- Flamingo - Cape Sable1
- Florida Keys, Big Pine Key, near Inn.1
- Guilford Township; PatrickÛªs Cemetery, located across the road from a Catholic church, is approximately 5.5 miles ENE of Melrose. An approximately 1 acre, average quality, an Udollic Ochraqualf. Cemetery is on the Southern Iowa Drift Plain (south centra1
- Ida Twp, Secor Road south of Morocco Road1
- Ida Twp, Todd Rd at Secor Rd1
- Ida Twp. On east side of Douglas Rd, ½ mile S. of Lulu Rd.1
- Ida Twp., Todd Road at Secor Road (telephone right-of-way)1
- Ida Twp., in telephone right-of-way, Todd Road near Secor Road.1
- In a rest area on south-bound I-94 just N. of Tomah1
- In high pine land, Frisco City1
- In high pineland, Frisco City1
- Indian Boundary Lake bed, Cherokee National Forest.1
- Intersection of LaPliasance [LaPlaisance] St. and Jones Ave. on north side of France Stone Co. Quarry, South Munroe, Munroe Twp. [= Monroe]1
- Intersection of Waltz and Oakville roads, Pte. Mouillee State Game Area1
- Iowa1
- Key West.1
- Lake Erie at Monroe Piers1
- London Twp, near Ostrander & Yenseh Rds jct1
- Lower Glen, Buck Hill Falls1
- Macon Creek, 2 miles NE of Dundee,1