- Mawn L. Rd. at Seagull Creek, 26 km. S. of Black Sturgeon Research Station1
- NE. comer of Squaretop Mountain,4 km. SW. of Thunder Bay City, Blake Township.1
- NW corner of Lakehead Forestry Plot, Jacques Twp.1
- NW corner of Pass Lake, adjacent to H. 587, Sibley Provincial Park1
- NW. corner of Pass Lake adjacent to H. 587 at NW. corner of Sibley Provincial Park1
- NearNeysProvincial Park, 17 miles west of Marathon1
- Outer Channel, Wilson I., L. Nipigon1
- Outer Channel, Wilson Island, L. Nipigon1
- Outer Channel, Wilson Island, Lake Nipigon1
- Paipoonge Township; L. bank of Kaninistiquia River at H. E. P. C.. power plant at Kakabeka Falls.1
- Rainbow Falls Provincial Park, near Rossport.1
- Ravine at NE. corner of Squaretop Mountain next to Mount McQuaig, Blake Twp. 4 km. SW. of Thunder Bay City.1
- Rt. bank of Wolf R. at Red Rock Falls, 2.2 km. E. of Wolf R. Bridge on Spruce R. Rd. cut-off, 22 km. NW. of Dorion P.O.1
- Sibley Provincial Park, Thunder Bay Lookout1
- Slope. W. side of Sturgeon Bay, Lot 37, km. S. of Thunder Bay City, Blake Twp.1
- Sturgeon Bay Rd. 500 m. W. of Sturgeon Bay, Lot 35, Blake Township, 11.5 km. S. of Thunder Bay City.1
- The Palisades, Lybster Twp., 4 km. SE. of Nolalu1
- Trail to foot of Sleeping Giant, Sibley Peninsula1
- West side of Sturgeon Bay, Lot 37, 14 km. S. of Thunder Bay City, Blake Township.1
- White Lake Provincial Park between White River and Struthers, Deer Lake Trail1