- Shoshone Lake1
- Shoshone National Forest, headwaters of Sunlight Creek above Novelty Mine.1
- ShoshoneForest in Wind River Mountains along Hwy. 131, 10.0 km Northeast of Frye Lake, Southwest of Lander.1
- Shoshoni National Forest, south end of Big Ridge on the Beartooth Plateau.1
- Sierra Madre Mountains, east of Bottle Creek cg.1
- Sierrra Madre Mountains; Near Lost Creek.1
- Six miles north of Baggs1
- Skyline Trail; Teton National Park.1
- Snake River Gravel Pit Restoration Site on the John D. Rockefeller Parkway (co-managed & often referred to as part of Grand Teton National Park), approx 10 km south of Yellowstone National Park.1
- Snowy Range, Medicine Bow Mts.1
- Snowy Range, ca. 1.5 miles southwest of Medicine Bow Peak1
- Soldier's Park, North Fork of Clear Creek, Big Horn Mts.1
- South end of Big Ridge on the Beartooth Plateau Shoshoni National Forest.1
- Summit Divide, Indian Paintbrush Trail, Grand Teton National Park1
- Sweetwater1
- Tagwotee Pass, along Route 26, Bridger-Teton National Forest1
- Telephone Mines1
- Trout Lake, Yellowstone National Park.1
- Twogivotee Pass1
- Twogwotee Pass (Station 7b-10, 500 ft)1