- Iroquois Beach, Bayham Twp.1
- Islet at NE end of the Russell Island, L. Nipigon1
- L. bank of Current R. at "The Cascades" off Balsam St., Thunder Bay City1
- Lake Superior Provincial Park, Sand River1
- Lake Superior Provincial Park, Towab Hiking Trail along Agawa River to Agawa Falls1
- Leach Island1
- Lincoln1
- Lot 10, Con. XII, Yarmouth Twp.1
- Lot 31, Con IV, Malahide Twp.1
- Mer Bleue, east side of Ottawa, SE of Blackburn Station1
- Mt. McBean1
- Muskoka1
- NE. corner of Cloud Lake, Lot 5, Conc. I, along camp roadway, Crooks Twp., 18 km. SW. of Thunder Bay City1
- Near Cook's Bay, northern Lake Huron1
- Near Orangeville1
- Ottawa1
- Parry Sound1
- Pukaskwa National Park, Outer of two islets at SW corner of Oiseau Bay1
- Pukaskwa National Park, headland at Entrance Pt. to Oiseau Bay1
- Pukaskwa National Park, headland at Entrance Pt., to Oiseau Bay1