Grand Funk Railroad. rock music trio

View of Grand Funk Railroad bass player, Mel Schacher and guitarist, Mark Farner performing at unidentified concert venue. "The band was formed in 1968 by Mark Farner (guitars, lead vocals), Don Brewer (drums, lead vocals) from Terry Knight and the Pack, and Mel Schacher (bass guitar) from Question Mark & the Mysterians in Flint, Michigan, former band-mate Terry Knight soon became their manager and named the band after the Grand Trunk Western Railroad, a well-known rail line in Michigan," from Wikipedia entry.
Collection located at the Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. To schedule an appointment to view the original image, order high resolution copies, or seek permission to use an image, contact the Walter P. Reuther Library Audiovisual Department at, Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University, and This metadata was created by Wayne State University Library system based on original description by the Walter P. Reuther Library
Data Provider:
Wayne State University. Libraries and Walter P. Reuther Library
Virtual Motor City
Subject Topic:
Bass guitarists, Guitarists, and Rock concerts
Subject Name:
Grand Funk Railroad (Musical group)
Copyright Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University