesda} afternoon,
w1th P1 eSldent Ii \V )Jo~ey of :\IarYSY1Ile 111 the chall
\\ I Owen of VetrOlt, presIdent of the :\IlchllSan Retdll
Fur111tul e dealel,,' a",soclatlOn bell1g present was fir:,t called
to addres" the COI1\entlOn and 111 a bnef talk Il1vlted the
OhlO dealer~ to attend the meet1l1£i of the '\atlOnal Eetall
Fur111iurc Dedlers' a..,:,ouabotl 111 DetrOIt on lehrual y 21
and 22, mgm~ that their pre:,enCL \\ ould add ..,tren£ith dnd
mtluence to the con\ entlOl1 dnd thdt l11dny mdttel.., of "\Ital
mtele..,t \\111 be con"ldered He conglatl1ldted the ()hlO A..,-
"ouatlOn upon hdvmg "'0 many membel" prc..,ent, ?lIlch1gan,
he said, ",as the filst state to ha\e an a~<"OClat1(lt1of fmmtl11c
dealers, there hemg one hundred and fift) on the roll" at the
present tIme He refelled to the fact that thele ,ire 5,000
mem bel s affihated \\ Ith the natIonal a'iSOClat1On ri he asso-
CIatIOn.., 111 the dIfferent state" dftord the dealels the mean"
-of gett111g together and to can cct abuscs and to brmg about
better enforcement of laws
Welcomed by Mayor Whitlock.
2\Iayor Brdnd vI, hltlock was next 111troduced dnel 111 111"
welcome spoke a" follows
"1ir ChaIrman and gentlemen, I am sure lt gn es me a
great deal of pleasure thIS afternoon to come here ,md say
to tIll.., ASSOCIatIOn of lurmture Dealers that they al e wel-come
to the CIty of Toledo, and 1 'ihould hke to make thls
V\ elcome a warm one pef'wndlly as well as officially--mdeed
I should hke to have you feel lt IS not a mere c0ld officlal
formahty \Ye fcel that by com1l1g hcre you do Us an honor,
dnd we seek to honor you to the full extent of am ablhty
"1 wlsh 1 rl11ght say someth1l1g to make yOU feel at home
m Toledo 1 hcard d httle :star} the other day 111\\ ,tsh1l1g-ton
",hlch E IJopkm::,on Sllllth told, and thCle IS a (ertam
spint about that story that I shoud hke to £;et 111to 111\ lC-marks
If It \\Cle pO':'lble He saId that t"'o Udvd111g men \\ent
to a town, stopped at a hotel, and a:sked for rooms The pro-pnetor
of the hotel saId he couldn't give them room; that
there were two corn ent10ns 111 the cIty and there was no
"pace left m the mn '\Vell,' they said 'can't you get us
100111S out somewher e m the town?' The proprietor of the
hotel sald, '0.0, I can't do that, they are all taken.' Can't you
let ns sleep on the bllhard table")' 'N 0, he said, 'four men
ha" e all ead} spoken for the b11hard tables' They sald,
'well, how about the bal ber shop, can't we sleep in the chairs'
'\0, there are t,,\>o men for each chair as rt 1S." The pro-pl
ietor saId, 'I want to take care of :;ou in some way, gentle-men
and,' he saId, '1f you w111 wait untl1 9 o'clock and meet
me alound the corner I thmk I can arrange accommodatIOns
fw } au' \t <) o'clock he met them around the corner, he
came aloll£; wlth a lantern, It \\ a'i a small town, and he took
them clown the street anel around a C01 ner and up another
..,lde "tree1 and finally he stopped in front of a large bmldmg,
1t \\ ,j-, a (hurch bl11ldmg, and he opened the door dnel said,
'flll.., I" the L 11Itdnan Church It rs wa1m, they are gomg
to ha\ e "en Ice t0l110rrw dnd thcse "eats are comfortable, and
) au can <.,leep herc on these walln cush1Ons, and perhaps to-mon
o\\> I can tmd you more comfortdble qual ters They
thanked h1111and he left Along about 10 o'clock the whole
town \\ as stdrtled and awakened by the nngmg of the Uni-tanan
Chul ch bell The whole town flocked out and rushed
up there, the landlord along wlth them-hc of course sur-
1111 s1l1g \'\ ho It '" as that was responsible for thls demonstra-tIOn,
and he 1ushed 111 and saId, 'what I::' the matter WIth you
felIo", s,' and they sald 'nothmg we are Just ordenng two
dry MartIms for ~ a 313'
"N ow, gentlemen, lf there lS anythmg l!1 Toledo you
want, Just nng the bell and we wlll turn out, the whole
town, and £;et It for you As I said before, we feel honored
by yom COll1ll1g here You replesent a great and important
mdu Stl:; .. I used to know a man who was a councllman and
he at one tnne had been m the furnIture business, and the
men in the councll one mght asked hrm what he made his
fm nltm e out of dnd he saId "out of my head" and one of the
men neal the door saul they supposed he dId because they
had notlCecl hI'" head \\ as usudlly "cry wooden As I say,
\ au repre"ent a great dud lmportdnt mdustry and we arc
£ilad to haVE you co.me helc, and I hope you will go away
rcelmg \\ c h,n e done yOU :some good I aSSUl e you now we
feel honored in your coming and I hope } Ou
comlllg back again and staylllg as long as } ou
ing I thank you."
response to the
may feel hke
feel lIke sta}-
Morey's Response.
As a Mayor's welcome president :-Iore}
"Mr. Mayor, and gentlemen of the com entlon I thll1K
the walt was worth the story and I hope you \,,111 not be :0,0
unfortunate as to meet With the expenence of the travelll1g
man In the story Weare very glad to be 111 Toledo, ill r
Ma} or. 'Ve have heard of your enterpnse, your progl e"".
} our bounds toward a greater majorIty or a greater popu-latIon
lather-the maJOIlty came to you when yOU \,ere
elected-but a greatel populatIOn; and a progres~li e people
bespeak" an entel prIS1l1g city The towering bUlld1l1g:o here
I efIect credit, and thi" hotel celta1l11} reflects credit to thr
capitalIsts who have ventu! cd to put It hel e I thlllk \\ Itll-out
an exceptIOn It is one of the leadll1~ hotel", It not the
leadmg hotel, of the state There IS a great deal, a ~reat
deal to be proud of, 1\11 1\1ayor. 1 don't care to eulogl7e
your surroundmgs, or your bUIldings espeCially, you have
other advantages hele, parks-many of the men don't knov\
you have 24 pal ks containmg a thousand acres of land, fl ee
breathing space for the commull1ty at large
The first thmg that Identified the personalItv of Toledo
to me was way back-I am some 20 yeals Jour senIOr. :-rr
Mayor,-way back in DaVid Locke's tllne, I thmk of that
time as I remember the Toledo Blade There \\ a" nothmg
that gave the personalIty to the people of the state a:o P V
Nasby in hiS day He aroused a patronage, I don't knO\\
how well it has stuck to It; but he certaInly did arouse a
patronage that certamly made Toledo famous My recollec-tIOn
way back there is of thiS being his home, and he lived
to erect a monument that is wlthlll probably a squal e or two
of thiS place where I am speakIng Mr :\Iayor, the city
doesn't stand Just for bUlldIngs and parks and such as that,
but it stands for somethIng I want to bring out to these men,
and in bnnging It out pardon my speCial bouquets that may
come to yourself They wIll be deserVIng and mented. mer-
Ited thus far m your admInstratlon of thiS Clt} I suppo..,e
there will be no serIOUS obJectlOn-I don't \\ ant an} tlllng
I might say to get Into pi ess notIces because I dldn t pre-pare
in a careful way anything of that kind. but I am going
to read a little that I thought I had In my head but I find I
have not.
"YOul success as an Independent Mayor of this to\'-'n
stands out before the people of the state with a prommence
and a character that IS above almost any CIty of the state
Columbus has wrestled with the question of punty and up-lift
in political hnes and it has just been resurrected here
within the last fall by Mr ]Vrarshall The task of governIng
a city is great. He has a job and so has Mr "hltock You
have in your midst today a man of exceptIOnal character, a
man who has surrounded himself With the upnsIng gener-ation,
a man whose heart goes out to the boy" of thIS to\\ n,
who takes them under his counsel, I elieves them of their
little difficulties, pictures out the higher ideal" of lIfe-that
is something for a town to be proud of, Just as proud of as of
the buildings and the churches and the hbrary bUlldmgs, for
he is mouldUlg the characters of tomorrow. and the boys of
today are the voters of tomorrow. That man IS John B
Gunkle. So I won't want to speak altogether of the town.
It is the men that are in It that make the town The efforts
of her cItIzens to the higher ideals of hfe are what bring out
and make a city. I know of no such work as Mr Gunkle is
doing in this town, anywhere in the state. I will admit that
the influence started is permeating other cities. We see
a httle of It else\'; here, It has been taken up by Judge Lind-o,
e) of Denv er and it probably Will be taken up farther along
1)\ other cItIes, but the} have thought so much of the move-ment
that thiS town hao, helped to bUlld a modern auditor-
Ium for these boys You don't know what IS in the boys until
\ au get do\\ n 111\\ Ith them and wrestle with them, and take
them 111:' our heal t, and help them over the hard place" MI
(ltwkle ha~ been tel mecl 'a fisher of boys'
"'\nd } OUI actIOn a" an 111dependent mayor of this to\'-'n
m your admmlstratlOn. m grapplIng With human paraslties
of society, the hangers on 1f you please, that both parties
ha\ e, men who seek office for the money It may bnng them
not for the good the} may do the people You have taken
the huma11lty ~Ide of decldmg contentious questions between
capItal and labor U11lversal brotherhood m the industnal
\, orld \\ III do a,,-dy With mdustnal warfare Did you ever
thmk of that, gentlemen? :'-restle up clo"e to the laboring
man Tredt h1111as a man born With the same purposes as
pOSSlbl} :;ou \\ ere and because he IS lowel clown m the strug-gle
ot lIte, gn e h1111a chance Brotherl} 10\ e m and among
men wIll work out a common good m a neighborhood to\'-'n
or Clt} It IS the brothedy spmt of the town of Columbus
that ga\ e It the clean admmstratlOn It 13 now hay mg You
no doubt meet With contentious personages, that heretofore
lu\ e gUIded the ship of ward polItics to their own lIking
Thlo, Clt} has almo~t been bathed m the tears of the
\\ eepmg oneo, \\ho ..,a\,-,w the future government of thiS com-monwealth
dire thmgs were going to happen I can only
<-a} to your wdependent admil1lstration, naIl your ideals high
Up on the mast of mdependence Counseling yourself with
thlo, thought, ll1dependence of thought and actIOns in politics
IS the anchormg keystone m the arch of our government.
The whiplash of partisanship is fast slackening her reins,
the new errOl of controllmg men IS upon us, let us meet it
mflll1chmgly It was the Immortal Lmcoln who said, and
we have Just passed the day set aside m memory of him.
"Let reverence for law be taught in our schools and colleges,
let it be written m spellmg books and prImers, let it be pub-lIshed
from the pulpits, and proclaimed in legislative halls
and enforced m the courts of justice, in short, let it become
the reltglOn of the nation So I say, give us men who are
fearless, \\ ho dare to do nght as they see It, men who believe
that the laborer has nghts, as well as capital; then we will
have less contentIOn and the true brotherhood of man will
be achieved."
The I eport of secretary-treasurer C. M. Voorhees was
next read and accepted.
To the officers and members: In presenting this my
"ixth annual report I wish first to submit a roster of the
membershIp at this date alphabetIcally arranged according
to cIties and towns
Akron-Burdette L Dodge; The M. O'Neil company.
Alliance- J. H Sharer & Son.
A.thens-Home Furnishing company.
Bellaire-Mellott & Myers; H P. Rodewig & Co.
Bowling Green-Coen Bros.
Blyan-The Bryan Hardware company.
Camblldge-Gillespie & McCulley.
Canton-The Klein & Haffelman company.
ChIllIcothe-Willis N. Allen; W. B. Billings.
Cincinnati-Julius Berger company; Anthony Cook's
Sons, Betz and Central avenue; Dine's Furniture House, 1123
:-lain street, The Fair Department Store, F. C. Buddington,
manager, Henry Franke; Groese Bros., 1710 Eilm street;
Theo Heck & Co, 323 W. Fifth street; Louis Hellman; The
Herbert Furniture company, 3942 Spring Grove avenue; The
January, 1910.
Furniture Exhibition Bldg.,
Fourth Floor.
The .UDELL Line
Library Bookcases, Medicine Cabinets,
Ladies' Desks, Commodes,
Sheet Music Cabinets, Folding Tables,
Piano Player Roll Cabinets.
A Lille which IS wen worth gomg to see A Lme that you
should have a complete catalog of fhe fact that you have not our
catalog can only be rectified by WrItmg for your copy to day
'I----_._IN~DIA-N-AP-O-LI-S,--IN-D_.------_._._._.N_o.._679.--- ~--------------------_._._._------'
E Kleeman compan}, 314 VV hfth street; Adolph Kle1l1,
224 VV FIfth siJ eei, LoUIs l\Ial'C & Bros , Nev\pori, K} , A
Ste1l1kamp & Co, 225 v\ I'Ifth street, Jake Tennenbaum &
Co, 206 \iV ~ lfth Stl eet, Tennenbaum BlOS & Co, 213 vV
FIfth street, Tennenbaum & Mode, 315 VV FIfth street, Thos
P. Zackman, 4024 HamIlton avenue
Cleveland-Aldnch-Howey & Co, 2120 OniallO ~tJeet,
Geo Belz, 4967 vVoodland avenue, The BIebel Furlllture
company, 3039 \Voodland avenue, Blown Bros, 2040 On-iario
street, N W, I'leishelm & SmIth; Glckman & Wein-berk,
3841 VVoodland avenue, Koch & Henke; S Kohn &
Sons, 2336 vVoodland avenue, The Lederer Furlllture com-pany;
Strauss-MIllel compdny, 836 Huron Road, The Shel-wood
FurllltUI e company, 7313 \\ oodland avenue; The V1l1
cent-Barstov, compam, 72S Fuchd a\ enue vVm V\ lschmelel
2S60 W 25th stJ eel. ' ,
Columbus-Carhle & Kell 629 \\ Broad street The
W. S Carhle & Sons company,' 445 N HIgh sireet, J 01111 D
Cochran, 1023 ~ HIgh street; The Frohook Furniture com-pany,
260 S Fourth Stl eet " \V E Heskett 507 N Hlah street , b ,
The Home Furlllsh1l1g company, 239 S Fourth street; Val
Loewer, 136 E Ma1l1 stJ eet, May & Co, 239 N. HIgh street,
The C R PalIsh company, 461 -:-J High. The SteVlart Bros
Furlllture company, 467 N HIgh street
Conneaut-The SImmons & Bennett company.
Day ton- VV. N. Al tz, VV. Byrne, FI ed Cappel, VV D
Huber, May & Co, S A. Pnce & Co
Delaware-Blair & Co.
Elyria-Harry H Smith & CO.,The Wilk1l1s-Hurst Co
Glbsonburg-M G Veh
J ackson-C A. Wood
Kent-I. L Harriff.
Leeonia- C L. Crowell.
Lima-J. W. Rowlands.
Logan-J. F. Harden & Co
Lorain-Fred J. Fey, VVickens & Ransom
Marysville-'Edson G. Lott, H \lv. Morey & Co.
Middletown-The Convoy-Levy company
Montpelier-Beach & Gause
Norwood-The Gobrecht-Geyel company.
Oberlin-A. D. Booth
Painesville-E D Keener.
Portsmouth-F. C. Daehler, Samuel Horchow
Sandusky-Dilgart & Bittner
Urbana-The Mammoth Furniture company.
Van Wert-H. L. Sidle.
II I .....
No. 354 No. 1239
v\·ell~ton-Hotchl(Jss & Co
\ \ estcn 11le-- \\ C Ph1l1ney
vVOO'otE'I-J H n Danford
YOUl1l:;,:>iov\l1-fhe II L 1\IcEhoy company
-:-J ew memhtrs adll11tted Slllce ihe last meetlllg of the
,1SsoudtlOn al e a" follow"
May & Co, Columbus
Henry Franke, Clllclllnati
JUlllh- Derger Co, ClllcinnatJ
'lhe Goblecht-Ge}er Co, NOlwood.
Lotus Hellman, ClllC1l1naiJ
Tennenbaum & Mode, ClllclllnatJ
Grosse BIOS. Clllunnatl
A.dnlph Klc111, CIllCl11nal1
Loms l\Ian. & BIOS, ClllclllnatJ, (?\ ewport, Ky)
Jake Tennenbaum & Co, C1l1ClllnatJ
!\ Ste1l1kamp & Co, ClllclllnatJ
The Conroy & Le\} Co J\Ilddletown
The ran, F C Budc1gllll5ton, l\Igr, Clllclllnatl
Theo Heck & Co, C1l1clllnati.
Dllle's Fur11ltm e House, Clllclllnati.
Thos P Zachman, ClllclllnatJ
Anthony Cook's Sons, Clllcinnatl
The E Kleeman & Co, ClllclllnatJ.
'1he followlllg membel s have WIthdrawn or gone out
of bus1l1ess
RelIable FurnIture com pan} , Dayton
R C 11 Hastings, Athens.
The C 1\1 McClalll company
Total membershIp, February 15, 1909 70
XeV> member" dUllng year endlllg Februaly 15 1910 19
Toial numbel of withdrawals. . . 3
TOial membershIp Februal} 15, 1910 .' .. 86
Financial Statements.
FolloWl11g IS the finanCIal statement of the secretary and
l1casurer for the yea I endlllg FebrualY 15, 1910
Balance on hand ai t1111eof last report February 15, 1909.
Received as l11iidtlOn fees and dues during the year end-
1!1g February 15, 1910, ihe following sums, to-wit:
H VV Morey & Co, MarySVIlle " .. " $300
C R Pansh company, Columbus 3.00
Henry Franke, ClllclllnatJ.. 300
JulIus Berger Co, Clllcl!lnati " 300
(Contmued on page 26.)
Feb'y 16
~~~~~~----~~-~~~--- - - - -
Takinli Your Own Medicine.
"Take your medIcine" "try It on the dog;' are not
uncommon expreSSlOns when one wants to know something
about a thing presented to hIm, If It is 111the nature of an
investment. When one is running a large business, has many
thousand dollars 111vested,and from 50 to 100 or more men
employed, the matter of economy IS one of the most import-ant
th111gsto be considered. StIll he does not hke to experi-ment-
want's some one else to do that ThIs IS so much the
case in the matter of furniture making that even 111the
matter of design most manufacturers are afraid to branch
out, and bring out someth111g new, but are content to go
along in a rut till some more enterprising company does the
experiment111g and bUIlds up a demand for something new-and
then they are ready to Jump 111and harvest whel e others
have sown. Take, for instance, the new stuff so prevalent
this year-Flanders, Tudor, Ehzabethan, etc , no one ventured
to bring out anything of these styles untIl some of the Grand
Rapids factories blazed the way. The same is true in almost
doubled, but the lumber came out so much better that the
furnace was cheated out of enough waste in a year to more
than pay the cost of fitt111gup the kilns in the new way.
"Trying it on the dog" was an eminent success. Watch the
ad" of the Grand Rapids Veneer Works for the next three
months and see what other manufacturers say about it.
Buyers in Grand Rapids in August, 1880.
Mr. Dewey, of Dewey & Stone retailers of Omaha, Neb, ia
purchasing goods for the jobbing trade of the firm, which is
large in Nebraska, Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado. Other
arnvals include J. A. Colby of Colby & Co., Chicago; Mr.
Thayer representing William Salomon, a prominent retailer of
Chicago; \V. N. Conant of Conant Brothers, Toledo; C. F.
Ran of Beloit, Wis.; WIlliam Striker of Palo, III ; Mr. Don-nelly
of Donnelly & Barnes, Chicago; Mr. Hayden of Hayden
& Brother, Rocheater, N. Y.; W D. Pennington, Lyons, Mich.;
J M. Bess111er,Hastlllgs, Mich.; W. N. Nordseick of Weber's
funllture emporium, DetrOIt, Mr Lake of Hartson & Lake,
Ea ton Rapids, Mr. Wlrts of W irts & Scholle, Chicago; George
Brandt of Bloomington, III ; Robert Keith of Kansas City; E.
A Carder, Kalamazoo; Julius Kegal, Detroit; Nicholas Wag-ner,
Kent CIty, Mr Montgomery, Montgomery & Vander
Werp, Muskegon; E S. Noble, Elk Rapids, A. Kie1, William
\Vallace and James Barnes, Grand Haven; Henry \Voodward,
Eastmanville and A. Spangemacher, Hastings, Mich.-Michi-gan
Artisan, August 1880.
Made by Charles Bennett Furmture Co., Oharlotte, MlCh.
every case-vve are all waIting for some other fellow to take
his own medIcine-to "try It on a dog" ThIS leads up
to the matter of drying lumber-one of the most important
things in wood working establishments. PrevlOUs to 1904
the Grand Rapids Veneer Works-which operates one of the
largest panel mills III the country, in connection with veneer
works, were compelled to face the fact that their dry kilns
were wholly inadaquate to their requirements, although they
had what was supposed to be as good an outfit as any in the
country. They were also compelled to face the fact that too
great a percentage of lumber was going to the furnace Some-thlllg
had to be done and that at once. So they instructed the
supenntendent to see if he could not find some way to relieve
the sItuation. He studied the matter over carefully and re-ported
that the only way to 111creaSethe output of dry lumber
was to put in more kIlns. which meant more waste for the
furnace Finally they put the matter into the hands of a
scientist who made a thorough study of the SUbject, and re-ported
that with the expenditure of some hundreds of dollars
he could double the capacity of their old kilns. They decided
to "take the medicine," in other words "try it on the dog,"
and to their aurprise the capacity of the kilns was not only
Immigration Doubled Last Year.
Immigration into the United States doubled in 1909. In
all 95,105 alien immigrants entered the United States last year,
against 410,319 in 1908. Arrivals of non-immigrants numbered
188,610. From Europe came more than 85 per cent of the im-migratIOn,
Italy leading with 221,964, of 25 per cent. Russia
next with 161,142, or 16 per cent, and Austria and Hungary with
117,087 and 115,267, respectively, or about 12 per cent each.
The immigration from Italy to this country last year num-bered
four times those of the year before. The only decrease
in arrivals was from Roumania, which contributed 200 fewer
,. --------------------.., ,,II
I !
I i
I !
I '
I I I !
I ! I~---------------------------------_._--------~ I
Dodds' Tilting Saw Table No.8
We take plea%ure 1U mtroducwg to you our new Saw Table The base IS similar to wha
we have been usmg on our No 4 Saw Table only we have made It larger on the Roor The
raiSIng ard lowenn'l deVIce 1$ the same as we have on the 1'.0 4 Machme ""lth lever 3'ld
pltman The lever 15 made of steel
fhe arbor IS made of 1% lOch steel mnOIng In Ions nng oIlmg boxes, and 1S for 1 Inch hole
Ill'law We furmsh one 14 lOch saw on each machine It WIll carry a 16 Inch saw If deSIred
Table ho made With a center slide 12 Inches WIde WIth a movement of 21 lllches It has a
lockIng deVIce- to hold it when yOlo. do not Wish to use It and has a detachable mitre guage to be
used when USIng the shdIn~ table Can cross cut WIth table extendtd to 24 Il'ches ah:o np up
to 24 Hlches WIde Table hJS a removable throat that can be tlken out when usJOg dado It
also has two mItre guages for regular work and a two Sided np guage that can be used on f"lther
Ide of the S1W. more especially when the table IS tilted also a tIltIng TIp gauge to be used to cut
bevel work " ..h..en yoU do not wl~h to tIlt the t<:l.ble The top IS 40x44 Inches
Countershaft has T & I pulleys lOx 14 mches and the dnve pulley 16xS m,..hes counter
haft should run 800 Mabng In all about as complete a machine as can be found and at a
s~asonable pnce Wnte us and we WIll be pleased to quote you prIces Address
rALEXANDER DODDS, CO., ~8~!II3 Canal St. Gran,!!a:",I" M,cE.
Syrar'nse, Jt' Y, Jan 17,1910
GJ and Rapids Vpneer TnJ7!< '!,
()r(~ncl !\cr,pIds, Mich
Dcal ,,<.,u 5
In J eph; to 'jOW letter of Jan. ] 1th. beg to
adl7SP yon that SInce Installing yow 7vIln ne hale
j07",nd 1t ~'ery satIsfcwtory and cun ythll~g you
clmm It to be. Also fInd It a very economu al
kiln to operate
J oW'S 7 cspeetjully,
Th e C G BI Ol~n Fnnntll,re Co
Dean E Broun
Would Prohibit the Government From Printing
Addresses on Stanlped Envelopes.
1 he \atlUnal Echtollal assodauon, the NatIOnal Aso,ocI-
,ll] l]1 (1 "'tatlOnel -', the IntelnaLlonal ASSOcIatIOn of Photo-
Ingld\er". the \atIonal Tract\' A.s"oclabon, the P1111ters
league 01 'l.menLa the l-mted Typothltae of \mellca and
1'" \ 1 r! ,C dn F n \ elope \Ianufa( turers' aSSocIatIOn have un-
It 1 '11 1'1 eR.n t to hay e the gOy Plnment dlscont1l1ue the free
()llltl'l!.., Ct letUln addles"e~ on stamped envelopes They have
"PI ( Jntec! a ]OIllt cC'mmlttee to l1anage theIr campal1:;n and
hay ( (~t.lbh"hed then headquartels at 212 ]el11fer hUlldIllg,
\\ 2,hll'~toll. J) ( ] he file:t mc,e by the commIttee was to
',c ]~the Illt]oc!udlCJn ot ,l bIll 1Il both house" of con~less,
\\ hldl ead" a, tollD\\-,
-\ hIll plO 1111)1 tIllg the prm tlllg 01 certam ma tier on
"tel', pcd e'm elope~ and the sdle thereof 'Be It enacted b)
the. "enate and hou"e ot lepresen abves of the Ul11ted States
"..mellca III cOllgle~s assembled, that from and after the
app' 0\ al 01 thl::' \ct It shall be unlawful for the Post Office
J)ep,l tment, 01 an, officer. head of bureau, 01 chief of dlVl-
,Ion the1 e01, to PIIllt or hay e pnnted, or sell or offer to sell
an\ "tamped en, elope healll1g upon It a pnnted dlfectIOn
~J\ IIle; the name uf an, IlldlVlclual, f11m, O[ company, 01 any
nUll he1 oj dn\ po~t-('ffice box CJI lrawel, or ,lIlY street num-bel
or the name of am bUlldlllg tu whIch It shall be returned
It uncalled tor or uncleln ered PIO\ Ided, that thIS shall not
dpph to tllO~e em elopes pnntecl WIth a return card left
blank d~ to name, addless, box, dl aVler, street number, or
IHl1ld1l1g. 'll1d \\hlch onl) gne the name of the town or city,
1\ lth the. State DI"tllCt, or TelntOlY"
1 he bIll III both hou~e and senate vvas 1 eferred to the
cunllllltte.e on post office~ and post loads and It IS expected
to be I eported out du mg the pre-ent seSSIOn \Vhether the
I cP! Ih \\ III he fa, orable or aclYere e remam'o to be seen, but
tile \\olk that the Jomt «( mmltice 1'- dOIng to secure the
dl"11ul dctlCJIl h} «()lli.;lCC,,,h mdlc1ted hy the chstnhutIOn of
Ll Ll1cnlal that 1ead" a" 10110ws
i -\ thleatelll11g monopoly a confi"catIOll of pnvate pro-pel
t} an encouragement to SOCialIsm
i Lm elope mdnnfactmcrs paper mannfdctl.lrer", paper
11111chanh, "tatlOnel c" p'mter" trade penodlcal publIshers,
II tckh ne\\ ~PdP"1 publIshel '0, lItlwgrapher:o, photo-engravers
,\11(l ]Oll1ne\ men pl111tel:o and all other workmen engaged m
the g'dplllc drt'o, plotest unItedly and unalterably agalllst the
c.ontmued free pnntlllg of Government stamped envelopes by
the Post Office Department
1he, IdlO\\ that It IS a v.rong 0 every taxpayer, and so
1ar as It de" tl Oy:o, or e, en tends to destroy, the busllless of
an} pI 1\ ate manufacturer or merchant, or the property of
am cItIzen, It IS confiscatIOn.
"So far as It monopolIzes for the benefit of a single
COlltldc.t01 Jt IS ,1 \\ long upon all other labor, whIch desires
competItIOn and has a nght to it.
"It I' a monopoly, and It promotes monopoly. It en-courage"
the sOCJahstlc tendency lll',idously and menacingly.
i E\ cry busllless man in the whole country has equal
cauQe, WIth the allIed pllntmg and paper trades and the
\\ orkers III the graphJc arts. to oppose this dangerous prac-tIce
It IS not a far cry from these paternalistic practices to
an ever lIlcreasmg enclOachment upon the private business
of anybody and everybody Therefore, it is absolutely true
that thIS is everybody's fight who believes in the right of
propert}, m competJtIOn and in opportunity to do business
and to work.
_---~ o_. . • • _
-_ .. -~-------------------- .._~ . --~
"SLIP SEATS" - the
latest and best method of
double seatmg. ..
Catalogues to the Trade
MODey ...I • ----------.--------------------------.-----~--- __ __6
ThIS eVIl practice has been promoted by the Post Office
Department by an mgenlOus and persistent pressure through
the postmasters of the count1y such as any behever m com-petition
or lOver of faIr play has an absolute right to protest
agamst; It IS his duty to protest agamst them
"The frankmg pnvl1ege IS used wIthout lUlllt Postmas-ters,
post-office c1t:~rks, lettel-carners, all have been drafted
mio the monopohstlc sen Ice of the Government stamped-envdope
contractor and the Government monopoly Itself.
"The claIm IS made that the use of the free-pnnted Gov-ernment
stamped-envelope ImpIoves the po'>ta1 serVIce, chIef-ly
by decreasmg the act1\ Itles of the Dead Letter Office, bnt
the fact IS, the use of pnvately pnnted stamped envelopes
serves the purpose effectively and properly. BeSIdes, the use
of the free-pnnted stamped envelope as at present promoted,
IS almost wholly confined to large corporatlOns and other
concerns whIch would use return-request envelopes any way,
and are well able to afford them. ,Vorse th~n that, the gene-ral
pubhc, Vv111chmIght use the return-request more exten-
SIvely and thus really dee 1ease the work of the Dead Letter
Office, gets no conbldelatJon in the sa1es-promotlOn scheme of
the department
"Thus, tl11s abuse ic, notoriously for the advantage of
the few and notonously for the dIsadvantage of the man} ,
and the many have to pay the bill, not only for the free
pnntmg, but ultimately for the numberless dangers resulting
from the growth of thIS most glaring and dangerous example
of paternalism.
"Moreover, thIS m:::reasing volume of free pnntmg by
the Government involves an equally irksome volume of free
advertising for the few favored users of the free-pnnted
stamped envelope, who can and do employ their free adver-tising
opportunities every time a free-printed stamped en-velope
is mailed.
The bill by means of which it is proposed to secure
legislation to stop all these abuses, and make no mi5take
about it, forbids that any officer of the Post Office Depart-ment
whatever shall print or sell any stamped envelope bear-ing
a printed direction for the return of any mail; but the
1eturn-request card left blank as to name and business, may
be used. Thus the il13urmountab1e competition of the Govern-ment
monopoly is prevented and the convenience of the
return-request is preserved.
"If yOU pllze your busmess if you ale jealous of the
nghts of ploperty and opportumty, If yOU are agamst Gav-el
nment monopoly, paternahsm and soclahsm, make It cer-tam
that any Senator or Repl esentatn e m Congress whom
} ou are ac<'!ua1l1ted Vvlth or can ~reach 111any way WIth argu-ment
and protest, shall not fad, ImmedIately or at any tIme,
to understand the VItal Importance of thIS issue
"\iV nte persona11etters to } our Senators and Representa-bves
today, and mad us copIes of theIr rephe:, We cannot
Vv 111 WIthout thIS help on yom part and Vv e cannot know
whether we are mak111g heachvay unless you keep us posted I
The jomt commIttee has also sent out copIes of a letter
1rGm the thIrd aSSIstant postmaster general m whIch he
ex-plams that the practIce of plmtmg addrcbses on envelopes
IS reqmred by ex-Ist1l1g la vv'0 and that It can not be dlscon-
[1l1ued WIthout leglbLltIon ThlS 1S accompa11led by a rep1:
from the commIttee on pllnt1l1g stamped envelopes of the
::\atIOnal Paper Trade aSSOCIatIOn vvho take Issue WIth ThIrd
ASSIstant Postma-ster Genel a1 Lawshe and contend that gov-ernment
IS v101ating e'-lsting laws by the practIce of whIch
they compla1l1 The joint commIttee, however, has deCIded
that m'3tead of appea1mg to the court" the better vvay is to
secure 1eglslatIOn that wl11 prohIbIt the practJce, 2.nd, as WIll
be seen, they ask all interested to unite in urgmg the pas-sage
of the bill
Sells more Bud's Eye Maple Veneer per )ear than any other
two mIlls because he manufactures nothIng el e. GIves blrd s eye
the preference and hIS whole attention Has 3 000 000 feet on
hand NOW from whIch you can have your pIck Our s, and no
other, bIrd s eye maple veneer 1$ 1-24!l thIck Won t sand thru
Yau can t see daylight thru a sheet of our blrd's eye Wnte for
samples They aTe FREE PrIces lowest consIstent wah good
Use a veneer
punch to cut
out defects In
Walnut and
Blrd's Eye
For sale by
Birds Eye
Any Slze }1i"
each del.
Phone Hyde Park33
Dept. D.
1111/1 I WALKER Chicago
Furniture Manufacturers, Jobbers and Dealers
Predict a Prosperous Year.
New York, Feb 17 -~Ianutacturels ale fee1111g encour
aged by the orders recelve1 so far tor the "pl111g and "ummer
business and the year promIses to be one at the be"t ,,0 far
experienced There lS an actlve teJ;ldency throughout the
trade. The factones are busy and salesmen are bnngl11£S m
fairly good order" from the wholesale trade The vvho1e:oale
trade are working on the new hnes and send m good reports
from all sectlOns Dml11g room and parlor sUIte" are much 111
demand as are rockers The retaIl trade are not buymg \ cry
heavl1y yet, but are fairly well stocked up, Consen atl\ e
buy mg is the rule.
The \V F. WhItney ChaIr company, who hay e occupIed
two bmldlllgs in BlOoklyn at 495 Kent a\ enue and 193 Gland
street have sold their interests to Robel t J Ehlers, \v ho as the
Robert J Ehlers company will contmue busmess at the lattel
address, Jobbing only.
The Star Upholstery company who haye not beLll 111
busines" here very long, have mm ed it 0111210 East T\\ en t \
third street to 36 East T\\ enty-th1rd "treet and are mahl11S;
a new Ime of couches.
Max Englander, manufactunng couch bed" on Seyenth
avenue has leased property at 513 to 523 \\ e"t T\\ enty-fourth
street, where he w111 build a SlX story factor}, 100 x
150 feet in sizze and w1ll occupy most of 1t hlmself
T. C YVaterman, who has had charge of the PubhClt\
department of the Furmture Exchange, has been plomoted
to the head of the field bureau his former pO"ltlOn bemg taken
by W llliam Bangs
Elins & Sillen, upholstery dealer'> have succeeded El111s
& Co , 38 Whlte street.
The Empire Clty Metalllc Bed company hay e moved
from 184 Lewis street to 184 Thirteenth street, Jersey Clt)
The Grand Rapids Show Case Co, 724 Broadway, in
addition to manufacturing show cases, are equipmg a large
plant for the manufacture of dlsplay itxture", hay 111g p1e
viously handled the line of another film
The H. J Montgomery Manufactunng company of SIl
ver Creek, N. Y , making patent leathel lockers and Tmk1sh
chalrs, are very busy on their special 1I11e'3.
Frank M. Randall w111 have in hlS new bmldlllg at 136
West Flfty-second stl eet 200,000 square feet of floor space
and wl11 let out conslderable of it as a furmture exchange
This he wlll arrange so as not to confl1ct with h1S own hnes
Mr. Randall has fmnished 47 city hotels w1th furmture
F. Mohr & Co., who have been in business only a few
months, have a warehouse estabhshed at 505 \Vest Thnty-second
street, havlllg 60,000 square feet of space
The Amencan Sea Grass company lS a new incorpor-ation,
with a capital stock of $25,000, to deal 111 jute, shoddy,
t------------------ '"1 .. . ..
I ,.- ... ....
Henry Schmit 8 Co.
C,nvmnati, Ohio
makers of
Upholstered Furniture
I . -"'
.. CLUB ROOM . .... ...............
--pnngs, couch bottoms, moss, tow, feathers, etc, headed by
H ~W Fned of the Bronx, A A M111er, Manhattan and F.
Hemley, Brooklyn.
J Holly \v ood, formerly \\ 1th A. Plser, is the new furni-ture
buyer fot Sand \,V Bauman, 2131 Third avenue, suc-ceedmg
G J afta
C E Leahey 1S a ne\\ hlrnitUl e dealer at 727 Fulton
"treet, Brooklyn
Charles Fram, late salesman in the east for Boll Bras, is
the new representatlve in N e\v York for the Limbert com-pam
of Grand Rapids, :;\1ich
Benja111111 Flledlander has succeeded S Mlller as presi-dent
of the Chlcago Cred1t con pany, 3351 Th1rd avenue.
The Plsel s have opened a new furniture store, opposite
then pre"ent quartel s in the Bronx Slmon Siegal, who was
111bU0>111es.,f01 hl111self, 1'0 With the firm
S K P1erce &.. Son have put cut a new hne of office chairs.
1he Grand Rapids Furmture company, 168 yVest Thirty-fourth
street, after thelr fire some time ago decIded to give
up the factOl y end of their business here
1 he Stal Gedding company who had a fire at 12 Mont-ro<;
e a\ enue al e el0111i.;bus111ess a, usual and running to full
The Cooper Store and Office Fixture company has been
111COplo rated to manufacture office furniture, with a capital of
$5,000 by Joseph and Abel Benjamin and Samuel Cooper.
S Karpen & Bra, at 115 V{est Thirty-fourth street,
haye added to their floor space at 22 Sudbury street, Boston,
and have "pace to lease to manufacturers who wish to exhibit
the1r ltnes
The PoughkeepSie (1\ Y) Chair company have been
\\ ul kmg "ome mghts and have an exhibit here. YV. S Hodge
manager has taken a five year least' of qualters in the new
turmture ('{change bmldmg here George F. Underhill has
bought an interest in the Kaal Rock Chair company of
Poughkeepsie, N. Y, making high grade chails.
Sam Ed\\ards, retall furl1lture, h;; s moved from 194 Fifth
a\ enue to 479 F1fth avenue, Brooklyn
The Atla" Furl1ltUle company of Jamestown, N. Y,
hay e mcreased their capaclty by 33 1-,\ per cent and have had
tu retuse orders as the1r output was 111 contracted for.
Arnm Herman of the Bronx, has added cribs and go-ca1
t- to his hnes
1 he Cloker Chalt company, 325 West Thirty-third
--u eet, makl11g receptlOn chair" of maple, oak and mahogany,
ha \ e added a new lme of saddle seat C1rcas5ian walnut chairs.
The ne", agency estabhshed at 86 Forsyth street by the
\fe1se1eau 1\Ietal Bed company is in charge of J. Brunner.
Old Trade Jokes.
,,,,- pi om11lent furmtm e manufactunng house of Grand
Ra p1ds recen ed a letter trom a dealer 1111\ew York, one sen-tence
ot \\hKh lead as follows "Your goods are 111 great
demand and I need them badly If you cannot ship at once
senelme a b111of ladms; \\ hKh J could sho Vol my customers and
tell them the good" w111 soon be rece1ved "
A letter from another dealer read' "Please do not ship
me pal ts of smtes I cannot show a wash ,tand and sell it for
a chamber "mte"
;\nother manufacturer, responding to a humorous letter,
complammg of delays m the shIpment of goods written by a
elealer sa1d "\\ e can Shlp the pulls at once, and you can
dra\\ on us for the smtes If you "0 desire"
~rlc1l1gan \!tl-:;an, Sept J 1880
Department Stores Trying to Increase Their Mail
Order Business.
Phlladelphla, Feb 17 ~ There lS a great deal of mall
order bus111ess belng done 111 furniture here The various
depal t111ent stures ofter to Shlp furnitm e to every state This
1111eof the bus111e% is 1)1anch111g out all the bme and is quite
\\ ell patron1L:ed, especially wlth111 a radlus of 500 to 1,000
mlle':> Every year the blg "tore i" 1eachlng out further into
new channels Jlohn \;\7 anamakel ':, are making extended
mentIOn of thlS mall order busine<.,s They advertise their
store here as the largest retail store 111 the world, covering
45 acres of floor spaef', takll1g in a whole city block, 485 feet
long from Chestnut to Malket street and 250 feet from
Thil teenth to J U11lper street and it dwarfs the $30,000,000 city
hall, close by It rises 12 stones in the all or 247 feet above
the glound and ha;" 2Y; stories below the street level It is
bUIlt of gra11lte and bteel and fireproof.
George Kelly and the Union Furniture :\Ianufacturing
company are also dOll1g a large mall order business. They
put special Y; to 1 column "ads" in the mail order section of
the daily and Sunday papers Some of the papers here have
a special section or page for the mall order business and is
not intended for the city trade as much as for the outside
The three depal tment stores at Eighth and Market
streets, Strawbndge & Clothier, Llt Bros and Glmbel Bros,
have each year at this bme all k111ds of manufactunng shown
<it their industrial exhlbltlOn The machinery IS put 111the
alsles on each floor, from top to bottom and one can see
fur1llture, optical goods, Jewelry, cdrpeb, dres<.,es, clothmg,
laceb, curtains, shoes, flower;", picture ft ames, cand} , cut
glas<" prmting, hOSIery, glass blowing, silk making, nbbons,
suspenders, gloves and about a hundred lines of all kll1ds of
manufacture It is open to all and each store gives out
souvenirs Jacob Alber shows the makll1g of ruStIC furni-ture;
Kasansky & Bloom bamboo tabourettes, S M Gosch
& Co, picture frames I don't know of another city where
one can see such an exhIbItion in the department stores
\V L Horam has succeeded Bailey & Horam 111 the
fur11lture busll1ess at WIllsboro, Pa.
The United Upholstery J\lanufacturers' association of
Philadelphia have advanced pnces on all 1ll1es of goods 10
per cent This was expected as some have been charging
the advance for some time and now united action has been
The Funston Molding company has been incorporated at
Camden N J with a capital of $50,000, to make mold111g,
paints and var11lsh It is headed by \Villiam J. Crompton,
Eugene A Hogh, Benjamin Funston
Linn Peacock, who was buyer for the Prince Furniture
company of Hazelton, Pa, will start In the furniture business
again on his own account at W Ilmll1gton, Del, where he
u sed to be in business.
Derbyshire Bros. have taken the Hope street warehouse
that was used by John Moore, to take care of their increasing
RItter Bras have made many improv ements to their
factory, among which is a new sprinkling apparatus, as a
precautIOn against fire
Mr. Koehle, who until recently was a furniture dealer
on Girard avenue is now inside salesman for Van Scivers of
Camden, N J.
The estate of the late John Tanner, are closing out the
fur11lture busmess at 705 Girard avenue The executors have
The city authorities, throug"h Mayor Reyburn, have
charge· of the project to build a big exhibition and convent-lOn
hall here, but no official actIOn has ibeen taken, except to
talk It over It is something that is needed very badly in
this city as there is no place large enough to hold a furniture
:,how properly. They think it is time the citizens should
get together and build a hall such as Madison Square Garden
or the Coliseum
William H. McMahon, handling brass and iron beds,
cnbs, mattresses, feathers, etc., at 244 South Second street,
reports that a general advance in prices is due for all lines
Guy W Banger has been appointed receiver for the
HanOver (Pa) Furniture company, manufacturers, and the
plant Will be operated to fill orders. The assets are $33,000
and liabilitIes $43,000
The Phlladelphla Excelsior company lecently had a big
order of 150 car loads of exceblOr which is the lalgest order
received so far The demand IS very heavy and they have had
to refuse many orders.
;\lanufacturers here say that with the scarclty of ma-hogany
logs, prices are fil mer and have advanced during the
past year 2S per cent, the stock coming mostly from Mexico
and Honduras Further advances may be made at any tlme
The J. R Bunbing Beddmg company of 232 South Se-cond
street are very busy and expect a big bus111ess this year,
They think that this year will break all records The past
four years have been somewhat quiet tIll oughout Pennsyl-vallla
and it has taken two years to get back to prosperous
times Cotton is hIgh and the consumer can not tell where
they stand from week to week. It is hard to make contracts
for cotton ahead of time At this plant mattresses are made,
whle the metal beds are made at Jersey City, by the Merser-eau
Metal Bed company At that end they are swamped with
.,.. .....-.--..-..-..-- -----------------------------------------------.~
"THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST" BARTON'S GARNET PAPER Sharp, Very Sharp, Sharper Than Any Other.
SUPERIOR TO SAND PAPER. It costs more, BUT It Lasts Longer; Does Faster Work.
Order a small lot; make tests; you will then know what you are getting. WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. Furniture
and Chair Factories, Sash and Door Mills, Railroad Companies, Car Builders and others will consult their own interests by using it. Also
Barton's Emery Cloth, Emery Paper, and Flint Paper, furnished in rolls or reams.
H. H. BARTON & SON_CO., 109 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa.
... . - - ---_._._-------------------_._---_._--.-..-.-..-~~ ------------- --~
.. ·--1
--~---~--.... -
Buildings That Will Need Furniture.
Res1denees-Chadt:':> H Kuehn 365; Humboldt boule\ al d
Cll1eago, Ill, $6500 GO'OIge 1)e111n~ 1.21.+\\eo,t Oh1O street,
Ch1cago, $7,500, T J H.e\nelhon 19)7 \ 101t1eth sheet,
Ch1cago, $8,000, C L -"-ndel son 3R.+CJII dco'. a\ enue ChI-cago,
$3,000; 1 B Tlcle}, .+CJ39\\ a~h11lf;ton houle\aul, Ch1
cago, $10,000, P ] \Ic '\fahon 3;(>2 1\ ent\\ olth aHnue. ChI
cago $'+,500 -r. \ h.ll1del 11m 1\ eb~te1 ,1\ enue, Cll1cago,
$7,000. IV II' Goodwll1, 585 \IcLenol c a\ cnue, \Iemphh
Tenn, $3,000, Jane Ha110\\. L28 \\ (st \01th Temple stlect,
Salt Lake CIty L tah, $8,000 Tohn \IOre"l. \pple and 1 ern
;"treets, ::\ e\\ 01 leans, La 5;3,500, 13 D Ladd 368 Bl eme-
\!111estreet ?\ ew Odean s, So 000, '\nme II unt 6038, 11 ~ll11cl
avenue 5t Loms, \1,) ,33,800 C \ DIeckmann 3830 101
~0ll1 avenue, St Lotus, S'1,'100, :\Ib C G 1310\\n 312 \hltle
street, Atlanta, Ga, $8,000, \11 s S \\ hltner 46 ,y FOU1-
ttenth street, !'Ictlanta, £4,500, II E HO\\ ard, 6-1--1-9South
Kll1gs h1gh\\ ay . St L01m, \10, S'+ 500 L LIane), 1220
Cnttenden street, n01 th\\ est, II ash'ngton S6,000, Juhuo,
Ii'! e1n1g, 144 Bates street, north\\ e~t II a~ll1ngton, 322000)
E T Cnsmand, 516 LH;hth "treet, nOl th\\ e~t, 1\ a~hmgton,
$3,300, S C Thayel, 32 OahJal1d a\ enue, Columbus. OhlO,
$3,000, J C Stncklel, 2(j(j \Ilelland t\ enue. Columb11'" S3OO0
o C; Rankm, J\J aek o,t1eet an 1 the huule\ al el Detl OIt \Ilch
$8,000, Jacob Bolze1, Clchllal ,111elCanfield st1 eet" Detlo1t,
$3,000; M R Bt1110\\s. c.,el1l1llClleanel '-,i I\1111"tleet", DctlOlt,
$11000, \\ II 110'11,ILuth\llCe! elml Ll1l1c1"tleeto, DetlO1t,
$3,;00, Salah L \"al}U1 Cllft(ll1 ,me! 111l1h tl1l1d ,tlefts,
Inc11anapolI", ~3,()00, II tlhall1" I1t/~ll aId I\.cn\\ (lod boule
\ clrcl and ShO'palCl a\ eune, \111\\ autec \\ 1'-. S12 ~OO \11 ~ r;-
r Glsh DeAtel aud 1 \\ eut} -c,econd "t! eeh, ])l11\ u Col
$10000,1 G Dloe1111,cl 382; :outh (Hanel a\ enl1L St LOlm
i\[o. $6.000, CreOlge r 1n~el 2012 Ruc,,,dl a\ enne "'t Lenll'
i\Io $3,800, Valent111e Kcmpu, 38.+.+ C0111pton d\E'l1nO' C:;t
Loms $3400, R B Tuttle, Capltol t\ enue and [h1rt} -tl111d
::,tleet Indlanapohs 9>3,500 Bachel H1cm 919 \\ e"t Tl1l1 t\-
thud street Kansas C1t) \10, S3 sro 1 I Clltz \\ 111ston-
Salem, j'\ C, $3,000: Ora S Gould, ~220 11001, SIde houle\ al d,
Kansas CIty Mo $5,500 \Ir~ J efterson CunnllH;ham, South
and D111widd1e streets '\ orfolk Va ~() 2,-0 T ohn C Ball 30-1-
L1bel ty street Sy1acuse, '\ \ S-1-000 Hcnq Rouo,e, 201
LYlllh avenue, Syracuse, 9;3,500 I h. I1unlSclford, S03 II est
Xe\\ dl street .c:y racuse $3200, -\10111 (ottet 349 :\11dLl11cl
a\ O1Ue Syracu"e, $5,SOO, L K Spl ac;ue 12;2 Sonth C;altna
~tJect, S} Jaeuse $4,000, P Kr,t1mer 84 La Salle o,t1ect, ChI
l ago $12000, T L DettmC'lo, 4934 \1 ,lb,td,l ct\ l llll "I
Lonls, Mo, 9;6,000 \11" \Ial1C Hl)ffmalk \da1l1s ancl \111C
teenth "treds, Indlanapohs $3,600, Mrs James M Harrison,
c..,chool lane, PhiladelphIa Pa, $15,000. C Cravens Gray-
111( nt, Blfl111nlSham Ala, $3,800, Dr J S Glllesple, 1714
[11'1 c1 a\ enue nOl th Blfl11lngham, $6,000, Dr R V Mobley
[ om teenth a\ enue and Sixteenth street south B1rm1l1gham,
S') 000 Hall} Hyman 228 Rigsby avenue, San AntonlO Tex
S') oeD \lr" \11ce Illlson, 28 Russell place, San Anto111o
C'1000 E S la'rell, Thlfd street and ~meteenth avenne
I1uluth \111111 50-1-,000 E R Belli", V\ oodland park, Duluth
,,') Cr,u r \ Pa\ ne 346 Decorah "treet, De;" M0111O'S,Ia,
q oeo Fl eel \ r K \ 110'1 220 H nmston stl eet, Des M01l1es,
'-,') ;00 lied Durg e~s 129 :\1110 street, Des J\lo111es, $3,500,
(all Dohman 301 II heatland street Des l\Io111es $3. SOO, S
\ \ (11 ton 2204 Loublana ;"treet, LIttle Rock Alk, $3,500,
I " Cam 1523 Goodbar avenue, ::\Iemphis Tenn, $4,500, IV
c:; Scll11balc1, 1407 South Llghth street Omaha, ~ eb $4,000;
C }{ \\ hlte. Elk a\ enue, Cleveland, OhlO $4,000. L Abrams,
1;23 E ?\ 111eh-thll el street Cleveland, Uh1O, $5,000, John
\IcC'a,,11l1, -\.shbul \ a, enue and E 118th street, Cleveland,
011lCl ';3;00, 1 heodOl e \\ 111n111gham , 3832 Ma1l1 street, Kan-
~,t'-. C!t\ \10, SG 500. Charles I: Phllhps, 3560 Flora avenue,
l,..<lI1~a~ Clt\ S'1 000, II' IV Jo1-]n"on, 3515 Locust street,
kaL'a~ C H\ S5OO0 G C A.ndel son 129 Cypress street,
l'can,a.., Cm, 53,000, Illlltam F FnO'gang, 2841 vVJlllams
~tleel \[111neapo!lo, \Imn $3000, Hl1ma?\ ;\Iallauder, 1702
l'le1 Le ~t] ect, \I111neapohs, $3,000; W. G. Gardner, lOSe
1\\ lilt, ~l,th a\ enue \[1l1neapoh", $3,000, v\ A Jackson,
lW) 1\ c11len a\enue Columhns, OhIO, $3/)00, Oscar Davis, 20
1 a"t Iluntel ~tleO't !'Ictlanta Ga. 9;4000, i\Irs Lee Jordan,
R20 T'eclcht1 ee stl eet. A.t1anta, $10,000, '\ \. \IeGraw, 1720
l\\ent\ nIllth SUeet Omaha, '\eb. $5,000, Albert Olgen,
l()Qo Shel \\ 1ll a\ enue, Chicago, $4,500, D Ii'! Glenn, Cypress
ell enlle Rec11and" Cal, $5,000, M J :\IcDonald, Mesa, Anz
S-1-()(\O \[I~ H \1 Palo,ons, M13slOn street and Brent, avenue,
l:.:outh Pa~ae!el1a Cd $10 000, J l' Burns, Ardmore street
dnd II 1hhue boule\ aJ el, Los Angeles, Cal, $10.000, 0 H.
HalOlc1 \Iar"h HellShts l'\ogale'i, Ariz, $4,500, Col \i'! P.
Cuelk Rech\ ooel and CnlOn streets, San DIego, Cal, $15,000;
Mlscellaneous BUlldmgs- The Emanuel Preshytenan so-
Ud\ 01Dd10lt, \IJCh, 1S b1111d111ga ch11lch to cost $40,000
j he Rtalh -\~~uuate" \\111 elect a ~IA-,tor} hotel on the corner
c t 1 1\ lllg ~ton c.tl ect dnd Hano\ el place. DlOoklyn, NY, at a
co,t ot ~120 000 I Ollg Beach, Cal, WIll expend $250,000 III
thl C011 QluC't!on ot ,,( hool bullcllllc;" d111111l:t;he coml11g year
I he 01 phcul11 "'I nc11lcllO'h to C1 eet a c1uphcatO' uf the Orpheul11
thtaill I J r o~ \ngele" lal. on C;tate c,treet 111 Salt Lake
\ 11 \ l tclh 1hl \lthlh I ,1llc1C()1l1pan} WIll hu11cl a 'i1X-story
h lte! 1)] IhL (llnCI "f I !fih and Oltve streeh, Los "\ngeles,
II ,1V"t (1 Sl-l-OOOO J he c.,lstels of St Joseph ha\e adopted
J)lalh ,me! '-.]JluhutlOlh t( 1 a com ent lJtllld1l1g to be elected
,It CGng1l '-.~ "t! cer ,11H] '-,Janson a\ O'nue, Loo, \l1f.;eles, at an
l~tJJ11ated lo"t 01 C!;lrocoo The K111g-hh of Columbu'i wlll
u eLt a ~1, "t01 \ ufhce and luelg e bUlld111g 111Salt Lake CIty,
l tdh l apltalhh ,,1 '-,alt Lake Clt J and DOlse, Idaho are to
111\("t ~FO,OOO 111 the electlOn of a theatre at TWIll Fall'i,
l t2h [he kl11ghh of Pvthla" WIll erect a lodge hall and
)ff]( ( lJtlllcl1l1g- 111San Dlec;o, Cal, elt a LOst of $75,000
,..---------~---- t ~
Belt, Electnc and Hand Power.
The Best Hand Power for Furnzture Stores
Send for Catalogue and Pnces
KIMBAll BROS. CO., 1067 Nlnlh St.. Council Bluffs, la.
Kimball Elevator Co. 323 Prospect St Cleveland,O,
l0811th St , Omaha. Neb, 120Cedar St , New York City.
f--- -~-------,---..-I.
in Mahogany. Circassian Walnut and Oak.
If you have not one in your store, a simple request will bring you onrmagnificent neW'"Catalogue of 12x16 inch page groups, show ..
ing suites to match. With it, even the most moderate sized furniture store can show the best and newest furniture satisfactorily.
Entered as .econd class matter, July 'i, 1909 at the post office at Grand RapIds, \lIchlgan
under the act of March 3 1879
Clarence H Mackay, pre"ldent of the Po~tal- Telegraph
and the CommercIal-Cable companies, ha"lll1g Just returned
from a southern tom of obsel"l atlOn and Il1SpectlOn, IS 111
elmed to be ImpatIent wIth people \\ ho g-et nel"l ou ~ 0"1 er pI 0'0-
pectlve legIslation, COUlt decIsIOns gO"lernment pohcJ('" and
all that sort of thll1g If, he sa) s, we are all gOlllg to \\ alt
till capital ceases to be timId and labor demand" le"s Il1stead
of more and statesmen stop seekin>; populallh, "\\ e mlQ,ht as
well shut up shop and >;0 home ] he onh attdck \\ c ha\ e nm\
i" an attack of the hu>;aboo'i l'Lndll1g c1eCl~1()n~])\ Ihc SIl
preme CaUl t, may be and doubtle~., ,\1 e 1111j)OtaInt PlojJo-ul
leglslatlOn 111 Congres" mayor may not be U1dl ted-bllt \\ 1M!
of It) Properties are not gOlllg to be con fica ten dllll thc
country is not going to smash On the contlaly, "1\ e ha"l I"
only to nd ollrseh es of '3llh appl ehen ~IOlb 01 \\ an tlm offiual
assault upon legItimate busmess to enlO\ the (?,enelal PIC'.,-
perity whIch condltlOns v\ all ant' Pre'i1e!cn t ,Lacka \ \\ d~
talk111g of condItIOns m Y\ all .'otleet and hI ~ I emdl K' may
have been I11tended to re"tore confidence on thc 'itock 1""-
change but busll1ess men generally "1\ III endor~e hI" senti-ments
Unless reports are mlslead111g and estlmate~ Ul11 eha ble,
"our possesslOns," the PhJ1tpp111e'O ha"l e great t1mbel re-sources
111the hardwood lInes It IS saId the blands pos-sess
the most beautiful woods m the world and they arc
reaching theIr development Just at a tIme \\ hen the \\ orld 100
100k111g for hard \"Ioods The tImber h not located 111 thIck
stands but is well scattered, cm enng, It has been e"t1mated,
an area aggregating 40,000,000 aCl es Of thIS great amount
less than 1 per cent IS under prl\ ate 0\'\ nershlp :\Iost of
these woods, which have no equal 111llel1l1eS'i of colol dur-abilIty,
bnllIance of polIsh and sIze of tImber, al e c1Jtficult
to transport by water TheIr texture l'i so elo,e and theIr
spl"clfic gravity so fSreat that they qUlckl) 'illlK Then \\ eIght
a\ erage" about 75 poune!" to thl ulhlC foot heH::ht 110111;0
to 100 feet, the natUlal annudl ~lll\\th hl1t1~ c,t!nldtul1J\ tlll
insuldr gm ernment at 1 -WO,OOO 000 CUlllc tLet neaJ h ,Ill of
which IS now gOll1g to \"Ia'ite Tn 190-1- the bmeau of tCl1L~hy
had 1ecord of some 396 dIfferent ~peclcs no\\ the lJst has 1n-creased
to 665, the specIe" bel11g \\ ell m1'<:ed
When 1t comes to gOl11g after hade the RLhslan" dIe
not so slow They have sent out a floatl11g eAposltlOn \\ 111ch
1S to "I iSlt the chIef seaport'i of Tl11key and latel ma"l call at
GrecIan and other Medlttelfanean porh '\ vesse! ot about
7,000 tons IS furnished gratIs by the Rl1'~lan Steamsh1p com-pany
It has been fitted up espeClalh f01 this exposition.
Rl1s~lan manufacturers are I11vlted to avail themselves of this
Opp01 tunJt"l to (lJspla} theJr ploducts 111 the principal ports
of the Ottoman Emplle Each exhlhltOl IS expected to al-lange
hI" eAlnblt 111 an attractl\e and artIstIc manner and
111,[\ ~Lnd attendant:, It I" hoped that the exposltlOn WIll
un (1 qmte tl1lh the expO! t pos'-,lbJ1lt1es of RUSSIa and WIll
,[IC] III ~eC1111ll~alaI!.?, el "hdre of TurkIsh trade
\\ hdt ,lbuut It) \ clecOldtOl asl~" "Is the1e not dn Eng-ll~
h 'ichool \\ lth an dffectatl0n of SJl11phClty a1110untmg to the
obI lOUS stln mg aftel ,1 conceIted p1nmtn eness?" He also
a.,k" "Is thele not a F1ench school that lets 1tseH go mto an
l11eblJatlOn of fOJ111 and flagJ ancy of decoratlOn that kicks
0\ el the tI aces of all clIsClplIne and traclItlOn ?', \Vith en-g
ulfmg tears a rended heatt, sun ounded by walls of gloom
ele\ en feet th1Ck, the edItor of the Artisan mournfully re-
~poncI:, "thel e IS' there 1SI"
FUll11ture manufacturers generally will endorse Presi-dent
Taft's declaratlOn that CO'fpOratlOns whosje bus-iness
method:" conflIct WIth the law must change those methods.
,'cry fe\\ cOlporatlOns are "'\lOlatmg the laws in letter or in
'ipmt ,lost of them, however, have fixed ideas as to what
extent theIr business should be affected by law.
The fml11tl11e trade paper publIshed in New York logi-calh
m11"t he opposed to the fur111tl11e exposltlOn interests
rt he he"l es m the pI aCtlcabilIty of a furnIture tJ ust, which
\\ (Jt1ld \\ IthclI a \\ ,111 hne" fJ om the expositlOns, and adVIses
the 111dnutactl11 er.'o to entel mto a combine The obJ ect of a
tl u"t I" to de"tIoy compeiltlOn \V1thout compet1tlOn there
1\ ould be no need 0 f the eAposltions
The I epl oductlOns of personals and news items from
the \1 tl~dn at thlfty ) ear" ago wh1ch appear on an-othel
page, \\Jll gl\ I" many readers a sensation akm to
sadness or "arrow Many of those connected WIth the furni-tme
mdustry today will recog111ze the names of their prede-ce"
sors, at least nme tenths of whom have passed to the
unknO\\ n \\ orld
A furnltme paper pubhshed in New York states that the
condItions were not favorable for a furniture combination at
the time of the Marston-Flint campaign, "to organize a trust
of 111an11facturers" The conditions are no more favorable
at present than at the period indicated above.
\V1th the organization of the manufacturers of furniture
d., a trust the expositIOn plan of selling furniture would dis-dppear
Furniture Manufacturer Left Millions.
/ (J ~1111111uns)pI eSldent of the Sl1n111011sMal1u[actUfJng
CU111pd1l\ of BelOIt, ,V 1S, 111anufactl11 ers of brass and 1ron
heds, dJed at hJS home last Saturday, aged 81 years He
lea"l es an estate valued at about $5,000,000 whIch under h18
\\ III goes to relatives, nearly all to his only son and two
daughter:" Under the provisions of the will the entire estate,
I11cludl11g both leal and personal, is bequeathed to the son,
7 almon G SImmons, with the understanding that it is to be
held 111h ust and under hIS management for a term of ten
"I ear~ ~t the terml11atlOn of trust the management may be
cont111ued and the estate 1S to remain l11tact unless one or all
of the chIldren call for a dIVISIOn
is our capacity during this
year on
Cut to dimensions if desired.
Write us.
Walter Clark Veneer Co.. Grand Rapids, Mich.
How the Pioneer Settlers Resented Aspersions
on Their Methods.
"Somepm' 'pealS to be \\ 10n~ \\ Ith Joe TIa""ett the"e
day', " said old man Gl eenhut, 100kmlS out thl ou~h the \\ m
do", of his saloon m c\lkan"as City at a ~rou]J of men on t11e
lev ee who :oeemed to he eXCIted
"How do } ou mean") asked Jake \\ 111telbottom \\ lw
was also lookmg- out, and seem eel mal e mtel e"ted m the
domg"s outside than m \\ hat old man (,reenhut \1 a" "a\ m~
"I ham't seen but \I hat 1oe s dom' 'hout 1I1,.ehe al d\" doe"
Long's he take" hi" rum an tObdCCO lei:', lal I lec!"on t am t
nothm' ser ous '
"\Vell, thel e," 1epheel the olel man as 1\\ 0 01 the men m
the g10Up drew ,\ capons "lmultaneou -h '1l1d began shoot111g
while the othels hasttly \\ Ithdrew to a httle ehstance '\I auld
n't you Just nachully look f01 Joe to be II~ht 111tOthat thel e
scrap? J don't call to l11md no sel'ous au;\ ment 11 some
consld'able spell hut what Joe \I as on hand
"I done said man) tune 'v hat he \\ as the mo"t 1elta hIe
man what we cd hay e f 1 Shellff, bem' he d al a\ '" "henl up m
ca"c of an} dl"tUI bance, e\ U1 If he cltdn t stell t It Ill" 01\ n ",ell
but here sa, al'able citizen ltahle fOI to cash m "lllldcn dl1Cl
where's Joe")
"Jim TInnkle} " do\\ n ,In' luelgln f 111 the 100L I "h d
"ay most hkely Hank Parkel el got h1S man '1hat 11 mal,."
three 't he's killed m"'lde of a year an' a half 'Peal" lthe th1"
un \\ as d fair fight, an' ltkely thel e ,un t noth111 mOl e to 1x
said but looks ltke \\ e'd oUi:','htel ha\ e mo' peace 111tO ,I
c'mulllty ltke this here an' J oe'd oughtel be on hand am hO\l
so's to make sure It's reg'ldl "
"Oh, I don't kno\\,' ",ad -:\Ir 0\\ en Peppel Llheh
Joe's somewhere, You can't 'xpect him to be e\er)\'Vhere all
to oncet no mo' 'n you can anybody else"
"That's Just It," said aIel man Greenhut, \I ho \\ as tou
much intere"ted 111hlS 0\\ n tram of thought to 1chuke ,11
Pepper with hiS usual se\ ellt} 'You hadn't ought tOI to
'xpect no man to he e\ elywhele to oncet an' pealS hke Joe"
tryin' to splead hlsself too much It he \las \\hele he d
oughter be he wouldn't he whe1 e he 1'0 c.:.omeboeh cl ou~htu
take Hdnk 1'01 tel 111chalge vll a'tel the 111quc"t ,m\ \\al
"Likely Joe'll be '1011l1d some time thh e\ enm' an' he 11
tend to It," said Jim Dlal"dell "1 seen him lldm' a, el to the
no'th 'long about noon hut 1 1eckon he Ivd'n t sta1 tm' un 1W
Journey 'r else he'd "atel "omepm'"
"Don't the \\ Iddel Hdnk" hI e U]J to the no th "ome IC"
d"heel old mdn (Jleenhut \\ 1th (1111C\",lhp1uon
"Sure cloe"," said Sam Peal :o,dl 1\lth ,1 g1111
"1 mough t 'a knowecl thel C was a woman to the bott( 1
on t," sale! the old man, 'hut I done ~n e Joe lJa,sett ClulJt
f r mo' sen"e 'n to be took 111at h1" tUlle 0 lJfe ITa111t thc
,yldder Hanks been mal11ed tvvlcet a 1eady -
"Three times," said Sam Peal sall, 1\ ho seemed to find
the subject amus111g
"Be111' a marned man) r 0\\ n "elf "aid old 111ap G1cen
hut severely, "YOU'd oughter find S0111ep111bettel to do than
to set there g-nnn111' 'Ion£; of a fl1end 0' \ onl n bem 1n Jlcl11
e,' the sa111C th111g If th1" hCle \\ldc1c1'~ fiat thc 'lab1t (\
mallY111 ltke yon "ay Joe \Ion t "tand no chan",t but llL
onghter know enough not to run a tel hel If he'd stay to
h0111e "he'd do the ll111n111 ,lu' 'n that, Ill' \\oltldn t be hable
fer to be neglect111' hiS dnty when he's meded '
I'w thel cOin ersatlOl1 on thiS subject wa" "usptnded for
the 1lm(' bCCdUC,Cof the cnil am e of 1VTl Parkel wltl1 llcllJ ,1
do/en of IllS fnends \\ ho scemed to feel that then recent ex-pe11ence
necessItated the hbe' al use of some stlmulatn e re-stolatne
TheIr mVltatlOn to those abeady m the room to
][111' them In thc quenchmg of thlrst was promptly accepted
anc! olc! man (;1 eenhut hlb1ed himself m serv~ng them
H0\\ come \ au an TIImkle) met up ltke you done?" he
a"ked 'Ir Parkel pleasantl}
" 'T\\ a'n t nothm' much fil ",t off," 'oa1d that \;entleman
J 11111 dn' me \I d" mto d POkC1 £;amc last Saturday an' he was
"0111C,,01 e, be111 as he lost consld'ahle of a \Yad 'Pears like
he hac! hard teclm s f r me long 0' me wm11m' the most on it,
an he tells one OJ t\lO what he wouldn't never set m agam
II 1th me
, 1 heel'd ot It an 0 C0111<,e 1 ast h1111when I seen him
\\ holt the mea11ln \\ a" If he d ',l' sdld, gentle11lanbke, what he
Jc!t hke hI" luch \\a n t good enough, lust nachullv that'd 'a'
been all thel e v\ a:o to It, but he hemmed ,111' hawed a blt an'
then sa, s he rec1,.oned he d1c!n't hay e to "a, why he said lt,
"c 0' course the e \\ a n't but one th111g to do, more speCial as
111'-. tlleml" an' nn fllends \I as both thele to see what It was
"culed 11~ht [\I 111"a\ f 1 Hllnkle, 't he didn't shirk a fight
bnt he ,\ el e a leetle '-.10\\ 111the ellaw '
,\ ell 0' C(1\.1"1e th' 1" th111gs what no man c'n put up
\\ nh '-.dlClold man Crleenhut \\lth Judlclal £;rdvlty, "an' If
\ uU tel! I\hat B1111kle} \la" Cd"t111' dl"pehlO11s onto yO' play
111!r1,I ~dme 0 pokel peal <, ltke It sho' \\ dS needful for to
-]j()( t but T "ec they Ie a-b1111gm of hl111111hele, an' s'long's
th am t 110 (OJ onel 111tal', n T reckon J 11 ha, e to hold a in-qne"
t Be111 as \ on done thiS ShOOt111'I'll have to ast you to
-t,l\ t111 It" helt ,w then I'll b111d ,011 over for the Gland
rnl \
'Thu C \I ('n t be no b111d111'done to me," saId Mr Parker
c1efianth not 11 the bo)'s'lI stand Ly me I won't stand for
to be tIed up b\ nobod) "
HIS fnends assUl ed hlm v oClferously that they would
",tand bv him, and old man Greenhut assured h1111as soon as
he could be heal d that no 111chgnlty was contemplated
ra111 t noth111' bnt a fOlm 0' fictIOn what the law re-
([UllC- he '-.,ud '\11 s I'll do lS to make a note what you
~lec t01 t() appedl dtOlC the (Jland JUly \\hen yOu're wanted
fha"" \I hdt the la\\ "a, s t yOU must"
Oh, \I ell, It that" the la\\ an'the am't no tYln' up to be
(11d J 111,l~l ee,lble "alCI '[I Parl,e1 plea"antly, and he called
I(J1 ,lllothu 10und oj c1lmk", 111c!uchng m h1s 1l1Vltdt10n the
tlllnd", of \fl B1mklc, \lho came m beanng hiS rema111S
\ite1 they had all (11 nl1k to~ether amlLabh the 111quest
\\ a", held ,llld '[I 1',11ku \' a" duly held all hl'" O\Yll 1eco£;-
11/'11ec 1111, bU11" deuJmph"hed old 111all (,1 eenhut "d1d
) (11 lId" "pcdkm' ol d ~d111Cof (haw poker II hat yO 1 an'
the dl"'ed",ecl \\ d" "dUI1 III ,It Ill') (11 111uch of a pl'1) e1")'
, I \ ollldl1 t ~( "0 fm d" to '-.d\ tlut" "aid \11 l'a' kel
1101 'e"tll , 'hut I Cn mo"t gen ly hold mv o\~n mto d game"
, Hc II come \ 011 11dlll t l1e, e1 cOll1e 'round here to play")"
lllr"'htecl the old mall '] he ho}" l1a~ a >;ame III the 1,lch-
100111 it e([uent '
\\ ell "a1d ,II T'alkel, "omewhat emhallassed, "1 rec-
LOll lllehhe the he"t \\a\ I c n put 1t 1" for to say what my
1, e1, ,1111 t t"tn good \\hen I'm playm' wlth wllat v('u might
c,dl e, lCIj, an they tell 1,1e \\ hat "0111e 0' ,au un:o 1" COll-
'1<1,lhlc ,1,I1led
[ 1CC \011 II h'lt \ ( u d lJettel jJnt that the L d lcetle h1t
pLll11l1 "'lId I'l\c \\ llltelhottom \\lth gleat deltbel<ltlOn
'"'( unc1" ,,0111eItke 1\hat, on \\ as SdY111't TInnkle) was "aym'
I htl e ~ ot he1" he"le!c" } ou \\ hat won't stand f r no dlsper-
",1011'-. hem c,l"ted ol1to the11 "tylt 0' pld} "
111 ,1111'tno c,lll l I } Oil to he "0 hell 1Odl111hd"ty, J ak(',"
e,ald ]un DlalsdelI 111 a concIlIatory tone "'Tam't lIkely the
gent has no such meamn' as you're tabn' He done shovvcd
d few mmucb ago vvhat he'd I uther fight nor take a msult,
an' bem' as he\ wllIm' to fight he'd speak plaIn enough If he
had th' Idee 0' gn mg any of VI e uns a msult
"1 take It," contmued Blal"delI "what he's afedr'd 0'
pldyllU( wIth them ~lVhat ondel stan de, the game
"You needr.'t to take It what I'm afear d 0' nothm',"
e:Acldlmed J\Ir J'alkel dngnl}
,. fhen th' aIn't Ilothm' to ptl\ellt you 1111'0 f m helVln' a
~d1llC lIght no\\, If all} on } e " cb"posed to 'pla},' "dld the old
mall Greenhut gcttlng out the card" alld clupe, wIth great
"I ham't e,ald nothm' dbout pld} m 'now," saId \11 Pal-ker,
"an' I am't one to be devIled into dom' nothm 't I don't
want to do"
"That's right," "aId BlaIsdell "If the gent IS afear'd to
play th' ain't no use 0' tIym' to make hun Gleenhut"
But Mr Pal kel declared agam wIth profane emphasis
that he wa" afraId of nothmg dncI nobody, and to prove it
\vhen he saw \\Tmterbottom and Pearsall slllllm~ contempt-uou'ily
he followed the party mto the hack room and bought.
Bas"ett bemg ab"ent only thlee of the home partv sat at
the table, but Palkel dnd a fnend of hI" lumed Bate" took
the fOUlth and fifth "edh and one Hathavv a}, \\ ho had been
of the IIImkley pal ty oUhlde took the e,IAth
'1 d kmcl 0' lIke to take It outen Hank Palku "ol1le\\ay
]'1 \Ilut he clone to Dnnk Ju"t novv,' he "aId III a e,tage Wll1"-
pel to alloth(l Illdn \dw "talted to ICIlIUIl'itJate WIth hl111
\1eantlmc, It I" lHopu to c:Aplam the 'cmam" oj the LIte
III Bnnkle) hMI bcen tdken .1\\ e1\ h) the locdl undeItakel
The game \Va" al1<l1?ged de, table e,tdkee, and each man
toot $'10 m chIps de, a 'ital tel There \1 3e, no gl edt Che,POSltlOll
::,ho" n to make It a con \ el e,atlOnal gan1 e, but on the conb ary
each of the pIa} els seemed deeply Intent on the stuel, of hIS
calde, There \'Vas m LIlt a genelal ul1preS"lOn In the com-mt1111ty
that "Ir Dnnldey \\ ould ha' e been Ju"tlfied m speak-mg
e\ en more plaml} than he clId to J\II Parker, and the
home part) pIa} eel cautloue,lj at fil ::,t, bemg anXIous to knovv
1f he hael anv "peclaltles m hIS gdl11e
\' one appeared for a tIme Oil the contrary J J\Ir Heltlu
way, \\ho had 110 great leputdtloll ae, e' player and wa" un-
\Van enou~h to h~iIay hIS pel'-onal enmltl hy hI" mdnnel,
"Ull cedecl III gettlllg thl ee gO( d SIzed pots from \Ir l\l1ker
1Il"lde of half an hour and openly exulted in hIS sucu"s
\ rr Pal kel, ho\\ elt I, pIa} ed on Impel tUI Lably, and even
II h Cll he had 10"t Ill" fi1 -. t "tack and had bou!?,h t another he
~holl cd no \ eX,ltH)Il Hath('l It 1111/<hthdve been suppo::,ed that
..._---._. --_.._--- -.. .
Near Woodward Avenue
Amencan Plan, $2 50 per
Day and upwards,
European Plan, $ J 00 per
Day and upwards,
Hot and Cold Runmng Water
m all Rooms,
Rooms WIthBath extra.
A High Grade Cafe.
Restaurant and Buffet In connecbon
he vvas Vvaltlllg hIS tllne WIth the full expectatJOn of gettl11g
square w1th somebody
Then IS seemed as If the tllne had come Thel e was a
Jackpot, and he sat to the left of Pearsall who dealt and who
vvas not credIted vvIth any speCIal skIll 111 dealIng
Ha\ IIlg the first say, l\1r Pa1ker passed WIthout looklllg
elt hI" cal d" The othel s ulldel e,tood hI::' motlye of course,
dnd knew a::, well as he dlCI that he would I eap no advan-telge
unless he happened to have a stroni!,' hand
\\ IIltel bottom, who had the next '3eat, opened the pot
fOl the Sl/l of It, vvl1lch was $6 Bates pds"ed, BlaIsdell
stayed, ILatha\\ ay rahed It $0 and Pear"all dropped bringlllg
It up to Pdrker, who then lIfted hIS hand and looked at it
They could not tell anythlllg by hIS exprC::,SlOn, but he
counted out $18 III clup'3 and shoved them forvvard, maklllg a
second raISe so that the ll1dlcations VI, as clear that he had
struck luck or was blufflni!,' strongly
vYll1terbottoll1 heSItated a moment but traIled Then
BlaIsdell, who had nothll1g, but who saw that he might be
useful to \iVll1tel bottom, put up hIS money Hathaway
raised It $25
Parker \1' dS "tIll Immo\ ed and he pushed hIS whole stack
fon, ard makll1Q, a ral "e of $10 Cll $12, and of course con-cIudmg
ll1S pal t m the bettll1Q,' \V111terbottom, who had
heen a W111nel up to that tune, put up enough to see the
double ral"e but IVent no fl1lthel aile! Dlal::,dell dropped
Then ITathaIVay, "eell1g that hIe, enemv's pIle wa::, all 111,
looked 0\ el at \1 I11terbottom's Seel11~ a ~oodly numbel of
chip,; there he looked a £;alll , thl'3 tIme at 1\ I11telbottom's
face C:;ol11ethm~ that he ::,aw there gel\ e lum pell1se, and aftel
"tudy Ill£.;el bIt he thl ew dO\iVnhIS Cdl ds
On thc dldW both men "tood l1c1t,
dOli 11 el <iUlen iull II Ith a confident elll
l\ el, shook lu" head
"'Ta111t no good," he "alel bnefl) , and "howed fom
and Pdl kel '-howecl
\vTlIlterbottom, how
1\11 I'a1kel::, face d1d 110t change, but he lO:-.e flOm the
"I reckon I hal11't no call to pIa) pokel 111tOthIS C1owd,"
he "aId and started to lea\ e the room
"Hold on there I" ::,ald \v lIlterbottom "Be111' as you're
"0 p tIc'lar about what''3 "aId 0' yom game I'll Just trouble
) 011 TO "ay that e,Ollle plal11el, "ame's you done to Brinkley"
"\0 offence," said l'cl1l\er unglacJOusly, "I a111t lookmg
t'r 110mo' Shootlll '3crapes, not to-day T don't mean noth111' "
"1\ ell," Sdlel old man (JI eenhut a" he left the room, "belll ,
dS hI::' comb" clone been cut lIke It has I reckon Hank Parker
won't "hoot IHJ 1110' ntl/ens f'l ::,Ol11etlll1e 'Pears lIke he',>
clone clIoppcc1 hIs telll"
20 WEEKLY ARTISAN ,~_ - _. , ._--- ------ - - - ---- --_._-----.-. -- ------ -------------------_--....
~------------------- ---------_.
Declare That They Suffer From High Prices
While Freight Rates Are Lower.
j\s a refutatIOn of tbe cbal g e madc b, f!w111as \ \ La II
"on and otbels that the lal1lOacb ale lalgel) lC~POI1~lhlc 101
the hIgh prices of pro' 1"1011.0 and othu commmhtle~ I epl e~Ul-tatn
e~ of a numbel of ea"tel n roach ha' c I~"ued the 10110\\ 1I1g
"At a time when dctlve effOlt;;, ale be1l1g made to fi'\. thc
le;;,pon~lbi1lty for hlghel prices, It should bc mdde plal11 thdt
the ral1road" ha' e not 111 any v'dy been re"pon~lblc tOl the 111-
crea"e m the co~t of In mg The) ha' e been the 'Ictlm~ ()!
lugh prices wIthout benefit1l1g flam thcm at all
"ThIs statement IS not one 01 opmlOn-lt hone 01 ldCt
supported by the officIal figures of the llllted States Gm crn-ment
If beef, or pork, or flour. or an) othel commodlt'
costs more now than It cost 10 year:o ago not e, en thc tl ac-tion
of a cent of the mcrease can be charged to tl an:opOI tatlUn
"The figures gathered by the Interstate Commel ce Com
mission show that the level of freIght rates has dec1med
steadtly In 1897 It cost less than four-fifths of a cent to shIp
a ton of freight one mtle, 11 years later, in 1908, the ton-ml1e
rate was still lower, bemg about three-quarter~ 01 a cent
"Bradstreet's index numbers for 96 commodltle" ~hm,
that the increase in the prices of these commodIties, on the
average, from Jan 1,1890 to Jan 1,1909, \\a:o 21-1- per cent
If freight rates had mcreased dUring the same pCrlod at thh
ratio, the gloss freight receIpts fOl the yeal endcd T11I1C30
1908, would havc been $243,536,407 gl eatcI thdl1 thc) <lct11dlh
"Tbl" sum leple;;,en1">, thcn, ,\11dt II a" ~alul to thc ]ll1hhL
in tran"portation COSls by leason of the pllCC ut tldn"pOltdtlun
not ad, ancmg along \\ Ith othu pIlLe"
"WhIle rates have dec1med, the pllCC ol elel}tlun~ tlldl
a ratlroad b11yS has advanced, so that the net c<lIlllng~ al e C11t
into from both ends PeriodIcal advance~ 111 I' age, hd I C
brought about a large mcrease in the cost ot lahOl The total
cost of fuel for the country's ratlroads was 208 pel cent gTeatel
in 1907 than m 1897, though freight traffic 111CI ea~ed onh 1-1-8
per cent, and passenger traffic only 126 pel cent
"RaIlroads are heavy purchasers of e, er) th111g on the
market, from steel to butter, and no corporatIOn or mdlvldual
is more affected by a rise m price than a I allroad company A
------ _. -- ----_._.---_._..-_-------__--a-••---__---- --._-' ~
tell "peclmen mcreases smce 1897, 111 the prices of things the
companle" h<l\ e to buy, are as follows Lead pipe, 55 per
cent y cllm, pIDe, 85 per cent; hemlock, 102 per cent, window
g-lass, 27 pel cent, cut natls, 62 per cent; common locks, 140
PCI cent steel door knobs, bronze plated, 171 per cent These
<lie onh a fell e'\.dmples Illustlatne of the general movement."
Selling Timber From Government Lands.
\ statement J11~t rece1\ ed from the forest servIce office
at l'Ottland, Ole, "ho\\s that the timber sdlc busmess on
na tlOt1<\1fOt e~ts m the PaCIfic n01 thwest IS mcreasing very
1 clj)ldh Thh 1I1Uea"e IS regarded as an mdex of the re-
11\ al of h11"mes:o m the lumber mdustry generally and shows
cd-0 thc g 1m, mg use of )J a tlOnal Forest resources by the
The contrast betvI een the amount and value of timber
~uld dlllm~ the last SIX months of 1909 and that sold during
thc COlIe'ipond111g period m 1908 IS very marked The fig-llle,
dlC tOI mo:ot of the natIOnal f01(sts in Oregon and Wash-
1I1gton, and they ;;,hovv timber sales of over 52 million feet,
lor nearly $114,000, dUring the last six months of 1909. This
compare;;, vvlth sales of dbout 17 ml11l0n feet, for a total of
$27000, dUring the same period in 1908
The local officers of the department al e very m~lch
plea"ed \\Ith the fact that the demand for national fore~t
tlm bel IS mu ca 'illlg so deCIdedly The prospects for the
comlllg SIX months are I egarded as promising even better than
"hat has becn I ealtzed III the period just past It is claimed
that thl~ lllcrccblllg Umber sale busllless opens the way to
maEa£;cment of the natIOnal fOIests along the best ltnes, by
pel1111ttlllf; the I emm al of ovcl-matured and decadent ttmber
1\ lllc h ha ~ pI dctlCdll I comc to a stand stIll m p01nt of growth,
dnd dllo\\ lll~ replacement of these ttces WIth a fully "tocked
~ldll(l uj lclJlHlh ~10"lllg young trees
Grand Rapids Furniture Leather.
Ddhm &.. Klelcr, tanners of Grand RapIds, who added a
ltll111tUIe leathel department last fall have made a pleasing
~ucce~:o of the ,cnture They dress goat and sheep skins
col0t111g them a" de"11ed by upholsterers who apprecIate the
dClvantdgc of be1l1g db Ie to obtain the supply of leather at
home C:;ofal the film have had no dIfficulty 1ll dIsposing of
theIr output, the qualtty of whIch IS equal, If not better, than
that of leather ordered from eastern tanners at SImilar prices
Conducted by H. H. STALKER.
Dealers Are Urged to Send in Samples of Their Advertisements and to Offer Any Suggestions
and Helps Which They Believe Will Be of Benefit to Others. This Department
Aims to Be of Practical Sel"vice. Help Us to Make It So.
How al e the ads pullmg?
Got started on that booklet yet?
Those new cuts are an improvement, aren't they?
Don't you find that folks pay more attention to your
wmdow displays, since you began to give them more atten-tIon?
Have you rearranged your floor dIsplays lately?
Kmd 0' freshel1'3 up a store to change the furniture oc-casional1y.
Try it
Herewith IS :-,hown one of the best "general publicIty"
"ads" of "mall S17e that I have seen in a good whIle The
heading IS bold and attractive and at once catches the home
mterest "Your home" are two magIc words to most folks,
for nearly everybody IS mterested m a home. While this ad
IS good, It might have been strengthened by a specific sug-gestlOn
or two together wIth pnce.
~&6e 30
ome Should be the brightest n cst! omehke home you
k 0 v of I'llU Have bought anythmg new
to br gh en It up? your home IS 1I1 a
rut-needs a fe v bnghteners to make It more
COs) .and cornior able
The Heyman Store lS full of sugge"tJans for
makmg 1t a more attractn e horn", Fifty years
expenence tn n akmg nevI-homes and bnghten
mg up old homes make<; )t tl e logIcal store to
go to
EverytIung for the home
A good many furniture houses. are planning on a Febru-ary
Clearance Sale. Suppose you try a full page "ad" as a
starter. Have a special headmg made, or select one from
the bulletins of stock cuts whIch reach you from time to
time. Then write the strongest, most convincing and in-teresting
opening paragraph you can flame, and follow with
good cuts, brief descripttons and bold pllces of say, ten or
fifteen bargams Arrange these so that each WIll stand out
clearly and use lIberally of white space. Get COpy in early,
have the newspaper submIt proof. Then go over it carefully
Improving the appearance in every way possible. This will give
your sale a tremendous impetus right from the start, a good
start is half of any race Back this ad up with the goods,
cauttous treatment, tactful suggestions and lively interest-
Ing smaller ads as the sale progresses, and you'll vote the
Lhmg a big succes::, when its all over.
A very successful plan follO\,\ed by many furmture men
and one not by any means new, IS that of watching the papers
for birth, marnage and new arnval announcements.
For each class a form letter IS prepared.
For 1I1stance when a marriage lIcense is announced, a
courteous and cordIal letter IS sent to the pair, inviting them
to the store and mentlOning a few items calculated to inter-est.
The letter to new atrivals m town deals with the matter
from the standpoint of the needs hkely to arise-furniture
broken or marred in being shipped and of pieces needed to
properly fill out the new home.
BIrth records are filed and at the right time a letter is
sent call1l1g attentlOn to cribs and baby carriages.
These things take time and attentlOn, but I have yet to find
the dealer who dlscontmued the practIce after once begin-n1l1g
A very common practice in department stores and in-deed
in many others is that of advertising a special or leader
which is sold at little or no profit and is designed primarily
to get people into the store. I believe this could be worked
out better in the furniture business and more often than it is.
For instance, get a quantity of some reasonable priced novel-ty
and advertise it for a certain day, arrange them in a part
of your store that will allow of grouping other attractive
articles near by. Suppose you have a kitchen cabinet near at
hand or a davenport bed, or any special or advertised article
WIth good selling joints easily and quiCkly made. Have all
these things conspiciously displayed and your salesmen
dnl1ed. Then when the people come in for the cheap special,
it will require no great amount of tact to interest them in the
other things By laying your plans carefully splendid results
will follow. Start looking up some good leaders. Get the
people in your store Then make your talk so convmcing
that they'll save some of their money When a salesman
persuades a ~ oman to mvest in worthless thmgs he hasn't
much to be proud of But in persuading her to invest m
furniture you are doing her a service This thought should
add strength to your sales talk
Coroners May HSitH on Fires.
Attorney-General O'Malley of New York has advised
the superintendent of insurance of that state that the laws
enacted in 1909 give authonty to a coroner, sheriff or deputy
sheriff to summon a JUIy whenever It is made to appear by the
affidavit of a credltble witness that there IS glound to believe
that any bUlldmg has been mahclOusly set on fire or attempted
to be and the coroner, shenff or deputy sheriff is requested in
wntmg by the presIdent, secretary or agent of any msurance
company or by two or more reputable freeholders to investi-gate
the truth of such belief The state furnishes an ex-peditious
method of making inqUIry into facts and circum-stances
relatmg to a fire beheved to be of an incendiary
22 WEEKLY ARTISAN rLentz Big Six
----_...,~------.. .- -------------------.....----------- -------------------------------------------~_ ......
I '-----_. .. - -----------------------------------------------------------~
No. 694. 48 in. top.
No. 687. 60 in. top.
Others 54 m. top.
8 Foot Duosty/es
Lentz Table Co.
Items From the Michigan Artisan, Sept., 1880.
Mr Phelps of Phelp-, &- Brad<.,ilLet. \Il11neapoh.., )<.,pL,C
mg orders \\Ith our manutaLtl1leI'o
E G Pdrtndg-e, a ,ett>lan dealel at ]amL"tU\\n " \ 1"
laymg m hI." first stock of Grand Rapids tm nltUI e
Several carloads of furmture \\ 111be 'oll1pped to 101edo
,n the near future, a:o the 1esult of the, hIt ot B \Iel1ll1t~
C M. Plum of San f'ranCl"co \\ ho e;c11~the plOcluCh at
the Berkey & Ga} and the Phoem'( rurl1ltm e Lompan\ b cl
1ecent arnval
Weaver & Son have opened a "taLk of (;1and RapId"
furmture ln LockpOJ t, ~ Y Thc firm came hel e dnd pm-cha<.,
ed the same
J M :V[eneffe of ~Ie,(lco, \10. \\ ho 1" 111Granel RapJd..,
for the first tIme, has ~n en hI" a ppi 0\ al tu the "'La~un " "t\ It"
and workmanship.
F Stukenborg of C111unnatJ \iJ I"ee\ llle nl I"lt'\ 111e&-
"\Vapplee;. Kansas CIty and !\ D Seaman of Seamdn & Co ,
::YIllwaukee, are bu} 111g hberalh
John L "\Vm:oton ,\ho ha.., lecenth engagecl 111the sale
of fmnlttlre 111Lynchburg-. Va, "talted fJ~ht 1)\ pm Lba"llU?
I11s Imtlal stock m Gland RapJCls
~Ir Cooper of Cooper & Hammond. \\ ho e;ell tm mturc
to the prospeiOUS farmel e; of 10\\ a fI om then lar~c stOl e J1,
OUunnva, IS here The "t}les ha\e \\on hIe; adl1111atJon and
he wl11 purchase Grand Rapid" furllltUIL laigeh hCle3.1tel
~1r One;on, the hghtJ1Jng-hke bu\ CI tor tht ~1edt hou"e
of Abernathey, Xorth & OJJson Kan"a" Clh h \\ alk1l1g
through the warelOoms and keepmg the salesmen Jumpmf; 111
theIr efforts to note hI." ordel s a" fast as he calls out hlS
The veteran Colonel c\bernathe\ of Lea\ e11\,01th, Kan"a,.,
\'\ ho bu} S hlS <;tock fOI the 10\\ est pllce:o conceele,l to an} man
in the vvorId, IS placin~ heavv orcIels FJHeen cadoads of
chaIrs IS a smgle ordel placed V\ ith the Grand RaplcIs Chall
company The colonel injects actlvltv mto the malket when-evel
he comes here
Mr Avery of Comstock & A.vel) PeoJJa, III . :;\11 Ell
cIreth of Holton & Hildreth, Chicago, Loui,., OttenacI of St
Louis, A Bamhelger of Chicago, MI Johnson of Jackson-
Ville, Ill. \"\ H Clal k of Decatul, M1Ch , E C Ransom of
GJIbelt, Ransom & Knapp Jacke;on. ~[lch , Chdlle" Jackson
of Corunna, :lVflCh,]\,Ir KreIsel at /\.It:-,t111, 1 exas, :'vIr South-ard
of Southard & Pratt, Toledo, MI. Morton of Perk1l1s &
'II Ul1on, PULblo, '\ D Mal,11 of CUOpCIS\ llle; J B Eastmgs
nt La Gl ang e 0 and r A Eckelsfels of Flfe Lake are m the
un 1)11\me, fur11ltUl e for stocks
(,eOlge r \\ eeb of Baldwm & \'Veeks, Akron, 0, partl-upated
ll1 the late tnennlal conLla, e of the Klllghts Templdr.
)n U11cagu ,mu then came to Grand Rapld<; to purchase goode;
John Rett111g of Rettmg & Son, who sell large quantItIes
ell turn ltUl e 111the Creen Mountam state ,at the Clty called
I\ldttleboro h 111 the malket Mr Rettmg 13 paY1l1g hIS first
\ l~Jt to G' ,111dRapids but has found <;0 many artIcles smtahle
I II 11h t1,U!c that he I" purchas1l1g- hberally
Lesson From a Fire.
[he \ rll1ker", ~ Y. Herald, commentmg on the file
\ ha 1 Lan "'ed a loss of SSO,OOO m th3.t Clty on February 3,
fhe fil e m a e;t01e loom of the Smlth Cal pet company
p 0\ t-, uJl1cln"n el) that there ale fir~ proof bulldmgs, wlllch
11cl11} ha, e doubted And It serves to plOve hkewlse that
mal1\ fire plOof bUJldmgs may be deCIdedly dangerous unless
pl l)pel h \ entJlated
[he le""on of that fil e <;hows moreover that the need of
dl! ect wnnectlon between aU the cIty's large bmldings and
hI e heaclqudl tel:-, IS hke\\ lse a necessIty But as to the fire
plCJot b11l1dl11g" It 1:0 \'Yell known that conllete Wlll not
hUII1 Dut l! on and :o.teel girders wl11 yield under a suffiClent
de~l ee nf hedt Concrete walls wlll stand, of course, but they
ha, e not succeeded m perfectJng concrete gl! ders yet, to
st3.Dd the stram
The fire m a very shOl t tIme destroyed many thousand
dollal S \\ 01 th of <;tock, but had the hUJlding been more or
le<.,e;mftamll1ahlc constl uctIOn the loss Vv ould have undoubt-edh
I eachul the hundl eds of thousands
Handled by One Firm.
~ con cspondent of the MichIgan Artisan at Baltimore,
\\ JJtmg unclel elate of August 10, 1880 gave the following in-iOlmiltJon
m legal d to the sale of Grand Rapids ftllniture in
that cIty
, KhppCl, \Vebster & Co are 1ecen mg larg e quantities of
furlllture from the factones of Grand Rapids This lS the only
firm that handles Grand Rapids furl1Jture 111 tl11s Clty and their
business lS large and profitable."
Brisk Demand for Carpets.
All repolh from the east agree that the cunent featme
m the cal pet and rug market I" the 1mprO\ ement m demand
for three-qualtel" gOOl]-., It \va" ])('lle\ ul that the earl)
hea\ y sales of rugs \\ auld rest! Ict demand for carpet.., On
the cont!al}, a steady ImpIO\ ement I" shown DuplIcate
orders dre comlJ1g steadIly Jl1 spite of pnce advance~ on pnn-cipal
Selhng agents expres::, much ::,aU"factlOn ov er the bu"i-ness
lJ1crease, and are SUIpnsec1 at the early heavy c1uphcate
orders IVlthdlawals of both carpet and lug lme') ha\ e been
numelOUS In some quarters t\\o-thuds of the hnes "ho\\n
at the openmg have been wIthdrawn, and mother quartel,)
full} one-half PromlJ1ent sellmg a~ent::, state that the wIth-drawal"
ale posltl\ e II hen Ii I" crmsHlerec1 that pnces hay e
been advanced two or tllJ ee tIme') "mce the opeDln~ uf the
season, the fact that these lme.., hay e been sold up "how:o that
trade has been exceptIOnally good
Demand from the 1\ est has been unu"ually heavy and
busme')s m that ::,ectlOn seem" to be e'(cellent The south
has also taken large quantities, and duphcate orders from
that qualter are heavy At present there is a strong demand
from the south for three-quarters carpets of vanous descnp-tions
Tapestnes and wlltons have been favored, and buyels
have expressed ch..,appolJ1tment at the \\lthdrawal of certam
of the most popular patterns m these Cel tam 111111swhICh
have not made pnce advances as } et are expected to do so
soon as they are repOl ted to be heaVIly sold up, dnd theIr
raw matellal to be practically exhau~ted
Supphes of new carpet \v ool Will cost from 3 to 4 cents
per pound more than last year, and It IS hardly pos"lble that
these mIlls can tU1"n out ham new wools at pnces now pre-
vailing Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet company report
duphcate spnng busll1ess exceptlOnally hea\ y The most
notICeable 1J11pJOvement is on three-quarters ~oods, such as
tape"tnes, Wilton" and axmmsters
The carpet sale::, smce the season opened ha \ ~ ')hown a
mal ked lJ1crea"e 0\ er la')t yeal. and \\ Ith duphcate order,
"tl1l c0111mg the I e')ults for the season WIll, It I" expected,
break recolds fOI four or five sea:oons
An Important Infringement Case.
The Seeger Refngerator company has started SUIt m
the federal court at St Paul, "0.1mn, agamst the vv hlte Enamel
Refngerat01 company askll1g damages for mfnngement on
patent nghts. etc The complamant-. a::,k that a permanent
111J unctlOn be Is..,ued forbldd111g the IVhlte Enamel Refnger-dtl
r company to manufactu1 e refngeratol ~ made accord111g to
the L\me~ patent, that an account111g be I eqmred ::,how111g
what profit.., the company has made from the manufacture
and sale of these refngerators, and that Judgement in that
amuunt be rendered 111 favor of the Seeger company. The
court granted a temporary restra1l11l1g order and WIll take
lesilmony on the ments of the case at a heanng on a motion
£01 dlSsolutlOn of the wnt
The proceed1l1gs are based on the allegation that the
Ames patent, under whIch the liVhlte Enamel company have
heen manufactunng and sell1l1g refngerators for about eight
} ears, IS an 1l1fl1l1gement on the Quinn patent. owned by the
Seeger conlpany. The complainants estimate that under the
~\mes patent the vVhlte Enamel company have manufactured
and sold 15,000 raIlroad car refrigerators at a profit of $40 on
each car, and 75,000 household refngerators, at a profit of
$15 on each, mak1l1g a total profit of $1,715,000
Are very popular with the Furniture Trade.
No. 46, Single Cone, $2 Each, Net.
We manufacture a full line of Single and Double Cane All Wire Springs.
SMITH &. DAVIS MFG. CO., St. Louis
$2~ $2~
Pitcairn Varnish Company
Reliable Varnishes of Uniform Quality
Our Motto:
C H Bauer, "old his furmtu1 e store at Bethany, :'10, to
E. W Prentiss
P H Schwek, furniture dealer of Tama, Iowa, has sold
out to Cochrane & Plumb.
E 1'\ Schlager, furmture dealer ha" mo\ ed from Ro::,-
alia to VVenatchee, \Vash
Roberts & Son, undertake1 s of Sterlmg, .l\ ebr , ha\e sold
their busmess to Zink Bros
Sweet & BIggs of Grand RapId..., hay e moved theIr up-holster)
plant to Allegan, :'hch
The Johnson Furmture and Hardy\ are company of Flu-vanna,
Tex, has been chssoh ed.
Henry Kahn succeeds the ZImmerman & G1ay Fur11lture
company, dealers at Racine, vVis.
Wtlham \VIlltams has purchased the furniture business
of Alfred Johnson at Deerfield, W 1S
B. Gold, furn1ture dealeI of Vi. elch, \V ,-a, \\ 111open a
branch store at Red Gramte, same state
The Pnor rurmture company, dealers of Dem e1, Colo,
ha" been inc01 po rated CapItal stock, $5,000
O. E Perry, fm11lture deale 1 of Alban}. Ore, h 1eported
as closing out hIS stock, \\ 1th the mtent10n of engagll1g 111
the busmes" 111some othe1 to\\ n m that state
The Harry II Sm1th, company furmture dealer., ot Lh na
Ohio, have mcorporated Cap1tal stock, 5;50,000
G \V. and G E Meyers of Cheshire, Conn, hay e been
granted a patent on a "combmat1On article of fm mtm e '
Ha"eltme & Gordon hay e purchased the e,ce1s10l manu-factunng
plant of Charles S ~ esm1th at :'lcrnmack. '\ H
W H Peden of Fredencksburg, \- a, b rebl\1ld111g hI"
excelsior works that were recently totally destroyed by fire
The \V1lham Abel & Sons compan), deale1 s m house-furmsh111gs,
of Cle\ eland, O. hay e mcorporated Cap1tal
stock, $25,000
Gomp1echt & Benesch, furmture deale1" ot Dd1t1l1l0re,
Md, have purchased the stock of then compet1to1 s Juhus
H111es & Sons
The Athens (Ga) Mattless and Bed Sp1mg compam are
conside1 ing inducements offe1 ed for the remo\ al of then plant
to Cordele, Ga
S. W. Dobson succeeds the Burnham FurmtUl e com pan} ,
dealers at BIsbee, A1 i7 He owns the buildmg m \\ h1ch the
store is located.
The K1el Furmture company is bUlldmg t\\O add1t1Ons to
the plant, in 111h\ aukee-a bOIler 100m and a storage house,
each to cost $10,000
The liab1hties of the Eagle Furniture compan) of Lexmg-
....... .. ............ _a_ __ .. ..
C. B. Quigley, Manager Manufacturing Trades Dep't.
Ira. • • •• - •••• • •• - ----_. _.---~----------.-------------_._---------_ ....
Factories: Milwaukee, Wis.; Newark, N. J.
ton, ~ C, \\ h1ch recently \\ ent into the hands of R. F. Dal-ton
as 1ecen er m bankruptcy are scheduled at a little more
than $100,000, assets, $85,000
C R Van Marter, H M Maus and W, H. Poulson have
orgd111zed the Kmgman Undertaklllg company, capitalized at
$15.000, to take 0\ er the business heretofore conducted by Mr.
,-an :'Iartel at Klllgman, Ariz
:'Ia1 qual dt & Zarbel, furniture dealers and undertakers
of Oshkosh, \Y1o" hay e dlsolYed partnership. Mr. Zarbe!
1 etmng R E :i\1arquardt will continue the business under
the name of il1arquardt & Co
The plant ot the ~cme :l\1anufacturing company of Pitts-burg
Pa, recently burned, is bemg rebuilt. Heretofore they
hay e manufactUl ed \\ ooden specialties, but will put in suitable
machmery and may give more attention to furniture in the
Offic1als of the Gold Medal Camp Furniture cbmpany of
Racme, \\ IS . a1 e repOl ted as saying that the mam reason for
the recent mcrease m then capital stock from $60,000 to
S300,000 IS then mtent10n to establIsh a factory in Ontario,
and thus "get 0"\ er or under" the Canadian tariff wall
The Bass Brothers company, department dealeis of Grif-tm
Ga, held the1r annual meeting on "groundhog" day, made
all "tockholders dIerctors and declared a div1dend of 100 per
cent on the pa~t ) ear's bu..,mess The stock is owned by H.
H Bass, J L Bass, B H Moore, B C. Randall, W. T Scott
and il1lSS Kate Camp, J R Thaxton is manager of the furni-ture
Firm Dissolved-Name Retained.
The firm of McManus Bros , of Eltzabeth, N. J , was dis-
"nh ed b} mutual consent on February 10 Walter McManus
buy mg h1s brother's interests and contmuing the business un-der
the same firm name (McManus B10s) The workmg
capItal of the busmess rema1l1S intact and the management
the same as 1t has been for several years past. The bus111ess
\\ as e"tabltshed by \JYalter McManus and John J. O'Ne111 in
1882 as :'IC}1anus & O'Neill, in 1885 Joseph McManus was
admItted as a partner and John J O'Neill retiring. The
stores are well appointed and very spacious, and command
a good suburban trade as well as quite some following on
Staten Island, New York.
Marquetry was used unsucceessfully as an ornament for
furmture by the manufacturers of Grand Rapids thirty years
ago. It d1d not please the buyers. Carvings in plenty were in
demand 111that year.
__ ••• Fa •••••••• ........ __ _._..,
Manufacturers of
Another Prominent GrandRapids Furniture Man-ufacturer
Answers a Sudden Summons.
Da'Id II Kendall who dIed m the CIty of \Iexlco on
Feblualy Ib, wa" born 111the clt) of Rochester, NY, 111
October 1851 He learned the cab1l1et makers' art 111 111';
tather s ..,hop 1111111edldtely after leav1lJ~ school and early
e,mced a talent for drawmg and pa111t1l1g It 1" 'oald that
dUllng hIS noon hours at the shop, when a )outh, he vvould
sketch figure" or callcatures Up011 the bottoms of bureau
drawers or odd bIts of wood and that he cra, ed that In-
"UudlOn 111the tIne al h \\ hlLh 11l latel } eal " he "vas able to
~Ir ~enddll wa,', be"t kncmn on account of hI" lon~
..,enlce 11l the fur111ture tIdde HI;, fir;,t employment "va"
"Ith the \I ooton De..,k com pan} at Inehanapoli", I nd ~ man
named IVooton had mvented t\\ a speCIaltIes m office desk,
but wa.., unable to perfect them mecha111call} HIS 1I1ventlOn
ante-elated the roll top or curtam desk now generally u"ed
In mechanICS .J,II Kendall was a natmal ge111us and when the
sample de",ks \\ el e placetl before hIm he mstinct!vely found
the ImpelfectIon.., and Cjlllckly remedIed the "ame Mr Ken-dall
deSIgned the \I ooton desks aftel \\ aul and theII sale
\\a;, Hly 1,Llge Y\ OOt011faIled In 1873 dnd :Ur Kendall then
laund emploYl11tnt '\Ith all ardlltect named Shdhan, 11l ChI-CdgO,
\\here he de\ eloped great abIlIt} d,', a c1raughtsman
\Vllllc su engaged he attlactcd the attentIOn of the late
John T Strahan, supenntendent of the Phoenix Furniture
company, who engaged 111m to come to Grand RapIds, and
enter the employ of the company a'i an aSsIstant de;,igner
HIS 1 eSIdence 111Grand RapIds dated back to 1879 and wIth
the exceptIOn of two years ;,pent wIth Carlton L Beardslay
111DetrOIt and three years wIth the Berkey & Gay Furniture
company, his tIme and talents were devoted to the welfare
of the Phoenix Furniture company
As a deSIgner Mr Kendall was resourceful and origmal,
u"ually in advance of the trade and the tImes. Many of hIS
productIOns were so mentonous that he deserves such recog-nItIOn
as has been conferred upon Sheraton, Chippendale and
the noted desIgners of France and Italy In hIS work he
laId the foundatIOns for the Kendall school of art He com-pounded
many fancy finishes and UltIlI7ed metal in many
way 'S as d suh..,tItute for can mgs and 111lays \" hen the trade
tll ed ot those for111s of decoratIOn The glo%y hlack iron of
Bell111, antIque brass tnmm111gs and fancy carved work were
111trocluced by J\[r Kendall He was a master of compo<.atlOn
and m the mtel pretatlOn of the purposes of the master de-
..,lgners of past generatIOns he had few equals
vIr Kendall was not popular, generally speak111g, be-cau~
e he dId not "eek populanty Outside of hIS bus111ess
dUjt'a111tances he was lIttle known. He had well grounded
Ideals and lIved close to them To an opinion once formed he
clung tenacIOusly, and great) enjoyed the discussIOn of pro-hlem"
m whIch he took an 111terest espeCIally when hIS argu-ments
wel e opposed
At the tIme of hIS death Mr Kendall ,,,as the trea;,urer,
..,npel mtendcnt and deSIgner of the Phoe11lx Furntmre com-pany,
m whIch he was largely 111teresteel as a stockholder
Henry C. Schaefer. Victim of Apoplexy.
} rom the effects of a thltel ;,troke of apoplexy '" l11ch he
~l1ffered on February 7, Henry C Schaefer, a well known
fnr11ltnre "ales111dn and commIssion clealer, died in St 2'llary';,
hospItal, GI and RapId" on Fnday, February 18, aged 58 years
:\Ir Schaefer ,va" formerly a re"ldent of EvanSVIlle, Ind, and
[01 se\ el al year;, tray elled f01 the K11l1gman FurnIture com-pany
ot Gland RapId" Seven yeaI" ago he came to Gland
Rdplcls and went 111to the ftllll1ture commI SSIOn hU"111e,,~WIth
hI" two ;,ons, Hem) F and \\ alterC The decea'oed had a WIde
aCCll1a11ta1nce among ftllniture manufactureI", buyers and 'Sel-
IcI ~ anc! hac! dn excellent 1 eputation for 111tegIlty and abIlIty
Busy Factory in Toledo.
1 oledo, Ii eb 18 -The Hucke} e Parlor Furl11ture C0111-
pam are \ CI} bu"y at tll1::otune The factOly IS be111g nm
tu full capaCIty to keep up WIth the demands of the com-pany
b tl ade Se, ent} employes are on the pay roll The
company al e OCCUPY111ga 'SubstantIal four story brick bul1d-mg
100'{ 120 feet anc! have recently opened np on the fourth
floO! one of the hand"oll1est "ample rOOms that can be founc!
an} where The c!I"play of the Buckeye goods numhers
'Se, en hund1 eel pleces-conslstmg of three and five-pIece suites
da\ enports, couches and rockers the ma111 portion of the
th"play consist111g of davenports of which goods the c0111pany
make one hundred and two CllSt111C'tpatterns, ",hlch doubt-le"
s place'S the Buckeye Parlor Fmniture company in the
f01 efl ant a" 111anufacturers of thI,', l111e of goods
FOl ty-fi' e Tungsten lIghts al e used m the dIsplay r00111,
the walls of which al e tinted green, the floor covered With
!2,"1 een carpet and the w111doV\s adorned WIth reel draperie,
rhc ..,ampIe r00111 is one of the most effectIve of Its k1l1cl, and
VI d.., 'SUpI0110Unceel by the \ I<.,It111le:;lealels who attended the
OhIO RetaIl FurnIture Dealer,',' ConventIOn here thIS week.
500 1 ecelpt-, 2 50
1000 letter head" 375 775
E H Sell & Co , Lal cl mde", cabmet, gmde and
mele" cards
l'o~ tage
C \l \ oorhees, fOl sen Ices of o,tenographel for
month-, ot \memhel, Decemhel anel January, at
S'i 00 pel month 1500
l \1 \ oOlhec" cApense", teleglam and telegraph 150
fotal $1629C
Total . 5JlS0QO
The followmg lS ltemlzed hst of ordels dra\yn smce
FebJUary 15, 1910, begmmng wlth order:\o 183, to-Wlt
183. C. M Voorhees, sec'y, for expense to CmcmnatI
and return, fifth annual conventJOn, Febl uary 16
and 17, 1909. . . .. . " . " $ 700
184. Postage ... .. " " . ., 200
185 Chenngton Pnntmg & Engravmg- Co, 200 Rlb-bon
Badges for annual meetmg- at Cl11cmna±1 r; 00
186 C M. Voorhees, sel vIces of stenogI aphel. 101
months of F eblUar} and ::\1arch 1909
187. Amencan Pubhshmg Co., for supphes as follows
175 postal cards . .$375
500 applicatJOn cards...... . 250
500 envelopes No 10....... . . 250
1000 envelopes 6}4....... . .. , 2 50 11 2S
188 C M. Voorhees, for sen lces of stenogl.lphcl f01
April and May .
189 C. M. Voorhees, on account, for selVlces as seCle-tary
for yeal begmn111g- Fehlual vIS, 1909
190 C. M. Voorhees, on account, fOl serVIces as
secretary .,
192. Postage . ..... ..
193 C M Voorhees, for serVlces of "tenogldphel fOJ
months of June, July and August ..
194 C. M Voorhees, on account of sen lces of sten-ographer
for months of Septembel and October.. 10 OJ
195. American Publishing Co, Columbus.
250 envelopes $1.50
" 16
"2\ldlch 2
'i 3
" ..J-
" 17
Apnl 7
" 2
" 23
" 5
i. 9
.i 10
Dec 18
Jan'y 27
Feb'y 3
" 4
" 4
" 4
" 7
" 7.
" 9
i. 14
(ContlDued from Page".)
The Gobrecht-Geyel Lompany, '\ 01 \yooel 300
\V S Carhle & Sons Co, Columhu" 3 00
Lom" Hellman, Cmcmnatl ) 00
~tewal t Bras rm n Co, Colum hu" ') 00
Tennenbaum & Mode Cl11Cmnatl 300
(,rosse BlOS CmunndtJ 300
Tennenbaum' HI os & Co Cmcmnatl 300
Adolph Klem, Cmcmndtl 300
Lom;, "2\lalA & Bros (\e\\pOlt) Cmunlldtl )00
Jake 1ennenbaum & Co, Cmu11natl ') 00
A Stemhamp & lo, ClnUllnatl 300
1he (0111 ov &. Le\ \ ( a , \1lclclletcm 11 ) 00
\Vtlham ByJDe, Diy ton ) 00
The Cappel F11In Co, Day ton ) 00
\\ N Art7, Day ton ') 00
H D H11hel &. Co DZl\ t( 11 ) 00
Mav & Co, Day ton ) UO
The Fan, F C Buddmgton, \1g1 (111 300
Theo Heck & Co . Clllclllnatl 300
Val Loewer, Columbu" 3 00
H. B Rodevv 19- & Cn , Belial! e ) 00
vVllkms-Hubt Co, Ely na ) 00
Fleshelm & SmIth, CIe\ eland ) 00
J D Cochlan, COI11l111111" ) 00
Home Furillshm£; lu. C(JIUllll111~ 300
Sldles & :\ eedleI, \ an ,,\ el i 608
The Samuel Horcho\\ lo POlhllwmh -1-17
Brown Bl o~, Clev eland ') 00
Shannon r mlll tm e (0 Co 1111b1I1b 3 00
S Kohn & Son;" Cle\ eland 1 7;
VV S Carhle & Son-, Co, ( llUlllbu" ') 00
Dme's Fmlllture Hou"e, l111um1cltl 300
The Herbert l~Ull11tm e Co, (mclllnatl 300
Thos P Zachman, Cmunnatl 300
Geo Belz, (In eland 3 00
Carhle &.. Kelr, Colul11hu~ 300
Anthon) Cook'.., Son", Clllcmnatl 300
Strauss-.MlllcI Co, Cln elancl 300
\Ym \Velschl11e1el, lIe\ eland 300
C L Clowell, Leetol11a ') 00
The Blebel lurl11tme Co lIeyeland ) 00
The E hleeman & Co, ClIlC11111dtl ) 00
Fred J I, e\, Loram 3 00
The Frohook Fmilltmc Co, Columhu" 600
10 00
2~ 00
Total 1 ecelpts
loLt! dl~lJtll "Ulle11h
$ 210
! ()t,d ,1l1wnnt of clne" uncollected February 10 1910 .SI8S 00
Re~pectfullJ subI11ltted,
SIg-ned, C M Voorhees,
1he follem ln~ 1 epOl t of the executn e conl111Jttee was
11e"t lead1n Cha11111an B r KelJ of Columbus WhlCh was
aho accepted
1 he fil st meet111g of the State Executive Committee was
lleld 111 the eal h part of Septel11bel 111the office of the secre-t,
u:, C \J \ oOlhees, Columbus, Oh1O l'resldent H W.
\JOley, "eCletal} C ill Voorhees, chaIrman, B F. Kerr, P.
\\ Sie\\dlt dnd \V r Ganett were plec;ent Mattels per-tdl11lJ1g
to the \\ cHare of the as"oClat1On wel e dIscussed, and
the dd tt ~et on \\ hICh the ExecutlVe CommIttee vvas to go to
loledo Ohw, to make arrang emen ts fOI the Annual State
.0Jovel11ber 17, 1909. the State ExecutIve Commlttee met
111Toledo, Oh1O, at Hotel Secor Presldent H VV. Morey,
Chamnan B r Kerr, George B vVlckellS, P. W. Stewart and
\\ 1 Gan ett \\ ere present A numhel of the Toledo dealers,
d 1 Cpl e-,ent"tn e of the Toledo Chamber of Commerce, and
tht pI Opl letOl s of sevel al hotels met WIth us. Mr. \V m
Byrne of Day ton, Oh1O, stal teel to the meeting, but dId not
get thel e, 01\ 1l1g to the wreck of the tra111 on vvhlch he was
a pa s"en~ el. and 111\\ 11Jch he \\ a" sltghtly 111Jured However,
pI 0\ lc1ence o,]Jaled h1111to dehvel hlS address to us here to-da
\ PI eltllll!1cllV ,u 1ang ements were made for the holdmg
ot the conventIon
Our next meet111g vvas held at Columbus, Ohio, at the
::\ell House PreSIdent H \1\ 1'1101 ey, secretary C I'll Voor-hees,
chaIrman B F Kerr, P. W Stewart and \TV F Garrett
vvere pl esent, at whIch t11ne we cllscussed ways and means
for gettmg out an offiClal program and mailing same to the
clealers of the state
The next meetmg, about a week later, was held at the
office of the Home Furnishmg company, Columbus, Ohio, at
\\ hlch tm1e the Columbus members of the executive com-mlttee,
chaIrman B F Kerr, P. \TV. Stewart and W. F. Gar-rett
vvere present A hst of about 200 manufacturers was
prepared to whom a letter was mailed asking them to take
~pace in the officlal program at $10 per page Sufficient funds
\\Cl e personally supplied by B F Kerr, P. W. Stewart and
\V F Garrett to defray all necessary preliminary expenses.
ThIS IS the first tIme m our history that the association has
Laken into theil hands the printing of the official program.
\\ e 1ecelvec1 answers ftOm enough manufacturers to make
om official program possible; and from whom we realized a
sum lal ~e enough to defray the expenses of this convention.
The Statl lAecut!ve Committee recommends that the
membels of this association patronize all the advertisers
who appear in the official ptOgram, as it was through their
co-operation that the committee was able, in a financial way,
to make this meeting such a grand success.
A number of other meetings were held by the Columbus
members of the ExecutIve Committee in order to complEte
the program, and make final arrangements fO! thIS con-ventlOn
Some matters have been referred to the state executive
commlttee by the secretary of the assoclatlO11 which we de-
Slre to pre'3ent at thIS meetlllg for dIscusslOn, V1Z' complalllts
by membel'3 of the assocIatlOn agalll'3t certalll well known
manufacturel '3
B. F Kelr
vVm Byrne
P W Stewart
IV F Garrett
Geo B ·Wickens
The Annual Banquet.
Follov\ l11g the afternoon se~~lOn came the annual ban-quet
of the assoClatlOn held at. b 30 m the Amencan dl11111g
100m of t.he Hot.el .secor and whIch may be tI uly mentIOned
a'o a man e1 of beauty m deSIgn and executIOn. The dlllmg
mOm bemg m red and gold aftel the French RenaIssance.
fhE pnsm chandehers are fa'3hIOned after those m the
Hotel Belmont, )Jew York. President H IV .. Morey pre-
SIded as toa'3tmastel and after calling the 150 dealers and
manufacturers pI esent to order the mvocatIOn was glven by
George B \Vlcken'3 of Loralll. On the toastmaster's right
was seated sec'y C M. Voorhees, Mr Wlckens and Edward
F Trefz of ChIcago, and on his left was seated preSIdent H.
I Shepherd of the Toledo Chamber of Commerce, 0 K
\Vheelock of Cleveland and Vim Byrne of Dayton A most
excellent menu was disposed of and afterwards
those present were afforded much enjoyment by
t.he addresses President Shephel d dehvel ed a most
llltere'3tmg address on the excellent bU'3111eSS conditions
and facilities existing in Toledo and the city's future, re-citing
interesting statistics of its shipping blmncss
Edward F Trefz responded to "PersonalIty m Business"
m a most bnlliant address refernng eloquently to some of the
mo"t notable men, such as Napoleon, Lmcoln, P D Armour
and others In a masterly and forCIble address on "The Deal-ers,
Deals and Ideals," 0 K. \Vheelock emphaslzed the
need of strict integrity in business and of the growth of
brotherhood in the relations existlllg between employer and
employee Others called on f01 lmpromptu remarks were
IV. O. Frohock of Columbus, \Vllham By rne of Dayton,
Frederick Waldcutter of Toledo and EdItor ::Yrillard Gold-smith
of the Furniture vVorker of Cincinnati, who spoke on
the benefits to the furniture trade of the trade press.
Wednesday morning was spent by a number of the visit-ing
dealers in visiting the factories of the Buckeye Parlor
Furniture company; Toledo Parlor Fmmture company; Col-umbia
Couch company; Schauss Parlor Flame company;
Waldcutter & Kahlenberg and the \Vtlhams Chair company.
The third and final session of the convention was held
at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon Walter B Moore of
Dayton, who was to have delivered an address on "Freight
Rates and Claims" was unable to be present and President
Morey called on secretary Mark Goodlett of the NatIonal
Retail Furniture Dealers' assocIation, who referrE'd to d re-mark
made by himself at St LOUIS three yealS ago, that "the
furniture dealer of the country store IS the slowest man on
Earth," owing to the peculiar conditions in the retail furni-ture
trade, especially in the smaller towns Mail order
houses he said withdraw their operations from every town
where they find live, active dealers-they sell their goods in
towns where they can give better serVlce than the local
Questions drawn from a question box were then taken
up which included quenes a~ to best methods in advertising
answered by J c. Herbert of CinClllnatI; and the question
of havlllg tax paymg tIme placed at later dates than Dec. 20
and June 20, was referred for dIspositIOn to the legislative
The question "If man's tIme lS sold in advance, will a
garnishee hold good ?" was answel ed by secretary Voorhees
vvho sald a general asslgnment wlll not defeat a garnishee
unless a credltol makes a demand upon the debtor a month
m advance The committee on membershlp reported the
followmg nine names as members Geo. H. L Burnham,
Geneva; G F. Schwltzer, Lelpslc, I Sllverman, Toledo; F
G Redd, Toledo; Klllkbelller Furn Co, Toledo; Hillebrand
Bra" , Toledo; J ohmon Bras Fmn Co, Toledo; Geo Bon-asch,
Toledo; Bell Dana Co, Columbus
The Pl ess CommIttee reported they would make further
efforts to secure co-operation of dealers m getting as much
publiclty as possible in the newspapels by keepmg in touch
wlth the editor That they deserved publicity regarding
modern stuff and medwm priced stuff-not high priced or
period stuff The commlttee on by-laws offered an amend-ment
which was adopted, that members be suspended who
fail to pay dues at the end of the second year.
The committee on convention and location recommended
that the next convention be held in Columbus, Feb. 14 and
15, 1911. Adopted,
The report of the commlttee on nominations of officers
and delegates was also accepted and adopted. the list being
as follows'
President-B F Kerr, Columbus
First vice president-John A Herbert, Cincinnati.
Second vlce-president, Martin MJ1ler, Cleveland.
Secretary-treasurer-C M. Voorhees, Columbus.
Executive Committee- liV. N Al tz, Dayton; Harry Cap-pel,
Dayton; Wllliam Byrne, Dayton; Chas. Carlisle, Colum-bus
and Peter Gobrecht, Norwood
Ohio Member on Executlve Committee, National Retail
Furniture Dealers' association, C R. Parish.
Delegates to National ConventIon-John A. Herbert, Cin-cinnatl;
Geo Koch, Cleveland, W. F. Gal rett, Columbus; W.
D Huber, Dayton; Geo. Wlckens, Lorain; H. W. Morey,
Marysville; C. B. Johnson, Toledo and P. W. Stewart, Ports-mouth.
M. G. Veh of Glbsonburg was elected to the office of
s ergean t-a t -arms.
The Legislative Committee held an executive session but
nothing of special importance was reported.
(More of the proceedings, addl esses, reports and dis-
CUSSlOns will be pubh"hed next week -'Editor)
Those Domes of Silence.
The Domes of Silence, or, The Invislble Caster, is owned
and controlled by the Invislble Caster company of London,
England. The Umted StaJtes replesentatives are Henry W.
Peobody & Co, 17 State street, New York, with sub-agencies
throughout the United States. This trade marke "Domes of
Silence-The Invisible Caster" is the registered trade mark
of the Invisible Caster company.
Retail Furniture
OFFICERS-President LOUlS J Bnenger New VIm Vice President, C Danielson, Cannon Falls, Treasurer, a A ° 'VIoen, Peterson Secretdry W L Grapp Janesville
FXECUTIVE COM'VIITTEE-D F Richardson, Northfield Geo KlIne, Mankato, W L Harris, MlUneapolIs, a Simons Glencoe M L KlIne St Peter.
An Address Delivered at the Annual Convention by Frank Favour, Foreman of the
Art Department of the American Type Foundry Company.
1n pI epallllg pll "elll,l1J1L del
\ el L"emenb \ OU lllU"t unclel-
Stdlld \\ hat an ,Ilh el tl"e111ent
I ealll I" \ clUI deh el t1"111~
nllht ha\ e pll "nll,tht\ I hel t
111l1.,the .,0111elhal,tltell"tll ot
)our,elf or \OUI bu"me".,
r nok at the ach el tl"e111el1t" nl
ld"lalet., Dougla" dh\a\" hd"
h1-, plttl1le on hh ,IWl del,
\ Ou 1111htha\ t "omethmg t]1clt
I" u.,eel all thl tll<1t "0 th,H
\\ hen p~ople un th 1u the pa~ e"
the\ ,a \ 1hel e I" Tone' ,tel
rl hllefO e the ath eltl"el11lnt
.,hould call \ "ome elhtlllLtI\ C
FRANK FAVOUR tlcltle 11l,l1k lOUI del,
should make thl ee .,tatemenh
1he lady of the hOlhe It ddlllg the ach el tl"e111ell t, \\ III '-d\,
.I "ee that so dllel .,0 I" "elhllg ,I chall tm SI;O 1he 11t"t
th1J1g 1" a good PlttUlc \LJ1~c all ll1~la\ m~ oJ 111 a Iltlt It
t111l11lLue\\hlCh yOU ;l1e ~()]Ug to .,dl "0 th,lt It \\111 ,h \\\ 11
to the be"t ,td\ anta~e lt hd., to bt ell,m II 111 llt ,ll 1111c
IhdV\1J1g \ Idlge numbel oj cuh ldll bc 111dell thld)lll 111,111
one cut ThelefOle \\hen \0l1 oldel thlu \OUI 111111 .,\hUll
) ou get them a gll dt tical t hlapll thdl1 \ on othu \\ hl \\ onlel
\ gleat 111dn) ldn be IhdV\n che'lpel thdll a -,mglc llll
The best photo h nee e,,:oal\ to the plopel plodnltlOn 01
a good cut If) ou get a lUt mdele 'll1el get the plOpe1 heacl-mg
to Call) on the aeh e1tl.,ement, kelp the tldc1e 11laJ1~the
dlstmCtlVe feature of the alh el U.,el11ent II hen \ OU '-ee the
name Regal, It ::,ugge::,l-, "hoe", Ea.,tl11an "u~ge.,t'- kocLlk,
It IS better to sugge"t the film., ndme "0 that one \\111 .,ug-ge::,
t the othel It I., alwa)::, necessary to do till" 10! the
ladles of the house Then the sdle h mdde beto' e the lach
starts down town to do her .,hoppl11g ~he knoVl '- I' hat "he
1::, gomg to buy, whele she IS gomg to hu\ It dllli \\helt "'1t
1S gomg- to pay fOl It It 1" well to call \ \ OUl (1\\ 11hc dclll1~
It saves prmtmg- and sett111e, up e\ 1'1\ tl111e I"L(1) a guml,
stlOng head111g and cal rv ) OUI pnce 111alk plamh
The thmg that has blOught 111ehele 15 ple"\1111dhh thl
fact that the a\ elac,e ::,null dealu does not knOl\ It 1" ntLt '-
Selly to get out a good ad\elU.,mg cut In the fIlst pldlt
) OU cannot use all kmd., of cuts tOl ne\\ "papel \\ ()l k rIllS
15 because the a\ erage countn Plll1t111g office thee, lOar.,e
papel and nece.,.,dnly, of COUl'ol coar"c mk It \ uu di it l11pt
to u::'c d hne dCdn halftonc, ) U\1 \\ oulcl ha\ l 11utllln~ hut ,t
black spot Therefore, we hnd It neces"at,\ to lhe a haltLolle
plocess winch IS a photo on loppel andlutilng out dab \,lnch
\\ e lall "u een, makmg them coarse enough ,,0 that they will
not fill up m the plocess of pnntmg' The best results are
ubt,lll1ed by makmg a hand draw111g whIch we call zmc etch-me,"
or l111ecuh In Older to get one made, It 15 necessary to
£11' t ha \ e ,I hanel dra \\ 111g made of the artIcle of whIch you
\\ dnt ,t lUt '\ /111C etch111g made from thIS WIll give a clear
I111E' cut and VI III pnnt on almost any kmd of paper WIth any
klnel 01 mk but thl" kmd of cuts does not brmg out the exact
gl,un 01 the I' oud If yOU are domg "ome fine ppmtmg where
\ on n~e ml e glo""y papel and good mk, It IS nece5Sary for
\ uu to ha\ e \\ hat VI e call a halftone WIth a medIum or fine
~ll een 1'hl -, \\111 enable you to bnng out the exact gram
ul the I' ood 111the mO'ot 111mute deta1l and ::,hould be used m
,tn\ th1l1g \\ hllh I" termed bu:,:h class Pl'Intl11g
1n "tuch ne, '-ome of the advel tI:oements of the vanous
Ulllntl \ jluhhcatlon.,. I note the great vanet) of '>lzes used-
"Ul11e U.,ll1g the Idrge luh VI lllch pI esu111ably are fur11lshed
b\ the manufactlll er SOJ11ehalftones and some hand draWIngs
\\hlch plOduce':> el \ en lnegular dnd "potted effect If you
\\ 1,,11 tu ha\ e \ OUI dth 1'1tl.,e111ent., look u11lform and attrac-
11\( th(\ ()\1ght to bl laId out m the Ul11fOlm sIze of cub and
cll'-tll)ltl\l l11eltttl IheletOll, I thl11k the a,:>,>oc1atlOn 1'>
d, ]I1~ el ~tl,lt \\lllk III lUlI11,:>hl11g- )OU WIth whdt they ter111
thul unIt '0\ "te111
[n J11,lkl11g up one of thesc umt", hI '>t we 111USthave a
~()od pIt WI e ~ee()nd, we 11111:octleuele upon the Sl7"e of the
1Iltl "tt ,t11011 1'he11 IV e ha\ e a clra\\ l11g-made WhlCh u"ually
llhh 110111$1 to $3 and then we get the productIOn made
\\ 1nlh co::,t" 75 lenh a" a 1ule 1'1115 1" mounted dnd IS now
I e,tely fOl the pll11tel The pr1l1tel 111UStset the type around
Ihl., lUt a" pel the de':>cnptlOn of the MUcle and fix a rule
dlound \,hllh 1 -,hould Judge \\ould co"t db out 40 cents Af-tel
thl" IS done It I11U"t be locked up m an iron case and
::,ent to the eleotrotypel to hd\ e the cut and type reproduced
VI hlCh costs I .,hould judge about 2S cents ""'fter th]::, IS
aClnmph -,hed, duplIcate5 can be made for a very nom111al
"U111 Thus \ ou ,ee that If you want to make an mdlvldudl
UI1lt \ OUI.,e!t, It \\ ould cost $325 to get out the first UUlt,
alto VI 111ch It would only cost yOU about 40 cents each
1 hl5 sho\\ -, \,y hat lo-operatl\ e buymg can do By adoptmg
the Ul11t .,Ize, \ ou 0\ el cOl11e the crazy llullt effect of your
acl-, dncl) ou sa\ e m ::,pacc m each ]::,sue sometImes more
tlnn uhl co.,t of ) 0111 I' hole UUlt because If you use the Idlge
lnb fnrl11shed by some manufacturers and you are paying
h om Wc to 20c an lllch, ) ou \\ 111find that that cut takes up
J11C)Jtspdce fOl ealh I""ue thdll two or three Lll11b would co"t
\ IlU \\l11ch I., another led.,on why yOU should adopt thl::' Ul11t
1hen dgam, the5e umt" are -'0 ,lll anged by d lIttle mor-
ti'3e in the top under the head hne and at the bottom so that
the pnce can be changed at will dud the Ulllt kept up to date
dnd usable, no mattel wl1dt k111d of a sale you may be (on-c1UCt111gAs
111all k111d"of work, thele IS good wOlk and pOOl
work hut because of the scope of your assoCIatIOn's adver-
U"mg helps, you can afford to employ the best talent that
money can command and therefore, get out, on an average,
better lllustratlOn.., than are produced m the usual form of
COl11meiclal cuts As one who is in dally touch with the
troubles and difficulties that the small dealers have m gettmg
the proper kmd of photos or pictures, I can readily see the
bv using our Ulllt system for when you use one of these units,
) ou know that the descnptlOn of the article is along the line
of sCientific salesman '3hip and IS con ect. One can thus write
an «e1>ertlsement m a half hout or so which would take him
hom" and hour'3 If he had to wnte every lme which is a great
sa\'ng to the small dealer
J n conclusIOn let me say as I said In the beginning, we
ought to make our advel U9111gmdn tdual and you can easily
accomphsh thiS by a headm::; cut No matter where you adver-
Usement may be put, whether next to the locals or among a
lot of others, It will have that llldlViduahty which will make
Wnh Some of the Samples Shown by the Co-operatIve Buymg CommIttee.
great value that your associatIOn advertlsmg helps bnng you.
The next great value that I see 1ll this is that I notice in
your Ulllt system, you use a ulllform size of deSCllptlve type
and I compared them With some of the advertisements that
I have picked up I find that they have used every kmd from
nonpareil ty pe to p
- Date Created:
- 1910-02-19T00:00:00Z
- Data Provider:
- Grand Rapids Public Library (Grand Rapids, Mich.)
- Collection:
- 30:34
- Subject Topic:
- Periodicals and Furniture Industry
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- © Grand Rapids Public Library. All Rights Reserved.
- URL:
- http://cdm16055.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/p16055coll20/id/55