Ypsilanti Cornet Band, Ypsilanti Michigan

Photograph of the Ypsilanti Cornet Band taken circa 1870s in front of 46 E Cross Street. Band members identified, in no particular order, as Fred Cutler, Al Stuck, O. F. Berdan, Fred Emerick, Oscar Rogers, Gabriel Muir, Robt Young, James Lowden, Wm Lowden, Tom VanRiper, Jim Eaton, Jim Davis. Back of photograph says it it from the Babbitt Collection
Data Provider:
University of Michigan. Libraries
Ypsilanti Historical Society Photo Archives
Subject Topic:
Ypsilanti Cornet Band, Ypsilanti, Michigan, horses, building, wagon, instruments, people, Hirth, Confectioner, road, windows, Cross Street, Cutler, Stuck, Berdan, Emerick, Rogers, Muir, Young, Lowden, VanRiper, Eaton, Davis, Church, Babbitt Collection.
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