- H. 11, 1 km. N.E. of L. Nipigon Provincial Park entrance, Kilkenny Twp.1
- Haliburton1
- Hastings1
- Hwy 802, 300 meters east of Junction of Burchell Lake Acccess Rd. of Great Lakes Forest Products limits1
- John Island1
- Lake Superior, along trail to Indian Pictographs on Agawa Bay1
- Leask Point, South Bay, Manitoulin Island1
- Lincoln1
- Lot 112, south side of Talbot Rd., Bayham Twp.1
- Lot 12, Con II Yarmouth Twp.1
- Lot 5, Con XII Yarmouth Twp.1
- Lybster Twp., The Palisades, Lot 3, Conc. III, 7.5 km. west of South Gillies1
- Monmouth Twp., circa 15 km southeast of Tory Hill1
- Mowe L. Rd. just S. of Plummes L. on Great Lakes Forest Products limits access road1
- N.E. corner of Geikie I., opposite Ellis I., L. Nipigon1
- Near Cooke Bay1
- Near Thessalon1
- North end of Outer Barn Island, Lake Nipigon1
- North shore of St. Paul's I., L. Nipigon1
- Orrville 4 km west of, Christie Twp.1