40566: 3rd Bn. Headquarters, housed in a box car. Troops of the 3rd Bn. have been engaged on the Vologda Railroad Front continuously since the day they landed. In the picture right to left: Lieut. Lewis Jahns, Adjt., 2nd Lt. Adolph Anselmi, Signal Officer, Lieut. N.C. Hallock, Intelligence Officer; Corpl. C.J. Barnum, Pvt. J.W. Phillips, Pvt. Harold H. Holliday, Sergt. Maj. Ernest Reed, of Hdqrs. Det.; Verst Railroad line to Vologda, Russia, 15 November 1918

Data Provider:
University of Michigan. Bentley Historical Library
Bentley Image Bank, Bentley Historical Library
Subject Topic:
World War, 1914-1918; Polar Bear Expedition
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