- Pinellas1
- Port Allegany.1
- Potter Park, Lansing1
- Powell1
- Presque Isle1
- Quebec1
- Riley1
- Roby Lake, sec. 32, T17N, R14W, ca. 9 mi. SW of Baldwin.1
- Rockaway.1
- S1/2 sec. 24, Clyde Tp., ca. 5.5 mi. SE of Fennville.1
- S1/2 sec. 24, Indianfields Tp., ca. 4 mi. SE of Caro.1
- Saginaw Bay, 6 - 7 miles e.n.e. of Bay City.1
- Sec 22 T45N-R32W near Johnson Creek.1
- Silver Creek Twsp.1
- Sonoma1
- South Haven,1
- Springville & Springfield.1
- St. Joseph1
- Sterling Road, T5S, R2W, section 24. 80 km SW of Ann Arbor.1
- T26N, R8W, Sec. 29 east of M-66, about 7 miles south of Kalkaska.1