- Lake Superior Prov. Park, Near Sinclair Cove1
- Lanark1
- Left Bank of Little Jackfish R. just above N. Ombabika Bay, Lake Nipigon1
- Lennox and Addington1
- London1
- Lookout Trail, L. Nipigon Provincial Park, Kilkenny Twp.1
- Lot 11, Con IX, Yarmouth Twp.1
- Lot 12, Con III, Yarmouth. Twp.1
- Lot 20, Con. III, Malahide Twp., along roadside1
- Madoc Twp., 2 miles north of Cooper1
- Mainland site #2, Lake Nipigon, opposite Ursel Island1
- Manitoulin Island, on south shore of Manitou Lake, Watson Camp, 1½ miles east of Sandfield1
- Michipicoten H., L. Superior1
- Middlebrun Bay 3.2 km northeast of Silver Islet Sibley Provincial Park1
- Muskoka1
- NE of Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island1
- Near Little Current1
- Near Madawaska River, 6 miles north of Hwy. 621
- Nestorville, near Thessalon1
- Nipissing1