Michigan House of Representative Legislative Composite 1955-1956

Photographic composites of Michigan legislators and other state officials created from materials held by the Michigan State Capitol Commission and Ina Lambert Enrolling Clerk, Katherine Helmer Bill Clerk, G. Mavolf Journal Clerk, Wade VanValkenburg Speaker, N. Philleo Clerk, Ruth Bowles Speakers Secretary, Bernice Knaggs Statistician, House of Representatives Sixty-eighth Legislature 1955-1956, 100 Zinn, 8 Van Valkenburg, 99 Mrs. White, 92 Yates, 91 Currie, 78 Wales, 77 Jacobetti, 64 Morrison, 63 Dingman, 50 Kilborn, 49 Hughes, 36 Gibbs, 35 Smith, 22 VanDusen, 21 McCune, 7 Trucks, 98 Nill, 90 Kowalski, 89 Kaap, 76 Townsend, 75 Edwards, 62 Oillespie, 61 E. Root Jr., 48 Massogila, 47 Hubbell, 34 Johnston, 33 Engestrom, 20 Emmons, 19 Mielock, 6 Meggison, 97 Collins, 88 McNeeley, 87 Bradley, 74 Cramton, 73 Olsen, 60 Sallade, 59 Warner, 46 Fletcher, 45 Peltz, 32 Lohman, 31 deBoom, 18 Bowerman, 17 Nakkula, 5 Clements, 96 Hudson, 86 Baird, 85 O'Brien, 72 Horrigan, 71, Sobieski, 58 Vzendzel, 57 Waldron, 44 Brigham, 43 Whinery, 30 Cavanaugh, 29 C. Root, 16 Litowich, 15 Horn, 4 Van Peursem, 95 Kelly, 84 Sumeracki, 83 Wozniak, 70 Copeland, 69 O'Connor, 56 McGee, 55 Diggs, 42 Beardsley, 41 Conlin, 28 Cooper, 27 Folks, 14 Fears, 13 Boyer, 3 Bassett, 94 Novak, 82 Lesinski, 81 Jeffries, 68 M. O'Brien, 67 Williams, 54 Hathaway, 53 Jackson, 40 hoxie, 39 Hungerford, 26 Cobb, 25 Mezzano, 12 Erlandsen, 11 Newton, 2 Dunn, 93 Mahoney, 80 Lindsay, 79 J. Fitzpatrick, 66 Romano, 65 Stech, 52 Bowman, 51 Penczak, 38 Green, 37 Bolt, 74 Phillips, 23 Goulette, 10 Bergman, 9 Hunsberger, 1 Stanislaw, 110 McMahon, 109 Carey, 108 Mrs. Hunsinger, 107 Mrs. McCollough, 106 E. Fitzpatrick, 103 Golden, 104 R. Mahoney, McCuag Sgt. at Arms, Composite by Leekar, 103 Marshall, 102 Wood, 101 Burns
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Data Provider:
Library of Michigan
Michigan State Capitol Commission Collections
Subject Topic:
20th century, 3rd Capitol - 1879 - current era - Lansing, Michigan State Capitol - Legislative Branch, and Michigan State Capitol - People
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