- North of Glen Lake, near the road, Lake George Region1
- On prostrate log in woods, Deerlick road, near Sheffield1
- Overlooking Hudson River, 5 mi. WSW of Glen Falls1
- Queensbury1
- Right bank Wabash River, 4 miles north Covington.1
- Rock Island State Park, along slopes & limestone ledges along Rocky River.1
- Rock Island, Rock Island State Park.1
- Shenandoah National Park, Blue Ridge Mountains, beside Overall Run Falls1
- Shenandoah National Park, Blue Ridge Mts., beside Overall Run Falls1
- Skyline Drive, Signal Knob Overlook, Shenandoah National Park, Blue Ridge Mountains, 6 miles SW Front Royal1
- Slopes of Crane Mountain1
- South side of Chestertown, south side of small pond, edge of bog1
- South side of Crane Mountain1
- State Game Land 143, along spring run just upslope from Game Land Road, 196 degrees & 1.3 miles from Horn Siding crossing of Penn Central tracks, Pittsfield Quad, Pittsfield Twp.1
- State Game Land 197, near base of west embankment of Tamarack Swamp about .5 mile due south of New York state line, Columbus Twp.1
- The Glen1
- Thurman, on the west bank of the Hudson River circa 3 miles downriver from the Glen1
- Truesdale1
- Vicinity of Harrisburg Lake1
- Warrensburg, Adirondack Region, along a brook1