- Pigeon Lake Fieldstation1
- Pine Hollow, just north of Badger Ord Works1
- Plover; off trail1
- Polk1
- Powers Bluff1
- Price1
- Rockbridge Park, between Pine River and West Branch Pine River, top of cliffs1
- S side of C. road; 7 mi SE of Neilsville1
- Sawyer1
- Southeast side of Gotham1
- St. Croix Lake at Solon Springs, Lucius Woods State Park1
- Stevens Point, North Reserve Street, University property1
- Stockton Island; one of the Apostle Island group; ca 10 miles NE of Bayfield1
- Stockton Twp.1
- The Sandbank, on east side of Richland Center1
- Tp. Plover Delle of Eau Claire1
- Vernon1
- Wayside circa 1 mile north junction Hwy. 35 and Co. M. T44N R14W sec 181
- Wood1
- above Pine River, 2 miles south of Rockbridge1