- Bedford Tp., ca. 2 mi. SE of Temperance1
- Bedford Twp., ca. 2 mi SE of Temperance1
- Bedford Twp., ca. 2 mi. SE of Temprance.1
- Berlin Twp., Campau Road, Mouille Wildlife Area Point Mouille.1
- Between Ellettsville and Stinesville.1
- Big Pine Key, near Key West1
- Big Pine Key, northwest of 9 mi.1
- Blackton, Ark Hwy 39 & US Hwy 49 intersection, triangle of land between roads.1
- Buren Island, Pte. Mouillee State Game Area.1
- Bushkill-Hogback1
- Ca 1 mi north of Lake Monroe.1
- Ca. 8 miles E. of Milan.1
- Campau Rd., at Pointe Mouillee Wildlife Area.1
- Cape Sable1
- Carlton.1
- Caximbas Inlet1
- City of Monroe, by River Raisin, near Ford Plant, Monroe.1
- Co Rt 17, 1.5 mi. NE, jct of Co Rt 15, NE Waiteville, Waiteville Quad.1
- Coolbaugh, Tobyhanna State Park, Bender Swamp1
- Corner of Dunbar and Martel roads about 6 mi W. of Monroe.1