- Iowa1
- Jennings Quadrangle, within 1/4 miles of the Alapaha River.1
- Kempshall Mtn, 6 miles NE of Long Lake Village1
- Lane Seminary near Cincinnati1
- Lockland1
- Long Lake Twp., Adirondack Region, 4 miles south of Long Lake on Rte. 30, Distributional District 101
- Long Lake Twp., Adirondack Region, 6 miles northwest of Long Lake on Route 30, Distributional District 31
- Long Lake, 6 miles northwest of Long Lake on Route 301
- Lookout Mountain1
- Low, edge of woods along Rt. 129. About 3.0 miles S. of Georgia Border.1
- Near Cincinnati1
- Nebraska1
- North side of Conc 5 ("521"), one km NW of Haysland, Flamborough. The "Fuciarelli Tract" of the Halton Conservation Authority.1
- Railroad ROW, east side, approx. 1/2 mile south of Briggs Woods CCB Park. Independence Twp.1
- Raquette River, Buttermilk Falls1
- SW of Phillips1
- South of Upper Brown Tract Pond1
- Third & Elm Sts., Covington Quad1
- W of town of Long Lake, 1 mi along Rt 28N.1
- W of town of Long Lake, 2 mi along Rt 30.1