- Near Sloan's Pond, Port Huron.1
- Near Twsp line, Robinson and Allendale.1
- Near nature trail on Moodie Drive, south of Bells Corners, under hydro towers.1
- North Bss Island, Fox's Pond, west side of North Bass Island.1
- Oklahoma1
- Olive Tp., ca. 3.5 mi. NE of West Olive.1
- Olive Twp, ca. 3 mi NE of West Olive1
- Olive Twp, ca. 3.5 mi NE of West Olive1
- Olive Twp., ca. 3.5 mi. NE of West Olive.1
- On west side of road 1.8 km south of Dunrobin at railway crossing; Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton.1
- Ottawa B [ = Beach]1
- Ottawa Beach, Lake Michigan, west of Holland.1
- Ottawa Beach, Michigan1
- Ottawa State Lake, 6 miles east of Minneapolis1
- Ottawa-Carleton County, Ottawa Twp., Ottawa, east of Baskin's Beach, west of Vance's Side Road1
- Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality, Gloucester, Dawson Woods at end of Hawthorne Rd., near Ottawa1
- Ottawa.1
- Outcrops facing Lake Erie, 1/4 mi E, Lonz Winery, Middle Bass Island, Put-In-Bay Quad.1
- P.J. Hoffmaster State Park.1
- Park Tp., ca. 5 mi. NW of Holland1