- Vernon Twp.2
- Warren Woods2
- Yankee Springs Twp.2
- Ypsilanti2
- 0.08 mile west of Rapid CIty Road NW and 0.52 mile north of Hill Road SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec 28. GPS location +/- 3'1
- About 9 miles SE of Traverse City1
- Abundant on ridge south of Phoenix.1
- Adrian Twp. NE of Townline Hwy & Forrister Rd.1
- Aetna Twp. Sec. 25 NE 1/4, T14N, R10W Backside of Stanwood Grain Elevator between White Pine Tr. and the building.1
- Alma.1
- Along Au Sable River near McKinley Bridge.1
- Along AuSable River.1
- Along Huron River, Hudson's Mills1
- Along Lake Desor Trail, Isle Royale.1
- Along M-22 near Round Lake.1
- Along M-22 near intersection of Sutter Rd.1
- Along M-22, near intersection of Sutter Rd.1
- Along Manistique River.1
- Along Pine River. Two miles above Gordonville.1
- Along Salmon Trout river near Mountain Club.1