- Cotter Island1
- Craig Harbour, Ellesmereland1
- Devon Island; Truelove Lowland1
- District of Keewatin, Baker Lake1
- Division No. 101
- Eclipse Lake, Ungava Expedition1
- Ellesmere Island, Head of Tanquary Fiord, 7 km NE of Tanquary Base1
- Ellesmere Island, Van Hauen Pass1
- Falleigh Lake Region1
- Fernald Pass1
- Fort Ross1
- Fury Gap, Mt. Waddington1
- Gaspe Peninsula1
- Goldstream towards Malahat1
- Gorge of Bartlett's River1
- Halcyon Hot Springs1
- Head of Pendrell Sound, East Redouda Island1
- Isachsen Station, NW tip of Ellef Ringnes Island1
- Long Range Mountains, ca. 13 km SE of Portland Creek village1
- Louisburg, Cape Breton1