- Garden Island. Indian Harbor1
- High Island,1
- High Island, T-39N, Sec. 34 south of clearing1
- High Island, in state property, lower end of Sec. 32, T-39N1
- High Island, On State land.1
- High Island, T-39N, Sec. 27.1
- High Island, T-39N, Sec. 34.1
- High Island, back of old Mormon settlement1
- High Island, by old building on shore in front of clearing by Mormon settlement1
- High Island, in woods owned by the state, north end of Sec 4 or lower side of Sec 321
- High Island, northwest of old Mormon settlement1
- High Island, west of Beaver Island.1
- High Island. On peninsula.1
- High Island. Lower end of island on east side,1
- Hoffman Lake.1
- Hog Island T-39N, Sec.111
- Hog Island T. 40N R. 9W Sec.36 St. James Township1
- Hog Island, T-39N, Sec. 111
- Hog Island, T-39N, Sec.111
- Hog Island, T-39,N. Sec. 111