- Blue Ridge Parkway, Chestnut Bald1
- Blue Ridge Parkway, Devil's Courthouse1
- Bluff Mountain, near West Jefferson1
- Bluff Mt. near West Jefferson1
- Bryson Branch Falls, 0.8 mile southeast of Cullowhee Gap, Cowee Mountains1
- Bryson Branch Falls, 0.8 miles southeast of Cullowhee Gap, Cowee Mountains1
- Bryson City1
- Burke1
- Burlington1
- Camden1
- Cane Brake, Toxaway River, southwest of Rosman1
- Carteret1
- Cascades, Moores Springs1
- Chatham1
- Cherokee National Park, Roan Mountain, Roan High Bluff1
- Chestnut Bald, Balsam Mts., SE of Sunburst1
- Chestnut Bald, Blue Ridge Parkway1
- Chestnut Ridge, east of Highlands1
- Cleveland1
- Clingmans Dome, GSMNP, below parking lot on Appalachian Trail1