- "The Rock," 6 mi. from State College, 3 mi. from Lemont near Hauserville1
- Across Allegheny R. from Emlenton1
- After passing Milroy and just before entering Centre Co.1
- Along Shorehaven Drive1
- Arm of Big Pond near Perry Monument, Presque Isle1
- Bear Creek, Lehigh Valley, on top of mountain1
- Bear Meadows, Sinking Creek1
- Bethlehem1
- Between New Alexandria and Blairsville1
- Blair1
- Bull Hill, Sheffield1
- Chreshein Creek, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia1
- Clarion1
- Cook Forest along Seneca Trail1
- Cresheim Creek, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia1
- Crum Creek, Tributary #41
- Daylsford Woods, Berwyn1
- Essick Heights1
- Essington1
- Forest1