- Oscoda2
- Shore of Mud Lake.2
- Squaw Island2
- St. Helena Island2
- Vermont2
- Alcona1
- Alcona Twp. T28N, R9E, Sec. 25, S.W.1/4 ca. 1.5 mi. south of the village of Black River about 100 ft. E. Lakeshore Dr.1
- Alger1
- Along railroad grade1
- Alpena Twp. T31N, R8E, Sec. 7 SE1/4; about 1/4 mile south of Long Rapids Road and 1/4 mi. E. of power generators at the Four-Mile Dam.1
- Antrim1
- Bay View1
- Bayside1
- Bearinger Twp. T36N, R2E, Sec. 32 SE1/4 On the E. side of Black Lake, 30 ft. E. of Co. Rd. 489 one mile north of Cold Creek1
- Beaver Island, St. James; T-39N, Sec. 281
- Bois Blanc Island, at Limekiln Pt.1
- Bois Blanc Island, at Walker's Point.1
- Burt Lake1
- Ca. 4 miles northeast of Mio, T27N, R3E, Sect. 28.1
- Crawford1