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- Kashee Lake, Muskoka1
- L. bank of Wabinosh R. just as it enters Wabinosh Bay, L. Nipigon1
- Little Whitefish River at roadside park on H. 593, Lismore Township 7 km. south of Junction with H. 5881
- Mackenzie, Lake Superior1
- Moosonee1
- Moosonee, Hotel grounds1
- N.E. corner of Geikie I., opposite Whiteaves I., L. Nipigon.1
- Near Brighton, shore of Lake Ontario1
- Near Stayner1
- New Liskeard1
- Northumberland1
- Rock Cliff, Martin River Camp1
- SE. comer of Plununes L. at portage trail, Mowe L. Access Rd. of Great Lakes Forest Products.1
- Sand dunes 7.7 miles east of Wasaga Beach, on highway 921
- Slate Islands, southeast end of Leadman Island1
- Sturgeon Bay Rd., 2 km SW of Bay, Lot 37, Conc. VII, Blake Twp.1
- West side of Little Pic River off Highway 171
- White Sand Provincial Park, Hewitson River, fiver miles east of Rossport1
- Woods on Islet, SW corner of Ellis I., L. Nipigon1
- along shore of White Sand Lake, 5 miles east of Rossport, near north shore of Lake Superior1