- Mt. trail from river; Mt. Albert1
- PARC NATIONAL DES LAURENTIDES; environs du grand lac Jacques-Cartier, Lac Deschênes; savane au bout du lac1
- POSTE-DE-LA-BALEINE (Great Whale River), Baie d'Hudson; 3 millles au sud-est du poste1
- Pointe-Aux-Esquimaux1
- Pontiac1
- Portneuf1
- Poste-de-la-Baleine (Great Whale River), Baie d'Hudson1
- Poste-de-la-Baleine; La Grande Rivière de la Baleine (Great Whale River), along river just E. of town (Poste-de-la-Baleine)1
- Richmond Gulf, east coast of Hudson Bay; Cairn Island1
- Richmond Gulf, east coast of Hudson Bay; island off Wiachewan River, Wiachewan Bay1
- Road bank, near Prince, 22 miles NE of Rimouski, Matane1
- Saint Augustin de Desmaures1
- Scoter Lake1
- Seven Islands1
- South shore of Hudson Strait, Wolstenholme1
- South shore of Hudson Strait; Wolstenholme1
- Southeast corner of Parc de la Vérendrye (southwest of mile 188), Savary Lake, river shore1
- St. John River1
- Vicinity of Mont Tremblant Lodge, outside southern boundary of Parc de la Montagne Tremblante1
- no data1