- Battery Bluff, Manitoulin Island1
- Blake Twp., Sturgeon Bay Rd. 500 m. west of Sturgeon Bay, Lot 35, 11.5 km. south of Thunder Bay City1
- Breakwater Pt., McIntyre Bay, L. Nipigon.1
- Brougham Twp., between Black Donald Lake and Norcan Lake, on road to Mountain Chute Dam1
- Bruce1
- Ca. 7 km west of Rosseau, Humphrey Twp.1
- Canfield Twp., across from Grey Goose Island on east side of Moose River, site #6-751
- Chippewa Park, vicinity of Tourist Park on Thunder Bay Harbour1
- Christie Lake, near north shore of lake, just east of beaver pond draining southwards into lake, S. Sherbrooke Twp.1
- Cloche Mountains, near Model Bay1
- Cochrane1
- Deadbeaver Creek on Mosque Lake forest access road just south of creek, Canonto Twp.1
- Dog River1
- Dorion Twp., Ouimet Canyon, Lot 9 Conc. VIII, 10 km west of Dorion P.O.1
- Dummer Twp., east shore of Indian River in the gorge at 31 D/8 294268, Warsaw Caves Conservation Area1
- Dundas1
- Effingham Twp., Trout Lake1
- Frog Island No. 161
- Frontenac1
- Geraldton1