- Alexandria vicinity, from south traffic circle (U.S. Hwy 165 & 167 junction) SSW 1.2 miles to Horse Shoe Bend Rd (which becomes Twin Bridges Road), then West 4.45 miles.1
- Alexandria vicinity, from south traffic circle (US Hwy 165 & 167 junction) SSW 1.2 miles to Horse Shoe Bend Rd (which becomes Twin Bridges Road), then west 4.45 miles.1
- Alexandria, SW corner of LA Hwys 1 & 498.1
- Along Castor Plunge Rd (FS Rd 287), ca 0.1 mi SE of int FS Rd 277, in bottomland of Loving Creek, ca 6 mi NW of Woodworth, Woodworth West 7.5' Quad, Kisatchie National Forest.1
- Along Castor Plunge Rd (FS Rd 287), ca 0.1 mi SE of int FS Rd 277, in bottomland of Loving Creek, ca 6 mi NW of Woodworth, Woodworth West 7.5' Quad, Kisatchie Nationall Forest.1
- Along Castor Plunge Rd (FS Rd 287), ca. 0.1 mi SE of int. FS Rd 277, in bottomland of Loving Creek, ca. 6 mi NW of Woodworth, Woodworth West 7.5' Quad. Kisatchie National Forest.1
- Along Kendrick Road two miles north of Vivian and west of La. 11
- Along Kisatchie Bayou, from Interstate Highway 49, 1.9 miles south of La Hwy 120 on La Hwy 494.1
- Along Little Marsh Bayou, ca. 7 1/3 mile NE of Gillis1
- Along Sandy Run, ca 3 mi e of Coleman Town (Planer Mills)1
- Along mouth of Tangipahoa River on Lake Pontchartrain (north shore).1
- Along railroad tracks at International Paper Company Log Yard east of La. 139 beside La. 830-3 in Bastrop; Sec 24, T21N, R5E1
- Along stream, Longleaf Trail Vista, Kisatchie Nat. Forest, c. 35 mi WNW of Alexandria.1
- Alongmouth of Tangipahoa River on Lake Pontchartrain (north shore).1
- Area 7 of Cheniere Lake Park, SW of West Monroe.1
- Area along railroad tracks beside Earhart Street at Roman Street in New Orleans.1
- At "Fricke's Cave", ca. 5.4 miles south of Franklinton1
- At Y.M.C.A. camo, Forbing.1
- At the rest area of IH-12 east bound, exit 35. Toward the Tangipahoa River.1
- Avery Island1