- Beaver Island, near L. Michigan shore between Lake Genesareth and Nomad1
- Beaver Island, near NW point of1
- Beaver Island, near SW corner sec. 5, ca. 1 mi SW of Barney's Lake.1
- Beaver Island, near St. James1
- Beaver Island, near Sucker Point at NE end of Island.1
- Beaver Island, near shore of Lake Michigan, ca. 1 mi. SW of Barney's Lake.1
- Beaver Island, new road north of Sister's cabin.1
- Beaver Island, north shore of Fox Lake1
- Beaver Island, on N. side of E. end of Barney's Lake.1
- Beaver Island, on west side of Font Lake.1
- Beaver Island, vicinity of Bay View.1
- Beaver Island, vicinity of St. James.1
- Beaver Island, west end of Fox Lake1
- Beaver Island, within 1 mi. N. of Fox Lake1
- Beaver Island. Across from Antrim Iron Co.1
- Beaver Island. Barney's Lake.1
- Beaver Island. East Side Drive.1
- Beaver Island. Green's Lake.1
- Beaver Island. In woods northwest side of Font Lake.1
- Beaver Island. Near Dr. Protar's tomb, ca. 4 mi. SW of St James.1