- Green Tables Forest Camp, Payette Nat. Forest1
- Harrison1
- Headwaters of Obia Creek, east side of Rocky Ridge, Lolo Trail, Bitterroot Mountains.1
- Hope1
- Hot Creek Falls, 12 mi SE of Bruneau1
- Hot Springs near Atlanta Boise National Forest.1
- In moister places in mixed coniferous woods, along east fork of Potlatch Creek, 10 miles east of Povill, Twp. 41 N, R. 2 E, S. 20.1
- In old channels of Gold Creek, at its outlet1
- Indian Valley, ca. 12 miles east of Cambridge; Salubria is an old townsite across the Weiser River from present day Cambridge (which is in Washington County)1
- Jordan Bridge Campground, Boise National Forest, 4 miles E. of Lowman.1
- Just across the state line from Rockville Oregon1
- Kanisku National Forest, Priest Lake, Outlet Bay Road, woods1
- Kootenai Co.1
- Lake Pend d'Orellle1
- Lake Pend d'€™Oreille1
- Lake Waha1
- Lewis1
- Lochsa River, Clearwater National Forest, 9 miles northeast of Lowell1
- Lolo Trail1
- Lolo motorway between Mud Creek R. S. and Rocky Ridge, Selaway National Forest1