- Near Mayfield, about 10.5 miles SE of Traverse City.1
- Near fork of Boardman River1
- No data1
- North of Mayfield 9-10 miles southeast of Traverse City.1
- North of Mayfield, about 10 miles SE of Traverse City along highway.1
- North shore of Rennie Lake about 10 miles southeast of Traverse City.1
- North shore of Rennie Lake, about 10 mile southeast of Traverse City.1
- North shore of Rennie Lake, about 10 miles SE of Traverse City.1
- Old Mission Peninsula, Grand Traverse Bay1
- Old Mission Peninsula, in the A.J. Dodge woods, along Smoky Hollow Road, site of the Michigan State Champion.1
- On Boardman River near Rennie Lake. East Bay Twp.1
- Overlooking Boardman River Valley, about 10.5 miles southeast of Traverse City.1
- Rennie Lake, about 10 miles southeast of Traverse City1
- Rennie Lake, ca 10 mi SE of Traverse City1
- Root Lake near Williamsburg.1
- S shore of Grand Traverse Bay, East arm.1
- Shore of Grand Traverse Bay, Traverse City.1
- Small pond in pasture, about 6 miles southeast of Traverse City1
- South of Bass Lake, about 9 miles southeast of Traverse City.1
- South shore of Grand Traverse Bay, East Arm.1