- Old bog near Paris1
- Olympic Peninsula, Dungeness1
- Page1
- Peak's Island, Casco Bay1
- Pennsylvania1
- Porcupine Mountains, Northern Michigan1
- Rockport1
- Rocky Mountain National Park, Hidden Valley, east-facing gently-sloping forested vale below Trail Ridge1
- Rocky Mountains, Glacier National Park, Appekunny Basin (Hudsonian zone)1
- Rocky Mountains, Glacier National Park, Grinnell Creek and Josephine Lake1
- Rocky Mountains, Grand Teton National Park, at south end of Leigh Lake1
- Roseau1
- Rustlers Gulch, near town of Gothic1
- Salisbury Cove1
- Santa Cruz Mountains1
- Santa Cruz Mountains, Castle Rock1
- Shelburn1
- Shenandoah National Park, at Crescent Roak Overlook near Skyland, west-facing slope1
- Thunder Bay1
- Tuckerman's Ravine, Mt. Washington1